HomeMy WebLinkAbout3795-141. 01 WORK INCLUDED Work includes, but is not limited to the following: Furnish all labor and materials, appliances, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation, and services necessary for installing all concrete work complete as indicated on the drawings and specifications including, but not limited to: X Furnish and set all reinforcing steel, bolts and anchors, B. Install all items required by other trades which are to be cast into concrete. C. Concrete mow curbs, banding, poured in place walls, other flatwork, footings, pans and slabs for: walls, fencing, benches, controllers, decks, etc., where applicable, R4RT-_2_GENERAL All requirements of subsection 3.31, standard specifications for Public Works Construction, shall apply except as specified herein. ® INSPECTION OF SITE Examine related work and surfaces before starting work in this section. Report to the Landscape Architect in writing, site conditions which will prevent the proper provision of this work, Beginning the work in this section without reporting unsuitable conditions to the Landscape Architect constitutes acceptance of site conditions by the Contractor. Any required removal, repair, or replacement of this work caused by unsuitable conditions shall be done at no additional cost to Owner. 2.2 PROTECTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Contractor shall acquaint himself with all site conditions. He shall take necessary precautions to protect existing site conditions. Should damage be incurred, this Contractor shall repair damage to its original condition or furnish and install equal replacement at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the City. Wherever the terms "approve." "approval," or "approved" are used in the Specifications, they mean approval of the Landscape Architect, the City's Representative or their field representatives, or in writing. 2.6 SUBMITTALS At least 10 days after award of contract, Contractor shall submit for approval samples and/or manufacturers' latest catalog cuts and specifications of the following prior to beginning work. Approved samples shall be standards for completing work. A. One 2 -ft. x 2 -ft. x 2 -in. sample for each type of concrete finish and color at the job site. B, Color samples for expansion joint compounds. C. All submittal data shall be forwarded in a single package to the Landscape Architect within 15 days after award of the GeneralContract unless otherwise approved by the Landscape Architect and/or City's Construction Representative, 2.7 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Standards; Specific reference to manufacturers' names and products specified in this section are used as standards; this implies no right to substitute other material or methods without written approval of the Landscape Architect. B. Approval; Installation of any approved substitutions is Contractors's responsibility. Any changes required for installation of any approved substitution must be made to the satisfaction of Landscape Architect and without additional cost to City. Approval by Landscape Architect of substituted materials and/or dimensional drawings do not waive these requirements, PART 3 - 1lI,;V1fBJALS Materials shall be of first quality and of domestic manufacture as noted below: A. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM -C 150, Type I or Type 11. B. Concrete aggregate shall conform to ASTM -C33. C. Water shall be clean, free from strong acid, alkali, oil or organic matter, ®. Admixture for all formed concrete shall be SIKA Chemical Corp.'s "Plastiment", or approved equal, applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's directions. E. Reinforcement: reinforcing steel ASTM -A15 and ASTM-A305.Wirefabric: ASTM -A185 F. Forms. 1. Lumber shall be "construction grade" Douglas fir. 2. used for forming shall be at least 518 -inch thick and edge sealed. G. Expansion joint filler shal I conform with ASTM -D171 (premol ded). PSR T 4 - EXECD TLM stakes set not more than four feet (4') apart so as to remain immovable throughout the construction. All forms shall be approved by City within a tolerance of one percent (1%). All materials shall be accurately and separately weighted and mixing shall continue until the distribution of material is uniform and the mass of concrete is homogeneous. U Inspector. The concrete shall be mixed at least 5 minutes after such water is added and not less than 3 minutes of this time shall be immediately prior to the discharge of the batch. Total mixing time after adding original water shall be at least 15 minutes. C. Concrete which is not placed within 90 minutes after the introduction of cement and water, and concrete which has stood for 30 minutes after leaving the mixer, shall not be used. approved by Owner. B. Before depositing new concrete against old concrete, all laitance shall be removed, and the surfaces roughened to expose the embedded aggregate. The surfaces shall then be covered with cement grout, using the specified mix with 1/2 of the course aggregate omitted, 1-1 /2 inches thick. C. Conveying and placing of concrete shall be done so as to prevent separation of ingredients, and in no case shall the free fall exceed 6 feet. Tremles shall be used as concrete being allowed to flow after being placed. Placing shall be performed as a continuous operation until each section is completed. B. sarn pie is squeezed /lard in the hand, surface moisture, but no free water, shall appear on the sample. Do not mix more than can be used in 30 minutes. 4.09 CURING AND PROTECTION A. All exposed surfaces of concrete shall be protected from damage due to temperature, elements, and construction operations, B. Curing shall be as follows; 1 All exposed -surfaces of concrete shall -be protected form premature -drying and freshly placed concrete shall be protected against wash by rain. All concrete may reach both surfaces of walls, the forms shall be loosened and water shall be and the forms. 2. All liquid curing compounds shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall not be used on surfaces receiving concrete hardener, 4.10 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE L A -1 D S C A P * A R C H I T E CT U F40 r SIG