HomeMy WebLinkAbout3750-13I . � �� I .1 . . I 1. . .11'"'.., ­­. _. � I I -1 . � . - I ".. � : I.. - �. " I ". � . �. . �� I I conditimu Of Appips'at . � . Dumltb�x I, 2WI - I I . I - * I . I,= ign i�.v ie'-* w No. � 0 -0277 1 . I - ­ I . . . � I I � I .11 . I 11 . I , I I - I . . . � � . . � � , � . - � . .. 102. F4PQ, This de-velo I . pmeril shall comply with tW Fj" So* Qvt4ay conditions as , . . . . ado&d in County Ordinasnocl�o. 3341� This development is located in a Err review , I � . art& I I . 1. .. I I . � 1. . - 1 , - 1. I ... �. I I ­ . - . � � � . . 1 103. V6PC' A one Luadoed (I 00) foot f6el modification v6ie ,in compliance with County , . I � standards is r9qiiiirvd, I I I � I 1. � � ­ I - I 1. I I I I I . 10-4. T7?0 Prior to fiamiq wasulitionr qpruycd fire hydir".juid.fre hythant I I ; , . . . � � . PdAbractL makers "I he in�lled_ ViiitIfydr4rits AM[ be Six (6),inchdianietar with , I I . . arvin�rnuTnotp.octo,ur(.4)iticb.f.adi�iw2-112,fiickcotm.ectiiDe.asepm1fiedbY]9f.c , . . , . � I .. . . . I department, The design Q,f the fiiie li�draA4 and fire hydrant pavement marlLers sliall � . I I . I _. . be -Approved by the kiv Department. In areas whert.inoi& Terrwval , ocuur.3 or iioii- � . I . - . I I I paved raad.s.txils.4 the blue r.ef1ectKe,.'�ydfaPA mafkershall be postedoilan approved , . - .� � . I I . I post ihree.,P) . ket: fivirn'tlie hydrant. AM fire, hydrant spacing Shall, be three hundred I � � I . . 1 (30o) Ica � . .1 I I I I I 1.1111-1.1111 ­ .. ­ I � I � � � I I .1. � 105. F9PC: The street addr.Q�is shall. bt posted with a mmimurn I offbiar (4) inch numbers, - I � ,Visible *om ft smet wiJ durjng We botJTSOf`daTkae5S1fic� nPni�,M $11411 . � . . . I I.. . . k ilitplUally � . etectriciiny� ilturaiihated with a Idw valtage power suarm. Po.wd au.ihb,,h Shall . � . I I � contxast%�!Iii their 'back 1 -trice %kh the, . , grqapd and be Qb1c,fram tho stru%t in accor i . . � . I Vh!fb=FireCodP_ V416re building, setbacks exceed "*1ur4T;d.(! 0.0) fect front the I � . - I . I . . . -.1dwAy , I addil4ciftal contrasting four (4)(inch sumbais Shall be displayed at tho I I � - . � pComy aocca!8, . . I I I I . I - I I . __ I � � I I . � I I . . . � I . I I � . I I I � . 1 106, F10FQ Eve* &in=v used ju wi�unctaii wAhAfty fircp1ac any a qf - . * .. , .t of 00 (i . I . appamcein,Acchsolf�erliqiiia&ei.isiLW,stAI be maintainedwiltbanWproved � . I - - - spark arrestor visible from the pround, as identified in the Lftiform Fine Qudv. � . � I � . I ­ . I � I I I . . I - 107. 1, 17SC- Prior it) F im Drpurtment clkdT4n#.:.e for ocruline,v, an amof c life $a cty " alft. i f . . I rlreApfiijklett�ysteinisrt.qtjiicd.This.xystemsilaileolbi�ly.w,14NFpApw.npXe R . , .1 #B � " I � . I I I . and firt,I)cpartment Ouldchnes AA361k_ Tluf d"ev,per Shall submit detailed plans , - . I . . . I and hydrati[ic calq�lkaions w the $an Hera4rdirp Caun4, Fke Popautrap e, - I . . I . I . I . I . 1. , . . it, Fees at . I requir�-d at ibe tin� Or plan subraittal. Wimum, water supply Aall be it oncr (1) ifich � I � � I . =W1, , I . - I . , I . � � . I 10 . 3. - F29SC: Fbe H,vxd Areas: Provide ortc-hour fire rcsisfive Wtistrut!tion fbiraxL-tior I I I 1. VaQii). C,oUt,BCtt,kCiecilful.insf,ct:Lorr#tarxlingqvcificat.io.nsfor-tbi.4teqtiirenient. I � - . I . , - I � . 109. 1`33dsQ� Prior to reloasc for buil" permiLs ixtiture kesof`$290,00-2000 . - . . � I . . Ift . .. a I . � I � - $1280 DO will biqdid to ffic San Acraurdi 0 Courty Fire DpPartpicaucc . * in . . ininullity I . I .. , S_f�iy Divi'jiori. Thi%fiep is in add � to the Llt� of r ontaria, . on to firtc L-Q�s ihilt giv pd1d . . � - � . . � � I I I � � I � I - . � . . - ­ . � I .... ­­ � �� ­ I . . � I I I . . .. - I I � I .. �. - � � � I I � . � . � I � I ,� � 11.1 I I � I 1. . - - . I . . � I I � I I .. I 1 . - � . " I I . I I . I - I I . � � , . � � . ., I . . .1 , I I I I 1 , I I I . � 1- . I . � � I I.. ,. � I ­ '. . � � I .11 � � I . I �.. � I I . I . �� �. . . 11 . , I I . I I . � I � 1. I.. "I I � I I I I . ...� I "I - ­ - I � ': ­ , I ­ .1 I ­ .. � I � I I . � � ,.. - � � 1. I � I . . I I I . I � � . . . I I , ... . ­ . -- � . � I I I I � � � I . - ....- I I 11 . � I I � , . . I I I . . . � I I I I . I . � 17 � . � . . I � - . � , , I � � I I I . I . �. ''. .. I � � � , I _. . I . ­ . I I � I . , . . I . 1. - � I . - 11 ., . . . - I . . � ''. � . . I . I—- . . - � � . - . � � . I I , - ­ ". . � I .. 1. � 1� � �� - � . .1 I 1. � . I I . ,­ � . . I . . � � I 1. � I � � I . I .. �� I., . 1. I � � � . . I .. I � . ". t I � ��, I I .11 . I . I I - I � I � I I - 11 . I - � .1 � . � � . . - .1 I . . � . . � I I . ... . � 1. � I � I I I � � � I I Coriditi M O(ApprQvl I I I . De6mittict k 11161 I to .. . . , I Da!911RdV1tWK0.DJ-b27 ' I I � . I . .. . I I I - , I I � � .1 �. 1. . . . - � . � . "..., . � . ..'', . � � I I . I � .1 I � . . . - . I � I � I I I I I 0� The Attached Viegotation Mianiagomicat Plan Is applicable to die Ph4uci_ . . I 11 1. 1. � . . � I � . I � . - ,� � I . I 111. 1h0_fqnow!xtr,:essrekobibitq& ik�aoia,..Cil6fd.yptta.pal-,-.jai4of,�).��tv-,i�� .1 . . . 0 . . � � coolifizr4 cc4r, pcppvx, alive. camphor, bottlgbjtuil�, red shank. manzmilta, yucca. . . - � . I I I . I .1 I . . I .1 . . � I - I ­ . � - - � . 11 I � I I I . __ - __ __ I � . � I fuauc Sukvim. S ------ 7-771 . I I I I � . . I � rRIOIK70 ISSUANCE OFURADING PERMIT I . . � I . - . I � I I - � 112. All cOnsti-actibri projects v�hkh *41 (Igtailb -one (i) stdre or in CC OfSo, 0 1 � I I am . . � .0. � it I less illiu, . q . (1) Acre if the coustruction. ispoxt ofe.1ta-ger common PLU pUcy.clopment shall . I � � . ' I � . I � . . I submit f6r leview a Storm VViattf Pollution PitytIndon Plari, Erosion Cowfl-rol, 1pign a114 . . I a Storm water Outtlity kfanagementPlan. . I I I - � � I . - I I PRJ0KTQI3SQkNCb E BUILDING PgRA41T I 11 .1 I I I � I . I . ,- I I I � I I I ' I I I - . - 1`13. AO coustruetion'pruj.ctits 9W We reqeiled ti.i. obitain coverage . under the State's Getimi � CaristrUO(NI Storril Waterfeml; hove filed with CC StaWEqarrJ&N1odcc sirlatuif to be. I .1 I . . I I I I I I I I cover?d by the relevant Gcoctat P�Xmit. fi,vlicants shdfl be rqtArud to pawkic a copy . I .. of the Wisw Diricliarier Idierilirk.i&n. Nur.rlxr (VVDID). issued. by the State Board as ,. ,. � . I - * , evidence of coveroage under the General Pcinnit. I . . � I I . ... I .. I I I I � � - .1 � I � . �. , . . .1 I I I . � I SCHOOL.DLSTFUCT I .. I I .. - I . I I . � I � IM Prior to iiisuavc­_ of buil n permits the ap -b for 56ho th I I .. . 01.g . . ,plicanit shall be "sponst le Va ie � I . applicable school district fee. . .. . . . � I � I I ... I .. I I I - I 11 I � I I . . � I . I . .1 . � � I-- I I � . � I � �. ,� � 11 . I I . I I . . I I I I . I - . . � .1 I . I . I . I . � .1 I END OF CONDITIONS,0 . f �&PPR()VAL. I , I � I 1-1 . . I.. . I � .. I � - ... � , . . . . I .. � � � " TRY UNDFIRSIGNU APPLICkNT HAS READ AND AC"OWTLIEDGES THE CONTENT , 11 OF AND AGREES TO THE CONDMONS Ob MITKOVAJ� F()R Tills -PROJECT. . I I . . . � . ... -1 I., . I . I . . . � . . I . I I � � , I - . � - - . I I I I 11 - . I . I . I I I � . - I , . I I .. . I 1. I I I ftn4ture I I &ta 1. . � . � � � .. - � . -1 �- I -1 -I I � � 11 - - � � OM4111011s ;rAppr9yal I . rJ=CMbt;r 3, 2007, . � � Eftsikit kcview)�o..Oj-027 � I . I I I � � I - . . . . � I I - . - . I � I - PRIOR TO T-SAJ.4_WMQF MR.TWICATE 6F QCCMANQ - � - - I I . . I . 7V. All pending1balan,-_ lbes shall be paid. I I � I . , � I I I I � 7 1. The 4iplicant shall, have fully coustrwied public impruveratmU per approved. plans, . City Standards VId SpedfiLMIJ071% arid %hall have addressed all.purich list, ftems tq the wrti . I .1 . � 1. � , I I ... daptiqa , . � of the (4y, trig,mcer, I I I . � I . 72.m required undergtouhding of dvarhud Utilities Aall be rrarri,*ed. I . I . - � � - - I I 11 - ,� 1 7�� Applkan( Shall have trovi4cd, W not lic HEOW lo� *, fpllowin -d-rQ-d U0114 I . I .g U � SMICCS1101.50110L. sanitary &Cvver%,.Wdtcr,c1ectriL power, telephone, and cable television, I . � I I � 74. 0%%,acr,DcveI%,cr shall Submit to the city a copy oUx Notice of lermiaition approved by IN.: State Waiter Resoame crintral Board for the prq*t's cancellation of its Geaerst. - � Consirruction Activity Stlarm'Waiver Pemift. I I . � - 75. the applicant,shall Aill coushwt land1sc" -improvmen6i cm she and q(Nte per approved - ly � I -plars, the City Standards and *cificatious, and she! obtain die City Inspetwes final inspection sign -off after vcArication of afe 4otit distance staindards are met. I Andsearid . impirp-mments shall ;dso include cqmpletion 0 h9dscApe dl . I . ., . lementS wiII& and abutting _ lettered . lots dedicated for operi spaces as well as landsicApo.cascillents. � � � . I . � . I � . 76. Provide locations, atKt identificationt cumbers at Alt City paid uti* inieums irl the public right -f -way. I I I I . � . . � 77. It is the Applii�tiaCs tespmsibility io maintain all iTiVroverrients and utilities within public . I right-of-way, iticlutding street sweering, prior 10 fitw acceptWunc, by tile City. t1wiv � I RPPRCELI)10� 1b,'AppliCant must Pf1JVWPrLTViADnaI AMEL 9W=p!uLr Schedules to ote City, . � . 79. Provide a recorded copy of the proposed covenants, conditions and milrictions tC-.C. & I - 10 the pr�cct_ � R.'s) as &PPLicable � I � � . . 1 79. rGxb,xougf, Drive where requLred sliall be with adequate crosion. coutrol inmurcs to te . I � s4sfiection. of the City Engineer, � � � � - I NO. The aliplicant. shaft be roquired w cmsL-uc,Vcxbcnd the accegsiary icaprovcmwlt� on I � . i F6xborau,A Diive from its existing WrAttalian point to the pTujeL( boundary for . I c(intiratalion or Foxbokough Drive- - I � . . - . I . . . - I . 11 . I - $1. Mcquate durve and Wasoction sight distance shall be.pirovidead in acco ,me With My � � I .W, - . I standards W and 16022. Appl.able i1csipspced shall be based upon inhercrit steep grade . characteristics tolthe satisfaction ofthe Ciiy Trtffic Engineer. I I I . . � . . I . I I I . � I . I . I I I � � � . I I I I I I . � . . ­ . � 11 � I . . . . .. � I � � . . ,. . � � I I I � - . I � I I - � - . . . I I I I I I I � . . .1 I , � . I I � I . I I � � . - � . . I � 13 � � I . . I , 1. � - I - . - I � I I I � � . � - . I . . I � I . � � � .. � I . -- � I � I I . � � I . I . I I I . - 1. � � I �� : - � � . I � I � � I . . � I C�oylditfofts CfApprovall � . rJecelifill 11,130", - 1. . I I" ,. rxo�n Reqlaw No. o3v.7 . I I . � I : , � I � � � . I � I - I . � I 131;ILVI)NO ,t SAFFTY , I.. i I . "E�N W-NRUIONS . 0 , - � I I I I I � . � 1 82. Shall comply *Athelatcst adopted edition oftlic Mowing oo&,tr. I I . . I � I I A. Huil.diog Code indits appendices and standards . 13. Plumbing Codc 64 its appendices and attandtirds I 1 I - 1 . � . . C� Me�haii�al Codeaad 1k appendices and slaralar s - I I I I D. Building Security CAde I . . E. Elo'cuirX code I I I - ' . . 1 F. Califurnia 8WUng Standdnls Code (Title 24, California Code of Regulatkns) � I . . � 1 (3, F"' Cc&- and its_ Up,miliees and standards I I I . . - . 1 93, Ailtorriatic fire qptialw k%em% shall be instatfled ill an new constluctioc per Afticle U. I Chapter ill ofthe code otdw cityofFoutantir M.�,tgiiapdtyNotayat=!ibaHbvlw.4ed . I . I . I upon tile roataements of the Btd1ding CMIC.. Fire Codt: and the tdqtirernents of the Division I I orFlre Protecricyii, Plalining 4EFrigilneeriag ofthe San 13criiaridino County Firc�Dqwlmcrit_ � I I I I 1 84. -Famits arc zequircd prior to thc ri.�ovat -andlor ilemotition orstTucnarcs, - I I I � ' . I 5. Aky tertiparary budidi-ne, braiter, comraorciall cuisch. etc. installed ancVor =d in connection . - _ " I 1. with a canstrucL.wsi Froject "i � I comply with fontana (Ity Ordinanice No. 1007. 1 � I - . 96. All perimetex,lboulAtity walls Shall be ilesigricd said corts,tructed w that the OUIA�rlk;.AiLriur I . � face of ite wafl is, as close as Possible to Lhe,properky fi* In Any c �&, the, t y,e ilicir � 11 , . = ou el xte I I 16Le oithe *-&It sbat! be v6ilhiin two (7) iinches ofthe property- line. Distances greator than . two (�): inches may be approved prior to consmpetion by the Building Official an a Cnse by I cast- h"N lor extenualitig cirvumsUrices,, I I I � . . � . � I- . . I � . I - I - , I I � - . - . . . . I - � � 87, ctading-Rcululftmeuto: � I . I . . . I . J ' ' . A� Gradinq plans shall b5 submitted to, and aftfiroved by Oe 13uilding At Safety Div=011 . � I � . I 'I'the gmdibg ptans; shall indicate all site j�tprovtmaurs, and shall kli;licate complete � � I - I drainage paW of all dra�nc watcr rua-vffs, , I - - - 11. All drainage water shall drain, via aMovcd rnethods�- to an approved lm-diiuc--�public - I - stri-M public draln4o system, etc. . I � � I C. Drairtage water Shall V_0L c - Dra,iiiautz %Zff ma Cr . , , , rogs over st public sidmaA , y howe,v, ; . � � . cross -under a aidew-4k if in appMcd &,inag.- ii&ktira is used. 11w Building Ofti6W . ma 4 ��* I . 'y qPKvxdndn,*e Water (uPto maximum of itradhiin depth) to crossavera public . 1, Qtwalk at the driveway oil a case 1!5, cm `basi s. � . - I � I .1 .- I � I I . I Dr. No wateT tourtse ar natural drainage tall be obstructed. . I . I I I . . I � . I . I . � ­ , . I I I � 11 � -11 . � I I �� I I I I � . � - , I I I I . . I I . � . I . . � �. ,. . � - . I - - � I . .� . � I . I � - I I , � . I � - I . � . 11 14 . � I �. � . I I . � I I � I � - I , - � I I I I I - . � - . .. � ­- I I I � I I , � I . I I I , I . I .� . - � I I . - . I I I � . � � � I . � � I � . � . I . I I I , I . � I I I - I � ConditiumcfApproviO I I Dnembet C2003 . I Vesign Rcylcw No. 01-02? - I I - - I " I . � I . . . . I - I F. Mintinum slope or graide for AU drainagescructures shall I>-- one half ( 'D.50) pervexit fai , I coaciew and one (I .10) perceut, for sA other. I I I I I F. Drainage ivateir shall cot pass horn an 'impmv,ce t"c of drainage strvet= to in Vn0proved typeo.fdrairiia-ge siructum. (i.e.; concarete swale to Vdatz or dirt twale�) , I - I � H. TL Sniding plans "t w� a minimum, contain sections at all property. lines an&�br . I permit bomdary lines, These sections shall, clearly intiicate; � � I � . . 1.1*&- rulatioriship between the pnipWcd fmished art -sit* grade,eleyetions aind the I . I . I- - � � .. I existing adjacent propenty grade elevations (hidicatc any additional drailnagc; -bA I I � . 16NOta-1 - L ingy cunx rrom an aiUaceal. property,k and . I . 2.The gmund cover,'finishcd Surface material Wing proposed (i.C.: type of pgvemeul, plant matffrial, 6c), aind . I � � I 3AJ1 propowd drainawe ivacture,.i, mid � I . I � I � - � . . 4Any piroposod andlur wquired. walls or te.rwing- I I I � I I � . I I I � I � I � . . I � . I � . � I I I � . I I I . . I . I I � . I I PRIORTO liSUANCL QFBUtLD1NQV0NSTRt1CTK)N PFRMITS - I I I � - I . I . I I � . .. I I II - . . I I � 88. The fullovvin items shall be completed andilor submitted to lhiilding & Safety- as I . applicable - prior to tb,e kouance of buDding pcn:nits for this projcct;� � . � . . . I � � � I A. Precise &Tgding rilvis shall be appioved , - . I � I 8. Rough grading completed I . I . . . . . C. C'Miraccion terelcatiou . I I � I I I D., Pad ete!y#Li,*. -0ifiqa.t"10n . . . I I I I - I . E � Ptouf,rh grade inspoctiotisigood oqby a City Wtdiag Inspcetat . . � I I I � � . kl�.The'ftaAiparccl mo shall be recorded prior to the issuance ofanybuilding p=ib, , , - � I . ... � � � 11 I . -1 � I - � I . I SAN DEWOIWO COLNI-Y JFM VB?)MT)/t5_\`T - I . I . . . I I UENEM1 CONDMOM I I . . � I I I - 1 K Alt strxturv� diall demonstrate the ability to creatc a 1-hout raLcd traveloW, Y,iLh the I . c.,�ccptitm of tempered of dual gla4c glass. I I � " ... I 11 � I � I I I I I StI.For all lots that fitce horth (specificially lots 1-4), French duurs shadl be ins�allrd in lier I Lof . sliding gws &ovs. � � I . I - I - . I ... . I I I � � , I . I 11 I I . I . . .� I I.. . I I . - , .- - ­.. - - ­- I ----- � : - _­ - - - -.-.- �__­ ­­ . : , ­­ .. .-.. I -------- - I I I � I � � I � I I I � . , � . I ... I I . , . I I I I 1. . � . . � . . I � . . . - I . I � . . � I - I I I I .1 . ­ � I I ­ I I I � . . .1 I .1. .1 , I I I is I .. � I . � - I � ­ � . , - . � . I � I . I I I � , . .. I - .11 - . I . � ­ I . .1 I � I . . I � � � � � . .. I � � I 1. - � � I .1 � . I I I I � , . . , . � . ... � � - I : I � � � I ­ ­ � I . I I .. . � I � I � I I ... - ... . I � I � . � . roaditium ul`Alip-oval .. I 11 Mw,ilbrr 1.200 , I . I - � M54n li MA27 - � _­ 1. . I - � - I � - - _­ . � I . . � I I ­ I - I . ......­.- .. . . ... I . I I � I I I � I I - � � . I � � I I I 1 02, Fjn� protpetion cam-sucs to be iucludcd ki th(; pr,go-xd dvvt1opLuout includy SmAc � duiecturs;wd et�Komatk rires,winWer systems, i -n alt buiTdialpq� All Irre %Twinkittr sy%lems . - I � . I I %hall he upgraded to NFPA 13R automatic sptiniz:er sysnics, and shill be installed in all I . building, including aftios; gai-ages, enclosed porches, attid small caclose-d spaces, � � I � . � . . � 43. Wood decks and pdrA must he heavy timber arlaVers mi'.jManJ I -laour fir reststaam or � � I � be otherwise pmAxic-d accoad4 to local code. I � - . I . I - . 94.11,t?.ear.dpoc,,!Ocmofvcntsmtistadeqilatl.-tylinii(ftitlirLisiotlofEngn,tflyiag&bria- - . I � . . I . V�. Sr.ark wt,psa3t-, nwQ he ir,stallrd in all chimt.dys, barliectid mckt, vovepipes,ttc, I I � I � I 1 96. Allf perimeter walb to be combiriatinii ofmti3oilry and itaiiipes;d glus� (or &thct fin: Mire � . - glasa) witit a total minimum height oi'betWeen 6�O" and ?"W% Vindow assembly Shall DOT, . I I shalle, or %I it" to irripact Dyfire exposure, . , � . . I . I - . 9.7. eldr&-fibuiscuutletsand IGO' 5,'R"prde.nho5�-.-,�ith.no7.-jesboi�ldbepro,.idedo.neacb I ,- I � , I sl&ofhousc�_ A wriall "l7ire Hos; Do Not Remove' sign should be affixedto "let. I I - I I . I I I %. This utindUm was diclft do to the redesign ofthcTnct Map. . � � . - � � 1 991. A M line setback of 35* froin Bullock C=k sl,�, be iruaia I A 3V non- . � * I * I . � ecanbustitik split rdit Lance shalt be built on 16 dirvek side ti,f the setback vlon@ the cW � � I I � . - . IsMffirc access toad to protect 1he civek front owtu-striaia, ui,,;. sideof`thacquic�-,W.anit i . - I . . 100. F2?C: Water syVems designed to meet tW sequilvd fire flow of thb develuptutear SWI � I be approved by the E.re departincilt having us I jurisdiction. The developer shall funi i h (.he 1. , . I fit,: a�Tw�m(AL*itb vwul(2) cupirsor'die water system irriproverArrit plan fhr approval. I I . I . %'Varrr i�,stcms shall be operational and approved by the fire department prior to � . zovordatiou lor say above gradc coiascintedou a%-iariing. The retitirtil fire flow shall be 1. I I . &L-rmintx� by appropriate calculations, uiing ithe 'Quide for the Detennination Of . �, . Leq!Jred Pird Flow. New water systeiris shall have mirimarn eight (8) L -Leh rmiw, ara I . I - (6), inch laterals, and SIX (6) inch riiszis. I . I � - � I I . . � . . � - - I Deiatirtine Firt Flow: 20W GPM I Hour at 30 PSI I I - . - - I . . � . I I I I . . 1. I ' I I . I I I 101, T-^tPC-. The'above tcfeirc.lic-64 ptrc�.%A is protMA by the San Banardiac, County I ift . � I DLpamnait. Prior k, aa,� consltulc(iun occuning on any pamel, the applicant shal! ennbitL the loire Depanment for verificaticm of cutreat fire pirotectiou - deve � lopmcirit I I I requi=erits- All Eew coirsti,xiion shall wjLpLy witb the exisfmg Uniform Fir: Code I rcquitements and all awlicablo xalutrs. codes. o0inarcei m standards or the rjr�.,� . I. I . - . I . I . I � Department. . � � I I � � � � I I . - .. I � I I . - I I I � I I . � . I � � � I I � - I .1 I . . . I . � I � � I . I I . . � . , � . . � � I I I I - .... � I .. I . I I . I - � I . I � . . - . I . I . I � . � I . .1 . � I . � . I � � I � I - 16 � . I � . I � � . � . � . . � I I . � I I . I � . . � . I � � . � . .1. I � . I � � I � . , , I ­ � I . I � � - I . - ; I ; I I � - - Coridifians I ffApprovk: I - � � I � I I . � � 11 . I . � . DecdfAber li, Z003 � Vi*iSft RrVieW 1�0. 03-027 . I i � I - I I � 11 . I I . i I . . I . 37. Prior to final reL-&,e of %ecwit1P_%,rhc applicant shall filmish the Cilty Alth Record I i I . I Mawiiagg, Ccertcrlinc Tics and 10blus A -Put 4 utility companies cerl.ifYing Pompleulan of � � � I . . I . � Work to Muir a6tisfacLioiJ. All "purldh Ind' iwirn.s shall be coffiNeLif! to the satisfaction or the I I City rtigineer. � i � , I I 1 1 IS. Virdpaire amid submit a Preliminary hy6k4o9y study and map showing tributary area. The i i . ; 51*4y and Inap shall ident* upstra?-��Off-sht liim-off, on -ft ran -off, and do-tistritaill run- � . . Off impacts fbir exisilkg and ultiniate coudiligns (i,c., uLdcyclopcil and 4evel9ped rawfl). i I I I I � 11reliMinary mitigation tecomaters;lutions conisiAinit wM City -Slunilards and %:V7crA Stotm � . � Drain Itta.qft Flom ihall be submitted. � .1 I i . � 1 39. C*b return &.ad entry monument ar 4,i shiall tie kqA clear � abt�vq V)Und utility faciritics. � . . . . 4; of . , , � � AN)ve itround utility facilities stall be located as approved by the City Engincer. i ; I ' . � ! � . � � ! -PRIOM TO ISS(JA.Nct-. oF nkAwyi PvRm ri, I i � - , . i I � 40. Firepare and submit a rough grading plari sho,*ing W elcvatio , I I I - � us,. sough grades! drainage I routes, drainue acceptawe atpproNtls, irtlelftiWitoll-rewhing wulls wo klevaouns -crosion ! ,, � control. slope eigements and other pertinent ftitwmittioti fit accordalace with tie latest i . edition of the Uniform building Code (U.B.C). � . . I I I - � i 41. A grading bond or subdivision 4gretment with . Ity i M! bo I accontipenymg 9=11., , k place wifil ! &C city. � i . .1 : . 42. Ownerl Developer Shall subt*t to the State Water Resources Control Board it Notice of � � kitcut (NOI) to romply with the terms of the (lawall Construction Activity SLOffil watar ; I I Perailt to di.Khargr storm w4t;t ussociatrill. Wil.th amstruc-tion activity wNch iricludes . I cleatirg, grading at excavation that results ih the dimirbatice of at liltW one acm of total - i . ! land area- Construction activity on alks. of Im than om ure ir-xluirLs a Pemit it The I I construction is pad of a largey comuton.plari of d0vtl(i of-salo. CrAmer", Devel � , I _ I Merit , , . Oper : I . 3hnII submit to the city 9.copy of the §ale's Appravot! General Permit Wuod for this -1 project. i � I � I - . � 43. Record the approved subdivision map for the project site. I � I � � . � . �: � I - 1 44. Impruvernefti phim fi)r the paiject shall be miths,landally cmiriplete. . I I I I � � s . I MORT01 W_Mr 'L . I ZMA M I � I I � . I - I � � I ; 45, Prior to niap r&otdqtior,, the applicant sh,H]. have completed the pcocesi of fbiniainIg it � I I I 1 1 Cornsutivity facilitks Distrkt (CFD) for the puilviie of funding landscape maintenancit mul � . � q � figh4g. To licitiate the ptoress the applicant shall submit the ". ple(fd CFD applicationt : : I . . . � I . . I I forms accompanied b)� the fippropiriatte fee to The City F41anciAl kiviecs Divisloft. The ' ! : . I . I t padxg-� will include all maps recessary to show the disairl, boundalics, the location of all i ; I . � lighting dial landscVe maintenance *rra:9 (with qp�ligablc diruensions and types of � � � . . . : 1. I I ' i landscmric) and include all related Enguicer's report as appiov0d by die City E411vtt. . I I . q . . I ; I : . : I � � : I I I I I I I I I I . . . . I - . : . I I I I I ! . I . . I I 1 4 . I I ! I I I . . � , i I I I I . � I i . � . I i . � I - i . � - . . I � ... . . � � I I I 11 I � I . I - : . : I . � I - I � : . . I . I . i I � I : Cc aditiom of AW*yal I 13tevniher 11, 200 � i I � . . : I 1k9it;i1.1tev4*1No. #3427 1 1 1 1 . I I I � I - I � . : I . � � i : I : i i 46. Xlcttrotulc filos for die approved Record Map SUR be submitedto die City in AutaCad or � � I Caid compatib to format. ; I � I I . I . I i 47. The finAl map atuit cQuiply with the cwr,-nt State Subdivision Map Act. as arincrult.4 all . , . ap�ticablc prov4libas or Subdivision svaion or the curpprit Pon!Hna. h4unic.1pal Co4c and i � I . . I .. . '. . . . . ; City Standaris. Additimatl�-, it P=l I imirary Title Report, dated no more than k9ty days Old � � : .1 . I must be provided priot W ft,first plan check. � �, � . � 1 48. Phase boundaries depicted at the final mapk-41cating pLasod construction shall atigh,with i � I the front, aide, or bock- ptopefty riots as a0propriate. and shall cross streets at 4ht angles � � . I I *rpeaditular). i i . � I . � . � . - I � ' i 49. Foc a wntativ-- map to, be rccor&d in inuttiple lihal Jo4ps, Stich firial man shall lbe ! i I � I 'Ac' I ind,4r.%:ndt:iiLarimpro,,--(Amtkn(K tole provided in it future final map. r lifinallmapshallbe I I b i - .Qndcd seperately for its public kitprovedricrits, i . : . i i I . i ; I I . - � i - I � . ; 1 50. A Security to guarantee the proper setting ofitit interior natitnumeats, boundary montaheifts, � and vl� c-,dstu,4 sulvny moaura%* in an amount spc�.ifwd in writing by the Rc8isb.,,i%,J � � I i Lngiagcr or Izaid Surveyor of Rectiril, shall be provi&d to the Cjty� Monuinclitatirin i . I I Impectilon fiies'stuill 4130 be paid. I s . � � I ! 4 1 � � . : � 51.Prkivide a fully cxccuted Sabdiviision Improvrenicrit Agreemiqi%tand Development � 11 .. , � Agrceracratt, with aCCOMPfinyilig VC111rity. The agreement Shall be MCVtOd ill ttirlka% On � Cft.Y provided f�vms. I i � i I � I � I I I I . I i I 1 � ! 52. Pay all plan checl� fees, G1&, fees, arid ixavide mominaWatidn, deposit, � . i � . i I � . 53. All nvQ�S%ary ViLiCluMN Must be intliCktted Va 111V� Final 'VfaP. Fa.,zinenL v6dths sliall be per t I - � � City $tnadiir4, , I I i I . � . I i I I i : 54, Dedicate public street And ptdily easements in acco0an,pe ,with the Clreulatio'n Ele=X of � . . . . : � . ; I � Cie adopted 0euetbl. Mai lffimteA RAge Specific 06, -as Shormi on to tantativo Ingp, aid i I � I ! as fcqu!mA by Cie City Eq&ccr. Spx1ek public suditt dedications are as "aw.,C i : I ! I Directioa,'Di0tance I � � . 1. ! . . I ; StrectNattitc 1 11WV lizurn Center Lirw . I . ! . . , � .. I . i I � . 1 Foxborough Drive within Tract Map fult wift str"t cross-sectiou per approved I I Teutative TrAct Map No. 16194 1 1 i . 2, 'Ar - . I . � . ; I . 3. "b" � . . . . I I � . . A. � I I I I I : � I . � � I I I � - I I � . . � . - I I . � I I � ,. I I - I . I I - � I � I � � I . � � I � � I . . I � � I I I � - . . I � . I . I I I I � . - , I . - I I .. , . I � � . . I . . . I _..w . ... to , I � I i . I I I . . I . � . � � � I I . � I � I � . I . . � � I I . � I . � I I � I - . I 1. . Loaditi= efApprorv;U � becember 10001 . � Lvailn Review Sio, 0,027 I I I I � . L I I I - . I . I � . � � . I . I .1 NUM Atl priVosied street tantiriasifirits shall t?6ptoperty aligned and t6tisistert *ith the � . - . .. I . Circulation Elemont. ,Ndditional dedicaion may be required at streetlatelsectoals as teqt*ed I . by the City Eriginccr_ '. . ..., . .. . . � . � I .. . - I I ­ - - � .1 � 55, No casemaixg arc to lic granw-d or recorded av,-r any.poltion or the projeel site betweem the � I � date of coraditionull viliprwval by the Planning tormnis*ion and it date 'or rdcoraing of the Filial tap Unless separately appran'd by the City Er�inca arid Planiting, Matagger. � I , ., . . 56. the praject sbaill be served by fie City's sarritary s6ker sys�qx o4 all scwei kcilities shall bt. construmd in atto*act *rth 16e Cili Standards, 1.1* unk le)hw Ene, shall tt ill � &cCQrdan4r.0 ,Ait4 motar santitary $owes Plan or as approved by tile City Engineer. (Prejects - located outside Qfthe (rity wit be required to cocutc art trAmocabic Annexallun Agircierrictilr with theCity.) . �, � . ' 1 57. Frepat arid submit a final hydrALly and hydruaric %tudyshiming the tfiWay atea, layw � , , I I . 11 or Sboirrn drains am doiwnst=n impacts to apoint as detned as 1ho closcst acciving point aa,a mawitstorat draitia Ue w exisfing facility at; Vptuvvd.by die City Engineer. Tbc Study . . ,,hall identify. e -ate and on'site Tunoff impacts resulting ftnt build -out of Permitted , I Gerwral. Plan uses, the prqjecVs, coctrliation, lixatiou rind sizes of catcluneats and sysitcru . I conn9dion, oints Inage taftigation meft3vjr4s. I � ; plus all do*ustrcwA dial . AM . mNga(ions�mo(11mcrida1iqns resulting from any final qprrjv.e.d rtfwt,VvAJ be:included in the imptove0nenz design 34bmittaIg. I ''. ,. ".... 1-1. � ,. I I . . � . I I I I . . � . . � .. ,� I � I I 18,Appl14&nL shdn k4ve crigirmwed improvement plans propared by a. pTofessiional ongineer _ , I . regLitered in the State Of Califorhia. An requir6d pubEc iinproVcmciats. bicluding bout not. . . . . � I . . I .. I I � I I imiled to: streels, storm driimaigQ systems, sew.cirs" u"Eks, trahic signals.. street lights, . - � , I stripirig,sign .. markings,firtaluded4ayrdquiredtar imccoriteolmd!qrOgtourplarits� - .5. W . - 0 . i shall I Odom to City Standards and Specifka�ow, and as approved by the City Eagiacer an&x I - City TAIMC LA&iJ1.-C;. as mquircd, I . . I - . - 59, Obtaiii design and plan approval f-oi . n appfopriiltC Utility COMPaniCS fbrUadCf81!0UV1ding all ciqgdno bvcfh � Q I . and any I ,g cad vitillty Service Utis aijoining W i tLrioi to ffieprojrct AiW - 4acenit UAides iteteasary w Aeterrruricd by the utility torrapafty. This intludeg powei lines I ' I � less thaa M1V in scM4ftacc With FonUtoa Municipal Co4c. Miten approval fivin each , sming utility stating tat Fuldifis arrangements have becirt conripIcted between the utility loompany and the applicant forprovidIng and paying for Me services must be provided to - . I The City EqgitlecOr Office. I , � . I I I PRIOR TO I.S81JANCF OF RW,DTNQr'C0NSTRVCTI0N PULMTS I I I � I I � . I . . 60. Electronic Slc* " all approvLd impruvi:meriL drawings shall bc submitted to the city in Auto Cad or, (W, camp4ibbe format. . - . . . . � 61- Applicant must have an Approved set of public improvtrarra pletris on 'Alp Witli flic Oty .. I I I ­. .. . . � 14inecr't Office. . . � I I . I . I , I . � � I I � . I I . I . . - . I � I . . I I . � � I I . . . . I I . ­ I - � � I . . � I � � 11. ,. I I � I I I , � . � I I . � � � I I - � I - I . I - I I � � . . � I � . I � 5 1 . . 1. � I I I I � � - � I I � I I . Ceiricliltoa Of ApproV4111 . . Darmbpr 9, 2OZ Dmin Mview N'0_63-027 � . I I . . . 1. � � . I . . � 62. All City and other epliticAle- agpeaq perraits mquircd in order ;a &,xviraplish planned . . construction must bt. obWned prior to constraetiq or,�)inin% e,Niiiting impnaverr3en,t,s, . 1 6.1. for pbosci! construction, submit a plaiising plan ift6fying construction acves4, public I access W eirlorgency acceAs. fcw Tvview attid approval by the,Ctty E tigincer. I I , . ' 1 64. Ardem W- way phised coastruc�ion ske sha[l .be rc5tri6tcid, by 4L 10EIPOrOry installation Ur I � I 11 thaia-iiak fence with locts io scstriet piablic actleN.5 I . but allowing erner#i1cy vellicle seem 1. as pei City acceptable arrangernmits, . . � . � , I I . 65. C014truction trallic sceca to an on-Joing pha.4ed construction. site shat � I not be pei�nitted I I I thlough ally adjaqpt ildvelopracat site,, which IIRS been Completed and wcqtcd lby t1v City , . . � for occupancy, � I'll I I I � � 66. Record the approved ouNin-iston map at: a lot hat adjustmeiA Li accuidoce -with te Utty I I . , . I � . . I I . Code as requ4cd for the pe0jecl site. . , - I . 67. in licu or corisrn&ion and install ing rerluiimd pubtic impfavements, prior to issuance of afty . building permits, Provide- a &11)� executed Subdivisligi Improvement Agivement/Land . lftiqrovcmt�at Air",tncat *ilh iscutimpanyin "Ied in ,g sec.curity- The agreement Shall be exe t Airiplicale and the form arid content of such agreement sME be approved by the Cfty - Attomicy and die City Eagiticer. The Security must be putsuant to dic-0oycramout Cede, I Sccdon,66459. I � . .. I � � � � I I I I 1 63. Prior to building perinit issuance oftay ji.ha�sed ccuArt4c0oft. oftsito-impruvenignb) and dw. - . . . . � asisociatod Aght-or-wisy bLyand either the plw.wd construction and.id subdivk�ion map . . Wiandary reqLgred.ilo. pravide utility wrvicc, public, ". -'qrvatc(iQwy vehicular h4wss and . I egeess Shall be ki-stalled and/at tequilred, irejpcclivuly,per My .S�.ra n1s, � . . I I � I 1 69. the fbilo,Aifig Devoloomt�nt I fees must 'be paid prior to to issuance of bolldiiig perntits. These fecstro estimated to be as follow: . I I I .1 I . I � I . . � , - I I - � I I I . - ---. ' - --- - I - EMNEMUNG DE�11,07XIENT FLIS N14.5ter SIOMIX-gin Fee - -_ - NIA flood Contitil Fte X/A � .1 � - � _ -_ . . I - I I OyStwvIrw _125.00 A 4q1*rr.L. Set. up per LDU 1- I I Inlatid E!22jl�jre thitity Agency .... 1 _,S3,660.00 per LDU I I TOTAL: I I . I , I - I . � I . I I I 1. 11.11.1 � I I I . I—. - ­­­. ­ I.. -.1-1 � I I ftadWoTLA al'Apprbyal � � Mmiibcr 9, 2003 1 . DesIgn Rcvkw No. 03-027 ' I . � I I I I � I I I I . I I I . I � I I I . , . 9. M solid clawnry Wdll Shall be higher that nine (9) Ecet from top of ground when used in I . combinat. iont Vddi a retaining WaL � I I I . � MThe applidatit Agm-s to d&nd, Wdindity, and hold. bW161"s the City of FOntana or iL# , I I agent% PL I Twen., rind ernplt)yres from any clairn, action or priacceding against the City of , � I - rniftmui or fts agattits, tiffiars,.of empl.6yiecs to atAoit� set aside, avoid, ot anad sti, ApproNst - of tL- Flariniulg Commission and,"Or City Uundl comeming ih . is projoa,. wirt.hin the I ap.picabie statute or fimitaLimi for cluieriging such approval. The C I . � I � ,,k offontann sholl . .1 , 1. . . I - . . promptly no . tify I t . be ap . pli,ca . nt of any claim, action, or proceeding; and the City of Foat" . - I . I shall ,Ampvr4tv fully in the &rense, If tho City of ForiUm Us tic PrulaP* notify the I applimt of any claim, action, or pWeedLng, or If the Qty of Fontana Klils to coqeXate . . I . � - fully in the defense,.1the applicant 9ball not thereafter be responsible to&f0d, indanaify.or I ' I I hold hiu-mlqss the City of Fontana. I . - I . I � � . PRIOR TOISSUANCE Or 0KAMPNO PERMIT I I I . I , I . � � I LAR Conditions at Approval contained here! I n shall he incorpomted into all appiicable &Q1 . I I � - I construction plaus and a copy of'thesc- condiifi.ous, riignad by the property Owner or legal � . � � ing plans r 4i rrptuscuiativc, shall lic placed on a sheet in the firial building and gtiidi pri< � issuance of any building or graduill; permits, I I . I - 1. . I ,P -f 01 I %$UANJ��_Qf B UUJ21 FtQljJUK -11 I I � � SO �OUNS'f JLVQ! - � N1 I I I I I 11 The fellcwh* Dr,volopmont fees must. be oid prior In die issuance of briUding permits. . I I Thcsc fues arte;itima.ted to hv. as Entlw&st I � � . � I . PLAWNG Msy)ELQPW S I DEVELADMEN'T FEE _ANP�17NT_ 1 ____­______ - _NT FEV ! Cirvula(104 Improvemcnt FCC . Fire Somr.e. Protixfioil FCC- $4.20 per dwellin&-unit. . - Land5cape Improvement Fee I - Librory Facility Fcy I ___­ I—. , ; Police Facitity ree $1 I 0 per dwetlifig Unit I . I ______7 1 f I Public, FaC3,43r Itupirwomept Fee , mu,541:041.115clvi ______ _____ Park Development Fet� I � . I I � - . - I I I I I � . I I I � . � I I � I - � , . I � � , - . � � . I I I I � I I � � . � � . I I I � I � � I I I - � . � I . � 11 . � � I I . . I I , I � . � . ­ � . 11.1 I I � .1 . I � I I . - . I � 5 . I � I I � I . . � � ,� � � I I I � . I - . I I � . � �. . . - . 1- I I . - - ,� - I— - - I -1 I I � I � . � I ­ 11 11 1 .. . � ­ I � � � . I I � 11 . � . . . I � I , . . . - I I . . I . I . � I I . - Ctudiaim litApproval I . I . I Daetubet 11�20(13 .1 I 1>05�181., 1(,:V,1.iW Ko. 03-0217 �. � I . � � I I � - � I I . I � I - � � I . � � I . � �. I - 11 --- I . 1- I . I I I � I UNOMM.NG 01YISION (LANl:)$C_A2E) -1 I I I I I I . � � � - GENERAL CONDITION .11 - I � . I I . I I ­ � � . I . . 1. I 13 -This development is located within a Community Facilities District, A Howcovencr A,givvinent is required to be siorill by The Ikveipper infinfiliniz hornviyi�,viiers of the - I I I � . 11 � � � . . . landscatpe maintenance assitssmient, . � 14. All l"scApt and irrigation plans 611.1 CUMP�v With the Cit) Of FUdIX18 Staridad - . sixaffications. I . . � 11 - I � 15, Maintaift blascetiLV 81glit Distance lot all id(LIkL6011S (City. Standard Drawift 140) � taldnV into acco. util: plant WgK. c1cvatkm changes, moriumeril walls, gaTjcn and, Tefflining , I � � 1. I . walls. Aectimulative h i sb not r)Ccvr;d thirty (309 Juch& � eight . 4 . I . . � I I 1 16, Lmndscape and in4ttion Platis, shall comply with the Intunter'sFidge Specific Plan, I . 17,A11 latadscapt: and krigation dgsagn: ,Muntte drought tolerant plant w0mals and I . shakil incca� . . WateT efficicilt irti$46ott syttions. (ordit(ance 4I087) Article IV Sec. 28-91 F,C.C. I IS. City Lundscape Inspector is ftspon-st ts in%T I � Ne Aw Wee icipc . ecLions, � . - � I � . . 15. Street ttccs are required to Ilic planted in accordance with city stm-dards. $pccics to be . wlcv,tedbyLarKtscapt:Axhite�;LabdapjprovedbyL&ndkapt:MvtlopdicnL . . I I PRIOR TO MAP RECORDATION I I . I � I I I �,(). SufFicilpt riglit of way sJuill be dedicated, W provide fbr all printiary and Secondary landscaped cttry statemcats (Inchidine tn-;vs) with corisidaafim to inturse.ption sizlit - distance in ai=ordwict with city standard plans. � I � I . . . I , . . I � . I I . . PRJOR TO M QAX(E ORB STRUttION PERMIS � . . I . � 21. AM disturbed sotl due to jr4ng M Ain� 00t.4tr=f10A UtVAXY lVill be ftbililed. by Planting . . Prior to say cortificlitiocs of Occupancy. � I . - I � . � I . I � � . . I . . I - I - I I I � � I I I - I . - - I � . I I . I I . , � . I I I � . I I � . . I I � � I - I . I 1 . I I � I I I I � � I I 11. � I I I I I I - I � I � I � - � . I I I . . I , � . � . . .. � � � I II I I - . � � ­ . � .. . � . . . I I - I ''I . I I I . 1. - � � . � 6 .. I � � � . � � I I I I I I � � � I . . . � I . . . .. I � . I . I ­ . - - I I , � � 1. . I I I ,. I I I I � . I I . I � I I � . I � Conditions ofApproval December 4, 2003 1 " I I DcsLp Review'No. 03-0-77 - I . - � . . I I I I I I . . � I I I I I , . I I . � � I . 22,.The developer s .. � - . hall submit to the Farks and LWiscspe Development section 6f . . . - I E.qiw"e,:ll1he Mcming for ptad cb&k: . . I � I � . � � I it. tar,K4�oegpbt�i'CtUTF,Ly,ri�i(cbTtipletclv,611cdouL) , ., , � � � � , - . . b, Two CZ) complete sets of p istit � ing and krigation, plans, detans &A I APLLIAC41!Gns,� I I . c. Conceptual Landscape Design Plan a ippr&dd by the DeVelopnittat Advisory 'or Plawing I I .. I Board cid, - Coonnission. � I d- TWO�2) sets of Cost Estilfiales - � � � - I x. Plan Check Fees . I � . f, One (1) set of the Cobdilidas of AiViovild from V-0 and.roltile Pla.fidil-4 , . � I � Commission . . 1. I g., Waiter Cmi,servatiun Lundkdpc Packm& if appli able � . , . N , � I I I . I (Lartdscq%� &Ad Construction must bc approved prior tu issuance of bandineconstructiou. � permits) . I I . 11 . 23. A landscape plan and "aWn Schedule in accordance with City 044ebrics and I Spe4catichs for all areas bet�yg.en any durb and rW of way line or perimeter wall shall be - * I Submitted to guid �a;piovcd by il-ic, City. 71w plans aluM sbo-,,%, dint Safe sight dist lulce I stan mel - b .... . . .1. 11 I � 4urds a,tv " �indiLd a lapogtapbloll infunualien,platht spccics,, fites and location, � . . � I I aiii! also show tl* itelated irrigation systcm/conLrols and wate, nieferserviLe points. 11 � I . I I PktOR'FOISI.UANC;F.E)T,'(.U�li�.icA'rEe)f;,Oct.IYPANC�Y I � I I � I I . I I � � . � 24. Laadscaspe Atchiket is ftspoa4lble fbr ot�-elte inspvc.tigns and ituitallation. tqUanive . I auctifidirig u7 approved plans' A Certificate of Compliclion shall be Mcd with Park and Landscape Development req,jesthig a final Inspection of Occupancy, (Ceritifvate of . I Complutioti is available at City Hall . ) . � � . � I I � . � � � . . I � � I . . I . I I . I � � . . . � � � ­ � � � I - I - I i ENO�OBIVISIQN (PWFIC. OPER.,�TION,�) --I I � 25, Applicant "I andlyze FOXWTO4911 OfIve f0v The kwM1111501a Of 11tvadrail In accordance I . � � with otandardung,incurinipractice to the oatiA11,4400ONW QAYTIA-file Er4inoz I � . � I � � . I � I LN fJJNLLRLN 0 0-1,ND DL'VLLQPbffiN 1) --- ____ - ---I I . . I I - I . . . . I . . I I ­.. . ,. � � � 11 . 11 I . � QVNEKAL CONDITIONS I I � . � . I . . I I I � . . . I . I . � I � ' � . 76. Unless pittervvise 4xemP(;d.:thc finalwap must corppAy witb.curreX &We Sub&visioll Wp � . � I Act *4 taid140, all 4p bap � . plLooble provisions as C t�t Z6. subdivisions of the current Foutand - . Kf.nii:lpdl Code arid City,ftandards. I I � . . I � I I I I I � - . . I I I �. 11 I I I I I I I � I - I I . I I 1 7 1 �. � I I . . ,. I . , . . I . . I I � I I . I . � � �. . � I I I . �. .. ,� � . . . ''. I I I - � . � . � I � ­ � _� I . � I . . . I 1. ,� I . I � I I - . 1. - "I . I I I . . Cianditiotli, of Approval Ve,embef'11.14V)� Dciijz Review 140.03-0127, . � I - 1. I - I I I . - . . . I . � I . 27. Survey I control. shall coaomi with State tcgu)talous, rofessiorkal practice and City � I I I , . ()rdiriance w1lich ptohiL-�ts use,of plastic plugs. Wy twags, legs and caN shall be Used in I � . P I - cast iron Pipe motiuments. A scciffity (cash de,posi�) to guttrurAct: the proper setting of at . I 11 i4terim botmilait". 1hanunient's in at) aiijount qv6ficd in writing by die registered caginglef � - I t - , � . or had surveyor of records. Shall �, proAdLd to the Cky. Slanturidutadoin filspixthX1 fees � I � � shall also be Vdid. I I � I ­ I I � � � � I � I � I 1 28. Nori-ob'cctiog letters from all uitility companies holdiag case=at rights within tv I bounclary of Ific trut map slWt be Obtained prior Ju the City appkilval ofthe linal tracL nalip. - . � � � 1. .1 . I I � . 29- Applicant Shall. pay all applicable service fics putsuxit to the City of Foolabe M-Ki&l � (jadv. I I I I - I . � I � � . � I I I . I 10. Nvt*tty must have 100A ra;ilftann dopic, Throe- c& garages otta have 24 11, wide, I driveway. I I I I � I I . . I 31,AP11bi!Mt thall provide it fully tk��dlod Subdivision "Ovd-mbilt AgIleclaLfil With - , . AcAnponying securities ioscuur; the cunstr�&Aqn and installation or Water bripruvenieril, - . . ' 11 be pt ce pe to the � System x1w %rill supply water lot the area. The auftinent %he 41 a d 10r ' I I . .. �. . . , . I � I 1. roco(dation of tic fina . 1 map. The finn and content of such agrcenicitt, Shall. b%; approved by the City Aftorney and the City E,qine�r, The security MLLA be pqiNuarit to the (lovernment I . I , . , I . Code, Section 6609. . I I . I I . I . I � . � . - 11 . I I ., � I . 37 Applicanolywineer oftecord shat) submit with the fi*t. plan check subinittal of record map . . . � . I I I I and improvernect plims plan check fees based on a construction cost estimaie in aceordince I - with the City fee, Schedule, Additional. huprovcmeat, plan check lb;cs will be tcquitcd prior � I � 1. - � I � I to rinul appiuval it the final approved construction rosL estimate is' 1hig1wT than odginal . � I esCimatic submi.titcd, I . � � I 1 33, All ptangbecl,; fees Shaft bcpaid with the first complete submittal(s) for plan checking. 171mal I I detcmAxtio of all plan chc& kes %,itl be m4do A to foalniap recordation slid must bc .. pa" � � - I paid in full p&r to map recordation. .1 . . I . . . I � 1 34. A PrAin-driacy &M report must be submitted, reviewed, supplemciftd and, approved its I . required by the City &igiccer. . . I � - .. I - I.. - 15. All itiVro-mincutit plil" subinitied to the C4 shag be prcpar,�d by a proofessional dn&o& � ' . registered in the $wv or casornii, aina shall have, correct walrd dimansioris. 1,4�necrinj � I I I Variii Shall be'tubmitied on City sl=dard 24 inchw ;6 bth sheets *ith a I inch - 40 Iket � I scalic, Outside agency Standard plans shall be required to be incorporated ou the � .. improvitmentplan, Stickyback3 shall cot be permitted. I . � . � I � I 1 36 Street pavement design " tak I . � . ,a, into account tbie vabgrzidc suit strength, the pf;11%:dt:d . � tig . ' 41c; of 20 years. I � trilffic boadi . sod have a design , I - . . I . � � , I � . I I I I � - � . I � I . - � I . . . � .1 � I . I - . I I . � . . I I I I .", . - . . I .1 I � .1 I I I I � - I . I . . I . .1 . I . - I 1. . � . . I I I I I 11 I . , 8 � I . I . I - . � . .. � � � I � I � � � I . � . . . . . I � . � - I I . I I � � � � '. � � I I � I .1 � I � - � -, . . I I I . 111. 1. I I I I 1. 1. ­( . . � . I I � I , � � � ­ I . . . I � 11 I I I I I 1. . I . � . - � I I I � � . � I . . � . . I . . I � I I � .11 . I . � . I . COXIoITIONS OF A?PR I I I . � I . . I I , . I I I I , , � I I I . PROJECf. Design Re view No, 03 -M I DATE: Vecembot 8, 2005 � I I � , I .11 I � I I �. I . . I I 11 � I ­ I . I I LOCXTION: t)niheivwihetnr,ovtonoffiz.xborough.Ikivt.inHmttx'sKd-�cSp"lftc'PIIUL I � . I � I I I . . - . (The Standard Coadil;ions art per Pla.uning Coma-aission Rqsulutit;JnZ2-0J. dated .A,pr�l 1, 2(W-) .. I � . � . . I . ­­ I I I . - - . . I � - � I � � FPM,��05;7tsm I = I I I � I I I QbNk ' I . I �&kL _WN I)ILIONS I I &� __ � � I � I . - . - I I . � I � L This liesiin Revir* shall become null and void two yrears 11�ona the date oftipproviL uracss � . I - � the appropriee pennits have been obtained mid constructlon� dcfiLi,.-d as parriiL obtatriment, I corrilt6ricemetat of construction of th" primary boUding on 4L4, arid succes,4W completion - I - I ofthe fit -it auadlas and Safety Divi I �ion inspectiob, has cornmenctd wfthlu this period. I � . 2, 'the r4hts and privi I lqvs gmrtod by this project sluill riot become ciled4vo, not Shall the Applicant cornroence the use for which this P:tojoct is granted. until both Of the fallewing . , . I have occurred: I . I I I I I A� All requirements ofthe Fontana Mudidiptil Code shall be complied with. � , . � B. All Conditions ofApptD)-,4I inapused on this Oroject have been fulfilled. ' - � C. All ofthe hupfovernents, coaktuedoz, alteration and Vitwx work set4bruh in this project , I ha-vc been comptcwd and have been accepted. by the Oty, as evidenced ky the City*s fifflL 11 inspection and acceptance ofthe work. I � I . - 1 3. Prior to thr corisiruction of anyrnodificatioes, &It structural and aestlietk changes to the . prqjectilcs�lp must b4 ze . ity'Devekipment . qxsted and approved in wiftiq by the Communit I I � � Director at his/her designec� Major structutall And sicAlictic changes exrecd,ing the tomed , . . . . .1 . � 1. paramew� of admittistrili'vo puliqy s1-11. be prewited to the Pknoing, CommiS,Aoct Im I � appr­0-4L Chunges Mole v,itlVUt,tRp1c,Va1 as Stated herein, will pmyL4L'1h_- oc�qtq�ancy of. 1 flie residential Structure Until Correctichsarc. appewied it, *-Atink 16Y at I approptiate staE . I I I I . . I , I I I . I .. � . 11 I � . I I - ,. � � 1� � 11 I I � I I I � � I - � I I � I . I � � I I , . . I I . I - I - I . I � I I . � I � .. I I , . I � I I -1 I � . . I I � . I � I � � I . ­ . I . "� . . I . - I I - � I � I � � I .. .1 . . . � I . . I I � I . . � I . I I � . � I . � . � I . I . . - . I . ATTACCUMEINT #4 . . � I I � � . . . I . . . I I . . I � . I - I I I . . I - � 1. I . � I � , I � - . I , I . I - I I . I I , . - I I � .1 I I I I I � � � . I I . cvmIkkas OfAppraval I I Dcoelm.bcr IL 203 . . tXmign Review NQ 03427 . I � I . � .1 . � � � . . � � � . I . 11 . I I , I 1 4. the follnixial are basic, fIcAble.plotting and &-sign criteria ior development under new - � 11 Design Fxv1cvy4, VairiAdons and p�ssibW *Mti�lwal diteriot xAy bt, addca by itiv . Cuitimissicit it) indivi ual lksfgn Re%ie,xs based Apo R . id an Commilssio consideration. of - . wi,Aduoil circumstances: . � . � I I I . I I ' ' ' I A. A fioM plan Aall not be used consecutively more don three times in a row (-Whether . � I revessed or not). � I , I I - I I ..... � .. . . I I I I I . 13. If the game floor plan, is Used for adjaceril homesi one shall be the reverse of the othcar - . � I and have a diffe"t clevatiom . � I . I . I � I I C. N 0 THOTC than 6.Wu ofany ofie floor plan sliall be used on any cul-de-sac or akll:�, ally I I . s.tr,Kt between. inter tie -eem I _ , W ... gc . . - - � I D. No two adjacent. homes using the 5aft floor plan shall bvtve the same exterior color I schemeltitArment . � . I . , - E. AdjacqyiL homes nfullbay4 varying se(backs. Minimum. vairiation shgll be four (4) feet . . I . urtles5. located on a curvilinear screct. which provides a varittl Street 3mic, AM thou 11he I � I - yatri4ou shall be tk," (1) feet. Mim uuc and two story homes art: attacenti. the two� I I rtk7y home -,hall have the larger frout setback. . I I . � � I � . I F� Floor plarl owdinum. and minimum pelvartages faf each msXM (" shall 43,e ­ .. tstablis�,., � . I . I . �. . 0. A variety of calianced arch.itectural reature'S and tragwrUs shall he provided on everT I � 1. .. . I , - - , .. I, . . fhiut clevatibri. This, tan include, bat is ricit Iiinited to, Patches, bay %indows, pop-otak � 'vencen, tock, brink, wzad si.diag;� cle. or Wk olli!a licaturcs approved by U Plam�4 I � Cornmt6siou. � I . I I - I � .1 I I . 1. I . . - I " . - � H I . . Arle�bq.t*,bjD,it.bfeveT-Yffioefiobtplin��sW.Pro�,idete�ffiloxhitecturalki.i6tot*�, . . , -rear cL-vatiou of tach hot= in order to avoid one continuous wall or flatt sufliwc on the � I I redforatchume. Fir.�Tl;x4s.,rciii�YaT4ir�il�.4i�s,odr.ne4ian,icTiesni%,Lybcc.onsiderg.dki I � thh, Taquireincrit. - . I . 1. A viriety 6filesigns shallth.e 09�qdoncakr garage dcol%,v,,ithiiota,oadjoil3in,abo6*umt . ... . .. 1. I . lwvc the saite 6or plan and ckvtiou.,asing; the saur. garage &or pattern. Ir. no cast � � shall more than itlit" horties ofany Em plan or clavatiot havc.1fic'san-ite garage -dooT . I I pattern, in a low. At lc&gt two out a? iiii-de homes sball b 6 proAded !� ith car gaiagc, door . I � windows in 4 variety Of4esigns. . I � I . . I I - I � I J. All g.ardge door,.+ %haft be metal, sectional .end roll -up, the Applicant shall proviide a . color board indicOitig propo "� garage 400t.colors tot Mining CiontrRiWort appru�.al. I � I I I � . . I I I �. , � I I I I - I 1. I .1 . . I I � I . I . . I I � . I � . I I I .. ... I I . � I � I - � . � I . � . � ­. � I � - � I � � � I I I .. � I � � . � I � . � I I I � 1. I ,. 2 1 1 � I � � � I I � - .. I . . . I I .. I - - � � I I I I . I I � I , 11 . . I . I I I I � � . - 11 - � . � . .� . I 1. I ­ . � . I . I . . . I � � � CeFiditicms ofApprayal I I I I mcconhLy 8,200.1 � De4p IMew No. 03JJ27 1 1 � I . . � � � . . I . . � I I . I . I ' ' , . I K. T)rim with a stuom covering may be- Pointed in a en"t astitig color. The co,Rtmsfing , color albottla be color cornpalible with Jhe brJrn color. . . I .11 . � � . I L. Sufficient dcoorativc, trim Shall surround vents AM windows to enhilace t1w oaVal. I . .. I . architecture of the uni((%). I I . . . . 1. ........ I ,.. . 11 . . 1- I � � M. lKloincs; with a tritin (band) fi:gure, which distingWshes the first and second floor$, shotild I I have the bwd on the firontand rear elevation tribe homes. 1he band. will only be . . � . ible fr( e � reilgired on side elevations no rzoraeT lets %,here the elevation Is visit mi ill stnwl, I � � I � I . - 'th ititht-of-way shull be I I I N. 4wrystory homes, Y4 -a segwid sto* &-wal4m racin& IL Public n � I I I Provided v4th &sign fiRturcs which could include pot sihelNes, 04ftrX.. wood !sldinig , . � . j � . � . , I . � I Weir toot Pew, color colltraning patilt under toot pealts mid&r miadows, ctc�lbr such I I � � cither fea�t=s approved by the I'l-ning Cummi6sivia. I . I � I � I � . I . . . . . � I 0. Ike Community Dryclopment Director, or bislber designee-, shall bavv the aurtatolity for I I I iminto arrhitecuiral changcs fpcasitig, around items sach as W.1itcloyL, 11MOilmants, color I . . I -1 . . - � codibinatiorks, tags& tteatialcrits'. and itirchitectural =1i4s. Questiom'; on the- - i , I imarpretation of fus pitovislott or clituiges not, clearly. within Ilic scope of thi[s. provision � � _ . . , . . , ' � shel he gubtrtitt,Al to the Planiiing Qirnintsaiun fur consideration Unlitt a Revision to dic � � Design Review. � . I I .1 . I I I I . - .. � . - I ea ml W k I...... I .. , - 11. Azutilleutural twatriumt shall bcpirtividud on Clichi Vv 'c'. � . . - . 1. . . I . . . Q. 'Mien used,, iltuthbris shall be provided on first, second and t&d story livitidows, as , . � I Approved by dw Planning CommissiorL Tbc inufficals shall be Provided in a variety of I . � I � . - shqpcA. I � � � I . .1. ... I .1 I . � . � � LL I , R_ Wall-iinnurt(eddectirative lighting'ftxtur�*sltall bc ptovided at the- fita Pqrchft&;aai , - . I � - I I I I we 5 as on -tach side at the 1�rle door- Asarnple of l4liting types to be Used shall be . : . I prwid,ed,fotlIkun4tingCo"utsuonimicwW,aP.Wov - I I . . . I - . I . .1 . . I � . . � . I 8. All ftontdoorA shall provide it %milowarotheirdecorittive treatriteat. Asaropleofdoot * I treittments shall i�c provided ft Planning Commiwioa Wiew and AMCOval. I -1 I . I , I T. r3ach lot shall be pro,Aded wl'0* fbur (4) plamt: tirtes, to the house. (ThTs requirement shall . . � t-- ido4fied On The phaging, site plait.) � I � . I � I � 11 . . � I � . � 1. � I � . I I I . � -1 I . - I I . � . I I - � . .11, .. . I . . I . . � � I � I - . I I I I . . I I I � I . I I �. 1. � I I I I I I . - . I I - � � - I � . I I . I . � I I � - - I I . . � . � . . I I . � I - I I I I I I . � . I �. .1 1. I I . � I .. . I . I . - I - I I � ,. I � I , .. I . . � I I _. . . . I .1 I '. . I . - ' I 11 11 I I I . -1 . I I � � I . I . 1 3 1 1 - I . . I I I I I I I I . . I _. � I � I.. I � . . - I . . . . .. I I I I . I I � � � � - - I I - . I - I I .. I - .1 - ,- , I .11 I .­ - � : I 11 � . I I I I I . I . I I - - - I I . . . 0ohatildots Jiir"ruval Ocaraber 8, 20913 M-Nign xcyk046. (113-M � � I � I . I I I I I . . I I . .� I I U .kt least two orrid every three homes %bull upgrade frie hardsciape used within *e, - - - conureltv walkw4yi; leading to the front.door of th.,e bouse in otideir to complemetit the home's v�ctcrjor irckitectuml elenicats- (Butrople: If the home u9cs rock, brA or Other . . I I I similar mataw on the owior Of the housc,, these material-, s1hall be icorporated into . I I . . � I tile -walkways ali6ug with ditctrative lrowkd bariO,;, decoratitc particined scario- I . . '. P, . c -posed aW,efate, finishes, starriped cortarete. etc) (This requirctuentiihall he idelitirred . I I . � on thepl=W site Plan that.,is Submitted lu the 1�ul!Lriqg 4 SaFey Division for plan � . I I I check. A dotail ofthe qpes ufhard:,fc" in be used on the ikgkways shall also be sbowit . on the pliwinigsupplan.) . . I . . I . I I 1 � 1. �. 11 I - I . V. Allutil�kv box,E�s shittlbecarnouflaged mitb Orabs,etoll-t�tlo.%%,.Pi:DEtelwd.s��oitij. I I I I W. Steel gates vvith pi�:vacy serc�oning (definVI as statatcrial used on the steel Sato to . I . . Obscure ibe view of the tack yard fir I th :dreeL) .shall be Mquilad f6f Side yards., I . � M1 it! � . I I � X. Alt block walls shall bc cappc4 with stprefaibricate� b6A cap, Interior Kock %%Ils not ' visible frumptNic view may be LV-pe4 witlit.arotir0ed mottaf,,`conerate cap. I . . V. The follo-will@ electrical ouflefs and gAra--e�t)urupcnerw�l.beprtyvidcdln all garages. I , , - I I I I . I Install onea.0othatic ga*e doot.opmer for the double suirige door-l'at a miminum; and -1 . Install one overhead receptacle for eacb. ovarlicad ganiged(witistalled, I I I . 1 Z. tnadifftiotit6'ati�:icqiiitcdmccptAcicsfo�iaLtildr�ippliaTwti.�( washer an ' d dirytr) . located in the "c, install at Itast ont: du,rlex reecptactc.on iachwall Ofthe gamze. I � I I I I . I � . I I I S. coosir"Ai0o of A4 model ivev-0 for use and I removal of such liadlTties. This shilill include dlTstrfet Paved parking 91*"s. two per mJ40 . mininium. landscaping and bonds fox the removal of " atiet: space wiVin thi� rnriiilul and removal of Ilie Parilltg spaces. I . I I I - I I . I � � � 0. The Applicant irrevocably waiv,CN, for itself and adl sx.cesuar.s 1ki. the pir.oject any tights or atbili6k% it ma� have under, l.'iDrt=a Municipal Code Seetioil X429 (or sueocasuf I � I I ordinacce) to seek. an anteadvient of, this Design Review, or a ncw Design Review it' this , .1 - � Dcsign Review c)tphes. Applicant has. willingly Aftditnowingly made this . wdNw hi light of I . � � - I the benefits provided to applicant under the Plotting suid. T)e,;j'Vi Criterig- � I � I � 7. This project, Shall comply with All ,applicable offivislurts, reguladdh.� and dievelopmetit, gandards. of the spceiric Piall" Cornmunity Plan, and the City of roatansi .Zoning; and Dcvclupinent Code and any Mitiptiot Votiftoring Pipgrm, � I � I � I � I I . 1. All 4cyclopniciat, shall coakwat to Lluf requin!Wqts� of ON Development Agreement. in place - � � � I � arid all applicableamendments. I � � � � I I . � � . � � ­ - ­ - I I . � � r I I . I I � 11 � . - . � � � I I I � . I I � I I ­ I I � I � I I . I I I I � I 11 I . . 1. - 1 4 1 1 - I- .1 I � . . I I I I � - I � � . . . , . I .. � . I - . � , � � - , � � � I I � I I � I � � � I PROFESSIONAL 0 E S I G N ASSOCIATES Landscape Architects 1793 W. Arrow Highway Upland, California 91786-4297 (909) 949-6159 / fax (909) 985-3405 SHEET TITIE CONPITIONS 74--ip" t"S a--; '117��­ ����,''��''' `Iilll�im 1 �� All designs and ideas contained Within these droWings are the property of P.D.A.. Professional Design Associates. P.D.A. hereby reseryes its common loW copyright and other property rights 'in these plans. These plans shall not be reproduced, changed, assigned, or copied in any form. a parties other than RDA, Without first obtaining the Written permission and consent of RDA, shall retleve P.DA of responeNfity for the project of effected portion thereof. 1) \,WDSCApe _q C�, �, D. �p C, \ Z , X, 0 � 0 . 4 11 _J '' --- I ji?Muije- - 11 I 0 t Is> t \ )� 4't OF C;W� i SCA11 N/A DATE 6-25-04 0 DRAWN BY L.H. - 1 Per City -1 - -1 -04 (LH) Per Coitu 12-1-04 (LH) qq 00 T_ (D " IN= T_ * = z = um �_ 0 =11111111 = z < Cif " so = = = = �_ = 9 = z . a:011111 = = = < C) = a I11111111111 <�_ 1100111 CC 06 = uA z < INEE 900 161101 �_ z Miss X 0 LL = W C) C) W 00 Lr) r�_ T_ o) =1111111 �- Ob M ca W :) 0) r,,.- r�_ 1­_� ME 0 (.) 00 C-4 V_ L0 0) = CD W 0) %-1 L Wd mom F6 �- Z 0 < C) - rr. O_ < < z C� C:) fl.- "A men z 0 0 W CY) I (y) (Y) = = 5 W 00 0 r* -- I'-- ,TZ1 L0 - , k9 CA = 0 0 0) I.-ol L N U') N T_ SHEET TITIE CONPITIONS 74--ip" t"S a--; '117��­ ����,''��''' `Iilll�im 1 �� All designs and ideas contained Within these droWings are the property of P.D.A.. Professional Design Associates. P.D.A. hereby reseryes its common loW copyright and other property rights 'in these plans. These plans shall not be reproduced, changed, assigned, or copied in any form. a parties other than RDA, Without first obtaining the Written permission and consent of RDA, shall retleve P.DA of responeNfity for the project of effected portion thereof. 1) \,WDSCApe _q C�, �, D. �p C, \ Z , X, 0 � 0 . 4 11 _J '' --- I ji?Muije- - 11 I 0 t Is> t \ )� 4't OF C;W� i SCA11 N/A DATE 6-25-04 0 DRAWN BY L.H. - 1 Per City -1 - -1 -04 (LH) Per Coitu 12-1-04 (LH)