HomeMy WebLinkAbout4064-7IRRIGATION SYSTEM VAKFI - GENERAL REQtAREMENTS 1, 1 DESCRIPTION X Work Included: Unless otherivise specified, the construction of irrigation systems sliall include the furnishing, installing and testing oftuairls, laterals, risci-salid fittings, quick couplers, low preventers., furnishing and installing of irrigation controllers, booster pumps, excavation and backfill. and all otherwork in gate valves, back f accordance with the plans andspecifications for a complete open, ting system. (1) The iintent of the drawitigs arid specification Is to iridicate and specify a conipleteand efficiemit irrigation gy,;tem tyandy forti-qc, in accordance witli the rvinnufilctum-lIg recommendations and tnectirig the recommended approval of the Landscape Architect. All work shall be in accordance with applicable City and County codes, and these plarls/specifications. (2) Irrigation systems shall be constnicted to the sizesand grades and at die location shown oil tile drawings, Lines shown oil the plans are essentially diagranullatic, .Locations of,�,ill heads, valves, etc., shall be reviewed by tlieLaridscape Architect at the time of construction, Donot exceed spacing ofthe headsas shown on plans. (3) The applicable provisions of die General Conditions and tire Speci�al Conditions of these specifications shall govern the work ofthis section as ifliereinwrittenin fill], (4) "file Contractor sliall maintain, continuously, a competent superintendent or forenian, satisfactory to the Owlier�., during tile progress of work, with authority to act for hurt in all matters pertaining to the work. (5) Work rioted as "N.I.C.", %xisting" or "to be supplied and/or installed by others" is not a part or this section, (6) The work in this section shall be coordinated with all underground utilities and trades responsiblefor their installation. 13� Field Conditions: Verify drawing dimensions with actual field conditions, Inspect related work and adjacent surfaces, Report to theLaridscape Architectall conditions which pmvent proper execution of this Nvork- C. Perraits and Fees,- The contractor shall apply- and pay for all ticcessaiy, fees and pennits required in the pursuit ofliis work, as wquired by governing codes, D� All assemblies specified herein shall be installed in accordance with therespective details. 'In the absence of detail, drawings or specifications pertaining to the specific itents required to complete tire wotk, the Contractor shall perforin such work in accordance with the best standard practice and to the satisfaction ofthe Landscape Architect,. E, Irrigation Contnactor is responsible,for replacing or repairing any acts of dieft or vandalism during construction and tile maintenance period, F, Permission to shut offiativ water linesniust be obtainedfroin tile Owner, Disruption of existing systems shall be kept to a minimum, G� Contractor shall maintain irrig,,ation system throughout plant establishment and niaintetiance, period, H. Contractor shall provide one year guarantee. 1 .2 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED E�LSEWHER.E A� Planting: Section 02800 13 QUALM' ASSURANCE X Codes and Standards: friaddition to complying with all pertinent codes and regulations, comply with [lie latest rules ofthe National Electrical Code and the Electrical Safely Orders of the State of California, Division of I-ndustrial Safety, for all electrical worl�. and materials, B, Qualifications of Installers: Provide atl east oric person who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion ofthe work and who shall be thoroughly fittililiar with the type of materials being installed and thernaterials manufacturer's reconimendcd methods of installation., and who shall direct all work perfornied underthis Section, 1A SUBMITTAI,S A. Gencrat Comply with the provisions of Section 01300, 13� Product Data: Within 45 d,,xvs afteraward of tile Contract, and be -fore any materials of this Section have been delivered to the job site, submit to the Architect: (1) A complete materials list of al] items proposed to be furnished and installed underthis Section, (2) The manufacturer's reconiniended methods of installation which,, when recommended for approval by the Architect, shall become the basis for review aiid accepting or rejecting actual iitstallationniethods used oil the work Nviren not otherwise specified or detailed. C. Materialsand Samples: 1finaterials are to be employed,, other than designated on the plans, the Contractor shall, priorto the installation ofany irrigation work, subliritfor rcconirriendedapproval by the Landscape Architect, a list of materials and equipment lie proposes to rise. The material, and equipnient list shall include,butnotbe litilited to, polyvinyl chloride pipe, autoniatic controllers and, control valves, quick coupling valves and irrigation heads, (I ) Should the Contractor propose to use materials or equipment other than those listed oil the plans., lie shall subinit samples ofthe make and type proposed. Samples shall be submitted a sufficient time in advance of tire start of constri.iction to allow a period of not less than seven (7) day s,for testing and recorriniended approval, (2) Recommended approval OfirrigatiOR equipment and materials shall depend oil thefollowing: (a) Conl'ortriance to specification requirements, (b) Acceptable test, results and/orfield performance. (c) Durability and low maintenance. (d) Availability of parts and service. (c) Compatibility with owners materials inventories. D. PrQject Record Drawings: Provide separate and coinplete Project RecordDrawings prepared inaccordarice with tire provisions oftliese Specifications, Sub -section, 3.8, rollowill& 1 .5 PRODUCT HANDLING A� Proteetion: Use all means necessary to protect tire, materials of this Section before, du ring, and after instalhation and to protect the wofl� and materials of ad other trades. B, Delivery: Polyvinyl chloride pipe sliall be delivered to the work site in unbroken bundles or rolls packaged in such a niantieras to provide adequate protection forthe pipe ends, threaded orplain. C� Replacements: In the event ofdaniage, inunediately rnakeall repairs a.nd replacenients.necessary to the recommended approval of the Architect and at iio additional cost to tire Owner, _PA.RT 2 - PRODUCTS 2,1 'PIPE A� Plastic Pipe: (1) Unless otherwise specified., the constniction of lateral lines and main lines shall include excavation and backfill, the furnishing, installing and testingol7pipe, tubeand fittings., the, furnishing and insualling ofauchors, thrust blocks and location wire, the improvements, line flushing and testing, and all other work in accordance with tire plans and specifications, (2) Main supply pressure lines shall be PVC; 4" and larger Class 200, 2" - 3" Class 315, 1 1/2" and smaller Schedule 40., as nianufachired by L,asco Industries, orapproved equal. (3) Lateral non -pressure linesshall be PVC, Schedule 200 polyvinyl chloride, as in-anufactured by 1-.,asco Iridustries, or approved equal. (4) Irrigation Lines Sleeves sliall be PVC, Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride, as nialiuf�actured byLasco Industries, orapproved equal. (5) Low Voltage Control Wire Sleeves (valve wires) shall be PVC Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride, as inantifactured by, Lasco Industries, orapproved equal, All exposed wires shall be sleeved in PVC Schedule 40 ULV electrical conduit with ULV Schedule 40 fittings. B. Identification: All pipe shall be continuously and permanently marked with the l"ollowing information, The normal pipe size., the type and schedule orclass oftilaterial, the working pressure or pressure rating at 73.4 degrees F., tire inaimracturer's name or trade mark, arld the National Sanitation Foundation (N.S.F.) seal ofapproval. (1) All plastic pipe shall be guaranteed by its rnatrufacturerto have passed. orbe capable of passing, tile Anhydrous Acetone Ininiersio.tr Test and to be free from manufacturing defects, C, Polyvinyl Cliloride Pipe Fittingsand Connections: (I) Polyvinyl chloride pipe fittings and connections approved for irrigation systems shall be polyvinyl chloride,Type 11, Grade I, Schedule 40, high inipactirrolded fitti ngs, mariulactu red from virgin coinpotinds, (2) The Schedule 40 fittings shall be tapered socket type., or molded thread type, suitabte.far either solvent weld or screwed connections. (3) Machine threadedfittings will be acceptable only if tliivid-strippitig.resist�i,ii.ce test results ary submitted and approved, (4) In, hire fittings, such as couplings, unions and bushings may be machined froin extruded stock. (5) Plastic saddleand flarigefiltings will not be acceptable, (6) Ali fittings shall be perinariently marked with the following inforniation, The normal pipe size, the type and schedule ofinaterial, and the National Sanitation Foundation (N.S,F.) seal of approval. D, Galvanized Pipe and Fittings: (I) All galvanized steel pipe shall bc Schedule 40, threaded, coupled and hot -dip, galvanized, and shall comply with ASTMA120 and A53, (2) All fittings for galvanized steel pipe shall be 150 PSInated galvanized, nialleabic iron, banded pattern. (3) Pipe sizes indicated oil the drawings are tionrinal inside diameter unless otherwise rioted. 2.2 VALVES A. Ball Valves: (I) All ball valves shall be all bronze constructiolifull port-, 1/2" dini 2", Nibco'.1'585. (2) Working Pressure Rated: 1150PSIstern,400PS1W.O.G. ( ' 3) Ball valves installed underground shalt be housed in a Christy plastic turf box, B. Autornatic Control Valves (Electric): (t) All automatic control valves (electric) shall be as called for oil plans., electrically controlled, liydniulic�ally operated, single seal. nonnally closed no equivalents or equals. (2) The valves shall be actuated by a nonnally closed solenoid valve operator using 244 volts, 60 cycle alternating current, The wires in the coil ofthe solenoid shall be embedded in all epoxy resin, The entire solenoid sliall be enclosed in Spears dry splice DS -400 water proof connectors, Valves shall automatically close in event of-, electrical powerfiai lure. (3) All automatic control valves shall have aflow control device for niatitially adjusting the amount of flow of water through the valve. The flow control device sh'all be a4justed so that (lie pressure at tile nozzle of tire sprinkler ]lead farthest from the, autonlatic control valve shall be that as specified in the irrigation legend perptall, Tile pressure at tire sprinkler head sIi,,,rfI be measured by means of a pilot pressure gauge while tire sprinkler [lead is operating, (4) Automatic control valves shall be constnrcted of brass or slairiless, steel springs and screens, and composition inaterial (neoprene) seals and seal washers, 2.3 CONTROLLERS & WIRE A, Automatic Controllers (Electric): (1) Controller shall as called. for oil plans. (2) All automatic controllers treated in this specification shall be for use with solenoid operated (24 -volt electric), normally closed,, control valves. (3) Automatic controllers shall meet the following re- quirenierits: Be cornpletely autonlatic in operation with reinote control. Shall electrically start tile sprinkling cycle. Shall electrically time tire individual stations. Shall operate oil single phase, 120 volt, 60 cycle, ahernatirig current, Shall contairi electrical circuits for punip and master valve operations. Shall have complete opera, ting instructions and charts indicatilig controller station to valve locations mounted inside the controllerin full view when cotitiDiler is open. B. Control Wire: (1) All control wire slr;�.dl be of the UiideiiN,,r.iteesl-.abor,,itoty type UF (underg ,round.feeder), single conductor, solid copper, plastic insulated, 600 volt. rated, for direct burial applications, Maximum conductor openating temperature, 60 degrees C. for both wet- and dry locations, Wire, composition is as follows: (a.) Conductor - The conductors shall be solid annealed uncoated copper meeting the applicable requircinents ofthe latest revisions of A,S.TM, B-3, (b) Insulation -The insulation shall be colored plastic which incels the test requirements of 1,P.C.E,A. (The Insulated Power Cable Erigineer's Association) Pub , No, S-61-402, dated July 196 1, Section 3,7 for 60 degrees C, polyvinyl chloride insulation, The insulation shall be flairie.retardwit., resistant to fungus, re- sistant to corrosive furnes, suitable I"or wet locations and furnish some degree of inherent protections against mechariic�al abuse. Insulation thickness shall be 47 alitsfor AWG #18, 14, 12 & 10, and 62 aids for AWG #8, (c) Color Coding -The Conductor instilation sliall be color coded as follows: (1) All conution. ground wire, shall be white, (2) All pilot. (valve contwl) wire shall be of different color2A VALVE BOXES A, Valve Boxes: Remote control valve boxes shall be rectangular plastic boxes with non -hinged plastic covers. Ball valve boxes shall be round plastic boxes with non -hinged plastic covem 25 SPRINKLER HEADS A, Sprinklerfleads: (1) Sprink-lei�licadssliallbeascalledforojipla,.tis. S prink to r heads s lial I be of I lie types a nd sizes, wi th the diarricter (or nadius) of throw , pres sure, discharge atid any other designations necessary to determine the types and sizes, as indicated oil the plans. (2) All sprinkler heads of a particular type of ftniction in the systein shall be of (lie sarne manufacture and, with. the exception ofshrubbery heads, sliall be tuarked with the nialitifacturer's narrie and model number. This identification shall be visible without having to remove the sprinklerlicad from tire system. (3) Unless otherwise specified, all irrigation heads & body shall be constrircted of cycolac with the following exceptions: bearings, washers, gaskets, seals, spray, pins and rocker arins, PAR,r 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. ltispectiori� (I) Prior to all work of this Section, cave.fully inspect the installed work of all other tnades and ver.ify that all such work is complete to tile point where this iiistallatioii lyla�y properly conlillence. (2) Verify that irrigation system may be installed in strictaccordarice with all pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, the reference staridardsarid the niaturfacturer's reconriliendations. 13. Discrcparicicsl� (1) ill the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Arcluitect. (2) Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved, 3,2 FIELD MEASUREMENTS (1) Trenches and other excavations for irligation pipe and appurtenances shall be excavated true to alignment and grade, and shall be of ailiple size for the proper perfornialice of installation Nvorkl, review, test-ing and backfill. (2) Whercit is rleccssaiy to excavate ad acent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. (3) Protect all existing utilities and repair any dainage to existing utilities witli matching new materials, at no increase in contract price. (4) Generally, piping underconcre(e shall be instatledbyjacking, boring orhydnattlic driving, Where any cutting orbrea.kingo,fsidewaU�.sa.tid/orcoticietewoi�k- is necessary, it shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor, Pennission to cut or break sidewalks aridlorconcrete shall be obtained froni the Architect. No hydratilic driving will be permitted underaspliahic concrete Paving. (5) Coordituate with planting operalJons,, as 10" de -ion systerns installation. (cross -ripping is part of the planting work), prior to irrigat 13� Plastic1lipe'Frenches: (I) Minunnul trench width sliall be six (6) inclics. (2) Mininium, trench depth below bottoni of pipe shall be two (2) inches. (3) Minimum cover shall be based on, finished grades, unless otherwise rioted onDrawings. a. 1.,,aterall,inc minimum cover shall be twelve (12) itiche's, b� -Main Line mirtirrium cover shall be eighteen (18) inches, c� ruininium cover sliall be twenty-four (24) inches. C, Backfill M,�.rteriat (I) All plastic pipe shall be bedded and encasedwith approved backfill, material free ofrocks and clods as indicated in the following table arld/orshow.nonthe plans, Thickness Under Thickness Above Thickness at. Side Pipe Mininitrin PipeN1111111111111 Of Pipe Minimum , I , Nvo (2) inches Four (4) inches Two (2) inches (2) The balance of backfill, material sliall be approved soil. Unsuitable material, including clods and rocks over 2 to 2-1/2 inclies in size, shall be re-illoved from the premises and disposed of legally at no cost to tire Owner, (3) Backfill material shall be sufficiently compacted under and oil each side of the pipe to provide support free of voids, Oil slope areas over 3: 1 gradient corripaction shall be 85% (unn) or equal to tire requirements of tire grading plans, which ever is greater. Pipe joints shall remain exposed until the completion of'pressure and leakage test, unless authorized by tile Architect. 711ic top six (6) inches of backfill shall be free of rocks over one (1) inch, subsoil, rubbish and debris, (4) The reirrainder of the backfill material shall contain no lunips or rocks larger Iliari two and one-half (2-1/2) inches.,, nor contain rubbish and debris, (5) Backfill shall be tairiped or puddled to the dry density of a(tjacent soil, Backfill within areas of structurally compacted soils shall be returned to the original relative density as before, trenching. 1 .3.3 INSTALLA'"i-ION OF POLYVINYL CIJLORIDE PIPE A� Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be installed in such a manner so as to provide tbr expansion and contraction as recommended by (lie manufacturer. B, All polyvinyl chloride pipe slial-I layfive in the trench witli no induced strain, Where there- is evidence of inducedpipe strain'.1 the Contractor shall be required to make pipe cuts and install angle fittings as necessary to clirnitiate the strain. C, When a connection is plastic to metal, a ferriale adapter shalt be used. The metal nipple shall be h all d- lighte ned, plus one turn with a strap wrench. Joint compound shall bePertuatex, Type 2, or Teflon Tape, D� The Contractor will be reqnired to remove and replace air), fitdirg which induces a torque straill to tile pipe� E� Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be cut witha PVC, pipe cutter, hand saw or ]lack saw with tile assistance of a square and sawing vise or in a niantier so as to ensure square ends, Burrs at cut ends shall be renioved prior to installation so that, a smooth unobstnicted flow will be obtained. F. All plastic to plasticjoints shall be solvent-weldJoints, Only the solvent recommended by the pipe manuracturershall beused. G. The solve tit -we tdJo ints shall be made in the followinginanner: -Thoroughly clean the mating pipe and, fitting -%vith a clean dry cloth, -Ttythepartsforfit. The parts should " (fly -inate" between one-third and two-thirds the depth of the socket. I.fadeqt.itteiti.seiliotiisiiot.obl,,iitied,orbottoiiii.tigocctjrs,, try another part until a sa(isfactory "dn­fit" is obtained. -Apply a uniform coat of solvent to the outside of tile pipe with a noir-syntlietic bristle brnsli, NOTE: 1.rPTA,­1',7'ye1, 11204220, pil.)eiii(ititigsiit:ti7ce,shall,lii,stbecteatte(iii,,ith the application o (X[M) so/vent. 7hiscleaningshallbe ,p f, accoinplished bY, app�ving Af]13,Kso/vent to the.full inatittgsu�face area and i0ping (�ffivith a clean cloth, repeating, the process, ifnecessary, until no trace qfshine rentains (neither streaks nor spots,). 7"Itet.ise(.�?fcottttiiet�cialPl,,(,,.solvefit-ceiiiet,itthiiiitersasasiibstiti.it(-,(Y"A,,II13Kisiiote.71loit,,e�,1. -Apply a uniform coat of solvent -weld to diefittirig sockct� -Re-apply a light coat of solvent -weld to the pipe and quickly insell it into the fitting, -Give the pipe or filting a. quarter turn to ensure evell distribution of the solvents and make sure that the pipe is inserted to the full depth ofthe fitting socket. -Hold in. positionfor at least .15 seconds, -Wipe off excess solvent that appears at tire outer shoulder of the fitting, 3.4 INSTALLATION OF CONTROI.,, WIRE A. Unless othenvise specified, the installation of control wire. shall include excavation and backfill, the furnishing, installing and lesting oftlic, wires, the renroval arid/or restoration of existing i nip rove ment s and all other work in accordance with the plans and specifications. 13� 1,Jnless otherwise specified all neutral (common ground) wire shall be AWG #18 and all, pilot (valve control) wire shallbe AWG#18, C� At least. one spare wire shall. be installed from the controller clock to the most distant valve. When wire rturs go in different directions fronr the controller clock, a separate spare wire shall be installed from the controller clock to the most distant valve in each different wircruti direction. .D. Tape and bundle all control wires at 10'o/c max,inium, place wiring with 18" inininiurn cover, When wiring is placed in common tn-,nclies with piping, setwiring 2" froul ally piping E� All ivire splicinjlf shall take place iri the valve boxes alid/or pull boxes, All splices shall be made with a niech,,inical coil tie, ctor encased in a self -curing epoxy resin which 7) provides a perniancin watertight connection. F� The final operating sequence of" the remote control valves, within each individual controller clock, shall be as called out oil drawings. G � Testing: (1) All direct burial control wire installed shall be tested in the following Inaturer. -Before any backfill. niaterial is placed over tire control wires in the trencli, the wires shall be tested with a incter for insulation resistance, Minimum insulation resistance to ground shall be fifty (50) mcgoluns, Any conductor not inecting this requirement shall be replaced, -on I -AI.'tcr backfill encasement, the wires shall again be tested, with a nicter. The.mininium acceptable insulation resistarice to gi lid oil this test sha I be one (1) nrcgohrn� Any conductor not meeting (.],us requircluent. shall be replaced. H. Provide sepanateconinionwire fo.reaclicotitrollerii,istalled, 3.5 INSTALLAT1011 N OF VALVES A, General: Unless otherwise specified, the installation of tire valves shall include excavation and backfill, tire furnishing, installing and testing oftisers, fittitigs andwalves, tire furnishing and installing of appurtenances, accessories, anchors and thrust blocks, tile removal atidlorivstorat,iotiofexisti,tig irnproverrielitsand all otherwork in accordance wifli the plans and specifications, 13� Ball Valves: Valves installed underground shall be housed in a Brooks plastice va-lve box orequa-1, 3,6 INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC -CONTROLLERS A, Unless othelivise specified, the installation of atiloniatic controtleis, sh�,Jl include the furnishing, the installing, makitig necessat), electrical connections, the testing of controllers and connection., andall other work as calledfor oil the plans and/or in the specifications. B� All electrical co.riduit shall be P.V,C, Sunstop ULV Schedule 40 pipe & fittings, C. Install controllers at Yinin. away froin 3 phase power. .D, Unless othenvise specified dic, installation of controllers shall be as detailed on plail, E., Controllers shall, be, tested for fotjrteen (14) cateridar days after complete instatlation of the sprinkler system. S;y�s(en-i sli,�ill operate auton-iatically in the rnan.ner shown orl the drawings and/or specified herein. 3,7 INSTALI_,ATION OF SPRINK-1,ER HENDS A, Unless othetivise specified, the instalhition of sprinkler licads shall include excavation and backfill, the furnishing, installing and test-ing ofrisers, fittings and heads, the furnishing and installing of anchor,,, and thrust blocks, tire furnishing and installing of colic shaped scivens at base ofeach head, the removal and/orrestoration ofexisting improvements and all other work shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications, 13� Flushing: All water lines shall be thoroughly ora before heads arc-, installed. C� Location andarc of heads shall be adjusted, if required to eliminate any dry spots, over water or spillage oil adJacent areas, 13� All seeded area sprinkler heads shall be installed atijacent to existing walks, curbs, or other paved areas, shall be set to the grade ofthe improvements, Sprinklerlicads which are to be installed in areas where the, turf has not yet bee.n established shall be set. one (2) incliesabove the proposed finished. grade. Heads installed inthis manner shall be lowered by tire Contractor prior to final acceptance, In estatflislied laNvii aru-is the sprinkler heads sliall be set to existing grade. E, All shrubbery licads to be installed within dirce (3)feet of curbs shall be set to a inaxinnuir height of six (6) inches �ribovc tire, grade ofthe curb. Shrubbery heads installed in all otherareas shallbe twelve (12) incliesabove ftnished gradesunless othenvise indricatedotitheplaris, Pop.-itpsti�t-Liblicadssli.�illbeitista.Iledasdetaii.ed. 3.8 TURNOVER ITEMS A. Turnoverltenis: Supply as part of this contract tire following items-. (1) Four (4) additional sprinkler heads of cach type and spray pattern shown on plans. 3.9 TESTS A. Pressure Tests: (1) All pressure lines shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 125 pounds per square inch, and all tion -pressure lines shall be tested under the existing static pressure and both be proved watertight, Contractor shall provide all equipment forhydrostatic tests at no cost to the Owner, (2) Presstire shall be sustained in. the lines for not less than two (2) hours, If leaks develop, thejoints shall be replaced and the test repeated until the enti.re- systelil is proved watertight. (3) Tests shall be observed and rec oi mile tided for approval by the Landscape Architect prior to back -fill, B. Coverage Test: (1) When tile irrigation system is completed, the Contractor., in tile pre-sence of the Architect, shall perform a test coverage of water afforded the planting areas, complete andadequatc, The Contractor shall 11imish all materials and perform all work required to correct any,- inadeq1tacies ofcoverage disclosed arising frorn, his work, (2) Contractor shafl itiforin the Owner's representative of any deviation froni the plan required due to wind., planting, soil or site conditions that bearon proper coverage; and upon approval, perform changes to provide for proper covenage at no additional cost to the Owner, 110 REVIEWS A� Normal Progress Reviews: Nortrial progress reviews shall be requested from the Architectat least 48 hours in advance of air), anticipated review, A review will be triade by tile Architect on each of [lie stopslisted below. Tire Contractor will not be perinittcd to initiate the succeeding steps ofNvork until lie has received, written approval to proceed by the inspector. (1) Immediately prior to the coinniencenrent of the wol1, of tile section. (2) Irrigation materials and equipment to be used. (3) After trenching and before backfill. (4) Completion of line testing, test to be made prior to backrill. (5) After placement of all heads, valves and controllers for coverage. (6) Final acceptatice of proJecl. by Owner. (7) In no event shall the Contractor cover tip or otherwise remove from view any work under this contn.ict without prior approval. Any work covered prior to review shall be opened to view by the Contractor, at his expense, B. Unprepared Review Requests: In the event the Contractor requests review of workand said work is incorriplete, the Contractorshall be responsible forre-view cost. C. Completion-, 'The work will be accepted., in writing, wheii (lie whole shall have been completed satisfactorily to the Ownerarid the Architect, Injudging the work. no allowance for deviation from the original plans and specifications will be inadc unless already approved by Owner,, in writing, at the propertinics, (1) Leave the entire ins4fflation in complete operating order, free froul, any and all defects in material, Nvorkinauship orfirtish, regardless ofarry disciepancics and/or ornissions in platis or specifications, (2) Remove frour tire, site all debris and rubbish resulting from file work, and leave the installation in clean condition. 3.11 Gt.J.ARANTEE A, General: Tire, clitire sprinkler system, including all work done under this contract, shall be gua ra uteed against all defects wid, fault ofinaterial and Nvorkinaliship tbra period, of one (1) year following the filing of the Notice of Completion. All materials used shall carry a inanufactilivr's guarantee oforie (1)year, Should any problein with the irrigation systeni be discovered within the guarantee period, it shall be corrected by tire Contractorat, no additional expense to tile City withi'I'l ten (10) calendar days of receipt of written notice from the City. When theirature of dierepairs as determined by the City, constitute air emergency (e.g. broken pressure line) the City may proceed to inakerepairs at tile Contractor's expense. Any and all damages to existing improvement resulting cidicrfront hatilty irlaterials or workirialiship., or from the necessary repairs to correct same, sluill be repaired to I -lie satisfaction of the City by the Contractor,, all at no additional. cost to the City. B. Form of Guarantee: Guarantee shall be subtiiitt(-.,d on Contractors own letterlicadas.follows: FORM OF GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATtON SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that (lie sprinkler irrigation system we havefurnislied alid installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, W and the worl� has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusuat abuse, or neglect excepted, We agree to repair or replace any defects in materials or workmanship which may develop during tile period of oneyear from (late of filing of the Notice ofCompletion and also the repairor replace an�y darnageresulting frour tire repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the City, We shall inake such repairs orreplacenients within 1.0 calendar days following written notification by the City. In the event of ourfailtue to make such repairs or replacements within the time specified after receipt ofwritten notice from the City, we authorize the City to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT: LOCA_7rION: SIGNED: .ADDRESS: C. After the system has been completed, the Contractor shall instruct the Community Facility District Representative in the operation and inairitenance ofthe system and shallfurnish a complete set of operating instructions. 13� Any setting of treliches which may occur during, tile one-year period following acceptance shall be repaired to CityrDs satisGaction by the Contractor without any additional experise to the C ity. Repairs sliall include tire coniplete restoration of all damage to planting, paving or other iniprovemerils ofany kind as a result ofthe work. 3.12 MAINTENANCE A. Maintenance of irrigation system prior to job conipletion, and during tire Landscape Nlaintenatice period, shall be the responsibility of tire Contractor including, but not limited to, the following: - Cleaning of phigged irrigation heads, -Irrigation heads aqjtristirients, -Volurne of water being applied (coordinate with hindscape inaintertairce,) -Progranuiring of the controller (coordinate with landscape maintenance.) -Repairi-tig leaking valves,, etc. -obl a tiol el 1� .Any other pi eni , reas which occur after installation attributed to tile irriga, i syst i -Repair or replace equipment due to acts of vandalism, theft or post dalliage. -Lower all seeded area heads to final gnides prior to final acceptarice by Owner. 3,13 PAYMEN"I"TERMS Paymentfor irrigation work will be at tile lutup suni price bid for irrigation, Payrileirl shall include full compensation forfurnishing all labor, inaterials,, tools., equipment, and incidentals, and, for doing all the work, in. irrigation as herein specified, A, IWI/4 retention shall apply to all irrigation work. END OF SECTION E M :10 P