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1. Contractor shah provide al labor, materiats and equipment for 1E►tt instopation of
plant material as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein.
2. Controctor shop coordinate planting wdh other site improvements. Union otherwise
specified, structural improvements shall be installed prior to planting operations.
3. Contractor sholl be responsible for locating and staking existing sewer, water and
utility dines above or below grade that migh! be domoged as a result of planting
operations. Contractor shop assume sole responsibility few any cost incurred due to
damage and for replocenwm of afor*m,*Nkxwd u"taes.
4. AN work on the if' otion system, including h drostatic, coveroge, and operational
tests, and the bockfilling and compaction o trenches shop be performed prior to
planting operations.
S. Somples of fertilizers, soil conditioners, sued, or other moteriafs shall be submitted
to Owner for"ight (48) hours prior to mcorporotion in *0 work.
6. An agricultural suitability and fertility analysis soils report sholl take precedence over
these specifications.
1. Plont material shop be in accordance with the State Depcs+�t+el+t of Agricullwe's
• n r and roll Al tints shall be of No. 1
regulations for nursery r spection&, rules g ng p
Grade and hove o normal hobit of growth, and shall be sound, healthyy, vigorous
and free of insect infestations, plant diseases, sun scolds, fresh bark obrosions or
other objectionable disfigurements. All plants sholl hove a normal, welkeveloped
broach system and v' ous and fibrous root system which is not root bound and is
free of kinked or girdling roots. •
2. Nursery growth stock shop be selected from high quality, welkshoped stock, grown
under dimatic conditions similar to those in the project locale. Minimum acceptable
size of plants as indicated in the drawings shaN correspond with that normally
expected for the species and variety of commerciolly ovoiloble nursery stock.
3. Where appiicable, caliper shod be the diameter of the trunk one foot (1 ') above the
ground surface.
A. Oversize plants may be used if not root bound, but shah not increase the Contract
price. Up to ten percent (10%) of undersized plants in any one (1) variety and
grade may be used; provided they ore larger than the overoge size of the next
smallest grade.
S. Scientific and common names conform to customary nursery usage.
6. Ty and sires of plor+t .1moehols shop bees imkoted on the crowing:. Quanfrtres
shown ore oIY
9uide only; Contractor shall verify quantities by plop Ch*ck.
7.' The Owner reserves the right to refuse or reject any unsuitable plant material.
Unsuitable plants shall be removed from thepproject site and replaced of the
Contractor's expense. Replacement plants shop be the some species, variety, size
and conditions os specified.
8. Pruning of plant materials sholl not be done prior to delivery. After planting,
Pruning shall be limited to the minimum necessary to remove injured twigs and
branches, dead wood and suckers.
9. Plant material is subject to substitution based upon availability. Substituted material
sholl be approved in advance by the Owner.
1. Fertilizers shall comply with applicable requirements of the State Agricultural Code
and shall be ckoged, first grade, commercial quality products identified as to
source, type of moteriol, weight and monufocturer's guotonteed analysis Fertilizers
sholl not contain to,cic ingredients in quantities harmful to human, animal, or plant
life. When requested, Contractor sholl furnish the Owner with Certificofe of
Compliance stating that the material substantially meets the specifications
2. Commercial fertilizer sholl be a pelleted, beaded, orggronulor product having the
chemical ono sis specified herein and sholl be free -(`owing material delivered in
original unopened containers. Use of material which becomes coked or otherwise
da rnog edll not be permitted.
3. Organic bose fertilizer shod be comprised of decomposed onimol, fish and
vegetable matter with humic acids and o bacterial stimulant, manufactured as Gro
Powerby Southern California Organic Fertilizer Co., Glendale, California, or
approved equal.
1 Nitrogen stabilized orgonic omendment sholl be o ground or processed wood
product derived from wood of redwood, Fir or cedor, treated with a nor toxic agent
to obs -orb waterqnick Nitrogen content, based on dry weight, shall be 0.5% for
q ti
redwood and 0.7% for fir and cedor. Iron content, based on dry weight, sholl be
0 1 % Pine sawdust is not acceptable.
2. When requested, Contractor shah furnish the Owner with a delivery receipt and
Certificate of Compliance stating that the material substantially meets the
P n9
1 Topsoil short consist of fertile, triable soil of loamy character, and shah contoin on
amount of organic molter normal to the oreo. It shall be reasonably free from
weeds, refuse, facts, heavy or stiff cloy, stones larger than one inch (1 ") in diameter,
sticks, brush, litter and other deleterious substances Topsoil may be obtained from
the site if approved by the Owner.
2. When required, imported topsoil shall be subject to inspection and testing at the
source of supply prior to delivery to the project.
1. Plant material sholl be delivered with legible identification labels, handled and
stored odequotefy to maintain a healthy condition, protecting them from crying out,
windburn or any other injury:
2. Inspection of plant materials required by City, County, State or Federal outhorities
sholl be the responsibility of the Contractor. When requested, Controctor shall
furnish copies of such permits or certificotes to Owner.
1. Fertilizing and conditioning materials shop be as specified in the project agricultural
suitability report
2. If on agricultural suitability report is not available, the following amendments, or
approved equal, shall be mechonicollY spread and uniformly cultivated into the
upper six inches 6" 1,000 square Leet of soil b suitable equipment o rated
ppe ( � Man
sq YPe
at approximately riFy
gles in at least two j2) directions:
I 4 Nitr en stabilized organic amendment
150 LBS Gro -Power Plus
I :00 LBS Agricultural gypsum
3. Resulting soil shall be clean, in a friable condition and suitable for planting.
1 . The irrigation system and finish grads shop be comple prior to wood oboteseent
2. Contractor shall operate the irrigation system to keep planti areas uniformly moist
for period of three 3 weeks 21 consecutive calendar da . At the end of the
0 o pe (1 ( ys1
three (3) week period, Contractor shall spray oN visible weeds with a contact
herbicide. Application method shah be as recommended by manufoctwer. After
spraying, planting a,-eas shall remoin unwotwed for a minimum of forty-*igM (48)
hours. Remove weeds from site.
3. Water seven (7) additional consecutive calendar days from the first application, and
Opp a contoet herbicide as may be necessary. After second spraying, water shop
not be applied for on additional fo i ht 48 hour period. App ficotions shop
continue att sewn da intervals as b tFwpwnw.
(�l y y
A. Contractor shop apply spray efwhen eK cvrreres care still;uVo:
onto adjoining properly and preventing any toxic exposure to persons or
not they ore in or neer the project.
S. Weeds and debris shah be disposed of off-site.
1. dA KF1tL
1. Backfill shop be as specified in the project agricultural suitability report; machine -
mixed and opprovfd by the Owner prior to incorporation in planting pits.
2. If o ogriculturol suitability report is not available, the following omendments or
opproved equal, sholl be incorporated:
6 ports by volume On-site soil
4 ports by volume Nitrogen stabilized organic ow�endrnerN
17 LBS per CY of mix Gro -Power Plus
1 LB r CY of mix Iron sulfate
10 LBS per CY of mix Agricuhurol gypsum
1. Slake plant locations and secure approval from the Owner before excovotinngg pits
Excavated pits shall be as indicated in the details on the drawings. Dust sides -of
pits with gypsum before backfilling
2 Containers sholl be opened and removed such that the football is not injured.
3 Water all planting oreos thoroughly offer installation of plant materials. Additional
bockfiN shall be added to fill voids caused by wow settien W
Trees shall be staked at time of planting as indicated in the detoils on the drawings.
1. Contractor shopgvorontee plant material through one (1) fup year cabth
after e dame art
occeptonce of the work.
2. Replacement plant material shop be of the some species, variety, & size as originally
planted and shall be guaranteed for one (1) full year from the dote of re -planting.
3 Cost incurred due to replacement of dead or dying plant material shop be the
responsibility of the Contractor
This section is supplemental to the General Planting Section. Where applicable, planting
sholl be in accordance with conditions therein.
1 . Sod sholl be grown from hi h quality propagative material, free from weeds,
diseoses, and insects, and short be in accordance with the standards for regulation
for nursery inspection of the applicable State of the project.
2 Sod sholl be machine cut at o uniform thickness of five•e hths of on inch (5/8")
to growth and thatch). Individual pieces sholFbe cut to the supplier's
(excluding g )
standard width and length with an allowable deviation of two percent (2%) Broken
rolls or uneven ends will not be acceptable.
3 Sod shall be harvested, delivered and instotled within a twenty-four (24) hour
A. Contractor shall furnish the Owner with delivery receipts and o Certificate of
Compliance statin that the material substantially meets the specifications.
1. Prepore soil and provide weed abatement operations in accordance with the
General Planting Section. Roke, cultivate, (loot and roll until oreos to receive turf ore
in a smooth and uniform condition.
2. Finish grade for turf oreos sholl be one inch (1 ") below the finish surface of wolks,
curbs, or related hordscope.
3. Prior to sodding, soil shoe be moist to a minimum depth of one inch (1 •).
A. Prior to insfohotion, area to be sodded shot receive sulphote of ammonia of the rate
of one (1) pound per 200 square feet.
5. Sod shah be bid and Comped with bull joint in a stoggered "running bond' pottrrn.
6. Aker installation, sod sholl be rotted with a 200 -pound wafer -filled lawn roller.
7. Sod shop be as indicated on the drawings.
This section is supplemental to the General Planting Section. Where applicable, planting
shall be in accordance with conditions therein.
1. Seed shah be fresh, clean, pure new crop seed. Seed sholl be delivered to the site
unmixed, in separate sealed containers. Each sealed container sholl beor the see
suppliers tog indicotin9 the container weight, seed type,, seed purity and
germination, and certificate of release a County a riculturol commissioner.
9 by ty 9
2 Contracbt shots furnish the Owner with delivery receipts and o Certificate of A. Contractor shall trim around irrigotion heods to allow for unimpeded spray; at the
om ionce stoti that the material substantially meets the specifications. hose of trees; and of borders obng walks, mov►strips and curbs.
� pct ng,
An r t ral suitoblili report that has been prepared for the specific site shop S. Contractor shop remove oN gross clippings firbm project site.
3 A og cub u
take recendent over thetyfolloowi materials. It such report is not available, the
following materials :boll be of such a chorocter that when dispersed in o uniform
slurry sholl form on absorbent porous mot i! report is not availableround coyer oreos shop be
If on agricultural suitability soils epo
3000 gallons per. ocre Fresh water fertilized with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen 14-4-9 or approvesequal every forty-five (45)
2000 pounds per acre Wood cellulose fiber days, of a rote recommended by the manufacturer.
80 pounds per ocre' Organic stabilizer
1000 pounds per ocre' • Gro -Power Plus, or approved equal F. TREE
80 pounds per ocre in summer, 120 pounds per ocre in winter 1 . If required, or of the direction of the Owner, trees planted as port of the Contract
• • r with r ower Plus, use 400 shall be pruned or headed bock, to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, reduce
In turf areas where soil is prepo ed G o -P
nds/ocre toppling or wind damage, maintPPS ain growth within space limitations, maintain natural
p°ao ronce, due to vandalism, aril to balance the crown with the root structure.
4. Seed mixture sholl be as indicated on the drawings
2. Staking of trees shots be checked frequently for damage, and to prevent chaffing cx
girdling. Costs incurred due to domo a Or replacement due to improper stoking
S. Water sholl be fresh, free of impurities, excess chlorine and sobs g n9
materials sholl be the responsibility of Contractor.
6. Fiber shop be clean, weedhree mulch of wood cellulose containing no germination
orrowth•inhibiting iber s
factors. Fhalcon
l toin o harmless, temporary g .
s, temporareen dye3. At the request of the Owner, wounds over one and one-holf inch (1 1/21 in
g diameter may be sealed with on approved tree seol.
C. INSTALLATION 4. Dead or trees sholl be mmediotely replaced of the Controctor's expense with
material of the same yes and size and guaranteed as described in these
1 Mixing shall be performed in o tank, with obuilt-in continuous agitation and � g
recirculation system, of sufficient operating capacity to produce o homogeneous specificotions
slurry and a discharge system which will apply the slurry to the designated oreos of
continuous and uniform rote S Contractor shall exercise preventive measures when using 'w►eed�eoters' near tree
o trunks. Costs incurred due to domNo
or replacement of trees due to improper
measures shall be the responsibility Controdor .
2. The slurry preparation shop take place of the pro1'ect site and :boll begin b�r adding
water to the tank when the engine is of hoh throttle. When the water level hos
reached the height of the ogitotor shah, good recirculation shall be established, and
at this time the seed sholl be added. Fertilization sholl then be added followed by 1 Prior to occeptonce of the project and maintenance period, slopes shall be
1 3 filled with water. established witf, o uniform 80'x. coverage, healthy vi orous growth. Costs incurred
the wood cellulose fiber, when the tank is at least one-third / )
Spraying sholl commence immediately when the tank is full. for repair or replocement of bore, sparse or imaged areas shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor
3. Controct x sholl spraoyy de noted areas with the slurr�r in a sweeping motion, in on
arched stream, untii o uniform coat is achieved and the moteriol is spreod of the 2. Seed for replacement shop be of the some type and quantity ratio as specified in the
required rote per ocre. Plant List on the drawings
4. A slu mixture which hos not been applied within four (4) hours cher mixing shall 3 If o soils report is not available, slopes shots be fertilized with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen �
be rejected and replaced of the Contractor's expense. 11-4-9 or approved equal every forty-five (45) calendar days, at o rote
recommended by the manufacturer.
S. Slopes shah be hydroseeded after weed obotemerw operations and planting of trees
and shrubs. REES
6. Costs incurred lex repair or replacement of bore, sparse or damaged areas sholl be 1 Maintenance sholl include, but not limited to, spraying to control or prevent disease
the responsibility of the Contractor. and weekly water management including soil probing, observation of soil moisture
sensing devices (where applicable), and polm tree pruning.
2. Pruning shop be done with sterilized reciprocal saws (n2�t chain sows) toprevent
transmission of disease causingagents from tree to tree. Sow blades shall be
sterilized before and between pruning of each frond bar immersi the blode in a
solution of fiftypercent 50%) household bleach and fifty
percent 50%) water for
solution should be kept u to strength b the regular addition
of more bleach.
1. Co froc*x shall provide all labor, materials and eq ui men# to perform work during
corn of the Post-Instollotion Maintenance Period, Contractor shall request on
the PosNnstollotion Maintenance Period, as sped led herein, including but not Upon P'on eq
ins ection for acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the Control
limited to; adequate watering of plant material, replacing unsuitable plant moter►oJ P P
and controlling weeds, rodents and other pests. Documents. The request shall be mode to the Owner, o minimum of seven (71 calendar
days prior to the date for inspection.
2. Contractor sholl maintain the project on o continuous basis from the first day after
planting is completed, until acceptance of the work.
is acece �uidelin=
3. Costs incurred due to domog�e or rep lacemont during Post-Instottation Maintenance
Period shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.Adbe eaaec� M a at. clan. wool lice ad bc&My cmd dm T� AM r dwk but oft be
Gtoteed to:
4. Unleu stipvbted otherwise by the Owner, the Post-Instollotion Maintenance Period t. Caltivud a er ol.nsed bels at 4" rah not is e:ewd tem (1C) days.
i f minimum of nine Q consecutive calendar days.
shall consist o o ninety i4 )
i itgrtar eao�►ing is ssaiie�arier his baight M d esaard ewe ¢) inches (� rail �l �$.
S. Pc�sNnstolbtion Maintenance Period may be extended by the Owner if the project
is improperly maintained, appreciable replacement is required, or other corrective 3. ltetulw pnoing of piano as neves 7 b coriaoi mW deeeti gmw&
work becomes necessary. s.6 4 inainrenai+ee of irri fad" eonvoila is aswe aper .rare of •coo �y hr
d. EXECUTiON propel plant Yrnwds. Drip imRaoesrr ,ray regtiire landxape eseewenanim cue.
1. All areas including, but not limited to, turf, ground cover, and concrete flotwork,
J. l"`"s1°'�u ��''" °� � "" as "°° is " R °DAd1dm
sholl be kept clean and free of weeds, litter and debris. ti Fendiaoon on a regular =.Mule as mcon mexlcd by the amuiacuaw to pa,,;dj p "a V1W pvw*-
2. Subsurface drains and catch basin grotes shall be kept clear of leaves, litter and 7. Immed a mvek er of lm*pdm mawr;ah as Auld to mine" gaW waddng =W10M .
debris to ensure unimpeded passage of water. Droinlines :boll be periodically
Hushed with clear water to ovoid build-up of silt and debris. 8• sb�. guys"'d °a an ova sal be a'°el°°d "e�"tarlr Fa coaeGt Tir see 4 be ami f•
avoid asrwims or girdling of trmk a branches
3. - Before weeds exceed two inches (2") in height, they sholl be removed and disposed 9. Upon completion of three (-I) month (90 day) contract mainlenanee period, an iespecdoe s'la� ttgt�de by►.
of off-site. Serious weeds sholl be spot sprayed and left in place o see (7) Community Development Department Engineering Division Landscape instian Staff. 'Tat laid shill
calendar dors. Areas T(oyed sholl remoin unwatered for a minimum of forty-eight be maintained in accordance with these landscape maintenance standards.
(48' hours. Dead weesholl be removed seven M calendar days after application
on� disposed of off-site. 10. The /Builder is responsible to contact tett City and schedule the maintenance inspwtioe.
4, lt the Owner notifies the Contractor of failure to control weeds as specified herein,
the Contractor sholl kill all weeds within ten (10) calendar days of such notification.
Period will be extended for eve da after the ten
The PosNrtstolbtion Maintenance a rod every Y
(10) calendar days until such weeds have been killed.
S. Contractor sholl take appropriate steps to eliminate rodents.
1. Contractor shop operate theilii' tion on system automatically and shop properly and
completelymaintain oN ports of the irrigatisystem.
2. Contractor shall provide for delivery of water in sufficient quantities and od*O
water application to compensole for seasonal conditions.
3. Costs incurred due to repair or replacement of equipment shall be the responsibility
of the Contractor. Replacement ports sholl be identical to the material and as
indicated on the drawings and specified herein.
D. T 1�RF
1. Prior to acceptance of the probed and maintenance period, turf areas shop be
established with a uniform 80 % coverage, healthy vigorous growth, and to o
minimum of two* inches (2") in height. Costs incurred for repair or replacement of
bore, sparse or damaged areas shop be the responsibility of the Contractor.
2. If on agricultural suitability soils report is not available, turf areas sholl be fertilized
with Gro -Power Hi -nitrogen 1449 or approved equal every forty-five (45) calendar
days, of a rote f ecommended by the manufacturer.
3. First mowing of turf shall be performed when the ross is two and one -hoof inches
(2 1/2") in height. After initial mowing, turf sholpbe cut as often as necesso to
maintain the turf of o height of two inches (2") for bluegrass and fescues sand one
M inch 11 0 for bermudo. ■
stsme •r -DA It.
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