HomeMy WebLinkAbout4156-8� I � � � 1 4 1 1 1 ii 2. All liquid auring compounds shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's 4.02 INSPECTION OF WORK AREAS 4.12 CLEANUP 3.01 MANUFACTURERS I � . � PA R T.3 - MA TERIA L S i I I CONCRETE mmendations and shall not be used on surfaces receiving concrete I reco T i i � -pe I , V 1 hardener. A. Inspect rellated Work and adjacent, surfaces for completeness. All subcontractor's materials and tools of the trade shall be removed from the job site upon completion of A� Materials are s -cified by brand names to establish a standard of quality. The Landscape Materials shali be of first qLrality and of dornestic rnanufacture as noted belum k I � ! Architect will consider substiffittions for brand names of products specified, provided the ! I'll PAB1-1---SCA2P-E-QE-Wj0RK viork. Subcontractor shall beresponsible for damage to the finished surfaces of other work. Subcontmctor ,�,- .�,� 3 ' itutions and submittals are followed. 1 -he Landscape - I A . . 1 4.10 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE B. Correct conditions detrimental to a proper and finnely completion of the Work, guarantees all work twillbe performed In a good and workmanlike procedtires set forth for substi. Al Holled steel shapes and steel plates: ASTM A36, I - 1 manner, I Architectt reserves the righi to reject any material which, in his opinion, wilt nol produce the, I � I I ified herein. The term 11pain'r as used herein itidu enarne I I -, I 1, 1.04 WORK INCLUDED � I qqality of work spectilt � � 1 - I I - - k a. Steel tubinw, ASTM A600 Grade A, or ASTM A501 seamless - G�A, par details. P � VA- - i & Concrerts which is nipt in accordance with these specifications, out of line, level, or plumb; 4.03 OBSERVATION OF MASONRY WORK PART-ff���� � - ' 11 I - - I I I I -sh � ! I I - I I I 11 I I iiai* varns es, emulsions, lacquers and sealers. The fbilowira manufacturard 11 � I I ' id spalls, honeycornbing,, exposed I I � i - I I i Mo k, p I � � I � F - I Work kidludes, W is not limited to the toflow0a. Fumish afl labor and materials, appiiances, toc4s, I _ ' e vo I I products and numbers constitute the standards for the prii.mer and finihah coats of the paint ' -1 ipei , I � - � In addition to manufacturers, guaratrtees or,vvarranties� at work sha b w r ant f -a Steel W, , ASTM Ma Type E or 8, Grade A or Al 20, galvanized 6P diameter. I surr I . III -� � I " I I , - I ': considered as defecti - I UOU - � W I fto the dits- 11 k I I - � s" - -strt' '� ' r� '," roc lie ar edoroneyeat m I 11 orc I 2 c=hal Perform all masonry Work under contin a observation by "the Landsca Architee. and/or Ownees I - - Zonwt ing or .,cd,CW �d VS, I P�e - - � - lied I � necessary for installing afl concretia work cornpieto as � I , - - I � - - - ; I � I - - - -, I � nafter speci : - I , - I I - representative. of Rhall Acceptance against deffects In materials and workmanship by Contraclor. warrimy 'shall also cover Wei , , I � - --; 11 - - I v . 0 It I I � ' - - I M Steel boftsr ASTM A307, Grade I i -dcated rV$ a. AD fines- and irreg larities sha' bereamoved from expo�� concrete surfaces while thie reepair of dam. age to apy pailt of the prernises resulUng from defects in mateiials and workmanship to the I � in �n #w draW and specificatiom Moll,- , but not firnited to- , - I � � I I - I - - � - , I I � � ' Wh patchin. is- required, all loose and uniform concrete shall be - i vqlrfer� I 1. Primer Federal Specification.'"IMP-86, Type 111 (red leadlalkyd type) w TT -P-645 Al" --- I - - -- 51-1 � I concrete, 16, s -tilt g err 9,- 4.04 PREPARATION I I I satsfaction of the 0 � I I I A--. Pimish and set all reinforcing steel, bolts- and anchors. �, I I � 11 - - � I ere - - (zinc chromate type) to be corapatible with finish coat- E�11 Welding rods, Conform to AWS requirements tor intended use. � L , - I - - I I � � . I I I - , I I rernoved Pew to pichim I � I I - I I- : f I I I � I I � I I I I I 11 I I I I I ' I - � - I � I I U -0y � I I - � eWl 'I, � END OF SECTION I - I A,. Previo placed concrete or masonry-: Ct of encrustAtions-, laitance, oil and coatings � - I I 91 1-1 (Doncrete insertiso� As ,ndicated on the plans, - i a. Install aHitelm required by other trades which are to be cast into wricrate. � 2. Finish Coats, Enamel, paint., stain, varnishw. err.u-.!s-,on � lacquers and sealers - F i i I I 4 -if C OW-- RETE FINISHES Mich would reduce bondli Wash, Work thoroughly with wiat& under pressura, leave - - * - I - �� � I - I - - 1-�, I I I S I -. i I � hallbe as specified on plans and details I f I O& i �� ear4 I 1� . I i I I � � SLh-fac199 darrip masonr - urifts connect with ffor placed Work, 1, � Y, I ' I I 1, G1. Concrete mow curbs, banding, poured in place wails, other fiatwork, footings, e � ," I - I � - I - I -c -P-86 Type I i for red leadlalkyd p pa t I - , - ; I k e req4, le 'tan I I M Shop prirnf, ,oat paint: Conform. to either FS 17 ty 0 in I'll, I - I Fiat surfac"sb-,all Oe =eed4d totty � ired ivets and slopes and then any excess viater or tat ice � I � I : SITE CARPENTRY I ! I � � I I i ! pansq and sliabs for wails-, fbncin-g, benches, controllers, decks, etc., wherei I � - ' - 7 I I I � � I 1 3.02 COLOR AND UFE OF FINISH or to FS. TT -.P1 46 for zinc chromate type paint (2 applications - shop & site). "I,,- �- I I - I I ,, -- I 11 I - -� I - - ' *#1h 'd leve - %n i I I I I I removed. Concrete. shall be conipacted a grid tamper and then ffoated to a true an st surface within & Masonry unft. Thoroughly, d ' of duqt, grease-, pik or other -matter which would reduce I I i - � I I i , _ _ -, applibabW - � I � , � I . I � � I I I I - � I I - 1 3 of -4 /8_ i I -1 1, I - I ,- - I I I - I ,-- I I I i the tofercaano4 I , inch. alom a 10-ffich straight -'edge. Contractor shallensure positive draina9t on all bond-, - � I -- I i - - I , � � - PART 1 - SCOPE OF WORK - - I 1 3 1 A-. Colors shall be selected by Landscape Architect Owner reserves the rW to change Hw Touch-up for galvanized suftces. All State #32,14 Galvanizing Powder (30% tirt, 300% zinc, � '- � I I - I � I - . i I f(atwork- $6e Plants for concrefte finish in' landsbape areas- � 7 L I I � " ", 1� I , -- - - � i � - I i --",-. - I _ I A i - -2 - colors to match and/or contrast bujiding colors up to and indudrig Wine of executior... 400/6 lead and illux) as manufactured by All State Welcift Alloys Co., or Speed Galvanized I PAI T- - G E NEBA L � C. Wetting-, Qo not wet concrete block units before installation. 11 I , I � � I I %,,' ntractor shall provide all materials and work necessary to funnish and *n -,--Wt complete and ih piage all side by W. D, L� Ga, of equaf-, I ' Co I ARCHITECTURE i I - I I 1 4.12 EX PANSION JOINTS carpentry work shown on the Drawings and Specifications herein. 1, I . B. Color of all surfaces finished under this Section shall, at the end of one year, have . I All rec pirernents of subsection 3.3 1, standard speciflcations for Public Woft Construction, shall apply D. Reinforcement- Clean off excess miH scale, loosse rust, oil and coatrigs Which would ' I I Non -shrink grout- Mini Wax Consiruction Products Division Por -Rock, or approved equ ' ' ", I I I 'ous fading, and no variattions will be allowed. All materials shall then L al. � 1 re mained from sari Ut I � � exeept as specified herein. ireded arO deterr-nined by layouts of slab markings noted on reduce bond-, Secure anchor in place. I SITE PLANNING � � I - Racement of expansion 19ints shall be as d, I - I 11 � - I I - 1.01 WORK INCLUDED have adherence -to the end of one year, and there stall be no evidence of bfisters., i � - � � i l shall be Poly Foam., or approved equal,_,or as noted on Plans. Expansion , ' 1- � _ ling, s ing ,ee is period. J. Metal enaimel, FS TT -P -37C - (2 coats'). 10221-A Trademark Street i ; running, pew sealing, chalk. _, streaks or strains at th , nd of th, i - - joints shall be recessed one: -quarter 6th from finish sutface and seated with a bead of grey thiokof sealant 4.05 PLACING REINFORCEMEWr i 2-A INSPECTION OF SITE I � Perform arl work necessary and required for the construction of wood structures and devices as- indicated Rancho Cudsmanp. CA 91730, z - - � I DO ad� - I I orequaL Silica sand to match concretecolor shall then' tamped into thiokol bea on the Drawings. Suchwork includes, but is nWt limited to, the following-, Ego 01 484-28M i 1 3.03 MATERIALS FOR GENERAL USE EA a 1 4 - EXE- Q- I I WN, � A. Place reinforcement in accord with ACI 531 � I i Examine related work and sturfaces before startit rg work in this section. Report to the Landscape Architect - Fax, (9091 484-2aO2 �� I . 01'sn"; -- i in writing, site conditions which will prevent the proper pjo"Asion of this work. 5eginnj,%,-1 the woek in this 4.13 CONTROL J01WS i X Miscellaneous light form work- Thinner. linseed oil, or other solvents required shall be as recommended by each manufacturer for his , -4* 06 Richard Kruirmlede i , I I B. Place all reinforr,ernent and ernbeds or to grouting. 4.01 FABRICATION I seeflo'n without reporting unsuitAble conditions 'to 'the Land-scape Architect consaftutes acceptance of site , pri reap I : I ,,,,,, & CA uo. # ga$4, i I I I ' &�all be fortned in fresh concrete using a clean edging or Jointing toot to a. Stairs ect�ve product. a V* AZ- Lie. # 29115 i condftions by the Contractor. Any required removal, repair, or replacement of this work caused by Control joiMts and other edges I -,rm to the requirements of the reference ' ,standards. - W Lla.# 446 ! I C. Reinforcing steel, except dowels in other MWterial. I � A. Qonfi- . 0 '�a � un.soitable conditions shall be done at no additional cost to Owner. provide a smooth uniform finish. -** sg�' T1X,L1 a.# 1884 ; -F a1v z P i ABY 4 EXECO ' , I I � C� Decks 1 . � - -d 1- -e E701 r- and E7016 eleetrodes. M=111=��,,��,Ilp � 1-000M ! 1� Vertical bars: Continuous frorn bottom cell to top of wall, centered in Cells, 1 , For manual welding, use low hydrogen typ I U i I I i i I 2.2 PROTECTION OF VEXISTING CONDITIONS 4.14 PROTECTION except where otherwise- indicated. Secure verticall reinforcement in position at 4.01 SURFACE PREPARATION EMENMINSEM , D. Headers : � � -4 � I 'arneters, Where Id pro i ! All finished concrete work shall be barricaded to pedestrian traffic for three (S' days. Barricades shall be top, bottom and at intervals notfarther apar. than 192 bar di , 1 2� We, -heat shall be determined from Mill Reports showing the chemical I Contractor shalill acquaint himself with all site conditions, He sball take necessary precautions to pr&tect " ) I � i i DSCAP 9 composirflon of the -reinforcement. � � necessary, hold ve-airlical steel firmly in place by frannes or other suitable devices A� Painting: No painting or finishing shall be started untilthe surfaces to be painted or ; - placed I I ' � i I : immediately after concrete finishing. Contractor shall fumish, place and relmove all! -of HS own E. Overhead structures -4 � exis-aing site conditions. Should dam.agge be incurred, 'this Contractor sball repair damage to its original accepted by Architect. nnot be p'roperly Turn i � as finished are in proper condilton in every respect. Surfaces thwt ca i W ' � ict replacernent of repair of . 0 i barricades.CoMractor shall be responsible for any damage to new constru tior, and . � I -11 at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the Owner, � im ' ic 2 111-dition or furnish and install equal replacenien prepared by the painter for finish', ng shall not be painted or finished until they are rectified, B. Shop pir, e all ferrous iterns to I mill dry cost thNcklness after fabn Wtion, deburring and �* ; O*r � the work shall be made without added cost to Owner. 1.02�' RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS - -1.4 ID I - 1�1 i , Horizontal bars: Wire temporarily above exad position and tag to indicate grinding smooth. welds and rough spots. Touch-up after installation. Leave in proper I I I i � I unless instructed otherwise by the Landsca-pe Architect. I - 'J '- I T -1 z Vo I i 2.4 COORDINATION correct locations. Use calibrated vertical bars where indicated, wired to vertical Condition to receive finish painting. Q - I - d� 1 4 V-- "I L4 0 1 4.15 PATCHING The following items of ws-sociated work are included in other sections of these Specifications: - - i - -1J "I - - bars or dowels, B. Cleanliness: Surfacese to be painted shall be clean and free of dirt, duet, and any other - - --A� -- �A 2 , . I - I i V I Cooperation On -Site: Coordinate and cooperate with other contractors to subetance which migh" interfere with the application of the paint, All, surfaces to be i � Do not paint rebar and eteel surfacnes to be embedded 'in or bonded to- concrete. i� Wgiatura I A. if patching is necessary and per missible, a bonding agent such as Wald -Crate, or equal, shall be used. A. Painting ' ' , I I - 3. Accurately splice using lap of bars as indicated on drawings with. a minimum of 40 painted shall be in proper condittion to aamot, and assumethe proper adhesion and t- 7 11 -W I enable the work to proceed as rapidly and as efficiently as possible. bar dian, eters. iunctioning of, th i e particular painting or co�fin'g specified. Q Welds --shall, be ground stnocithly, all weld spatter removed and work shall comply with the �,# - lot � 1 4.16 CONCRETE CURBS 0. - - 3:*- , ----- EAPT2 - r3 i specifications of the "American Welding Society." 0^ f- I oat*- . - I B. Work With Other Trades - Coordinate with General Contractor items of other I '), ,- - I ' 4. Tie at intersections using No. I 6 gauge annealed wire. � C. Notification: Surfaces whirch cannot be prepared or painted as specified shall be * i trades to be furnished and set in place. Such porbons of their work as all] or in Construct con-crete curbs ai locabons shown on Plans as detailed, true to line and grade, as approved by . D� Subcontractor to perform all the above work in accordance with the governing plans and V - I immediately brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect. Starting of 'work without 0 \ f 2.01 SUBMITTALS CA i part embedded, built. -In, attached to, or supported by the work shall be the local (-"ounty or City. Use natural grey Portland cerneent concrete, 2000 PSI compressive -strer,911h. - j 1 4.06 MORTAR AND GROUT such notification will be considered acceptance by Contractor of the su4aces involved. specifications. � I I ; exacuted by them in ample lime that progress of the work is not delayed. Locate expansion joints as detailed or shown, and as directed, at intervals nott to exceed fifteen feet (16), ' -- i Submit color samples of all samples of all paints and stains to Landscape Architect for approval, 10 days Contractor wif! be required to replace any unsatielactory i.Alor caused by improper or so 3 . , k � Finish with steel, trowel, then brush with bristle brush parallel to face or edge. � I ; -Any cdfting or patching made necessary to comply with this injunction shall 4.02 INSTALLATION I : A. Modar: Type S in accord with UBC- Chapter 24. prior to application. defective surfaces, as directed by the Landscape Architect, at no additional cost to the � � be done ed the Contractor's expense. Owner. , ; 4.17 CLEAN-UP I - � � 1, Color, As indicated on plans. 2.02 STORAGE & HANDLING A. Miscellaneous metalwork shall be free from defects which ,would impair Vvength, durability ; . � � i � and appearance. ; 2.5 APPROVAL 4.02 WORKMANSHIP AND APPLICATION I ; Upon completion of all concrete work and before final acceWtance, Contractor shall remove all tools, surplus i � i B. Grout: in accord with UBC Chapter 24, with exception that Hrne shall not be used. A. Storage; I umber shall be stored in neat stacks at the site unless it is to be used � 1- ; aterials, apparatus, debris, etc., from the site and the site shall be leftin a clean, nee, Condition � ! M , I 1 1 Z, raftsmen. working under the B. Ere-&,, plumb, straight, true and accurately fit In place. Brace, reinforce, and anichorin , � Wherever the tery ri-s- "approve," "approval," or "approved" are used in t1he Specifications, they mean approval immediately. All lumber shall be piled so that it may be readily inspected and- shall be A, Quality: All painting shall be done by skilled and experienced c, ii � acceptable to Owner, i C. Dispose of mortar and grout not used within 30 minutes after leaving mixer. Retempering handled in a manner that will avoid injury or breakage. supervision of a capable forernarl. All workmanship shall be of the highe-st quality and to place. Grind all. field welds. i of the Landsp,ape- Architect, the Owner's Representative or their fielld representatives-, or in writing. I � i of mixture will, be allowed in accord with UBC ChaWter 24. the complete satisfaction of the Landscape Architect, All materials shall be applied in I I i PABT 5 - WAEJEONTIES I 'all frames, plates, sills, bolts and other items not i . C, Pravide non -shrink grouting of i B. Piling Iftod/Protection, Structural "timber shall, be neatly piled on skids above ground and accordance with the manufacturers' directions, and materials shall be thjnne� only in � 1 2.6 SUBMITTALS y . I - i D. Mortar and grout minimum compressive strength: shall be proteeted from tahe sun when necessary To prevent warping, Treated lumber shall compliance vAththe manufacturers' specifications. designated to be done by othens. i In addition to manufacturers' guarantees or warranties, all work shall be warranted for one year frorn the date - be handled with rope slings, Cant 'nooks, pealveys, or other sharp Instruments shall not be i M leaet 1 0 days after award of contract, Contractor shall submit for approval samples and/or of final acceptance against all defects in materials and workmanship by contractor. 'Warranty shall also � ; ;� I I � Mortar., 28 days 1,800 psi used in handling treated timber. Undue injury in handling will be cause for rejection. B. Preparation: All! material shall be evenly brushed, rolled or smoothly flowed on without runs I manufacturers"latest catalog cuts and specifications of, the following prior to beginning viork. Approved cover repair of darnage to any part of the premises resulting from defects in materials and wforkmanship to If - or sagging and free from drops, ridges, laps, and brush marks. No coats shall be applied! 4.03 REPAIR OF DEFECTS samples shall be -standards for completing work. the satisfaction of the Owner. 2� Grout: 228 days 2,000 psi untl any previously applied coats have thoroughly dried. Sand suffaces between coats () 0) LU . EART-3---A M-IERMLS A. All detective or damaged viork shall be replaced, removed and repaired as directed by the A. One 24t. x 2 -ft. x 2 -in, sarnp!e for each type of concrete finish and color at the job site. END OF SECTION E After all ingrediewts are in the batch mixer, mix mechanically for not less than three ft as necessary to produce a smooth finish, Landscape Architect or Ownei's Representative at no cost -to the owner. - < > A. Grading standards; Redwood shall be in accordance wi h "Standard Specifications for D %0 W T- B. Color samples for expansion joint compounds. minutes, Do not use hand mixing unless specifically acceptable to Project ' C. Application shall be as follovis: I , Grades of California Redwood Lumber"graded under the rules &I the Redwood Inspection 1 4.04 CLEAN-UP Cc 0 1 C. All submittal data sha-11 be 110tivairded in a single package to the Landscape Architect within CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY AND STUCCO SURFACING Superintendent. Service, 0 Nt < cr 00 I I 1 � Paint: Two coats to match color off buildings - colorito be selected by Owner, A� Clean-up and remove frorn the site all unused materials and debris resulting from the I W C-0 1 15 days after award of the GeneralContract unless otherwise approved by the Landscape P-- � Tat 4.07 WORKMANSHIP a. Lumber: performance of this work n&t less than once a week, or the last, working day each Aleek. All () I--- W �- It- I; Z Primel- Two coats - one coat shop applied and one coat site applied, - I , �'� trash shall be ramoved completely from the projeet site. ! Architect and/or Owner's Construction RepreseM ive. R491J---S-120pf-� 0. LL, Z 0) : � A. Preserve unobstructed vettical continuity of cells to be filled. Fully bed webs and � ' 1 � All lumber shall conform to the allolivable characteristics, permitted within the 3: V- < mui< ! ' 3. Unless otherwise instructed, al'! pairAs and primers shall be sprayed or rolled on- I , r % � I -h cells in mortar to applicable grading rules. No splits, checks, holes, decay or other irregularities B. Touchup; Coritracto,, sha'! clean and retouch Contractoes work as necessary, or as , 2.7 SUBSTITUTIONS crosswalls forming suc I prevent leakage of grout. I I I 1.01 WORK INCLUDED � I I ' ' 0 0 %.; (.) i will be permitted except those characteristic of fhat grade, sife� required for final approval by the Landscape Architect within 24 hours notice. () (0 = LLJ - � � I X Standards - Specific reference to manufacture -r -s' narnes and products specified in this & Fractional parts of rriasonry units are prohibit -ad where whole unit -s- can be used. Chinking # ! ' - Furnish all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation, and performn afll operations necessary and �- < : section are used as standards; this implies no right to substitute other material or ' i of intersticas Wi fragments willnot be allowed. Provide special units as necessary to D. Finished Produet: Completed painted surfaces shall be free of blistedng, running, peeling, in 0 ca<z I ) incidental tor the proper execution and completion of all ooncrete unit masonry in accordance with the ith 2. Unless otherwise indicated on Drawings or Specifications, lumber shall! be either ' C. Unpainted Surfaces; Contractor shall leave all suelaces nott to be painted, pavil ga, methods without written approval of the Landscape Architect. I form openings and lintels. redwood construction heart and /or douglas fir. scaling, streaks or stains, and the colors of all surfaces shall remain free fro M. fading and Drawings and Specifications including, but not limited to, the foll1mving worklitems, , resawn, with no exposed hardware, or plant materia -Is free from any paint., stain, spatterings, $Miears or smudges �- Z Yfro I sapwood. uniform in color. which are the result of his operation. cl 0 < 0 2i B. Approval; Installation of any approved .substitutions is Contractors's responsibility. Any A. Pilasters (Stuccoed where applicable) C. Do not construct any part oil any masonry wall more than 6 feet higher thcan adjoining I .J a- 0 ] sh r: CL - " &,anges required for installation of any approved substitution must be made to the I portions. 3. Header, Construction heatt grade redwood header and stake, where appflcable. ipment and bru I as or dispose o-4 thinners, paint ' 4.03 CLEANUP AND CLEANING D� Location; Contractor shall not clean equ, I 4 a satisfaction �f Landscape Ardiftectand without additional cost to Owner. Approval by SAS or'roughsawn as detailed. r other chernicals'n areas to y B. Walls (Stuccoed where applicable) 0 1 be planted or in the vicinity of existing plants. 0 Landscape Archltp-,ct of substituted materials and/61, dimensional drawings do nott waive D. Where absolutely necessary, for construction purposes to stop -of, longitudinal runs of A. Safety/Cleantiness: Upon completion of the painting work, Contractor shall remove from 01 4 6 ' � 0 - these reauirements. masonry, stop off only by racking back orle-half unitlengfri in each course, Toothing C. Hardware: I ' A TIE -S 11 %- � C. Masonry Barbeques (Stuccoed where applicable) the premises and dispose of ali scaffolding and equipment, surplus material, empty PARTS - WABRAJ I i . W. - � shall not be perm, ifted. 1 � Galvanized; All, hardware reaulted for fabrication, including brackets, hangers, containers and other debri's re-suffing from Corruractor's- operatiora. The Site shall be left I CD RABT-3---.Ad4 ITERIALLS 1.02 RELATED WORK a clean and ne=-+. in -all respects, 6IR I-- 0 00 X ' � in addition to nianufacturere guarantees- or warranti -, all work shall be viarranted for one yearfrom the date , , ' , , � E. At openings lor duets, pipes and conduit built into masonry, walls, cut to form fractional hinaes, fasteners, and nails shall. be hot. -dip galvanized. Screws, nuts, bolits, i units with abrasive saw. and washers shall be hot -dip galvanized or cadmilum of Final Acceptance agalin-st defects in materials and workmanship by Contractor, Warranty shall alkso cover Materials shall be of first qualflity and of domestic manufadure as noted below: A, Furnishing and placing rebar. plated. PABI�- �ARRAAffES repair of damage to any part of the prernisesnessulting from defecis in materiais and workmanship to the I I I sat!'Afaction oft e Owner. F. Ali n ve,tical cells to maintain continuous -11m6strU&I-ed cell area. 2, Additional Hardware; '001hen shown on the plains and in addition to hardware, is th I X Portland cement shall conform to ASTM -Cl 501, Type I or Type H. B. Concre-te placement.. 19 In addition to manufa&furers'guarantees or warranties, all vomrk shall be tivarrarted for one year from the date structural nnerribers fabricated 'firom elleal. concrete, or other materials shall be ' I � , I - -* n't ctor, Warranty shall aiso cover G. Set units with joints straight and uniform in width, incorporated into the struclure. of Finai Acceptance against defeds in materials and workmanship by (Do tra END OF SECTION I � �s & (Oeoricrete aggregatte shafli conforrn to AA �,133T M � C 3 3. C. Stucco application. repair of damage Ito any part -of the premirSes rensulting,from defeds in material and workimanshiptothe a C. Vilater shall be dlean, free from strong acid, afkali, ofl. or organi-cl, mWtter, PAFtT-2---G3E&E'BA -I 4.08 JOINTS AND COURSING - EXPOSED MASONRY BAHIA---EALO-1 LID&I satisfaction of the Owner, � H . i id th H D� Admixture for all fornned a-oncrene- shall be SIKA Chernical Corp.'s "Plastiment -, A� Joints- Raked as e- sed rnasonry an flush with stuc-ooedf; concave tooled t -Mt br ck. i � + I I or 2.Oi PERM111"S & INSPECTIONS 1 4.01 QUALITY END OF SIECTION approved equall, appHed in s-trict, accordance with mtritelacturer's afirections. + 14 R 11-3ond: Cornmon running bond, unless oflheNvisse indicated, Workmanship shall be first-class throughoun. All. jurn-beer shall be accurately cut and frarned to a close fit and .- .0 I i - Obtain necessary City Building & Sellety LE)epwilment peirmits and in-s-pections. ' have even bearing over the entire contact surfaces. All! Joints shalit be square and fight unless rl� Reinforcement-, reinf rdng steek,ASIM-A15 and ASTM-A30-6.0refabric: ASTM -A185 e ^ Jol, 1 & i shall - J TUBULAR STEEL %.$. � ints: 3/8 -n- ,,,,L, -d-49. otherwise shown. No shimming mill be permitted in making joints. VIVork shall be tree oil hammer marks, F� Forms � 2.02' APPLICABLE STANDARDS dents- or ether d-sifigurartion. Nails to be seated flush unless otherwise shown, UnIOSS otherwisp- indicated ` i PAR-T-1----S-r-j0EE-.Q--1F NOMMEMM D. Keel) all areas to be grouted free from mortar szo tthWl grout will contar-ft foundation. on DraiWings, counterssink finishing nails I /'116 inch. Udesys othervilise indicated on drawings, holle-s- for . � I I � -1 � lumber shall be 'construdion arade Douglas fir. Any reference to the "Staindard Specifications,H "ASTI M," or "AC!" ma,nuals shall mean the aurrent or latest countersunk boilts- shall be boredwith a bit, -1 M5 inch larger than the accompanying washer and,to a depth editions. E Perform tooling o., raking when imodiar is pandially set but. stilfl sufficiently Plastic to bond. 1.01 WORK INCLUDED : which allows bolt head to be se -cured flush, with finish sudace &1 wood member. Holes for lag screws shal! be 27 Plywo,od for forming of concrete which is expossed shall be Plyform. ., All plyiwood Use a tool which- compact's mortar. pressing excess niortar out of ioint rather than sarrie size as diametel, of inner shank (bolt size minus depth Of thread -1 I I .� T h I i L � used 41 or forr-ning shallb-s at, ,epast 5M -inch' thick and edge seal6d. A. Standard Specifications: Standard Specifications of the State of Califomia, Business and dragging it, out A. Furnish and install tubular steel peir plans, aletaffs and spedfica-VOM a 'at I ransport tion Agency, Department of Transportation, CALT RAN$, 4.02 HARDWARE I � F. Rake out joints,,tvilich are not "U'lo'ht, w "lime c4 tooling, point, and Ithen too! - where. applicable. . . I G. Expansion �oint fiffer shall conform m ASTM -D! 751 (Premolded). 1 �02 RELATED WORK IN 01"HER SE(',`T10NS J I & Standards: A. All bolts 0 -ie in&, and less in diameter shall be fitted wifn cut,washers, and all bolts and Ita-9 � U) ,V G. Butter veartfic-Al head i0ints well for thickness equal to face she!] of unit and shove thesee The following items o;f assodatted viork are included in other seetions c�f these Specifications: - , C �' J I C� WS 0VP-r 5.6 inch in diarneter shall be fitted with on-st or malleable iron washers, unless I BAX91A EXE -1 �/ S ie � - � I J othetwise shown on the plans. I , ASTM - Arnerican Society of Testing and Materials. i0ints tighifly S-0 that. mortar bonds well to both units.- A. Painting () 4.01 ted".0NIGRETE DESIGN MIX 2� ACI - Arrerican, Concrete Institute, Manual of Concrete Practice. 1 - Fill Joints sofldiy from face of block to at Ileae, depth of facce, shelf. B. All. exposed hardware iter, is shall be installed as hot -dipped galvanized unless otierwisee. UJ A� Contractor assumes responsibillityfor the design mix and guarantees the specified 2.03 INSPECTION OF SITE H. Set fintels, capping units and bearing plates in a full Led of mortar, instpuldeed on plan. P- A-� �-G -�EBAL ulti mate strength as indicated or specified herein. Examine related work and surfaces before starting work in this Section, Report to the Landscape Architect 1. Contrd-1 J-01rits shall be as detailed. Apply se-allant, where required, in accord with plans 4.03 NAILING 2.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE I M J�- - . h I and spe&tficabons. � B. k,oncrete, minimum 28 -day ultim-ete strength shall be 2 MO PSI. in writLing -site conditions WhiCh will prevent the proper provision of this work, Beginning It e work in this lirrinly A� Qualifications: , When toe nailing of strudwral mernbers is required, toe nailing shall be at an angle and penetration to f I U) Section without reporting unsuitable conditions to the Landscape Architect constitutes acceptance of site I -; 4.09 GROUTING sevure rnemnber. C. Ready-rneNed corecrete shall, conform to ASTMI-094. condiffions by the bontractor. Any required removall, repair, or replacernant of this vvofK caused by Ity unsuitable conditions shall be done at no additional cost to Owner. I . Perform shop welding on the premises of a fabricator licensed by the C11. A. Fill alit masonry cells containing reinforcing steel solidly vitith grout. At fini-shed course, step 4.04 EASED EDGE -S Building ana'Safety Departm�ntk. 7 4.02 CONCRETE PROPORTIONS & CONSISTENCY1 , � � 2.04 PROTECTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS grout onei-half 'the course height below top of last course grouted, Edges of seat decks, benches, handrails, planter caps and other, exposed or leading comers are to be 2. Perform %,tulelding by welders approved and cedified in accordance with A� The propoftions of aggregate, to cement shall, provide a dense mixture which will ,readily B. Keep mortar dropping out --T' or remove from grout space before grouting. eased. requirements of AWS, 0 work into afl comers of theforms and around all reinforcernerAs without any segregation el Contractor shall acquaint hirnseff with all site corditions. He shall, take necessary precautions to protect the materials, cause excess free water to colleet on the surface or cause excessive existing site conditions, Shoull T d damage be incurred, this CDontractor shall repair damage to its original C. Puddle grout or vibrate in place. 4.06 HEADERS B. Reference Standards: 11 bleedfng of the forms. crondition or furnish and instal' equal replacement at his own expense, to the satisfaction of t1he Owner. 1. `A18111; S'teef Construction Manual". Flom In- D. Grout bolts and anchors inserted in wall solidly in place so that there s a minimum Of I incl B� I he re4om.mendeed practioes of, the American Concrete Institute shal! be foll-10VIVed inall 2.05 COORDINAT�ON n Headers are to be installed in accordance swith plans and dletaills. 1 1 I I of grout between bolt and masonry unit, unless otherwise indiceted. ap fic.able procedures, -1 he rna)dmum slurnp shall!, not exceed (4") four ,ndhes for footings, 1P 2. "Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Buildina Consfv� .,--tion". AWS D1.0 of the 0 slabs on grade, and mass concrete; 5 inches for foundation walls. A. Co,operation onsite; Coordinate and cooperate with other contractors to 9nable 'the w0eK to 4.06 CLEANUP American Welding Society. proceed as rapidly and as effidiently as possible. E. Set bolts, frarnes and 'Inserts necessary for attachrnent of subssequent 'Nork musst be � � seci red in place prior to groitting. 12 4.03 CONCRETE APPROVAL & Work with OtherTradas- Coordinate with General Contractor item -.s &I other traa�es to be All subcontrador's materials and too -is el the trade shall be removed from the job site upon completion of 6. "Metal Finished Manu,al", ofthe National Association of Architectural Metal :) t i t Manufacturers (NAMMM). - ' ' � i I work. Subcontractor shall be responsible for. darnage to the finished surfaces of other w,ork. Subcontradc-1- X -r furnished and set in place. Such portions -of their -work as all or in pan embedded, built -In. 4.10 POINTING AND CLEANING guarantees all work wifl be perform -ed in a good and workmanflike - I he concrete quality, proportions, oonsistency, etc., is subjed to the approval of Owner, and no changes attached to, -.,e supported by the �worlk shall be exe,t>ited by them in ample time that a Ir shall be made without prior wintten approval. i i I ' manner. 2.02 SUBMITTALS progress of the work is not delayed. Any cutting of, patching made necess�, y to Comply A. I'mmediaAe-1V re-MOVG TrOm exposed sunfaces surplus mor -tar, grout, foreign matedal, and 14 T -'--* 4.04 FORMWORK With this,- in.junclion shall be done at the General (-�Aontractoes expense. ,&,, a i n s. PA IT- 5---M& -PLRA&--IE-b A. Submit complete shop dra.wings to the Landscape Archited and/or Ownees Fow i 2.06 FINAL ACCEPTANCE B. Defective Joints, Point holes or defective modar Jointsin expoi-sed, mn sonry and cut out in addition to manufar-Aturers'guaranitees or warranties, afl wtork shall be warranted for one ywar from the date Representative for review in advance of fabricaiion. Show the follawing on the shop A. Forms for concrete work shall bre- either metall or wood. Forms thW, I are warped or that do and repoint defective. Joints, Replace &ippeed or broken masonry units. of Final Acceptance againel, defects in materials and workmanship by Contractor, IvNarrardy shall allso cover drawings: 00 ,I not have a srnooth straight upper edge shail not be used. Forms shall be Set with the P repair of damage to anypeart of the premiseess resuffing from defects in matterials and workmanship to the A� Review: Review for Final Acceptance shall be heldin corflunation with the final review Of upper edge of the board true to One and grade and shiallif be staked rigicily in place with t � satisfadion of the Owner. 1� Show dinnenstions, sites, thicknesses, gauges, finl&,es, joining, attachiments stakes set no', more than four feet (41� apart so as to remain immovable throughout the Section 4-A & B, Planting and -(,`,�Onstruction. C. Staining and excess m. ortair: 10rotect. exposed masonry against grout sta-Ming. Where and relationship to adjecarItt work. . Z I If i it immediately, Should construction. All form, is shall be apprOved by Owner witthin a tolerance of one peroant, 0 grout or innortar does contact the faces of rnasonry, remove, - id I . B. Acceptance; Work under this Section will be accepted by Landscape Architect upon accidental spillage occur. viassh and ciean surfaces immediately with a 10% muratic aci END OF SECTION n + (1 %*), All materials shall be accurately and separately weighted and mixing- shall Continue ! - and water solution, followed by a thorough weter rin-se. Remove stains where they occur. Z_ � Where welded connections, concrate inserts, and other fterns are required to 0 untill the dis-tribution of matuerial is uniforn-, and 'the mass of concrefte Is- hom-ogeneouls. satisfact-ory cornpletion of all woTk. Upon Final Acce-Wtanoe at the and of the maintenance , - receive other woek, show exact locations required. i period, including backfilling of walls, Owner 0,11 assume responsibility for maintp-Inarice of & Two and one -hall (2 1/2) gallons of -water per cubloyard, shall be withheld from the mix at ftwork. Said assumption does net relieve Contractor of obligations under Warranty. D. C-13ean efffflorescence from m asonnj with specifted dleane., in accord! with cleaner PAINTING -& For standard manufactured ittems., submid work sheets showing illustrates cuts of () ' ' - - the plant, and afl or a porti-V-1 may be added to the mix at the job sft--�, as directed by the manunfacturer's Instructions, ftems to be fumished, scale, details and dimensions. . inspector, The concrete shall be, mixed at least, 51- minuttes after such water is added and PA RT 3 - M -A LER-JA LS r- After wall in constructed, do not, saturate with water for Curing or any other purpose. PA. PT .1 - SCQEEDE�� not !,a -Q -s thar. 3 minutes of this timis shall be immediately prior to the discharge of, the I I I I I i is sh 2.03 COORDINATION WITH OTHER WORK v -at&,. Total mixing time after adding ofligMal water shallbe Wt least 15 minutes. Materia .all be of first quality and of dornestic manufacture- as notted lbelow: 4.11 STUCCO SURFACING 1.01 WORK INCLUDED I A� Examine dramings and specifications, andinclude all miscellaneous metal -work whichis T I C� Concrete which is. not placad within 90 minutes after the introduction of cemen. and water, A. Concrete masonry units: ASTM C 90, Grade N-1, hollow, norrnal weight !ad bearing units. � not distinctly speciffied in Wther sections. arid concrete which has stood "Ifor 30 minuttes after IfeaVing the mixer, shall not be useed, A� Wood Framed Walls: f-urnish at'! labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation, and perform all operations necessary and .A incidental to proper execution -arid completion of all Painting wlork in accordance with the Drawings and 0012���� . II T es and sizes: As indicated on drawings. e I yp 1- Stucco shall be three coat work not less then 7/8" thi& �13---Pedffications. Such work includes, but is not limite� to, the following: B. Provide all connedions, anchors, bolts,welding, cuffing, punching, drMing, tapping or 4.06 REBAR 2� Color As indicated on Color Schedule. other connecting required to fit misce'llaneous metal with otherwork. T I (a), Scratdh coet snail be approximately 1122" thick. Beffore the scratch coal A. Handrails � Reinforcing bar shcall be spficed with 40 bar diamers min-Imum overiap, B. Portland ceme-M. ASIN C 150, Type I or Type 11. has set, it shall be welt' cross -scratched to provide a strong bond and C, Provide items to be Mstailled. by other trades l.riell in advance, to permit proper Sequencing i and scheduling of other work. 4.06 CONVEYING AND PLACING C. Aggregates: damp cured for at least 48 hours. & Nsceflaneous metals D. Conceal allconnect-lons 'in the finished work., where possible. Exposed screw ilk I ---1 I (b)� Brown coat shall be 1/4" thick. When brown coat has set sufficiently it C� Wood overhead structures ' A� -Beriore pouring, allf forms shall be thoroughly d earied and made fight. The bottom of �d . . . I shal! be floated with a dry ficiat to form, a bond for the finish coat, Bro'liff'. connect l ed screws matching the material theyfasten, t � Sand-, ASTM C 144, clean, hard, strong, durable, fireelfrom injurious amounts of A - trenches shall be wet down. before pouring footings; saarth shall not be muddy Wt the tirne of saline, alkaline, organic or other deleterious substances, with not less than 3 coat shall be applied no sooner than 48 hours after application of D� Deckos E. Set base plate for suppoft posts, true and plumb in concrete footing per details. I pouring. Concrete shall net beplaced unt.-I reinforcements, rough hardware, and forms are Percent by �-4jeight passing No. 1 00 sieve. scratch coat. Scratch, coatshall be dampened eveni'y b&Jore approved by Owner. lical 10 /\-X_______,____----,------ - I - app, tion of br wn coat to provide even suction. E. -Fencing R Proted, all dissimilar metals from galvanic corrosion by pressure tapes, coatings, or ^- �1. Pea gravel: ASI'M 0 404, worked and graded with no more than 5 percent passing isolators. B. Before depositing new concrete against ofd concrete, all laitance shall be removed, and � In � Finish color coat snail be approximately I i'8" thic* and shall be applied the surfaces roughened to expose !be embedded aggregWhs. The surfaces shall then be No. 8 sieve and with I 00 percent. passing 3.18 inch sieve. kl) 1.02. RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS Z�-� and darnp cured strictly in accordance with the manufacturees I G. After arection, dean off all, rust, scale and oil. Clean field �vualds, bolts--, and abraded � 00"Llered with cement grout, using the specified mix with 1.12 ef the course aggregate D. Water Clean, portable, from, domestic supply. directions, and city and local governing bodies. The following items of assopciated w*-rk are included in other -sections of these Specifications: areas. Touch-up all areas with the same material as used for the shop' coat, leaving all omitted, 1-1 /2 inches thick. surfaces ready to receive finish coats. Apply second coat ciff primer on sitee. . -,--I'll -- --- �-,---- I--,'',-- - I - - � E. Hydrated lime: ASTM C 207, Type S, and containing 85% by weight of cafcium oxide. 2, Stucco shall be Merl*ax, La Habra or approved equal. as per color -selection by X Shop paint, of steel materials and miscellaneous metal iterns I ^ V I Q C.onveylng and placing el concreta shall be done so as to prevent separation of Landscape Architect H. Apply one pilmer coet and two finish coats of exterior metal enamel to metal, surfaces, I I ingredients, and in no case shall the fres fall exceed 6 feet, Trernfles shall be ussed as F. Admixture flor grout: Meterial acceptable to Architect. Obtain acceptar4e from Project I PA 1 3 T2--- -G, � � color as selected by Owner's Representative. required. Surfaces of concrete shall be keWt reasonably level, with a minimum arnount of 113 -or 00����� . � Supervisor prior to use. 0. Padkaged material shall be delivered in tie original packages, containerss concrete being allowed to flow after being p4aced, Placing shall be performed as a bundles bearing the name of manufacturer and the brand name. continuous operation untill each section is Completed, 1 2.01 SUBMITTALS KPF 9Q � Use accor-ding to manufaclurer's printed instructions. Secure manufacturer or � t. I � 4� Texture to be rubber floalt, finish (scrub coat") or as approved by Landscape � i�- distnbutor initiall supervision by a qualified field representative to a re prop r I J -S-SU �e I M D. Concrete shall be spaded and vibrated with mechanic -al vibrators to a maximum Architect. 5. All exposed foundations shall receive one applicadifor, of finish color Before beginning viork, prepare for approval a sample of each color and finish required, Suchsamples, W - - use of admixture. when, approved, shall constitute standards for color and finish for acceptance of completed work, Sarnpliess ;-1, subsidence, without separation of ingredients. I he moving of concrete by vibration will coat to r-natch building color. W G. Mineral colole jai rnerits: Pure ground mineral non -fading oxides, firne and alkadi proof, 00����� Z r � g i nr 80 A be per-nnitted. (--'101ors as sd'ected by Landscape Architect where applicable. shall be made upon materials corre-sp.oriding witth those to be finished on the sftm All, work, shaIf match the I fteo 1 5 days prior to construction for S 6. All stucco &,all be vviater prooted up to three fleet above finish grade with approved colors and samples. Submit -samples to the Landscape Archi I JRC 6 4.07 COLORED CONCRETE Thompson's Water, Seater or equal. approvef. 0 H. Cleaning material: Sure Mean No. 6000 dettergent, by Procsss Solvent Co., Inc., or I V r- equivalent, � � cc Integral color and Dust -On color hardner shall be as specified on plans and details. M 131001K WallS 2.02 PRODUCT HANDLING I �- I I � � ; - i6 1. Expansion joint filler: ASTM C 175-1 - 121 Stucco shall be ,W0 coat work, not iess f an 1 1211 thiok� All painting mat rials -shall be delivered to the site in the manufacturers'origginal containers with lab&ls 'in -tact �� I , th te i 4 4.08 GROUTING and se-als unbroken, T e7y es -hall be stored 'in a safe place, in accordance with current loce-t! regulations. All 8/15/06 6 J. Sealant, materials: As noted on plans. 1h � j, " 91 A. Grout shall be composed of one patt Portland Cement and two pcarts 0-1 fine aggregate by � (a)� Brown coat shall bee approximately 3/8" thick. HoW, with a d,,,,v floal to necessary precautions shall be takento avoid danger of fire. 11 Z- volume. Materials shall be mixed dry and water added-Ijust sufficient to make the rnbature I form a bond for the finish -coat, . -- - "I I , I I I 9 K Submit Catalogue Cut Cemien-titious waterproofing matedal. 11� , � -1 11 - I I I I � I � f1v* under its own weight. - 2.03 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS I 1i P � (b). Finish color coat shall be approximately 1/8" thick and shah be applied , L. 'Vertical expansion ioints, In concrete masonry wall construction ahali be a minimum 2(Y - A a. For dry tamp cement gTout, a mirtimum of water shall bees added to the mix sso that when wet � and darnp cured strictly in a=rdance with the manufacturees direction (7_-, " Cr apart Use breaking, bond whether for exposed or stuccoed masonry wall work. � Surfaces shall be painted only when they are free from moisture. No painting 0. exterior surfaces shall Oe N/A . ,I sample is squeemed h ---.,-d in the hand, surface mo�sture, but no free water, shall appear on including city and goveming bodiee. done less than 72 hours after a rain, nor during periods of dew or fog. Recehring surfaces shall be property I - I I I q h U-, il,.esample. Do not r -nix rno-re than can be used in 30 minutes. � I dried out before proceeding wift, thework. No painting shall be done,whien temperature is below 50 degress F I 0 P,AB-TA---EXE-r2 �'�A, ' I I ��51WQI= ��;;::��;;��::��ii��::iiii��li::��ii��iiii I -,-,--,,--"''"- ,---,--, I 11-----------1 ,,, I �F � I :i: a I a! 0 116 to 1 2� Cot' or arfd manulladlurer shall be- selected and approved by Landscape Ar-,h,.Aecf,. I X I � -� 'FOWAM ll i , let -� I I - 11- I M-1 4.09 CURING AND PROTECTION I -1--/ C" OF ,, CAUF=Nh% 8 I # ations for toundation.'s'andifootin m-. cor crete masonry block, material in onginal packages bearing the manufacturer's and - .1 L-- - R Eadh item of Work shall include excav � g , ft & Deliver packaged, 2.04 SCAFFOLDING AND PROTECTION 11-11, ----, I I I - 11 deformed billet -steel bars, Douglas rk wood grant., stucco finishing and back -filling clean-up to tie I , 1 2 A� All exposed surfaces of concrete shall be protected"from damage due to temperature, brand narnes. -- -- - --- 11--,-----,",],--- ,-,,--,-I -11-1-1 I I I I 8 sativi'action of the Owner. � - 11 -I--,' I 1- I "I 1 --ll-----",- � -1 I I : - elerrients-, and construction operations. 'Furnish, maiMain and rernove ail scaffolding and ladiders required for this work, and all drop clothes forthe 11 --,--- ---- ---,- - - -,--''- -1 - SCALE - � I �� Id approval.. - I I - --I--- t, 11, T I I -A' I 0, 4. f 6xtura as called out on plan or I.P-. fiel - DPAV I BN- 11, iv 4.01 LAYOUT � -1 I protection of walks, fixtures, or other -surfaces not to be painted, Painted and finished surfacm subipel to I : � I MEADOWOOD I P � [ I - �, I � - I I - I �R-- I -1 I - I I - - , , . I 1, KPF I N/A - I ,=,-- �i a. Cuting shall be as follows� I be propedyprotected and covered. Contractor shall be reoponsible for a m., and " - I .11 I �� - � I I I darnage or defacement shal � _ I ; I I 9 TRACT. # 17460 11 I - I M I I I 5, All wxpo� foundation shall receive one application. of finish color coat to metch ' I I - I 11 �5 ' DATE: I n t1he "Id for top off footing, top It ste � I that of Wther work caused by oWations under this ��ctiorv, part a - I - 111� - , -"- , All walls are to be staked- i , of walh qngths pf w4ils and at It darnage to painted work, and to t � - � tc - p in Wallis, on � a �� - ---- --- , - - -, - - 111 It, I - , � , ; ­ � ' , Duildirig color-. I "I � - I COMMUNff Y FACILJjT ES DISTRICT I - X V. Alt ep(posed ,surfaces of ooncrete shall be protected form. premature drying and! ft � f, - -- -q�Lo staked# in th,e� fieto� Any, change ' i i materials 1� I I I - I square lootaga- - ,s- &&�jlkknls whL-h add or delete 6-uncrefte block I I v KPF � I _ � I - � - - 8/151()6 - I �, freshly placed concrete shall be protected against wash by rain, All concrete i - - 11 - -- I I "I -- - I �' - --1 I � - I - - - r ' itted and � V, - I I I - waN. will be correded o " ,,approved by, Frojpctt Stiperfntendent and adjusted by drawngs subrrii � , I s, - I - - - � I I �1- rl I I -a I ,��, � - - , �� - � " "F - �� - - � I I 1��� , I I - Dye,- W. : � , �, -- I - M be k for a period oi- ten days after plading. In order that curing- water, - ' ' - Ic ft I I I , - l sh I I e -pt W. et � ; - �; I I - ; -"-'- -,�� I -� - Lwn8 � I - I V - ap roved by Land Archilectand'O 'ma ,Upefirnwi Ord, -- // - - 2 � �-, -p I k-4�' i - S-- - - - di An�,. oVeragos will 6e per squarefoot-tifine-A! - , � I - lf* I g , , ,I I � I � I - � `� - I I I ,� I � � 11 I - -- 11 DATIZ� -:5 1� - May, � - , f -bot Unit 00-st. I I I � , - --' '' ' ' - 4-1/1'_0 -- � � --- -0651� - _e` �, - r, & reach both surfaces of wall% -the far.mQ- shall' be lbow. ad and water shall ' � - I I'll I � My- , D, - -- -- I 1! � 14-- 1 1 'Co cr6ti� - I � E � ATE - j4 4166 � ., W&, I -,::�d over the tops oftwe walls and allowed to ruin down between the h I I I I I I Q I I C/KPF, I I I � 1 44, 1 poum - - - I I �-- -1 - " I I -1 I - ��M6bi� RGE f5l 152 B(P. DATE I M - G OF 9 S -HTS. 1§�� and the forms. I ININEMENRIMEMEMOK, 15 , " I Non= <;a � I I I