Note: 4ho 'goneral and specific coilditions of these spoeific.ations are, in intogral part of the
landscape construction docurnonts and Must be complied l-vitli,
Pro-vido all labor. materials, equipment, and soi-vicos nocessarN to funiish alld install hTigatkni System
as shown <in the dravc-ings and described lwroili�
I � Flcrillit�,, and Foes
'I'llo contractor's'llall obtaill and pa-, forany arld all pornlits and all ilispoction", a's requiroct
1. Manufaclitrors Directions
1\1,11lufacti directions and do'tailed drawings shall tie t6flowod ill till CWSQS Nldlel-C
of itiatorials mid article,-,., used ill this oomract fbi-nish diroctions points not showing intho
drawings and specifieatiolls.
3. Ordinaricos and Regulations
't" vs, -ulcs and rogula tioll"', governing of rolating, to ally porticaa
AlIlocall, municipal and s Ito la\ and i
ofillis work arc, hereby illeorp(matod into arld Ilia de a part of these specificatiorl s and th oir provisicnis
sliall be carried out by tho Oxrtrilcmr� I vtlythilig, Contained in these specifications shall not be coristrued to
c,ollflict vvithally ofthe abovol-LillQSand rewUlati011s (if the saille. 1-1wvevor., �vhon Illose spQ01fictittow.,
� an
� d dravvimo�s call for or describe materials., worLtilariship., or construction of a better quality., higho�r stalidard',
cw larger si�ie than is required by the ibovv rules and 1-0 Lilations, the conditions of these specifications
and drawiligs shall talw procodonco,
4� Explanation ofDrawings
Coritnactor i�,,,;rospojisible l6r all tittings., sloovos., otc..- vvilich ma\, be required
bill are not ilidicatod. Co.ritractor will carobully jll\losfi� ate the structural and firii,'shed c�onditkiils
altecting all of the N\ork, and plan the. work iccordingly, furnishing Stich fittitigs'. etc.� as may be
ro(.,juirod to nicer stwh corlditioils" DraN-\ings' Irc gollonaliv diatiratintratic & indicative oftbe �wirk to be
installed, "llio vvorkr shall be, installed in such a nialitior as to avoid coriflic-ts botwvotl irriutton systoms,
plariting', and architectural foaiilros�
'I'lic coritractorshall not willfully install the irrigition. systorn as shown oil the drawings x1roji it
is obviou,,, ill tile field that unkilown gzrfido, differences or disorepaticio,.., ill area dimensions o-x-A"St
that might not lilivc boon considered in crighrooriliL � Stich obstructions Or difformccs should be, brought
to file atteattion of the, (DI-met's alltliorL7,od represonn�l Ill the event this notification is not
porformcd., the (_',ODtraCt()r shall assume full rospoiisibilit�, lor ail\� revision trocossary atno additional
cost -to the 0�\lior'
1, Material List
Furnish the articlos7 or procosses,,spocitiod by traluo in tile
drawin(,s and specifications. No substitution \xill be allowed withOUt prior NArittoli
approval, by the Architect.
Substitute equipment or materials installed or furnishod \,VithOL[t prior approval of
thQ Architect irmy lie rejected and tho Contractor rol(TUil-Od to remove such materials firom the
replace them \,\7itli approved matorials site. at his ovvn ex1icrisc.
ApproN, al of ally item, altornalc or substit-utc, indicates onk that the product or produots
apparently liloot the rQ(lLTir0lllQllt-, Of the drawing -,s and specifications oil the, basis of the i1_116rillatiot]
or 'samplos submitted,
Record Di-mvings
a, Rotor to Division I �, Section 017W
b, 'flie contractor shall dinion,_,io.n from �I por.triariont point,, ofroferonco, building cornons,'.,
side,walk, or road intersections, otc., the loo"Itkims oftho fiblloNxillp it mis:
(1) Connection to o,�d'stfilg Avater ljlles�
(2) Connection to existing electrical powor.
(3) Ciato valves,
(4) Routing of sprfilklor pressure lines (dinionsion max, 1.00' along) routilig)
(5) Sprinkler control valves.
(6) Jkouting of control vvirin,(,)_
(7) Quick coupling
� valves,
(8) Ctthor rQlatcd oquililliont as directed by tile, Nrchiteet.
Oil or before ill,.-, date of the final inspection, the, Contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed sopias to
the Architect. Delivory ofthe sopias will not relieve '(lie Colitractor (if the re,,,polisibilify of furnishing required
itiforillation that ma-, be ornittod from tho pritits�
3 Controllor Cliarts
b, Provide one controller clitcrt fiAr oa6i controller "Upplied.
c� 'I'lle chart shall show the aroa controlled b.\ the a LnOnlatiC Q01111`01101- Mid sball be the, mamillum size which tile
oontrolk-,r door �\ ill allo \v,
d � 'Fho chart is to be a reduced drawing (if tile, actual as -built systorll� llowovoi ill the, ovont the contruflo�r
'so(julonce is not logiblo whou the, drawhlLg isroducod, ill(: information shall be, olilargod to a size.tbatwill be
re4tdablo �,kboii reduced.
o� circuits shown oil the chart shall be color-codQd and a different cobir shall be used to indicatotho area of
coverage 1�or oacli controllor station,
11 Whon Qomplolod ilrid approved, the chart shall be horiii,��lic�all� sealed botwoon two pieces ofplastic�, oach
being a jilillimmil 10 luil's thick.
g. 'flieso charts shall Ile colliplotod aild approvio'd prior to thral inspection of tho irrig"Ition SN stonl�
4� Olieralion, and Maintenance IvIannals
Prepare and doliver operation and maintonalico manuals as specified in Divi,,,ioii I and as
Catalog and parts slicers on ovor,,� itiatiorial and Q(111illillOnt inStifflOd UndOrthis' COntrWt�
b, (Juaralitoo, statoniont�
0� Complete oporating) and limintclialloo instructions oil all iiiijor oqL1iplll0Dt,
d � In addition it) the abovo-niontion.od riminto.owic'e, tilarlit'lls, provido, the 0mlor'sni'lintellance persorillolwith
instructions for rinkjor c�qliipmolit and show evidence, in N"'i-iting, to the, Arellitoctat tile cyftlio prcijoet '(bar
this sorvico has beenroildored.
5, Equ ipment to Be 1� L1rl1i,`dlQd
'Suppl-v as a part of this Contract the R)Ilolving tools�-
a. sets of atly special to( --)Is required for removing, disassorlibling and ad�justinc, each t�;po ofsprinklor aud valve,
supplied on this prcjocl�
c. 'Fivo keys for each automatic controller.
per four quick coupling- vttivos imsta,llod�
o, � DvO sets ofoporation manuals f0f Kn011latk, controllers alld �.�alvos�
irrigoation systom.
Oquip'llieut Shall be, turnod over to the, (Jwnor at tile, Conclusion (if the pr(ject,
Bol�oro final inspection Call OCCLIT-1, 0VidCJlcQthat 0XVIAOr has rocoi-vod irilitorial itiustlic sliov,,ti to
the, -Vchitoot�
I landlinL_:)� Of TIVC pipe atid Fittings: '11"ic Contractor is cautioned to o:,wfc�iso caro in handling, loadingn unloadiilg�
and stcm-ing) PVC pipe and fittings. Do not sul.1ject 1-1VC'pipe to uti(luo blending or eoncontrated o,\dornal load al
an -v point. Any section of pipe, that has bQoti (Joined or damag d �xill be discarded and. ifitistallod, shall be repLacod
with now piptlig.
E, U__ARAN'FL-,1_:
'111c, guarailloo for tho sprinkler iffigatkai sliall be nradoin, accordkuico willi, tho f6riii shown bolm\� A cojr� oftlio
guar, 'Ibo guaranto
t mitee fortil shall be, inChildod ill the oporationsand inaintontuico llMllLQ1L o fortir shall be ro�typod
olito the Colill-actoes lettorboad and contain the following infurrilatioll:
FOR SPRI.NKLER. lRR1GA'rTo_\ sysT,j-,1m
We 1101`01W (Waratitoo tbat the spritilklor irrig in
ation SVSt0M WO IMV0 RrFnished aild installodis t�oo fi-olli do-tbcts
inatorials ind ivorkniamship, and tho, work laws been Q(-. ruploted in accordance vvilh tho, dra wjljg,�, .11 ifica oi s
I , �,tcj spoc , tr I
ordinary wear and War arid miusual abuse or llogloct excepted. �,Vo agrooto repair or roplaco aiyy dof�ots ill llnttori�,,It or
Nv-,)rkmans1np iihich lilay develop chrring tho period ol'ckno * voar date (if accopairce �and also to repair orropllwc
(Jefoc�ts at tro additional cost to flie. Ovviter, We sball
111ake such, ropairs Or roplacoment's wilhill a ro"asonablo tiluc,, its dol-onnitiod by the (L)wtior, afitor roccipt ofwrilllou
uotieo� In the, ovent of our fidluire tc)nrako such repairs or ropliwe'llionts �,\Vitllirl a reasollablo titile, altor roc-oipt ol,
Mitt011 WACO fl'0111 the Owner., woaufliorizo, the Owaor -to proceed to Nave said repairs or roplacomoilts, triade al our
QxpensQand wo will pay the costs, luid obarges tllorotbr upoll demand,
i.,oc1,VrTc),.\: - ------- -
SIONED: — ------
, \_DL)RE�SS: - - ------ ___ - -------
A, 1\1,Vfl I , AL S
1, Grolloral: on draNvings, spocitiodhorciti, orap d c
wo olu ds
1 11V( Prossoro Main Line Pipe and Fittirigs
a. A
lillo, piping for all sizes sliall be JIV( Class 3 15 fk - 2" atid larger,, schedule, 40 for 1. -1, , 2" and
li� Pipc shall lie nlado from 11, (_Irado� t PVC collapound resin
specification 1785. 2XII pipo sliallmoot ro(,luirorliellts as Set tbrth ill Foderal Specification PS -21-'7Q, (Sc4vollt-ivold
c. PVC solwin-Avold fittings shall be Schedule -,W, 1-2', 11-1 NSF approved conformini-I to AS'I'M tostprocedure
d� Solvcrit comont kill(] pritillorf'or I'V(., solwilt-wold pipoand fittirigssball be of 1� pe atid installation I'llotliod"s
Tirc,sc.ribod by the manufacturor.
c. All PVC pipe shall boar the Rdlowing arark-.ings:
(1) Manufactin-or's name.
(2) Nornitial pilie sizo.
(3) SchodulQ, or class.
(4) Pressure ratitig in IISL
(5) NSF(Nittiorial Sanitation Foundation) appl
f All fittings shall bear the 1,11 allu faotufror's liattie or tradealtark material designa size,, applicable 111�S�
schod tile aild N SF seal of aPproval.
a. Non-prossure bUri0d linoral litle pipitig .,hall bo FIN7 C class 200 with sol-votit weld joillts�
li� Pipe shall be mado fi-oni NSF 1�, (Jradc, It PVCQcilirpotuid conforining to V,,'�J'M resilt
specification DI 784--kil pipe sliall.11root roquircitionts set- forth in Fodoral spocilicatical A13-22-70, with ,ill
, ap talidard dimensd(in ralio�
prqwiato s
c, Excoptasnotod ill sectiol"'I 11-A2, �l & b., allrokluiroulouts for ilon-prossure lateral Iftre pipoand fittitigs sitall be
tho, sallio as forsolvent-Nvold line pipe and fittirigs tis set forth in Socticni 11-A-2 offlieso
4. Brass Pilio and Fittilip
a, V hero indic.ated (ill tho, dri:miags-, LIS0 red brass screwed Pipc cc�,nforlviing to Fordoral Specification T1\NAV-I1-35l_
b� Fittiligs shall be, red blass colliforming to l"Woral Spocitic�atiou '\VNV-11-460�
5. t,.',so Ball Port Valve (Bronzo)
a, Gate va.Nos Yand strialler sliall be, 1.25 Th. SR'Ii brouc, gato valve willi screw-iti bonnor, 1101141SMg StOD1 and solid wodgo disc,
b Ciato val-ves 3" and smaller shall be threaded ends and shall Ile, equipped Nvilb a
c Gato valves 3" arid smaller shall tic sinlilar to those itnuitifictrivs b�� Nibco (Arappro-v(A oquaL
d� -)dl t(�,,atc valvcs shall be installed per itistallation dolaiL
6. Quick Coupling Valves
7. Units
prevention units ill aoc(jrdarice Nvitli iffiL48ti011 CO1`1'.,tJ`LkCti011',,' d0taits, and local provailinu oodes�
li� Wvo Strairior�, at backflow provoritioll Luilt"', sliall Ilave, a brotized sre"vil body with 60 nicsli nxmol sreen and
shall be Watts or approved oquaL
v,. Copies Of oortihod backilow test results shall be dolnered to sta to permit inspector.
9. Check Valvos
Anti -drain va Ives shall be of heav v -dutv Virgin PVC construction with, F.I.Y. tbro,,i(l ill lot atid outlot� hitol P -'arts
s all be stairtless stool and neoprene, Aliti-drai'll valvo sliall be tiold adjUstablo agailist driovoutfrolll 5 to 40 toet
oflio".0,117o aliti-drain valve shall bosimi1ar to 1ho Valcoll ",U)V or approved oqtutL
9. Control \Viring
Conriectionsbol \voontlie aulottlatic, cotitrollors arid the electric, control Vale's shall be litildo INith direct burial
eoppor wiro AWCT-T_'�F`. 600 volt. Pilot XNiros shall bo a dift-6,ont color �Vil`C fi-Oln each aUtOnlatic Colltl`0110'1_�
b:. Coninion Nviros shall be whito Avitb a different color stripe for each awonlatic�� controller. Install ill accordance
Avith, valvo manufacturer's sTiocifications arld wire charL hi rui caso shall wii-Q size be less than '14�
C, � N'Viring shall Occupy the same trench and shall be illstallod alon�g, the, sallio 1,011to as pressure suppl.v or tatQral
lines Microver possible.
d. NA"hore more, thari ono (1) wiiv is, placed in �'l U-011c1i, �Niring, shall be, taped togot.bor it intervals often (10) fool,
�lio,-xjiallskml Curl shall be provided three (3) feel ofoach Nvirc Curl
shall be of sufficiolit leligth so thal in case of repair, the valve bomid.may be brcmghl to the surface
W1111OLIt diSC,011110Cti(ill Oftho control N.Nil-os. Cl'ontrol �,Nim, shall bc laid loosolv in tronch �Nilhout stress
or strotchirw), of controt wire conductors.
f, All slikes shall be made wi-th,'kotch-Lok 43576 Gintioctor Sealitig, packs', Rainbird snap-rito N\,iro colitioctor.,
orapprowd oquaL Use one splice per ootmoctor scaling pack.
11, Automatic Conti-c4lers
c. Unless othorwi,;o noted on the plans'. the, 120 �;oh electrical pmvor to tho autolliatic o(ititroller location
to tie furnished by olliers, 'The, ffiral electrical hooh-up shall be, the, responsibility of the irri.Lation contractor.
121 Eloctric Conti-c)l alves
,i �
All electric control valvosshall havo a manual flow
13� ContfolNalveBoxos
t so 9 by 24 hich romid box for ill gatevalvos, Brooks '9 orappi-med 0quaL
b� Uso 9-1:2 by 16-b\ I I -,inch. rectangular box for all eloctrical colitrol, valves, Carson hidustrio's
1419-12B or appro-ved equal.
14. Sprinkler Hoads
a � ,)d1sprinkler hoads shall be Of the sialie size., tylx�, and dedivor the sallio rate, ofllrocipitation
�vith the diameter (or radius) of throw, prQssul-Q, and disQ11ar-go as shmmi Oil the plans and/(jr ""Pociflod
oil 1110:,Qspecial priiVisiolls.
b, Spray head s shall have a scroNvoctiustment.
c, � Riser units ;hall be fabricated in aceordarice vvith the details,
d Riser nipptos forall sprfiild�er heads ,hall be the same, size a,,, tho risor opening in thosprinklQrlload�
l 'SPL
L Site COuditions
,it, All scaled dimensions, a.ro Contraotorsliall clwck atid vorif�, all size dinionsdi,xi's
and receive prior -to procoodirii() Nvith wirk wider this Section.
b, Exercise extreme care in excavating
and working imir oxisting ulifities. Contractor shall be ro�potisiblo
fordainag,es to utilities vviiiell �aro caLlsod b\ his operation of neglect. Chock 0�jsting, utilitics drawings
for o'mstilll utifitv locatiolls.
o, Coordinate histallatioll Of sprinkler irrigation lliatQrii Is, including pipe, so thero shall be no
intorterolico with vitilities or other construction Or difficulty in plariting, troos�� shrubs', and _ ound covers.
1, � Physical Layout
Prior to installation', the Contractor shall stake outall prossuro supply fines., routilig and location (if
spliliklor heads.
li� All layout shall be apI,)rox)od b\� A-rchitoct prior to treirchiiig�
2, Water Supply
S illklCr irfiz(�1,,Rd011 system shall be coariocled to water supply poitits of Connection as indicated on the dra-�Nvhigs,
3 � Electrical Suppty
Electrical coillroctions for allt0l1latie C01lb-01101- shall be niade to oloctriiuil points of connection as indicated
on the drawings.
1), Contractor is responsible for ininor chang,,-os caused by actual site, conditiorv.".
a, Dig trenches straight alid support Pipe colithwowsly cm sand or native bedding at botti-mil of
trench. Remove all stories or '41,11-11 ob�jocts fnlni trench. Lay pillo, to an even grade.. 'fronching
excivation sli.all
follow layoutt indicated oil drmviiigs and llotod�
b, Provide for a mininium of eighteen (19") inches cover for all pressure supply lines,
C, provide for 8.111initiluni coN,�or of t�\elvo 12") inchos for all nort-pros'suro lilies,
d , provide for minialurn Cover of cightoon (18") imhos forall control vviring.
a. 1 -ho trenches -,hall lrottw backfilled until all required tests aro performed. 'fmichos shall be earefulb,
backfillod NN-ith dw approved by tho,'Sofls Engilloor R)r backfilling consisting ofearth., hialtil,
,-andy clay, sand, or Other approved niatQrjals, fi-ee from largo clods of o4irth or stono�& Backfill slialtbo compacted
ill landscaped ireas toa dry dow.,ity equal to actiacentundisturbod soil in plantirtgaroas� Backfill NA1411 conform to
a (tjacont grad es �vitllout- dips', sunken aroas., It unip�.', or other 'salrfaco, irrq"ulajitics�
b. No foreign Matter I'll- or than ono -ha If( 1:2) inch ill size vvill be, permitted ill the initial backfilL
e, Flooding (iftlelichos be permitted onl� with the approval of the Soils Engitioca- and
construction aro necossary', file Contractorshall. nialco all required ktinstmonts �vithout cost to th o 0�vner.
3 'D
3, -enching and Backfill Under Ila-, ing
a � 'frenolies located under areas of paving, asphaltic concrete or concrotc, sliall be backfillod
ivith sand (a hn ersix iiiolio.s boIoNv the pipe kind throo inches above, the pillo) and coinpactod ill la\lors to 9V,'O'�
'fronclics for piping shall bo inspected b\ tile Soils Engineer prior to installing the pipes. -\11 troalollo"s shall be
lefl-flush ix1th the ad,joirring gradc.
'Flie, sprinkler irrigation Contractor shall set ill placel, cap and pressure test all piping under paving prior to
the pa-vilig Nvork_
ti, Generally, piphig under oxisting -�valks is done bvjli,��king,� boritiL, or hydraillic driving, but vdicro anv cuttilip
or broakin (if sido�,N,alks and Or Concrete is nocossary, itsball be, done and replace(] by the Contractor as partof
tho contrut cost. Permission to cut or broak sidei-valks and or conclQto sliall be obtained front the ProportA, O�Alilor.
c. Provide, for a ruinintuni covor Of hvc.nt-v-kMr irrclios betwoon the, top Of tho pipe and tile bottom oftho agLgrogate
basic for all pressure and non-prossure, piphig installed under aspliattic. c(:incrotQ paving,
4. Assemblies
a. Routing of sprinkler irritg�ation lines as hidicated oil tile, drawings is diaVuanimatio. histall lines and various
assollibliQs to coliforill with the details slio�,xii (-ill dravvings.
1). install no imiltijilo assetriblios oil plastic, linos. Provide each assonibly -withits 01\11 01410t.
c, histall all assemblies spooffiod horchl in accordance with ms'pedive douil, hi absolice of dotail drawings or
specifications pertaining to specific it nis required to compla� vvcirk., perforin stwh vvork in accordance with best
slittidard practice -with prior approv�al. Of -Vehitoct
d � PVC pipe and filtings shall be thor(-,mghly cloatiod of dirt, dustand inoisturo, before installation, bistallaticin
and solvent-wolding nrethods shall be as rocoilinieuded by the pij,�o and fittiligs manutaotilro1%
0. (_,in lIVC to Iriotal colllloctk)lis�, -[lie Contractor sliall wolk the 111c"val colillectii-xis first. 1'eflon tal)e lot- approved
equal shall be Llsvd 1,111 'All threaded PN,7C` to PVC, and oil all throadod P�7C tie 11jet,,11 i oill is, Light wrencin
pressure is all that is required, NVherc threaded PV'C c(nincotions are required use threaded PVC
adaptors into "tich the pipe, may be welded .
5. Line Clearance
All lines shall havo a minitil till] Cloaralloo, of six inches 11 -4 -mil each other, Parallel lines sball notbo
installod diroctiv over oric another, NO other trades alloAvod ill ,,mlo trench �Nvith iri-igdtion pipo�
0, �,Vttonlatic Controller
a. histall controller in a N,�Rridal, proof enclosure.
b. histallas per manut'acturor's inst]-LICtiOnS. R01noto colitrol val-v-cs shall bo,,�olljloctcd to controller fil
numerical sequoncos shok\,ii oil the draNvings.
7. Automatic Controllers
a� inoi coll1rollers shall be of size arid Ypc shown oil tile, Plans.
li� Final location (if autlmiiati(� controllors shall bQappro-ved by the Owner's authorized roprosontativc,
c. Uliles's Otherwise noted oil the plans, the, 120 volt electrical pwNvor to the autonlatic. controller location
to be filrilished by othors� 'I'he final QIoctricil hook-up shall bo the, responsibility of The, irrigation contractor.
loast t\volvo inch,cs, belAvocii -valvos,. Itistall oach ronlote control valve ill i separate valvo box.
9. l"lushing (if System
a, _,�Uter all imi sprinklor Pipe Ifilos allo risers are in place inid contioctod, ill nocessary divorskin
\,Nork has, been completed, and prior to installation of sliritiklor heads the colib-ol valves shall be, opened and a full
lic,ad of Nvator used to 1JUS11 (Alt the ' ,\�Stolll.
b� Sprinkler heads shall be, imstallod only after flushing (if the, systern has bet�,,n accomplished to the complete
satisfaction Of tho, Architeet,
M Spin1der Heads
a. Install the sprinkler hoads, as designated oil The drawings. Spritildor heads to be installod ill this ivcirk
shall be, equivalent in all rospocts to those iMnizod.
li� Spacing of heads sliall not oxceod the 111as-diliuln indicated (in lie drawings. Ill ito ewso sliall the spacirig Q-.\oeod
the maxillititil rocolliniondod by the manufacturer.
Ilie, Owiwr reserves the right to makc tomporary ropairs as iaocossalA� to 1'reep the sprinkler
systoni, equipment ill oporating collklitiom '1110 exorciso ofthis riglit by the Buildor-Dovolopor shall not rolievo the
Contractor of responsibilities under the terms of the guaranteeas herein specified.
L AdJushilolit of tho System
i � 'llio Coritraotorshall flUS11 alld ad�jlTItidl sprinkler hoads, for optimum porforinanco and to prevent ovorspray
onto walks,, roa&v, vs, and buildings as much as possiblo�
1). Ifit is detenninod that ad ' coverage.,
the, Contractorshall makostioll adjus-titiont,,s, prior to plantfiig� Actiu.stillonts jillily also include Changes ill nozzle sizes and
degrees of"arc as roquire(L
c � Lowering naisod sprifflJor hoads ly.v, the Contractor shall be accomplisbod within tell days after notificatiort by Ovolor.
d� All sprinkler hoadsshall be, sot porpondiCUlar to filliShed grados miloss othorAviso designated oil the, plans.
1 'resting Of Irrigation $�-stoill
'Illo Contractor shall request the presence of the ��Vrcliitoct and state por-irlit inspector in wfiting it lowst 48 hours ill advamice oftc.qitl
b . 'flost all pressure, lines under hydrostatic. pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and pro ,e A-v-atortight�
N(YfE: 'Fosting of prossul-Q main Iiii.es sliall. occur prior to installation of electric control valve's.
c� All, piping under pa-vod areas shall be tested under hydrostatic j)r(-,,,ssuro of 150 I)CARICIS P01-SCIllal'o inch and
proved lvatortigjit prior to pavillg�
d, Sustaiti prossurQ in lines kv not loss Than livo 110LIPS for latorats and 24 hours for niainlilies,� Ifleaks developed,,
roplacojoints arid repeat test until cittire,,sivstorn is proven wator-tight.
o. All hydrostatic tests shall be, made only in the, prosonco, oftho "Vchitoctalid i1A,- Landscape hispector or other
duly M114110fized representative offlio ov"llon NO pipe shall be blicktillod until it has been inspected, tosstcd mid
approved ill w-,riting and shall be re-tostodattor back -fill operations are. complete,
f. Furnish necessary force liunip and ill other test oquipmollt�
lk'lion th esqvinklor irrigatioll systom is Completed, perform a coverage- test in tho prosonco offlic zU-ohhoct and stato pormit
inspector to dotormino ifthe water oovorago for planting areas is comploteand adequaw. Furnish idlivatorials alid perform, all w( -.irk
required to correct an -Y itiadoquacies of coverage due to deviations frcmi platis or Miere the, systoni has been Nvillfrilly
ill'Stalled is indicated on the draNvings ,Nlien it is obvioustv inadequate without bringing this to the attoll6in oftho
Archilect. 'This test shall be, accomplisliod boftxv any gyromid cover is pliuitcd�
It. Upon cumpletion ofoach phase of N--vorlvc, entire sysloni sliall be to,,,tod and ad�justod to meet site, requirements,.
1. '-.[Ile entiro sprinkler irrigation systoni shall be under full autoniatic, operation fora period of S V 'It (ja
e 0 prior
to ally plailting.
'fho Architect reserves the ri� it to waive or shorton the, oTioration period,
Clemri-upsh,all be made as oac4i portion of work progresses, Rofbsoand excess dirtsliall be, romovod fronithe site.,
all lvalks and paving ,,hall be browned or A,\,asliod dwNm., and any damage, sustained to the site (-.ii the work ofolliors sball
be ropaired to it,,, original condition.
I . 'The contract(ir sliall operate c�wh systo.ni in it's olltirol-v kir the 4'\J-clliR,,Qtand stato permit inspector attirrio offinal observation.
Any itonis deeirrod not acceptable bythe Observorshall be reworked to the complete satisfaction oftlio Architect.
2, fho Contractor shall show evidence to thoArchitoct th'at the Ch\llor 11'as reccivod all. accessories, charts, record
drawitius', and equipmentws rQqUirod before final observation call occur.
I Contractor shall'be responsible for liotifying the Archite�ct in advance kv the following obscrvations according
to the thil Q, indicated
a Pro -Job Ccm,foromco - 7 days
b pressure supply line installation and tosting - 4 day.,_,
c, ,Vitoniatic, Controller installation - 4 days.,
d. Control Nviro histallation - 4 days
o � Lateral line, and sprinkler installation - 4 days
f. C'Ovora go tost - 4 days
g. Finalol�ioii - 7 days
2. Whon inspections havo been cond uctod by other thall the Zvollitect., ,IwAv ovidoaloo (if when and by whorn The's
insp ctions ivore mado.
3� No observation sball conintonco. without �as-built drawirigs� In the, ovon t tile Coritractor calls kw an obsor-'Fatioll
vd.thouta's-bu ilt dravvirigs, A�,i,thout colllpletiil�t? N o steall 1-61
proviolisly noted C0JTQCti0l1S, Or N� dill lit prepal-ing the sy,
observalions., lie shall be responsible 1-br roinibill'sing the ,�Vrcllitoct ill- t1w lionrlyrato fit effect attlio tiiiio the, observatiol
portal to portal plus transportation cost� ',�,,,ubsoquorit irv�.-,poctiolls will not be performed until this Adaaigo is paid.
Prepared Under The SuperVislon Of :