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� .
The provisions of the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, (SSPWC)" latest edition, shall apply except as modified herein,
Work of this Section includcs,all material, eqi,iiptuent, andlaborliecessary ,for ,and incidental to completing all Landscape Planting work as indicated on the Drawings,, or as
reasonably implied, or as designated herein, including, but not lirnitcd to,, die following.
Soil testing approv(als,
Weed abatement.
Soil preparation.
Finish grading,
Preparation of all planting holes,
Furinshing and installation of all plant .materials unless otherwise noted,
Sodding indicated turf area,
Furnishijig and installation of all, required .fertilize rs, planting back.fill inateria � Is.., top
Dressing and tuiscellancous materials,
Staking and tying trees.
Providing plant establishment (30 days).
Pro-viding landscape maintenance (90 days).
Clean-up and weeding of all landscape areas.
One year giraralitee,
iT,ir-t fi Ni o rk: Section 02200
Irrigation systern: Section 02441
& The Contractor shall provide at least one person who shall be present at all tinics during execution of this portion of (lie work, who shall be thoroughly F,arniliarwith the
type of materials being installed and tile ,proper materials arid inethods for dicir instalhation., and who shall direct all work pertbrined under this Section,
13� All plants and planting material shall niect or exceed the specifications of Federal, State and County laws requiring inspection for plant disease and insect control.
C� Quality arid size shall conform with the current edition of "Horticultural Standards" ror number one grade nut-sery stock as adopted, by the Anierican Association, of
Nurserymen, arid California Department of Agriculture, reguhitions,
1), The Applicator of all weed control juaterials shall be licensed by the State of California as a Pest Control, Operator and a Pest Control Advisor in addition to any
subcontractor licenses that are required,
E. All materials and ruethods usedfor Weed AbateiIient must con-forni to Federal., State, and Local Regulations,
I . _1111 -
All irrigation system work shall be inspected. for recommended approval by the Landscape Architect and/or the City priorto start ofany work in this section,
A. Ali Agricultural Soil Suitability Report for all planting areas shall be obtained by the Contractor, after completion of rough grading, and prior to start ofsoil preparation
work. The Contractor., �,,tt his own expense. shall submit at least four (4) site soil samples to a Soil Laboratory recoininended by tire L,andscape A rchitect , SaInples am to
be taken from the top six inches (W) of soilin areas to receive planting, All test results arid recoluirielidatioris shall be provided to the Landscape Architect aud/orthe City,
The requi re, rite tits for fertilization arid amendments as specified herein, may be modified as necessary prior to start ofwork in this section,
13, After the completion of soil preparation and prior to the start of any planting, soil samples shall ag,ain be taken. Quantity and methods shall be (lie saine as previously
ex(-,,ctjtcd. Contractor sliall,not cortinience planting until so directed by the Landscape Architectalid the City�
X Materials lists: Within f6tty-five (45) days afteraward of the Contract, subrait a complete list of all materials proposed to be furnished arid installed under this Section,
demo ristra fing complete conformance with the requirements specified.
(1) Materials list shall include the Nvecd control materials and quantities per acre hitendedfor use in controlling the weed types pre,valent. and expected on the site, as
supplied, by the Pest ControlAdvisor, Pest Control Advisor shall furnish the Landscape Contractor and Landscape Architect data to demonstrate the conipatibility
of the weed control materials arid methods with the intended plankand seed varieties. �
13, Certificates: Deliver all certificates to the Lalidscape Architect upon delivery tojob site. Include:
. ,
(1) Quantity of corninercial fertitizens used,
(2) Quantity of soil amendments.
(3) Quantity of seed.
(4) Quantity of plant material.
,A, .Delivery and Storage:
(1) Deliver all items to the job site in their origilial containers withall labels intact and legible at thue of Landscape Architect's review.
(2) Immediately rernovefi-oin the site all plants which are riot true to name, and all materials which do riot comply with the specified reqjurenients.
(3) Use all inealis necessary to protect plant materials before,
. during., and after installation arid to protect the work, arid materials of all other trades.
B, Rephace me tits: In the event of damage, ininiediately make all repairs arid replacements necessaly to the reconune tided approval ofthe Landscape Architect and, ,at no
additional cost to the City�
A, During Weed Abatement procedures., the Landscape Contractor is responsible for the election of all signs and barriers required to prevent intrusion into the treated areas
and to notil�y the public.
B. No material or methods used for Weed Abatement shall affect the landscape planting or hydroseed gernii,nation, No material or .method shall render the job site unusable
forn,iore than ten (10) days froin date of application, ,
All materials shall corrronn to the requirements of Section 212 of the Standard Specifications, except as niodil'ied herein.
Site topsoil material - No iii-itio.0 soil.
_. —
Nou-selective contact herbicide and/or non-sclective systeinic herbicides (as reco junic tided by the Pest Control Advisor),
Selective pre-enjergent herbicides ('Ronstar G or equal or as recouirne tided by the Pest Control Advisor),
§Wil �_onditiolicrs may include any, or all of the conditioners herein specified and shall be applied ,at rates indicated on the philis or as deterinined by the Agronomical Soils Report,
A, Shavings.- Nitrogen stabilized orly,
properties: , mic amendments derived from redwood savvdust,fir sawdust or finely ground bark of fir or pine containing tile following physic"A
Perc��� Sieve Size
95 - 100 63 3 runi, (I /4 inch)
80 - too 238 turn (No. 8. 8 mesh)
0 - 30 500 Micron (No. 35, 32 niesb)
Nitrogen Content - Di -
y weight 0,56% - 0�84%
Iron Content - Mininium 0.08% dilute acid soluble Fe. on (it), weight basis,
Soluble Salts - 25 railliniolios/centinicter at 25 degrees C. as . deterurined by maximum saturation extract. method,
Ash - (Dry weigho 0 - 6.0%
B. Fertilizer: Commercial !Fertilizers with an analysis of 5-3 -I Gro-PoNver Phis, 1,6-20-0,, arid 12-8-8 Gro -Power Controlled Release Nitrogen, as designated herein, or
approved substitute as reltIli-red by the Agronotilical soils report.
(1) Fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers, bearing thernanufacturer's guaranteed an,alysis. Aiky fertilizer that becomes caked or
dainaged, making it unsuitablef'or use, will not be accepted,
Available froiw Gro Power (213) 245-6849 or (714) 750-3830,
C. Gypsum: To be agricultural glade gypsuin and shall conforin to Section 212-12 of Standard Specificationsfor Public Works Construction" Latest Edition,
D, ,[roil Sulfiate: Pelleted or grariularfonn contain-ing riot less than 18,5% expressed nictallic iron and shall be registered as an. agricultural unne.r.al, with the State Department
of Agriculture in compliance with Article 2 - ".Fertilizer Materials '" Section 1030 of the Agricultunal Code.
E� AnuriornuirtSulfate- G rairular -form containing not less than, 2 1 % nitrogen arid 24% sulfur arid shall be registered as an agricultural nu tier, with theState Department of
Agriculture in compliance with Article 2 - "FertilizerMateria,is, " Section -1 030 of the Agricultural Code.
Te—ailizer plariting tablets shall be tightly cornpresscd conrine,rcial grade planting tablets having a 12-8-8 formula, weighting 7 grains cacti, as "Gro -Power" planter tablets or
equal, 'The planting tablets shall be delivered to the site in the original, unopemed containers, bearing the nianul'acturces guaranteed analysis, Any dainaged tablets will riot be
X7'- Nomenclature, The scientific and common names ofplants herein specified conform to industry standards, (Refer to list of plant materials on Drawings),
B. Labeling, Each group of plantimaterials delivered. to the site shall be clearly labeled as to species arid variety and.nursery source,
C. Quality alid Size:
(1) Plants shall be in accordance with the Ca.1-iforitia. Sta(e Department ofAgriculture's regulation for nursery inspections, mles and grading, ,All plants shall have a
normal habit of growdi arid shall be sound, healthy... vigorous,, arid free of insect infestations., plant diseases, sun scalds, fresh abrasions ol"the bark, excessive
abrrasious, or other ot�cctionable disfigymnients, All plants shall have normally weti-devetoped bninch systeni., with vigorous arid fibrous root systertis which aw
riot root or pot bound, In the event of disagreerrient as to condition of the plants Ibmished by the Contractor in containers will be determined by winoval ofearth
-fro in the roots of not less than two plants or niore than 2% of the total number of'plants of each species or variety, W lic.re co it tainer grow n plants are fro In several
sources, the roots of not less than two Plants of cacti species or variety front cacti source. will be inspected, fit c,ase the sample plants reviewed am found to be
defective, tire Latidscape Architect and the City may judge acceptability. Alky plants rendered unsuitable �for planting because ofthis review will be considered as
sajupIcs and will be provided, at the expense of the Conti -actor.
(2) The size of the, plants will correspond with thainormally expected for species and variety of commercially (�rivailable nursery stock, oras specified in the special
Conditions or Drawings. The nunimum,acceptable size of all plantstneasured before printing with the branches in normal position, shall conforni with the
I �
lileasurellients, if any, specified on the Drawings in the list of plants to be furnished, Plants larger Ill size than specified .may be used with the recorruncilded
approval of the Landscape Architect,, but die use of larger plants will niake, no change in contract price, If the use oftarger plants is reconinictided. for approval, t-lic
ball of carth or spread of roots for each plant shall be increased proportionately.
D, Rcjection or Substitution: ,All plants riot conforining to the reqtdrenients herein specified shall be considered deflective,, and such plarits, whether in place ortiot, shall be
inarked as tKiected and immediately re- moved froin the, site of the work arid replaced with new plants at the co ntractol's expense. The plants shall be of the species, variety,
size and condition specified Iterein or shown on the drawings. Under no condition will there be any substitution of plants or sizes forthose listed on the acconiparjying
plans., except with the expivssed consent of the Landscape Architect.
E. Pruning: At no tinie shall (lie tree or plant uriaterials be pruned, trininied or topped prior to delively, and any alteration oftlicir shape shall be conducted only with the
recominctided approval and when in the presence of the Landscape Architect.
,F, Protection: All plants at,all tinies shall be handled and stored so that dicy are, adequately protcctedfrorn dryingout, 1'rom wind btirn. orfroniany otherin' -
G. Right of Review: The Landsc,ape Ai-chitect reserves Ilicright to reconiniend approv,al or tv ection at any Inue upon delivery orduring the work. � 0111Y
regarding size, variety or condition. J , any orall plant material
�_ccdssliall be fresh, clean, new crop seed, Conforming to Section 212-1.3 of the Standard Specifications. Seed shall bepre-mixed by mechanical mixer. Contractorto subn
, , jit
seed tuix specifications from supplier, prior to purchase of seed,
(949) 640-6420 * FAk (949) 640 -6484-
"I'll, -11-11-1-11 I——
W_at�7r��f�6eueral precautions sli( �, �observed when drawing waterfrom soufccs other than doinestic,water supply,
Seed: As specified in this Section 2,07, (For, Hy dro seed ,aiv, as only- ' do not include for Stolon application),
Mulch Fiber: Conweb '2000'or equal, shall, be producedfrorn cellulose suchas wood pulp or similar organic materials arid shall be ofsuch character that if. will disperse
into a uniform slurry when irlixed with water, 'rhe fiber shall be of such character that w hen used in the applied mixture, an abso,ebeiit or porous inat, but not a membrane
will resull on the surface of the, ground, Mate rials which hillibit gennination or gwwth shall not be present in the inixurire�
Binding Agent: Ecology Controls M-13inder or equal, My powder org,inic concenti,ate,
AvailablQ from: Robinson Fertilizer Company (7-14) 632-9710�
Comnicrdat Fujiflizcr- ('11-0-po%-Ycj-l-ii-Nitrug�,-,,ii, 14-4-9
Chemical Analysis: Nit.rogen 14% Phosphate 4%, Potash 9%, Sulfur 31/4, Hirinius 30%, Humic acids 6%, Gro -Power bacterial "stiniulator" included,
Physical Properties: Each bead contains (lie same 14-14-9(S).fornjulation in addition to hinnus and lijunic acids - a water soluble biodegradable binder is used to
insurefiast breakdown,
Ava.ilablefmin: Gi-o-.Power(213)245-6849or(714)750-3830,
Sod typeand supplier per planting legend,
2, 11 M ULCH
I dj_�;_und,�Nood product shall be Type 1. as specified in the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction," .latest edition, Section 2 12-,L2A�
, Tree ties shall be "CINCH -11E" black rubber ties, arid shall be uniforni th,roughout the project. Or, City approved equal.
� B. Tree support stakes sh,all be inininium two inclies (2") diameter lodge pole pine, copper naptithenate treated.
� , ten, feet (I 0') tengtK
ft-ite netting shall be new and shall be of unirorm, plain weave '. flarne-retardant juesh. 'rhe mesh shall be dved green arid shall be made frout unbleached singlejute yarn,
The yarn shall be of loosely twisted construction and sliall riot vary in. thickness by inore than one-half its"norinal di,anieter, Jute netting shall be furnished in rolled strips
and, shall niect the following requirenier,its:
Width 48 inches, with a tolerance of one inch wider or narrower,
Mininiurn 78 warp ends per width of roll,
Minimurn 41 weft ends per yard of length.
Weight shall average 1.22 pounds per finear yard, with, a tolerance of 5 percent heavier or lighter,
Installation shall conform to the requirements of S60.ion 308 of the "Standard Specifications," except as rnodifiedlie,reiii�
Fn7o-r —to dic start of work of this Section, all trash and deleterious materials on the surface of the ground shall be removed aDd legally disposed of
'�_Prior to the installation of the irrigation system,, all weed growth shall be remioved within the areas designated to be cleared and grubbed. Refer to plans .for limit of
,) If in the opinion of the Pest. Control Advisor, perennial grasses and weeds existing in the planting areas will require control prior to removal, spray, these
areas perPest Control Adviser's recommendations, Allow herbicide to kill all weeds, Rake or hoe off all dead weeds to a depth ofone to two inches (I" to
2") below the surface of the soil. Physically rernoveall weeds 1`1`0111 the site.
13� Upon completion of the irrigation system and rolotilling of soil amendments into the soil and immediately preceding the installation ofplant material, perform
weed �abatcjucritas follows, and per Post Control Advisors ,recommendation.
(1) Apply Sulfate of Ainnionia,at the rate of five pounds (5 tbs.) pet- one thousand square feet (1,000 sf.) to all planting areas.
(2) Irrigate areafor fourteen (14) consecutive days, to genilinate existing weed, seeds.
(3) Apply by spray a rion-selective herbicide to cradicate all existing weeds. Do riot irrigate for seven (7) days after application,
(4) Remove weeds after heibicide has had. time to sufficiently kill, Remove all dead weeds by i-ake or hoe to a depth of one, to two inches, (I " to 2") below the
surfiace of the soil. Remove all weed residue and top gmwth and dispose of in a legal. nialiner,
A, Soil Preparation: Prior, to spreading soil antendluents arid prior to installation of irrigation systems, crossrip orotherwise till to a depth often inches (10") all
planting areas to receive soil preparation. All rock one inch (I ") arid larger shall be removed to a depth of tw,elvc inches (12"), Dispose ofall debris off-site in a
legal nianner,
B. Planting Areas� To all planting areas (turf, shrub -and gmundcover), unifonirly� broadcast soil amendments and thoroughly incorporate to ,,I irrinunurn six met] (6")
depth by means of a ro(otiller or equal,
Soil Amendinents,are to be thoroughly incorporated at thefallowing.rates per one thousand square feet (1,000 sf.) by rototilling orotherapproved inethod:
I �
3 cu. yds. Nitrogen stabilized organic, amendment
200 tbs. 5-3-I conituercial fe,itilizer
R) tbs. ]roil Sulf`a1c*
50 tbs. Agricultural Gypsurn
(Mix to be used for- bidding purposes only, to be verified with Agronomical Soils Test.)
* Care shall be taken when using or handling Iron Sulfate to avoid contact i,vith cement.
G Finish Grade:
Fo- Rough grade has been left.within one tenth (1/10) of one foot (P)offinisligrade.
(2) Work such as fine grading arid light cultivation are required of all planting areas indicated on plan to prepare grades priorto seed or stolon pland jig,
(3) After,approximate finished grades have been established, all soil areas sliall be compacted and settled by applic�,,Ition ofheavy irrigation to a inininium deptb�
of twelve inches (12"),
3.4 EROSION CONTROL: Add new Section to the Stand,ard Spec ifications:
"308-4,9,6 Jute Noting, All slopes areas greater than 5 feet in height and exceeding 3:1 shall receivejute netting. Netting shall also be provided during the Plant
Establishment & Mai ntenancePeriod ', when and as directed by the Landscape Architect, along flow lines and other locations wheiv erosion is evident, Jute netting
shall be installcd loosely, tip arid down the, slope. The installed netting shallfit the soil surface contour arid shall be held in place by 9 -inch long, I ]-gauge
(ininialuin) steel wire staples driven vertically into thesoil at approximately 24 -inch spacing, Jute iietting strips shall overlap along the sides at � least 6 inches, Ends
of strips shall be buried into the soil at least 6 inches, Lap all ends ofrolls a ininilnuin of 24"�"
X_ After the -foregoing specified deep watering.. minor modifications to glade in,ay berequired to establish the final grade. These areas shall not be worked until the
moisture content has been reduced to a point where working it will not destroy soil structure,
13, Firdsh gr,adijig shall ensure proper drainage of the site,
C, Finished eardi berm surfaces shall be sinooth an(] even between contours; shapes shall be to the satisfaction ofthe Landscape Architect,
D. .All areas shall be graded so thefinal grades will be one, inch (I ") below a4jacent paved areas, sidewalks, valve boxes, clean -outs, drains, manholes, etc.
E� All shrub areas to receive one inch (I ") of bark chips, 11
F. Surrace drainage shall be away,froin all building1bundations.
G, Eliminate all erosion scars,
H. The Contractor shall requesta review by the La,ndscape Architect for recommended approval of the final grades arid elevations before, beginning planting
X7_A11 "p'l—anting and bare dirt areas (except areas to receive hy droseed) are to be treated with a pre-eniergent cheinical (sttt�ject to approval by Landscape Architect
prior to application). Chemicals are to be applied by a licensed by ,I Pest Control Agent at (lie rates recon-unended by the- manufacturer. �Tliis treatment shall, be
applied at (lie following times (hiring the contract: a) before planting, b)at the beginning of plant establishment period and c) at the, end ofthe plalitestablislinient
period, No chernicals shall be applied other than in the presence of the inspector
B, Actual planting shall be perforated during those period.s when weather and soil conditions are suitableand in accordance with locally accepted practice, as
reviewed by theLandscape Architect,
C. All irrigation work shall have been reviewed by the Laiidsc�.ipe Atchitect prior to beginning arty- planting.
D� Installation ofall plant material shall be in accordance with the details oil the Planting Plans.
E, I.,ocations for plants arid outlines of areas to be planted shall be marked on the ground by the Contractor before any, plant pits are (tug. All such locations shall be
reviewedby the Landscape Architectand Owlier/Agent, If all underground construction or utility line is encountered in (lie excavation ofplaiiting areas, notify
LaridscapeArchitec( so that otherlocations for planting may be selected.
F, Excavation,f6r Planting:
(1) E,Ncavalion forplatiting shall include tire stripping and stacking of all acceptable topsoil encountered, within (lie areas to be excavated for trenches, tree
holes, plant pits and planting beds. I
(2) Protect all areas froni excessive compaction when trucking plants or other material to the planting site.
(3) A-11 excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces arid shall be of a size that is at least two tinics the width and depth orthe original plant.
container, 'The holes sball be, in all cases, large enough to perruit handling and planting without iiijury or breakage to the roots or root baW
G Planting:
(1) No planting shall be done in any ama until the am.a, concerned has been satisfactorily prepared in accordance with these Specifications,
(2) No more plants shall be distributed in the planting area on any, day (.hall can be planted and watered on that day.
(3) Containers shall be cut, arid plants shall, berentloved in such ,I manner that the ball of earth surrounding theroots is notbroken, and they shall beplarited and
watered as herein specified hritncd.iate�y after the removal .from the containers. Containers shall riot be cut priorto placing die plants .in the planting area.
(4) Theatuctided surface soil can, be tised,rorbackfill around trees arid shrubs; where additional quantities are required, use the followingformula (thoroughly
Native Ou-Site Soil (No rock larger than I ") 6 parts �
Nitrolized, Wood Sliavings 4 p,arts
Commercial Fertilizer Gro-PowcrPlus, 5-3-1 15 lbs/cy
lron Stilf,ate 2 tb s/cy
For Acid Loviij&fli!Li�
801%' Course Peat Moss
20% Sponge Rock orLight Soil Mix
(Mix to be used for bidding purposes only, to 1.)e vetified with Agrono.rnical Soils 1'est).
(5) Three inches (Y) of amended backfill shall be thoroughly inixed. with thme inches (Y) of native soil at the bottom ofeach hole to provide atransitional soil
mix of at least six inches (6") betwcen the native soil arid the backfill.
(6) 13;ackfill shall, be placed at the bottoni of each hole, arid thoroughly compacted. to a height that when a plant is placed in the hole, its mot crown is slightly
above the established final grade, Any plants which settle deeper th,an specified above shall be raised back to tile correct level. 'After the plant has been
placed, additional backfill shall be added to the hole to cover- appmximately one-half the height of the root ball. At this stage, water shall be added to the top
of the partly filled hole to thoroughly saturate the root ball and, adjacent soil. ,
(7) ,After the water has conipletely dralned., fertilizer tablets shall be placed as indicated below:
i ,
3 tablets per one gallon container,
6 tablets per five gallon container,
12 tablel s per fifteen gallon container,
14 tabtet.s per 24" box container,
18 tablets per 36" box container,
The remainder of the hole shall then be backfilled,
343' N/0 HIGHLAND AVE., 0.2 M1, W/O SAN
S.C.E, TOWER 19,5; M5 ML W. ALONG,
M� A �RK [:�A
ELEV.= 1428-6090 BY_L �TF
r E N G -1—N -E E R
(8) Set the t,abtets to be used with each plant on the top of file root ball while (lie plants are still in their containers so the required nuniberoftablets to be used in cacti hole
can be easily verifled.
(9) After backfilling, an earthen basin shall be construcled around cacti plant. Each basin shall be of a deptli sufficient to hold at least two inches (2") ofwater. Basins
shall be of a size sit itable forthe indiv idual plant, In no case, shall the basin lbra fifteen (15) gallon plantbe less than four rcet (4') in diameter, a five (5) gallonplant
less than three feet (Y) in diameter, and a, one (1) gallon plant less than two feet (T) in dianieter, the basins shall be constructed ofalnended bac'kfilf inaterial. Rake otit
over are(,,js.
fl, Priming: Pnining sliall be limited to the inininium necessary to remove in ured twigs and branclies, and to compensate forloss ofroots during transplanting, but neverto
. J
exceed on.e-third (1/3) of the bl'Cludijug structux, Upon tummended approval of the Landscape Architect, pruning may be donebefore defiven', ofplallts, but notbefow,
plants have been reviewed and reconiniencted.ror approval. Cuts over thice quarters oran inch (3/4") in diameter sball be painted witti an approv', ed tree wound paint,
L Staking and Tying:
(1) Support stakes tall enough to support the particular tree shall be driven thirty-six inches (36") into the soil. Stake shall be placed on the leeward side ofthe tree fami the
niost troublesome direction, refer to details of), Drawings.
(2) 7 -ries shall be placed. as low on die trunk as possible but high enough so the tree will. return to upright after deftection,
(3) To find the proper licight.for tic locations.' hold the (milk in one .hand,, pull the top to one side ,I rid .release, The heightat which the trunk wilijust return to the uptight
when the top is released is the height at which to attach the ties,
(4) Ties are to forin a looseloop alound the tree trunk so th,at the trunk cannot Nvork towards the support stakes.
(5) One tree of each size shall be stakedand reviewed by the Landscape Architect prior to continued staking.
d smoothall surfaces to be seeded. Soil surface shall be dirce-quarters inch (3/4") below ad' -
jacent p,aveirient after settling. Roll lightly andfill in all soil depressions, All areas
shall slope to drain. Remove all rocks one ]rich (I ") or larger from the top two inches (2") of soil.
Soil shall be level, smoodi,and inoist prior to hydroseeding,
The seed bed shall be reviewed by the Landscape Architect to determine its suitability prior to planting. The Contractor shall obtain such reco mine tided approval prior to seeding
grass. No seeding shall be perrortned until ,Ill other construction operations have been completed, except by authorization oftlie Laildsc,ape Architect.
Mixing of hydronrutch slurry shall be performed in a tank with a built-in continuous agitation aild recirculation system ol'slifficient openating capacity to produce a homogeneous
slurry of mulch fiber, binding agent., .fertilizer arid water as specified in this Section 2,09., in the designated unit proportions:
Mulch Fiber 2,000 .tbs. peracre
Seed Mix As specified in this Section 2.09
Binding Agent I 00 tbs. per acre
Fertilizer-Gro-Powe,r.H,i-Nitrogeij, 250 tbs. peracre
Water 3,000 gallons pet- acre
Witbagitation systern operating at part speed,, water shall be added. to the tank, good recirculation shall be established. Materials shall be added in such a manner thattlicy are
uniforni1v blended into thefollowing sequence,
When tank is 1/3 filled with water:
Add binding agent, 1/2 acre requirement
Add 3 - 50 tbs, bales of fiber
Add seed, 1/2 acre requirement
Add 1'ertilizer, 1/2 acre requirement
When the tank is 1/2 filled with water:
Agitate mixture at full speed,
Before tankis 3/4 filled witli water:
Add'7 - 50 tbs. bales offiber.
As tank becotues.filled with water:
Add remaining requirements.
Sluny distribution should begin inintediately.
Am-atobet�ydroseededsliallbeiiioisteiiedtoadept,lI of six inches (6")jijstprioi�to,ipl)licatioti.
Applicafion: Hydroinutclied shirry Oval] be applied under high pressure, evenly arid result in tiniforni coat on all -areas to be tre,ated. Care shall be exercised to assure that plants in
place are not subJected to the inditect force of an applicatio.n. Shirly shall be immediately ivinovcd froinwalks, strrictures, etc. that are inadvertently splayed.
Turl grass shall be planted by sod laying, as indicated per plaii. Turf sod shall be specified on planting plan and legend,
Sodding - irrigateareas to be sodded priorto installation. Moisture sliallbe-unifornily present toadepthof2". Sod shall be installed widun one day ofdclivery, rolls shall be placed
in shaded areas prior to installation, Sod shall conform to all lawn shapesas designated perplan arid sb,all be installed in such a nianneras to visually eliniinate , all joints,and edges of
sodstrips. Fo I low ing ii-tstal lati oil, irrigate In rfai-eas thoroughly to provide even moi stu re penetratio n, Rot] all sod prior to beginning ,installation witliiii two (2) hours -prior to
beginning irrigation, sod shall be unifonjily smooth in appearance and shall be -flush with the finished gr,ade ofall walks, curbs, etc,
Mainteriance - three (3) weeks,followitig installation of turfgrass, areas shall be inowed regularly at intervals riot exceeding once perweek, Mowing shall be done with sharp, well
adjusted inowers or cutniore that lialf the existing top growth in one rnowing, Mowing heights shall be 2" to 2 1/2", during hot weather seasons never less (han 2" and shall , be I 1/2 "
TO 2" during cool weather seasons. Turf -grass areas that do not property grow shall be resodded as necessary. At the termination ofthe maintenance period all turfgrass aru-is shall
be completely covered, leaving not barren spots larger than three inches (Y) x three inches (3"), �
Apply water to all planted ,alvas during operations arid therealler, until acceptance of (lie work.
Immediately after planting, apply water to each sh-rub by ineans of a hose. Apply water in a moderate stream in the planting hole until the inaterial about the roots are conipletely
saturated from the botton, or the hole to the top of the ground .
Apply water in sufficient quantities arid as often as seasonal conditions require to keep the planted areas sufficiently irioist at all finies, well below the root system ofgnass and plants.
All turf and groundcover areas shall be kept darnp atall times and irrigation should be a4justed, accoixtingly, This normally would involve four (4) to six (6) wateringpenods daily,
e�ich watering period (ON) regulated to just dampen the mulch without creating, ruji off,
Intervals between irrigation (OFF) sequence should bejudged by the length of the time mulch remain dainp. Once the mulch begins to dry, out, the water(ON) sequence should be
repeated, ,
lffl� -Contractor shall continuously maintain all areas involved in this contract during the progress of the work, arid during the establishment arid maintenance period until final
acceptance of the work by the City.
A, Plant Establishment &.Maintenance, Period: The contractual Plant Establislinient & Maintenance Period shall be no less than ninety, (90) continijous calendardays and shall
begin after thefirst niowing of the turf and the planted areas are brought to ,,.I ticat, clean and weed free condition, .
(1) Mowing of turf will commence wheii turf grass has reached a height of two inches (2"), The height of cut will be one and one-li,talfinches to two inches (1-1/2" to 2"),
Mowing will be at least weekly after the fit-st cut. Turf must be well established and free of bate, spots and. weeds to the satisfaction oftlie Landscape Architect prior to
final acceptance by the City. Excess grass clippings, as deterinined by the Landscape Architect, sliall be picked up and removed frout the site arid plenrises.
(2) All areas shall be kept free of debris, and all planted areas shall be weeded at intervals of'nol -more than ten (10) days. Watering, trinuning, �ferfilizatioii, spniying and
pest control-, as may be required, shall be included in the maintenance period, Maintenance shall include gopher co'ntrol, In orderto carry out the Plant Establishment
& Maintenance Period work, the Contractor shall f'uriiish sul'ficient inen and adequate equipruent to perform the work
(3) Grading and, Drainage: During the Plant Establishment &Mailiteriance Period all flow lines shall be maintained to allow forfree flow ofsurface water. Displaced
material whichi.titerferes with drainage shall be removed and placed as directed. Low spots and pockets shall be gnided to drain properly. Jute netting sliall be installed
atflow filies arid other locations where, erosion is evident. when directed by the Landscape Architect,
' �
1, Damage to plairting areas shall be repaired inintedi,ately and throughout. (lie PlantEstablisfurient Period, Depressions causedby vehicles, bicycles, or .foot tralfitc shall be
filled and. leveled, Replant dainagedareas.
2. All paved areas sliall be washed arid maintained iii a neat arid clean condition at all tinjes.
3, All subsurface drains and inlets shall be periodically cleared of debris, leavesand, h -ash arid flushed with ctearwater to avoid build tip of silt and debris.
4. Debris and trash shall be removed ffoin the site dailv.
(4) Any day when the Contractor fails to adequately tDaijitai a plantings, re.place u nsuitable plants or do weed control or other work. as de terinined lieccssaly, by the
Landscape Architect, will not be credited cas one of the Plant Establishment & Maintenance Period days. � ,
(5) Post fertilize all furfareasat (lie end of every 30 days (ofmaintenance) at the rate of five pounds (5 tbs,) per one diousand square feet. ( I ,000 s,f,) usi g arril on
. n 11 inni
suffiue,,, evenly applied and thotoughly wateted in. Post fertilize all groundcover areas at the end or every thirty (30) days (of maintenance) at the rate ofthiq potilids
(30 lbs.)perone thousand square feet (1,000 s,f.), rising 5-3-1. Gro -Power. Forthefirial feedingof allafeas, use 12-8-8 Gro -Power Controlled Release Nitrogen at the
rate of thirty pounds (30 tbs.) per one thousand squarefe,et (1,000 s.f).
(6) The Contractor shall inaintain the, irrigation systerris in a like new operating conditiow ,ad usling head heights and spray arcs as necess,ary. The, Contractoris
, .,, � J ,
responsible -for proper watering of all planting areas. for providing any necessai), supplemental Nvater as may be required, arid shall replace any material damaged due to
improper inoisture- W
(7) During the Plant Establishment &NIainfenatice Period, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection forall planting areas. Any damaged
areas shall be repaired arid any plant materials replaced at the Contractor's expense, Improper maintenance orpossible poorconditionofany planting at the tern'tination
of the Plant Establishment & Mabitenance Period may cause postponement of the firialacceptance, Contractor shall bear all costs for extension of thePlaut
Establishment & MaintenancePeriod-
(8) The Plaut Establishment & Maintenance Period will be extended past nincly (90) d,ays if these provisions are not filled,
X All plant material installed under the contract shall be guaranteed against any and all poor, inadequate or inferior jilaterials andJorworkinanship for a period ofone (t) year.
Any plant found to be dead or ill poor condition due to such faulty nvite,rials or workmanship, as determined by die Landscape Architect, shall be replaced by the Contnactor at
his expense.
B, All pallus shall be guaranteed by the contractor for twenty-four (24) months after finM� acceptance, of the project. Contractor liability shall cover cost oflabor, equiptiletit.. and
materials to replace trees of similar size during, the covered period.
C� Any triaterial round to be dead,,rnissin& or in poor condition during the establishment period shall be replaced immediately. 'rhe Landscape Architect shall be thejudge as to
the condition of.rivaterial. Material to be replaced within the guarantee period shall be replaced by the contractor within fifte,en (1,5) days of'written notification by the City.
D, Replacement shall be made to the saine specifications requiredf'or original plantings withilifiv,e (5) working days afterwritten notification,
E. Material and Labor involved in the mplacing of material shall be supplied by the Laridscape Contractor at no additional cost to the City.
3 � 13 REVIEWS
,X_ Normal progress reviews shall be requested front the Landscape Architect at least forty-eight (48) horus in advance ofan anticipated inspection. A review will be niade by the
Landscape Architect on each of the steps listed below, The Contractor will riot be pennitted to initiate the succeeding steps of work until lie has received written -
recommendation of approval to proceed by the Landscape Architect,
(1) Immediately prior to the commencement of the work oil this Section,
(2) Spotting of all shrubs, trees and palms, and minor aqjustutents prior to planting,
(3) Plv1panation of are,as to groundcover and, turf installation.
(4) .Final review, stail, of establishment & maintenance period�
(5) After thirt-y (30) day plant establishment & maintenance.
(6) Final acceptance of project/ninety (90) day mainlerrance.
Payment for planting work will beat the Jump suin price bid forplanting, Payment shall include full conipens,ation for 11urnishing all labor, materials, tools,, equipment, and
incidentats, arid for doing ,-it] the wotkin planting as herein ,specified, A ,I 0% retention shall apply to at] planting work,
J9:ik\. RIVERSIDL" C,ALIF. 92506
1. a " a 0 01APE LIC. #1512
PH. (951) 781-1930
bp_u��.'i�c � FA 1)
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�10Z�1040 D WG, N 0, SHEET
�CZ 51152 1 4.064 8OF 8