HomeMy WebLinkAbout2880-9CONCRETE A. QENERAJ I. Contractor shallprovide all labor, materials and equipment to construct concrete items as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. 2. Concrete shall consist of portlond cement, fine aggregate (sand), course aggregate and water, proportioned and mixed to attain a twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength of of least 2,500 pounds per square inch with a slump not to exceed three inches (3"). Concrete shall not contain reactive aggregate or calcium chloride. 3. ; , oddition to complying with all pertinent codes and regulations of local governing o:­encies, Contractor shall com yl with oil pertinent recommendations contained in "recommended Practice for concrete Formwork", publication #1347-78 of the American Concrete institute. B. MATERIALS 1. -Cement shall be Type 11 low alkali portiond cement conforming to ASTM C-150. r'ament shall be of the some brand and type used throughout the project. 2. Sand shall consist of .natural or manufactured granular material, free of deleterious omounts of organic material, mica, loom, cloy, and other substances not suitable for portiond cement concrete. Sand shall be thoroughly and uniformly washed. 3. Coarse aggregate shall be composed of grovel or a blended mixture of crushed rode and gravel containing no more thon fifty (50) percent of crushed rock rticles having oA faces froctured and not less than twen -five rcent (25°x) orgrovel. A gregotes shall not exceed a diameter of one and orwholf inches (1 1 /2"). Blending shall produce a uniform, consistent percent : e of each. Rock.products shall be clean hard, sound, durable, uniform in qualit � and free of an detrimental quantity of soft, friable, thin, elongated or lam �: oted pieces, disintegro ed material, organic matter, oil, alkali, or other deleteriout'substonces. 9 A. Woter shall not contain deleterious substances or any amount ofimt rities that will cause a change in the time of setting. The amount of water used in mixture shall not exceed the amount necessary to permit material placement and consolidation. C. FORMS 1 . Forms shall be free of warp, set plumb and true to line and grade with upper edges Rush with specified grade or finished surface of the constructed improvement, and ■ not more than one-holf inch (1 /2") less in depth than the specified thickness of the edge o the concrete to be placed. 2. Wooden forms shall hove a net thickness of of least one and one-half inches (1 1/2") and shall be free of imperfections which would impair the strength for the use intended. Forms shall be secured by nailing to side stakes of sufficient length and cross-sectionol area to adequatetsholl resis! lateral displacement during placement of concrete. Forms shall be clean receive a coot of light oil immediately prior to placing concrete. Benders or thin plank forms may be used on curves. 3. Metal forms shall have sufficient rigidity to resist springing during placement of concrete. Forms shall be secured by means of metal stakes designed so as to be driven below the top of the forms through openings, locking them into position. D. REINFORCEMENT 1. Reinforcement shall conform to the dimensions. and details shown on the drawings and shall be cleaned thorou hly of oil rust, mill scale, mortar, oil, dirt, or coating of any character which would likely to destroy or impoit i n proper bonding with the concrete. 2. Reinforcir? steel, where indicated on the drawings, shall be Grade 40 or Grade 60 billet stet, conforming to ASTM A-615. 3. Wire mesh reinforcement, where indicated on the drawings, shall conform to ASTM A-185. E. TRANSIT MIXERS 1 . Mixing shall be commenced as soon as possible after the cement is placed in contact with aggregates but in no event shall the intervening time period exceed thirty (30) minutes. 2. Mixing and delivery of reody-mixed concrete shall conform to ASTM C-94. 3. Adequate control of read -mixed concrete shall provide for additional water to be added and mixed into she botch at the project site. Amount withheld shall not exceed two and one-half (2 1/2) gallons of water per cubic yord of mix A. The total elapsed time between the addition of water at the botch plant and discharging at project site shall not exceed ninety (90) minutes F. PLACING CONCRETE ■ 1. instoll` embedded items accurately in their proper locations, secured against displacement, prior to placing concrete. 2. Concrete shall be placed on native grade, certified compacted subgrode,' or subbase material, free of all loose and extraneous material, sufficiently dampened to ensure that no moisture will be absorbed from the fresh concrete. 3 - Concrete shall be distributed uniformly and thoroughly vibrated in a manner thot will encase the reinforcement, fill the forms and bring the surface true to grade and cross. -section. A. Equipment used shall not have any aluminum components coming into direct contact with the concrete. G. FINISHING 1. Concrete surfaces shall be Rooted prior to steel troweling. Formed edges shall be rounded to a radius of one-half inch (1 /2"). Edges at expansion joints shall be rounded to a radius of one-eighth inch (1 /8"). 2. Concrete finishes shall be as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. 3. No advertising impressions, stomp or mark of any description will be permitted on surface of concrete. A. Concrete shall not be covered with plastic sheeting. 5. Broom finish, where indicated on the drawings, shall be performed alter finish troweling by drawing the following broom tees across the narrowest width of the concrete or in the direction as indicated on the drawings. a. Fine Broom - Push with fine or soh textured bristles. b. Medium Broom Push with. medium or medium stiff bristles. C. Heavy Broom - Push with coarse or stiff bristles. 6. Rock soh finish, where indicated on the drawings, shall beperformed by oppiying rock salt evenly over entire surface just prior to the finish troweling. Press salt crystals into the surface with sufficient trowel pressure so that salt is embedded just barely below surface ieovirrg the tops of the crystals exposed. Cure finished surface in accordance with generally accepted practice. 0 7. Colored concrete, where indicated on the drawings, shall be colored with the proper proportion. of Chromix Admixture, as manufactured by L.M. Scofield Com any, los Angeles, California. Surfaces shall be finished uniformltolorcure with the speciied finish or texture and cured with Lithochrome Coiorwax (or Concrete Sealer). in the matching color. All botching,placingfinishingand curio shall be in accordance with Scofield's Technical Data ullets.. 9 8. Retardant finish, where indicated on the drowin s, shall be "exposed" using Lithochrome Concrete Surface Retarder by L.M. Sco�ieid Company and applied in accordance with Scofield's Application instructions D-203. 9. Stamped concrete, where indicated on the drawings, shall be ' performed by applying special forming tools while concrete is still in the plastic stage of set. Desired pown shall be as indKx ted on the drawings. Contractor shall be licensed, tooled, and trained by Bomanite Corporation, or approved equal. H. INT 1 . Expansion joints shall be as indicated on the drawings and of corners, radius points and at regular intervals not to exceed ten feet ( TO') on center. Set premolded exponsion pint strip below finished surface, temporarily secured to top of expansion strip or use a removable plastic filler" strip. Expansion joints shall be settled with a polysulfide water -proof caulking. 2 Scored control lolq nts shall be tooled to a minimum depth of threeuorters inch (3/4") and a radius of one -eighths inch (1 /8') at five foot (5') intervals. 3, Sow cut ioints, where specified shall be as indicated on the drawings or of Intervals not to exceed ten feet (10') on center, and shall be cut to a minimum depth of one inch (1 ) and a width not to exceed one-quarter inch (1 1A"). 1. CURING 1. Curing compound shall form on impervious membrane and shall be a blend ofF-M ure waxes and olkali-resistant pigments in a solvent emulsion, manufactured by Scofield, or approved equal. 2. Spraying of curing compound shall commence as soon as free water leaves the surface but no later than three (3) hours following placement of concrete J. BELOW GRADE WATERPROOFING 1. Elostome'ric waterproofing membrane shall be Multicoot MULASTICOAT as manufactured by Multicoat Corporation or on approved equal. 2. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original unopened containers 3. Rates and opplication method shall be as recommended by the manufacturer K. GRAFFITI CONTROL 1 . Product shall be Graffiti Control as monufoctured by Sure Kleon or on approved equal. 2. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original unopened containers 3. Rates and application method shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. L. REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT Costs incurred due to repair or replacement of defective or damaged work shall be the responsibility, of the Contractor. M. BACKFILLING Bockfill material shall be free from forge cWs, stones, and other objectionable materials, exceeding three inches (3") in diameter. MASONRY A. GENERAL Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment to construct masonry structures conforming to the dimensions and details indicated on the drawings and specified herein. B. MATERIALS 1. Brick shall be whole, sound, hard burned, give a clear ringing sound when struck together, and be uniform in quality. Brick shall be clean and tree of dust or other foreign materials. Net size, color and texture of units shall be as shown on the drawings. 2. Hollow food bear ingg masonry unit shall be mode with sond-ravel aggregate and shall conform to ASTM C-90 for Grade N-1 units, free of crocks or defects. Net size of units shall be shown on the drawings. 3. Stone shall be uniform in quality; clean and free of dust or other foreign materials 4 Mortor used in masonry construction shall be one (1) port portlond cement to two and .orae half (2 1/2) ports of sond, to which o uorter j 1 /4L�os one-half (1 /2) part h drated lime or lime u has been added olor sho11 indicated on the drawings. or as selected by Landscape Architect. n9 Y Pe 5. Grout for use in spaces lessn two inches (2") clear in dimension shall be one (1) pa portland cement and o and one-quarter (2 1 /4) to three (3) parts sand. For spaces r four inches (4") or larger odd one and one-quarter (1 1 /4) to two (2) parts o agg ega e . 6. Water shall be free of any amount of impurities that will cause change in the time of setting of portiand cement. Quantity of water shall be the minimum required to produce a mixture sufficiently workable for the purpose intended. 7.. Cement shall be Type 11 low alkali por fond cement conforming to ASTM C-130. Cement shall be ofthesome brand and type used throughout the project. 8. Sand shrill consist of natural or manufactured granular material, free of deleterious amounts of organic material, mica, loam or clay conforming to ASTM C-404 for grout and ASTM C-144 for mortar. Sand shall be thoroughly and uniformly washed. 9. Coarse aggregate shall be composed of Rrovel or a blended mixture of crushed rock and gravel. Rock products shall be clean, hard, sound, durable, uniform in quality and free of any detrimental quantity of soft, friable; thin, elongated or laminated pieces, disintegrated material, organic matter, oil, alkali or other deleterious substance. x 10. Reinforcing steel shall be Grade 40 or Grade 60 billet steel conforming to ASTM A-615. Varying grades shall not be used interchangeably in any one wail. C. INSTALLATION a 1 . All work shall berformed in compliance with applicable local building ordinances and Uniform Building Code and Masonry Design Manual. 2. All wails shall be laid true, level, and plumb, and unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Brick and concrete block shall be laid in a running bond pattern. 3. Brick and stone shall be clean, wetted immediately before laying and shall be laid on a full mortor bed with "push joints". A. Concrete block which becomes wet shall be permitted to dry before commencing work. 5. Mortor joints for brick and concrete block shall be stroight, clean, uniform in thickness of not less than three.e�'ghths of an inch (3/8"), tooled to produce a slightly concave surface, and yell bonded of edges. 6. Mortar joints for stone shall be tooled to produce a slightly concave surtoce, and well -bonded to stone at edges. 7. Controctlar shall provide expansion joints at corners and at thirty feet (30') on center or as required by local code. 8. All bolts and anchors to be Inserted In the wall shall be solidly grouted in place. 9. . Contractor shall provide weep holes in first or second layer of brick as indicated in details on drawings or as required. D. REINFORCEMENT 1. Reinforcement shall be placed as indicated on the drawings and as required by building codes. 2 Horizontal steel for concrete block walls shall be laid in o course of bond beam block filled with grout 3 For concrete block walls, a vertical dowel shall be provided in the foundation for each vertical bar. Vertical cores containing steel shall be filled solid with grout. E. LAYING PAVERS 1 Spread and screed setting bed to a uniform thickness, except for minor variations required to produce a true surface, level In plane or uniformly spread for drainage as shown on drawings 2- Sethi bed shall be three-quarter inch (3/4") minimum and one and one-quorter inch (1 1 /A"} maximum 3. Apply o thin Icryer of cement paste (1 /32" to 1 / 160) by brushing or troweling over setting bed or to bottom of brick Set and level each Uck- F . BELOW GRADE WATERPROOFING 1. Elostomeric waterproofing membrane shall be Multicoat MULASTICOAT as monufoctured by Multicoat Corporation or on approved equal. 2. Deliver materials in monufocturer's original unopened,contoiners. 3. Rates and application method shall be as recommended by the manufacturer G. GRAFFITI CONTROL 1 . Product shall be Graffiti Control as manufactured by Sure Kleon or on approved equal. 2. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original unopened containers. 3. Rates and application method shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. H. REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT Costs incurred due to repair or replacement of defective or damaged work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. I. BACKFILLING Backfill material, shall be free from large clods, stones, and other objectionable materials, exceeding three inches (3") in diameter. 1 LJ .Ecuc.E rREa:u�E - - SAC-Know'r1Evcw eras NIP ftl t+ PLACES) PRIMISU R MCOUL.ATOR IF RMIRM ssT AS !MOWN ,- W WMA,NEw,f 40 Y♦ 0. 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