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REVIEk4 OF DRANIN65� it Is tile Contractor's
CONTRACT 00CUMENTS. 5holl consist of specifications onc( Its
responsibil(ty to review irrigation drawings and note
general conditions, and the drawings. The Intent of these
an' * � _0e vo'vea are
- a odc""ano' h*a�
areas he ba"o�11"n"'
documents is to Include all labor, materials, and services
req red prior 'a ore
o' 0 bld� " 4hctn�ea ,
t. Backfill shall not be placed until the installed
necessary For the aroper execution of the work. The
documents are to considered 15
subm ,,,,, the con ctor IS "'T analbl For P /I
I kier
sprinkler system has been Inspected and approved
as one, and whatever
coiled for by be binding
coveroee opthe s at m and rovidIng
� 1-4
by the owner's representative,
any port shall as as if coiled for
0 a equPme t necesso
odd(tI n I I eq a tor
t he Controc
by 0/1 parts.
2. Trenches shall be bockfilled with a minimum of
4" of fine gronvior materials to protect, the
VERIFICATION: The contractor shall verify mcoavroments on
&OVERNINO REOULATION, All local, municipol and state,
pipe from the clods of rocks the remalning
the drawings before beginning work. In case, of error or
lo"s, rules and regulotions,governing or retotIng to
ex6ovated dirt con be used as backfIll, The
discrepancy In the drawings or specifications, or in work of
any portion of this work ore hereby Incorporated Into
Contractor shall not place detrimental 5W26oll
others affecting his work, he shall notify the Owner's
and mode a port of these specifications, and their
In the top 6" of bockfill.
representative immediately. The c-ontractorgholl be held
provisions sholl be carried out by the, sprinkler
responsible For any damage or loss due to his failure to
5� If .settlement occurs and adjustments in ptpes,
observe these, instructions.
valves, sprinkler heads or.god ore necessary to
DIAC7RANNATIC PE516N: ThIs design 16 diagrammatic.
tw,ln? the system to proper working order, thi�
LICEN-`5E: All works,holl be performed ir.y a C-27-L-oliFornfo
All pipe, valves, etc. shown within paved area,-:, are
Con tractor .sholl as a port of the work under
Licensed Lor0scape Contractor,
For design clorificotion only and shall be installed
this contract make oil the necessary adustment
In planter areas where possible. Never Install
without extra cost to the Owner.
INSURANCE: The Contractor -sholl carry oil k4orkman's
bnckflow preventers In town areas, oiwoy5 In shrub
Compensation, Public Liabilit and Property Pamage insurance
as required by all appitcab'Pee codes� regulations and thes
INSTALLATION, All Irrigation materials .shall be
Installed in occordance with the techniques ond
1. A 120 volt electrical power outlet to the
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'_d5 LIASILIT'r. The owner and contractors,
specifications set forth by each respective
controller shall be provided by the electrical
recognizing the inherent r1ake connected with construction,
manufacturer. At/ pertinent descriotive literature
contractor. Refer to the electrical angincer'.5
agree to limit any and oil liability, claim for damages,
issued by these manufacturers becomes port of these
plans For the, exact location. The Irrigation
coat of defense, or expenses to be levied against the,
specifications after having been approved by the
c sa ponsible Par making the
Londse-ape Archite6t on account of any design defect, error,
Cwnera authorized representative. Such Installation
hook-up Prom the outlet to the controller.
omission, or professional negligence to a sum not to ,exceed
practices shall be followed only If the directions of
the Irrigation drawings and specifications do not
thoroughly and completely order the methods or
2. All wire from the controller to electric control
techniques to be Followed, Install all equipment and
valves shall be -solld copper U F # 14=600 volt
CONSTRUCTION SAFET�'.- The design, adequacy and goPety of
materials as shown In details.
direct 1WrIal. Use white wire for common, blue
for town systems, black for shrub systems and
orection, excavotlart, bracing, shoring, temporary supports,
et6, is the sole responsibility OF the Contractor, and has,
51TE PROSLEMSt The irrigation Contractor shall not
red For moisture sensors common control wire.
not been considered by the Londocape Architect or his
willfully Install the sprInkleraystem as indicated on
Install In common trench with main line pipe where
possible. Provide minimum 1,1311 cover.
consultants. The contractor to responsible For the
drawings when It Is obvious In the Field that there
stability of any structures and excavations and shall
ore unknown obatructions, grade differences, andlor
provide the necessary brocing to provide .stability during
discrepancies in the area dimensions until such
3. Nfre connections shall be mode with "_5cotch-Lok"
the entire construction pro ego. Observation vigite, to the
conditions are brought to the attention of the
wire connector sealing pockze #5576? or 5-peore
-site by the Landscape Arcigirtect or his 6onsultanto sholl not
Landscape Architect.
"Orl-splice"NIth goolant 05-:300.
include, Inspection of the above items,
4. There shall be a control wire from each control
57URVE'r5, PERMITS, RE6UJ_ATION6.- The owner -,-hall Furnish on
valve running to the controller, and each
adequate survey of the property. The contractor shall
5prinkler moterfals and equipment shall L-Ae, of type,
control valve shall be, connected to the common
obtain and pay for oil permits and comply with oil laws and
size and location as noted and Indicated on the
ordinances bearing on the operation or conduct of the work
drawings. Unless permission to change is granted from
as drown and specified. If the contractor ob5erve6 that a
the Landscape Architect or OWner's Representative,
5. Ail electrical work ,shall comply with applicable codes.
variance exists therewith he Moll promptly notify the
material ore to be new and in perfect condition. No
ot-irter's representative In writing, and any necessary chork e6
deviotforts from the specifications shall be allowed.
shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes
The decision of the, Landscape Architect -shall be final
6. Install all valve -,v- per details.
in the work.
In the determination of the quality of moterIO15.
Moll adequately protect the work adjacent property and the
pvb11c, and Moll be responsible for any damage or Injury
1. -5vpply as a port of this contract the following
Procure from Landscape, Architect transparency (Ozolld)
due to his Oct.
OF popping layout and accurately locate vo1veg,
CHAN6E5 IN THE PqORK. The owner may order changes In the
Two (2) sets of special tools required For
existing treeg, for future, use, remote control valves
with number of stations, and w1ring Prom controllers
work. The contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All
removing, disassembling and odusting each
to remote control valves. 01mension Prom two
such orders and adjustments plus claims by the contractor
t� of sprinkler and valve e,uppiledon
t Is project.
permanent features -such as buildings and "olks. After
extras must be made be,Pore executing the work involved.
Final Inspection and before. Pinol payment,
PROV15ION5 FOR EXTRA5i No new work of any kind -,,hall be
Two (2) five Foot valve keys for operation of
transparency shall be delivered to Landscape
Architect. One get of prints Mail be supplied to
considered on extra unless a separate estimate 16 given Par
gate valves,
Owner by the Contractor.
sold work before it is commenced and until same is opproved
by the owner, and then not unless the owner first so ordered
Two (2) keys for each automatic controller.
In writing and the particular extra work 16 specified In
writing and the cost agreed upon between the owner and the
Four (4) quick coupler keys and motching hose
-SCOPE ANO FREOUENC'r, After all installation
contractor. Except for extra work ordered by the owner
swivels For each type of quick coupling valve
operations hove been completed, remove oil trash,
according to unit prices which hove been bld, any extra work
excess soil and rubbish from the property. All 6cor,s,
performed, not authorized as provided above, will not and
cannot be pold for (�y the. owner.
2, Turn over the required equipment to the Owner at
ruts or other morks in the area r,ou5ed by this work
shall be repaired and the ground fePt in a neot
the conclusion of the project, prior to final
and orderly condition throughout the site, The
5U56TITUTION5. All materials shall be 6 ecifled unless the
Contractor shall pick up all trosh resulting Prom this
contractor con establish the Fort that trkhey ore unavollable,
work no less than each Friday before leaving the site,
and substitutions ore opproved in writing by the, I andscape
once a week andlor the fast working day each week.
All trash aholl be removed completely Prom theoite.
LANP6CAFE COORVtNATOR55TATU5.- The landecope coordinator
%4L 40METM
acts as the authorized repr^esentotive of the owner in
corjunction with the project manager, and has the authority
1. The Contractor Moll verify exact locations of
oil existing subsurface utilities (any
IN6PECTIOM Inspection of complete Irrigation system
will be made at pre-mointenonce and final inspection
to accept of reject materials or workmonshio and to make
mechanical and electrical) prior to excavation.
For planting, per arrangement with Landsr,ope Architect,
minor changes In work not involving extra cost. He will
Any utilities, A.C. paving, concrete work,atc.,
also Interpret the meonIng OF the contract documents and may
destroyed or damaged by any work under this
p the work IF necessary to 0sure Its proper execution,
contract -shall be repoired or replaced at the
6ontroctor's expense.
6UARANTEESt The entire sorinkler system shall be
CLARIFICATION OF DPAKN675 BEFORE 50011%,16i After reviewing
guaranteed by the contractor as to material and
workmanship, including settling of backffiled areas
the drowings thoroughly It I -s the. contractors responsibility
to clarify with the Londscope Architect or oNner's
2. Trenches for pipe shall be cut to required grade
line at a true gradient to provide uniform
below cirode for a period OF (1) year Followin the
dote OT final acceptance of the work. If, within one
representative, on� questions the contractor may hove
regarding the met lod of construction, quantities, or quality
support for the full length of pipe,
year Prom the dote of completion settling occurs, and
In heads,
OF materials Indicated or called out. IF the contractor
.5. Pepth of trenches shall be .sufficient to provide
adjustments pipes, valves ond sprinkler sod
orpovIng, Is necessary to &Ing the system, sod or
cannot contact the Landscape Architect or owner's
re e`g "'otiv contractor must qualify his bid or
a minimum cover above the top of the pipe 06
noted on the, drawings.
paving to the pr,oper level of the permanent grades,
the Contractor, as port OF work under this contract,
� 7
aMpt'E7he Int rp etotton of the Landscape Architect or
Owner's rept_ese otive
, on the questionable areas as they
shall make oil ad at to the
.Justments without extra co
Owner, try,luding the complete restoration of oil
develop during construction.
I. The Contractor is responsible to be familiar
domck3ed planting, paving or other improvements of any kind.
5AMPLE5i The Landscape Architect reserver, the right to take
with the methods of assembling, joining, and
and analyze samples of materials ,for conformity to
specifications at any time. The contractor shall furnish
installing the various type of pipe to be used.
He will adhere in strict accordance with the
RE5PON-SIBILIT*r. _15hould any operational difficulties
In connection with the sprinkler system develop within
samples upon request by the Landscape Architect. Rejected
manufacturers recommended procedures.
the specified guarantee period which is in the opinion
material 5holl be Immediately removed from the site and
replaced at contractors expense. The cost of testing
2. No PVC pipe shall be threaded and oil transition
of the Londscope, Architect due to Inferior material
ondlor workmanship, gold difficulties sholl be
materials not meeting specifications shall be paid for by
Prom PVC to metal piping !�iholl be by PV0 mote,
Immediately corrected by the, Contractor to the
the contractor.
thread odoptor Fitting.
5atfePoctlon OF the. Landscape Architect at no
PRE-CON5TRU6TION CONFERENCE.- Schedule a pre-construatior?
additionol cost to the Owner, Including any and
all other damage coused by ,such defects,
meeting with the Landscape Architect at least 7 days before
T this conference Is to review
IN5TRUCTIONt After the system has been completed and
any questions the contractor may hove regarding the work
the connections mode, the Contractor shall instruct
administrative procedures during constructions and project
1. All main lines and lateral lines which hove
the Owner or his representative, in the operation and
work schedule,
glued joints under poving In the !system shall be,
maintenance OF the system.
copped and pressured tested at 150 psi.
COMPLETION. Completion Is defined as being when all
'rEMFC`RAR'r REPAIR5: The Owner reserves the right to
conditions of the contract hove been occompli-shed.
2. F�res_sure sholl be sustained In the lines for not
make, temporary repairs os, necessary to keep the
cif1colly when oil items ore Installed, the areas cleaned
less than Pour hours. If leaks develop the
sprinkler system equipment In operating condition.
and the maintenance period 5otisfactortly completed, and hen
JOIntesholl be replaced and the test repeated
The exercise of this right L;y the Cwner shall not
oil gpeclol tools and equ"rit, Instructions, written
until the entire -system is watertight.
relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under
gucteontees, oa-bullk plans, lien releases and any items
the terms of the guarantee or., herein specified.
r,equired by the contract documents hove been properly
proved by owner's
3. Tests shall be observed and op
executed and delivered to the owner,
repreeentot[ve prior to bcw,kfill.
The I-ondecope Architect shall hove full authority to accept
4. Ahen the sprinkler system Is completed, (and
or reject the contract Itemsond will promptly notify the
owner of completion.
before plontin Is begun) the Contractor, In the
presence OF No Owner's representative, .shall
6UARANTEEi in addition to specified orantees provided for
test the coverage of water afforded the town and
planting oreae, as completed and adequate. The
Sc4m OF pom
In the .separate sectfart,a of the specl the
contractor shall uctrontee In writing oil workmanship and
Contra6torsholl PurnIgh all materials and
perform oil work requirect to correct any
Furnish oil labor, materials, and equi, ment necessary
to provide and Install plant moterfor-4 as -shown on the
materials to be from defect for a period of one year
from the dote of acceptance of the. work by the owner without
Inadequacies of coverage, dfacto-sed.
drawings or as specified herein.
additional cost to the Owner.
5. The Contractor Moll inform the Owner's
Nork Included In this -Sectlon-Otem-e, Included but not
representative oP any deviation from the pion
limited to),
required by w0cliplanting, soil or site
conditions that beor on present coverage.
1. Orode, including mounding, molding and -shoping
Of4m OF M=9
gurfocee, of oil planting areas as indicated
Including the removal of existing vegetotlon
The Contractor Moll provide all labor, tools,
machinery and n to Install a
1. Shrubbery or ground cover spray heads adjacent
to be InstoTied 6"
unless otherwise specified.
complete Irri otfor) system = on the plans
curbs or walkeaholl away
from the curb or walk and the nozzle shall be &"
2. Frepare and tilt ooll in planting areas,
Including furnish of oil coil amendments as
ondlor goecipled herein. k4hen completed the
above Finished grade, unleas otherwise,
yatem shall In
Irrigation a e 100% coverage -system in
total Functioning manner.
3, Furnish and plant all plant materials 06
Mom ON604540M
2. _15hrubbery spray heoda adjacent to buildings,
Fences, or similar structures shall be Installed
Indicated by the drawings and specifications.
VERIFICATION OF 01MEN61ON: All -scaled dimensions ore
6" away Prom the structure and the nozzle shall
be. 6" (above. Finished grade. _c5hrvbberq
4. Perform oil pruning as required.
roximate. Before proceedin ie
� g with any work, th
heads not near paving or structures 99051F�%et
5, r
- Stoke and No (211 plant material os, specified,
Mail Corel'ut!y check and verify all
, 1
6" above Finish grcrd,z�, unless other wt.
dIfflon,along, spocIng of shrinker heads, location of
6. Provide for the maintenance of the planting
volves and ,vacuum breakers, and proposed P,04. shall
until acceptance of the job by the Lond-4cape
be as indicated on the drawings. Any deviation from
3. All sprinkler heacia are to hove swingJaints as
the plans must have the approval of the Owner's
Representative or the Land -scope Architect.
7. Dispose of all debris and surplus materials,
4, Inotoll sprinkler heads per details.
6. Clean 1119
inspect the site and check oil finish grade -s within
the work area in order to insure the, lor, or soft
q. C-Aictrantee
coverage (oa specieled) of sprinkler sy,,Xem pipes.
I. The Irrigation Contractor Moll flush and adjust
oil .sprinkler heade for optlmum performance and
10. 1-taintenonce
PqATER 5UPRL'r� The Contractor shall verlLond be
to prevent overspray onto wolksi and bulldIngs, as
familiar with the source OF Hater supply to
much as Possible, This shall include selecting
sprinkler as IndicL
ited on the drowing.a.
the best degree of on-, to fit existing site
PERMIT -6 AND FEES. The Contractor Moll oppi and pay
EXCAVATION. The Contractor shall verify exact
locations of all exletIngsub-aurfoce utilities,
Paroll necessary permits and fees required in
mechanical and electrical prior to excavation. Any
pursuit of hie work na required by the governing
utilities A.C., paving, concrete work etc., destroyed
The Contractor shall not allow or 60uae any of his
or damaged by any work under this contract shall be
CARE OF EX15TIN9 BUILDIN6_55 ANO SITE. The, Contractor
work to be covered or enclosed until It has been
Inspected, tested and approved by on authorized
repaired or replaced at the Controctor's expense.
shall be held responsible Por the, core and
representative of the owner. Should any of Mo work
go n a' 0" existing building a and structures
pre r ctt'Ey"�
be enclosed or covered before such inspection and
0 he 0 or a d
od a acen remiges and con " vou-5
j 9
' f
test, he shall uncover the work at his own expense and
rop r� 0 m n red, damaged or
e y� art F ij
pl�twbed V
after It has been Inspected, tested, and approved,
bs'co se 5
oth work oil be repaired,
,hall make all repairs with like materials necessary
replaced, or c leaned by him at his e�penge.
to restore oil his work and that of other Contractors
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surface oroinage of- soil conditions be encountered
which would be detrimental to growth or survival of
plant material, the Contractor shall notlfg the
Landscape Architect In writing stating t e conditions
and submitting a proloo,sol covering cost of correction
IF the Contractor falls to notify the Landscape
Architect of such conditions he shall be resportsiMe
For plant material under the guarantee clouse of the
C. DINENSION57, All gcoled climens-tang ore approximate.
BePore proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall
carefully check and verify all dimenglono and
quantities and shall immediately inform the Landscape
Architect of any discrepancy between the Information
on the drawings and actual conditions refraining from
doing any work In gold areas until given opprovol to
do ,-,a by the Landscape Architect.
W. K47MAL&
1, Organic Amendment - shall be n(trogen-stobilized
shavings, bork or sawdust that meets the
following requirements:
Particle sizet
Minimum q5% passing 4 mesh screen (1149
Minimum 60fiol passing 5 mesh screen OA59
5holl be no higher than 5.5 millions per
centimeter at 25 C as moo5ur,ed by saturation
extract conductivity.
Nitrogen contentr
O.'7.% for gowdust or shavings
/.O% For bork
2. Commerclol Fertilizer - shall be commercial
Aarode, granular, 'pre-plont" fertilizer. One
IP of the container nitrogen shall be readily
available for Initial feeding. The remaining
holP of the nitrogen and oil of the contained
potoM Moll be derived Prom non -leaching,
cooted, controlled release fertilizer for
vuatolnod feeding of four to six months, In a
. low soluble, non -burning Form.
Fertilizer shall be delivered to the ,site In the
original unoperred container, bearing the
monufocturor'6 guaranteed analysts, Any
Fertilizer that becomes caked or damaged, making
It unsuitable Par use, will not be accepted.
*3� Soil Conditioners - shall be a r1cultural grade
gypsum, .soil sulfur and Iron guy'ate.
4. Fine Sand - shall be clean, natural fine 6and
Free from deleterious material weedgeeds, cloy
balls or rock with 115% minimum poosilng a No. 4
sieve and 10 maximum pasoing a No. /00 6teve.
5. Peat Mass - &hall be a commercial, boled
Canadian aph um material, with ph of 4.5 to
53 the mass TZ11 be free of woody material and
minerals or Poreign matter harmful to plant
life, ",Sunghfne" brand or equal.
I� Topsoil Moll consist of a fertile, friable
natural loom OF uniform quality free from
subgoll, hard clods, stiff cloy, hard pan,
6odsiportlolly disintegrated debrl.s, or any
other, undesirable material.
2. Topsoll s,holl not contain obnoxious weeds, ouch
as morning glory, spore, oxtolls, spurge, annual
poo, nut gross or bermclo gross. In no case
shall there be more than 534 by volume of the
11 I.
glones stroller than one Inch
0 coarse gand
0 small cloy lumps
3. 51ze - the size of the plants will correspond
with that normally expected For species and
variety of rommerclalty available nurgery stock,
or as measured before pruning with the branches
In normal position, shall hove normally well
developed branch systems, and vt orous and
Fibrous root systems which ore r7o?root or pot
bound. All Inspection certificates required by
low ,shall accompany each shipment and be
delivered to the owner,
4. The caliper of oil trees shall be measured 4"
above the gurPoce of the ground.
5. Nhere collper or other dimensions of any plant
moterfals, ore omitted from the plant list it
,hall be understood that these lont materials
,-;hall be normal stock For type rt6gteA
6. Plant material shall be symmetrical typical for
variety and -species and shall conform to
measurements specified in the plant Ilet,
7. Ouantitles shown on the coil outs on the
Planting Pion ore. for the convenience of the
Contractor only. Guantitles drown on the plan
(whether by circles or data) ore the final
authority ondsholl be furnished and Installed
a -s drown.
,!�. Rejection or Substitution - all plonts not
conforming to the requirements herein specified,
shall be considered defective, and such lonte,
whether in place or not, gholl be morke,Zo6
rejected and Immediately removed from the site,
OF the work and replaced with new plants at the
Contractors expense. The plants shall be of the
species, variety, size and condition specified
On the drawings. Under no condition will there
be an substitution of plants or sizes Par those
Itateyon the accompanyInp plans, except with
the expressed consent o the Owner,
0. 5TAKES: All stakes -shall be a--, per details.
IV. aw7pw7m MMAN MOM
A. CONTRACTOR5 RESPON515IL17Y, The Contractor Is
responsible for verifying the location of oil uttlity
lines and other underground obstructions so that
proper precautions may be taken not to disturb or
damage such Improvements. In the event of a conflict
between such lines and plant locations, the Contractor
shall promptly notif the Landecope Architect, who
Moll arrange for t90 relor,otion of one or the other.
Falling to follow this procedure, the Contractor shall
at his own expense make any and oil repotre for
damages resulting from his work.
V. Fwa"14RAPM
A. TILLIN&i Tit/ oil planting areas as herein -specified.
5� UNIFORM ORAL:)E, After tilling, oil areas shall be
brought to uniform !grade by f looting or hand rokIng.
C, - &RA015 RELATION5HIP5t Finish grade of planting areas
after opplicotlon of soil amendments shall be 0 below
top of concrete walks and curb grades and 6" below
Finish floor of building or ag noted by spot
0. SLOPE FROM BUILPIN65i Soft areas adocent to
buildings shall slope away Prom the buildings at 23b
minimum Par /O Feet, and shall continue to slope at a
minimum of IZ until water droths to street or storm
( , ivstuvod
Communi*fta'e -
5 1 0 W. Citrus Edge Street,, Glendora, CA 91740
Office: 626-914-1943 Fax: (626) 335-9320
E, ROCKS OR CLOPS. No rock or clods over 3;14" In
diameter shall be on top Of pra planting bed.
A. KILLIN6 PqEE[26: Contractor shall germinate and destroy
existing weed seeds bePore fraparIng oreas for
planting. Sufficient watersho I be applied to cov-se
week -seed to -sprout. Young j4eed5 shall then be
destroyed and removed before they have opportunity to
set seed.
5, AOL21TIONAL REGUIREMENT5P For additional weed killing,
refer to Planting Notes on the Planting Plan.
V11. 90L RWAM7M
A, SOIL REPORT. Before starting soil preparation the
controc tor, 5holl -submit o soll eeport to the Owner and
Landscape Architect. If no goll report is g-ubmitted
It will be oaguMeci that amendments were not added and
the Lorld.scope Contractor iWil be requested to give a
credit Par soil preparation.
5. COMPACTEP AREAS.. -5oll areas that ore compacted to
more than q2% during site preparation Mail be rtpped
to a minimum of 12" prior to be Inning so(/
preparation. These areas Mo?, loe defined by the
Landec9pe Architect and be billed as on
extra if the unit price Is quoted in the bid.
C. METHOP OF MIXIN6. IF the -slope to under 2 112 to I
the soil preparation materials .should be, broadcast
unil'ormly over oil landscape areas and worked to 0
depth OF 6" by a rotottiler Or other acceptable
mechanical means to obtain a unfPcirm blend to
the soll� If the slope 16 greater than 2 112 to I the
amendments shall be hydraulically applied for areas
over 1000 square Peet and raked In For small crecte.
For the soil amendment mix refer to the Planting Notes
on the Planting Plan.
0� EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL: In addition to the work
6pectPled above the Contractor .shall remove oil
extraneous material that Is exposed on the surface and
grade to facilitate run-off ol'surtoce water.
E, 12ELIVER!5LIP5, 5u ply deliverystios Prom the
a I
svppiter for the a amendments to the -site Ovik
foods from the Contractorer yard will not be accepted,
�ly empty bogs Par Fertilizer to the Superintendent
oep!he job)
A. CORRELATION- Trees and shrubs shall not be planted
until all operations in conjunction with the
.Installation of the -sprinkler system hove been
completed, fincligrodes hove been e6tobitshod, and the
planting be,ds properly prepared by cultivatton and
Fertilization as covered In these oveelfficottons.
0. HANVLIN(5� ANO 5TORA65 All plants -sholl be handled and
gtoreds,o they ore adequately protected Prom drying
out, sun, winciburn at^ any other injury.
C. PLANTIN& TIME: No planting sholl take place during
extremely hot, &y, windy or freezing weather.
0. LOCATION5. Relative P041tion of of/ plants and trees
Is subject to cipproval Of the Landscape Architect and
theq,gholl, If necessor be relocated at his
direction oe port of t4s contract.
E, 015TRIEVTION: No more plants shall be distributed
about the land-4cope area than Carl be planted and
watered on the some dog,
F. CONTAINER REMOVAL: Plant contalner-,li shall be removed
when planting the planta� Cans -shall be spilt on both
oldes, An axe or apacte Moll not be used. All
contotners Moll be removed from the site.
6. FLANTINO PtT6.. All tree and shrub tolt-s shall hove a
diameter of at looet twice the diameter of the
rootboll. Pit depths shall be minimum 12" deeper thati
the rootboll For trees and 611 deeper than the root
boll for shrubs or as per, planting details.
H. FLACIA9. Plants shall be placed and held during
backrill In on upright position in the center of the
pit. Plontasholl be held at, Or slightly above
nursery level. The earth boll shall be kept Intact,
Any exposed roots .shall be spread. injured root -c.
moll be pruned.
/� BACKFILL., Plant Pit backfilling .soil ,shall consist of
I port nitrogen stabilized sawdust - 2 parts topsoil.
Materials shall be thoroughly mixed before
replacement. In addition to Wckfill commercial
FertitIzer 20-10-5 AgrIform 21 gram tablets Moll De
added to plant pitg, at the following roteg.
IV one tablet per one gallon container
9 two tablets per five gallon container
0 three tablets per 15 gallon container
41 four tablets per 20" and 24" box
* five tablets per 50" box
V -six toblete Per 5&" box
0 ,
severi tablets per 4211 box
0 eight tablets per 60" box
I nine toDlets per 72" box
* ten tablets per &4" box
ground cover plants planted Prom flots or liners In
2: I or steeper slopes� Moll receive one 3 gram tablet
per plant
J. NATERINO,, 147en the pit has been bockfilled to three-
quorter6 of its depth water -shall be poured about the
roots. Air pockets shall be eliminated and backF111
continued untfl the backfill to brought to the grade
K, COMPACTIN6. 5OCkfIll shall riot be compacted around
the r,00ts or boll of the plant during or of ter
planting. The bockfill on which the plant boll rests
moll be lightly compacted,
M. _,5TAKIN6, Stokes shall be driven to sufficient depth
to hold tree r1q1d. Tree Moll be supported by at
least two tles� 7-4ee detolls,I.
0. PRUNIN6.- Limbs, branches, cones and runners which
require trimming shall be removed to leave a clean cut
Flush with trunk. (Pruning only og. directed by the
Landscape Architect).
P. PLANTINO BEP -`7: Planting bode Moll be edged and
cultivated to the line shown. Elects shall be &ought
to a smooth even surface conforming to estotV.shed
grades after full settlement has occurred,
A. REFERENCE: Refer to Forogrophe V. Vt� Vill. for I
finish grading, weed control, and .golf preparation.
E3. SOIL PREPARATIOM Prepare the soil as per there
,pecificotions and the planting Notes on the Planting
C, &RAE71N&: Areos .shall W raked and floated smooth to
provide a true and uniform surface.
0. PLANT PIT5 ANO FERTILIZERt Planting pits Par ground
cover sholl be 4" x 4" or adequate to accept material
Prom Flats without crushing or deforming the rootball.
Place a 20-10-5- Agelform -5 gram Fertilizer tablet In
each ground cover,
E, PLANTIN67. Ail ground cover areas noted on the PlOn-4
.;;,hall be rooted cuttings from Plata ondsholl W
planted In stag ored rowo continuously under all trees,
and shrubs at No spo6ing Incitcoted on the plane, All
plonte, sholl be protected from drying out prior to
F. NATERINO, Each section of ground cover shall be,
immediately watered upon elomPietfon of planting, and
thereafter as r,equired.
6. 5PACINO FROM E126E., The first row of ground cover
should ol"aye, be within 6" of the edge of the planting
, '
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A. REFERENCE: Refer to Parogrophs V. V1. V11. for finish
grading, weed control, and soil preparation.
B. _55OIL PREPARATIONt Prepare the, soil as per these
orctfications and the Planting Notes on the Planting
C. C-RAPIN64 Areo.s.9holl be roked and flootedsmooth to
provide a true and uniform surfoce.
V, OUAL 17Y OF PLANTS: Plants ,shall be healthy annual
plant material it) 4" pots In boom.
E. PLANT PIT5 ANO FERTILIZER.- Each plant pit For
ocosonol color shall be 6"x6"x6" with one teaspoon of
t;one treat mix into the, bo6kfitl mix. (Use shrub
backfill mix). 0o not use Aqr[Porm plant tablets.
0. NATERINe. Each section of seasonal colorsholl be
immediately wotered upon Completion OF planting, and
watered thereafter 05 required.
H. 5PACIN6 FROM E06E, The first row OF seasonal color
should oiNays be within ,69" OF the edge of the planting
A� OUALITr.. g7od shall be #6v,ode, machine cut at a
uniform thickness of 51a" excluding tip growth and
thatch, weed free and shall be. no less than eight
months nor more thonsixteen morths old.
B. 71MIN6: installation shall take place within 24 hours
after harveettr7g.
C. REFERENCE: Refer to Forrogrophs V. VI. VII. Par finish
grading, weed control, and soil preparation.
0. PREPARATION, ,Sod area prior to plontinc? shall be
rolled lightly and watered to a depth OF 6'7 the cloy
prior to planting. If any air pockets are found, the
area -shall be regraded as necessary. I Ightly water
the area to be plontedjust prior to planting.
E. INSTALLATION., Sod shall be laid in a staggered
pattern, with tight joints and in the some direction
each time. On oil slopes sodsholl be Installed from
the bottom up and the newly laid -sod should be
protected by wolking on boards as Installer moves
upward. On metal staples will be allowed. No sod of
less than le" in length will be allowed. No sod of
less than 16' In length will be olloj-4ed,
F. JOINT5: Adjoin the section of sod firml together.
IP air epaea; occur between sections, o�aod they must
be Pitted with gand or have the, sod retold.
0. ROLLIN6. Roll .sod with on adequately weighted roller
tosmooth out the sod bed.
H. PROTECTION OF EV&E6.. Pegrade to
Prom drying IF mo"ing edge Is not used.
1. PqATERINO. After Installation sod must be kept
thoroughly watered to a depth of 6". No foot traffic
should be allowed For 2 or 3 "eek -s from the, dote of
J. INSPECTION B'r SUPPLIER: If there are any questions
regarding the qvoiitq of sod Installation a
representative of the stVp1lor shall be requested to
Inspect the installation and the Contractor coiled out
by the suppiferla representative.
AL se4m (W mmoam clampk2L Aim*
A. ER05ION CONTROL.- Installation will be required in
locations specifically delineated on the drawlr?95 or
as necessary due, to field conciftfort-s.
1. The surface OF the slopes -shall uniformly smooth
and even with all debris and rocks raked out,
The soil -shall be sufficiently molet to permit
the firm laying of erosion control matting and
to prevent sloughing of topeoll.
2. The, erosion control matting -shall be told with
the direction of Plow OF surface drainage, and
in occordonce with the monufocturor�g,
direction.-,. The matting shall be cut to provide
0 visually ploosing slope.
3. The matting -,,hall be atoplact in place and firmly
embedded by means of tomping or rollin as
approved by the Owner, to ensure that t
matting is in contact with the soil and that no
erogion con take place under the matting.
4. Plontlng of turf, ground covers, shrubs ondlor
vines may be required In areas protected by
erosion control mottIng as specified In the
plans or as becomes noce_:isory.
All. P45R_4CA4WM
A, &ENERAL., The Contractor shall immediately replace
any and all plont materials which for any reason dle
or ore damaged while under hf-4 core, Roolocament.,�i
,hall be mode with plants of like kind and size in the
game manner as specified for the, origInol planting.
X#V. C42AT-W
A. CGEWRAL: After oil Installation operations hove been
completed remove off tro-sh, excess -soil, empty plant
containers and rubbish from the property. .All scars,
ruts or other marka in the area caused by this work
shall be repaired and the ground left In a neot and
orderly condition throughout the site. Contractor
shall pick up oil trash resulting from this work no
fees than each Friday before looving the site, once a
week ondlor the lost working day each week. All trash
shall be removed completely from the site.
a. TOP SOIL., Excess topsoil shall be removed from the
C. NEATNE55. Leave the 61dewolks and streets in a neat
and clean condition at the end of the cloy.
0. REMOVAL OF TAOS: Remove oil toge, labels, nursery
, and ties from oil plantg, unless other"Isio
directed, only at the end OF oil fratollation.s.
A, 6ENERAI .. At oil times during construction, adequate -
protection ,-,-hall be provided For all planted areas
against damage of any kind, until Plool acceptance by
the Landscape Architect.
TE -3. RESPON51BIL17Y. The Contractor shall be held
reoporWbie Par the core and preservation at all
exiotIng buildings and structure -s on the propert and
adjoe'ent premlsea. Any port of them in red, Imaged
Or disturbed because of his work il� repaired,
replaced or cleaned by him at his expense.
A. SHRUBS: All shrubs shall be guaranteed as to growth
and health for a period of n1noty doys after
completion of the specified mointenance period ondlor
final acceptance by the Owner.
E3, TREff5t Trees shall be guaranteed to live and grow in
acceptable upright position for one, year after the
speaff led mointenonce period ondlor final acceptance
by the Owner. The owner must provide adequate
maintenance to Insure the extended guarantee on trees.
C. DEFINITION OF DEATM Plants which die or lose more
thon 50% of their original leaves shall be replaced.
P. REPLACENEWt The Contractor within seven (7) days of
written notification by the CWner shall remove and
replace oil guaranteed plant materials which, For any
reason, Poll to meet the requirements of this
guarantee, Replacement shall be mode with plant
materials as Indicated or specified for the first
planting and all such replocement materials shall be
guaranteed as -specified for the originol !guaranteed
I- *
El 1,11, WN"11 �211 ` �
11. 0
A. MAINTENANCE PER100. The maintenance, period shall
commence upon the Owner's written approval of all
phases OF planting (notallation and shall be for the
Following perlod:c[Ct 0A'r5.
B. 6ENE-RAL. T�w general rare and maintenance of oil
areas shall consist of proper watering, Fertilization,
weeding, 61con-up to maintain oil plonts, and turf In a
healthy, groAfrig condition and o-4 noted below.
C. 6ROUNV COVER: Oround cover from flot-5-oreas without
overseed - apply a pre -emergent herbicide in
accordance with the monufocturer's printed
L2. FERTILIZATION. Mointenance work Moll include
Fertilization with a commercial fertilizer at 30 day
intervals as noted herein. The fertilizer may be
-superseded by the soils report and shall be approved
by the, I ands6ope Archite6t.
E. k4EE0IN6-, Any concentrated development of weed growth
that may appeor in planting areas during the
maintenance period shall be removed at 10 day
Intervals. The Contractor .shall remove such
concentrations of weeds manually. I
F. 6ROUNO COVER AREA5t Cultivate oil non-hydroseeded
ground cover areas at not more than 10 day Intervol-s.
6. 5HRU55ANOTREE5, All shrubs Moll bepinch runedo-a
necessary to encourage new growth. Dead, wIlTled
f lowers and dead foliage .shall be continuously
removed. No pruning Moll be done to -shrubs or trees
without the a oval and under the direction of the
Landscope / ffrcZtect, All wounds over 1-112 inches In
diameter Moll be sealed with on approved tree aeol.
R TURF AREA6t Edge and mow to a height of 2 Inches
whenever the turf reaches a height of 3 inches, C-rogs
611ppings -shall be removed oFf-afte.
1. -SUBSURFACEORAIN5: All subsurface area drains shall
be periodically flushed with clear water to avoid
bulid-up oPollt and debris. Keep oil droin inlets
clear of leaves, troah and other debrig,
J. PROTECTION: Ouring the maintenance period, the
Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining
adequate protection of oil planting areas. Any
damaged areas shall be repaired at the Contractors
K. RE-H'r]2R0_5EE0IN9., The Contractor ,,�,holl re-hydroseed
oil hydroseed areas eroded or non-germinoting at the
end of each _��O days of mofntencnco�
I . IRRIC-FATION., All irrigation must be, Operating properly
and adjusted properly Par efficient coverage, and
minimum oversproy at the end OF the maintenance
M, FINAL ACCEPTANCE. Pqfll be, given at the end of the
maintenance period For oil plontedareas, once
hydro -seed germination and plant establishment has been
obtained and there ore no barren areas larger than 311
x _6� All plont5 must be In 0 healthy, growing
condition as approved by the Londge,ope Architect and
N. CONVITION OF SITE: Ourin the maintenance period,
keep the project neat anyeree Prom debris at all
, ,fte storage,
times Obtain the Owner's opprovol For onr
of equipment or maintenance materials.
xvin. Fom ww= rim 08MTM AW FWAL
P64MMAMM wawrm
Improvements hove been installed In oc6ordonce with
the plans and specifications the Contractor shall
notify the Landscape Architect and request a "Final
Congtru6tfon" Inspection. IF the Landscape Architect
determines the work to be. substantially complete and
in conformance. with plane and specifications, the
Contractor will be advised that the basic maintenance
period Is started.
/. In order to be sul�etantlafly complete, at least
the Following must hove been Finished.
a, All fine groding, Including elimination of
low points that hold runoff.
b, A complete and operable irrigation system.
6. Installotle-41 OF oil plant materials.
d' _9'eeding of all seeded areas.
2. Minor pick-up items may be completed during the
basic maintenance period such as.,
a. Resodding of bare spots In lown.
b. Repto6ement of damages or non-coniPorming
plant material.
C. Re -stoking or tyfn!g of trees.
Id, w of sprinkler hoods to grade ofter
turf has established.
f. Replacement of Loauthortzedaubstitution5.
maintenance period and when ground covers and turf
hove established and oil pfck-u Items hove been
completed, the Controcborsho Firequest a Final
maintenance inspection. The Contractor will be
advised by the Landscape Architect at the final
In.spection that worlk is or is not satisfactory.
1. If the work is satisfactory, the basic
maintenance period will end on the dote of the
Final Inspection.
2. If the work is unsatisfactory the basic
maintenance period will continue at no
additional expense to the Owner until the work
has been completed, inspected and approved by
the Landocape Architect.
C. FAILURE To PA53 INSPECTION. If work Polio to pass
final Inspection, any !?vbaoquent Inspections must be
rescheduled as per above, and will be char ed to the
Contractor at the prevailing hourly rote or ge
Landscape Architect.
AS-SULT V"fK*^1N,,'6S
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TRACT 17388 '���
�� DATE:
8--_ P,F, �i
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�11 i / 7 f I 02/2B/07
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