HomeMy WebLinkAbout3683-4..... ........ �19 chlimf R,� . ...... 4 5 0 1:!7 . ......... �/ 0 It, . ... .... ... .............. . . .. ....... ��L . . ..... ............. . ...... .............. 2 0,10� 3 or 6001 mm M;n L F 13 0 N,T E ,,�Y, j'10 S I NQ L E E A UN A L11., FRONT ELEVATION . . . . ......... ___ DOUBLE HEADWALt, Dmn $ t r" o u n (I for p�pe��% less thon 1��rallln' rr,,m,. d1amoter, T)' 90 P,-)0 C, %,Q13LE HEADWALLS .... ..... .... __ - LL For ("'Or" nor a tee I (iota I I see SWC t I (y) A A Crol t roundIng P go;$ )9 gram Chomfe, for fle", loss Q00 am dN,,,1T*0er to, . . ...... 0 190 2 340 J 230­i­� 14 - FRONT ELEVA N1 "L"' HEA ALL 'TL N ..... . ...... __ . ... ......... . W Q HEADWALL C� . . . . ....... Use . . ..... ... .... # N;* of wor",�Q N jol", Oar- ..... ..... . ........... mm or, Lrtg . .......... . . 0 Moo 2.6 P��, Max, 004 optron,0 r K-4270 or 600 MM Min 450 4501-1111 V9 mm Chomf or 19 mm Choinfor, f rho �7 I Tk ........ . . . .. .. .... .... i .. ... ... .. ... .... ........ _wl . . .......... . ....... . 200 -J . . ....... . L 200-J, .. ....... . ......... . ...... ... . . .. . ... .... . ...... .. . .... . ..... ............. . . FRONT ELEVATION 1­­11_.___1___­,,�', f�RQ SINGLE HF,,ADWALL PPUM- HEADWALL. 190 -4 610 0-N-1- S —IN qLE._A�. _00 U-8 L E jJL L L S .... ...... 19 min Chomfor . ..... . .. ... . . U Corner Stoo I F Y4 190 1q0 SECTION_ NO __ 1.1 k1111190 SEC r10N "U" FRON'r ELEVATION HEADWALL HE ), ALL --l', ........ .. .. . . .... . ..... . ........ ...... . . f . .... . .......... .. . ...... . ... ... . C. .... ......... . K,,,,4.3 mr, INLET IT MT UE1 . . . . ..... ......... .. 91 RC PIPE DETAILS I I . . ....... . ,�wz 14 n 0 0-, w. 2 n 501� of ,, t Ml bans Sh, t NOT ES L No deductlon made in quarititles for �Mchness of p1pe W006. 2. An reinf orcIng Steel 013 bars. Ai�, ver tical tvi�,j hcm'lZontal tie bor's �4!AO, mrn �,�,,,jxjmtjm $p(,jQjrqj. 1 Langth of wall 11W­ar�c)y he varled to aWt oondiflons oncountered n the fllold,and stre,3kjht Ono Interpolation moy b0 tMed to qaletJ'a 1, o quantItles'. 4. Ouantitles qre for dealr4n Pwrj,,,)ose,,t oniy. 1� 1 0 QL01"Vout 11no 5r, j75 IR112 2-1 j, LAYOU LIZ, TYPICAL EXAMPLE . . . . ....... I," �,5 ?"47 R NLO"Aber �above "b" "C" �p�3,r's ft'm,,jR;atRa C11%t i top r�,f f rjpfltnrj to up%g%r �,v�.r�cj (pf t,7,gjj-,& at "Aob 60 Y" if sioroo or otqcflan ck ioaffs mo,,,y ?6,e vorr,,etj fn invuramonts of 156 mm, are 01,0 wr'� olaqwheret In th(j, r 0, c�) or (I's dtr&,,',Jod by the, E'nqOieer, . . .. .... . ... ......... NOTES t or" 0,90,x"O" mm" �,JrI't !; t r (f3 14,51 f 16!5 MFlo, fc, q, VPa, n 6 V) 9 . ...... .... . z-4 Mcxkri,�,,v,r Too, Pre, 144 kP . .......... ordy rounmJ 4ne E ge v a, t, to n, A 6ary .. . ... ..... .................... . .. 'y ,;,th or�,dl opngkl, Of of whrpgs M—gy t�e I X, �,,Qop, bollits 0 ,165 dA,5h,,,jnad feop!,, mto qv,e �oad, ssurc�ru v, j 0 All "the En4,;1r*qr to ,StOt con"'(11vions ;ro tPm, f QN/,d� We N P. apr a r,(,,e s t r �p f,,j p qn, vUrGk1KY"GR rnot tO E),94,004 �n, �,n a0havct,�Orl, f or, rts t al PIDe �3 �,rrt Exp fRer 6, 1 clnd O�6 Dia 'N Or IlD vkk"C t)y Wus 604"") mm Ova �Oa,��J SV`t�`,ti`0030, Of' LAft,'Ited. 42 SECTION 8_8 2, if �w�5 !Oor�a excees"Is �.s M.k,�me Typo 2 *09. i5o PART PLAN A -A ;hf may Do excoodat"I by 60 MM P"'(11 0 4� Not hare, W"'kf smowf"� the �rtfjxt gy�p,,�4cjteyr 4 -7 2- J 60) [.5, fn adcl#h,,�n c"i to 'regu"�,'w,�r *�6 0300 mm . ..... ;Vf C, u t of f �,,Af I f re,, � 0 f ar R C n. rp ez,.,, eyrid oi d1res., I, ed D, F, M MQ x f Or,' �.S f i I st e s, fitril ta,d On f a o op es, uxV, tra No f"I y r ",rf, E,ngtrneer. Mqi b e v oe f e, d . ... . .. . . ... for glo;,%vs flr,-)t,0gr Phgyl, ...... . .. ... for fflutfor, 'thx,,�,,n the A, ddf, f . .... .. a 34 0 V',$ b,ars 3 LJ x �m the froM,� F�,,ff rM v"', 0 t4,) *13 Along SECTION C, -C OX, top, Of w0j"fi-, "'S SECTION F -F TYPE C WALL Vax, fer or, Ma'x, Ulm 3, C 6 mm, M .......... "r, Or 19ull 40 ... . .. ................... cfl ,�r L,,' 0300 rrm 013 0 9130 mon ..... . ........ tx, r a 15 5F SECTION 0-0 ..... . .... *t1o450 �reri s erf'o st'rip f V 4.5 ro, t f y p, "t b r 00 3-14 Enq�neer -to am"ift S .......... 3 "'r 00v,$ mm r" g,,j ove --X (, X mrr, Lxv [t f Ner 0`6� 0 19,0 ef", 0 he f kakj,� oakit8fda S hewr, 1, 600 %1 sett Steaf "P, f '8(0,-3,---, A." "g, g3 I Sh(X' . . ... .... ,, f ,,, t ( �304) M `7 go, In 0 X d, T j' �4 pi `3 90() in, �00, a e', 1 3 3 c,! b4c;,"ra FA D V(D 10 r r�";n""ated, J, �5 "27. 1 ".41 -230 A zz . . . . .. . ...................... ..... . . . *[3, ..... . .. ... .... f ons t J, f, 11,11111- 'm4", 2$ ex) .... . ....... SECTION E -E .... . . ...... 2 6 311f 00 ST Al' i)F 9,,AL�,F'0RtAA '4' 0 E P A R DA Etfl! OF *�,,3,, To�to� r 3 2 Mot PIPE C ULVERT HEADWALLS --c" W/3 ... . .... ... .......... ... ...... . . . . ........ . . . .... . ....... . I.-111,11.11-:1, ENDWALLS AND WINGWALLS TYPE A 4 si, TYPE B TYPES A 8 AND C TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL SECTION &V A END ELE 0 N NO SCA�i_llrl Er- 1 —.2 m T R U 3 m H- __U_ 1:- !�Q n _qL,_a0 U-6, I L _T1 STRAIGHT' WINGWALLS and rafnftr,,,;�t3mettt &af,-, "Foomnq ��ter;­ on ALL D$MENS�iGNS Ar?E !�j Shl Plon 83-8, (1,', , DOI C= --n =___7 C-3 ==71 F.*,e,VP.r> T>P.A.Vjl 4- 22 mfn 0 x 300 bolts on 1.33 m bc Junctil A Clamp debris rack q,<)9e to unperforafed sectlon of r1ser See Detal I A C) 3$ m 184 MM board propf, 38 MM X 184 rnm bo(jrd prope ...... .... . 250 mm Slots,at quarter poInts 0 E around circum-ference, 0.8 m row Bock f W to oc > spacing, stagger alternote rows 45 rr above F�, or as directed by the F ConnectIng r1nq 06 mir x -16 mm x Engineer 250 6.4 mm shop rlveted,�spotwe Ided or YP tackwelded to 1200 mm CMP a 0.3 rn Max C -C + 3�013 eve sp 0 c d Conc ti I let 5-0 13 0230 mr7i 0 ExIstIng HW pipe 0 (750 mm Max) ("4 ItA IF T_-- 6 913 200 -41 evenly spaced SECTION A -A CMP RISER AND JUNCTION BOX TY P E I W 2.5 yi�� J 1426.0 IW BackfIll to 1.5 m above R or, os d1rec-ted t>y the Englneer for laterals <750mm Clamp debris rock cage to 1500 mm CMP for l(iterals > 750 mm unperforated se0flon of r1ser See Detal A 250 MM Slots, ot quorter points orotind c1rcum-ference, E, 0.8 m row spocIng. stagger OjtArnate rnw-,m I -Top bars some as posts, spotweld to end posts both sides ,"1111-- Spotweld each post 4 ploces OG Standard 1200 fnm CMP 200 mrn of 1200 mm CMP 0 2 50 C3 E- CUt or burn p1pe '-T P dk, Existing HW & pipe (750 MM Max) A A A Concrete f I I let S E CTI 0 N B- B CMP RISER T YPE B CONCRETE BOTTOM 40 TYPICAL 36" OUTLEF PIPE CUTOFF WALL-, of Ess /, C/) UJ No. 43976 M S Spotweld each Post 4 p�cce5 200 mm Band coupler" DRAWN BY: AE DESIGNED BY: EVRC C14ECKED BY: M1 CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA