HomeMy WebLinkAbout2881-L-12.. . . . - 1, - '1____--___- ­ _­ ­­­ ­ ­- 1. __ _-___.__.__1._ - .. __ - -.1-1. _... ­ - -- ____ _____ ______._.____­_-____­___ --":- . , . I'% � - %. . . � . , - . . .. I I . I I . I * � _. I . � I . - . - - I I ­ _. - f I I . I I : . I I I k 1 4 , I I ' - . I . . I . . ( I I I � . 0 11 I . I . - : : . � - I ­ ­ - ___ � I - � I - � ___ ­_ - - _____,._.________. ---..I--------- � ... �=­- - . ______ ------. __ ­ - ---.. -­--___.____.____,_ _­_ - - - - - - - . I ­ - ­­ ____ . " - ----,- _,__________.__�__ - ­ _­___ --- _'_ ______­ - - - - - . - - � - I - I ­ - - I - ,--,. - ­ . -, - -_ __ A__ ­­­­­­ ­ - - - I - - ;-. ­. . . � . - , - - - -:---, -----7-: �:-­-:-----;�, .:W­_7��;-7-,Z-. �..�.Z�­_:_N � "7 - 7 - - __. %.; . � . - . - . . - - - . - � � .., . - - - -1. I 11 � - -­­.­---- __ . -----.-- ­_ .­ . ­­ -- ­ .-.--- ­ � -1. _ . -­ ­___ 1-1 _­ - - ­.- - ­­ � . . . . 11. - - I __ .. . -.---- - , - -_ - - - ­ . ..-. - - - - - _.� . I .. 'k . - . .- . - . I - ._�_ � .- - i ... � ; .. . - _,Z;_ � ::___�;Z__Z___�7__ ==-.Z_=__:_-_-1__ -1 - �-.___�____ . - . I . .. I I i � .. . . I . �11 . � �, . I I .. .. � I . . . . . . . � . . I . . . . - I . . . I � � . . . . . I . W I � � ; I lll� mwmn� N , . 1� . . I . I - .. . . .� . , J; . . . t % . # & - .1 . - � V. -W : I - � . . f 0 -1 I , ! . . - . . . . . . I . I . I . . . � I , % . . � I . 4 . � � - . k3r.11MMAL t.,oUllul I 1V110 . . � : � . .. % . I . 00"_ _",�, . . � � � -4 . . . ., . . - 4# ; . I CONTRACT DOCUMENTt . . . . . - . . . _.. I . . "... _. . I . \. I . - ...a%-. . . . i .0. TESTS . ' . . 2. 1 1. 11. -VERIFICATION OF SITE CONDITIONS I I . I 'F. PLANTING PtTS'. . I . I .,XIII, HYDROSEEDING SPECIFICATIONS (IF APPLICABLE) . '" Th icest 1. ateral ic4o'� ad i in k, . 11 I r . 1-4 . I . I 4 A. EXCAVATION . � "All trees and shr i a i le P, A. GENEAAL . . . . . I �1 � I i t ball for '. ' * The hydro -mulch shall be app�ied in the form of a slurry consisting of wood w T .. � I I e ig rfaco of the root ball' Pit depth* shall be minimum 12' .deeper'than the rob I . �� , I" ) . s t. i ei ts­A*C*' . � t d 8" dee�e pe t I eed chemical additives, commercial fertilizer . I . I . develop the joints shall be replace a I I a I . . � . . ' I . e e or damaged by any work under this .. . . . hydraulically sprayed an the soil surface, .the-hydrosulching shall form a * . . . . s I * * . e eaie e at the Contractors' expenses . 0. PLACING . . a i d 2. VERIFICATION. 1 3. Tests shall be obse d y__411-r�s' r I � t ' t' ' 1i -*d 4 wed I - I e i i i shall allow the abs e and rainfall to L 1$ � I . - percolate to the - 11, * " ' I 6 -.,SUB -SURFACE DRAINAGE OR SOIL CONDITIONS . . . e . .. A The i ings before beginning work. * , . . ightly.obove nursery leve I ., -, . - f _�_� a is, . a i 0 lf� ai e nting is begua) the . .0 . . - . ui * drainage or soil conditions be encountered Aich would b* e . . 1k f 'I . I XlellrY6 " "96ZPTkT,Ve1 , etive shall test the . 1. . . . . I . I . - . <� e me e N.. . Z e e i . So EQUIPMENT .4 � '. . , . f Fl a . . . a� '_ C h �_ I - me . ismediate1y. The Con fe' m notify the 'Landsc*spe wi i i 1, � Hydraulic equipment used for the application of th' . . . . adequate. -- The contractor shot furnish all materials and perform all work . .*. M SACKFILL . .. . A *. � . . m e . ;I I of prepared wood pulp shall be the "super hydro -seeder" type as approved by the . r ct any i'a"ad uacies o 'coverage disclosed. - %., I # . notify the Landscape Architect of such c6aditions, he shall be responsible for . . . I � 3. MATERIALS, MACHINERY. EMPLOYEES 5. Th a info 1 the -,Cl . i i Is . ,. .1 - A� � T Y - * . e g e terials shall be thorou I by wind,' planting, soil or site conditions that bear on.- . . . . P : ill commercial -fertilizer -20-15-5 Agrifors 21 gram tablets C. APPLICATION . . I . . I .: 0 Is.necessary and i a . C. DIMENSIONS � nt pits! -a" th following rat�ss . I i .!� ,%-. - , . k .e y using the . - . I . E. IRRIGATION HEAD INSTALLATION . All Scaled dimensions or* approximate, before proceeding with any woik, the . I I. . . . . I green color 'of the wood pulp as a guide. The slurry shall be applied in a - ..,N . . . contractor shall carefully check and verify all.4imensions and quantities, and A I i " 4. SURVEYS, PERMITS, REGULATIONS . y adja curbs or walks shall be shall immediately inform the Landscape Architect of any discrepancy between the 3T&blets per'5 gallo h other until a g000 coat Iis achieved and the . . I ey,of the .. installed 6"away from the curb or walk and the nozzle shall be 6"above . . information on the drawings and actual 'coadlitions, refraining from doing any . .1 � red rate -per sere. I all permits and comply with all laws and ordinances-, f op -up shrub heads are to be set flush with grade. i i o by the Landscape Architect. I I Tablet pe . . I . ." . 0 1 . I I r a on the operation or c c s m . D. TIME LIMIT .. i . . IV . V . ^. gallon . . . � U Contrac o away from the structure and the nozzle shall be 6" above III. MATERHALS . See ground'cover areas IX -D . l I . . . � the 0AWaly eprosent&tive in writing, and *ny.necessary changes shall be fi . A. SOIL AMENDMENTS . . . mixing Wi . I e s amemen types.. and quantities shall be per soils report. 1. WATERING . I . expense. . . . � . . . . . . I heads are to have swing i e I . When the e led to three'quarters of its Aepth, water shot I be ' I � . - . . . 5. PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSON . ai So TOP SOIL e E. PROTECTION . . . I . a s ua property, and the er e . until the-backfil . be exercised' by the Contractor in preventing any of the . public, and shall be responsible,for any damage or injury due to his act. F. IRRIGATION HEAD ADJUSTMENTS 0 .. ' . . J fro* from subsoil, hard clods, stiff clay, hard pan'. sods, pa k A dna .. 1. The irrigation contractor shall flush and adjust all irrigation heads for I - J. C*MPACTING . . i . . . . ed ris, or any other undesirable materials. ' ' e i i igi O. -CHANGES IN THE WORK optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks and buildings as such . ' . . . ' contain obnoxious .woods, such as morning Story,' Sorel, . compacted around the roots or.ball c .. . t i as possible. This sha ge . 4 . b* kfill an which the root ball rest* shall be lightly e a . . i oxa1is. spurge, annual poo, nut grass or bersuda grass. ni I I accordingly. All,such orders and adjustments plus claim *xistins�site situations. I .. .. . .. . . - ­ - .1 . . . . ­ ... . . % I compacted. . a, . .. . C, KANT MATERIALS ' I . e ust be made in writing before executing the work involved. . ' . F. MAINTENANCE AND IRRIGATION . . ::..- I ... .,� � Go CLOSING IN UNINSPECTED WORK Z� e orm to "standa ­ K. SETTLEMENT e has been applied and *allowed to set for one day, the 7. CORRECTION OF WORK 1. The Contractor shall d cal Nomenclature except not 6 I .,- I P"1.,1 �!�r - I . e aed e irrigated. The 1'�_ . I i c been inspef ie .. covered therein. In those instances, the, established custom- of 'the nursery trade i e nd number of gallons to be applied to the . ., " - .. . . I .11 �. - - e contract and shall remedy defects due to faulty matorkals he ,* ou1 wr .. is followed. . . . . slopes willvary from d . . � I - . y u he project manager for a period of tc on and testfre m e e . P4 , 0 * L. STAKING . ii m system , . 0 pirs their eggs and shall have healthy, sorest. root systems, well filling their . % .� . - . .. e e g e m i ing germination 1� �, shall carry &- e e .w w containerso but not to the point of being root bound. . . e . - .. . n s . . e zed by.th* . . .. , . %I- I * ' ..�%. ' - .. .. Landeca I e l trees be topped before delivery. .. 0 � , plots Arch i ., M. PRUNIN%3 Go RESEEDING ' Ho BACKFILLING I t 11 � 4. Al I - I , by the 8. LANDSCAPE COORDINATORS STATUS "& . ... Limbs . bianches . ca e mi e we c e m character,, etc., by the Landscape Architect. - . .?.5 . leave a clean-cut flush with trunk. - (Pruning only as directed by the Landscipe .-,Contractor w i . -, f . c the project manager, and has the authori ed b he r, I I y 1!5sp r reseutativoo -5. The height and spread of all plant material shall be me i . . :-.idu* to inadequate sprinkling or erosion caused by excessive watering by the . . .. m s m ,i rk not Anvolving be backfill t m their normal position. . - ".�Pwner o . . , .. A . . I - . i pe No - PLANTING BEDS - MIM0 Aft . .­ -...- ema 6. The cali' r of the trees shall be measured 4' above the surface of the groun4.. . . ---The Contracto ' th 11 n ''' --Is- detrimental s ioi in the . 7. Where caliper or other dimensions of any plant materials a e -- 'REPLAA""EM ib 0 may- stop the _46rk if necessary to inse e � . __ . be used as backfill., r a ot p. to %b I . .. Planting beds shall be edged and cultivated to the line shown. Beds shall be XIW U EN exll.. ' *; . .% . . ' .. i :1X_P 4 -.. . i l be understood that these plant materials shall -be normal . m e e A. GENERAL . � - .. . 9. CLARIFICATION OF DRAWINGS 13EFORE BIDDING sem s and adjustments in pipes , valve hitado or sod - I.. I . . . � a . . 6 . . i m actor shall . o e i e d . re damaged while under his care. Replacement* shall be made A . . i e as a part of the sary adjustments conform to measurements specified in the pleat list* . IX GROUND COVER AREAS - . . :.� I . . � th't saw manner as specified for the maa e a A. REFERENCE - . dfi eme I ' quality of materials indicated or called out. If the Contractor cannot contact � " other respect* and at no additional cost to the Owner, upon ipproval of the e a . � e e . preparatione I . . . -UP a i a 1. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND VALVES * . V . . .XV,o CLEAN ' . " i i e w e e e e y en, previ e ne e I . . A. GENERAL Representative an the questionable areas as they develop during construction. ii m e oun cl Department. and shall be subject to acceptance as to So SOIL PAEPARATION e i . l trash,. excess I" . I . ande e . . Prepare the soil as per these specifications and the Plantinj Not** on the I ontainers and rubbish fram or . 10. SAMPLES . . 2. All wire from the controller to electric control valves shall"be solid -copper 11. Substitutions will be permitte4 only as indicated, or if pr'oof is submitted . g '� I m areas caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground . I . . . . a m s irect burial. Use whi blue for lawn . e sal . . . 10 left in a neat and orderly condition throughout the sit*. Contractor shall pick y ­ I . ' m a me a a ems and xred, . . as -, I I Pr irromoter contr.p� wire install in at size or variety with an equitable adjustment C. GRADING I yses _� I . t q'i .... It f the use of the nearest *quivale . I f ' ing from this work no less than.each Friday before leaving .................... :, ��)11�1!lfi.r... �1; ine pi __ -, ,- I _W-0'�e -6 the site, once a week - ct* rolmllmon T1 � ,��,��:"` �� to ere possible."' 1111�;",Ovi, �*8in*susr'19'4`cove . e Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide a true and uniform surface* . I shall be immediately removed from the site and 3. W ctions shall be made with' "�5e�lcw�t"Owt wire connecto 12, Quantities shown on the call outs an the Planting Pl - . be removed completely from the site. . . . venteace , - . 1_ I . . . � . mi speci f icat ions shall be pslid,by th* . e y, Quantities drawn an the plan (mbether by circl***or 0. PLANT PITS AM "ATILIM i , . 4 Contractor. . e wire from each control valve running to the contiollev authority and shall be furnished and install,ed &a drawn. a So TOP SOIL .. i ''Ill 11,,,111,,111� ..... 11 ...... ,1111110,1''�11, 4 i lve shall be connected to .the common- ground. 09�L44LM%9PI7400T� . � from flats without crushing or deforming the rootball. Place a Es om the site. i i I I I . I I. PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE eli Wi * Sjos TO 10 vw-vr zope t Do SEED MATERIALS 5 eilz ea t . I . . . . Schedule a pro -construction meeting with t e '_ 12144/611 s per deta*li.-�IWAL.L,\,IAI,\ls6A,t4i4,'�&F"'fl)(cp I* -So*d--shall be -clean, fr*sh,,-nw cropflood-and---shall-be-th* sixture as-not,od-on . . .C. REMOVAL -OF TAGS .- ., JYIOI�ogat least 7 1 mozo dz�J70�,L-qz- I T - . . . . . . . I evi*w any .4- PrApo- , .. . . days befora beginning work. The purpose o . I owe (U_W/, &,X" t44 le A049ff - I - . . e a L SPACING . . . * ' Remove all tags, labels, nursery stakes and ties.' 0 * -Soil shall be firmly ding'the work administrative procedures' Jo ROMETER INSTALLATION ( A IC 2 Seed shall be mixed by a dealer and furnished with the dealer's guaranteed areas indicated an the drawings. ' . . . �, � . 1. A o li statement of- composition and percentage of purity which shall be furnished to pressed around each plant, and the excess soil removed from the crolm. I . . % � Aw- _9M installation a en ande c 110 XVI P R (1) a ir E C T I 0" N .4 . � . P. . �IGATION SP�As'b'l� CAT1'0'm`6NS v. DRAIMVINGS ("J"ra RECORD (AS-. Bm"JILTS) E. 'STAKES . j !, F. WATERING , A.GENERAL I ., I HR Fwc; F I -1 . . U l provide and keep up to date in accordance with Secti4a . e as per details, . Se mme we . me ,_ sa . ~-_ W^0 . C planting and -thereafter as required. ' I 1. me fi by the I SCOPE Vr %J"K "Pro*ects Records" mee ord "" built" black line osslid . , . . . e .. - IL i I . J I __ .. .� . . . .. . . Landscape Archit*ct* . 1, de all labor, tools, machinery, and processes A- rA cne IV. OlBSTRucTicm BELOW %0M%`O1UND (L SPACING FROM EDGE . . . .1P e c i i . A. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY e w within 67 from the edge of the So RESPONSIBILITY - . �_ . cm h e of eq i this purpose say- be obtained from the Owner. This set The Contractor is responsible for verifying the locations of all utility lines - .* ., e I . i i I of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used odly as a record "to and other underground obstructions so that proper precautions nay be taken not ld@bL . These drawings ,shall also "rv* as work progress sheets and the Contractor .. I s and structures on the property and adjacent premises. Any damage such i rovement' ee c X SEASON COLOR &UP . part of thou injured damaged ordisturbed because of his work shall be . ^r�-- EFUL RECUC)c VIENTS e a promptly notify the Landscape A. REFERENCE � * 11 G=NEI - . V 18 . . repai X VERIFICATION OF DIMENSION . I . ' . showing the work as a rrange for the relocation of one or the other. failing to e � . . I " . . . . . d e a g with any work, the - i ion and shall be kept in a locationdesignated by the � . I.0 follow this procedure, the Contractor shall at his own expense make any and all : epa XVII., GUARANTEE ! . . � " I . . . c . I �":.� . - repairs, for damages resulting from his work* . . . ! '. � ­;4*4, . 4�. SHRUBS' .., % � . I . irrigation heads, loceti a of valves and vacuum breakers. And proposed P.O-C. , , . . . . B. SOIL PREPARATION ? All shrubs shall be gu&rianteed as to growth and health for a period f 90 VY' -Y5 V -1 on . - . Z A. GENERAL V 1p"We'" GRADING - '' t I on e have . . -, e e a ion's and the e fied maintenance period and/or final aLptance . . .. . a rmaen points of reference. ; e ___ tative or the Landscape Architect*., . T A. TILLING I � I g by the Owner. . : . . . . .... . . buldi rs, e location of the'�" - - .. ing .or*&$ " herein specified. . I ! I . .; 0 p . So VERIFICATION OF FINHSH GRAD&& . I i . I . I . C. - 01ADING B. TREES . . So UNIFORM GRADE . . e o provide a true and uniform surface. I W ' - 0 . � I ee hall be guaranteed to live and grow in acceptable upright position fo I I . * . I r work area in or i I . fe a frm l.oeting or hand 2' -12 moat he specified maintenance period and/or final acceptance by the * I e . . irrigat'ion system pipes. . . raking* Do QUALITY OF PLANTS , � pi*�( . The_CATY._ ust provide adequate maintenance to insure the extended co ei � me i guarantee on- trees. I . C. WATER SUPPLY * ut C. GRADE RELATIONSHIPS . . I I .A I T hall ver jb . Finish grade of planting areas after application of soil auendmonts shall be I" I. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZER C. DEFI TION OF DEATH 4 . �. e" -teaspoon of . the irrigat ion 8 t as indicated on the drawings and verify available water . . e It I Plants which die or lose more than 30% of their original leaves shall be pressure* -if le a I . a. Backf low device. . building or as' noted by spot elevations. . � repl. I' , :ed. 4 . . 11::�T� I . . . lqc - I . e- - _... , s epresentative or the Landscape Architect* Ag�:iform plant tablets. .0 I . , _., . . . . . ' So REQUIRED NOTATIONS ID. SLOPE FROM BUILDINGS . . DiREPLACEMENT � : . -- I -_ Do PERMITS AND FE W 2. The drawing shall show approved Substitution* of �,sixes, materials and dis slope away from the building it 22 F. SPACJNG ' hin-lieven (7) days of.written notification by th 44IT-Y m cessary permits and fees required I manufacturers name and catalog number. . . minimum for 10 feet, and shall continue to slope at a minimum of 12 until water p indicated on the drawings. Soil shall -be firmly a . I . . shall remove and replae h, for : . . store system. . presse e l removed from the crown. acement shall be made with . . C. DELIVERY OF DRAWINGS OF RECORD - � . . . * . I indicated " specified for the first planting., and all such F. CARE OF EXISTING SL%LDINGS� AND SITE a the Ci deliver 'the E. ROCKS OR CLODS . G. WA em is shall be guaranteed as specified for the original .. i p % e iame a sei imme i l be hold responsibl e : . . � I material. I . e bed 0 . I . planting and watering the . I .- I e i , . I q y. Any part of then injured, damaged or disturbed because of required information that any be omitted from the prints. . ^# I I . . . .XVIII MAIN"IENANCE . - ees VI. CLEAN-UP N. VI WEED COWR%JL . ., I K SPACING FROMEDGE . -A. SCOPE . . . . I A. KILLING WEEDS, 11 Te e I . I A, SCOPE AND FREQUENCY / . Contractor shall germinat* and destroy existing weed seed* before preparing � planting alr*40 . . I d on the drawings or herein specified has been � F, REVIEW OF DRAWINGS : . I ) m ed. and approved by the Owner or his representative, the e l e ion opera ted-renovst all trash, excess e od Aft a Aw 'MATERIALS & PLANTING � reqU4 . X1 e b %dfJ%PDLAvvN (IF APPLICABLE) . on tinuous watering, e e s " valves are &red prior to soil and rubbish from the property. All &cars, ruts or other wrks in the area . a m i all be repaired and the ground I*ft in * A, QUALITY . in e ' e le I : 4 neat aaJ orderly Se o . . - - Sod shall be 01 Grade machine cut at a uniform thickness of 5/9" excl sa e are &nd.upkeep for a period of not less than ninety (90) ,.i -- for full coverage of the irrigation system and providing additional equipment . Te h . growth -and thatch, weed free and shall be no less than eight months nor more I days* At the end of the maintenance period, ' m . re I - e e sulting from this wo ea iday before leaving the site, once So ADDITIONAL REQUIRE14ENTS . . ea I � a e g day each week. All trash shall be removed For additional wme4 killing, refer to Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. . ie t . . . . . . I . I . . � I * I . .. � . I . Go GOVERNING REGULATION I completely from the site. Vile SOIL mg`80"'EPARATION So TIMING � So WEED CONTROL . i e or . shall be kept free of debris and shall be weeded at not more . . w i VII. GUARANTEE . A* Wk � i al l. Ic&t tons, and their provisions shall be carried out by the A. SCOPE i . . mi &'soil report to C. REFERENCE . ae a on system shall be guaranteed by the Cor I the C.I_T�Y- Landscape Architect. 'If so soil report is submitted it will be � 11 . I material and workmanship. including Settling of . Z� assuw4 k'aawtameadwats were not added and the Landscape Contractor will be . - ii g i . i e Of final acceptance of the req'GeAed.to give a credit f�r soil preparation. preparation. �.` I C. FERTILIZING I Hot DIAGRAMMATIC DESIGN . i z l dg dmm e in paved areas wi eion, Settling occurs, and * I adjustments in pipes . valves, and sprinkler heads . sod " paving e So, COWACTED AREAS Do PREPARATION . every 30 days follaiving'the beginning of maintenance. Water in.thoroughly after . fication only and shall be installed in planting areas . V104 of the person I d lightly and watered to a depth of 6" I . I where possible. Neve i to bring system, sod or paving to the proper to eat grades, the o compacted to more than 922 during site preparation shall be � . -tress 9 a Contractor., as part of the work under this contract shall make all adjustments prior to beginning soil preparation. These areas e a Do CONDITION OF SITE . . - . * . to the Owner, including the complete restoration of all shall be defined by the Landscape Architect and be billed as ' mae me t any kind* . e e e planting. . mane riod, keep the project neat and free from debris at 1. INSTALLATION .-.-.' - I * . . . Owner's approval for on-sitio storage of equipment or . . . i meial e ce wit&t * techn-iques . . Co METHOD OF MIXING I .1 I. INSTALLATION . . maintenance nat,orialsO . So RESPONSIBILITY . . . ive L $od shall be laid in 'a stagger i e L L . . FIN STRUCON INSPECTION AND FINAL difficultios-in connection with the irrigation, system und e i m V1 e '' L ''-"--- ­ ' ' " * I ­­­ , ­ - ­ % L am . L I L " # develop within the specifi"" riod which is in the opinion of the broadcast uniformly over all landscape areas and worked to a depth of 6" by a -- me. On all slopes sod shall be installed from the bottom up specifications 'after having been approved b th e1IT a authorizied I . e e by walking on boards as installer MAIN.T. =-NANCE INSPECTION . y r _J Landscape Architect du in ma Sa rototiller or other acceptable mechanical means . . . ' a e ld only if the di e .& the soi e er e pin the sod down with wooden pegs. No metal staples A. FINAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1. I directions of the -irrigation drawings and specifi"Yxt_o_�_�xdo not thoroughly and � . . Sai cape Architect at no adda e 000 square foot and raked in for small . le - + ' I . . . . . e lg ad othtr damage caused b h . i areas. -For the soil amendment six refer to the Planting Notes on the Planting . .1% . When e ae the � equipment and materials " shown in details. . .1 poses and the then soil report for actual implementation. F. JOINTS . . . c /cily ia6f, - . . C. INSTRUCTION . Adjoin the section of sod firmly together . and request a "Final Construction" inspection. If the Landscape Architect I J. SITE PROBLEMS' e be susta cm a A Ir a After the system d and the connections made the Contractor 0. EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL * � of sod they suat be filled with Send or have the sod relaid. and lifications .the Contractor will be advised that the basic maintenance * y . spec I , I � , In a"ition to the work specified above the Contracto 6 di w e shall instruct the _ _ lclSt iO the operations and r shall remove all .Go ROLLING . . � poet -ad is started* I ma m extraneous material that is exposed on the surface, and grade to facilitate . I . i e . ruft� Roll sod writh-an adequately weiihted roller to smooth out the sod bad* IV. - . I . . Of - . . . �*_ I ei # � ., . I . I .0 1. to order to be substantially complete, at least the following suet have . �_ . . I Do TEM REPAIR$ . .,No I . . I 111 ... "I'll,����!���li����i�,��ilillilil;ii���,�, . I I ; 10 41'T',(- eservoo the right to make temporary repairs as neces keep the E. DELIVERY SLIPS . I . H. PRO MCTION OF . III MATERIALS ' /' Z�2_ , I I 1. 0 The exercise of this right . i meme i Regr&4e to protect the edge* from drying if sowing edge is not used. 0- ' � I . . ir ition. .. . . . Irrigation materials(a;nd oquipment,yhall be -of typo, size and location " noted . i . . I . so g, icluding elimination of low points that hold runoff. . . 0 , 0 1 . - by the 4-.1TY shall not relieve the Contractor of 'his responsibility under the (Bulk load* from the Contractors' yard will not be accepted. Supply empty bags System. and indicated on th drsvings* U less permissi i the � . . Is WATERING . . , U i I terms of the guarantee as herein specified.' Landscape Architect I r1t_. o in � 0 , ., . . . ioh sod must be kept thor . co Installation of all plant materials. is i 'dook No . t_,�Iondspfrom the specificat e _% VIII. SHRL13 AND TREE PLANTING a a ions . ' ' . .A scape Architect shall be final in the 4otermination-of the PLANTING SPL�CIFICATIONt5 0 . A. CORRELATION .. I . m I . . i unction ,with J, INSPECTION BY SUPPLER . s" may be completed during the basic maintenance period . . If there are any questi ua . - %0" system have been completed, final grades - ions rega I* SC O PIVE OF W^OK so ba' in lawn. . mae an have been established, and the planting beds i . . i e ings or as specified herein. and fertilization as covered in these specifications. . alled out by the supplier's representative. . . . i Sec m ��r% LAWNPI ANTING (IF APPU^A a co Re -*taking or guying of trees. . - -JVWA6;w 9 embf-_% %01%U i tio*tk 0 1. Grade,including soun4ing,solding and shapng g So PLANTING TIME - . XL % OLE) o i concrete work, etc. destroyed or damaged by any woft under this contract shall areas as a exi i e e me ing &REFERENCE � .­ I lfto be repaired or replaced at the Contractor.'s expense* w Hied. . . weather. I V. VI, VII, for fi i e ed line at a true gradient to c . . . . - 11L .. . k, i oil in planting areas including furnishing of all ***at C. LOCATIONS provide uniform support for the full length of pipe. . . 8 * E INSPECTION l d IN "'*I�' : r e no L " or , * ee��&�� d u t 1 the 0 e 15P , .I� r 4"e_� ,A,,,,T ,/C�,IL,� �r b reLw �*&t ,rW_ � _ I _r 0: *r � I "ca a o" 5 0 4y t ; --,C-1 IS I - :e - f I Iptan . *& C u I& e Z��Cp? OFuh C. DEFI TION DE re *'sc'uMr e �a! - *­ _6'TT I"! 0 FE __ Ze las 0 )US I T L 014 f r a 7 !! r,ae_-. ;-C-1-T�y it ac __.�� - 0C__t_/C_11y1ai5f1 - rn veompleted at � D 4 __ - drs,vii� at, _t_ I If _r . No� "a I 1 d Relativei- position o e TY 1*"l So PREPARATION - . r c e d e ele I of the pipe " noted on the drawings. speci direction, &a part of this Contracts, Cultivate -to a depth of 2"below finish grade, remove stones, foreign growth of e w . .. . I kind and extraneous matter and grade to remove ridges and depressions so . So JOINING PIPE 4. Perform all pruning as required. I * i . any I Landscape Architect at the final inspection that work is or is not 10 . I w 0 e ma if iod! D. DISTRIBUTION I ___­ . - face is smooth. friable and of uniform fine texture* . I esponsible to be familiar with -the methods�of assembling, L o 4.a. 8 0sa 0 44b I 01 0 a-11% .06 k S"a I . Saf g f pipe to be used. Re will adhere in 0 4 VIV V4 W �^"%W" W V -0 "a "", -W i oo . - . , - . . ­�­ - , e with the manufacturer's recommended procedures. the Lpadscap* I ve, � . . planted and watered on the 'Sam day. � C. SOWING to c llnt,onance period will end on the 2. No PVC pipe shall be threaded and all transition from PVC to metal piping shall 7. Dispose of rpl . date of the final inspection. a�_-�__VOIO�NO_11--_ - S. - Cl*sa-up I .. E. CONTAINER REMOVAL a* w ea designated on the drawings at the rote -as designated :Z de , be by PVC sale thread adaptor fitting. i on the 2. %tene. �.. . . . Gee e shall be removed when planting the plants. Cans shall be split . � . no C. BACKIFLOW PREVENTER1 . . . � - on both #&dos. 'An axe or spade shall not be used. All containers shall be D. TOP DRESSING - . . . e oved by the Landscape Archit ctl-eI SFEJ;�A;�rl�� . * 1. The backflow prevention rein shall be verified with Local . . removed from the site. * /\ - � . ad 1/4" of, top dressing wi a � el e conflict on the device or __ - , � er with C. FAILURE TO PASS INSPECTION Z 0 . . . Installation methods the Landscape Architect shall be notified PRIOR TO BID . -, I I I OPENINGO I _1� .. I I ove and will be charged to the Contractor at the I . . . pe Architect. . , I . - � � �_ - I Z I � I . A . - \ \_ I , 01 ,4 1 , !1 , I - -4, 1 - I ,rp? ��;;Prp: � � 1_�_� " � �,,� , . - " �011[1 Af .. ,_ I I IiLll' 5 - _ - I Drawn by: . Date: - Revisions - 7