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1. United States Army Corps of Engineers Permit
A. The Owner has obtained a Section 404 Individual/NWP200400163-GS for the project, dated February 9, 2005.
The Contractor is hereby directed to thoroughly read the permit and comply with all permit provisions. The
Contractor shall make note of the Special Conditions included in the permit and maintain a copy of the 404 Permit on
the project site during all periods of active work. The Contractor shall present this authorization to any Army Corps
of Engineers (Corps) personnel, or personnel from another agency upon demand. The Contractor shall consult with
Own�r' regarding all matters related to the content or intent of the permit.
II. California Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement
A. The Owner has entered into a Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2003-5070-R6 with the
California Department of Fish and Game dated March 16, 2005. The. Contractor is hereby directed to thoroughly
read the Agreement and comply with all permit provisions. The Contractor shall make note of the Conditions
included in the permit. Contractor shall maintain a copy of the 1602 Agreement on the project site during all periods
of active work. The Contractor shall present a copy of this Agreement to any Department of Fish and Game (CDFG)
personnel, or personnel from another agency upon de mand. The Contractor shall read, understand, and abide by all
pertinent provisions of the Agreement, and shall consult with the Owner regarding all matters related to the content
or intent of the Agreement.
111. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion
A. The Owner has received a Section 7 Biological Opinion FWS-SBj-926.4 with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
dated December 21, 2004. The Contractor is hereby directed to thoroughly read the agreement and comply with all
permit provisions. The Contractor shall make note of the Conditions included in the permit. Contractor shall
maintain a copy of the Biological Opinion (BO) on the project site during all periods of active work. The Contractor
shall present a copy of the BO to any U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) personnel, or personnel from another
agency upon demand. The Contractor shall read, understand, and abide by all pertinent provisions of the BO, and
shall consult with the Owner regarding all matters related to the content or intent of the BO.
1. Should construction be under way by other forces or by other contractors within or adjacent to the limits of the
Work specified, or should work of any other nature be under way by other forces within or adjacent to said limits, the
Contractor shall cooperate with all such other Contractors or other forces to the end that any delay or hindrance to
their work will be avoided. The right is reserved to perform other or additional work at or near the site at any time,
by the use of other forces.
H. Owner reserves the right, but is not required to have another contractor or contractors commence other work prior
to completion of all Work by Contractor. Owner also reserves the right to have other contractors commence work on
other portions of the site prior to completion of Work by Contractor. Contractor shall allow any such contractor(s)
reasonable opportunity to store equipment and materials at the project site, to have reasonable access, and to execute
and perform their contracts. Contractor shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with that of such other
I. Tbe Owner will provide to the Contractor approximately a half -acre site to be used by the Contractor as a staging
area for office, parking, storage, etc. The Contractor is to fence the area completely and provide a locked gate. There
shall be no storage of hazardous materials of any kind in the staging area. Once the Contractor no longer requires the
staging area, the site is to be cleaned and graded, if necessary, to restore the site to its original condition, as near as
1. The Contractor shall follow the sequence of operations as set forth herein. The order of work shall be as follows:
A. Eradicate all non-native plant species
B. Perform site preparation
C. Install irrigation system
D. Install container stock plants
E. Hydroseed
F. Perform site maintenance
I. The Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the start of any work that is
stated herein as requiring the presence of the Project Monitor or the Landscape Architect. All such work shall be
performed only in the presence of the Project Monitor unless prior approval has been granted to perform such work
in hWher absence.
H. The Contractor must be on-site for all inspections.
III. Any Work completed without inspection or approval by the Project Monitor or Landscape Architect shall be
removed, exposed, or replaced at the cost of the Contractor.
IV. Contractor shall call for inspections for the following items:
A. Prior to commencement of Work to verify existing conditions and environmentally sensitive areas.
B. Weed abatement and exotic plant species eradication.
C. At the completion of site preparation.
D. Irrigation installation and coverage.
E. During excavation of planting holes and container stock installation.
F. Site cleanup prior to hydroseeding.
G. At completion of plant installation. The Project Monitor will submit written notification of Acceptance of the
Installation to the Contractor to commence the beginning date for the 120 -Day Post -Installation Maintenance Period.
H. At the completion of the 120 -Day Post -Installation Maintenance Period. Acceptance and written approval shall
commence the beginning date for the General Maintenance Period.
1. At the completion of the General Maintenance Period
1. For the first IS months following plant installation, and quarterly thereafter for the life of the project, Contractor
shall attend a status meeting with the Project Monitor to be held at the project site. Owner may also request the
attendance of the soils engineer, civil engineer, surveyor, city inspector, and whomever else Owner designates to be
at said meetings. At Owner's request, Contractor shall have a principal (i.e., owner, responsible managing partner)
attend the status meeting.
1. Soil samples shall be taken from a minimum of one location per acre to represent an adequate cross-section of
conditions as determined by the Project Monitor.
II. Soil tests shall be performed by an approved soil testing laboratory such as Wallace Laboratories, 365 Coral
Circle, El Segundo, CA 90245, telephone number (310) 615-0116, contact Gam. Wallace. The test shall indicate, but
not be limited to the following:
A. Organic matter content; N, P, K; pH; EC; soil texture (i.e., silt, clay, sand); recommendations for amendments,
leaching, and maintenance fertilizations.
III. The results and recommendations of soil testing laboratory shall be submitted to the Project Monitor for review
and approval.
IV. Products specified by product name in the soil testing laboratory recommendations may be substituted with equal
products approved by the Project Monitor.
1. The addition of soil amendments will be based on the results of the soil analysis and as directed by the Project
A. Soil Amendment shall be a wood or bark product, treated to absorb water quickly, or a relatively dry organic
compost derived from sewage sludge or rice hulls; shall be friable and pass a one -inch (1 ") sieve and shall comply
with the requirements in the California Food and Agricultural Code.
B. Rice hull compost shall not contain living vegetation, dirt or other objectionable material, pathogenic viruses, fly
larvae, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides nor poisonous chemicals that would inhibit plant growth.
C. All soil amendment shall be packaged so that compliance can be readily determined, or shall be accompanied by a
Certificate of Compliance.
A. Prior to the cornmencement of any site preparation, all contractors who will complete some aspect of the plan will
meet at the site with the Project Monitor who will review all aspects of the plan which concern the Contractor
including site protection, maintenance inspections, landscape procedures, and monitoring. Tbe maintenance
personnel will be fully informed regarding the habitat. establishment program so they understand the goals of the
effort and the maintenance requirements. The Project Monitor will supervise all aspects of the Plan including site
preparation, installation, and maintenance.
B. Prior to plant installation, the Project Monitor will provide an addendum to these Specifications, if required,
indicating required amendments and/or soil treatments, if required, per a soil laboratory's recommendations.
C. All combustible materials, trash, debris, and other waste materials from any construction operations shall be
legally disposed of outside the Project Site.
D. The Contractor shall protect all existing structures or facilities that are adjacent to or fall within the limits of the
Work to be done under this contract. Any structure or facility to be protected., which is damaged as a result of the
Contractor's construction operation shall be replaced by the Contractor at his/her cost, to the satisfaction of the
Project Monitor.
E. The Project Monitor will review the site preparation and must indicate approval to the Contractor before planting
or seeding ma commence. The Contractor must give the Project Monitor at least 72 hours notice before a site
H. Materials
A. Materials shall conform to the provisions in these Specifications.
III. Preparation of Planting Areas
A. Preparation of planting areas shall include, but is not limited to, incorporating soil amendments (if recommended
by Project Monitor),removing trash and debris, eradicating all. exotic plant species, and doing any other work
necessary to make ready the area for planting as specified in. these Plans and Specifications.
B. Construction debris shall be removed and di5,posed of legally off-site.
C. The Contractor shall kill and remove all weeds from the site, completed prior to the addition of any soil
armndments and irrigation installation.
IV. Herbicides and Pesticides
A. The Contractor shall comply with all rules and regulations of the Department of Food and Agriculture and the
rtment of Industrial Relations, and all other agencies that govem the use of pesticides
Department of Health, the Depa
required in the performance of the Work on the Contract.
B. Pesticides shall include but shall not be limited to herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, germicides,
nernatocides, bactericides, inhibitors, fumigants, defoliants, desiccants, soil sterilants, and repellants.
C. Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, repelling, mitigating, or destroying weeds,
insects, diseases, rodents, or nematodes atid any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant
regulator, defoliant or desiccant shall be considered a pesticide.
D. The Contractor shall obtain recommendations for the use of all herbicides from a licensed Pest Control Adviser
(PCA) in accordance with the requirements of the California Food and Agricultural Code, and these Specifications.
E. Herbicide recommendations shall include, but not be limited to, the pesticides to be used, rates of application,
methods of application, and areas to which pesticides are to be applied. At no time shall pre -emergent herbicides be
F. Herbicides shall be mixed in accordance with the instructions provided on the applicable registered label. Prior to
mixing any pesticide, a copy of the registered label for the pesticide to be mixed shall be given to the Project
Monitor, or when such copy is unavailable, the Project Monitor shall be permitted to read the label on the container.
G. Herbicides for weed control shall be applied with a photosensitive dye that will produce a- contrasting color when
sprayed upon the ground. The color shall disappear between 2 and 3 days after being applied. The dye shall not stain
any surfaces nor injure plant or animal life when applied at the manufacturer's recommended application rate.
H. Where control of non-native vegetation is required and the use of herbicides is necessary, and there is a possibility
that the herbicides could come into contact with water, the PICA shall recommend only those herbicides, such as
restricted to non-ionic chemicals, such as AgriDex, which are approved for aquatic use.
Aquarnaster@ or Rodeo(& (Glyphosate), which are approved for aquatic use. If surfactants are required, they shall be
V. Exotic Vegetation Control
A. Exotic pest plants shall be removed according to these Specifications. Eradication of weedy plant species shall be
performed by hand, by the use of pesticides, or by other methods approved by the Project Monitor. The Project
Monitor shall direct the Contractor regarding the selection of target weed species, their location, and the timing of
weed control operations to ensure that native plants are avoided.
B. If feasible, a grow -and -kill operation will be employed to limit the competitive edge of the existing exotic plants.
The "grow" segment of this process involves the irrigation of the site before planting and seeding. The "kill"
segment of this operation will consist of herbicide application to weedy species with the preservation of desired
native species. The grow -and -kill operation will begin no later than late summer, with final harvesting of weeds
occurring in the late fall. The Contractor shall implement the following steps:
1. Kill and remove all existing weedy plant species.
2. Irrigate all areas to be planted for two (2) weeks.
3. Kill and remove all newly germinated weeds.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3.
5. Obtain approval of completed weed abatement from the Project Monitor prior to any planting.
6. Trees and shrubs may be planted prior to a grow -and -kill operation with the written approval of the Project
C. For the first two years of the project weeds shall be manually removed at intervals of not more than 30 days. All
portions of the plant will be removed, including the roots.
D. The type, quantity, and method of herbicide application will be determined by a California licensed Pest Control
Adviser (PCA) who will inspect the site and write project recommendations and submit same for approval to the
Project Monitor. A licensed qualified applicator (QAL) may work under the supervision of the PCA. The Project
Monitor will direct the PCA and Contractor regarding the selection of target weed species, their location, and the
timing of weed control operations to ensure that native plants are avoided to the extent possible.
E. No herbicides or pesticides shall be used on native vegetation or where Tbreatened or Endangered species occur.
The Contractor shall coordinate with the Project Monitor to determine the presence of Threatened or Endangered
F. The Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor at least 24 hours prior to each application of pesticide and shall
indicate the hours of application. No application of pesticides shall be made on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal
holidays, unless otherwise approved by the Project Monitor.
G. The Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor at least 24 hours prior to each application of pesticide and shall
indicate the hours of application. No application of pesticides shall be made on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal
holidays, unless otherwise approved by the Project Monitor.
H. Any new or existing native plants that have been damaged by the application of the pesticides shall be replaced by
the Contractor at his/her expense as determined by the Project Monitor.
1. Target non-native vegetation to be controlled includes, but is not limited to, giant cane (Arundo donax), blue gum
(Eucakyptus globules), perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium), Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), salt cedar
(Tama?ix ramosissima), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca), brass buttons (Cotula
coronopifolia), tocalote (Centaurea melitensis), sweet clover (Metilotus sp.), spiny cocklebur (Xanthium spinosum),
Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum), Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), rabbitfoot grass (Polypogon
monspeliensis), castor bean (Ricinus communis), tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca), black mustard (Brassica nigra),
and non-native grasses.
J. The Contractor will remove off-site all exotic plant material in a legally acceptable manner to a location that
prevents its re-establishment.
1. General
A. Irrigation is to be used solely for the purpose of establishing the plants at the n-�tigation site and is of a temporary
nature. The irrigation main line, control valves, and appurtances shall be installed below -ground. All other portions
of the irrigation system shall be installed above -ground for ease of removal and inspection.
B. ne Contractor is responsible for applying sufficient irrigation to adequately establish plant materials, and
germinate and establish the applied seed. It is the Contractor"s responsibility to maintain adequate soil moisture for
all plantings on the site.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner or the Project Monitor concerning an irrigation schedule.
D. Irrigation water application shall not promote nor create erosion.
The Contractor shall avoid overspray or runoff onto adjacent paving and pedestrian use areas.
F. All irrigation shall be completed, approved, and under automatic operation for a minimum of seven (7) days prior
to any planting.
G. During the course of the construction phase of the Work the Contractor will not be held liable for damage to
irrigation system due to vandalism.
I. General
A. Planting work shall consist of preparing planting holes, planting container stock, applying mulch, and
hydroseeding with mycorrhizal inoculum.
B. No planting shall be done in any area until the area concerned has been prepared in accordance with these
Specifications and presents a neat and uniform appearance satisfactory to the Project Monitor.
C. All planting shall take place between October 1 st and March 3 1 st to take advantage of the winter rainy season.
Planting before or after this period requires authorization by the Project Monitor.
D. The Project Monitor will spot planting locations for container stock in place prior to planting.
E. During the course of the construction phase of the Work the Contractor will not be held liable for death or damage
to plant materials due to vandalism. Contractor will not be held liable for death or damage to plant materials due to
floods, fires, or other damage beyond the Contractor's control.
F. Contractor will submit product data of materials to be utilized for review and approval by Project Monitor.
G. Prior to plant installation the Project Monitor will locate individual plant locations in the field with 21 -inch pin
flags. The flags will be color coded as to species. A list of plant species with their appropriate color code will be
provided to the Contractor prior to plant installation. The Project Monitor shall furnish all labor, materials, and
transportation required to adequately indicate the various plant locations.
U. Contract Growing Operations
A. The Contractor is responsible for notifying the Project Monitor and the plant supplier of the proposed date of
installation to ensure proper hardening -off of plants. The plant supplier shall harden -off all plant materials in full sun
and out from under misting systems at least two weeks prior to planting.
B. The plant supplier shall ship plant materials as directed by the Contractor upon a two-week advance notice. The
Contractor shall provide the supplier with a delivery schedule for all plant materials. The Contractor is responsible
for arranging and financing all deliveries of plant materials.
III. Materials
A. Materials, parts and equipment to be furnished by the Contractor shall be new, unless otherwise specified in these
Specifications. The materials shall be manufactured, handled, and used in a workman -like manner.
B. All materials shall be subject to inspection and if, in the opinion of the Project Monitor, the same do not comply
with the contract documents, said materials shall be rejected and immediately removed from the premises at the
expense of the Contractor.
C. Manufacturer's warranties, guarantees, instruction sheets and parts lists which are furnished with certain articles or
materials incorporated in the Work shall be delivered to Owner prior to acceptance of the Work.
IV. Plants
A. The container stock specified on the Plans has been ordered and will be paid for by the Owner. No other nursery
may be utilized. It is the Contractor's responsibility to arrange for delivery of container stock and pay for any
associated costs for deliveries.
B. Replacement material must be purchased from the same nursery and must originate from the same collection
sources as the original material. If additional material is required, then arrangements shall be made with the nursery
and the Project Monitor to secure the material in a timely manner. The Contractor should be aware that as many as
10 months lead timee may be required to secure custom -collected propagules and seed.
C. Plants shall be of the variety and size specified on the Contract and shall conform to the requirements of these
Specifications. Any substitutions shall be approved in writing by the Owner or the Project Monitor and may require
approval of the California Department of Fish and Game and/or the Army Corps of Engineers. The Project Monitor
shall notify the Contractor of any changes at least 72 hours prior to Contractor taking delivery of plant material.
D. No plant shall be transported to the planting area that is not thoroughly wet throughout the ball of earth
surrounding the roots. Any plant that, in the opinion of the Project Monitor, has a damaged root ball, or is dry or in a
wilted condition when delivered to the planting area will not be accepted and shall be replaced by the Contractor at
his/her expense.
E. Root condition of plants in containers will be determined by removal of earth from the roots of not less than 2
plants of each species or variety nor more than 2 percent of the total number of plants from each species or variety.
The Project Monitor will inspect the root condition prior to transportation to the planting area.
F. Plants shall be healthy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests or their eggs, excessive abrasions or other
objectionable disfigurements, and shall have healthy, normal root systems, well -filling their containers, but not to the
point of being root -bound. Tree trunks shall be sturdy and well hardened off. Plants shall not be pruned or topped
prior to delivery.
G. Each plant shall be handled and packed in the approved manner for that species or variety, and all necessary
precautions shall be taken to insure that the plants will arrive at the site of the Work in proper condition for
successful growth. Trucks used for transporting plants shall be equipped with covers to protect plants from
H. Plants shall be individually tagged or tagged in groups by species or variety.
I. All plants shall comply with Federal and State laws requiring inspection for plant diseases and infestations.
Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment of plants, and certificates shall be delivered to
J. The Contractor shall obtain clearance from the County Agricultural Commissioner, as required by law, before
planting plants delivered from outside the County in which they are to be planted. Evidence that such clearance has
been obtained shall be filed with the Project Monitor.
K. The Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor when plants are to be shipped to the project site. Such notification
shall be given not less than 14 days prior to the actual shipment date.
L. The container stock is available at Tree of Life Wholesale Nursery, 33201 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano,
California 92693. Contact: Pat Slator, telephone number 949.728.0685. Please refer to the Coyote Canyon Project
and Glenn Lukos Associates when identifying this project with the nursery.
M. It is the Contractor's responsibility to arrange for delivery of container stock and pay for any associated costs for
V. Mulch
A. Unless otherwise specified, mulch shall consist of wood chips, tree bark, or shredded bark, or any combination
thereof, at the Contractor's option. Mulch materials produced from pine trees grown in Alameda, Monterey, Santa
Clara, Santa Cruz, or San Mateo counties shall not be used.
B. Wood chips shall be manufactured from clean wood. The particle size of the chips shall be between one-half inch
(2") and three inches (3") in length, and not less than 3/8 -inch in width and 1/16 -inch in thickness. Chips produced
from tree trimmings that contain leaves or small twigs will not be accepted.
C. Tree bark shall have a particle size between one-half inch (1/2") and one and one-half inches (1 1/2") and shall be
free of salt and foreign materials such as clods, coarse objects, sticks, rocks, weeds, or weed seeds.
D. Shredded bark shall be a mixture of shredded bark and wood; shall have a particle size between 1/8 -inch (1/8")
and one and one-half inches (1 1/2") in thickness and one inch (I") to eight inches (S ") in length; and shall be free of
salt and deleterious materials such as clods, coarse objects, and rocks.
VI. Fertilizer
A. Fertilizer shall be of the type specified on the Contract.
B. Fertilizer shall be a 10-grarn biodegradable planting packet containing a blend of 18 -percent total nitrogen (N),
six -percent available phosphoric acid (P205), six -percent soluble potash (K20), 5.7 -percent combined sulfur (S),
8.5 1 -percent calcium (Ca), 2.02 -percent magnesium (Mg), and 18 -percent boron (B).
C. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium sources shall be coated with a polyurethane coating to provide
17.8 -percent coated slow release 'nitrogen, 5.09 -percent coated slow-release available phosphate and 5.09 -percent
slowly available soluble potash.
D. R11 Booster-Paks 18-6-6 is available at Reforestation Technologies International (RTI), 1341 Dayton Street, Unit
G, Salinas, California 93901. Telephone number 800.784.4769.
VII. Installation of One- and Five -Gallon Container Stock
A. Planting done in soil that is too wet or too dry or not properly conditioned or in a condition not generally accepted
as satisfactory for planting as provided in these Specifications, will not be accepted.
B. Container stock shall be thoroughly watered the day before planting. No more plants shall be distributed in a
planting area than can be planted and watered -in on that day.
C. Trees and shrubs to be planted in areas to be seeded shall be planted before seed is applied.
D. Planting holes may be excavated by hand digging or by drilling. Water shall not be used for the excavation of
planting holes. The Contractor shall avoid creating smooth, vertical walls in the planting hole, and scarify the side of
planting holes with shovel or digger bar if an auger is used.
E. One -gallon stock will be planted in holes measuring at least twice the diameter and twice the depth of the plant
container. Where rock or other hard material prohibits holes from being excavated to t'he depth specified, new holes
shall be excavated and the abandoned holes shall be filled with the excavated material.
F. Partially fill the planting hole with friable native soil to one -inch (1 ") below the expected depth of the rootball.
Place RT1 Booster Paks one -inch (1 ") below the expected depth of the rootball and cover with soil. Utilize two (2)
Booster Paks for one -gallon container stock and four (4) Booster Paks for five -gallon container stock.
G. Plants shall be set in the backfill material in flat bottomed holes, to such a depth that, after the backfill has settled,
the soil shall be even with the top of the root ball as shown on the Plans. If the backfill material settles below the top
of the root ball after planting and watering, additional soil shall be added to bring the backfill even with the top of the
root ball as shown on the Plans.
H. With the palm of the hand coveting the open end, upend the plant container. Carefully tap the container so the
plant rests upside down on the hand leaving the rootball completely intact. Plants shall be removed from their
containers in such a manner that the ball of earth surrounding the roots is not broken. Plants shall be planted and
watered as hereinafter specified immediately after removal from their containers. Plant containers shall not be cut
prior to delivery of the plants to the planting area.
I. Examine the plant for a healthy root system. If there are signs of girdling, scarify the rootball.
J. Before placing the container plant on the backfill, work the soil around the roots so that they are not compressed into a
tight mass, but are spread and supported by the soil beneath them. Set rootball atop backfill so the root crown is slightly
above finished grade.
K. Fill remaining portion of planting hole with backfill. Be sure the crown is still slightly above grade.
L. Construct a three-inch (3") high, hand -compacted earth berm, approximately 36 inches (36") in diameter, for a watering
M. Apply two inches (2") of mulch as top dressing within the entire watering basin. Mulch shall be of the size and type as
specified in these Specifications. Mulch must not be placed directly against the main stem of the plant.
VIII. Planting of D40, Supercell, and Rosepot Container Stock
A. D40, sxfpercell, and rosepot and/or liner plant stock will be placed in a hole measuring at least twice the diameter and
depth of the container.
B. Planting done in soil that is too wet, too dry, or not properly conditioned, as provided in these Specifications, or in a
condition not generally accepted as satisfactory for planting will not be accepted.
C. D40, supercell, and rosepot container stock shall be thoroughly watered the day before planting. No more plants shall
be distributed in a planting area than can be planted and watered on that day.
D. Trees and shrubs. to be planted in areas to be seeded shall be planted prior to seed application.
E. Planting holes may be excavated by hand digging, using a sharp -shooter or equivalent planting tool, or by drilling with
a small auger to open a small hole to insert the plant. Water shall not be used for the excavation of planting holes. Avoid
creating srnooth, vertical walls in the planting hole.
D. D40, supercell, and rosepot container stock will be planted in small holes adequate to accept the plant and rootball.
Where rock or other hard material pohibits holes from being excavated to the depth specified, new holes shall be
excavated and the abandoned holes shall be filled with the excavated materiaL
E. Follow the guidelines for planting one- and five -gallon container stock. Watering basins and mulch depths will be
limited by the available planting space. The Contractor may employ his/her discretion in the size of watering basins.
F.Use one RTI Booster Pak for D40, supercell, and rosepot plantings.
IX Planting of Emergent Plant Stock
A. Emergent plant stock will be planted directly in ponded areasi
B. Place stock into a hole that is capable of accepting the diameter and height of the container.
C. Set the top of the rootball slightly above finish grade.
D. Backfill the planting hole with native soil or mud.
X. Watering
A. All plants and seeds shall be. hand watered immediately after planting. Water shall be applied until the backfill soil
around and below the roots or ball of earth around the roots of each plant is thoroughly saturated. Where water is applied
with a hose, a water disbursement device or pressure -reducing device approved by the Project Monitor shall be used.
Under no circumstances shall the full force of the water from the open end of a hose be allowed to fall within the basin
around any plant.
B. Water shall be applied to plants as often and in sufficient amount as conditions may require in order to keep the plants
in a healthy, growing condition during the life of the Contract.
)G. Site Cleanup
A. Once initial planting is completed the Contractor will remove from the mitigation site all trash, plant containers, and
excess soil. The Contractor shall repair all scars and ruts caused by Work operations. The area shall be left in a neat and
orderly manner.
1. General
A. Contractor may subcontract with a licensed hydroseed installer (hereinafter referred to as the Subcontractor) for
hydroseed operations. The Contractor shall ensure that the Subcontractor will apply seeds, compost, mycorrhizal
inoculum, and stabilizing compound conforming to these Specifications.
13 anting areas wi I be hydroseeded after the install n of irrigation Components and contaiiner stock as specified in dhe
A.P. P11 .1 A AatiO It A A
Plans and Specifications.
C. Hydroseeding will proceed after the Project Monitor has certified that the hydroseed site preparation work has been
D. Seed and other additives shall be uniformly applied to those planting areas as specified in the Plans and Specifications.
E. Any weeds will be hand cleared by the Contractor prior to hydroseeding. The ground will be thoroughly wetted prior
to hydroseeding.
F. The Contractor will coordinate installation of the Irrigation System and the container plant stock with the Subcontractor
to ensure that no damage will occur duringhydroseeding of the site.
G. The Pro ect Monitor will be on-site during hydroseeding operations and will relay any concerns regarding proper
performance of the Specifications directly and immediately to the Contractor, verbally and in writing.
11. Fiber
A. Fiber shall be produced from natural or recycled (pulp) fiber, such as wood chips or similar wood materials, or from
newsprint, chipboard, corrugated cardboard or a combination of these processed materials, and shall be free of synthetic or
plastic materials.
B. Fiber shall not contain more than seven -percent ash as determined by the Technical Association of -the Pulp and Paper
Industry (TAPPI) Standard T413, shall contain less than 250 parts per million of boron, and shall be otherwise nontoxic to
plant or animal life.
C. Fiber shall have a water -holding capacity by weight of not less than 1,200 -percent.
D. Fiber shall be of such character that the fiber will disperse into a uniform slurry when mixed with water. Water content
of the fiber before mixing into slurry shall not exceed 15 -percent of the dry weight of the fiber. The percentage of water
in the fiber shall be determined by California Test 226. Commercially packaged fiber shall have the moisture content of
the fiber marked on the package. Fiber shall be colored to contrast with the area on which the fiber is to be applied, and
shall not stain concrete or painted surfaces.
E. A Certificate of Compliance for fiber shall be furnished to the Project Monitor.
III. Seed
A. Seed shall conform to the provisions of Materials in these Specifications. Individual seed species may be measured
and premixed prior to delivery by the seed supplier or in the presence of the Project Monitor.
B. Seed not required to be labeled under the California Food and Agricultural Code shall be tested for purity and
germination by a seed laboratory certified by the Association of Official Seed Analysts, or a seed technologist certified by
the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists.
C. Seed shall have been tested for purity and germination not more than one year prior to application of seed.
D. Results from testing seed for purity and germination shall be furnished to the Project Monitor prior to applying seed.
E. The seed specified on the Contract has been ordered and will be paid for by the Owner. It is the Contractor's
responsibility to arrange for delivery of the seed. The Contractor shall pay for any and all specified seed treatments,
including acid scarification and mycorrhizal inoculum.
F. Replacement seed must be purchased from the same seed supplier and must originate from the same collection sources
as the original material. If additional seed is required, then arrangements shall be made with the seed company and the
Project Monitor to secure the material in a timely manner.
G. Seed required to be labeled under the California Food and Agricultural Code shall be labeled by the vendors supplying
such seed.
H. Seed specified without a purity or germination requirement shall be labeled to include the name, date (month and year)
collected, and the name and address of the seed supplier. Said seed, at the time of sowing, shall be from the previous or
current year s harvest.
I. All shipments of seed not accompanied by a valid California Nursery Stock Certificate shall be reported to the County
Agricultural Commissioner at the point of destination for inspection and shall be held until released by the Commissioner.
J. Seed shall be labeled and furnished in sealed standard containers. The seed shall not contain more than 0.5 percent
weed seed by volume. Seed that has become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged will not be accepted. Seed in broken or
damaged containers will be rejected.
K. The seed is available at S&S Seeds, P.O. Box 1275, Carpenteria, California 93014. Contact: Jody Miller, telephone
number (805) 684.0436. Plea&!!. refer to the Coyote Canyon Project and Glenn Lukos Associates when identifying this
project with the seed company.
L. It is the Contractor's responsibility to arrange for delivery of the seed. The Contractor shall pay for any and all
specified seed treatments, including acid scarification and mycorrhizal inoculum.
IV. Mycorrhizal Inoculum
A. Mycorrhizae shall not be stored in temperatures greater than 90'F and no less than 32F or in direct sun. Mycorrhizae
that have become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged by extreme temperatures shall be re, cted.
B. Endomycorrhizal inoculurn shall be ordered at least two weeks in advance of application to ensure availability.
C. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange for and finance delivery of the mycorrhizae.
D. Mycorrhizal inoculum shall be applied at the rate of 8,900,000 Eve propagules per hectare (3,600,000 live propagules
per acre) based on the guarantee of the supplier or an analysis returned by an independent laboratory.
E. Endomycoffhizal inoculum shall be applied before or in the same application as the seeds. In no case shall
endomycorrhizal inculum. be applied after the seeds. In no case shall endomycorrhizal inoculum be applied after the seed
application. Inoculum must be applied within one hour of addition to the mixing tank.
V. Compost for Hydroseeding
A. Compost shall be derived from green material consisting of chipped, shredded or ground vegetation or clean
processed recycled wood products, or a Class A, exceptional quality biosolids compost, as required by US EPA, 40
CFR, part 503c regulations, or a combination of green material and biosolids compost.
B. The compost shall be processed or completed to reduce weed seeds, pathogens, and deleterious material and shall
not contain paint, petroleum products, herbicides, fungicides, or other chemical residues that would be harmful to
plant or animal life. Other deleterious material such as plastic, glass, metal, or rocks, shall not exceed 0. 1 percent by
weight or volume.
C. A minimum internal temperature of 1350F shall be maintained for at least 15 continuous days during the
composting process. The compost shall be thoroughly turned a minimum of five times during the composting
process and shall go through a minimum 90 day curing period after the 15 day thermophilic compost process has
been completed.
D. Compost shall be screened through a minimum 1/4 -inch screen.
E. The moisture content of the compost shall not exceed 35 percent. Moisture content shall be determined by
California Test 226. Compost products with a higher moisture content may be used provided the weight of the
compost is increased to equal compost with a maximum moisture content of 35 percent.
F. Compost shall be tested for maturity/stability with a Slovita Test Kit. The compost shall measure a minimum of 6
on the Slovita maturity/stability scale.
VI. Commercial Fertilizer
A. Commercial fertilizer shall conform to the requirements of the California Food and Agricultural Code.
Commercial fertilizer shall be in pelleted, granular, or tablet form and shall have a minimum guaranteed chemical
analysis of 18 percent nitrogen, 6 percent phosphoric acid, and 6 percent water-soluble, potash, or other as approved
by the Project Monitor.
VII. Stabilizing Emulsion
A. Stabilizing emulsion shall be a concentrated liquid chemical that forms a plastic film upon drying and allows
water and air to penetrate. The film shall be nonflammable and shall have an effective life of at least one year.
B. Stabilizing emulsion shall be non-toxic to plant and animal life. In the cured state, the stabilizing emulsion shall
not be re -emulsifiable. The material shall be registered with and licensed by the State of California, Department of
Food and Agriculture as an "auxiliary soil chemical."
C. Stabilizing emulsion shall be miscible with water at the,time of mixing and application.
VIII. Application
A. The ratio of total water to total stabilizing emulsion in the mixture shall be as recommended by the manufacturer
of the emulsion.
B. Any mixture containing stabilizing emulsion shall not be applied during rainy weather or when soil temperatures
are below 40' F. Pedestrians or equipment shall not be permitted to enter areas where mixtures containing stabilizing
emulsion have been applied.
C. Materials shall be applied in two (2) separate applications. The first application as specified in the table below
consists of the following mixture in the proportions indicated, shall be applied with hydroseeding equipment within
60 minutes after the seed and mycorrhizae have been added to the mixture:
Material Kilograms per hectare
Fiber 400
Non -Legume Seed As specified in the Plans
Legume Seed As specified in the Plans
Endomycorrhizal Inoculum 8,900,000 propagules per hectare
Compost 1600
D.The second application consists of the following mixture in the proportions indicated which shall be applied with
hydroseeding equipment:
Material Kilograms per hectare
Fiber 600
Compost 2400
Commercial fertilizer 200
Stabilizing emulsion (solids) 200
1. General
A. Contractor shall maintain the project on a continuous basis from the first day after the planting is complete and
approval for all Work has been obtained from the Project Monitor to start the 120 -Calendar Day Post -Installation
Maintenance Period. Contractor shall maintain sufficient personnel and adequate equipment to perform the Work
herein specified. Contractor shall maintain continuity within maintenance personnel.
B. Contractor shall request an inspection by the Project Monitor and the Landscape Architect, if applicable, after
irrigation and plant installation for acceptance of the Work in writing. In the acceptance letter to the Contractor, the
Project Monitor shall state the beginning and ending date of the 120 -Calendar Day Post -Installation Maintenance
C. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment to perform Work during the Post -Installation
Maintenance Period, as specified herein, including but not limited to, adequate watering of plant material, replacing
dead and/or declining plant materials, and controlling weeds, insect infestations and pests such as rodents or
D. The Project Monitor will meet with maintenance personnel in order to identify proper maintenance procedures. A
professional with experience and knowledge in native plant creation, restoration, and enhancement maintenance will
supervise all maintenance personnel.
E. Any day the Contractor fails to adequately water or perform work determined to be necessary by the Project
Monitor will not be credited as part of the Post -Installation Maintenance Period.
F. The Contractor will not be held liable for damage to irrigation system or death or damage to plant materials due to
vandalism, floods, fires, or other damage beyond the Contractor's control.
G. The Contractor shall replace any plants indicating weakness or probability of dying due to Contractor negligence
during the Post -Installation Maintenance period at his/her own expense.
H. The Contractor shall be available within five (5) working days of request by the Project Monitor for replanting,
irrigation system adjustments or repairs, or any other maintenance activity Work determined to be necessary by the
Project Monitor.
1. The 120 -Calendar Day Post -Installation Maintenance Period may be extended by Owner if the project is
improperly maintained, appreciable replacement is required, or other corrective work becomes necessary.
J. Contractor shall request an inspection within the last five (5) working days of the Post -Installation Maintenance
Period for acceptance of the Work performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The request shall be made
to the Project Monitor a minimum of five (5) working days prior to the date of the inspection. The Project Monitor
shall notify the Contractor in writing of the satisfactory completion of the Post -Installation Maintenance Period.
III. General Maintenance Duties
A. The following tasks to be performed by the Contractor as General Maintenance duties during the 120 -Calendar
Day Post -Installation Maintenance Period include, but are not lirnited to:
1. Plant inspection
2. Weed control
3. General maintenance of irrigation system
4. Irrigation water volume and frequency
5. Trash and debris removal
6. Pest control
7. Plant replacement
8. Seed replacement
B. Plant Inspection
1. The Contractor and the Pro ect Monitor shall inspect the plants within the mitigation areas on a monthly basis or
more frequently as determined by the Project Monitor.
2. The Project Monitor shall prepare a written memorandum after each monitoring site visit listing problems and
recommended remedial measures. A copy of this memorandum shall be sent to the Contractor for implementation
within two weeks of notification.
3. All native plants shall be maintained in their natural shapes. No pruning is necessary or desirable. All dead wood
must remain on the plant or where it has fallen.
4. All basins around plants shall be maintained at constructed depths during the Post -Installation Maintenance Period,
unless otherwise directed by the Project Monitor. The mulch within each watering basin shall be maintained at no
less than two inches (2") unless otherwise authorized by the Project Monitor.
5. Staking of trees is to be avoided unless determined necessary by the Project Monitor.
6. All color -code pin -flags shall remain in place to allow Project Monitor to verify the location and species of the
installed plant.
C. Weed Control
1. The mitigation site shall be maintained free of weeds during the Post -Installation Maintenance Period. Weed
eradication will minimize competition that would vent the establishment of native species. Maintenance
personnel will be trained to distinguish weedy plant species from native vegetation to ensure that only weedy species
are removed or sprayed with herbicide.
2. During the 120 -Calendar Day Post -Installation Maintenance Period weeds shall be manually removed either before
they can attain a height of six inches (6") or produce seed, whichever comes first. All portions of the plant will be
removed, including the roots. If the site is not weeded within one week of achieving any of the above criteria, a
penalty of liquidated damages equal to $500 per day will be imposed on the Contractor by the Owner after the
seventh day.
3. The Project Monitor shall direct the Contrator regarding the selection of target weed species, their location, and
the timing of weed control operations to ensure that native plants are avoided to the extent possible.
4. Pulled weeds will be placed on a "mantilla" to prevent the seeds from coming in contact with the ground, and
removed from the mitigation site on a daily basis.
5. A cleared space, 18 inches from the base of the plant, will be maintained around each container plant to minimize
competition from other plant species. Mulch, two inches (2") thick within the watering basin, will be maintained
throughout the maintenance period following the same procedures described in these Specifications.
6. Leaf and branch drop, and organic debris of native species shall be left in place.
D. Irrigation Water Volume and Frequency
1. The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying sufficient irrigation water to adequately establish new plant
materials, and germinate and establish the applied seed.
2. Supplemental irrigation water shall be applied in such a manner as to encourage deep root growth (periodic deep
irrigation versus frequent light irrigation). Wetting of the full root zone and drying of the soil between irrigation
events is essential to the maintenance of the plants and the promotion of a deep root zone that will support the
vegetation in the years after establishrmnt.
3. Allow soil to dry down to approximately 50- to 60 -percent of field capacity (in the top 6 to 10 inches after
germination and during seedling establishment) before the next irrigation cycle. A soil probe or shovel shall be used
to examine soil moisture and rooting depth directly.
E. Irrigation System Maintenance
I.Tbe Contractor shall be responsible for the regular maintenance and repair of all aspects of the irrir
,ation system.
Poorly functioning or non-functioning parts shall be replaced immediately so as to not endanger the plantings.
2. General system checks shall be conducted no less than weekly for the first month after installation to assure the
system is functioning correctly, and monthly thereafter, except during periods when the irrigation system is not in
operation as recommended by the Project Monitor.
3. Any erosion or slippage of soil caused by the Contractor's inadequate maintenance or operation of irrigation
facilities, as determined by the Project Monitor, shall be repaired by the Contractor at his/her expense.
F. Trash and Debris Removal
1. All areas of the mitigation site shall be kept clean and free of weeds, litter, trash, and debris during the
120 -Calendar Day Post -Installation Maintenance Period. The mitigation site shall be well maintained in order to
deter vandalism and dumping of trash.
2. Contractor shall, during daily routine maintenance, remove weedy debris, inorganic litter, trash, and other debris
from the mitigation site and dispose of off-site as permitted by law. Contractor is responsible for avoiding impacts to
plantings during trash removal activities.
3. Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor regarding vandalism or dumping of trash immediately upon detection.
4. Dead limbs and tree fall shall be left in place in the revegetation areas.
G. Pest Contro - I
1. Contractor is responsible for monitoring trees and shrubs for signs of disease, insect and/or predator damage, and
treating as necessary. The Project Monitor will be consulted on any pest control measure to be impler
2.Contractor shall repair and/or replace all damaged plants caused by rodents, disease, and/or insects. Badly
damaged plants will be removed or pruned to prevent spreading of the pestilence and replaced in kind if removed.
3. Excessive foraging by predators may necessitate protective screening around plants and/or poison baiting of the
4. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a rodent -free project All measures to eradicate rodents must be as
directed by a licensed pest control consultant.
H. Plant Replacement
1. Plants that show signs of failure to grow at any time, or which are so in ured or damaged as to render them
unsuitable for the purpose intended, as determined by the Project Monitor, shall be removed and replaced. Unless
otherwise approved by the Project Monitor, the Contractor shall complete replacement of unsuitable plants within
two weeks after notification.
2. Replacement plantings shall conform to the species, spacing, and size requirements specified for the plants being
replaced as indicated in the Specifications.
3. Replacement plants shall be purchased from replacement stock inventory at Tree of Life Wholesale Nursery.
4. Replacement plants shall be furnished and planted by the Contractor at his/her expense.
1. Seed Replacement
1. Seeded areas showing less than 20 percent germination at 120 calendar days, as determined by the Project
Monitor, and showing no signs of vandalism or erosion, will be reseeded by the Contractor at the Contractor's
2. Any reseeding necessary to improve sparsely covered areas will be conducted following the same procedures
described in these Specifications. Such reseeding may be performed by hand broadcasting as determined by the
Project Monitor.
1. General
A. Unless stipulated otherwise by the Project Monitor, the General Maintenance Period shall be for a period of
approximately five (5) years commencing from the time of written acceptance of the Work by Owner or the Project
Monitor following the Post -Installation Period Maintenance inspection.
B. At the end of the General Maintenance Period, the Contractor shall provide written notice to the Owner and the
Project Monitor that he has completed the required maintenance and that any further maintenance will be the
responsibility of Owner.
C. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment to perform all required Work during the General
Maintenance Period, as specified herein, including but not limited to, adequate watering of plant materials, replacing
unsuitable plant materials, and controlling weeds, insect infestations, and other pests.
D. Contractor shall maintain the project on a continuous basis from the first day until final acceptance of the Work by
the PrrJect Monitor. Contractor shall maintain sufficient personnel and adequate equipment to perform the Work
herein specified. Contractor shall maintain continuity within maintenance personnel.
E. The Project Monitor will meet with maintenance personnel in order to identify proper maintenance procedures. A
professional with experience and knowledge in native plant creation, restoration, and enhancement maintenance will
supervise all maintenance personnel.
F. Any day the Contractor fails to adequately water or perform. work determined to be necessary by the Project
Monitor will not be credited as part of the General Maintenance Period.
G. The Contractor will not be held liable for damage to irrigation system or death or damage to plant materials due to
vandalism, floods, fires, or other damage beyond the Contractor's control.
H. Any plants indicating weakness or probability of dying due to Contractor negligence during the General
Maintenance period shall be replaced by the Contractor at his/her own expense.
I. The Contractor shall be available within five (5) working days of request by the Project Monitor for replanting,
irrigation system adjustments or repairs, or any other maintenance activity Work determined to be necessary by the
Project Monitor.
J. All container stock plantings shall have a minimum of 100 percent suv;ival the first year and 90 percent survival
thereafter and/or shall attain 75 percent cover after three years and 90 percent cover after five years for the life of the
project. All plants must survive and grow for at least two years without supplemental irrigation water for acceptance
by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or the California Department of Fish and Game.
K. Contractor shall request an inspection within the last 20 working days of the General Maintenance Period for
acceptance of the Work performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The request shall be made to the
Project Monitor a minimum of five (5) working days prior to the date of the inspection. The Project Monitor shall
notify the Contractor in writing of the satisfactory completion of the General Maintenance Period.
111. General Maintenance Duties
A. The following tasks to be performed by the Contractor as General Maintenance duties include, but are not limited
1. Plant inspection
2. Weed control
3. General maintenance of irrigation system
4. Irrigation water volume and frequency
5. Trash and debris removal
6. Pest control
7. Plant replacement
8. Seed replacement
B. Plant Inspection
1. The Contractor and the Project Monitor shall inspect the plants within the mitigation areas on a monthly basis
through the 1 8th month after initial planting or more frequently as determined by the Project. Monitor. The plantings
shall thereafter be inspected on a quarterly basis.
2. The Project Monitor shall prepare a written memorandum after each monitoring site visit listing problems and
recommended remedial measures. A copy of this memorandum shall be sent to the Contractor for implementation
within two weeks of notification.
3. All native plants shall be maintained in their natural shapes. No pruning is necessary or desirable. All dead wood
must remain on the plant or where it has fallen.
4. All basins around plants shall be maintained at constructed depths during the General Maintenance Period, unless
otherwise directed by the Project Monitor. The mulch within each watering basin shall be maintained at no less than
two inches (2") unless otherwise authorized by the Project Monitor.
5. Staking of trees is to be avoided unless determined necessary by the Project Monitor.
6. All color -code pin -flags shall remain in place to allow Project Monitor to verify the location and species of the
installed plant.
C. Weed Contrl
1. The mitigation site shall be maintained free of weeds during the General Maintenance Period. Weed eradication
will minimize competition that would prevent the establishment of native species. Maintenance personnel will be
trained to distinguish weedy plant species from native vegetation to ensure that only weedy species are removed or
sprayed with herbicide.
2. Non-native weedy plant species shall be manually removed before they either attain a height of six inches (6") or
produce seed, whichever comes first. All portions of the plant will be removed, including the roots. If the site is not
weeded within one week of achieving any of the above criteria, a penalty of liquidated damages equal to $500 per
day will be imposed on the Contractor by the Owner after the seventh day.
3. The Project Monitor shall direct the Contractor regarding the selection of target weed species, their location, and
the timing of weed control operations to ensure that native plants are avoided to the extent possible.
4. Pulled weeds will be placed on a "mantilla" to prevent the seeds from coming in contact with the ground, and
removed from the mitigation site on a daily basis.
5. A cleared space, 18 inches from the base of the plant, will be maintained around each container plant to minimize
competition from other plant species. Mulch, two inches (2") thick within the watering basin, will be maintained
throughout the General Maintenance Period following the same procedures described in these Specifications.
6. Leaf and branch drop, and organic debris of native species shall be left in place.
D. Irrigation Water Volume and Frequency
1. The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying sufficient irrigation water to adequately establish new plant
materials, and germinate and establish the applied seed.
2. Supplemental irrigation water shall be applied in such a manner as to encourage deep root growth (periodic deep
irrigation versus frequent light irrigation). Wetting of the full root zone and drying of the soil between irrigation
events is essential to the maintenance of the plants and the promotion of a deep root zone that will support the
vegetation in the years after establishment.
3. Contractor shall allow soil to dry down to approximately 50- to 60 -percent of field capacity (in the top 6 to 10
inches after germination and during seedling establishment) before the next irrigation cycle. A soil probe or shovel
shall be used to examine soil moisture and rooting depth directly.
E. Irrigation System Mainw-n-ance
1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the regular maintenance and repair of all aspects of the irrigation system.
Poorly functioning or non-functioning parts shall be replaced immediately so as to not endanger the plantings.
2. General system checks shall be conducted no less than monthly except during periods when the irrigation system is
not in operation as recommended by the Project Monitor.
3. Any erosion or slippage of soil caused by the Contractor's inadequate maintenance or operation of irrigation
facilities, as determined by the Project Monitor, shall be repaired by the Contractor at his/her expense.
F. Trash and Debris Removal
1. All areas of the mitigation site shall be kept clean and free of weeds, litter, trash, and debris during the General
Maintenance Period. The mitigation site shall be well maintained in order to deter vandalism and dumping of trash.
2. Contractor shall, during daily routine maintenance, remove weedy debris, inorganic litter, trash, and other debris
from the mitigation site and dispose of off-site as permitted by law. Contractor is responsible for avoiding impacts to
plantings during trash removal activities.
3. Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor regarding vandalism or dumping of trash immediately upon detection.
4. Dead limbs and tree fall shall be left in place in the revegetation areas.
G.Pest Control
1. Contractor is responsible for monitoring trees and shrubs for signs of disease, insect and/or predator damage, and
treating as necessary. The Project Monitor will be consulted on any pest control measure to be implemented.
2. Contractor shall repair and/or replace all damaged plants caused by predators, disease, and/or insects. Badly
damaged plants will be removed or pruned to prevent spreading of the pestilence and replaced in kind if removed.
3. Excessive foraging by predators may necessitate protective screening around plants and/or poison baiting of the
4. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a rodent -free project. All measures to eradicate, rodents must be as
directed by a licensed pest control consultant.
H. Plant Replacement
1. Plants that show signs of failure to grow at any time, or which are so injured or damaged as to render them
unsuitable for the purpose intended, as determined by the Project Monitor, shall be removed and replaced.
2. Replacement plantings shall conform to the species, spacing, and size requirements specified for the plants being
replaced as indicated in the Plans and Specifications.
3. Replacement plants shall be purchased from replacement stock inventory at Tree of Life Wholesale Nursery.
Replacement plants shall be furnished and planted by the Contractor at hi&(her expense.
4. The Project Monitor shall tally dead and/or declining plant stock on an annual basis during the annual monitoring
event and provide the Contractor with the location, quantity, and species of replacement plant stock.
5. Unless otherwise approved by the Project Monitor, the Contractor shall complete replacement of unsuitable plants
within two weeks after notification. Any replacement planting that is required shall be done during the period from
November lst through March 31st as determined by the Project Monitor.
1. Seed Replacement
I: Seeded areas showing less than 60 percent germination as determined by the Project Monitor, and showing no
signs of vandalism or erosion, will be reseeded by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense.
2. Any reseeding necessary to improve sparsely covered areas will be conducted following the same procedures
described in these Specifications. Such reseeding may be performed by hand broadcasting as determined by the
Project Monitor.
3. The seedbed shall be scarified to a depth of three inches (3") if broadcast seed installation is employed. Broadcast
the seeds on the tilled soil and gently rake into the top 3/8 -inch of soil. Firmly tamp with back of rake, hoe, or
similar tool to ensure good seed -to -soil contact.
J. Removal of Irrigation System Components
1. At the request of the Project Monitor, the Contractor shall abandon in place, and cap all below -ground irrigation
system components, and shall remove from the site all above -ground irrigation system components as determined by
the Project Monitor. The below -ground lines shall be capped at least one -inch (1") below ground and abandoned in
2. System abandonment shall take place between October I st and December 3 1 st (the time of year when activity is
less likely to result in disturbances to wildlife) in either the fourth or fifth years of the General Maintenance Period.
Prepared by:
Glenn Lukos Associates, Inc.
29 Orchard
Lake Forest, California 92630-8300
Contact: Sally Davis
(949) 837-0404
11y, .1011
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