HomeMy WebLinkAbout2731-1STREET MPROVEMENT PLANS GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with these plans and Standard specifications fbr Putt Construction (Green Book). In the event of a dual/different comment the most rigid sl�oeificatiest sha3i apply. City standard plain sad speciftcssioas dated 1975 swd airy mvi sioas dwmahw• . 2. Cooswucticm peracsit snarl be obtaiwd front the City of Foutsm Emg Divu oa prior to dw son Of any work within public Right-of-way is tine city limits. 3. Stationing refers to the centerlines of street except where otberwisc notal 4. Curve dm Lwhts 0 the !thea 0(dw cavi. E, All exposed comrNs shall coeforat in ode, color and finish to all adjoining curbs and sidewalkL IL Actual thickness of A.C. pavement and/or bass courts WatsrW for street structural swtioet shall bt 4s shOWA ih IPIs ' The project developer is, in general, dyed to Will bw street section frontages up to a 20 year design life between site property lima, PhO Iearosrs2iia jai" M existing pavement subject to final approval by ohs City Esgimsr. T. 1*avernesrt SUWtWel secsieas we rem and nbjw to mvisios and approval of tLe City as• required by soils tests taken by the developer's geotechnical Engineer after conWletioa of rou9b grading. Should the street consawtion start mom than throe month: after lbs plans are approved, and if the field pavement conditions change; thea the developer would be required to updas dw design a accoaunodate actual field conditions. L Cue should be taken to prevent grades, ditches and born under g street evemelft Upon inspection of the site, the city Engineer may riquiis 8411100MY guniZe swales, mwii lcaviM in"Ov ms+nts. I AUmxier*roetnd work shall be completed prior to paving of the streets. IL Adequate Construction Survey stakes shall be set by lbs Engineer to enablo the contractor to con num the work to the plan grades. 11. All pipes or substructure of any kind and all telep'bone or power pores. water meters, valor , irrigation structures, etc., shown or not shown on this plan and located within areas to be improved and located within areas to be improved and interfering with construction, shall be relocated by others. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify all of the agencies concerned before construction begs. Call underground service alert at (800) 422-4133. 12. All manhole and cleanout frames and covers shall bs " raised to gracle by pang tot alkr cotr11t, a of paving. 13. All valve cans and covers raiw to .grade per adlity Co. by paving a&= cowf loe." n of paying, y 14. Rew to City of foataaa, for bcatin Stated bail No. 129. 13. Tbs eoatireeesr+(s) shall coordimte rcdoa with all utilities and other iasproveessrts including. but -not limited to, gas, telephone, electrical. lightin& lelsvis m cabin. -��i• ; irrigations domestic water, reclaimed crater, sewer, stoma dltamaget, flood conOwl syslleiae, ew- 16. Record drawings shall be provided by the contractor. IU Enginsst of R ecad ASK pswib . Drawings to the City prior to final acceptance of lbs soft 17. Type, locat=ion width of driveway aprons wiN ire tiin%* o - I led Per P1401% and shall conform with the City of Fontana standard details. The Engineer of Racord shall provide fiord Draawiags to iter city prior to final AccegM= of the larovemewL IL Coatract" is instructed oo refer to these platy and the specifications, and wbgm dM" is or may be a conflict shall immmediaftly repro said conflict oar possible confW to the owner's r+e11118" 1" �vs- 19. Stats Approved Stailsnt is recd uodat all A.C. ptvsowrNt : 2L No condors shall bs planed wd lean =d g have bens Pte* mad mad 21. All utility companies shall be given a a:ini of two working days notice print to work a*" their facilities. 22. All backfill compaction shall certfsd by a g anger• M AS In in 4-1- mad milbe il ars nbjeals the appmai of the City Enginew. - 24. 9woU nwarials shall be verified by the contractor and approved by the engineer prior to the placing of any permanent pavemcm 23. Contractor to install pavement markings and striping as required by dw My Engin 21L Contractor shalt not opema my meant bw wow Volvo - 27. If existing ud Merles of ate► other faeifidu esnf kt with the proper improvense M work shall stn* and the Engineer notified immediately. 2!. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to notify lbs Engineer after the bate course construed and before the paving has been installed so that. lbs Engineer assay centerline :monuments as required by the city code of the City of 1 ontsM 2i. NO street inWavemeats are oo be belt prier a Appmvel of Pism 29. 'Tire *" pmvido memo a WW t+ttideats mad emcclm y service peesoaml trod vehicles At all times. public rigbao f w oy with 0,0-+ 3S. The contractor shall trot be allowed th some any rnateerial/Equonent in tbs T Prior approval of the City Engineer/City Traffic Enagineer. 2 T� 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION" (CURRENT EDITION), AND THE CITY OF FONTANA STANDARD DRAWINGS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A "NO COST' TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE PERMIT PRIOR TO CLOSING ANY TRAVEL LANE. OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. & THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORONATE WORK ACTIVITIES WITH THE CITY PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 46 CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT ALL UTILITY SERVICES IN PLACE. 3• FALSE BOTTOMS FOR MKS THAT ARE WtTH1N LIMITS Of STREET NwPROV TS. FALSE BOTTOMS ARE MADE OF 3W PLYWOOD. 6. QUANTITIES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, ARE ESTIMATED, AND THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE FINAL QUANTITIES IN PLACE MAY BE SOMEWHAT GREATER OR LESS THAN THOSE INDICATED ON THE : PLANS. . ,FRIjQSION CONTROL. .. IN THE CASE OF EMERGE CALL CARL T. AT PHONE # 240-1791 OR HOME PHONE # " 146MM M EQUIPMENT AND WORKERS FOR EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE RAINY SEASON. NECESSARY MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE AND STOCKPILED AT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO FACILITATE RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY DEVICES WHEN RAIN IS 1A AA T. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL NOT BE MOVED OR MODIFIED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY INSPECTOR. ALL REMOVABLE EROSION PRO I EC IVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE EM OF EACH WORKING DAY 1AITHE S -DAY PAIN PROBABIL.ITY FORECAST � 40%, AFTER A RAINSTORM, ALL SILT AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM STREETS, CHECK BERMS AND BASINS. 0MOED AREAS ON THE AREA PES MUST DAMN AWAY F" THE FACE OF SLOPES AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKING DAY. DRAINAGE IS TO BE DIRECTED TOWARD DESILTING 'FACILITIES. THE PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT PfUBLIC TRESPASS ONTO AREAS WHEflEr IMPOUNDED WATER CREATES A HAZARDOUS CONDITKX THE PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR SHALL. INSPECT THEEROSION CONTROL WORK AND INSURE THAT THE WORK IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLAN& . r 4 PRIVATE ENG1NEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CON. T RACTOR -AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSTIMITY FOR . JOB .SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUC TION OF THIS PROJECT. INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND. PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALT. APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL. WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEPEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLO THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED. IN • CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR L1A81UTY ARIS" FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OA ""WE EW -,LER. 11 'Jndground Service Alert of Southern Colifornio Cali: TO EE 422-4133 .. _ WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DAG 0 I SYMBQL- ITEM QUANTITY ® CQMSTRUCT 4.0' WIDE CITE 1,58e E.f. SIDEWALK PER CITY ST'D. DETAIL. 10SA S NEW 0.33' A.C. OVER COMPACTED 80 TONS ` NATIVE SAW CUT 692 L.F. NEW 0.3T A.C. OVER COMPACTED 82 TONS NATIVE . 0 REMOVE EXISTING TREE 31E& a S CONSTRUCT NEW 8" CONCRETE CURB 130 L.F. W/18" GUTTER PER CITY STD. DESIGN DETAIL 101 : ® CONSTRUCT HANDICAP RAMP PER CITY 1 'EA. ST'D. DESIGN 104A (SAW CUT CURB FOR RAMP) CONSTRUCT NEW 12' DRIVEWAY PER 2 EA. CITY STD. DESIGN DETAIL 103 S CONSTRUCT NEW 16' DRIVEWAY PER 3 EA. CITY ST'D DETAIL 103. Ml� 3sh. OR Nis' . 3-336Q � IVI ENGINEW-r OFL�►.�- r4CV60CHAA^ SCALE: APPROVED BY " CIN ENGINEER DATE�e / - 7f : 20• DESIGNED: C.T. K, INC. JOB NUMSM S.D. CIVIL -ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS DRAB 8880 BENSON AVENUE pW Ate: SUITE 100 i S•D• MONTCLAtR, CA 91736 273 CHECKED: (90 1791 SHEET t' C.T.K. IP WELT ENC4_kEkR OJ1TE of CITY OF FONTANA • PARCEL MAP 14987 PLAN & PROFILE OLEANDER AVENUE SAN JACINO AVENUE