HomeMy WebLinkAbout2722-7CITY W FONTANA. C"OWA r f r CM COW WL WIS M.M1 1 CITY W FONTANA. C"OWA CM COW WL WIS M.M1 1 VIN SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING: A. CORRELATION: Tees and shruhs shall not be planted until all operations in conjunction with the installation of the sprinkler system have been completed, final grades have teen established, and the plantinci hells properly prepared by cultivation and fertilization as covered in these specifications. 11. 1IAN 1LING ANi) STORArE. All plants shall be handled and stored so they are adequately protected from drying out, sun, windburn or any other injury. C. PLANTING TIME: "o planting shall take place during extremely hot, dry, windy or freezing weather. 11. LOCATIONS: Relative position of all plants and trees is suhlect to approval of time Landscape Architect and they shall, if necessary, t -e relocated at his direction as hart of this •'_ont.ract. E. DISTRIBUTION: '.o more plants shall be distributed about the landscape area than can he planted and watered on the same day. F. CONTAINER REMOVAL: Plant containers shall be removed when planting the plants. Cans shall be split on both sides. An axe or spade shall not he used. AL1 containers shall be removed from the site. C. PLANTING PITS: All tree and shrub pits shall have a diamer er of at least twice the diameter of the root- hall. oot- ha1l. Pit depths shall be rein imum 12" deeper than the ro(-)t hall for trees and N•' deeper than the root ball for shrl,t�s or as per plant ing feta i is . H. PLAC IIIr. : Plants shall he placed and held during hack fi l l in an upright position in the center of the pit. Plants shall he held at, or slightly above nursery level. The earth ball shall be kept intact. Any • exposed roots shall be spread. Injured roots shall be pruned. I. nACKFILi,: t'lant pit backfilling soil shall consist of 1 part nitrogen stabilized sawdust - 2 parts topsoil. tlater4als shall he thoroughly mixed before placement. In addition to backfill commercial fertilizer 20-10-5 Agriform 21 gram tablets shall be ad(led to plant pits at the following rates: • one tablet per one gallon container • two tablets per five galiona�container • three tablets per 15 gallon container • four tablets per 20" and 24" box • five tablets per 30" hox • six tablets per 36" box • seven tablets per 42" box • eight tat,lets per fill" box • nine tat) 1 ets per 72" box • ten tahlets per 84" box • grouricl cover plants planted from flats or liners in -1:1 or steeper slopes shall receive one 5 qram tAt,let per plant J. MATERINGs When the pit has heen backfilled to threequarters of its depth water shall he poured about the roots. Air pockets shall he eliminated ared backfill continued tint i 1 the backfill is brought to tlee grade level. COMPACTING: AAckfill shall not be compacted around the roots or ball of the Plant during or after planting. The `iackf it l on which the plant ball rests shall be 1 iglit ly compacted. M. STARING: Stakes shall he driven to sufficient deptli to hold tree rigid. Tree sluill be supported by at least two ties (see detAils). n. PR1111IMGs Limbs, branches, canes and runners which require trimming shall be removed to leave a clean grit f 1 ,ash with trunk. (Pruning only as directed by the Landscape Architect) . P. PLANTING BEDS: Planting beds shall be edged and cel 1 t i vatesi to the line shown. Reds shall be brought to a sr.erxoth even surface conforming to estah'. ished nrndes after fell settlement has occurred. IX SHRUB COVER AREAS: A. RF.FIr!tF.NCE: Refer to Paragraphs V. VI. VIII. for finish 1radinq, weed control, arid soil preparation. r A. SOiL PREPARTION: Prepare the soil as per these specifications and the planting Notes on the Planting Plan. C. GRADING: Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide a true and reniform surface. n. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZERS Planting pits for groundcover shall be: 4" x 4" or adequate to accept material frdm flats without crushing or deforming the rootball. Place a 20-10-S,,Agri form S gram fertilizer tablet in each groundcover. E. PLANTINGS All ground cover areas noted on the plans shall be rooted cuttings from flats and shall be planted in staggered rows continuously under all trees and shrubs at the spacing indicated on the plans. All plants shall he protected from drying out prior to planting. F'. IIATERINGs Each section of groundcover shall be immediately watered upon completion of planting, and thereafter as required. G. SPACING PROM EDGES The first row of groundcover should always be within 6" of the edge of the planting area. X SEASONAL COLOR: A. REFERENCE: Refer to• Paragraphs V. VI. VII. for finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation. S. SOIL. PREPARATIO■t Prepare the soil as per these specifications and the Planting Votes on the Planting Plan. C. GR.ADI NG s Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide a true and uniform surface. n. QUALITY OF PLANTS: Plants shall be healthy annual plant material in 4" pots in bloom. E. PI.AW PITS AND FERTILIZERS Each plant pit for seasonal color shall he 6"x6"x6" with one teaspoon of bone meal mix into the backfill mix. (Use shrub backfill mix) . Do not use Agriform plant tablets. G. WATERIIGx Each section of seasonal color shall be immediately watered upon completion of planting, and watered thereafter as Fequired. II. SPACING FROM EDG2* The first row of seasonal color should always be within G" of the edge of the planting area. XI SOD LAWN MATERIALS & PLANTING CIF APPLICABLE: A, n11Al. ITY: Sod shall. be 41 Grade, machine cut at a ur. ,.,form thickness of 5'8" excluding tip growth and hatch, weed free and shall be no less than eight months nor more than sixteen cronths old. 9. TIMINGs Installation shall take place within 24 hours after harvesting. C. RF.FFRYNCE: Reefer to Paragraphs V. VI. VII. for finish gradil,q, weed control, and soil preparation. n. PREPARATION: Sod area prior to planting shall be rolled lightly and watered to a depth of 6" the day prior to n!.inting. if any air pockets are found, the area shall he regraded as necessary. Lightly water the area to be planted just prior to planting. E. INSTALLATION: Sod shall be laid in a staggered pattern, with tight joints and in the same direction each time. On all slopes sod shall be installed from the bottom up and the newly laid sod should be protected by walking on bOArls as installer moves upward. On metal staples will he a i lowed . 'lo sod of less than 18" in length will be allowed. F. JOINTS: Adioin the section of sod firmly together. If Air spaces occur between sections of sod they must be filled with sAnd or have the sod relaid. O. RAT,I.INGs Roll soca with an Adequately weighted roller to smon! h o -it the sod bed. H. PW)TECTIOIT OF EDGES: Regrade to protect the edges from cirvirn if rnowinc) eine is not used. I. WATERItiG: lifter installation sod must be kept thoro„ghly watered to a depth of t No foot traffic sholelsl be allowed for 2 to 3 weeks from the date of installation. J. INSPECTION RY SUPPLIER: If there are any questions renardinq the quality of sod installation a represent Ative of the supplier shall be requested to inspect the installation and the Contractor called out by the supplier's representative. XII SEED LAWN PLANTING CIF APPLICABLE: A. RPFFRFN('.E: Refer to paragraphs V, VI, VIII for finish gradir.,i, ween control, and soil preparation. R. PREPARATION: Cultivate to a depth of 2" below finish grade, remove stones, foreign growth of any kind and extraneocis matter, and grade to remove ridges and depressions so that areas after settlement will conform to the finish grade. Roll and rake lightly until the surface is smooth, friable and of uniform fine texture. r. SOMI NG S Sow lawn seed in the area designated on the drAwings at the rate as designated on the planting notes. Sow the lawn in two directions. r. TOP nprgsINGs ' Rake lightly, spread 1/4" of nar-5 top ciressinn with a mechanical spreader, roll with 200 lb. rnl:er An•1 water with a finesspray. XIII HYDROSEEDING SPECIFICATIONS CIF APPLICABLE: A. GRNT_RALs The hydro -mulch shall he applied in the force of a slurry consisting of wood cellulose fibre, seed, chemical additives, commercial fertilizer and water. then hydraulically sprayed on the soil surface the hy,lror•rulching shall form a blotter like groundcover impregnates] ,rniformly with seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rain fall to percolate to the underlying soil. hydro -mulch specifications may be superceded by the horticultural soils test. B. $RPD MIXES: Seed nixes to be used on this project are designAted on the plans and noted in the plant legend. C GUARANTEE: The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of all labor and materials as provided by subcontractors and suppliers, including seed mix, hydroslurry ingredients and their application. D. PRESOAKING SEEDS Seed noted to be pre-soaked shall be done so in clean potable water for twelve (12) Consecrative hours prior to hydroseeding. After soaking is started, seed that drys out will be deemed unacceptable. F. PRTPARATION: I. All hydroslrerry mixes shall be mixed at the site ,ender the nbservat ion of the Owner and Landscape Architect as it is placed in the hydroslurry tank. 2. Begin slurry preparation by adding water to the tank when the engine is at one-half throttle. When the waiter level has reached the height of the agitator shaft and good recirculation has been established, add the fertilizer to the mixture (the tank shall be at least 1/3 filled with water at this tine). 3. Open the engine throttle to full speed when the tank is 1/2 filled with water. Add all organic amendments, fiber, seedmix and chemicals by the time the tank is 2/3 to 3/4 full. 4. Start spraying immediately when the tank is full and the slurry is mixed. F. APPLICATIONS 1. Apply the hydromulching in the form of a slurry consisting of organic soil amendments, commercial fertilizer, and other chemicals called for. When hydraulically sprayed orfto the soil, the mulch shall form a blotter like material. Direct the spray operation so that the slurry spray will also penetrate the soil surface as to drill and mix the slurry components into the soil, thus enuring maximum irnpregnation an -i coverage. The impregnation and mixing of components will help in retaining moisture while stabilizing soil surface from surficial erosion. 2. Spray the area with a uniform visible coat using the c:ark color of cellulose fiber or organic amendment as a visible quire. The slurry shall be applied in a downward drilling motion via a fan stream nozzle. G. TIME LIMITS All hydroslurry mixture that has not been used within two (2) hours shall be disposed of off-site at the Contractor's expense. M. CLEAN-UPs Any slurry sprayed or spilled in an area other than that designated in the plans shall be cleaned up at the Contractor's expense. I. RESEEDIP01 All bare spots shall be reseeded by the Contractor within ten (lN) days. The Contractor will be responsible for all reseed areas for as long after seeding as necessary until an acceptable stand of hydroseeAed material is realized and approved by the Owner. L-5 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS SDA JOB NO. 91-42M �r n kasw.w Ec/ME a 016" lEfDl a too Stamm sena errwrs ere. a scot egos o cancra eeesesss a t'gllta►eaM -- _,- .......... • I i J. GERMINATION STAGE IRRIGATIONS App::ximately twenty five (25) hours after hydromd3 chins :"ne planting areas, initiate the watering sequence. -'he water should be left on long enough to moisten t`t soil thoroughly to the depth of the fiher, takir-: care not to super saturate or to wash the fiber or s=il- particles off the slopes. The Contractor will ha%e to repair all seed washing or erosion at his own exren•se• The fiber and seed must be irrigated light:; and frequently to maintain optimum moisture c-itent for maximum germination. at all times the irr:ration system must be observed while -in operation. I r:::at ion sequence :rust he determined by air temperat- e, prevailing wind velocity, soil texture, orientaticr: and other logistical problems. It is imperative that :-e soil be kept moist at all times during the germinati:- period.. The light, frequent irrigation sequence shol,:_3 continue until the seedlings haves grown beyond the getI+ination stage. K. ESTAwLISRH ENT STAGE IRRIGATIONS The irrigation sequence (frequency) shall be reduced while the duration of each watering cycle will be Increased- A specific watering program shall be apprc•�ed by the Owner and ?.andscape Architect but should approximate watering once a day through completion of the ma;.ntenance period. L. HARnENIt4C OFF STAGE IRRIGATIONS At the end of the 90 - day estahlishment period, as deter-r-ned by the Landscape Architect, reduce the waterinq frequency to once every three (3) days, while increasine the duration of the water sufficiently to allow for maximum water penetrAtion for the expanding root system, while at the sane time taking care not to cause erosion. The precise watering redaction program shall :)e determined by the Landscape Architect. XIV SCOPE OF EROSION CONTROL WORK: A. EROSION CONTROLS I-istAllation will be required in locations specifically delineated in the drawings or as .necessary lue to field cond it ions . 1. The surface of the slopes shall uniformly smooth and even with all debris and rocks raked out. The soil shall be sufficiently moist permit the firm laying of erosion control mat::ng and to prevent sloughing of topsoil. 2. The erosion control matting shall be laid with the direction of flow of surface i:ainage, and in accordance with the manufact�;.er's directions. The nattinn shall be cut to pruv;.;e a visually pleasing slopes 3. The matting shall be stapled :n place and firmly embedded by means of tamping -- rolling, as Approved 1,y the Owner, to ensure that _he ratting is in contact with the soil and tha-t no erosion can take place ,ender the matting. 4. Planting of turf, ground covers, shrnbs and/or vines may he required in areas protected by erosion control matting as specifies' :n the plans or as becomes necessary. XV REPLACEMENTS: A. GENERAL: The Contractor shall _nmediately replace any and all plant materials which for any reason die or are damaged while under his care. Replacements shall be made with plants of like kind and size in t`e same manner as specified for the original planting. XVI CLEAN-UP: A. GENE RAL: After all installation operations have heen completed remove all trash, ex^ess soil, empty plant containers and rubbish from the property. All sc:.r>d, arts or other marks in the ares caused by this wt)rk shall be repaired and the ground left in a neat and orderly condition throughout the site. Contractor shall pick up all trash resulting from this work no less than each Friday before leaving the s: -ie, once a week and/or the last working day each week. All trash shall be removed completely from the site. 1. TOP SOIL: Excess topsoil Sipa l l to removed from the site. C. NE.ATNESSs Leave the sidewalks and streets in a neat and clean condition at the end of the Jay. 1). REP10VAL OF TAGS: Remove all _ags, labels, nursery stakes and ties from all plants unless otherwise directed, only At the end of all installations. XVII PROTECTION: A. GTHERALs At all times during construction, adequate protection shall he provided for all planted areas against damage of any kind, until final acceptance by the landscape Architect. a. RESPONSISILITTS The Contractor shall be held responsible for the care and preservation of all existing buildings and structures on the property and adjacent premises. Any part of �­tem injured, damaged or distrerbed because of his work shall be repaired, replaced or cleaned by him at his expense. XVIII GUARANTEE: A. StIRURS: All shrubs s,ca i 1 be guaranteed as to growth and health for a period of ninety days after completion of the specified mAintenance period and/or final acceptance by the owner. s. TRF:ESS :Tees shall he guaranteed to live and grow in acceptable upright position f -.r one year after the specified maintenance period and or final acceptance by the owner. The owner must prov:'_ee adequate maintenance to insure the extended guarantee -)n trees. C. DEFINITION Or DEATIis Plants whicti die or lose more than 30% of their original leaves aha_: be replaced. 1) . RF:PLACEMEWs The Contractor within seven (7). days of written notification by the 'sneer shall remove and replace all guaranteed plant mat.vrials which, for any reason, fail to meet the require^ents of this quarantea. Replacement shall be made with plant materials as indicated or specified for the first planting and all such replaceneent materials shall be guaranteed as specified for the original guara-.teed material. XIX MAINTENANCE: A. MAINTENANCE PERIOn: The maintenance period shall cnm•rtence upon the Owner's written approval of eLl phases of planting installation and shall he for the following period: ')0 DAYS. . - T _ • 8. GENERAL: The general care and maintenance of a)l areas shalt consist of proper watering, fertilization, weeding, clean-up to maintain all plants and turf in a healthy, groving condition and as noted below. C. GROUND COVER: Ground oover from flats -areas withottt overseed - apply a pre -emergent herbicide in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. �. FERTILIZATION: Maintenance work shall include fertilization with a commercial fertilizer at 30 day intervals as noted herein. The fertilizer may be supearceded by the soils report and shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. E. WEEV) INGS Any concentrated development of weed growth that may appear in planting areas during the maintenance period shall be removed at 10 day intervals. The Contractor shall remove such concentrations of weeds manually. !'. GROUND COTNR AREAS$ Cultivate all non-hydroseeded ground cover areas at not more than 10 day intervals. G. SiIRITBS AND TREES: All shrubs shall he pinch -pruned as necessary to encourage new growth. Dead, wilted flowers and dead foliage shall be continuously removed. No pruning shall be done to shrubs or trees without the approval and under the direction of the Landscape • Architect. All wounds over 1-1/2 inches in diameter shall 1^e sealed with an approved tree seal. 11. TURF AREASt Edge and mow to a height of 2 inches wlienever the turf reaches a height of 3 inches. Grass clippings shall be removed off-site. 1. SUBSURFACE. PRAINSe All subsurface area drains shall be periodically flushed with clear water to avoid build-up of silt and debris. Keep all drain inlets clear of leaves, trash and other debris. 11. PROTECTIONs During the maintenance period, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of all planting areas. Any damaged areas shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. K. RE-iTYT)ROSEEnINGe The Contractor shall re-hydroseed all hydroseed areas eroded or non -germinating at the end of each 30 days of maintenance. L. IRRIGATION: All irrigation must be operating properly and adjusted properly for efficient coverage and minirnure oversproy at the end of the r*intenance period. M. FINAL ACCRPTANCEs Wi 1 1 he given at the end of the maintenance period for ill planted areas once hydroseed germination and plant establishment has been obtained and there Are no harron Areas larger than 3" x 3". All plants mus, be in A ►,ealthy, growing condition as approved by the LandecAre Architect and Owner. N. CONDITION nr SIM l,,er inq the maintenance period, keep the projec• neat and free from debris at all times. Obtain the Owner's approval for onsite storage of equipment or maintenArt-o- materials. XX FINAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND FINAL MAINTENANCE INSPECTION: A. FINAL CO"STRUCTION INSPECTION$ When all landscape improvements have been installed in accordance with the plans and specifications the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect and request a "Final Construction" inspection. If ttie Landscape Architect deterwines the work to be substantially complete and in conformance with plans and specifications, the Contractor will lie advised that the basic maintenance period is started. 1. In order to be substantially complete, at least the following must have been finished: A. All fine grading, including elimination of low •points that hold runoff. 1). A complete and operable irrigation system. C. Installation of all plant materials. A. Seeding of all seeded areas. 2. Minor Lick -up itemes may be eonpleted during the basic maintenance period such as: a. Resodding of bare spots in lawn. b. Replacement of damages or non -conforming plant material. C. Re -staking or tying of trees. A. Lowering of sprinkler heads to grade after turf has*established. f. Replacement of unauthorized substitutions. D. FINAL. MAI11TENAMCE INSPECTIONt At the end of maintenance period and when- ground covers and turf have established and all pick-up items have heen completed, the Contractor shall request a final maintenance inspection. The Contractor will be advised by the Landscape Architect at the final inspection that work is or is not sat in factory. 1. If the wbrk is satisfactory; the basic maintenance period will end on the d�gte of the final inspection. 2. If the work is unsatisfactory the basic maintenance period will continue at no additional expense to the Owner until the work has been completed, inspected and approved•by the Landscape Architect. C. PAILURX TO PAS= INSPECTION$ If work fails to pass final inspection, any subsequent inspections must be rescheduled as per above, and will be charged to the Contractor at the prevailing hourly rate of the Landscape Architect. ECW Pi`K4o wIN&s. DR u90-38 CUP n90-13 C1W 0 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA dor•� *'i :.# * z - , _ - - �--___._�_..__..------� 7✓ -� � it / f,� (� i...,.Klll�lx s a �