HomeMy WebLinkAbout2755-2CONDUCTOR SCHEDULE A.W.G. SIZE CABS slzE POLE OR CIRCUIT RUNS PED UTTO � HPOV L..�2' MAST ARM 4. '�'�.. Existing OPTICOM Model 511 Optica Detector. Lt NAM SROM am O N 3 Q U C C T 0 0 N R D S U C T 12 0 R S- POLE SIGNAL LUMNiAIRE MAST ARM POLE 1 1 1 1 1 MAST ARM POLE %d�j VEHICLE VEHICLE PEDESTRIAN fd 1 1 1 1 / xy, 1 POLE CC) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 R73-3 POLE 1 1 1 SP -1 -CS 1 I 1 1 POLE - 26-4-80 40' 1 1 / SV- 1-T xv, 8 1 20OW Orange Way POLE -•,, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POLE `D 1 1-A - - XV TV -1-T 1 2 --now POLE H - - �E j 17-2-80 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 SP -1 -CS 2 TOTAL CABLES 3C/12C 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 1 1 6 LUMINAIRES 2 2 2 2 2 2 - - 2 - 14 RR PRE-EMPTION - -- - - - —4 1-A - - - SIC INTERCONNECT SP -1 -CS 6 now - - - - VIDEO COAXIAL CAB 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 VIDEO POWER CABLE 1111122 SV -1-T 'k 250W E4E4 - 1 1 QPTICOM CABLE 1 1 2 2 3 4 1 - CQNDUIT SIZE (ins) 2' 3~ 3" 3" 3» 3~ 3" 3" 3" 2" NOTE: REMOVE AND DISCARD ALL EXISTING CONDUCTORS. CLEAN CONDUITS AND INSTALL. MEW CONDUCTORS AS SHOWN. GENERAL NOTES POLE AND EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE POLE SIGNAL STANDARD SIGNAL MOUNTING PED UTTO � HPOV STREET MAST ARM NEW 15" MAW AiRM AND LLNOWK ON TOP OF EXISTPOLL Existing OPTICOM Model 511 Optica Detector. Lt NAM SROM am NO- SCRIPT SIGNAL LUMNiAIRE MAST ARM POLE POLE Furnish ARROW Q — Furnish MAST ARM (MAST ARM VEHICLE VEHICLE PEDESTRIAN fd 17-2-80 20' 15' MAS SV- 1-T SP -1 -CS 6 200W Sierra Ave R73-3 1-A _ _ - TV- 1-T SP -1 -CS 8 26-4-80 40' 15' MAS/MAS SV- 1-T SP -1 -CS 8 --aW 20OW Orange Way R73-2 `D 1 1-A - - - TV -1-T SP -1 -CS 2 --now - - - �E j 17-2-80 20' 15' MAS SV- 1-T SP -1 -CS 2 20OW Sierra Ave R73-3 1-A - -- - TV- 1-T SP -1 -CS 4 --�•- - - - . 26-4-80 40' 15' MAS/MAS SV- 1-T SP -1 -CS 4 -am- 20OW Orange Way R73-3 �H 1-A - TV- 1-T SP -1 -CS 6 now - - - `I ; 2SA-3-80 5' MAS/MAS SV -1-T - - - 'k 250W - - (X) INDICATES EXISTING POLE AND EQUIPMENT. F AtM AND *WALL NEW 15" MAW AiRM AND LLNOWK ON TOP OF EXISTPOLL 2" C (SEE SHEET 1) 2"C) (EX. 2"C) EX. SCE SERVICE POINT Eft. 3" C, SCE SERVICE CONDUCTORS EX. 2" Co 2 #6 do 204 EX. 2" C. 2 #6 do 1 #8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 , , II 1 ;E , 4 1 ' IN, , , , 1 1 1 , / 1 1 i IM R65 REPLACE EX. P.B. W/6E P.B. - NEW & :':`:`:':.... :':':':':':'.'. EXISTING R/W . EX 2 C d ! NEW . �_«_ `.•_-- __ - ^_«,_ ; _ l _ �- _1% RAILROAD PRE—EMPTION SEQUENCE --.. -'- OU -I+--•► PHASE 2 CYCLES OUT, FOLLOWED BY 1 aa i I YELLOW AND ALL -KO fd►5 02 -fir PRE-EMPTION PHASE 5 LIMITED SERVICE PRE-EMPTION .END PRE-EMPTION ACTIVE PHASE CYCLES OUT EXCEPT PHASE 2 IF ACTT RESUME NORMAL Sal (E KGINNING WITH PHASES 2, 5 & PHASE 2 GREEN TRACK CLEAPtANCE Q VeR PRE -&#M" STN!"T'S, or Tie 96"OL Is s 1/9 = PHA 2/4 THEN THE ACTIVE PHASE BECOMES YELLOW FOLLOWED EY RED FOR ALL PHASES. WRiE`RM Pw-E'"Mr'Im STA!!T''S, IF 141E semAL Is s o Pwm 2 me a. THO PHASE 4 CYCLES OUT WHILE PHASE 8 REMAINS GREEN. a TRACK CLEARANCE PHASE (PHASE 6 ORM BEGINS, FOLLOWED BY YELLOW FOR P*0= RIM, wain AL OTHER Pis rJA" soup REQ. �1} PRE-EMIPTION DWELL, ALL PHASES FLASHING RED. O AT MID OF PW-eW TM. A 90LID RIM INTERVAL FM &L PWM fgl.L01110 RK NORMAL PHASE SEQUENCE BEGINNING WITH PHASE 2 AND •. • I 1 Ina y....�- , I �, t . ,� �J} ��. .T.r..qr-7rT—T•. '. T .T. T. . ► F+r...—r , TI�I�I�, T. . .T...'!r"4TTr. .�!'TT•'1 ,T'�... TwROe.T .T TTrTT�. Tr."rTr"'!".!•►- t- om_. �.9- TTr.T —.r�.� �, ^ P �i \ w• / a0 ww_r_r«--_,._r_w__rri ww_wr. w«s+'w _r..•__-__« «�; r -w«_«-` ,r.�___-_w__ w_w_ « 0_rrr_w rr/.`- ,.. ------l(EX. ♦� J \ J 'i/• t• • fi j� ✓• . • ir.�. +. .r.rr. • Ujt f EXISTING C&G LU Z- WMJ -------- ------------- I -------- -------- -------- -------- C0 0 �,, _ s -C2 1 n n-� - - .««._«..«_.__y._r____.�-«,...__wrrr«_-..«_«_-__r. w^_w_.._._w____r_«_--_«-«___r_--«-__�-.J_;�_ - .' -_.._.«___..r«._.. rr rr.___r_rw__rrr_ww__rww_r_r______r_«...«__-«-__r___«_-_«__r«___«•«_ izzzfolft ----------��l�•a2r22r25_:4z2__a5er2%aazszzza ---------- X------ - ---------r----------- «-- -------- ... Ji( --«- - ---------- G --------------------------- •-------------------------- G ------------«--- - ----•------------«-- -------«-----------«--------- --r------_-------=` ----------•-- W , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I � 014 •� � -------- .«-_««-__«_-..«____►__«-___«-__«_w«- i 1 I (L a'Z ' EXISTING C&G OtC.,- /syr r � 0 LL ,r. ,.- r EXISTING R/W (EX. 2"C) 7 7 (EX. 2"C) (EX. 2"C) 8 7 (EX. 1.511C) 1. AN work end materna shown on thinepplan shall conform to the Stals of Celtfer M% Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) Standard Specifications and Standard Plans dated July 1992. 2. The eit� right -8f w" shah be eteer of debA*. witl�I &vt and atiwll� Ruiesnes beiR�q control ed at all times. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any clean up on city right-of-way affected by his consruction. The method of street cleaning shah be b dry sweeping ofall paved areas. There shall be no stockpiling of within the city right-of-way without porncsiesion of the • 3. The CONTRACTOR shall determine the exact location of all underground facilities and provide protection prior to and during trenching, 'ackin or borin Hand di foundations until clear of obstructions. Contact UNDERGROUdD SE�ICE ALE (USA) at 'JAW) 227- 2600 and all utility companies involved at least 48 hours before excavation 4. iris �;� sfiati c8orTinai etectrlcal sii!ViOi detaft wW ! Silut:IiR71 Cal Forr4a Edison Cencl<pany well in of ries. 5. Locations of all signal equipment shall be approved by the Enginew prior to final placement !N. AM puM bouse shol be N& d unilesswiw noted an the pkm 7. Existing signal and lighting equipment to be removed shofl remain in operation until new signal and lighting eW1pmal~t is operation M CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1 A III1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Fj A A N EXtnNG R/W ♦\\\: A .� ��~ � � � � � Sil11�� 211 9 7 21 rl ,)05 11 EXISTING C&G 11 11 di 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 N 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 „ 11 11 11 11 11 1! 11 11 11 11 _ --- 11 11 — 11 1►w____w__ww____w_w___w___w___r.._w___r___wrw___w_rrw_________rr______________rr____w_____r___r___-_•. 11 51 I ,^.r'7T111 11 •� hH+r 1 I "-�J 1 1 1 1 -i• 11 11 ..- 11 1 - • - 11 1► - -- -------------•--------•----------------------- --- -- ----- - - - ----- - --------- wwr►S•----- ---- ----•-- 11 11 ' 11 II 11 11 I 1 I •� 11 11 ' 11 11 11 11 ' 11 EXISTING C&G 11 1) 1 r II ,1 11 11 A If 11 11 11 02 ♦S Y Uotinq TYPE 90 =0aw. 2� -- Existing TYPE III -BF Service Equipment Enclosure. ®— Lds& q MADE SENSOR. Existing OPTICOM Model 511 Optica Detector. ® -- Exis Wq 873-3 **L ®— Furnish and install 4#14/1 SIC in existing conduit. 70 — Furnish wW insW 4#14 in existinq oondulL ® -- Furnish and install 1-12 Gond cable, 2#10 in existing conduit. Q — Furnish wW instal6 1 -SIC in mislin4 a dt. 1 A III1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Fj A A N EXtnNG R/W ♦\\\: A .� ��~ � � � � � Sil11�� 211 9 7 21 rl ,)05 11 EXISTING C&G 11 11 di 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 N 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 „ 11 11 11 11 11 1! 11 11 11 11 _ --- 11 11 — 11 1►w____w__ww____w_w___w___w___r.._w___r___wrw___w_rrw_________rr______________rr____w_____r___r___-_•. 11 51 I ,^.r'7T111 11 •� hH+r 1 I "-�J 1 1 1 1 -i• 11 11 ..- 11 1 - • - 11 1► - -- -------------•--------•----------------------- --- -- ----- - - - ----- - --------- wwr►S•----- ---- ----•-- 11 11 ' 11 II 11 11 I 1 I •� 11 11 ' 11 11 11 11 ' 11 EXISTING C&G 11 1) 1 r II ,1 11 11 A If 11 11 11 02 ♦S Y z �D z 1 1 ! zi x� W� N I e 1 III 1 A III1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Fj A A N EXtnNG R/W ♦\\\: A .� ��~ � � � � � Sil11�� 211 9 7 21 rl ,)05 11 EXISTING C&G 11 11 di 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 N 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 „ 11 11 11 11 11 1! 11 11 11 11 _ --- 11 11 — 11 1►w____w__ww____w_w___w___w___r.._w___r___wrw___w_rrw_________rr______________rr____w_____r___r___-_•. 11 51 I ,^.r'7T111 11 •� hH+r 1 I "-�J 1 1 1 1 -i• 11 11 ..- 11 1 - • - 11 1► - -- -------------•--------•----------------------- --- -- ----- - - - ----- - --------- wwr►S•----- ---- ----•-- 11 11 ' 11 II 11 11 I 1 I •� 11 11 ' 11 11 11 11 ' 11 EXISTING C&G 11 1) 1 r II ,1 11 11 A If 11 11 11 02 ♦S Y EXISTING R/W Vn E SCAT E 101=209 10 0 5 10 20 40 r w �D I1� � SII zi x� W� N EXISTING R/W Vn E SCAT E 101=209 10 0 5 10 20 40 r