HomeMy WebLinkAbout2868-6PRECAST SURFACE OPERABLE XPARKWAY EN -CLOSURE 5' (-THREE SEALABLE 36'X 48* POLYMER CONCRETE COVERS �A THREE .3dX 0 CLEAR OPENINGS FINISH GRADE SEE NOTE 1 TOP SLAB ;,WNT TERMINATOR CONDUIT TEItPAINATORS 3/4" MIN. CRUSHED ROCK . . . . . .SdJMR EXCAVATION. SIZE. CONSULT - MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDES FOR EXACT EXCAVATION mMENSONS. NOTES: 1. TOP SURFACE OF ENCLOSURE SLAB SHALL BE SET 3" ABOVE FINISH GRADE 'HIEN INSTALLED IN A PLANTED AREA, IN PAVED 1NSTALLATIONSi TOP SURF -ACE OF SLAB TO BE FLUSH.WITH'GRADE. 2. ENCLOSURE SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH 11Z THREADED BRONZE GROUNDING INSERTS, AS DESCRIBED IN UGS 411.1 AND- 441.2 3. INSIDE WALLS TO BE PAINTED MITE. 4. ENCLOSURE PROVIDED WITH THREE HOT-DIPPEDGALVMLZED W X 48" STEEL PULL BOX FRAMES AS SHOWN ON -UGS 608. A ONE PIECE EPDM GASKET SHALL BE PERMANENTLY GLUED 114 PLACE TO EACH FRAME. a THREE 3W X 48'* POLYMER CONCRETE PARKWAY COVERS: SHALL BE. CONSTRUCTED AS: SHOWN IN UGS 618, IN ADDITION; BOTTOM- OF COVER SHALL BE FLAT AND SMOOTH WITH NO SURFACE POCKETS FOR A MINIMUM OF 20 BACK FROM .THE OUTER PERIMETER OF COVER, UGS REFERENCES: UGS 30 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PRECAST STRUCTURES. UGS 35 ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES FOR INSTALLED PRECAST STRUCTURES. UGS 142 CONDUIT ENTRANCE UGS 568 PRECAST SURFACE OPERABLE PARKWAY ENCLOSURE UGS 608 30" X 49' STEEL PULL BOX FRAME UGS 618 POLYMER CONCRETE -PULL BOX C19VERS UGS 711 SUMP DRAIN AND DETAIL 947:. UGS 568: REV. I1/25/97 POLE RISER BEND STANDARD LOCATION .�WOOD MOULDING WITH #6 (MIN.) WIRE INSIDE TO TOP. T--,*-- ALIGN RISER WITH A TEMPORARY LENM. OF CONDUIT: REMOVE THIS LENGTH WHEN RISER IS SET, SOLVENT WELD PIPE CAP ONTO RISER. DO NOT PERMIT EXCESS CEMENT TO ENTER CONDUIT. CAP HDG BEND WITH CONCRETE -FILLED COUPLING. 2' RISER BENDS /16%d36: MINI RADIUS FOR 10 TO 3" INCL. w,". RAGUIS FOR 4" AND 5" RADIUS FOR 6" AND OVER GRADE A 3" MIN) MINIMUM EARTH COVER OVER 2etX) ENCASEMENT RISER BEND TO BE AS FOLLOWS; -DUCT CONDUIT HDG FIBERGLASS SIZE CODER COVER F I". -y 3S' 47" #6(MIN) BARE COPPER V, W 4 TO GROUND RODS 4., - v al-------- r all 72" 74' COUPLING OR ADAPTER F-------------------- I REAM INTERIOR OF LOWER, END OF ABS RISER BEND TO PERMIT A. SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM THE CONDUIT TO THE RISER. L- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - #6(MIN) RARE COPPER, 5/9' x 8' COPPERCLAD GROUND ROD AND CLAP 2 PLACED 6'(MIN)- SERA GROUNDING TYPI BOTH POLE CONFIGI 1, APPROVED RISER BEND ARE SHOWN ON FOLLOWING TABLE; is RISER BEND WOOD MOLDING P LE LE SIZE MATERIAL V 1-1/2". 2" 2-1/2" Y 4" 5"16" FIBERGLASS X X 1. HDG I x x X X X X, im NOTE: 6" HDG OR FIBERGLASS RISER BEND SHALL BE USED WHEN SPECIFIED ON THE WORKING DRANNG. SEE UGS 702 FOR GROUNDING TIDO RISER BENDS. 2. THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF 37, 4", 5' OR -6" FIBERGLASS BENDS ARE FURNISHED NTH PERMANENTLY ATTACHED PVC COUPLINGS, ALSO INCLUDED IS A 6- LONG 3": 4!', 5- OR 6- SCHEDULE 80 PVC STUB"OU.(,, SOLVENT WELDED INTO THE TOP COUPLING. SEE UGS 166 FOR FIBERGLASS RISER BEND MATERIAL INFORMATION AND SUPPLIERS. 3. TWO GROUND RODS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL PRIMARY RISER POLES, DRIVE RODS IN TRENCH BOTTOM NTH e MINIMUM SEPARATION IN UNDISTURBED EARTH. LEAVE THE ROD TOPS 3" ABOVE THE TRENCH 130TTOM AND ATTACH CONTINUOUS GROUND WIRE .WITH "GAR" TYPE CLAMPS, EXTEND WIRE TO INDICATED LOCATION ON POLE AND STUD UP 2" ABOVE GRADE IN WOOD MOULDING. ALL GROUNDING MATERIALS FURNISHED BY CONTRACTORS. SEE UGS 703 FOR APPROVED GROUNDING MATERIALS. 4. ENCASEMENT REQUIRED ONLY VMEN CALLED OUT ON WORKING DRAWING. 5. PVC RISERS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR FIBERGLASS FOR STRAIGHT RUNS OF 1W OR LESS IN CONDUIT SIZES 4" AND UNDER. 6. 4/0 BARE COPPER NEUTRAL MIEN REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED IN TRENCH, CONTRACTOR TO PICK UP AT SCE DIST. YARD 07&- REF. UGS 160 (DECAL REV. 12-14-1999) A' NOTES: LEGEND OF CONDUIT SYMBOLS LIST OF MATERI /\LS 1. Footage quantites are approximate. 2. Mere reference .is to an item not Aetailed, ( CON VENT10NAL U.G.) LEDISON COo see separate description list. EDISON SEE UGS SEC-RON INDEX This- fist provides a summary of major items. NO. tOMDUIT RE(Y.D. ­Ij-SJZE OF CONDUIT FOR REFERENCE DRAWINaSS ---w-LENGTH OF TRENCH RUN NO. QUAK. UNIT DESCRIPTION. 312E ITEM NO. REF DWG.. REV. DATE: TYPE OF FACILIV (CIC :OR 'TRENCH RUM NO. -1-0-C OF TRrNCH STREET UGHT 4 EACH OF CONDUIT NO. OF CONDUIT ROWD. HH -1 RUM NO. '-wa-LENGTH* OF CONDUIT RUM QUAN. STREET LIGHT HANDHOLE TRENCH H -H-2 UGS--2-0.0 TYPE OF FACILITY QUAN. EACH. LENGTH Of A004TIONAL PB -5 RUN NO 10/84 QUAN. EDISON PAD 4!-x 4'4 NO, CONDUIT REED. SIZE OF CONDUIT REFERENCE RUM NO MEMODENOTES.,CONDUIT 'RUN CONTINUXVION -CONSTRUCTION INFORMARON EACH STREET LIGHT 51x 81 --- V, OF CONDUIT 1 EACH' HANDHOILE D4: Rev. 10/10/916. CONCRETE PRODUCTS 4 EACH HANDHOLE 1:0./Vx 17% 1Z ,2 HH -1 U -CS -2,0-0 12/88 QUAN. EACH HANDHOLE 1OX x 17"x- 24". H -H-2 UGS--2-0.0 12/88 QUAN. EACH. PULL BOX PB -5 uGs- zi o.2 10/84 QUAN. EACH PAD 4!-x 4'4 P-1 LJG5-500 FULL :ENCASEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR QUAN. EACH SOEX 51x 81 --- V, UCS ---5568. /01 1^1 3 IN BLVD. SAN BERNARDINO FRWY. _3 ul VICINITY MAP NTS OENGTES CONDUIT 'RUN illERCEPT TYPE REFERENCE RUN 'NO. MEMO CONSTRUCTION INFORMA-TI(M D4: Rev. 10/10/916. CONCRETE PRODUCTS Preca>t concrete item complete with neck. Cover and ANY OF ABOVE SYMBOLS lnserts, may be obtained from any of the following listed FOLLOWED BY A and alpproved ni-anufacture.res: ASSOCIATED CONCRETE -PRODUCTS. INC,. DENOTES THE FOLLOWING. 4-301 W. MacArthur *Blvd., Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 Phone: (21.3) '626-4653, DB CONDUIT WTH-OUT ENCASEMENT IS (714) 557-7470 ACCEPTABLE FOR POf?TtONS OF TRENCH WITH ONLY -ONE OR TANO CONDUITS. BROOKS PRODUCTS, INC. '14221 San Bernardino Ave., Fontana, Calif. 92335 SEMI -ENCASEMENT I -S REQUIRED FOR Phone: (21q). 283-0637 PORTIONS OF TRENCH WITH ONLY (909) 350-41111 THREE OR. FOUR CONDUIT& SAN BERNARDINO -UTILITY VAULT CO. FULL :ENCASEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR 10650 Hemlock Ave., Fontana, Calif. 92335 MORE THAN FOUR CONDUITS. Phone. (909) 3,50-2675 D-41. Rev. 10/10/96 -SINGLE METER PEDESTAL DETAIL C, C FRONT OF MOUNTING PAD PC11f) TOP VIEW MOUNTING PAD COLLAR FINISHED SURFACE ' :/.`,\. Ell x" NOTE: DRY TAMP EARTH .4� C> BELOW FOUNDATION TO ORIGINAL DENSITY. 1-2y' CONDUIT TO CUSTOMER. 11 -- GIRD. ROD 1�3` CONDUIT FOR COI; WNTIONAL UNDERGROUND. CUTTER GRADE (NO SCALE) 0 - w- 3"- 1" EARTH CUSHION IYPICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION SHOWING DIRECT BURIAL. SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION FOR FEWER CONDUIT 2 CONDUITS MAX. U0 1. ICY. I/ I/ DVQ PROTECTIVE BARRIERS FOR UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION STRUCTURES BARRIERS �BARRIERS POLE OR z VENT EQU P JENT FOUNDATION 0 MAX. 24" MN 24 4 RFE ,-6` ---i- 'TYPICAL NOTE 7 MAX, - MAX, PLAN POLE OR VENT PLAN EQUIPMENT FOUNDATION n BARRIER: GR TO BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING 1) 4" GALV STEEL PIPE (1/4" MIM WALL) FILLED WITH CONCRETE 2) RAILROAD RAIL (90 LB MIN), OR 51 14 75 AMERICAN STD BEAM (5' x 3" x 1/21 3) 8" x. 80 REINF CONCRETE 4) SPECIAL BARRIERS BY PRIOR SCE CO. APPROVAL I FARRIER DETAIL NOTES: 1, STRUCTURES WILL NORMALLY BE INSTALLED ONLY IN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS. BARRIERS TO BE USED WHERE CONSTRUCTION HAS EXPOSED EQUIPMENT TO TRAFFIC. 2. TOP OF BARRIERS TO BE SMOOTH CUT AND TOP EDGES TO BE ROUNDED. 3. ONE BARRIER TO 8E REMOVABLE WHEN OVERHEAD OBSTACLES PREVENT EQUIPMENT REMOVAL By CRANE. 4, ADEQUATE CLEARANCE MUST HE PROVIDED FOR DOORS, COOLING COILS, Em 5. BARRICADES, AS SHOWN, INDICATE TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS. FIELD CONDITIONS WILL NECESSITATE CHANGES FOR ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT PROTECTION. APPROVAL IN THE FIELD FROM THE UNDERGROUND INSPECTOR 6 REQUIRED FOR ALL BARRICADE INSTALLATIONS. 6. WHEN SPECIFIED ON WORKING DRAWING, A 6" (MINIMUM HEIGHT) CURB MAYBE INSTALLED IN PLACE OF BARRIERS. THIS CURB MUST BE AT .LEAST 6" THICK AND ITS - FRONT FACE LOCATED 60- MINIMUM (OR AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWING) FROM THE EQUIPMENT FOUNDATION. 7. INCREASE TO 44" MINIMUM AT FRONT OF PADMOUNT 30 TRANSFORMERS AND CAPACITORS, MD. 36" MINIMUM AT BACK OF CAPACITORS (DOOR SIDE ONLY), WHEN A 72-x 94- PAD IS BEING INSTALLED. 091: Rev. 07/09/98 PRECAST CONCRETE PULL BOX WITH DEEP RECESSES (2'X 3" OR 26"X 4' OR SX 5) 1/24 x 2-1/2" PENIA HEAD BOLTS REQUIRED OR ALL COVERS SW HAS. A SPUf COVER ft COVER SHALL BE !*T! T14-11 11-1 ff PARKWAY OR LIGHT TRAMC tit I lig AS SPECIFIED A 5/8"x.8' COPPERCLAD STEEL GROUND ROD, WHEN REQUIRED, IS FURNISHED INIIJALI-t!) BY 'J" DIA. GROUND ROD KNOCKOUT PLACE BOX I 6" Mill. cc OF /4 CRI D63: Rev. 06/16/98 'MDARD INSIDE HEADROOM &ESS MERMSE SPECIFIED: x3'x3° Cx44_xS6'7 x5W TYPE OF JOINT MAY VARY WITH MANUFACTURER REF, UGS-210 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: Unless otherwise specified on the working drawing which fonts a part of the specification, the Contractor/Developer shall furnish the following items at no cost to the Edison Comp'Okly- Sbuthern California Edison Company has attempted to correctly show & existing utilities. and sub -structures in the vicinity of the work, but dares not guarantee there are no other substructures Ira. the area. Failure of SCE to show all substructures in their cwect location wilt not be a basis : for a claire for extra work, and the contractor shall be responsible for all damages to substrucAures whether shown or not. 1. FOR GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SEE UGS-1. 2. CONDUIT: a. Minimum cover it street or parkway is W below gutter grade, unless noted Otherwise. b. Minimurh cover on private property is 30' below fihiAed grade, Unless noted otherwise. c. -Contractor is to furnish and inq"t 11 -approved conduit to Edison specifications per UGS-100.1, 110 AND 120. d. For the type of conduit for this j* See UGS --- 110.1. e. Install all risers per UGS-16.0, 161, 162 and 170, L Cap Gil mainline conduits per UGS--148 and service conduits per UGS-15.0; g. Install blank conduit plugs in di conduits 1erminoting into Vaults, Manholes, PMH'1% SOE'S all Cup locations, Per UGS :18-0.1 & UGS-180.2 h. Inst -all poll rope in -411 coaduit runs. Poll rope to be I/e polyprop�wne or polyethylene rope, braided or twisted. For specifications, approved makes, and suppliers, see UGS-40. 1. All conduit must be mandrelled with the approved mandrell U -GS -197. .3. CONDUIT RADIUS REQUIREMENTS- a- The rWinimum radius for bends :are: 36" for conduits 3" in diameter or smaller 48' for conduits. 4!' and 5' in diameter 60� for 6" diameter conduit b: The minimum radius for all sweeps. of all mainline conduits is 1'2'-6* (unless noted otherwise). 4. CABLE-IN--CONDUiT (CIC). - o. Minimum 'trench width is 24!' inches. b. Minimum cover is 42 inches. c. Contractor is to provide trench, conduit sleeves. if required, backfill, and compaction. (Before excavating- trench, xcavating trench, contact Edison Inspector for CIC installation coordination). Edison will install CIC in trench. d. Contractor shah provide sufficient help during CIC installations to maintain a clean trench, free of rock and other debris. 5. EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, a. Work area shell be Cleared and rough graded to within four inches of final grade prior to installation of Edison conduit or structures. b. All excavations shall be .6 accordance with the California State Construction Safet-y Orders (when applicable), Edison specifications, and all governing Jowl ordinances. �c. Each trench to be a uniform depth below final grade prior to inst(illution of Edison conduit or structures. d. Back -fill -shall be provided by the Contractor for all excavations and sh-oll Include crushed rock, concrete, and/or imported backfill, when required. e. Backfill with a MINIMUM of we suck per yard sand cement slurry around and over vaults and manholes per UG& -30.3, Pur. 6.4 and around PMWs within one foot of finished grade, per UGS-59-0.1. f. Backfill, per Edison specifications, shall imm"tately follow CIC -or substructure installation. At no tone shall CIC be -left -exposed over 24 hours. g. No rocks are allowed within 12 inches of direct -buried cables or any, conduit without concrete encusernent Native bcickfill capable of passing_ through a one-half iri� me-,ifi screen shall be considered to be "rock free'. ff existing backfill does not pass through: a 1/27 screen., place imported sand 3" below and 12A above- Edison cables. After this point, no rocks larger than 12" diameter are permitted. h. All .backfill shall be compacted to meet or exceed local ordiwinces or -other requirements. It shall beplaced in a manner that will not damage the -conduit or substructure or 'allow future subsidence of the trench or structures. 6. PAVING- ' Repaving, where required, shall be .placed in such a monner that interference with- traffic, including pedestrian -traffic, will be kept to a minimum. The Contractor shall establish a program of repaving wcelAdble to the Municipality, -County., or ether authority having jurisdiction and which is acceptibl.e to Edison. 7. STRUCTURES: a.. All substructures sh-311 be constructed or installed. to. Edison. Specifications. h. Instull, protection barriers. per UGS-830- when required in areas exposed to traffic, per Edison Inspector. c. All -conduit lines and concrete �floored substrUctu res Shell be water tight. d. All grounding materials shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor. 8. RETAINING WALLS - When required; retaining walls shall be provided by the Developer. Walls are required wherever grade rises more than 18 inches above. the structure or 2e above the ped surface at a distance of 5 feet from the same, or in areas subject to erosion. Design and installation xinust .comply w.ft local buil-ding ordinances. Refer. to Edison Inspector for t)picul space requirements, 9. PERMITS: All permits necessary for excavation shall be provided by the Contnactor/bevrjoper. 10. ACCESS. Heavy truck access shall be mulatained to equipment locations. Structures must be dear of all oppurtenunm that -would obstruct the loading. or unloading -of equipment. 11. SERVICES. a. Meters orad services shall comply with Edison Electrical Services Requirements. b. Wiring must be in accordance With applicable local ordinances and approved by local Inspection Authorities., 12. LOCATION. a. The location of excavations <jnd, structures for Edison shall be as. shown on the working drawing. No deviation from the planned locations will be permitted unless approved by'the Edison Inspector. See UGS-1, Per 2.2. b. Actual location of obstructions, stor rn drains, rand/or other foreign utilities to be, the responsibility of the Contractor. See UGS-1, Par 2.3. 13. Contractor is to verify location and widths of all sidewalks and driveways prior to street light installation. See UGS-175.1, UGS-175.2 and UGS-­175.3. 1.4. SURVEY: Surveying of street improvements, property corners, lot lines, finished grade, etc, necessary for the .instal- lation of underground facilities must be completed land markers or -stakes placed prior to the start of the in- stallation. in addition, Developer shall maintain the markers during :the installation and inspection by Edison. Grode and property line stakes must shove any Offset Measurements. 15. COORDINATION AND SUPERVISION: The Developer shall provide supervision over and coordination among the various contractors working within the development In order to prevent damage to Edison facilities, lie is responslble For the cost of repairs, re- placement, relocation, or other corrections to Edison facilities made necessary by his failure to provide supervision or to otherwise comply! with -these specifibation.s. 16. TELEPHONE AND OTHER UTILITY REWIRW.ENTS: The drawing prepared for this job may also cover the fadlities to �be Installed for the t4.,lephone company and/or other utility. Any questions concerning details of their installation should be refer -red to the cornpany concerned. 1-7. 00ERSHIPI: Developer is to deed to the Edison Company all structures shown hereon execpt those shown as customer owned. 18. WARRANTY. Applicants expressly represent ond warrant that all -work performed and all moterfal used in meeting Applicants' obligations henuin are free frorn defects in workmanship and are in conformity with Southern California Edison CompanVs requirements. This warranty shall commence Upon receipt by Applicants of Company's final acceptance and shall expire one year from that date, Applicants o9m. to promptly correct to the Compunja satisfaction and that of any governmental agency having jurisdiction and at .Applicant's -expense any breach of this warranty which may become apparent �through Inspection or operation of underground Plectric system by Company during this warronty period. ig, IN -SPEC Inspection is required during the construction period. 4.8 hour advance' notice of intent to. start cons -traction. is required frorn the contractor to the Southern Californiafor-Edison Company. Standards of Edison construction requirements are available upon request. Contact Underground Inspector MARK EL SOI Phone: (909) .3-57-6507 Dev. Rev. 11/20/96 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1-800-227-2600 Call USA For Underground :Locating 2 Working Days Before You Dig GUTTER GRADE CUTTER GRADE AND TYPE OF ELECTRIC SUBSTRUCTURES Oft Rev.. 10/20/W PERMIT NUMBER Developer- CITY OF FONTANA DATE STARTED (NO SCALE), (NO SCALE) Address 1,6489 ORANGE WAY DATE COMPLETED FONTANA, CA 92-335 REV. 2- CHANGED MAINLINE CONDUIT #6 TO 2 CABLES. (SHT. -LOCATED SL AND HH, ADD SL. [NISPECTOR. Telephone (909) -350-671,3 REV. 1-- RE PRECASTER CONDUIT 3w-- --*- ­,�- - I DISTRICT PLANNER 0 W.O. id. NO. J.P-.A. I.O. CSD 17 NO. I 6430�-2522 0-2502 Dwg./Rev. Developer's Signature. Date FOOTHILL MIKE HOWARD 1603-d FOREMAN THOMAS BROS. PG. INVENTORY MAP NUMBERS DIST. SKETCH NO, PERIOD ENDING TRUCK NO. CSO 13 NO. .3 Original S.B. :604 -GG _J S,13. 207-2164-.5 TIA: Y. =ASS60C.. O, E E ... E.A E'.'. Rev. y BY-PASS 00STING TLM GRID NO, IATFED W. E 2 GSD- 140 -4315 0-41-16 (E REQ. N CODE C1,144GED TO CHECKED ROAD 0 CUSHION Rev.. PROPOSED CONSTRU.CTION (LOCATION) 2 Rev. U11 IDR 03/29/00 024"ILIFFY _80ffLFV_Mz9 TYPICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION TYPICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION MH [OR of 03/20/00 crXEM94 4VT SHOVANG SEMI, -ENCASEMENT SHOWING FULL ENCASEMENT CHANGES [N THESE PLANS WILL REQUIRE MH IPI/00 PAUL W. /.IDR-' 1/26/00 FONTANA' SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION FOR SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION FOR AN A.DDITIONAL 4 TO 6 WEEKS AND F1' DATE CHECKED AM SHE D WG. NO. REV. APPROVED BY BY EIR By FEWER CONDUITS. MORE OR FEWER CONDUIT CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED IN ADVANCE REQUIRED FOR 3 OR 4 CONDUrrS REQUIRED FOR MORE THAN 4 CONDUITS 7 - FOR REQUESTED CHANGES. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY OF 00-008-2 uf1j. nt". I/ I/ W 072: Rev, 1/9/94 D26: Rev, 11/20/96 tft Pwa. Alo. Z86B S wee r 6 of uJ IAJ Z, bi ARROW BLVD. JOB SITE SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE VALLEY BLVD. SAN BERNARDINO FRWY. _3 ul VICINITY MAP NTS CONSTRUCTION NOTES: Unless otherwise specified on the working drawing which fonts a part of the specification, the Contractor/Developer shall furnish the following items at no cost to the Edison Comp'Okly- Sbuthern California Edison Company has attempted to correctly show & existing utilities. and sub -structures in the vicinity of the work, but dares not guarantee there are no other substructures Ira. the area. Failure of SCE to show all substructures in their cwect location wilt not be a basis : for a claire for extra work, and the contractor shall be responsible for all damages to substrucAures whether shown or not. 1. FOR GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SEE UGS-1. 2. CONDUIT: a. Minimum cover it street or parkway is W below gutter grade, unless noted Otherwise. b. Minimurh cover on private property is 30' below fihiAed grade, Unless noted otherwise. c. -Contractor is to furnish and inq"t 11 -approved conduit to Edison specifications per UGS-100.1, 110 AND 120. d. For the type of conduit for this j* See UGS --- 110.1. e. Install all risers per UGS-16.0, 161, 162 and 170, L Cap Gil mainline conduits per UGS--148 and service conduits per UGS-15.0; g. Install blank conduit plugs in di conduits 1erminoting into Vaults, Manholes, PMH'1% SOE'S all Cup locations, Per UGS :18-0.1 & UGS-180.2 h. Inst -all poll rope in -411 coaduit runs. Poll rope to be I/e polyprop�wne or polyethylene rope, braided or twisted. For specifications, approved makes, and suppliers, see UGS-40. 1. All conduit must be mandrelled with the approved mandrell U -GS -197. .3. CONDUIT RADIUS REQUIREMENTS- a- The rWinimum radius for bends :are: 36" for conduits 3" in diameter or smaller 48' for conduits. 4!' and 5' in diameter 60� for 6" diameter conduit b: The minimum radius for all sweeps. of all mainline conduits is 1'2'-6* (unless noted otherwise). 4. CABLE-IN--CONDUiT (CIC). - o. Minimum 'trench width is 24!' inches. b. Minimum cover is 42 inches. c. Contractor is to provide trench, conduit sleeves. if required, backfill, and compaction. (Before excavating- trench, xcavating trench, contact Edison Inspector for CIC installation coordination). Edison will install CIC in trench. d. Contractor shah provide sufficient help during CIC installations to maintain a clean trench, free of rock and other debris. 5. EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, a. Work area shell be Cleared and rough graded to within four inches of final grade prior to installation of Edison conduit or structures. b. All excavations shall be .6 accordance with the California State Construction Safet-y Orders (when applicable), Edison specifications, and all governing Jowl ordinances. �c. Each trench to be a uniform depth below final grade prior to inst(illution of Edison conduit or structures. d. Back -fill -shall be provided by the Contractor for all excavations and sh-oll Include crushed rock, concrete, and/or imported backfill, when required. e. Backfill with a MINIMUM of we suck per yard sand cement slurry around and over vaults and manholes per UG& -30.3, Pur. 6.4 and around PMWs within one foot of finished grade, per UGS-59-0.1. f. Backfill, per Edison specifications, shall imm"tately follow CIC -or substructure installation. At no tone shall CIC be -left -exposed over 24 hours. g. No rocks are allowed within 12 inches of direct -buried cables or any, conduit without concrete encusernent Native bcickfill capable of passing_ through a one-half iri� me-,ifi screen shall be considered to be "rock free'. ff existing backfill does not pass through: a 1/27 screen., place imported sand 3" below and 12A above- Edison cables. After this point, no rocks larger than 12" diameter are permitted. h. All .backfill shall be compacted to meet or exceed local ordiwinces or -other requirements. It shall beplaced in a manner that will not damage the -conduit or substructure or 'allow future subsidence of the trench or structures. 6. PAVING- ' Repaving, where required, shall be .placed in such a monner that interference with- traffic, including pedestrian -traffic, will be kept to a minimum. The Contractor shall establish a program of repaving wcelAdble to the Municipality, -County., or ether authority having jurisdiction and which is acceptibl.e to Edison. 7. STRUCTURES: a.. All substructures sh-311 be constructed or installed. to. Edison. Specifications. h. Instull, protection barriers. per UGS-830- when required in areas exposed to traffic, per Edison Inspector. c. All -conduit lines and concrete �floored substrUctu res Shell be water tight. d. All grounding materials shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor. 8. RETAINING WALLS - When required; retaining walls shall be provided by the Developer. Walls are required wherever grade rises more than 18 inches above. the structure or 2e above the ped surface at a distance of 5 feet from the same, or in areas subject to erosion. Design and installation xinust .comply w.ft local buil-ding ordinances. Refer. to Edison Inspector for t)picul space requirements, 9. PERMITS: All permits necessary for excavation shall be provided by the Contnactor/bevrjoper. 10. ACCESS. Heavy truck access shall be mulatained to equipment locations. Structures must be dear of all oppurtenunm that -would obstruct the loading. or unloading -of equipment. 11. SERVICES. a. Meters orad services shall comply with Edison Electrical Services Requirements. b. Wiring must be in accordance With applicable local ordinances and approved by local Inspection Authorities., 12. LOCATION. a. The location of excavations <jnd, structures for Edison shall be as. shown on the working drawing. No deviation from the planned locations will be permitted unless approved by'the Edison Inspector. See UGS-1, Per 2.2. b. Actual location of obstructions, stor rn drains, rand/or other foreign utilities to be, the responsibility of the Contractor. See UGS-1, Par 2.3. 13. Contractor is to verify location and widths of all sidewalks and driveways prior to street light installation. See UGS-175.1, UGS-175.2 and UGS-­175.3. 1.4. SURVEY: Surveying of street improvements, property corners, lot lines, finished grade, etc, necessary for the .instal- lation of underground facilities must be completed land markers or -stakes placed prior to the start of the in- stallation. in addition, Developer shall maintain the markers during :the installation and inspection by Edison. Grode and property line stakes must shove any Offset Measurements. 15. COORDINATION AND SUPERVISION: The Developer shall provide supervision over and coordination among the various contractors working within the development In order to prevent damage to Edison facilities, lie is responslble For the cost of repairs, re- placement, relocation, or other corrections to Edison facilities made necessary by his failure to provide supervision or to otherwise comply! with -these specifibation.s. 16. TELEPHONE AND OTHER UTILITY REWIRW.ENTS: The drawing prepared for this job may also cover the fadlities to �be Installed for the t4.,lephone company and/or other utility. Any questions concerning details of their installation should be refer -red to the cornpany concerned. 1-7. 00ERSHIPI: Developer is to deed to the Edison Company all structures shown hereon execpt those shown as customer owned. 18. WARRANTY. Applicants expressly represent ond warrant that all -work performed and all moterfal used in meeting Applicants' obligations henuin are free frorn defects in workmanship and are in conformity with Southern California Edison CompanVs requirements. This warranty shall commence Upon receipt by Applicants of Company's final acceptance and shall expire one year from that date, Applicants o9m. to promptly correct to the Compunja satisfaction and that of any governmental agency having jurisdiction and at .Applicant's -expense any breach of this warranty which may become apparent �through Inspection or operation of underground Plectric system by Company during this warronty period. ig, IN -SPEC Inspection is required during the construction period. 4.8 hour advance' notice of intent to. start cons -traction. is required frorn the contractor to the Southern Californiafor-Edison Company. Standards of Edison construction requirements are available upon request. Contact Underground Inspector MARK EL SOI Phone: (909) .3-57-6507 Dev. Rev. 11/20/96 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1-800-227-2600 Call USA For Underground :Locating 2 Working Days Before You Dig GUTTER GRADE CUTTER GRADE AND TYPE OF ELECTRIC SUBSTRUCTURES Oft Rev.. 10/20/W PERMIT NUMBER Developer- CITY OF FONTANA DATE STARTED (NO SCALE), (NO SCALE) Address 1,6489 ORANGE WAY DATE COMPLETED FONTANA, CA 92-335 REV. 2- CHANGED MAINLINE CONDUIT #6 TO 2 CABLES. (SHT. -LOCATED SL AND HH, ADD SL. [NISPECTOR. Telephone (909) -350-671,3 REV. 1-- RE PRECASTER CONDUIT 3w-- --*- ­,�- - I DISTRICT PLANNER 0 W.O. id. NO. J.P-.A. I.O. CSD 17 NO. I 6430�-2522 0-2502 Dwg./Rev. Developer's Signature. Date FOOTHILL MIKE HOWARD 1603-d FOREMAN THOMAS BROS. PG. INVENTORY MAP NUMBERS DIST. SKETCH NO, PERIOD ENDING TRUCK NO. CSO 13 NO. .3 Original S.B. :604 -GG _J S,13. 207-2164-.5 TIA: Y. =ASS60C.. O, E E ... E.A E'.'. Rev. y BY-PASS 00STING TLM GRID NO, IATFED W. E 2 GSD- 140 -4315 0-41-16 (E REQ. N CODE C1,144GED TO CHECKED ROAD 0 CUSHION Rev.. PROPOSED CONSTRU.CTION (LOCATION) 2 Rev. U11 IDR 03/29/00 024"ILIFFY _80ffLFV_Mz9 TYPICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION TYPICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION MH [OR of 03/20/00 crXEM94 4VT SHOVANG SEMI, -ENCASEMENT SHOWING FULL ENCASEMENT CHANGES [N THESE PLANS WILL REQUIRE MH IPI/00 PAUL W. /.IDR-' 1/26/00 FONTANA' SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION FOR SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION FOR AN A.DDITIONAL 4 TO 6 WEEKS AND F1' DATE CHECKED AM SHE D WG. NO. REV. APPROVED BY BY EIR By FEWER CONDUITS. MORE OR FEWER CONDUIT CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED IN ADVANCE REQUIRED FOR 3 OR 4 CONDUrrS REQUIRED FOR MORE THAN 4 CONDUITS 7 - FOR REQUESTED CHANGES. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY OF 00-008-2 uf1j. nt". I/ I/ W 072: Rev, 1/9/94 D26: Rev, 11/20/96 tft Pwa. Alo. Z86B S wee r 6 of