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I -
E. Do not willfully install the sprinkler system as indicated on the drawings when it is obvious 3.20 COVERAGE TEST: 2, Fertilizer olant tablets shall be'AGRIFORM SLOW RELEA8E'to b M. Finish grade all. planting areas to a smooth and even conditions, making certain that no �
LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM I I e applied per t 1 � Seed - types, amounts I
in the field that unknown obstructions or grade differences wAsL that might not have been Manufactu'rer's Specifications. water pockets or irregularities remain. Remove and dispose of all foreign materitals, dods
� I considered in the engineering or if discrepancies in construction details, legend, or When the sprinkler system is completed, petform. a coverage test in the presence of the Ownees and rocks over one inch. In diatneter within six in&. tes of tho surface so that, after 2. 1 Fertilizer - analysis, amiount -11, 1,11
PART I - GENERAL specific notes are discovered, All such obstructions or discrepancies should be brought Representative to determine if the water coverage for planting areas is oomplete and adequate, Furni&, all Application rates: conditions and planting, the finish grade inshrub and in groundcover areas is 03"below the - � 1,;
to; the attention of the OWner's Representative. In the event this is not done, the materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies &I coverage due to deviations from Apply 21 gran-, agriform tablets at the follawing rat " below the top of all walks. �
I , as per plant by size - top of all curbs and I 3. Muloh� - type, amourit -
1.01 Contractor must assurne flull responsibility for revisions neces-sary. Befom any work plans. or where the systern has been wfllfully installed as indicated or. ft drawinqp when it is obviously �
I I , I , I . -1
commences, confer with the Ownees Reptesentative regarding general details of work of inadeq.tiate, without bringing this to the attention ef the Oviner's RepresenUttiva this test sahall be Sbn_1b_s_: L Om ift rototilling on slopes 2 to 1 or greater in ration. Instead, lightly hand scarify the soil� 4. Seeding additive -type, amount
- I . I I
RWer to standard contract documents for non-technicall corAractual requirements and condition& this contra&.. accomplished before planting begins. - 1 gal. shrub - 1 tablet Refer to Drwvvings for sloped areas, if any, - *
- -,
,� -
-5 gal. 'shrub - 3 tablets S. Nurnber of loads - arnount of water I _��_,
-9.021 SCOPE OF WORK -i 3.02 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE 3.21 HYDROSTATIC TEST-. -1 5 gal, & 24" box shirubs - I tablet for each 41/20ol trupk Diameter or each foot off. J. Patch all areas having damage from arosion ard so related ewth moving.to crewe a I � I
I I . height �or spread. smo-oth and regular suftce for planting. Final grade to, be approved by Ownees 6. Area covered - in acres I . I 11 I
Fumish labor, materiallA equipment, appliances and services necamry for the execution and completion of X Contractor will be respomilole for rotif ng the Landscape Architect and Owner's AI! Hydrostatic tests. shall be made on4y in the p - I I ., I -
I I - - Yj -resence of the Owrmr's Representative, or other duly Thees: Representative. - -
I � I I . . . 1 T Equipment used - capacity and license number _ - I
- I
"Landscape IrrigabW as Indicated or, the drawings and/or herein specified. Representative in advance for tfis following observaflons according to the 'time indicated: authorized representative' of -the Oviner. No pipe shall be backtilled until it h" been inspeded, tested, and Apply one 21 gram agriform -tablet for each 1,12" of trunk diameter or each foot of . - I � -1 �
0- �
approved in wtiting. I res-sturp supp4y lines shall be tested under a hydrostatic piessure of 150 pujnds r*r height or spread. 3.04 SOIL CONDITIONING (also see Fine Grading Section) I � , I I I � �
pi; - i - I � D� ProtealQn/Cleart-ur, Prevent andlor dean -up overWay onto concrete reserVoIrs, I , - , I
iii �illilr- J-� - Pre -job Conference - 7 days � square inch for a penod of, four hours-, Gmuad-C&-yar-
j EZM1,2 - - MALEMULS, I I ' I I i
' A. 19roadcast. -the recommended soil additiNes per 1,000 square feet and cultivate to a depth drainage ditches, Channels, structures, roads and walkway -S. 01ferspray and spillage
-Preassure suppry line instaltation and teesting - 36 hours Apply one 5 gram agriform tablet per rooted ground cover cutting. Refer to � oft 'all be r I I I
*System. laypqt - 36 hou I Coverage teeW - 30 hotys I of 611 based upon required soils and plant laboratory report. It is the Contractoes restricted areas sh , . emoved the same day at Contractor's expense to the
, , FS - - Manufacturees So icetion for instaffetion procedure, I -, I � 11 �
Maleriats shall be of first quality and of domestic manufacture unless otherwise noted. - 3.22 COMPLETION , ecif, 11 11 ,,,, - � I
� � I - - " -f 0 SORS & plant �atiefactfibn off the Owner'- Representative. I a ..... - -
.�, 11
-Final lnsq��tion i 48 hours responsibility to obtain soils testt. Soils analysis shall be d ne by . -11, �
1 & Organic arnendment shall be nitrolized redwood sawdust (.50/0 actual nitrogen), or, Laboratory, inc, 412 S . Lyon, Santa Ana, ""'A (71 4) 55"333, Copies of the report shall �
21.01 SUBMISSION F OR APPROVAL A. Upon compWion of the work-, make ground surfaoe level- remove excess materials, � _�_ " - - I
� � - -
c,onducted by other than the regular Owner's I � ne textured, having be 3.09 STAKING (Sw Staking Details)
I S. When Observations Nrve been , - allation equipm, ent from the Fir Bark 1% nitrogen). It shall be fi , sent to the Owner's Representatives. I
I I rubbishi. debris, etc,, and remove construction and insf . minitnum 8Q*/d passing #8 L A N D S C A P E
Fumish ths artides, equipment, materials-, or processes specified by narne on the drawings and in Representative, &iow evidence of %-,fhen wnd by whorn these obwvations were made. Premises. screen and minimurn 9512/6 Dassing 44 meen screen. Salinity shall be no highter
I a-, For bidding purposess when no soils report's available in all planting areas the following A. Stakes shall be driven into the ground in such a way as to minimize damage to the
18-w-cifications, P -Jo substitutions will be altowedwittoutprior written approval of the Owner's Representative, than 3.5 rniffirnhos oer cenfinneter at 25 Centigrade as masured by -saturation- � j - I - ARCHITE C T U R F
C. No observation will comm. once without as-buift drawings. extract conductivity�, Orgarvic amendment shafl be mineralized with iron sulfata application shall be miade per 1,000 square feet of area and shall be thoroughly cultivatted rootball of the tree, and shall be placad so that the tr'ee will blow away from the stalkes, � I
A. A complete material fie, shall be ,submitted to the Owner's Represwtati,je prior to a. Supply as part of thiss contraet the following too1w. Pine shall not be used &§ an organic amendrnent. in two directions into the top 9" of soill, and the ar6a watered down, except where such placernent will be subject to damage by parked cars. I
pe,01ormingany work. Catalog data and full dew, iptive literature rnjust be submirted - Two wrenches- for disassembling and adjusting each type of eptinklar head supplied. round trunk with ties, and securely attach to stake(s). Attach loose enough
� � 2 CU. YD8. nitrolized wood shavings 0. Form ' ops a.
whenever t � he use of items different than those specified is requested. Notarized � - Two keys for each aLdomatic controller. 4� Import soil, if required, shall belfree from debris, roots, and large rock and shall '0 � � 102 21 -A Trademe rk Stre at
' w that tree can sway sllghtiy in the wind. (Refer to Detail)
certificates must be submitted by plastic pipe and fitting. manufacturer indicating that Connectons to the existing points of connection shall be at the approximate locations shown on the - Four quick coupler keyswith attached hose swivels. be of the saffie structure and USDA classification as the site soil and shall be 20 LBS, iron sulfate Randho Cucamonga, CA 91730
drawings. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made Without additional cost to the free of all deleterious materials harmful to plant li'lle. Expansive soil is not 1909) 484-2800
material complies with spiecificaiions, unless material has been previously approved. - Four (4) of each of all types of sprinkler Neads and nozzles, .
I � Owner. - Two keys for andosure lock. acceptable. Q Planting pits shall be excavated three times the diameter and I" shallower than the ro-otball 3.10 GUYING Fax ("-I 494-2,80 2
0. The materiall Hsi shall be submitted using the following layout (doubie space between each - Two cover liffing tools for valve boxes. I . depth for trees, twice as wide and T deeper than the rootball for shrubs. (Refer to planting -Ir 0* gas?%V16 P.Mard Kr-uff Wade
B. Plant Miaterials, details). I rees 36" box size or larger, shall be immediately guyed after planting with four guys per tree. (Refer to J.- a r -, �, CA Llc� # 2834
` 1, AZ
item): 3.04 LAYOUT: a
i "I Detail) - : W Lie. # 291i 6
C. The above eaulorneret shall be turned over to the Ownele at the conclusion of the project, 4 - � - I " Lic. # 446
i it 11 plants shall, conform to the Caiifomia Standard Grading . For p zt al-alea's- , m, alflas- and fffns- I �tl*vv%r se TXUc4 18a4
, I Layout, sprinkler heads and make any m.i.nor adjustments required due to differences betwo.en site and Before final acceptance car. occur, evidence that the Owner has received materials must � Qual; y and size of afl I D lan-s o1her .. , backfill, plant pits wit, soil
AaM h -'D- Dafiadpkln MaDufamLez MoldaAl ' Code of nursery stock'and shall, be No. 1 grade. Plantst shall be vigorous, or excavall d fro rn. Pit. Db --not any additional arnandmeritts to backfill mix, 3.11 PRUNING: � I . I
-4 Pressure -Supply Lines Lasco Scliedule 40 drawings. Any such devilations in 'layout shall be within the intent of the ori, inal dravvings, and without be &I town'to the Ownees Representative . .
! � 91 normal growth, free from disease, insects, insect eggs and larvae. All plants
Z Lawn Head Buckner #404 additional cost to the Owner.- Layout shali be approved by the Owner's Representative before installation. shall equal or exceed any rneasuremetft specified and shall be supplilead from the E. Prepare soil mix for back fill in pitsfor ii r. i - --If;-- X- Pruning of nursery stock shall not bna done prior to delivery. Plants and trees shall oniv be pruned for healtin 1000����
' � I and othal, piants (as ' i I I 1
3� Etc, Etc� Etc. 11 or structuralreasons, including the need to'ellminate diseased, damaged, or structurally unsound growth. I I
, i I
1 3.06 GRADES: I source indicated when a source is spedfie& specifiled' as followls: � Pruning shall be perform, ed according to ANSI A-300 or international Society of ArboricTulture standards DSCAP,e I
I under supervision of a quallifled arborist approved by tie Landscape Architect. I EAVE OPEN WOUNDS r, , � 4
4.01 RECORD DRAWINGS 2� Corstainer stock shall have gmwn in containers forMt least one year, but not over I t8 Washed Plaster sand 9 . 0
C. Equfoment. or rn'aterials installed or f urnished without the prior approval of the Owner's Before starting work on the sprinkler system, carefully chieck all grades to deter -mine that work may safely ' 1'0 AIR-DRY - DO NOT USE ANY FORM OF '111-IREE PAINT' OR WOUND SEALF-IR. - �Pl,
T two years. Samples shall be shown to prove that no rootbourd condithons 1/3 Canadian Peat Moss 4(4 - 0 �e
RepreserAtative imay be rejected and such material removed from the site at no expense to proceed, keeping within the specified material depths. 1 /3 Loarnite or Forest Humus * _��_
� � A. Record accur-ately on one set of black and white prints of the drawings, all changes in the prevail. No container platrts that have cracked or broken bAlls of earth, when i ___
the Oviner. I . I -
Work constituting departures from the original contract drawings, including changes taken from container, sh,,�1111 be planted except on speciall approval' from the *-�. C2 I
in 1 3.12 MULCHING: _j =1 - -- -, - 4v�
� 3.06 ASSEMBLIES I i i Palms shall be concrevIle sand. (Refer to details) -
D. Approvall of any items, afternetes, or substftlutes indicetes only that product(s) apparently both pressure and non -pressure lines. awner's Representative. F. Backfil' mix for I -_ t �
I I � P re I
A. All planting ar6as (vxc6pt as noted) shall be mulched (bop dressed) with a rhimmum of 2" I! ,I -
rneet the requiremerits of the drawings and specifications on the basis of the information A, Install the back,flow assembly at the height required by local codes. B. Upon completion of each increment of work, transfer all such -information and dimensions 3, Nomenclature conforrns "to customary nursery usage: For clarification., the ternin G. The prepared soil shall be uniformily blended in an area adigeent to the planting w1ork and I -
or samples submitted, depth lay&r of wood fiber material, Remove mulch failing on hard -surface areat-. "I I - -
to the prints. The changes and -dimensions shall be recorded in a legible and workmanlike "multi -trunk" defines a plant having a minimum of, three trunks and a maximum off shall be accurately proportioned using a suitable measuring container, Unused _�_ 11 - :,*. -
B. Routing off'pressure supplyflnes as indicated on drawings is diagrammatic. Install lines ' ,five trunks of necarly equal diarnater. excavated soil shall be removedfrom site. Protect the mix from water until it has beer .1 ,
, manner to the satisfaction of the Ownees Representative. Whenthe drawings are I � EWA , ,
E. Manufactureft warranties shall notrelieve liabilitv underthe guarantee, Such warranties land various assem.blies) to conform, with details on plans.
- I
dhall only supplarnentthe guarantee. T he Owner's Representative may, at his option, I approved, transfer aill informetion to a set of reproducible drawings at cost by the Ownees . placed in backfill around plants. 3.13 CLEAN-UP I
I I Representative. 4� Ingpections; Ail plant materialsimust have been prevjously inspected at the OF 0 AX.%*
require a manufacturer's warranty on any pro-durct offlered for use. C, Install no multiple ass,emblies on plastic lines. Provide ea&. assem. bly with its own olutlek. - t I I ---
' I's I nursery by a State or County Horticultural Department, and shall be subject to ' I I I
When called for, the pressure relief valve shall be the last assembly. C. Dimensionsfrom two PeManent points of reference (buildings, monuments, sidewalks, the inspection and approval of the Landscape Architect before planting. 3.06 WEED CONTROUABATEMENT A. During thie course of the work and at its conclusion, remove surface material from the site
� � I ition.
2.02 GENERAL PIPING D. Brass pipe and fittings shall be assembled using T on dope, or equivalent, applied to the curbs, pavement, etc.). Locations shown on a -s -built dravvings shall' be kewt day to day as ! and leave the prernises M, a neat and clean cond M������
I efl � A. Weed abatement: after earthwork, installation of irrigation system.. and soil preparation,
the project is being Metalled. All dimensions noted on drawings shall' be 3/8 -inch in size, a. Inspection of Plant Material, fnspectio�n of plant materia -F.'s required by I -
I A. Pressure supply line from point of connection through backi'low prevention unit shall be rn.ale threads only. This is also true off plastic pipe and threaded fittings. 11� but prior to planting, perform, weed abatement prograrn to all planting areas as follows: B. Remove all tags, labels, nursery stalkess and; ties from all plants,
0 4 %_I�jty, County, Stat re, or Federal authorities shalt' be the responsibility of
per tocal code. Pressure supply flnes downstream of backflow prevention unit shall be per D. Show locations and depths of the following items: the Contractor and where n6cessary he s1hall have secured pertnits or
I i , ed planting areas; 3.14 PROTECTION
the legend. 3.07 LINE CLEARANCE: c6rtificates prior to delivery of plants to the site.
-Point of connection. a. Apply sulfate of ammonia at the rate of 5 Lbs. per 1,000 Sq� Ft. to all Contractor shall carp -fully and continuously protect all areai§ included in the Contract, including plant
B. Non -pressure lines shall be %Class 200 PVC pipe. All, lines shall have a minimum clearance of 4 inches- from each other, and 6 inches from lines of other trades. -Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension maximum 100 feet along routing). b. Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval or rejection at place '
I areas be Dianted, materials, fences, supports, public safety, etc., until final acceptance of the v.vork- by the 0wner's
Parallel lines shall not -be installed directly over one another, -Sprinkler coMrol valves 1buried only,!, of growth and on the project site at any time before and during progress �
2.03 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS -Routing of control valves. of work or during the maintenanice period. Poor condition, latent I Representati, ve.
3.08 TRENCHING -Other related equipri-tent (as may be directed by the Owner's Representative). defects, injuries, and improper size, variet b. Keep area moist by reguicar irrigeflons for a period of Nfo (2) vieeks to
� I .1y, and shape shall be cause i k
A. Ali pipe shall be extruded of an improved PVC virgin pipe co;mpound featuring high tensile for reiection. Rejected plants shall be removed from the project site gernninate existing weed seeds, 3.15 MAINTENANCE
strength, high chemical res' istance and high irripact strength. In terms of the current A. Dig treoiched and support pipe continuousty on bottom of ditch. Lay pipe to an even E. Quick coupfing valves, imm�djattely.
ASTM Standard D- 1 7 9 or D-2241, this compound shall meet the requi C, At the end of two vveeks, apply "Round -Up Pro" or equal systemic herbicide, X Mainten I rations shall begin immediately after eadh plant is planted and shall be
16 1 rements of cel I grade, Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and ass noted. Do not irrigate within six (6) hours after application. Herbicide shall be ance ope (0
Where lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below F. Maintain as -built drawings on site at �tll times. 5� Substitutions for the indicated plant materials wij'l be permitted provided the continued satisfactonly for a period of 90 days after the tinne all iterns of work have been -10 ,:t Uj
classification 12454B for pipe and 1345-4B for fittings. Thi's compound must have a 2,000, applied by an individual w! h appropriate license, refer to MFG completed as, sa-pecified heereii
subgrade. substitute materials are approv-ed in advance by the Landscape Architect and It ' n and to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative. >
I specifications for period of time required frot-h time of application to time
ps-i hydrostatic design stress rating. G. Make all changes to reproducible drawings in ink. If necessary, use eradicating fluid whee, the substitutions are made at no additional cost to Owner, ExcepA for authorized of implementing planting. After complete weed kill, remove allwe6d D ,0 Uj T_
B. Provide minimurn cover of 18 inches on all pressure supply lines. redoing drawings. variations, all substitute plant materials shall, conform to the requirements of residue and top growth and dispose of in a legal manner. B. During the maintenance period specified in paragraph A. above., all plants and planted X 0
B. All pipe mutt bear the folio -wing markings-, Manufacturer's name, nominal, pipe Size, th6se specifications. if the accepted aubstituternaterials are of a less value areas shall be kept watered at all fimes; weseds shall be rernoved and disposed of, basins
� Alternative methods of weed kill for item(-' may be Total Vag. Killer or ' 0 Nt < CC 00
re rating in P,S � I., and NSF (National Sanitation Foundation), res, Provide minimum cover of 12 than those indicated or specified, the Contract pricawill be adjusted 1 - maintained and cul vated and kept well fornied around trees and C-0
sct%dule or class, pressui C. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches for all control wi, � 4.02 CONTROLLER CHARTS in I and depressions shall be ' I 7 LLJ -
I Glyfos applied per licensed herbicide agency and specifications. !�__
The rminufacturer shall, also maele, the date of extrusion on the pipe. inches for non -pressure liness. accordance with the pro -visions of the Contract. shrubs; paper and debris shall be regularly removed from planters; and water system shall W �_
� : be maintained and repaired; rodents shall be controlled; and the entire project shall be so 1) t- a, LLJ Z Y_
A� As -built drawings must be approved by the Ownees Representative before charts are C. Tree support materials: ted I 01)
C. Solvent cement joints for plastic pipe and fittings shall be made as prescribed by the , D. Provide minimum cover of 24 inches for all lines under paving. prepared. 2- Shrub, and hand plant ground cove, areas; cared for that a neat and clean condition is presented at all times, Keep walks and CU.,
manufacturer, The high chemical resistance of the pipe and fitting compounds specified 9: T- < M Lij <
swept clean, Legally dispose of excess mat&ials including. paper 6nd debris in planted le 0
1 -
I in the foregoing sections makes it mandatory that an aggressive primer, which is a true 3.09 BACKFILLING a, Provide one controller diart tor each controller supplied, of the maximum size the 1 � Stakes for tr,4,::e support shall be 11odgepole pine free from knots, rot, cross grain a. Apply pre -emergent weed control dhernicals to hand planted areas, () 0 (.)
+ groundcover areas. Do not apply to areas to be seeded. Uj
solvent for PVC, be used in coniunction with a es-olvent cement designed for the fi L of the or other defects that would impair strength, Stakes sh-:0 be pressure treated - # 0) 2:
� I controller aloor will allovi, showing ithe area covered by the automatic controller. "T'he chart y 4 01_011 I �- <e
I ecified. with pentachlorophenol, and a minimum of 2" diameter b I long and pointed at C. Maintain a sufficient number of man and adequate equipment to perform the maintet. 10
pipe and the fittings of each size range sp A. Initial backfill on all 'lines shall be of a fine granular ma-Iterial with no foreign matter larger is to be a reduced drawing of the actual as -built system. However, in tho, event the . iance - 0 En < Z
' i '
� that 1/2 -inch in size, Backfill material shall be approved soil'. controller sequence is not legiUle when tte drawing is reduced, it, shall be enlarged to a one end. b, Proceed with installation of shrubs and groundcover after removal of work herein specified from the time of planting until completion of the maintenance period a �_ Z, R fr 0
D. Each pipe installer expected to make solvent joints shall receive instiruetions in 'the proper size -that will be readable when reduced. The char. shall be a blackline print and a different any weeds by cultivation. and acceptance by Ithe Owner. '
I I 02
I i 2. Ties for holding trees shall be "cinch -fie" or approved equal, "Cinch -tie" manud, 0 < a
assembly of such joints from the representative of either pipe, cement, or fitting B. Backfill material shall be tamped in 4-irch layers, under the pipe and. uniformily on both color shall -be us'ed to show the area of coverage for each station. c� if stubborn and residual weeds should persist, i.e. Bermuda grass, -
- manufacturer before starting the job, unless he has been previously instructed on sides for the full width of the trench and t," -,e full length of the pipe. Materials shall -he by V.1.'1'. Products, 15561 Product Lane, D-4, Huntington Beach, CA 92649, D. An ap lication &I fertilizer shall be made to ail landampe areas Juet prior to the- completion .j 0
' ' eradicat re shoud be repeated. The type of weeds that M I j < CC a
recommended solvent cementing procedures by a competent representative of the sufficiently damp to permit, thorough compaction under and on each side of pipe, to C. When completed and appro-ved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces tion procedu , of the maintenance period according to the recommendations for the required soils -
manufacturer. V0 1 3. Tree guying materials shall be as follows: exist should be identified and coordinated ,wiih an approved Ificeensed laboratory report. < - 0
provide supportufree of, ids. Back,fill for trenching shall be oompacted to dry density of plas--ttic, each piece being a minimum 20 -mils. thick. The chart shall be mounted using peet control advisor to ensure cbrnpatibility with chernical and season Ul C) C)
aqua! to the adjacent undisturbed soil, and shall conform to adjacent grades without dips, Velcro or approved equal type of tape. of application, Do not use matterial or mathod thWt would adversely Y V L.L. 1--
E. Ail! fittings shall be ,standard weight schedule 40. Atthe ourchaser's discretian, contr�ict � Ground anchors for guying shall be redwood peir detail. E A written nWtice requesting a pre-maintentance inspection shall be racelved by the Owner's
- � i I sunken a4mas, .h.umps, or other irregularities. Under no droumstances shall truck wihe�ls (a) affect new plantings.. siope stabilization, or hy'droseeding. ' - � . (=�
preference may be given those suppliens able to furnish all types of fitfings required under � Representative at 1 ast 5 days to completion of the project.
be used for compacting soil. D� 71 hesse charts must be completed and approved prior -11.0 final insspection of. the irrigation I le . �_ () 00
. i ,
- I
this contrae. from a single -manufacturer, in order thWt res,ponsibility swill not he divided -in (b) Guy.ng wtire shall be 12 gauge annealed galvanized steel.
I syeteM k ) ; -
warranty daim situations. ^ f i le for control of tweeds in ail landscape are -as through the F. I 1 4
1 A wr tten notice requesting finallinspection shall be received by the Owner's,
%_r. Provide sand backfil, a rninimum -of A, inches over and under all piping under paved areas. B. he Contractor shall be responsibi . I ' If
I 1� i I Representative at least r- days prior to- completion off maintenance period- .
( ) Guying cable shall be a minimum cof +111NIIIJ strands- r-naking a WIT � I - �
� 4.03 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS I final, acceptance of the wtork. Any sellective vVeed onontrol spray or physical weed renvval
E All fiftfings shall be injectio,n molded of an improved PVC fittings compound featring hih diarneter steel cable, shall be the Corrt.ractLor's,,-esponsibili'LY and the Contractor shall re if e
4 1 1 1 a I 110 PVC PIPE �a any darnag
tensile strenglth;, high chemicall ressistanoe. and high imp, ct strength, in ternms of the resulting, from weed control activiTy, G, The Contractor shall rnake a ro,enodic inspection of Plant r-neterials until the end of the
� I � X Prepare and deliver to the 10wrier's Representwtive it-4thin ten days by calendar prior to E i If unifavoraWle conditions exist v-,jhich might be ham-iful to the
n� - 1 7841'� � I 14� - - n s 'be at' the same guarantee plant period, 1 1
6G, the compound must. meet them, requirements desicnibed , 1i .
current ASTAPI Sta. -lard D ; I , ) Hose chl tafing guards shall be a wtonder treete. af d hall
- � � A� PVC pipe shall be, snaked in a im tannar which wilt' pnovide for expansion and contraction as cornpletion of cons-iruobon, all required and necessary -1416-scriptilve ,,r. aterial in complete ' '
� - ,tor shall n&tify the Owner in wKiting of the condiftion, or he.
� � - I " shaii be one and one- f trie guaranteed plant, the Contrac � i !I
in call classification *434-548-� Wth-ewe threads are required in plastic fitfings, these shall' be color on the, project, Leng-th. hafftirntes C. All herbicides shall be applied only by a licensed herbicide ap i on agency, No
recommended by the pipe trianutacturer Metalled !ahbel up, detail and sufficient quantity, properly prepared in individual bound copies- c4fthe operation ' . plicaf,
i Ided also. All te-es and eMs shall be side gated. � � I L
in-jection mtol circurnference of the plam at its base� rinfay be held responsible under,the guarantee.
ard maintenan-nue manual. The manual shall describe the rnatenal in-stafled and shall be ifn � herbicides shall be applied w&ttoutt fir-st obtaining written approval from the citty inspector.
B� Ail plastic to metal joints shalli be made with plastic., malle adaptors, unless othtervnjisse sufficient detaflto permit I a operating personnel to understand, operate, and maintain all, - - I
G. Apply p6mer and soll-vent on all pipe sizes and fittings, Primer solvent on both female and - K Pre-maint,enance inspeadjon a, -,d final inspe ns are to be - d with the understanding
I , ctio nd I
S I shown in details. equirornmee-M. Spare parts lfislts- and releted rnanufacturer information shall be included for 1 3.06 PLANTING SHALL BE DONE AS FOL -LOWS: -
Male ends. ( e) Guying cable shall be cavered with 3/8" dia x 3" long whi a PVC tubi that t e proied, has beer, reviewed by thte prindpalls ce, the responsible Contractor in
each soUipment, item .."nstalled. Each. corriplete, bound irrianuall shall include Ithe following 1� I - it ng, ' I - I - i _�f -
i , I advance of the review b "the Ownees Representative andilor Owner. Discrepandes noted
H. A 1 1 fitti. ngs shall llbbeair t he cc! nipany's narme or tradema rk, materia I dest gnation, si ze C� The joints- shall be aitowedd to set at, least twenty-four (24) hours, before pressure is applied inforniation: ( A. Planting of Trec-s Y I i f
j 1 'T'umbuckdes shall be galvanized or cadmiurn-plated steei and have a 3" during this advance review are to the ororrected before the ,projeac.t receives these offfi- a' -
to file PVC pipe system. I � � - . A -
applicable I.P.S. schadule. and NSF sea! of approval. I minimum lengttrwiise ope-nina, fifted with screw eyese. I I -
i � - inspections,
I � e0t stating Contrac 's address and telephl n r - I
, index sh !or, o. e numbhe,, duration w, 1 . Posftion plants in plant locetions indicated on drawings and swure approval I
- i .
I � � �
i D. Main flines shall be tes-ted in place before backfilling for a De-ar od of not less than flour 64 guara.Mee period, list of equiorn-ent with names and addresses of local before ex-cavating pits, MaKing necessary adjustments as ind-icated. I =
I � , ) �
1� -hreaded nipples shall be standard wie,Qht Schedule 80, with rnodded t-Uhreads. I ri III . -rhe Lanndscape Contractor shail refer to thhe Landscape Maintenance; N f T
houns and shall szhhown no leakage or loss oil pressure. During thatest pedod, minimurn manufaeturner revresentatilies, I � I Icanual for fu&ler
All t 19) Duckbill 88-0-�T 8 eatth anchor may be used as an alternate to the guying I I
I I materials specified above manuf. by Fore&ight Pro -duds-, Inc. North innaintenance requirements (if appilicable)
test pressure, at the highest point of the secaion bellng teeled, shall be 150 pounds Der 2, M! Pitt for trees shall -he dug square w,qh bottom level, the length of sides 11
I . if I ' . Uj Glen, Colorado, (1-8000) 325--63W, equal' to three tMesithe vpdth and 2" less than the depth of the tree root ball.
2.04 PVC CONDUIT/SLEEVIING i lengths is allowed. I � I
squareinch. Center -hiling el pipe- I 2. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on aafl major ea 'prinennt. .
. . Compacted s,oills at sides and bottoms senall be loosened by scariffying or -other PA R T 4 - G IJA RA fflEc_7S
+ L !
Pipe that is i'lised for r,on rol wires stle-eving shall be PVC conduit Schedule 40: Typzt& 1220. All w4res undier . ; D� Mulching: Mul& shall consist of processed wood fiber meterial equall to or supplied approved method. Once thee treeis poistioned in the wft, the pit shaillbe filled
t � T� i + -
, E. After all new sprinkler piping and rislers are in ,place and connected, all necessary Work-, B. in addillion to the above mwmenance manuals., provide Me maintenance per-sonnel with- I A
4 . Cc k-,-.--% 1, I
paving shall, be -installed in JONIC condui . or sleaves as indicated in detaills and L ' , , -3321 . Submit sample of any alternative triatiesdal witth soill as per specs, tho l application. (Reefer to '
R V. edend. i i I by Eafthworks, Not- (909)538 1 � I . a
, 10 t instaflati�n of sprinkler heads. con'throll va-111-ves shall .nstru&fions for major equipment and show wetiten evidence to the Owner4s "
- has been compleied ana pr, r to the i H i I C� i - �
prior to purchase andlor placement for 0winees Representative's approval. plarAting detalls and spading dettaills.) 4.01 GUARANTEE
9 �*! 4
operied and a full he-adoff water used to flush out the system for a rn-InImurn of five 1. ) Repre�,,wdatjve at the conclusion of the projeet that this -service h,as been rendered. I
� . I
Al I 1
2.05 RMG-TITE P � I'M PIPE minLaes. - 3� Prepare depressed water basin as wide as plant, rootballis at ea,,. -;h plant, Water /-Mll shrubs and groundcover shall be guaranteed by t0ontractor as to growth and heaft.hil for pedod of ninetly
� PART 5 - GUARANTEES (95M days efter completion of, the specified maintenance period, and/or final acceptance by the Owner's
F. At the conclusion of a sy-stem flushing, the heads shall be installed andtasted for E Lawn from So& Marathon 'I Hybrid Fescue. Submittal for type and grower required for thoroughly, backtiffing anyvoids with -addibonal s6i!. ) Tt . . � - �
A, At' pipe indicat on the wodking drawings, shall be Class 1600 PSI johns -Manville PVC I � � 1_ i tree box s, -a shall be guaranteed by Contractor to live and grow in an
f ' � ed opera on in accordance with design requirements under normal tooerating Dressure. Arrohitect's approval. representaffive. All -8 up to 24�" ,z, a
'tj 1 - tionally guarainteedd by Contractor as to acceptable upri ht position for a period of six (6) r-nonths aftler completion of the specified maintenance
pipe with dng-lfite joints. ' ' ' A. The en -bre sprrinkier system shall be uncondit ; ,�.
Contractor shall' kierify, head pressures iwitth ,pitot tube and ad -just vallve to correspond with � 9 I - ' - ,
� � I Ck-F I I accep representative. Trees in 24" boxes orlarger. and all field
- design pressure. rnaterialland wtork,nnans-hip, including settling offba Iffilled areas below grade for a period of F. Header board./Mlowstdp: See detail& period, and/or final , tance by the Qtvnees i I
no 14 S
I 0 f I HoVlvi �
11 e -2). thewo�k. Owner may exercise grown specimens shall be guaranteed by Contractor to live, and grow In an acceptable uprig�jt manner for a
& All ring-tte joints. shali be sealled vn4fflh rubber rings as provided by the manufacturer. All I )year foll ng the date of final acceptance � I B. Ranting Vines, Shrubs and Groundcovers- n
I 0 -
pipe joints shall provide-fror ax-pansion and contraction. �Vtion to widthhold patt, of final payrne,M until the one year pr U&I,tworkmanship guarantes pedod of one " 1 " year after completion of the specified maintenance period, and/or final. acceptance by the
3.11 INSTALLATION OF RING-TITE PVC PIPE W t I iod G, Herbicides- k j -
I om dat, t Owneft represen-Wive,
I has elapsed fro ep of final acceptance. I � Vine and shrubs shall be planted in pts at least ane and one-hallf times greater ,
, I 'he dmtneter c4 4he rootball and T below the bottom of the ball.
I I mg- than t I L
C. Thrust MO&S shall be provided as required for Proper arichorage and durabiRy of the d I Z C)
. . I A. Except as may be noted in othe.r parts of the Specifications oir on the drwwings, 1 � Herbicides Used must comply v.0th afl, applicalble Stete and Feaderal laws and lbe .
ttite pipe. (Refer to Details) a. If within one year from the date of complation.. settlement occurs, and adjustments in 4 Compacted soil at boftom of pit shall be loosened and the pit filled with Onative 4.02 REPLACEMENT STOCK
in7tallation of Ring- Tite pipe and connecting fittings shaliff be outflineed in rnanual as . regi,stered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Herbicide control shall H 'y set, the pit shall
I pipes, valves and sprinkler heads or paving 'is necessary to bring the system or paving to be, soill' to the botitom of the bafl. When the pfant has been proper, W
furnished by pipe manufacturer, or as. aet forth by the JI&I'MS-Mlansville Company Manual - <
2.06 BRASS PIPE AND FITTINGS (if required) ihe proper level of the permanent grades, contractor, as part c4 the work under �is -be fillied to the required grade with amended soil and thoroughly seftled by All replacement Wtock shall be subjeet to the same w.arranty requirements as the original stock. Any
1 #77 ;
� 2-62A. This shali indlude, but not be limited to, the installation of the p4pe W, the proper ' I (a-) Pre -emergency application of "91-refillan 5% Granules" or equivalent, I vines shall be removed f rn stakes. untied, and damage- due to replacement operations shal", be repaiwd by the Landscape CorAractor. AA the end of the
' I � o3intracl, shall make all adJustments witthout extra cosst to Owner, includinng the restoration - � tamping and watering. All I I IM, , ;
depth and 'the corred, location of concrete thrust blocks -of adequate sizes, Contractor applied according to manufactturer's recommendations and incorporated I - - ;
A. Brass pipe shall be 8CM/o red brass, American 1"Niational Standard Instiltute (ANSI), of all darnaged planting, paving or otherim-provements of any kind. Should any difficulties securely fastarted in an approve -di manner to. the wall, fence or other surface next iod, inspections shall be made iointly by the Tenant's Coneftru&jon Representative, Developer, I
� I , shall malke available the services of the manufacturees representative at the start of, file I into -soil as specified. warranty pen J - i � �,
Schedule 40 screwed pipe, Fittings shall''De medium brass, screwed 125,pound class. � develop within the specified guarantee period which Owner feels may bee due *to infleflor to which they are planted. 'Refer to planting details' 7!
'Installation and during construction. t . I Tenant and Landscape Contractor. Ali' plants and flawn areas not in a heafthy growing condition shalt be
I .�
I material and/or workmanship, these diffficul'ties shall be Immediately corrected by I ) rerrio"Ved and replaced with plants and grasses of a 'like kind and size before the clossof the next planting co
' f I kb Post - erneragence application of, "Round -up" or equivalent, applied as I s plant root bal's at each plant, Wattel, seasson. li
Coretractor to 'the safielaction of Owner at no addi'tiona' coe, tto Owner, within 4-18 hours of ; , � 2. Prepare a depressed wMer basin as wide a i
in itional prepared
, specified I y manufacturer. Sprwy with extreme care to avoid LaCt I i
2.07 BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNIT: & Each line shall be tested at a pressure 50 PS11 greater than the manufacturer's Written notic-p-, including any and all other daimage caused by such defects. Failure of D I con' thoroughly, backfill, g any voids with addi � 0 -
recommended wot*ing pressure for a period of fou,r (4" hours, with the couplings and with landscape plantings.
I Contractor '110 respond in a timeh, rn, anner to repair damaged conditions, shall prompt owner �
See plan for type. manufacturer, and size. Y
, connect' 'ons excosed and with "the center of p1pe section suffidently Supported and fiffleed, ' END OF SECTION (D -
' .
to hold pipe -in place, to repair sarne and deduct .wsts of labor, material and equipment used from., C_-.,olntraeaces RA=_ 3 - EXEr,UTIOAI 3, Ground Covers
2.08 QUICK COUPLING VALVES final payr"Mrlt. - I ( " FM= Z
� ,a) Pits for flat sized plants 'to be at least 411 x 4" x 4". Ground cover areas
i ' -
Z 3.12 SPRINKLERS I C. The awner reserves the privilege of making any emergency repair without refleving 3.01 GENERAL PREPARATION I shall be imoi�mnedl pnor to planting, No flatted liner, or potted plants ==No=
A. The body of the valive shall be red brass thith a wall thlidkness guaranteed to withstand <
j Cortractor'swarranty obligations. shall be plat ited in dry soil.
normal working pressure of 1 50 pounds per square inch without lealkage. 'Valve shall have A� All nozzles on s-rinklers shall be tightened after installation. All sprinklers heiving ari
a 314 -inch female threaded opening at base. F A. Corinmencework as d;rected bylthe Owner'ss Representative andconduct, operations I (D �Mm
adjustment stem shall be adjusted on a lateral line for the proper radius, diarnfeter and/or D. Written guarantee shall be. supplied in the completion ofthe project, showing date of ' kb Set plants in center of pits so thet crown of plant kwi-11 be level witth,
� I oontinually to completion unle.QS weether condiffiors are unfavorable. All work shall ) -
gallonage per approval rj, the 0�4ner's Representative. completiom ' ba ' 10 I
I � conform to high standards of practfice withiin the trade. finishedi grade after settling of soil, then ckfill, and water, (Refer 4' - , � I I
B. Hinge cover shall be red brass with a rubber -like vinyi cover bonded to -t in such a manner � 1 � apacing detaill I Z
thet if, becorriess a pernianent-type cover, yeflow in color. Hinge shall be locking type. B. Spnnkler heads and risers shall be. installed accord-ing to detaills for final approvall. CONTRA(-` OR TO ALSO REFER `0 THc: CITY OF FONTANA
� END OF SECTION B, (`.�'Iaan up and remove from planting areas all exiefing plant matedial nottrernoved under the i 'I I ,T I I 1-1 .
� �,c 9
^ I � general site construction oontract, including roots and any accumulated debris and i LANDSCAPE STANDARDS MANUAL FOR STREETSCAPES.
%_,� Quick couplers shall be inetalled as indicated on Plan and Details. C� Spa-cIng of hleads shmall not exceed the maximum indicated on the drawings. In no case <
� I � V . - m .QpoQ -i fte� fhan 6" in length, � - "
PLANTING � ubbish before com i - ncing work. Legally dis se of such materials off the sit
2.09 AUTOMATIC COWI ROL VALVES, ELECTRICAL shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommendaition by the manufacturer. I NER4L , ^� T as and Mnes Occurring in Lawn I cc M j,
3.13 VALVES PART'll - E C. Undef�ground Obstructions to Planfing.- %.k I re ,I Rafted Plants shall be well -rooted witth runners atr least 41' but not rpore
- , .4 i
A. Valve dhall bee per legend. � 84� M
I 'ion or solid rock lediges are- encouniter I 10
A. Remote control valves shall be adjusted in order that a uniform distribution of 'water is i . If, under.ground utilit' Trees and vines occurring inlawp shall bee planted before finalpreparati n of
,es, construct ed, -other
1.01 � those areas.
I B. Valve shall' be caoable of being operated in the field vvithout electricity at the controller, by applied by the spri inkler heads 'to the plantimg areas for each individual valve sys-tem. locations for planting may be selected by rhe Owner's Representative, Damage
__ . � _Mo.c. minimum. � t ity !-in xactor's expen-se at no additio
Place one RCV per %yalve box and; space ROV boxes Ca to util, -as shall be repaired at the Con', nal cost 'I be ins
a bleeding,valve. Refer to standard contract documents f r non-technical contractual requirer,,Rnts and conditions. I 1 Z All trees shat - tailed with bark prote&tion deVices at their crovins, (Refer To
& Quick coupling valves shall -be set, approximately,12" from walks, aurbs, header boards, or 101 T I ,I to the awner or T enant. ,I
i planting, deltail"
I I Ve 1.02 SCOPE D. Prote&tion alf EA-isting Vegetation: I I
C� Valve shallbe completely serviceable M the field without removing valve hody from the paved areaZ' where designed. Refer to install'Mion detail. Place quick couplers in val '
line. boxes. 3� Lawn around trees ,shalfl be installed no closer to the tree trunk than the width of the
14 1 id turf rootball, and shall be maintained at, this distance.
A. Work included: M labor and materials, ap liances, tools, equipment, facilities, 1 � I I lawns have been established prior to planting opk6,rabons, the surrou -
M Valve shall be installed in a shrub area whenever possible and installed according to ' P � n lingt
3.14 VALVE BOXES transportat tion, and- service -s necessary foi and incidental to performing all operations in shiall be oovered in a manner that will protect turf areas before excavations
construction detail . nnection with furnishing, delivery, and installation of "Landscaping".. complete, as 3.07 TURF GRASS SOD
. Co , begin.
A. Valve boxes shall be set one inch 11 "'� above the designated finish grade in lawn areas and shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. Work includes, but is not limited to the
k ) A. Rot'! subgrade when soil is reasonably dr, , using a 125 pound water ballaet roller. If rolling � 1
2.10 GATE VALVES 'three inches (311) above finish grade in ground cover aress. following, E Storage: Store plants, and .materials on the project site, and ensure that they are ' I Y I ii: I I
, F
protected from damage by sun, rain, wind, theft, vand&ftsm, and construclion viork. Water will not firm the sod bed undernewth, it shall be permiffeed to settle unAil the Owner's. I :;iii . i
I i I "I
- � - ;I I I
I -1 t De I les i
as shall' Do Nibco T- 1 I 3 or Hammond 606--32 with bronze turnin I . plants regularly. I
Approved agate valve g handles. Size and a. Valve boxesinstalled near walks, curbs, rheader boards, and paving shall not abut those Peovide 'he fine grading in all areas to planted. Representative determ. in a satisfactory condition has developed. Re -rake or scarify all
location shall be as indicated on Plan. item s. Top surfaces shall be flush with, and perpendicular to.� items 'listed above, Irregularities and cut or fill as required to establish uniform, grade. Roll area again to obtain
, 2. Furnish and apply weed con.trolto all planting areas. a uniform grade. Areas to be planted to lawn, shall be finished smowth, satisfactory to fine
1 3.02 INSPECTION OF WORK IN PROGRESS Owner's Representative bef I ore any sod is placed. -,-- - - I----
2.11. VALVE BOXES C. Valve boxes shall be installed 'in shrub planters, n&t in turf areas whenever possible, I?
I unless otherwise approved, 1 & Preparation of soil In all planting areas per so -its analysis. A, Installations and operations in progress must be approved at various stagess by the B. Sod is to be firesenly cut and placed 'in sections net smaller than one square foot. Stagger
All rernote controll valves, gate valves, and subsurface pressure regulators shall beinstalled in suitable Ownees authorized Representative, ' Z�._�
� valve boxes as shown in details, complete with 'locking covers, All shall be 'Christie`. or an approved 4� Furnish and install all, plant materials. the joints between rolls. Sift soil (use soil waste that has fallen off so�) Into ail Joints to fill,
equal. ins -tall tags. 1 3.15 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER LOCATION AND INSTALLATION i any voids created. Roll -sod with ligMily weighted roller after oornpletion of all sodd-ing,
_ � I - s- �,eed 'from one state to another of the work, without
B. n no event . I ,all 'the Contractor proc ,
2.12 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A� The automatic controller shall be installed a', the approximate location shown on the Plan, 5� Stake trees. � operations. A�
9 " prior approval of the Ownees authorized Representative.
unless etherwise instructed by the Owner's Representative. i ,I
& Furnish and install sodded lawn. � C. The lawn edges shall be maintainedin a neat condition untill acceptance ofl the work.
A� The Automatic Sprinkle., Controlle., shall be as noted in the legend. I C. The Contractor must notify the Owner's ailthorized Represehtative for inspections 0.1 the A-,
B. All local and other applicable codes shall take precedence in connecting the 100 volt i following stiages of work: � -
" 7. Furnish and install redwood header board. � M Sufficient measures shall be taken to the Contracto!r to ensure the lawns against dairinagge
B. All wiring to ardifrom the controller shall be through color -coded plugs and sockets. The electrical service to t1he controller. Owner shall provide power to controller, irrigation , f
controllar shall be looking, weather-proof type, constructed of heavy gauge steell with Contraetor shall complete hook-up to controller. 1 . When all grading within planting areas has been cornpleted. resulting from pedestrian traffic. If any type of barrier is used, 1, must meet with the A
U � & Furnish and apply bark, mulch. approval off the 0wher's Representative. Any darnage to the lawns shall' be repaired by
corrosion resistant enamel finish inside and out. C. There shall be adequate coverage of earth (1 811 minimurn) over the 24 -volt control wire. 9� Pruning of nursery stock. 2. When all plants are ready to be delivered at the nursery or whien plants have been the Contractor lb*fjore acceptance will be made, A
2.13 ELECTRICAL, HIGH VOLTAGE Bundle and tapei.&.,ires at 10'0.C. and install! adjacent to mainline, delivered to the site and prior to any planting. E. Re, pair: When any portion of the sod are -a becornes discolored, waterlogged, or otherwise
3.16 CONTROL WIRE 110� Maintenance of all plantings unfit and of maintenance pediod and acceptlance. A damaged or unhealthy iollowing sodding within the peflod of Contractoos re!§ponsibility, �
A. Power to and connection to the aunornatic controller shalt' be pravided by 'the Owner. 1 3� When, all trees and shrubs have been spotted on the si e where ,shown on'the the affected podion shall be repaired to re-establith the condition and grade of trio soil 1
44 drawings, EMMEMM
11, nsh!ID, 0 1 flation and shall trhan be replanted as originally sp6cified at no cost to tine
B. All eledrical equipment, outside Of buildings shall be Neerna 3 type, waterproof for such A. Ali ele&trical equipment and wiring shall comply wilth local and state codes and be installed Guarantee of materials and workmai . prior toinstal -
Installation. by those skilled and licensed in the trade, I I 1 4. VVI-iien afl tree and shrub pits have beent excavated after water has leached ow, of Owner.
� 1
8 a. Related work specified under other contracts (00pies available from the Owner), "he pits. KPF
bi I t
a -
W i i Rai Bi � 3.08 HYDROSEEDING I I - I I
_j C. Aflf high voltage work shaill be installed under this Section. Refer to Wiring, Low Voltage for B. Connecting and splicing of wire at the valves or in the field shall be- made using I n tra i - 11 M ,
f- � Pan -Ti 1 . (,"oncrete sideyvalkSp and curbs, - 1
06 additional informa-tion. I to connectors. 5. When weed gerhnina1ion and rernioval is complete, and seedbedis prepared but '_1 "I I 11 ; a ,
C� I � � priorto installation of seed- A. Slope areas: Refer to planting plan and dope mix designs for types and amount of seeds; I
, I
� Three (&) feet long Pig -Tall wire splices -shall be afflowed- only att 1500 ft. intervals. The wire 2. Asohalt paving. 'to be used. Altemate seed mixes may be used only upon approval of the Landsw,'aape
037 splices shall, be enclosed in an ACV Box with cover stenciled 'E8' in yellow. Architect or the Ownees Representative. The designed slurry mixes shall be applied by an JRC
6 3. Rough grading, &03 FINE GRADING
� approved hydromulch company. Designed slurry mixes will be either for irrigated or non -
I - -
� -
iffil gil i I
Wr A. Connections between the controller and remote control valves shall be rnade vvith direct 9 i i i i
L_ irrigated slope conditions. (1�efar to plans and seed rnix designs -1. Each. container of iiii I
I ) I ii
I installed in accordance with valve rnanufacturer"s 3.17 BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS A. The Contractor shall import soill as required, The Contractoes bid shall 'indicate- 1; ;: ;ii 1; 1 ; i I I
, I
tr burial AOIG-UF type wire. 4, Electrical. siurry mix shall be applied within a 2 hour time limit, or be rejected and removed at : Mli �i I
ir, spi��djfications. Wirecolor: black or color coded for controol, white for ground. the totall in-place cost &I required import. No,�idditional &argges wit! be allowed.
U, A. The backfilow prevention units shall be installed as shown or, Plans and Details. Backfiow Contractor's expense.
1� I C. Venfication of Plant Quantities-. Quantities given ,jgor plaa, matenals are s-hown 4 r
prevention it ; i il 101 The so'l shall not be- worked when moisture content is so great the excessive compaction 8/15/06
ITU commendettions, in no Case less than units- shall be installed Per local codes including certification. . B. I I I t
0 B. Sizing of wire shall be according to rmanufacturer re I convenience only. The Contractor shall providVe all, plants shown on the plans. ' a. d and slurry mix shall be appiled 'in designattead areas- by an
01 will ooctur. nor when it I's so drythat due, will'I"otm., or clods not readily break up.
1Z #1 4 in size for shielded only, taped at 1 O' intervals, #1 8 'in size, taped at 1 01 'Intervals for I approved hydrornutch company within a 2 hour time limit per container m"x. (Refer to
;E ail Where, 3.18 FLUSHI N -G THE SYSTEM
� PA R T 2 � AdA TEMIA� L'S', � C. The Contractor shall be responsible for dust contral in areas within the scope of this Planting Plan and Legend). WOhere applicable, a substitute seed mix tnay be us ed only
W 2.15 SMALL SHRUBBERY SPRIWLER. HEADS i I I upon approval of the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative, 1001�����
2 After all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers aree in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has I ; contract. .
'91 See irrigation plan legend for manujaclurer ard model numbers, been completed, and prior 'to installation of sprinkler heads, "the control valves shall be opened and a full 2.01 MATERIALS: I
5 � C. Daily Work Sheets, Daily work sheets s -hail bee signed by the ,Nozzlemien and sent to the N/A
- head of, water used to flusn' out the srstern for a minimurn of 5 minutes. Sprinkler heads shall be installed - D. Rip in two directions to the depth of 12" or all areas upon whtich fill will be plaoe&
2 Owner's PApresentative for payment approval. The following information &fall, be -
U� P_AP_3_71a=0EMJ1_`1M, only after flushing (YI the system has bear, accomplished to the complete �atisfaction of the Owner's If requested, sampless of soils additivies and plants shall be submitted for inspection and stored on the site � 11 i I M :: I I -
Q recorded: I I __ - - - - OEM a
Representative. until furnishing of materitaff ig completed. Delivery may, bogin up -on approvalof s�trrtples, or as direeted by E, Rough grade requirements shall allow for soil arnendment-ts. Coordinate with General I __ ;i:: P i: ii ; M ii � I ! M ::
- , - I I ;; i ii
17 t 11 fL I ' I ill i I
I the Ownelr s Representative. A alf material's used or. project shall betomiarded to ,C"Ontractor. I I -
9 3.01 GENERAL ME i in la M I I I I I "I'll'' I E � Cffy 'OF F*1ffANA% CALM MNb% I I
, essso 1,
0 the Owner's Reore,sentative. Substitutions i any mated I tMi" not be perrriftted un! ecifically, approved -_ i =: �
% 33.19 ADJUSTING 'T SY-STME-M � I -, ' 2 I -
�__ in writiing by the Owner's Representative. F. Bting to the attention of ",he Owner's authorized Representabve all soil in Planting areas t 0601-5
1 � -
- I
'_ & Materials shall be of first quality and of dornestic manufacturer unles- s otherwise noted. . I �__��: ____ - � I- �
-5 I that contain any deleterious substancias su&-, as oil, plaster concrete, gasoline, paints, ii = �!
� A. Adjust tl is- valves and alignment and coverage off all sprinider heads. If it is dettermined I I ;� - - I �, - 1 : I
,--: I A. Soil and Soil' Amendments. solventat, ef.c.. Upon the approval of the Owner's authorized RepreseMative, remove and �1_,__,__,_____,_______ -, - I I � DPAVM � I � M: � I I
0. C -A the installation of all sprinkler rnatenalls, including pipe, with the landscape ts in the irrigation equipmant, or nozzle dhanges will pro,0de proper and I I I SCALE: a ; i a
's oordinat that adjustmen i - I f 1I abol, as, BY MEADOWOOD
igas or mWKe arran ients ift i th -1. dispose of &I ve mpentioned soil to the level of dryness in the affected are .The , I _____ - - � KPF N/A
9 drawing% to avoid interfering with the trees, sahrubs, or other planting. more adequate coverage, maRe- all neoessary chat, gerr v, h e I Fertilizer for soit conditioning and rnaintenance staff bear the manulacturer's I , _____ _______ _ -1
�9 affected soff shall be r*laced wifith native soil. if the Contractor fails to notely Owner's � 11 TRACT. # 17460 1
manufacturer to have adf4stments made, prior to an�y pfanting, These changes or I � I I I 0-�
- guaranteed analysis, and shall be as recom,rrmnded in the required soils I �
I , . 11 � I I DMMM I
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:97 adjUlstrrants shall bomade � authorized Represerttative of th.e above. -mentioned sdi - COMMUN C&FtIE DISTR
Q For purposed off legibilithy, sprinkler lines are essentially diagrammatic. Alhough. size and � laboratory report, � . � KPF I _________ Z �_ 1 8/15/06
W", rewo M.1ble for any da image to installed plants caused by such substances. I I-- "I'll - I - - _� I
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LL__ location of sprinkler equi�r�ent are drawn to scale whenever possible, make use of all datta 1 --4- � _-1- I -1 -I- I I I 409
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64 The entire s,� n 1011SI - r AC01, - 5 �_�__ ,� � am"
ystern shall be operaft g pr,,,Wy before any planting ciperat; n commence. -
1-- in ail of t-hee contract docipment s and verif y this intorm-ation Wit construction Site. . - - . I I'll ''I I.- C�Ear(w tj 9: a APP140ACE-D .07 - - - i� , . DMI wu
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- I G. If an area to be landscaped is rot acceptable to the Contractor, he shall notify the Z/1 _o _� - 1,14 I- "o - �,
&Z - � Ir I
i! DATE. - 1
074 Owner's Representative. KEV � PIEVISION DESCRIPTION DATE CITY DATE JR.CIKPF - 1 4415-6- OF 9 SHTS.
is Q M, Aff work calf6d for on the drawings by notes shall be fumished and installed Whather or not 21 Cff Y MG I RGE 51152 OF DATE MIN J_ - ________1__1_1_ ___ - "''I 9 � � I I -
q� specifically mentioned in the specifications.
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