HomeMy WebLinkAbout3161-29■ GENERAL PLANTING A. GENERAL 1. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment for the installation of plant material as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein. 2 Contractor shall coordinate planting with other site improvements. Unless otherwise specified, structural improvements sholl be installed prior to planting operations. 3 Contractor shall be responsible for locating and staking existing sewer, water and ut!tity 'roes above or below grade that migh' be dramoged as a result of planting operations. Contractor shall assume sole rasponsibility for any cost incurred due to damage and for replacement of aforementioned utilities 4. All work on the irrigation system, including hydrostatic, coverage, and operational tests, and the bac filling and compaction o trenches shall be performed prior to planting operations 5 Samples of fertilizers, soil conditioners, seed, or other materials shall be submitted to Owner forty-eight (48) hours prior to incorporation in the work 6 An ogriculturol suitability and fertility anolys+s soils report shall tokR precedence over these specifications B PLANT MATERIAL QUALITY 1 Plant ma-iirial shall be in accordance with the State Department of Agriculture's regulations for nursery inspections. rules and grading Air plants sholl be of No 1 Grade and have a normal habit of growth, and shall be sound, health vigorous and free of insect infestations, plant diseases, sun scolds, fresh bark or other objectionable disfigurements All plants shall have a normal, well-developed branch system and vigorous and fibrous root system which is not root bound and is free of kinked or girdling roots 2 Nursery growth stock sholl be selected from high quality, well -shaped stock, grown under climatic conditions s+rnrlor to those in the project locale. Minimum acceptable size ofplonts as indicated in the drawings shall correspond with that normally expected for the species and variety of commercially available nursery stock 3 Where applicable, caliper shol! be the diameter of the trunk one loot (1 ') above the ground surface ■ 4 Oversize plants may be used if not root bound but sholl not increase the Contract price. Up to ten percent ('10%) of undersized plants in any one (t) variety and grade may be used, provided they are larger than the average size of the next smallest grade. 5 Scientific and common names conform to customary nursery usage 6 Types and sizes of plant materials shall be as +ndicoted on the drowings Quantities s own are a guide only, Contractor shall verify quantities by pion check 1 7 The Owner reserves the right to ref use 'or 'felect any unsuitable pions moterio! Unsuitable plants shall be removed from theProject site and replaced at the Controctor's expense Replacement plants sholl be the some species variety, size and conditions as specified 8 Pruning of plant moter►ols shall nu' be done prior to delivery After planting pruhing shop be limited to the minimum necessary to remove ►nlu,ed twigs and branches dead wood and suckers q Plant material is subject to substitution based upon availability Sub_titoled material shall be approved in advance by the Owne, C FERTILIZERS 1 Fertilizers shall comply with opplicable, requirements of the State Agricultural Code and shol! be �ockogecl. first g,ade. commercial quality products identlfied as to source, type vmatnrro' weight urid �-nonJocturer's gua: anteed onclys:s FQ'!;! zers sholl not contain tGA,c 17l9rt, Bents .n quantities harmful to human, animal, or pan' life When requested, Contractor shall furnish the Owner with Certificate of Compliance storing that the material substantially meets the specifica'ions 2 Cominerciol fertilizer shall be a pelleted, beaded or g9ronulor product having the hemiCGl onclysis specified i�erelr+ and shot! be free flowing moteria! delivered in original unopened containers Use of material which becomes caked or cther"vrse dor~ agsd shall not �e permitted Organic base feriil+zer shall be comprised of decomposed animal, fish and v , rF-getable matter wi+. humid odds and a bacterial stimulant manufactured as Gro - Power b Southern California Organic Fertilizer Co Glendale California, or approve equal D AME NDME NTS 1 Nitrogen stabilized orgontc amendment shot' be a ground or processed wood product derived from wood of redwood, fir or cedo,, treated with a non-toxic agent ■ tc absorb water Vickfy Nitrogen content based on dry we�gh� shol! be 0.5°o for redwood and 0 for fir onu cedar Iron content, based on dry weight, shall be C Pine sawdust is not acceptable 2 When requested, Corn'rC)etor mull furnish the Owner with v delve� receipt and Certifycote of Complionc stating that the moter,ol substantially meets the specifications E TOPSOIL 1 Topso,! shol, donne' :,i 'e���ie frioble so.' of loamy cf-,arocter and shall contain on amount of organ;;, rT,,jII, e' normal to the a►eo It sha!' be recsonably free from weeds, r :fuse ro•-,s, h^ :.-y c, :-Jf clay, stones larger than one inch (1 "} in diameter, sticks, brush, later ared otfler substances Topsoil may be obtained from the site if opproved by the Owner 2 When required, imported topso+i' shah be subject to inspection arid testing at the source of supply Prior to delivery tc t'.e project F MATERIAL DELIVERY AND !NSPECTION 1 Pont material be cle!,vered with legible ide,):J1cotion !i -'els, ha -.'led and stored adequately to maintain a healthy condition, protecting them from drying out, windburn or any other injury 2 Inspection of plant materials required by City, County, State or Federal authorities sholl be the responsibility of the Contractor When requested, Contractor shall furnish copies of such permits or certificates to Owner. G SOIL PREPARATION (TURF AND GROUND COVER AREAS; 1 Fertilizing and conditioning materials shall be as- specit`ied in the project agricultural suitability report 2 if an agricultural suitability report is not available, the following amendments, or approved equal. shall be mechanicall spread and uniformly cultivoted into the upper six inches (6") r 1 ,000 square fleet of soil by suitable equipment operated at approximately right an�Titrogen s in at least two 12) directions 4 CY stabilized or an+c amendment 150 LBS Gro-Pwer Plus g 00 LBS Agricultural gypsum 3 Resulting+soil shall be clean, in o friable condition and suitable for planting. .y r`•` IN H. WEED ABATEMENT OPERATIONS 1. The irrigation system and finish grade shall be completed prior to weed abatement operations. 2. Contractor shall operate the irrigation system to keep plc;nting areas uniformly moist -for--w:_period of three (3) weeks (21 consecutive calendar days). At the end of the three (3) we `kczzper_ od, Contractor shall spray all visible weeds with a contact herbicide. Application method shall be as recommended by manufacturer. After spraying, planting c.-eos shall remain unwotered for a rr.inimum of forty-eight (48) hours. Remove weeds from site. F 3. Water seven (7) additional consecutive calendar days from the first application, and appcontact herbicide as may be necessary After second sprbying, water shall �:oppllecl not for an additional forty-eight (48) hour period. Applications shall continue of seven (7) day intervals as determined by the Owner. 4 Contractor sholl apply spray chemicals when air currents are still, pr6ent+n drifting onto adjoining property and preventing ony toxic exposure to pers6ns wether or not they ore in or near the project 5 Weeds and debris shall be disposed of off-site I BACKFILL 1 Backfill shall be as specified in the project agricultural suitability .report, machine - mixed and approved by the Owner prior to incorporation in planting pits 2 Ii a agricultural suitability report is not available the following amendments or opproved equal, sholl be incorporated b parts by volume Or�site soil 4Parts by volume Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment 17 IBS per CY of mix Gro -Power Plus 1 LBrr CY of mix Iron sulfate 10 LB5 per CY of mix Agricultural9 ypsurr J INSTALLATION 1 Stoke plant locations and secure approvol from the Owner before excavating pts Excavated pits sha!' be as ind.cated in the details or tree drawings Dust sides of pits with gypsum betore backfilling 2 Containers shall be opened and removed sue,, that the rootbo' is not inj,-,red 3 Water all plant ,,g areas thu,:)i9kry after instillatiorof par,' materia s Addit►ono' backfill shall be added tc fill odds caused by orate, sett►ement K TREE S T A K I N "D Trees shah be staked a, tirrme o' plan►ina as ir,docated in the details on the drowings L GUARANTE F 1 Controcto- sr,al' guo,antee plant rr;-te,rol through one (I I ful. year ohe, the date of occeptance oI ti)e work t Repiocement plant material shot' be of the sorne species variety & size as originally plontec and be gua,anieec io , one (')' fur yea- from the date of re Dlantinq 3 Cost ncur,eo d -.-e is replacemen- o' deod or dv,ng pont moterio' shop be the responsibility of the Contracic,• PLANTING - HYDROSEEDING A GENERAL This section is supplemental to the General Plonting Section. Where applicable, planting shall be in accordance with conditions therein. B PLANT MATERIAL QUALITY 1 . Seed shall be fresh, clean, pure new crop seed. Seed shall be delivered to the site, unmixed, in separate s6oled containers. Each sealed container sholl bear the seed suppliers tog indicating the container weight, seed type, seed purity and germination, and certificate of release by a County a riculturol commissioner. - h' g 2 Contractor shall furnish the Owner with delivery receipts and a Certificate of 4 Contractor shall trim around irrigation heads to tallow for unimpeded spray; at the 9 Compliance statin that the material substantially meets the specifications base of trees; and at borders along walks, mowstrips and curbs. P An riculotural suitoblil, report that has been prepared for the specific site shall 5. Contractor shall remove all gross clippings from project site take precendent over the following materials It such report is no available, the followingmaterials shall be of such a character that when dispersed in a uniform E GROUND COVER AREAS slurry shll form an absorbent porous mot round cover r shall If an agricultural suitability soils report is not available, 9 ou d co e areas s a be !� r o re Fresh water fertilized with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen 14-4-9 or op roved equal every forty-five (45) 3000 gallons pe c 2000 pounds per acre Wood cellulose fiber calendar Boys, of o rote recommended by the moms octu�er. 80 pounds per acre' Organic stabilizer F TREES 1000 pounds per acre" Gro -Power Plus, or approved equal 80 pounds per acre to summer, 120 pounds per acre in winter 1 If required, or at the direction of the Owner, trees planted as part of the Contract *In turf areas where soil is prepared ared with Gro -Power Pius use 400 sholl be pruned or headed back, to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, reduce pounds/acre toppling or wind damage, maintain within space limitations, maintain natural .appearance, due to vandalism, an5rowth to balance the crown with the root structure. 4 Seed mixture shall be as indicated on the drawings 2 Staking of trees shall be checked frequently for damage, and to prevent chafftng or Water shall fresh, fee f impurities, excess chlorine and salts girdling Costs incurred due to damn a or replacement due to improper staking 5 ate s a be es free o p materials shall be the responsibility of a Contractor 6 Fiber shall be clean, weed -free mulch of wood cellulose containing no germination or growth-tnhtbtrng factors Fiber sholl contain a harmless, temporary green dye 3. At the request of the Owner, wounds over one and one-half inch (1 1/2") in diameter may be sealed with on approved tree seal C INSTALLATION 4 Dead or dying trees shall be Immediately replaced at the Contractor's expense with alt -+n continuous agitation and material of tt,e some species and size and guaranteed as described in these 1 Mixing shall be performed +n o tank, with o built-in co uo g recirculation system, of sufficient operating capacity to produce a homogeneous specifications slurry and a discharge system which will apply the slurry to the designated areas at a continuous and uniform rote 5 Contractor shall exercise preventive measures when using "weedeoters" near tree trunks. Costs incurred due to doma�a or replacement of trees due to improper F 2 The slurry preparation shall take place at the project site and s ►all begin by adding measures shall be the responsibility othe Contractor water to the tank when the engine is of holt throttle When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shah, good recirculation shall be established, and G SLOPES at this time the seed sholl be added Fertilization shall then be added followed by 1 Prior to occeptance of the project and maintenance period, slopes shall be the wood cellulose fiber when the tank is at least one-third (1 /3) filled wrtt, water established with o uniform 80% coverage, healthy vigorous growth. Costs incurred Spraying shop commence �mmediotely when the tank is full for repair or rep locement of bore sparse or damaged areas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor 3 Controcto, sholl spray dest Hated areas with the slurry +n a sweeping motion it on arched stream unrrf o unItorm coat is achieved and the material is spread at the 2 Seed for replacement shall be of the some type and quantity ratio as specified in the required rate per acre Plant list on the drawings 4 A slurry mixture which has not been applied within four (4) hours after mix -ng shot' 3 If a soils report is not available, slopes shall be fertilized with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense IA -A-9 or approved equal every forty five (45) calendar days, at a rate recommended by the manufacturer 5 Slopes shall be hydroseeded afte, weed aboiement operations and planting of trees and shrubs I PALM TREES - 6 Costs incurred for repair or rep+acement of bore sparse or damoged areas shall be ? Maintenance sholl include, but not limited to, spro ng to control or prevent disease the responsibility of the Contractor and weekly water management +ncludi,)g soil probing, observation of soil moisture sensing devices (where applicable), and polm tree pruning 2 Pruning shall be done with sterilized reciprocal saws not chain saws) to pprevent transmission of disease causing agents from tree to tree Saw blades sholl be f f h bl d sterilized before and betweenpruning o each rand b rmmersin i e a e in a solution of fifty percent (50%) housetiold bleach and f14 percent 750%) water for POST -INSTALLATION AINTENANCE PERIOD five (5) minutes (he solution should be kept up to strength by the regular oddtt� �Aon of more bleach A GENERAL. PA H INSPECTION ' ContrQClor sholl provide all labor, materials and equ► mens to perform work during the Post-instaliation Maintenance Period, as sped ped herein, including but not Upon completion of the PostAnstallat+on Maintenance Period, Contractor shall request on limit t r w t r►n of plant material replacing unsuitable lent moterto! inspection for acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the Contract limited o odeq uo e. a e g P a P 9 P rind controlling weeds rodents and other pests Documents The request sh(,l! be mode tc the Owner, o minimum of seven calendar days prior to the dote for inspection 2 Contractor shall maintain the project on a continuous basis from the first day ohe' plontinq is completed until acceptance of the work Maintenance Guidelin= 3 Costs incurred due to domo�e or 7the locemunt during Post -Installation Maintenance Period s r)o l I be the r e s po n s' b � I l ry Controcto • Lindsmpe shill be main tuned in a neat, clean, •`recd free mid he2lthir pvnditim This Jilj i include but not be rimited to: 4 Unless stipuloied other-wrse b the Owner, the Post Instollotron Mointenonce Fe,iod sholi consist of o minimum o(nrnety (90) consecutive calendar days 1. Cultirative of pL�nted beds u int�+wla not m exceed tin (IC)days. 2. Rnulir mowing to miintain lawn beight not to exceed me M inches (will my .rich sped=). 5 Pc st-tnstollorror, &A-,}ntenance Period may be extended by the Owner 11 the Oratec' is improperti maintained appreciable replacement is required o, other corrective 3. RrrAv pntaing of plana is ne lema y to control wird direct Srowth. work E•e rimes necessary 4. Scheduled mainttnanae of irri 'on eontrviler w usurt • B E XE C UT 10 1`--; prvM plant j mwth. Drip im don may require tand�sap mai o man � tor Al! oreos including bull not limited to turf, ground cover and c_o,i�reie fao'work 3. Immediate mptir_ment of irrigation materWs is needed to maintzin good working'eoilididon. shall be kept clean and free of weeds litter and debris 6. Fetilindon on a retuiu schedule is rommmcrided by the manufact wer to provideDro'Pa plant . �h 2 Subsurfo,_e drains and catch basin grotes shall be kept clear of leoves Irtie, and 7. Immediate rrpzir or rcpiumment of irritation materials is needed to m=tun good working clw tim dehr+s to ensure unimpeded passage of vote, D,o+nl+nes shat be pe,iod-colry f l u s r►ed with clear w o t e r t c� avoid build-up o t sill o n d debris a• S tom, guys znd acs on tr>rts sell be rafter Iced tttululy for eotToct ti�netioett. Ties ue to be adjusoed to ar►oid abrasions or girdling of QrInk or btrutches. 3 Before weeds exceed two inches (2') +r heigh' *icy seal! be rerncveu one d:sposed 9. Upon completion of three (3) month (90 day) contract maintenance period, an ins tion shah pec l be made by the of off site Serious weeds shol; be spot sprayed and let' rr, plc�e o seven 4 Community Development Department Engineering Division Landscape inspection Staff. The landscape shall colend-i, dos Areas sproyed steal! remain unv gtered for a minima,, of for-*yel4h' he maintained in accordance with these landscape maintenance standards. (481 hours d weeds shah be removed seven (7) calendar days ahe, opplrcat,or and disposed of off-site 10. Tlie Developer/Builder is responsible to contact the Cay and schedule the maintenance inspection. 4 If the Owne, notifies the Contractor of failure lc control weeds as specified herein tfie Corltyocic)r shat' kil: o!' weeds within ten(10, calendar days of such notification The Pos14nstallotion Maintenance Period wi11 be extended for every day after the ten Y (10) calendar days until such weeds have been k illed 5 Contractor shall take appropriate steps to eliminate rodents C. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1 . Contrcxtor shall operate the irrigation system outomotically and shall property and comp►etely maintain all parts of the irrigation system. 2 Contractor silioll provide for delivery of water in sufficient quontitres and adjust water application to compensate for seosonal conditions. 3 Costs incurred due to repair or replacement of equipment shall be the responsibility of the Contractor Replacement ports shot) be identical to the motenal and as indicated on the drawings and specified herein D TURF ^ CITY OF-- - -- - - _ FONTANAs CALIFORNIA 1 Prior to occeptance of the probect and maintenance period, turf areas shall be established with a uniform 807a coverage, healthy vigorous growth and to 0 oNftt►w eY: minimum of two^ inches (2) in het ht. Costs incurred for repair or replacement of scut: . bare, sparse or damaged areas s all be the responsibility of the Contractor. - ofstctrEo er - OA FE. 2. If an agricultural suitability soils report is not available, turf areas shall be fertilized ' with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen 14-4-9 or approved equal every forty-five (45) calendar ct+EcxEo eY apPaov�� sY: � _ -!f owe. NO days, at o rote recommended by the manufacturer. • C�J'� 1)AIE3 %1y� n TY ENGINEER ti C.E. 2512& EXP 0A 1E t? 31 /9 First mowAle' of turf shall be performed when the gross is two and orwholf inches 2 i 2" - ht: Aft r ( / ) e initial mowing, turf shalbe cut as often as necessary to maintain the a height of two 'inches (2") for bluegrass and fescues and one 9 .y i II inch (1 ") for bermudo. W U ■ W ■ H. WEED ABATEMENT OPERATIONS 1. The irrigation system and finish grade shall be completed prior to weed abatement operations. 2. Contractor shall operate the irrigation system to keep plc;nting areas uniformly moist -for--w:_period of three (3) weeks (21 consecutive calendar days). At the end of the three (3) we `kczzper_ od, Contractor shall spray all visible weeds with a contact herbicide. Application method shall be as recommended by manufacturer. After spraying, planting c.-eos shall remain unwotered for a rr.inimum of forty-eight (48) hours. Remove weeds from site. F 3. Water seven (7) additional consecutive calendar days from the first application, and appcontact herbicide as may be necessary After second sprbying, water shall �:oppllecl not for an additional forty-eight (48) hour period. Applications shall continue of seven (7) day intervals as determined by the Owner. 4 Contractor sholl apply spray chemicals when air currents are still, pr6ent+n drifting onto adjoining property and preventing ony toxic exposure to pers6ns wether or not they ore in or near the project 5 Weeds and debris shall be disposed of off-site I BACKFILL 1 Backfill shall be as specified in the project agricultural suitability .report, machine - mixed and approved by the Owner prior to incorporation in planting pits 2 Ii a agricultural suitability report is not available the following amendments or opproved equal, sholl be incorporated b parts by volume Or�site soil 4Parts by volume Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment 17 IBS per CY of mix Gro -Power Plus 1 LBrr CY of mix Iron sulfate 10 LB5 per CY of mix Agricultural9 ypsurr J INSTALLATION 1 Stoke plant locations and secure approvol from the Owner before excavating pts Excavated pits sha!' be as ind.cated in the details or tree drawings Dust sides of pits with gypsum betore backfilling 2 Containers shall be opened and removed sue,, that the rootbo' is not inj,-,red 3 Water all plant ,,g areas thu,:)i9kry after instillatiorof par,' materia s Addit►ono' backfill shall be added tc fill odds caused by orate, sett►ement K TREE S T A K I N "D Trees shah be staked a, tirrme o' plan►ina as ir,docated in the details on the drowings L GUARANTE F 1 Controcto- sr,al' guo,antee plant rr;-te,rol through one (I I ful. year ohe, the date of occeptance oI ti)e work t Repiocement plant material shot' be of the sorne species variety & size as originally plontec and be gua,anieec io , one (')' fur yea- from the date of re Dlantinq 3 Cost ncur,eo d -.-e is replacemen- o' deod or dv,ng pont moterio' shop be the responsibility of the Contracic,• PLANTING - HYDROSEEDING A GENERAL This section is supplemental to the General Plonting Section. Where applicable, planting shall be in accordance with conditions therein. B PLANT MATERIAL QUALITY 1 . Seed shall be fresh, clean, pure new crop seed. Seed shall be delivered to the site, unmixed, in separate s6oled containers. Each sealed container sholl bear the seed suppliers tog indicating the container weight, seed type, seed purity and germination, and certificate of release by a County a riculturol commissioner. - h' g 2 Contractor shall furnish the Owner with delivery receipts and a Certificate of 4 Contractor shall trim around irrigation heads to tallow for unimpeded spray; at the 9 Compliance statin that the material substantially meets the specifications base of trees; and at borders along walks, mowstrips and curbs. P An riculotural suitoblil, report that has been prepared for the specific site shall 5. Contractor shall remove all gross clippings from project site take precendent over the following materials It such report is no available, the followingmaterials shall be of such a character that when dispersed in a uniform E GROUND COVER AREAS slurry shll form an absorbent porous mot round cover r shall If an agricultural suitability soils report is not available, 9 ou d co e areas s a be !� r o re Fresh water fertilized with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen 14-4-9 or op roved equal every forty-five (45) 3000 gallons pe c 2000 pounds per acre Wood cellulose fiber calendar Boys, of o rote recommended by the moms octu�er. 80 pounds per acre' Organic stabilizer F TREES 1000 pounds per acre" Gro -Power Plus, or approved equal 80 pounds per acre to summer, 120 pounds per acre in winter 1 If required, or at the direction of the Owner, trees planted as part of the Contract *In turf areas where soil is prepared ared with Gro -Power Pius use 400 sholl be pruned or headed back, to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, reduce pounds/acre toppling or wind damage, maintain within space limitations, maintain natural .appearance, due to vandalism, an5rowth to balance the crown with the root structure. 4 Seed mixture shall be as indicated on the drawings 2 Staking of trees shall be checked frequently for damage, and to prevent chafftng or Water shall fresh, fee f impurities, excess chlorine and salts girdling Costs incurred due to damn a or replacement due to improper staking 5 ate s a be es free o p materials shall be the responsibility of a Contractor 6 Fiber shall be clean, weed -free mulch of wood cellulose containing no germination or growth-tnhtbtrng factors Fiber sholl contain a harmless, temporary green dye 3. At the request of the Owner, wounds over one and one-half inch (1 1/2") in diameter may be sealed with on approved tree seal C INSTALLATION 4 Dead or dying trees shall be Immediately replaced at the Contractor's expense with alt -+n continuous agitation and material of tt,e some species and size and guaranteed as described in these 1 Mixing shall be performed +n o tank, with o built-in co uo g recirculation system, of sufficient operating capacity to produce a homogeneous specifications slurry and a discharge system which will apply the slurry to the designated areas at a continuous and uniform rote 5 Contractor shall exercise preventive measures when using "weedeoters" near tree trunks. Costs incurred due to doma�a or replacement of trees due to improper F 2 The slurry preparation shall take place at the project site and s ►all begin by adding measures shall be the responsibility othe Contractor water to the tank when the engine is of holt throttle When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shah, good recirculation shall be established, and G SLOPES at this time the seed sholl be added Fertilization shall then be added followed by 1 Prior to occeptance of the project and maintenance period, slopes shall be the wood cellulose fiber when the tank is at least one-third (1 /3) filled wrtt, water established with o uniform 80% coverage, healthy vigorous growth. Costs incurred Spraying shop commence �mmediotely when the tank is full for repair or rep locement of bore sparse or damaged areas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor 3 Controcto, sholl spray dest Hated areas with the slurry +n a sweeping motion it on arched stream unrrf o unItorm coat is achieved and the material is spread at the 2 Seed for replacement shall be of the some type and quantity ratio as specified in the required rate per acre Plant list on the drawings 4 A slurry mixture which has not been applied within four (4) hours after mix -ng shot' 3 If a soils report is not available, slopes shall be fertilized with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense IA -A-9 or approved equal every forty five (45) calendar days, at a rate recommended by the manufacturer 5 Slopes shall be hydroseeded afte, weed aboiement operations and planting of trees and shrubs I PALM TREES - 6 Costs incurred for repair or rep+acement of bore sparse or damoged areas shall be ? Maintenance sholl include, but not limited to, spro ng to control or prevent disease the responsibility of the Contractor and weekly water management +ncludi,)g soil probing, observation of soil moisture sensing devices (where applicable), and polm tree pruning 2 Pruning shall be done with sterilized reciprocal saws not chain saws) to pprevent transmission of disease causing agents from tree to tree Saw blades sholl be f f h bl d sterilized before and betweenpruning o each rand b rmmersin i e a e in a solution of fifty percent (50%) housetiold bleach and f14 percent 750%) water for POST -INSTALLATION AINTENANCE PERIOD five (5) minutes (he solution should be kept up to strength by the regular oddtt� �Aon of more bleach A GENERAL. PA H INSPECTION ' ContrQClor sholl provide all labor, materials and equ► mens to perform work during the Post-instaliation Maintenance Period, as sped ped herein, including but not Upon completion of the PostAnstallat+on Maintenance Period, Contractor shall request on limit t r w t r►n of plant material replacing unsuitable lent moterto! inspection for acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the Contract limited o odeq uo e. a e g P a P 9 P rind controlling weeds rodents and other pests Documents The request sh(,l! be mode tc the Owner, o minimum of seven calendar days prior to the dote for inspection 2 Contractor shall maintain the project on a continuous basis from the first day ohe' plontinq is completed until acceptance of the work Maintenance Guidelin= 3 Costs incurred due to domo�e or 7the locemunt during Post -Installation Maintenance Period s r)o l I be the r e s po n s' b � I l ry Controcto • Lindsmpe shill be main tuned in a neat, clean, •`recd free mid he2lthir pvnditim This Jilj i include but not be rimited to: 4 Unless stipuloied other-wrse b the Owner, the Post Instollotron Mointenonce Fe,iod sholi consist of o minimum o(nrnety (90) consecutive calendar days 1. Cultirative of pL�nted beds u int�+wla not m exceed tin (IC)days. 2. Rnulir mowing to miintain lawn beight not to exceed me M inches (will my .rich sped=). 5 Pc st-tnstollorror, &A-,}ntenance Period may be extended by the Owner 11 the Oratec' is improperti maintained appreciable replacement is required o, other corrective 3. RrrAv pntaing of plana is ne lema y to control wird direct Srowth. work E•e rimes necessary 4. Scheduled mainttnanae of irri 'on eontrviler w usurt • B E XE C UT 10 1`--; prvM plant j mwth. Drip im don may require tand�sap mai o man � tor Al! oreos including bull not limited to turf, ground cover and c_o,i�reie fao'work 3. Immediate mptir_ment of irrigation materWs is needed to maintzin good working'eoilididon. shall be kept clean and free of weeds litter and debris 6. Fetilindon on a retuiu schedule is rommmcrided by the manufact wer to provideDro'Pa plant . �h 2 Subsurfo,_e drains and catch basin grotes shall be kept clear of leoves Irtie, and 7. Immediate rrpzir or rcpiumment of irritation materials is needed to m=tun good working clw tim dehr+s to ensure unimpeded passage of vote, D,o+nl+nes shat be pe,iod-colry f l u s r►ed with clear w o t e r t c� avoid build-up o t sill o n d debris a• S tom, guys znd acs on tr>rts sell be rafter Iced tttululy for eotToct ti�netioett. Ties ue to be adjusoed to ar►oid abrasions or girdling of QrInk or btrutches. 3 Before weeds exceed two inches (2') +r heigh' *icy seal! be rerncveu one d:sposed 9. Upon completion of three (3) month (90 day) contract maintenance period, an ins tion shah pec l be made by the of off site Serious weeds shol; be spot sprayed and let' rr, plc�e o seven 4 Community Development Department Engineering Division Landscape inspection Staff. The landscape shall colend-i, dos Areas sproyed steal! remain unv gtered for a minima,, of for-*yel4h' he maintained in accordance with these landscape maintenance standards. (481 hours d weeds shah be removed seven (7) calendar days ahe, opplrcat,or and disposed of off-site 10. Tlie Developer/Builder is responsible to contact the Cay and schedule the maintenance inspection. 4 If the Owne, notifies the Contractor of failure lc control weeds as specified herein tfie Corltyocic)r shat' kil: o!' weeds within ten(10, calendar days of such notification The Pos14nstallotion Maintenance Period wi11 be extended for every day after the ten Y (10) calendar days until such weeds have been k illed 5 Contractor shall take appropriate steps to eliminate rodents C. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1 . Contrcxtor shall operate the irrigation system outomotically and shall property and comp►etely maintain all parts of the irrigation system. 2 Contractor silioll provide for delivery of water in sufficient quontitres and adjust water application to compensate for seosonal conditions. 3 Costs incurred due to repair or replacement of equipment shall be the responsibility of the Contractor Replacement ports shot) be identical to the motenal and as indicated on the drawings and specified herein D TURF ^ CITY OF-- - -- - - _ FONTANAs CALIFORNIA 1 Prior to occeptance of the probect and maintenance period, turf areas shall be established with a uniform 807a coverage, healthy vigorous growth and to 0 oNftt►w eY: minimum of two^ inches (2) in het ht. Costs incurred for repair or replacement of scut: . bare, sparse or damaged areas s all be the responsibility of the Contractor. - ofstctrEo er - OA FE. 2. If an agricultural suitability soils report is not available, turf areas shall be fertilized ' with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen 14-4-9 or approved equal every forty-five (45) calendar ct+EcxEo eY apPaov�� sY: � _ -!f owe. NO days, at o rote recommended by the manufacturer. • C�J'� 1)AIE3 %1y� n TY ENGINEER ti C.E. 2512& EXP 0A 1E t? 31 /9 First mowAle' of turf shall be performed when the gross is two and orwholf inches 2 i 2" - ht: Aft r ( / ) e initial mowing, turf shalbe cut as often as necessary to maintain the a height of two 'inches (2") for bluegrass and fescues and one 9 .y i II inch (1 ") for bermudo. W U � H [--+ Z- W f� C) a � :) M OW� U N � � U 00 M Q U kn v) 00 r- C) Cal 24 OF Ag