HomeMy WebLinkAbout3199-2( I-% 3ENERAL NOTES: 1, Curve data refers to the face of curb. 2. Contractor- to install pavement markings and striping as reqUired by the City Engineer. 1 All work shall be in accordance with these plans, the City of Fontana standard plans, the contract provisions and the standard specifications for pubIic works construction ("Green Book"). Ali reference specifications and standards shall be the latest edition Unless otherwise noted. 4, ConstrUction permits shall be obtained fr(,,)rTi the City of FonLana Community Development department, Engineering division prior to the Start of any work. Inspection coordination shall be requested at Least two working days prior to the start of any work in public right--of---way within the City limits. Call (909) 350--76M 5, The contractor shall not operate any fire hydrant or water main Valves, Contractor sh0 coordinate with the appropriate water Company for volve operotion and water requirements, 6� Stationing refers to the centerline of street except where otherwise noted, 7, The locations of utilities shown have been determined from available information, However, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to determine, in the field, the true location and elevation of any existing utilities, and to exercise proper precaution to avoid damage thereto, The contractor shall contact undergrOUnd service alert at 1-800-227-2600 two working days be -fore excavation. 8. All manholes, clean out frames, covers and valve boxes shall be Raised to finished grade by the paving contractor upon completion of Paving, 9, Refer to City of Fontana, underground utility location standard detail 129, M The contractor shall coordinate construction with all utility companies including, but not limited to, gas, telephone, electric, cable television, landscaping, landscape irrigation, domestic water, reclaimed water, sewer, storm drain, flood control and caltrans, All utility companies shall be given two working doys notice prior to work oround their facilities, 11 .� As ­built drawings shall be provided by the contractor -to the Engineer for record, who shall provide record drawings to the City Engineer. 12� Contractor is instructed to refer to these plans and the specifications and where there is at- may be a conflict shall immediately report said conflict or possible conflict to the owners representative. 13, When conflict is found to exist in the contract documents that can not be resolved by reference to precedence provisions in the "Green Book", the contractor shall immediately report said conflict to the City Engineer for resolution, 14� Approved soil sterilant is reqUired under all new permanent asphalt pavement prior to placement. 15. All exposed concrete surfaces shall conform in grade, color and finish to match existing concrete. 16. Type, location and width of driveway approach aprons will be determined (it the time of construction and shall conform with the city of fon-Lana standard details. Exact location to be deterrnined with resident prior to construction, 17� No concrete shall be placed Until the forms and reinforcing steel have been placed, inspected and approved, 'I & No trench backfM shall take place without prior approval of the City inspector. 19, The contractor shall not cause any excavated material, mud silt or debris to be deposited onto public or private property adjacent to the right of way during construction without prior written approval. Any mud or debris on public property shall be removed immediately. Dust shall be controlled by watering or other approved method throughout the grading operations. M Estimate of quantities is provid(-id by the engineer only for the convenience of the developer, The contractor sholi make his own bid. Any item of work required by these plans which is not specifically listed in the estimate of quantities shall be considered as included in the other iterns of work, 21 � All backfill to be certified by �the Soils Engineer. 22, It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain barricades, deliheators or other,- traffic control at all times. 21 A Geotechnicai Engineer shall certify all backfill compaction. Failure to obtain the required density sholt require reworking of that portion of the work untiI the specified density is obtained, 24. All materials and methods are subject to the approval of the City Engineer". 25, Adequate construction control stakes shall be set by the Engineer to enable the contractor to construct the work to plan grades, The contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of benchmarks and construction control staking during construction. 26� Care should be taken to prevent grades, ditches, and swales frorn undermining street improvements. Upon inspection of the site, the city engineer may require temporary non-erodeable swales entering or leaving improvernents. 27� If existing utilities or any other facilities conflict with the proposed improvements, the contractor shall notify the engineer and all affected agencies immediately, 28. T'he contractor shall maintain access for local residents and businesses at all times, A minin"ium twelve foot lone shall be maintained at all times in the closure area for residents and emergency vehicles, 29� No material or equipment shall be stored in the public right of way without obtaining a separate permit for that purpose, M The contractor shall provide and maintain an effective means of dUSt control, including adequate watering, at all times, 31, The contractor shall conform to all traffic control policies, methods and procedures described in the "W,A,T,C,H, manual", latest edition unless otherwise directed by the City Traffic Engineer, 32, Upon completion of construction, contractor shall restore all signing, striping, barricades, and other traffic control devices 'to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer, 33, No open trench shall be allowed at the end of the day without prior approval of the city engineer, 34, Care should be taken to prevent grades, ditches and swoles from underrnining street improvements, Upon inspection of the site, the city engineer may require temporary gunite swales, entering or leaving improvements, 35, All Utility companies shall be given 48 hours notice prior to work around their facilities, 36, Actual thickness of A,C. pavement and/or base course material -for structural street section shall be recommended by a geotechnical engineering report and submitted to the City of Fontana for approval upon completion of rough grading. 37, Pavement structural sections shown are rninirnum ond subject to revision and approval of the city as required by soils tests taken after completion of rough grading. 38� The contractor shall not &turb exist�ng survey monuments or bench marks noted on the plans, or found during construction without prior notification to the civil engineer. Rernoval and replacement shall be done by a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor, Survey monuments which will be destroyed as a result of this construction shall be replaced. Contractor shall notify Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor one week prior to constrUCti0n so that Lies to monuments can be establised for later replacement of said monuments by said Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor. 39. City of Fontana, Utility notification list: City of Fontana Pacific Bell Co, Attn: Leticia Ortiz Attn: Virginia Becker 8353 Sierra Avenue 3939 E. Coronado Street Fontana, CA. 92335 Anaheirn, CA. 92807 (909) 350-6501 (714) 666--5467 Underground Service Alert So. Calif, Gas Company (800) 422-4133 Attn: Dennis Freeman 1981 W, Lugonia avenue Adelphia (Cable TV) Redlands, CA. 92374 Attn: Jack Hayes (909) 335---7547 '1205 Dupont Ave, Emergencies: (800) 427-2200 Ontario, CA. 91761 (909) 390-4738 So. Calif, Edison Company 300 N. Pepper Avenue General Telephone Cornpany Rialto, CA. 92376 Attn: Steve Hock (909) 820--5598 - Underground 14,00 E. Phillips Blvd. (909) 875--5100 - Transmission Ontario, CA. 91766 (213) 637---1233 --- Pipelines (800) 422-4133 (909) 357-6223 Fontana Water Company (909) 422-4133 Attn- Michael K. Mcgrow Ti rn a Warner Telecom 8440 NUevo Avenue Attn: Dean Castle Fontana, CA. 92235 521 West Rialto Ave, (909) 822--2201 Rialto, CA. 92376 Fax: (909) 823--5046 (909) 877--8905 SIEWER GENERAL, NQTESI�- 1 , All work shall be in accordance with these plans, the city of fontano standard plans, the contract provisions and the standard specifications for public works construction ("green book"), All reference specifications and standards shall be the latest edition unless otherwise rioted. 2, When a technical conflict is found to exist in the contract docurnents that can not be resolved by reference to precedence provisions in the "green book", -the contractor shall immediately report said conflict to the city engineer for resolution, 3, All materials and methods are subject to the approval of the city engineer. 4� Construction permits shall be obtained from the city of fontana community development department, engineering division, prior to the start of any work, Inspection coordination shall be requested at [east two working days prior to the start of any work in public right--of.-way within the city limits, Call (909) 350--761 O� 5. The contractor sholl conform to all traffic control policies, methods and procedures described in the state of colifornic, manual of traffic contro�s, latest non -metric edRion, unless otherwise directed by the city troffic engineer,, 6, It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain barricades, delineators or other traffic control devices at all times. 7� The contractor shall obtpin a permit to perform excavation or trench work for trenches 5 feet or greater in depth from the colifornia state division of industrial safety,, 8. The walls and faces of all excavations greater thon five (5) feet in depth shall be guarded by shoring, sloping of the ground or other approved means pursuant to the requirements of the division of industriaI safety of the state of california, Trenches less than five (5) feet shall also be guarded when the potential exists for ground movement, 9. No material or equipment shall be stored in the public right of way without obtaining a separate permit for that purpose, M The locations of utilities shown have been determined frorn available information, however, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to determine, in the field, the true location and elevation of any existing utilities, and to exercise proper precaution to avoid darnoge thereto. The contractor shall contact undergrec)und service alert (it 1-800-227--2600 two working days before excavation, 11, The contractor shall coordinate construction with all utility companies including, but not limited to, gas, telephone, electric, cable television, landscaping, landscape irrigation, domestic water, reclaimed water, sewer, storm drain, flood contral and caltrans. All utility companies shall be given two working days notice prior to work around their facilities. 12� The contractor shall not. operate any fire hydrant or water main valves without appropriate agency authorization. Contractor shall coordinate with the appropriate woter company for valve operation and water requirements, 11 Station�ng refers to the centerline of street except where otherwise noted, 14, Adequate construction control stakes shall be set by the engineer to enable the contractor to construct the work to the plan grodes. The contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of benchmorks and construction control staking during construction, 15, The contractor shall not disturb existing survey monuments, monument ties or bench marks Mthout prior notification to the city engineer. 16� Rernoval and replacement of existing survey control, including survey monuments, monument ties and bench marks, shall be done by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, Survey monuments that will be destroyed os a result of this constn.jction shall be replaced. The contractor sholl notify the engineer one week prior to construction so that ties to monuments can be established for later replacement of the monument, 17� 'The contractor shall maintain access for local residents and businesses at all times, A minimum 12 foot [one shall be maintained at all times in the construction orea for residents and emergency vehicles. '18. The contractor shall provide and maintain an effective means of dust control, including adequate watering, at all times. 19. The contractor, shch not cause any excavated material, mud, silt at- debris to be deposited onto public or private property adjacent to the right of way during construction without prior written approval, 20, No trench backfill shall take PIOCE.1 without prior Approval of the city inspector 21� A geotechnical engineer shall certify all backfM Compaction, Failure to obtain the required density shall Require re --- working of 'that portion of the work until the Specified density is obtained. 22� Care should be tolken to prevent grades, ditches, and Swales frorn undermining street improvements, Upon inspection Of the site, the city engineer may require temporary Non --- erodeable swales entering or, leaving improvements, 21 All exposed concrete Surfaces shall conform in grade, Color and finish to motch existing concrete, 24� If sewer construction is to be done in phases, the Contractor shall provide a terminal cleanout at the phase Boundary, not more than 150 feet from the downstrearn Manhole, see city of 'fontano standard detail for terminal CleanOLA. 25� Sanitary sewer lines shall be constructed of bell and Spigot or bond sea[ type vitrified clay pipe (v,c.p,) extra Strength class and shall conform to the provisions of the Astrn designation c700 for v,c,p, 26, No open trench shall be allowed at the end of the day Without prior approval of the City Engineer, 27 � Short vcp stubs with flexible compression Joints shall be Used ot manhole wads to allow for rninor deflections in Alignment. 28. Prior to construction, -the contractor shall expose Existing facilities, and verify elevation and location of Connections. City approval of connections to existing Facilities does not imply correctness of elevations or Locations shown on the plons. 29� All 6" commercial laterals shall be installed at a 2% minimum Grade unless otherwise approved by the city engineer, '30, Terminate all 6" commerciol sewer laterals 0,5 -feet outside The lot with a plug, 31� The sewer contractor shall starnp an "s" in the face of The curb at the location of the sewer lateral, 32, If existing utilities or any other facilities conflict with The proposed improvernents, the contractor sholl notify the Engineer and all affected agencies immediately. 33, No concrete shall be placed until the forms and Reinforcing steei have been placed, inspected and approved. 34, All underground utilities sholl be installed, tested and Approved prior to paving of streets. 35, Approved soil sterilant is required under all new asphalt Pavement prior to placement. M All rTianholes, cleanout frornes, covers and valve boxes Sholl be raised to finished grade by the paving contractor Upon completion of paving, 37� Upon completion of construction, contracLor shall Restore all signing, striping, barricades, and other traffic Control devices to the satisfaction of the city -traffic Engineer-, 38. As --built drawings shall be provided by the contractor to The engineer of record, who shall provide record drawings To the city engineer 39, Prior to air testing, sewer main sholl be balled and flushed. 40. Contractor shall provide camera inspection (video) of completed system, M 12' 0.5' Varies 0,0' to M4' 2:1 SLOPE TO MATCH EXIST. �_: I OLD LJ Varies 32' to 34' Varies 32' to 51.9' Varies 20' Varies 12' to 1"51,9' 20' to 22' 6�5� 5Y 1 0� 2.00% Varies LIEVE-1 LINE .00% 11 2 2 MANGO AVENUE TYMCAL SECTION STA. 23+22.28 TO 25+2&08 HORIZ: 1"=10' VERT,: 1"=2' T.L=7.0 0 >< Varies 1 34' to 38' OLD q�, 3 Existing Ground A Varies 51.9' to 89' Varies 131,9' to 55' co X bi MANGO AVENUE TYPICAL SECTUO�_' STA. 25+28.08 TO 29--1-17.31 HORIZ: 1"=10' VERT.: 1 "=2' T.L=7.0 rk X UndeirgEound ServiceMert SECTION 421(�5/4-217 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE REQUIRES A DIG ALEIRT IDENTIFICKFION n NUMBER BE ISSUED BEFORE A PERMIT TO 35' EXCAVATE WILL BE VALID 20' FOR YOUR DIG ALERT I.D. NUMBER CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT CONSTRUCT 4" PCC SIDEWALK PER CITY OF FONTANA STD, TOLL FREE 1 -800--227-2600 (5)-- TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG JN 12417 City of Fontana Re� \\steve\E\dwg\l 2417\1 2417st2.dwg 12/03/01 31, The contractor shall conform to all traffic control policies, methods and procedures described in the "W,A,T,C,H, manual", latest edition unless otherwise directed by the City Traffic Engineer, 32, Upon completion of construction, contractor shall restore all signing, striping, barricades, and other traffic control devices 'to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer, 33, No open trench shall be allowed at the end of the day without prior approval of the city engineer, 34, Care should be taken to prevent grades, ditches and swoles from underrnining street improvements, Upon inspection of the site, the city engineer may require temporary gunite swales, entering or leaving improvements, 35, All Utility companies shall be given 48 hours notice prior to work around their facilities, 36, Actual thickness of A,C. pavement and/or base course material -for structural street section shall be recommended by a geotechnical engineering report and submitted to the City of Fontana for approval upon completion of rough grading. 37, Pavement structural sections shown are rninirnum ond subject to revision and approval of the city as required by soils tests taken after completion of rough grading. 38� The contractor shall not &turb exist�ng survey monuments or bench marks noted on the plans, or found during construction without prior notification to the civil engineer. Rernoval and replacement shall be done by a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor, Survey monuments which will be destroyed as a result of this construction shall be replaced. Contractor shall notify Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor one week prior to constrUCti0n so that Lies to monuments can be establised for later replacement of said monuments by said Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor. 39. City of Fontana, Utility notification list: City of Fontana Pacific Bell Co, Attn: Leticia Ortiz Attn: Virginia Becker 8353 Sierra Avenue 3939 E. Coronado Street Fontana, CA. 92335 Anaheirn, CA. 92807 (909) 350-6501 (714) 666--5467 Underground Service Alert So. Calif, Gas Company (800) 422-4133 Attn: Dennis Freeman 1981 W, Lugonia avenue Adelphia (Cable TV) Redlands, CA. 92374 Attn: Jack Hayes (909) 335---7547 '1205 Dupont Ave, Emergencies: (800) 427-2200 Ontario, CA. 91761 (909) 390-4738 So. Calif, Edison Company 300 N. Pepper Avenue General Telephone Cornpany Rialto, CA. 92376 Attn: Steve Hock (909) 820--5598 - Underground 14,00 E. Phillips Blvd. (909) 875--5100 - Transmission Ontario, CA. 91766 (213) 637---1233 --- Pipelines (800) 422-4133 (909) 357-6223 Fontana Water Company (909) 422-4133 Attn- Michael K. Mcgrow Ti rn a Warner Telecom 8440 NUevo Avenue Attn: Dean Castle Fontana, CA. 92235 521 West Rialto Ave, (909) 822--2201 Rialto, CA. 92376 Fax: (909) 823--5046 (909) 877--8905 SIEWER GENERAL, NQTESI�- 1 , All work shall be in accordance with these plans, the city of fontano standard plans, the contract provisions and the standard specifications for public works construction ("green book"), All reference specifications and standards shall be the latest edition unless otherwise rioted. 2, When a technical conflict is found to exist in the contract docurnents that can not be resolved by reference to precedence provisions in the "green book", -the contractor shall immediately report said conflict to the city engineer for resolution, 3, All materials and methods are subject to the approval of the city engineer. 4� Construction permits shall be obtained from the city of fontana community development department, engineering division, prior to the start of any work, Inspection coordination shall be requested at [east two working days prior to the start of any work in public right--of.-way within the city limits, Call (909) 350--761 O� 5. The contractor sholl conform to all traffic control policies, methods and procedures described in the state of colifornic, manual of traffic contro�s, latest non -metric edRion, unless otherwise directed by the city troffic engineer,, 6, It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain barricades, delineators or other traffic control devices at all times. 7� The contractor shall obtpin a permit to perform excavation or trench work for trenches 5 feet or greater in depth from the colifornia state division of industrial safety,, 8. The walls and faces of all excavations greater thon five (5) feet in depth shall be guarded by shoring, sloping of the ground or other approved means pursuant to the requirements of the division of industriaI safety of the state of california, Trenches less than five (5) feet shall also be guarded when the potential exists for ground movement, 9. No material or equipment shall be stored in the public right of way without obtaining a separate permit for that purpose, M The locations of utilities shown have been determined frorn available information, however, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to determine, in the field, the true location and elevation of any existing utilities, and to exercise proper precaution to avoid darnoge thereto. The contractor shall contact undergrec)und service alert (it 1-800-227--2600 two working days before excavation, 11, The contractor shall coordinate construction with all utility companies including, but not limited to, gas, telephone, electric, cable television, landscaping, landscape irrigation, domestic water, reclaimed water, sewer, storm drain, flood contral and caltrans. All utility companies shall be given two working days notice prior to work around their facilities. 12� The contractor shall not. operate any fire hydrant or water main valves without appropriate agency authorization. Contractor shall coordinate with the appropriate woter company for valve operation and water requirements, 11 Station�ng refers to the centerline of street except where otherwise noted, 14, Adequate construction control stakes shall be set by the engineer to enable the contractor to construct the work to the plan grodes. The contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of benchmorks and construction control staking during construction, 15, The contractor shall not disturb existing survey monuments, monument ties or bench marks Mthout prior notification to the city engineer. 16� Rernoval and replacement of existing survey control, including survey monuments, monument ties and bench marks, shall be done by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, Survey monuments that will be destroyed os a result of this constn.jction shall be replaced. The contractor sholl notify the engineer one week prior to construction so that ties to monuments can be established for later replacement of the monument, 17� 'The contractor shall maintain access for local residents and businesses at all times, A minimum 12 foot [one shall be maintained at all times in the construction orea for residents and emergency vehicles. '18. The contractor shall provide and maintain an effective means of dust control, including adequate watering, at all times. 19. The contractor, shch not cause any excavated material, mud, silt at- debris to be deposited onto public or private property adjacent to the right of way during construction without prior written approval, 20, No trench backfill shall take PIOCE.1 without prior Approval of the city inspector 21� A geotechnical engineer shall certify all backfM Compaction, Failure to obtain the required density shall Require re --- working of 'that portion of the work until the Specified density is obtained. 22� Care should be tolken to prevent grades, ditches, and Swales frorn undermining street improvements, Upon inspection Of the site, the city engineer may require temporary Non --- erodeable swales entering or, leaving improvements, 21 All exposed concrete Surfaces shall conform in grade, Color and finish to motch existing concrete, 24� If sewer construction is to be done in phases, the Contractor shall provide a terminal cleanout at the phase Boundary, not more than 150 feet from the downstrearn Manhole, see city of 'fontano standard detail for terminal CleanOLA. 25� Sanitary sewer lines shall be constructed of bell and Spigot or bond sea[ type vitrified clay pipe (v,c.p,) extra Strength class and shall conform to the provisions of the Astrn designation c700 for v,c,p, 26, No open trench shall be allowed at the end of the day Without prior approval of the City Engineer, 27 � Short vcp stubs with flexible compression Joints shall be Used ot manhole wads to allow for rninor deflections in Alignment. 28. Prior to construction, -the contractor shall expose Existing facilities, and verify elevation and location of Connections. City approval of connections to existing Facilities does not imply correctness of elevations or Locations shown on the plons. 29� All 6" commercial laterals shall be installed at a 2% minimum Grade unless otherwise approved by the city engineer, '30, Terminate all 6" commerciol sewer laterals 0,5 -feet outside The lot with a plug, 31� The sewer contractor shall starnp an "s" in the face of The curb at the location of the sewer lateral, 32, If existing utilities or any other facilities conflict with The proposed improvernents, the contractor sholl notify the Engineer and all affected agencies immediately. 33, No concrete shall be placed until the forms and Reinforcing steei have been placed, inspected and approved. 34, All underground utilities sholl be installed, tested and Approved prior to paving of streets. 35, Approved soil sterilant is required under all new asphalt Pavement prior to placement. M All rTianholes, cleanout frornes, covers and valve boxes Sholl be raised to finished grade by the paving contractor Upon completion of paving, 37� Upon completion of construction, contracLor shall Restore all signing, striping, barricades, and other traffic Control devices to the satisfaction of the city -traffic Engineer-, 38. As --built drawings shall be provided by the contractor to The engineer of record, who shall provide record drawings To the city engineer 39, Prior to air testing, sewer main sholl be balled and flushed. 40. Contractor shall provide camera inspection (video) of completed system, M 12' 0.5' Varies 0,0' to M4' 2:1 SLOPE TO MATCH EXIST. �_: I OLD LJ Varies 32' to 34' Varies 32' to 51.9' Varies 20' Varies 12' to 1"51,9' 20' to 22' 6�5� 5Y 1 0� 2.00% Varies LIEVE-1 LINE .00% 11 2 2 MANGO AVENUE TYMCAL SECTION STA. 23+22.28 TO 25+2&08 HORIZ: 1"=10' VERT,: 1"=2' T.L=7.0 0 >< Varies 1 34' to 38' OLD q�, 3 Existing Ground A Varies 51.9' to 89' Varies 131,9' to 55' co X bi MANGO AVENUE TYPICAL SECTUO�_' STA. 25+28.08 TO 29--1-17.31 HORIZ: 1"=10' VERT.: 1 "=2' T.L=7.0 rk X Existing Pavement Existing 5 Ground - Grin( ZI 77' CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS MANGO AVENUE BASELINE AVE. TO WABASH AVE. BASELINE AVENUE TYPICAL KUM SIA 247+02.88 TO 250+42.88 HORlZ: 1"=10' VERT.: 1 "=2' T. 1. = 10.0 3: X 66' Varies ' to 28 2' 1 ___--._1_ Varies 18' to 46' 40' 01---_ CONSTRUCT 4.5" AC OVER 6" C.A.B. (SEE GENERAL NOTE NO.'S 36 & 37) 35' 20' Existing Pavement Existing 5 Ground - Grin( ZI 77' CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS MANGO AVENUE BASELINE AVE. TO WABASH AVE. BASELINE AVENUE TYPICAL KUM SIA 247+02.88 TO 250+42.88 HORlZ: 1"=10' VERT.: 1 "=2' T. 1. = 10.0 3: X 66' Varies ' to 28 2' 1 ___--._1_ Varies 18' to 46' SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF 'THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF 'THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS IN EFFECT. N CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA MANGO AVENUE MANGO AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS SCALE: RCH AS NOTED BASELINE AVETO WABASH AVE. DESIGNED BY: ('JonstrUction Not §3 and T pical Sections 11 YNI�, DEC. 2001 CEB ATE DRAWING 2 ,APP VED, 11"J3 �R 51152 CEB -ITY EN�,_1NF`F-_R______ 3199 13 Mylar: 08/21/02 ONSTRUCTION NOTES 01---_ CONSTRUCT 4.5" AC OVER 6" C.A.B. (SEE GENERAL NOTE NO.'S 36 & 37) CONSTRUCT 8" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY OF FONTANA STID, 1001 (DI CONSTRUCT 4" PCC SIDEWALK PER CITY OF FONTANA STD, '1015 (S=5'), (5)-- CONSTRUCT 6,5" AC OVER 6" C.A.B, (SEE GENERAL NOTE NO.'S 36 & 37) CONSTRUCT 8" AC DIKE PER CITY OF FONTANA sm. 136. 09-- CONSTRUCT' VARIABLE THICKNESS OVERLAY (0.15' MIN.) 8____ GRIND EXISTING AC PAVEMENT (5' MIN. WIDTH, 0,152 MIN. DEPTH) SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF 'THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF 'THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS IN EFFECT. N CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA MANGO AVENUE MANGO AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS SCALE: RCH AS NOTED BASELINE AVETO WABASH AVE. DESIGNED BY: ('JonstrUction Not §3 and T pical Sections 11 YNI�, DEC. 2001 CEB ATE DRAWING 2 ,APP VED, 11"J3 �R 51152 CEB -ITY EN�,_1NF`F-_R______ 3199 13 Mylar: 08/21/02