HomeMy WebLinkAbout4429-52LANDSC-AIIIE 13L,,A.NTING,'�,'13L,'CIFIC'A'11.10,NS Note Am gmeral mid Specific an, landscape tic, contowd with L GENERAL A SCOPE OF ANCRI,", Finnish all InmeliL OquiplimArn and sonces necosary 10 plovide all landscape complete Ili B I (title b Bank AAJ be on Ned W oOf tile Slitalut Ior oil be Tho Awfi-ned don to rol'USC &Wave W Mus One Q in ills of isnol ooateet (Ile 11W he AD be rosynable Alhumnial wimbumorrictit to file rhtetalItime and to ol- (10 IOn& a "r-mamimsil Nsww"i or wwwriclis no will" to the Plan." and back to all the sun of a back Ango W to am"dor Rmi To Cmuni lIAND I ci IQ site in lo Sttc DelivOr 131 a] its At ill W e I (let I 1, abOf coil of, u1m,, 3 Prot oo� I 11 la t ori ad d al'un, t ell t 11 e to roi-I I ball ol tiol 1, of d&vQy WVR Own derivcr�� At no Iho� Ilee orf,mia mmenals W dAww"Howal oitqwd priol if,) of Ilwi be A[Ile or e3 Ri ]I tI be L at Ws . P C Jud A teel res of A, Q s Firm �T I gi I I I 0 allimu V C 0 r I Q ed a at ly it I 11 c upol t d ell or a t it to wwt mly w -all plard iliateiial sizo, ii ooliddion, SMS Ast copies simiforniod by all be All sell saunples shall be tken Ili Me a sublat oPon atTi-oval lot pucedums A Oven by the S11311 nouS ell 5 Awyc mateial in �,,hadend protect froin and protect plaid irtatclial not 6 1 kmol", b DO not plant inatelial by S lerns or Umiks Pablin r1aidi ng ordy lyhen, ANnither mid Md WUN wre am MOAN I WWI loo Atli od ce, InMall Lrec,dumbs and lumolockplaW material F SAXIITES AND TEFFS amorW6 Lho too RdnkQ time uporijequesl by aw MW mid pm&w M CArtradits expense Cost of losing, of Amounts no inedmig sivahkahons AnU be VU by Anbrictor G rital ills unde r In Shall be guman Wed agabial aig and all pool, oor in pool Me silly mmays, or MAhmmislu, as shall be 2 We be, 'If I Q Lat ids Ai clu I � or Ili-, : Bui- col [,,,a I tall Is � shot be to Sere I mye to eolid it ton, f Ina I ori Iatelial t be. period Ball be, by tile 15 by [lie IL PRODUCT A SpAho ,,it Is ai Ill let tons will be nrade all or Q, Seinatcdal be to tho in the unciperted oortunler bearing Ilia Shaft Supply a by analybed At Bun an up-oved Jaboin1my smweilluistating 56, Set tho of itIll. of' other and be otdahrod famn, nahwal, wellArahod Dolbro rcinoval or the [Ile SU11,100 at IhO SCIIHOC IIo be nipiped to a dylh of Mxci inches Ili to Cie 'lite 8ouxoe AnAl be hue Bon Bmuuh gm, clAgims mid all nimbli weeds or grasws 'Me I"Wil Audi 4 Due awn Subsol, make hawy room, slones hager thin (-)lie othel In no OWC AM More be L�v thall illcli7, and sinalf lamps sell shall be Ikfont have (lie Which WWI In vailed b�y m t1w, Conhitdor's Shall, be sut"joct I,.- N tile a PI I of moduluill ofc, 0 b ECol zew to thwo inwrinium Zero tof vegolablo mmur and 11) Sol Lis "or sdrll to rho tummy mialyis ]'article Size, 63 100 0) pR45W47 Itunills Itulluo sScA� the Ni Bogen I flout oompost Ire"11 and To MI 14 trogm 5 (W?,) MEOW Pho,onikKad 3 (00% COULI)OSL Soluble Flobish I iderivQd cornpost and of - Won I (94 61crival ioni Sell PcnoMmt: AQ1. Isphlbalme - Sochurn, SwAnato 2 OVI, f5) Ili 50 o If) b oi (-!octal- Ato (1) Patticle nollinturn 955 Inaulnuill 8011" S nwA serven Q 33 NINI slandaid mve) Q Nitrogen Content 0 59 based on oil lbaed oil dly ter fir phio (Nola Ple sawdint I not (3) cond Lictivi ly not cNowd 3,5 nullinihos., centimeter at 25 degrees, celakrale Content, taAgnouhm-al Gypsain (CaSCO2HpQ as torl soil Lime wriol I d Rodwwd ShaNigs, be and nrenonnbor ioitenieO1 moot ZVO nuagen; IM, lAWANn or ajowwd qual, spipshod Per mum kams swivictimis 3, Rod ileoClorps alice oy anxmved qual iOratings All tionnal haba of mid sliall L,o Oandy oiAll anoof tile Plants elbe toot,,, of los than nore than tA\,o of lIesbi case, (ho btilelejod ifire eake ot or osOf phillis by the ldrited eto bocuse of as I,,,And be provided at� of lite. b Ate , w a r thelAnts AD cormstand AM, that and of Mock Or spediedeaieoil the Obeof the UIO U�50 Of eball of will. be Ali herein spocified Shall be athe osaid a( 110JAMUSAN1. beef rhespocia, vadmy,KzQ- fho Unde.t Ito Avill terby olite of tIlQ bo citt \�ufi a calwomoml sod uNing imoldne to a Ackness of I IT inclues, Ali nintenall Witill be [Ito pumd mid (WhinneJ Hwh k, mQ 1 4 match original Hjunn-mPoWng ssQ, wtorula [)I nuo ndieto (lie ',*d All of oitol quo] usedshall have i agilation systoni wpoily sAwav 4 apwq susimId "d hugo to file, tile Ill o1110 pirinp be o"Ltpable or maw, Ali IN) Q M the noxale, The An, hinks, stall hB\T a Ildraltilln of he inowdul (in a braveling awil mdamb, will Quo the Any Suffiein 1c) tile be 13 Ito hubicido IUsed si eaSee 13edmus INDW mid ab HL EXECUTRA A INSPUCTICTI oSaMW hispow 4ms and Do aces until dacioncia m, SAO mo WO odow of PaWy bals Oil Do not excavation until Abdul locatiotis and plitnt to '1110 plol lo of Planting 12) Plain IAA lobomipm-ohrOx catiial lelite iootbutl facpared lid At tie IreQs oi bpruilod� irininiod 011�� benwith tile. o.,, -hall be the Ilthe Nitrogen - as noal e, Plant be rueto wid 11RAlle Ud aS Ell "A fiki into (lie 6"aOyti(1963) 5 NI Slo& ta um, 100ARY b IlIlomiltim; Ito mn-bisand jilitnts or p1sints m4th Ilfi6 a ldWoe led nth coripw 2" in 12' tone end to fit tie, W40 be An"waled imn, 10yougo ininimum, and Solid cole Ali ,, a, i,,,� iich mww6g shall be deal Rark diQs shot be wguhip gwunj redwwd or h0m F, to I" chips. to desmy W to da Due coummy"th all -min to S Hrosm CmIml MwQg jumfilig be of open ItNIMmukawdy 225 red ,I plus Or alinue andan aolmomwone, Ipselt, jQ Am Wmwu smaial mantingalitill homm"ItMaxJ nww Man ow-halfits nonnal clarrour, spial in qnbty to 'IuMmv Said Saver or lot wodon, wool, KJWJ be I I gmye Sled "to beat 4 a U, shaiv, six 11 till I i-och Woldog April W be 95 Obnol EMQr till blnioldy0roverwhedirmagod otmot .Monge mynol sod obe Blyfree of Al o thei or Suld REVISION DESCRIP11ON IAm: Wo sq If f 3) 150 Am AgUcull mal Opsum I I Ito Aicl, At wooInt , tie jilidlos shall be Bw VIke Bon all wag phom-or hadw OQWI.'.; 3 Fail Grades numbilum nwdiihowis to gimle May be to tile sh�aljilol wlills itbolite Vd5m, runkiNg oW in hldw= mW0 d Surbice Amnage SMI k amly k. NO awl's 0 Ia Acalal platili ng sho H be pedbuned duhng bobe ,ill a plaukly I'll be bo "') IlFroul lite Am ill, tltk;I 2 wow AUK DATE ENGR. CITY DAW" ihomilgIrly fo-,I otinien to wkvs or until to. fliere I,-, sidbuient uned W&I goilwimdon, we sAilmicur shot Oiloqyy a need 10 hoe tho Of tile Iho thell aadditional oain the and Contictor renlove any or guys 0"Whis W five Opal now( drall be inaribod on Me gwmd by Me Cmndor b6ore oBte Install a plant pris are JuI, All Such shall be Londsoape- 11' alor railay Awls ooherbe burial at least J`uol sdocted by the Landscuo Aaddlet aand addlond guys Would bw growth, be Such Dral thce hesinnxing and slaclung orall weviable mpsod &I IWINIM, trou hol, plaills Its and U Noe Naloing wofell b iposandas la tile Oan QuItel 0) Do no Quit mot, ball handOrdaids A thwof ieObal(5) plant, supedicially cut mg.wom 101 hit 01 MMQ 11 WJw;V stmd occur ithill Marc, tmiloirld of pavermill, bofrilant, boxes AMUR Pa DOES obod by I he City lAndscape Aadatted All shall aveappmed honal surfaces, and shall a sizc� 5 or sdWe d's of IQ, plain IOr 'the hows be, ill all ellouol itsindicdod oil to pormil handling andrilantingi to tile or feel to shall willain ill till Ill it Slandaid Planfiry Dotails 'File Sholoollaull fhal A ANAl no fall unit Awn MAW the Our& 11' Pf', pcat aepols dug bmo�� olyinal, plain 6 be prowolcd sit all allies Prior to Planting to It Prevent unnecessmy dysig of Me wollball, plam pit, f all 11-0111 shall be Ili Nylion, itile spowd. urdess otherwise nowd,at h cmded out in the. igs, SBriervals Spacing shot be used unless odwishawlei'l g Cader plan! A ot or trundi To camvings rooted pland tie It t:, offlal soil ol mind pot, in a insumer that All insure thifinura dist Ill bal ice t Be I lent �, bit t Ili Ile shot this derith Flo less Man Shall be Until sell has been, Nmried firmly mound ball Or Unl[1111 dehblopshl d shoill. be at off le, to mix elowby the anfis plantiry� Auy to plan IS, I gown I Ondarl be 5 2 hardfuls 6 Hanihig ofLawji 15 3 a be planted hydirsembly, andvy soddbg as hudicaled oil 1W box Um 2r box 5 b AMwpWal-mbn dam, knocorAlsinnewah Me sootion, On and Soil prepanflion", the box to bie, oWibe rolled, raked nd floatod to zgj-aitl any ot2 bodods and wasonably m6l-dhawd Prior if,, tile, of the area be box ndto [110 suds w- sed box I 0 limicifi-Ils c. ust- pnoi if., tho of equals 4 - 6 mum) specified ill Am, thall shall be to thie ocji-ccl, veAfiel- Nkhod lite phan has jrlaood� backlill shall be added I(lie hole Io smog AAAM mitIloyed, Uhl 'ill of lite, heia;In of the reel ball At hisbe dded [lie top tile low 10 th0ICU1 dy Sealer w o ther approved the ball and of seal will be Spectra] on tho I Exces"61 gama Mid turn, he Planing plan; MW A to Toomostions.The tic [110 site and anwilded a�, oultipachcr ol other I oSooded thm I On 0 Paid. On in 1 ZO inanwhately be conipadod oa of badjill nd hand Qcf-rapilloill 60 to 90 Por Not of' I-ollet- final mlling Will be atri_gfit to to kip of the, mot ball some this pods me MID possiblometad, muss y1wal Ar ill dicir tile nullbel, of Blow ell to be fit hole be ruldhn& i"Coussmy Sod, Soil and fardhaken, All be as spatted 1) Ader the �,valur that the tablet shall be placed as indicated finish be tnjO full to Ibr tile Of sod Lay sod doNNU, I gown I smol Ili onc, dfiechou, widu close lined The onds, of each strip bc� to oil 15 galfor 3 talblel IIS&I On ol-OS1011 bo37 box 5 MUM 6 tt Io almhol the 12" box lablds oP I oc h cl -it t to & di�ying of tile, The be kop( Until IIol I I I I. I In I o C I q, Tho reminder ofthe hole ShefIlion bu arbe to diy hulidjud Point(] aloulld Plant Each basm rolwr otil, WWI be of a deph solidall io add woinches ir 11,asilis olall be- Of a sizc sillooth In 11c, sliall (Ito non and EqUirilluld essOric'. lesthall woiethe oornplcto f ill bOf inWation yawl mid allot of and gwWh hm,o boort fl-orn the pply 200 of a Pirtiaka, Im. to (214l-0) pet-aaw asper ill�jumd and Water ,ill IN' nd to compersato rol ratesocxce-x-i inail soak have gmn&nMod of walomy Or omay be done before delivoy ofplml Ind not allIal Should be 7-10 days llowheibicide to kill all Rake pat I i I ed A 11 I Seat offall dead weals to a doplh inch bewtile, swum owl.w. AV Qs, undit theimm, Remove. Nveal,s, little to kill b. Ece[Iment: Hylubc ell Aripmern for (lie of the wal of prepared ulp Shull be of lite ushue a budhn qhtlm yNorn a& opm&g nnx a SAY comaJAG net less than 40b of IJWV match plus a 100 gallons tiiesbe nozzles solioll All puu& a commums non - The Shilly tank Shall a ntowm CWWQ' a I Aw goom and be mounted ell a tiaveling, Unit, edlor by uirit� -which Avill Place the to Im filleeoto [lie whell idle, throttle. etof life QW1 be MADAM and rhc� be thelil addoIt by Pull) The Pulp match sh�ol be to aftez-0w Seed alid when letnk is at Ioa ono -Old ollgillo throalo be to full speed the, tank I,,,, half- filled Ail [tic Avood Pulp illulch shol be added by lite ante the tailk is to thice-jorittlis fall shall when is fail d The idoposwAllaudblinamble walby uAqIIw o[lie filbapplied Ili a inotion at awned ll I ilco ral Ig, telibuix obuild (,.it CNHWJ- Uail oodIs and sIlthe, roquired Ipor O LiniiL D mixtuie hasnot bento tile -,vithul will be jejeded and iumoved hom the at lite of the arho five, low ofrain orongatim be Lip ot (lie to tile tile, or AShall be walercd othe fho cortool 'File contraclon Shall at hillu note dconditions into subind I oAlbwiton 10 days to o1) A melfurently wilti (Ile Shall, be watered bN� of a hove, I-15 Nowlenmwo mid bitlsoil the leirillich appliod to set for Orw iten be eenine or unnit-yer of lo Lie I -C, tile omN o' andooat ill epariod doLduate result In ordle Ilturn or wi aulicawn a Wed, coma and match Ws,[ buI jucto of hebeluirited to, Ph, ECE SAR, and haof' be oisUI)O.0 raiev, ore S&I analy0s. brecluitd Ili location's (.'It (tic, ioto ficlult: limit laying ilia Ifilig to ol if o o f tops, oit b, lailwill hewotile topiovide nas by the that (Ito lating IS, in the sell that lie erooncall place unde the d Of [art', round on-Libl, be requital Ili protected by Idle oj- nanual plaiding had offdLunig (al list tiO all plantilig to OWe into b Cmpply will (It, Latung and alreas nMars Q Ctyfuel a it pill( of [lie tseRij- wed b progivills, 11 C%EANKII Ad jelnarg oporations have completed, rell-Lo-vo all pland Containers itisothel Illarks In tile Adne wixtimA and the m ound left, in a neat mid oondiiion I'luoughout tile silo Cleall-up Bash reulting fi-orn (Ills toloss thall each Wow NSA!% dhe sitc, anno a weele aneJoi las,t ,xToildhig, of' well -All tiash -hall be fioni tile the fKawa bwolavleanand shallwasli withill ilelite 'File shl"Ill to oUpon wcjlwst� furnish he I IN WBAIMS N c � I I Ila I d,) i r is p c c I i o i I s sl uffl b o raft I t e d b� I lic, C ca I Ia c t to n he oadae At dii t I -,I I ji of an eUpon tile, courpletiort ofsol 3 to 5� Uonthe completion 6� al (lie prio to A. SOME OF WORL Wcnh in his and amwes, jaruired to the condition 1101-611 lby a period final by B� TieImolwarung mforrommoo and shal have. roccival an. odwaticain hot houlfure. (" MAINTENANCM oiteUntil final haproper ol poof Plantig ill tile of tim cd, (lie final coniputon, (law of the bcullinued file Until haIrd Stalt Limit ',Ill of lAtaliting mid hAgation for the citim paqed me A and sliall, to begul the has compleledin tile, A pritine mcIrdmitmid is IM all hmn of sod� lbeen if' Such is Ind to a hold notilioation Abe, inued W dw Cmuctor I the, offecti vu date. hday whon Idle to rilords do oillor Avok it,,, Landscape Axdmledl� wnot be, ciedital as a The peiUrd will be it' tho piovisions raluted the plans mid title(] D 'Fite, Ccunjctor shall and a ouricul stof munbers for 2,1 -how hreinedittl acton Allint hcis� hom ieE, PROTECTION OF EXISTING' FACILITIES ANID 'File, conLutdor all exuling jbdhun, mid inflow, and on, to Chylou&s proiwrly� to doeinal (c) be Caused by (lie Ilegloct I be conVcWd or pabi For by tile 'at lie Cost to (Ile it Abe Dic to Slid �i,o 7, a Billy lilies netile hour oftakilU, Ili hseAny dainkae Or laobuins be, repoifed ouniahatOrl- to tile the columctor orhis [lie o IPrepared Under The Superwislon Of : NIF Qate