HomeMy WebLinkAbout4213-10I I ER IN5TRUOTIONS: After the, Irrigation system hos been completed and the connections made, the Contractor sholl Instruct the, Oviner, or his representative, in the operotion and maintenance of the system. PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. 5C( �FE OF NORK: A. Furnish oil labor, moterlols and equipment necessory to provide ond instoll plont motarlaI5 os 5hoyqn on the droy0n9s or os spariffed herein. 5. Yiork Included In this section (items Included but not limited to): RPASION DESCRIPTION 4. 5one meol 2-22-0 shall be, monufactured by Kellogg V. SEED MATERI AL5: 1, $ood shall bo <�loan, f-resh, nevi crop sood ond sholl bo the mixture os noted on the Plonting Plan, 5eed sholl be mixed by the dealer ond furnished ;NIth the, deolar's 43uorontee stotoment of composition and percentage, oF purity Mich sholl be Furnished 'to the Oeiner's Reprosontotivo. 5ood togs sholl be delivered to the oyqner's Representative at the, time of instollotion, 'H 12/21/06 SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED P )2/20/06 IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO Y S 0 T� EARS OF T , HE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON Plans Prepared By : 11 E DELIVERY 5L-IF5-- Supply delivery slips �rom the, supplier for the 5oll omendment5 to the sito. Bulk loods from the F. PLANTIN6 FIT5., All trop, and shrub pits shall hove a diometer of at loast tyi1co tho diomotor oP the root boll. Pit depths sholl be o minimum 12" deeper than the root boll for trees and V' deeper thon the root boll for shrubs or os per planting detolls. 17288 Red Hill Avenue, Studio One, We, CA 92614 T: 949399,0870 F: 949,399,0882 www,cdpclnccom 6659 Morro Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 T: 80&466.3385 F: 805.4663204 (No Agriform tablets to be used for seasonal color areos— see 5octlon X belovq) 5upply, Yql1mington, CA. 5. Azaloo orgonle, planter mix #105 sholl be monuPoatured by 5andini Fertilizer. 6. Ph Acldoll shall be monufoctured by Kellogg Svpply, k4fimington, CA. 1. For - 5 shall be monufoctured by Koibob Forest Frodvcts. a. Commercial fertilizer sholl be 5est Products or approved ORUO I � 5. TOP 501 L: I Topsoil consists of o fertile, frioble noturol loom of uniform quolltq, free from svbsoll, stifF cloy, hard alods, hard pon, sod, portiolly disintegroted debris, or other undesiroble, materials. 2. Topsoil sholl not contoln obnoxious vieeds, surh os morning 91org, sorel, oxolls, spvrge, onnvol poo, nut gross or bermudo gross. 0� PLANT MATERIAL5: 1, Flont nomee, In the Flont List conform to "5tondordlzed Plont Names" by Americon Joint Committee of Horticulturol Nomenr,�oture, except In coses not covered therein. In these Instances the estoblished cvstom oP the nursery trode shall be follovqed. 10/02/06 V. SEED MATERI AL5: 1, $ood shall bo <�loan, f-resh, nevi crop sood ond sholl bo the mixture os noted on the Plonting Plan, 5eed sholl be mixed by the dealer ond furnished ;NIth the, deolar's 43uorontee stotoment of composition and percentage, oF purity Mich sholl be Furnished 'to the Oeiner's Reprosontotivo. 5ood togs sholl be delivered to the oyqner's Representative at the, time of instollotion, 'H 12/21/06 SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED P )2/20/06 IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO Y S 0 T� EARS OF T , HE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON Plans Prepared By : 11 E DELIVERY 5L-IF5-- Supply delivery slips �rom the, supplier for the 5oll omendment5 to the sito. Bulk loods from the F. PLANTIN6 FIT5., All trop, and shrub pits shall hove a diometer of at loast tyi1co tho diomotor oP the root boll. Pit depths sholl be o minimum 12" deeper than the root boll for trees and V' deeper thon the root boll for shrubs or os per planting detolls. 17288 Red Hill Avenue, Studio One, We, CA 92614 T: 949399,0870 F: 949,399,0882 www,cdpclnccom 6659 Morro Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 T: 80&466.3385 F: 805.4663204 (No Agriform tablets to be used for seasonal color areos— see 5octlon X belovq)