HomeMy WebLinkAbout2716-9GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - ARTiCLE 1 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.1 DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 ITHE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Owner -Contractor greemwMeet, General O Requirements, Drawings, Specifications, and all Addenda issued prior to, and all Modifications and Change Orders issued after the execution of the Contract. 1.1.2 THE CONTRACT The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create any contractual relationship o of any kind between the Landscape Architect and the Contractor. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between the Owner or the co C Landscape Architect and any Subcontractor or Sub- subcontractor. 1.1.3 THE WORK The work comprises the completed construction required by the Contract Documents and O includes all labor, all materials and all equipment necessary to its completion. 1.2 EXECUTION AND INTENT 1.2.1 By executing the Contract, the Contractor represents that he has visited the site, O familiarized himself with all conditions under which the work is to be performed, and WH"0 correlated his observations with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.2.2 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the work. The Contract Documents are cornplamentary, and what is required by any one shall be as binding as H required by all. 1.2.3 Work not covered in the Contract Documents will not be required unless it is consistent Q therewith and is reasonably inferred therefrom as being necessary to produce the intended 00 results. 1.3 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS 1.3.1 All Drawings and Specifications furnished by the Landscape Architect are and shall remain . his property. They are to be used only with respect to this Project and are not to be used on any other project. ARTICLE 2 - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT_ 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1.1 Landscape Architect: Laymon Landscape Architects, 1 Encina, Irvine, Cardornia 92620. Telephone (714) 731-8208. . 2.2 ADMINISTRATION 2.2.1 The Landscape Architect will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to familiarize himself generally with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine in general N the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. However, the Landscape Architect will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. 2.2.2 The Landscape_ Architect will not be responsible for and will not have control or charge of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, and he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Landscape Architect will not be responsible for or have control or charge over acts or omissions of the Contractors, Subcontractors, or any of their agents or employees. 2.2.3 The Landscape Architect shall at all times have access to the work. 2.2.4 The Landscape Architect will render interpretations necessary for the proper execution. Interpretations and decisions shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents. 2.2.5 The Landscape Architect's decisions in making such interpretations, including matters pertaining to artistic effect will be final. 2.2.6 The Landscape Architect will have authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. 2.2.7 The Landscape Architect will review and approve or take other appropriate action upon Contractor's submittals such as shop drawings, product data and samples, but only for conformance with the design concept of the Work and with the information given in the Contract Documents. 2.2.8 The Landscape Architect will conduct site visits to determine the dates of Substantial Completion and final completion. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER 3.1 DEFINITION 3.1.1 The Owner is the person or entity identified as such in the Owner -Contractor Agreement and is referred to throughout the gender. The term Owner means the Owner or his authorized representative. 3.2 OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 3.2.1 If the Contractor fails to correct defective work or persistently fails to carry out the work in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner, by a written order, may order the Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated. ARTICLE 4 - CONTRACTOR 4.1 DEFINITION 4.1.1 Contractor is the person or entity identified as such in the Owner -Contractor Agreement. The term Contractor means the Contractor or his authorized representative. 4.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 4.2.1 The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and shall. at once report to the Landscape Architect any error, inconsistency, or omission he may discover. 4.3 SUPERVISION . 4.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using his best skill and attention. He shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences • and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. 4.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of his employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persons performing any of the Work under a contract with the Contractor. 4.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS 4.4.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. 4.4.2 The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees and shall not employ on the Work and unfA person or anyone not skilled in the task assigned to him. . 4.5 WARRANTY 4.5.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner and the -Landscape Architect that all materials and equipment furnished under this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in conformance with the Contract Documents. ' 4.6 TAXES 4.6.1 The Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes for the Work or portions thereof provided by the Contractor. 4.7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 4.7.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, fees, licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. 4.7.2 The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the Work. If the Contractor observes that any of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith in any respect, he shall promptly notify the Landscape Architect in writing. 4.7.3 If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances. rules and regulation, and without such notice to the Landscape Architect, he shall assume full responsibility therefor and shall bear all costs attributable thereto. 4.6 SUPERINTENDENT 4.8.1 In the absence of the Contractor from the Work, he shall employ a competent superintendent who shall be in attendance during progress of the Work. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor, and shall be authorized to receive communications and act for the Contractor in all matters pertaining to the Work. 4.8.2 The Contractor shall mail the name of his assigned representative to the Owner immediately after award of Contract. 4.9 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS 4.9.1 The Contractor shall review, approve and submit, with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work, or in the Work of the Owner or any other separate contractor, all submittals required by the Contract Documents. 4.9.2 By approving and submitting shop drawings, product data, and samples, the Contractor represents that he has verified all conditions related thereto, and has coordinated the information with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 4.8.3 The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for any deviation from the . requirements of the Contract Documents by the Landscape Architect's approval of such deviation at the time of submittal and the Landscape Architect has given written approval to such deviation. 4.9.4 The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for errors or omissions in submittals by the Landscape Architect's approval thereof. 4.10 USE OF SITE 4.10.1 The Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by laws, ordinances.- permits rdinances,permits and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the site with any materials and equipment. 4.11 CUTTING AND PATCHING 4.11.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting or patching that may be required to complete the Work or to make its several parts fit together properly. 4.11.3 The Contractor shall not damage or endanger any portion of the Work or the work of the Owner or any separate contractors by cutting, patching or otherwise altering any work, or excavation. The Contractor shall not cut or otherwise alter the work of the Owner or any separate contractor except with he written consent of the Owner. 4.12 CLEANING UP 4.12.1 The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations. At the completion of the Work he shah remove all his waste materials and rubbish from the site as well as all his tools, equipment. machinery and surplus materials. 4.12.2 If the Contractor fails to clean up at the completion of the work, the Owner may do so and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor. 4.13 COMMUNICATIONS 4.13.1 The Contractor shall forward all communications to the office of the Owner, with a copy to the Landscape Architect. 4.14 ROYALTY AND PARENTS 4.14.1 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss of account thereof. 4.1S IDENTIFICATION 4.15.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall identify and hold harmless the Owner and the Landscape Architect and their agents and employees from and against aN . claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (2) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly employed by any of them. ARTICLE 5 - SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1 DEFINITION 5.1.1 A Subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct contract with the Contractor to perform any of the Work at the site. The term Subcontractor does not include any separate contractor of his subcontractors. 5.1.2 The Contractor, as soon as practicable after the award of the Contract, shall furnish to the . Owner and to the Landscape Architect in writing the names of the persons or entities . proposed for each of the principal portions of the Work. 5.1.3 If the Owner or the Landscape Architect has reasonable objection to any such proposed person or entity, the Contractor shall submit a replacement, to whom the Owner or Landscape Architect has no reasonable objection, and the Contract Sum shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such substitution; however, no increase in the Contract Sum shall be allowed for any such substitution unless the = Contractor has acted promptly and responsively in submitting nalmes as required in Subparagraphs 5.1.2. ARTICLE 6 - WORK BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 6.1 OWNERS RIGHT TO PERFORM WORK 6.1.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform work related to the Project with his own forces, and to award separale contracts in connections with other port" of the Project or other work on the site. 6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY 6.2.1 The Contractor shall afford the Owner and separate contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and the execution of their work, and shall connect and coordinate his Work with theirs as required by the Contract Documents. 6.2.2 Should the Contractor wrongfuffy cause damage to the wont or property of the Owner, or to other work on the site, the Contractor shall promptly remedy such damage. ARTICLE 7 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS .1 GOVERNING LAW 7.1.1 The Contract shall be governed by the law of the place where the Project is located. 7.2 WRITTEN NOTICE 7.2.1 Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served d delivered in person to the individual or member of the firm or entity or to an officer of the corporation for whom it was intended, or if delivered at or. sent by registered or certified Trait to the last business address known to him who gives notice. 7.3 CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES 7.3.1 Should either party to the Contract suffer injury or damage to person or property because of an act or omission of the other party or any of his employees, agents or others for whose acts he is legally liable, claim shall be made in writing to such other party within a reasonable time after the first observance of such injury or damage. 7.4 BONDS 7.4.1 The Owner shall have the right to require the Contractor to turn" bonds covering the faithful performance of Me Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder. 7.5. TESTS 7.5.1 If the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any portion of the work to be inspected, tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Landscape Architect timely notice of its readiness so the Landscape Architect may observe all costs for such inspections, tests or approvals except as otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 8 - TIME 8.1 D€FWITIONS 8.1.1 Contract time: The period of time stipulated in the Contract for completion of Scope of Work, Contractor is to provide this information at time of proposal. 8.1.2 Date of commencement: The date stipulated in the Notice to proceed. 8.1.3 Substantial completion: The date certified by the Landscape Architect when is sufficiently completed, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 8.1.4 The term day as used in the Contract bocuments shall mean calendar day. 8.2 EXTENSION OF TIME 8.2:1 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any act or negligence of the Owner, or by any separate contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the Work, or any causes beyond the control, or delay authorized by the Owner, then the Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Landscape Architect may determine. 8.2.2 Any claim for extension of time shall be made in writing to the Landscape Architect not more than twenty days after the commencement of the delay; otherwise A shall be waived. ARTICLE 9 - PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 9.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 9.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. 9.1.2 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of, and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage to: .1 All employees on the Work and all other persons on the site. .2 All the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein. .3 Other property on the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities. 9. i.3 The Contractor shall give all notice and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the safety of persons or property or their protection from damage, injury or loss. 9.1.4 The Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by the existing conditions and progress of the Work, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, krA&ding posting danger signs and other warnings against hazard. . END OF GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SITE CONCRETE PART 1.00 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Site concrete work, including: 1. Subgrade preparation. 2. Concrete pavement including equipment pads. 3. Concrete steps. 4. Concrete curing and finishing. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Standards: Except as otherwise specified, comply with applicable portions of the following: 1. ACI 308 - Recommended Practice for Curing Concrete. 2. ACI 347 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork. B. Allowable tolerances: 1. Flatwork: True to plane within 1/8 in. in 10 feet. 2. Vertical work: In accord with ACI 347. 1.03 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Protection: 1. Use all means necessary to protect concrete materials before, during and after installation. 2. Protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. PART 2.00 - PRODUCTS 2.01 F RM MATERIALS A. Lumber: Douglas Fir -Larch, No. 2 grade, seasoned, S4S. B. Framing or studs: Construction grade. C. Plywood: Plyform B -B grade, Class I or II; APA stamped,5/8 in. thick minimum. D. Form coating: Non -staining, free of oil or wax. 2.02 REINFORCING MATERIALS A. Reinforcing steel: ASTM A615, grade 40 or 60. B. Tie wire: ASTM A82. x'-1.1 ,"­&� 2.03 CONCRETE MATERIALS`'' A. Transit mix concrete- ASTM C94. 1. Design: z...50 psi mini m at 28 d'ay�s 2. Aggregates: ASTM .3T,( -i.; oIor and size of aggregates for exposed aggregate finish work shall be as selected by the Landscape Architect. 3. Cement: ASTM C150, Type II. 4. Slump: 5 in. for slabs on grade; 4 k1. for walls and footings, maximum. 5. Water: Clean and free of deleterious substances. I I B. Site mixed concrete: In accord with Uniform Building Code,Chapter 26. 2.04 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Expansion joint filler: ASTM D1751, premolded type. B. Expansion joint sealant: Multi -part polyurethane base.Provide one of the following: 1. Dymeric, by Tremco, Inc. . 2. Rubber Calk 210 or 220, by Products Research and Chemical Corp. 3. Vulkem 227 or 245, by Master Mechanic Co. 4. Sonolastic NP11, by Sonneborn Building Products. C. Liquid curing materials: ASTM C309. Provide one of the following: 1. Horn Clear Seal 150, by W.R. Grace 8 Co. 2. Thompson's Water Seal, by E.A. Thompson Co., Inc. 3. Hunt Process TLF, by Hunt Process Co., Inc. 4. Hydrocide Curing Compound, by Sonnebom Building Products. D. Retarders: Provide one of the following: 1. Formed Aggregate Retarder, by Nox-Crete Chernicals.lnc., or L.M. Scofield Co. PART 3.00 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine surfaces for conditions that will adversely affect execution, permanence and quality of work. B. Correct unsatisfactory conditions before proceeding with the work. 3.02 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. Bring subgrade to required elevations. Allow for full thickness of concrete and base materials. B. Expansive soils: Compact the top 12 in. to a relative density of 85% to 92% in accord with ASTM D1557, Method A. 1. For pool decks and concrete slabs: Provide moisture content 140% optimum 10 a depth of 18 in. 2. For concrete walks: Moisture content 110% of oloimum M a depth of 12 in. C. Non -Expansive or mildly expansive soils: Compact topw' In.to 4(* maximum density at optimum moisture content in accord with ASTM D1557, Method A. D. Compaction approval: Three days prior to placing concrete for pool decks and slabs, request Owner to secure soil engineer's verification of compaction and moisture content. 1. Compaction approval will be required for expansive soils only. 3.03 FORMWORK A. Construct forms to required lines and elevations. Fit aN components sufficiently tigftt to prevent leakage at mortar;brace as necessary to withstand distortion when filled with wet concrete. B. Layout: 1. Form all wo* to the profiles, sizes, lines and dimensions indicated on Drawings. 2. Make proper provisions for all openings, recesses, anchorage, blocking and other features shown or required. 3. Form curves smoothly with no abrupt offsets or jogs at points of tangency. 4. Where forms adjoin existing concrete, provide a smooth transition, uniform in alignment and horizontal plane. 5. Secure Landscape Architect's approval of layout prior to placing concrete. C. Embedded items: Set and anchor all required embedments accurately in position beton concrete is placed. . D. Bracing: 1. Brace and tie forms together as necessary to maintain position and shape. 2. Construct bracing, supporting members and centering of ample size and strength to safely support, without excessive deflection all dead and live loads to which they may be subject. E. Tolerances: 1. As specified in Article 1.03. F. Wetting: Keep forms sufficiently wetted to prevent joints opening up before concrete is placed. G. Form removal: Do not remove side forms sooner than 12 hours after finishing has been completed. 3.04 CONCRETE PLACING A. Preparation: 1. Remove all debris from areas in which concrete will be placed. 2. Wet forms thoroughly, orcoat with oil or approved form coating. 8. Placing: 1. Convey to place of final deposit by methods that will prevent separation and lose of materials. 2. Deposit concrete as near to its final position as possible to avoid segregation due to rehandling and flowing. 3. Place at a rate so that concrete is at all times plastic and flows readily between bare bars. 4. Carry out placement as a continuous operation for each panel or section. S. Thoroughly consolidate concrete during placement; work it around embedded fixtures and into corners of fomes 6. Thoroughly compact by rodding or mechanical vibration. 7. Do not place concrete during inclement weather. 3.06 FLATWORK A. Place all concrete as specified in Article 3.04: B. Provide slab depressions where required for applied finishes such as pavers. Maintain full indicated thickness of slab over all areas. C. Screed concrete to elevations and contour indicated and required. Compact with grid tamper to eliminate voids and pockets uniformly dense over all areas. D. Where rough slabs are to receive deferred finishes, protect surfaces from contamination from time of placing until placement of that finish. 1. Remove contamination mechanically. Leave a clean, bondable surface. E. Expansion joints: Locate where indicated on Drawings. Make joints full thickness of slab; set slightly below finish slab surface. F. Contraction joints: May be tooled or saw cut at Contractor's option. Make joints 110 in. width and extend approximately 1/3 slab thickness. Locate joints equally spaced approximately 10 ft. o.c. except where otherwise indicated on Drawings. 3.06 FINISHING A. Provide concrete finishes indicated on the Drawings. 13. Where finishes are repeated throughout the project, they shall match in every respect, including color and texture the sample approved by the Landscape Architect for that surface designation. . C. Protect all adjoining surfaces from smears or damage resu'ning from concrettoperations. 1. Remove all traces of stains and ceawU Wm from metal surfaces. and including stair nosings and similar items. D. Surface finish textures: 1. Steel trowel: a. After concrete is' ' hardened to prevent &a*"moiisture and 11 fines to the surface, trowel in two operations. b. Perform first operation with a power rotary trowel until matrix no longer accumulates on the trowel. Do not use cement, sand or a mixture of same to absorb excess ff*W ue. Do not add water to facilitate troweling. C. Perform second troweling until there is a distinct ringing sound under the trowel, and a smooth, hard burnished surfaces obtaWwxL d. Use liquid curing membrane. 2. Retarded concrete: Expose aggregate using lithochrome concrete surface retarder (L.M. Scofield Co.). Apply according to manufacturer's specifications D-203. 3.07 CURMK3 A. Begin curing as soon as feasible after finishing without marring surfaces, and in any case on same day. B. Paper curing: Except as otherwise specnied, use concrete curing paper only. Seat joints with pressure -sensitive tape; immediately repair any tears during curing period. Verify that surfaces remain damp for full curing period; if necessary, lift paper and wet surfaces with clean water, and replace paper. C. Liquid curing compound: Do not apply on any surface to receive retardant, mortar, or any other material adhered by bond, except as otherwise specified. Carefully mask and protect adjoining surfaces where compound is used. 1. Fugitive dye type: Use where no other finish or material is to be applied. Comply with ASTM C309, clear, Type 1, as approved by Landscape Architect. D. Curing period and protection: Maintain curing mediums in proper sealed condition for minimum of ten days after application. Keep traffic on curing surfaces to minimum possible, and completely off liquid compound curing surfaces. Immediately restore any damaged or defective curing media. E. Curing formed surfaces: Keep wood forms wet during final curing period. N forms are removed during curing period, apply one of specified curing methods immediately and continue for remainder of curing period. 3.08 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE A. Remove and replace work which does not meet specified tolerances, sheers voids or separation of aggregates, or surface texture does not match approved sample panels. END OF SECTION r... -..,. ... - - ...-..�.__ f,.. '� ' �,i`'`f ..mow. MASONRY WALLS - -rb C� rrr%f OP PST/ tob,4­ - Y,.4,2::T VjA� PART 1.00 - GENERAL --_o _I a 1.01 WORK INCLUDED ""-- --",-,11%,,*,,�-�-.1..-t A fi--­�,�11) A. Concrete unit masonry including reinforcing steel. Id' B. Installation of embedded items. +.,,h `--, C. Stone veneer. ...,.-.. 1.02 RELATED DRAWINGS A. Examine all Drawings pertinent to the proper completion of the Work, including Grading Drawings prepared by the Landscape Architect, and those prepared by the Civil Engineer. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Submit the following to the Landscape Architect for approval prior to delivery of materials to the project site. 1. Cultured Face Stone 2. Entry Sign Tile 3. Pre -cast Concrete B. Certificates: Submit manufacturers certification that masonry materials comply with specification requirements. 1.04 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Delivery 1. Deliver and store masonry units on pallets. 2. Deliver only fully cured units. 3. Do not dump masonry units. 4. Remove damaged units from the site promptly. B. Protection ' 1. Protect all masonry materials before, during and after installation. 2. Protect the installed work and materials of other trades. 3. Store cement and lime off the ground and under cover. 4. Store reinforcing steel off the ground in a manner to prevent excessive corrosion and fouling with bond inhibiting containments. PART 2.00 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete masonry units: ASTM C90, GRADE N.2. 1. Sizes: As indicated on Drawings. Provide special shapes and cap as indicated. 2. Texture: As noted on plans and details. 3. Color: As noted on plans and details. 4. Acceptable manufacturer: Orco Block, Stanton, California or equivalent as approved by Landscape Architect. B. Portland cement: ASTM C150, type I or It. C. Sand: ASTM C144; not less than 5% passing the No. 100 sieve. D. Pea gravel: ASTM C404; not more than 5% passing the 8% sieve. E. Water: Clean and free of deleterious acids, alkali or organic materials from a domestic source. F. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, type S. 0. Lime putty: ASTM C5, high calclime; completely slaked before using." ium T I H. Reinforcing steel: 1. Bars: ASTM A615, grade 40 or 60 deformed; 1/4" ties may be plain bars. 2. Wire reinforcement: ASTM A82, cold drawn steel. PART 3.00 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine surfaces for conditions that will adversely affect execution, permanence and quality of work. 1. Do not lay masonry units I horizontal or vertical alownent of foundation exceeds 1 W. B. Correct unsatisfactory conditions before proceeding with the work. 3.02 MORTAR AND GROUT A. Morar: 1. Proportion all materials by dry, lose volume as follows: Portland cement: 1 prt Hydrated lime: 1/4 to 1/2 part Mortar sand: 2-3/4 to 3-3/4 pans Water: As necessary to produce required consistency 2. Minimum compressive strength: 2500 psi at 28 days. B. Grout: 1. Mix proportions: Portland cement: 1 pant Grout sand: 3 parts Pea gravel: 2 parts Water: As necessary to produce required consistency . 2. Minimum compressive strength: 2000 psi at 28 days. C. Measurements: . 1. Proportion materials accurately using dry, loose materials. 2. Shovel measurements not permitted. D. Mixing: Machine mix all mortar and grout. Place sand, cement and water in mixer in that order, mix for two minutes, add lime, and continue mixing until a uniform mass is secured, but in no case less than 10 minutes. E. Retempering time limit: Retemper on mortar boards, when necessary, by adding water into a basin formed by mortar, and work mortar into it. Do not dash or pour water over mortar. 1. Do not retemper mortar which has become harsh or non -plastic. 2. Discard mortar which has not been used within one hour after original mixing. 3.03 REINFORCING A. Provide and place reinforcing steel; sizes, lengths and shapes required. . B. Tie vertical bars to dowels. C. Do not rebend or straighten bars after original forming. 3.04 MASONRY LAYING A, Workmanship: 1. Erect masonry plumb and true to line. 2. Layout and incorporate all required embedded items. 3. Assist other trades with built-in items which require c uffirg and fitting of masonry. 4. Cut units with a masorvy saw or carborundum wheel. Trowel or chisel cutting is not permitted. B. Shoring: Provide temporary shoring and bracing as may be required. Remove shoring when safe to do so. C. Laying: 1. Remove dirt, scum and ladance from concrete starting surfaces. Slurry coat surfaces with neat cement grout. 2. Allow bond bed to harden slightly before bedding masonry. 3. Lay masonry with a 3/8" mortar bed on entire horizontal surface. FIN head jokft solid, shove tightly to adjoining unit. a. Hold racking to a minimum. . b. Toothing is not permitted. C. If it is necessary to move a unit after N has been set in p1elloe, remove the unit, discard the mortar, clean surfaces and re -set in fresh mortar. 4. Mortar joints: Except where otherwise indicated, make joints 3/8" thick. Make all joints straight, clean and uniform in thickness. a. Tool horizontal joints with a concave steel Not; vertical joiirft S. Bond: Lay all units in a common running bond. 6. Grouting: Where horizontal courses are to be filled, provide metal stops. Paper stops are not permitted. 7. Bond courses: Provide bond beam masonry units at locations for horizontal 316a Fill solid with mortar. 8. Remove grout stains as work progresses. 3.05 CURING, CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Remove all efflorescence and stains. B. Do not saturate masonry with water for curing. . C. When atmosphere is dry, dampen wait surfaces with a very ligftt fog spray for 3 days to aid curing mortar joints. 0. At completion of masonry work, remove all misplaced mortar, grout and ostler fo eiP substances. Clean all exposed surfaces, using clean water and stiff fiber brushes. END OF SECTION >�u CONSTRUCTHM NOTES - SlC3'2� OZiTB 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PART 1 - GENERAL THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S 1. ql DESCRIPTIOIi REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRiOR TO A. : Nwiew, the General Conditions, st•sfiare CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE HELD LIABLE FOR ALL DAMAGES INCURRED Specifications and special Provisions, which contain DURING CONSTRUCTION. information and requirements that apply to this section. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A CURRENT STRUCTURAL SOILS REPORT. THIS B. : Provide site and street furnishings complete, SOILS REPORT SHALL SUPERSEDE THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND DETAILS as shown, and as specified. SHOWN ON THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF ALL SLEEVING C. 0i1�t.d � a I s� : (IRRIGATION, ELECTRICAL, AND DRAINAGE) WITH THE APPROPRIATE Site and concrete - s.ctions 201 rE 3s3 CONTRACTORS. 5. ALL FORMS AND ALIGNMENT OF HARDSCAPE ITEMS SHALL BE INSPECTED AND 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCZ APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO POURING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A MINIMUM OF 48 A. : Any reference to the "St 1 1 rd . HOURS PRIOR TO THE INSPECTION. specifications" or "ASTM" shall mean the current or latest 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION AND OR editions as described below: GRADING WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS AND OR I. " • - "standard Specific•- tions GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN KNOWN DURING for Public works Construction" : 19l1 Edition; southern DESIGN. SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE California Chapter, As�erican Public works Association ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. THE and southern California Districts Associated General CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NECESSARY contractors of California. REVISIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATION. 2. ss= - erica• society for Testing and Materials 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROPER WORKING OUT OF ALL DETAILS OF a.c`QWWLt_ b�ity V : Verify that all site INSTALLATION. ANY CONSTRUCTION NOT MEETING THE APPROVAL OF THE furnishings are compatible with adjacent site improvements by OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE REPLACED AT THE others, and that their installation shall not adversely affect CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE WITH ACCEPTABLE CONSTRUCTION. either the site furnishings of existing or proposed site S. THE LOCATION OF FEATURES TO BE CONSTRUCTED, NOT SPECIFICALLY improvements. DIMENSIONED MAY BE DETERMINED BY SCALE. VERIFY ALL SUCH 1.03 SUBMITTALS CONDITIONS WITH OWNER. 9. ALL CURVE TO CURVE AND CURVE TO TANGENT LINES SHALL BE NEAT, TRIM, A. 5 - nit Product Data: submit samples or manufacturer's SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. current literature for the following item: 10. ALL DIMENSIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED AGAINST EXISTING CONDITIONS AND ANY DISCREPANCIES REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 1. Color and finish for each type of furnishing. 11. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE ITEMS SHALL BE PER 2. • Installation instructions and recommendations for LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. general maintenance. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE SECURED ANY PERMITS OR CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY THE CITY, COUNTY OR STATE AUTHORITIES PRIOR TO IL Copies of all applicable laboratory test data CONSTRUCTION. and reports. 13. AT THE COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION OPERATION, THE PREMISES C. Drarir�es : All site furnishings being installed or ARE TO BE LIFT NEAT AN CLEAN. ALL SURPLUS MATERIAL, DEBRIS AND fabricated by Contractor. WASTE ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. BROOM AND WASH THE AREA CLEAN. 1.04 PRODUCT DBLIVERY, STORAGZ AND )U1MLING 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY AND PROPER PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTIES FROM ANY AND ALL A. Labali=: Furnish all materials in mahufacturer's unopened, DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR FROM WATER RUN OFF AND OR DEPOSITIONS OF original containers, bearing original labels showing quantity, DEBRIS RESULTING FROM ANY AN ALL WORK IN CONNECTION WITH WORK PER description and name of manufacturer. THESE PLANS. s. Deliver,: Deliver and unload at the site on pallets and bound _ . 16. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL UTILITY in such a manner that no damage occurs to the product. LINES, VALVES, METERS, ETC., WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK, WHETHER THEY C. G 2ra=: store products in a manner which will preclude all ARE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT. damages. Damaged materials will be rejected. Remove all 16. ALLOW FOR ADJOINING CONSTRUCTION. damaged materials from the job site immediately, and replace 17. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF MATERIALS AND at no cost to the urgency. WORKMANSHIP. D. Furnish suitable equipment to locate all site GENERAL GRADING NOTES furnishing materials carefully and efficiently. Life materials using lifting inserts provided by manufacturer where applicable. 1. Contractor to verify grades and notify landscape architect prior to start of grading work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2. All drain lines to drain at 1 % minimum with smooth continuous fall. 3. All top surfaces of step treads to slope at 1 % for drainage. 2.01 pRSP'AaItIGTla I4ATRitIALB 4. All planted areas to slope to catch basins at 1 1/2% minimum slope unless A. Trash I nti� clu: Precast concrete trash recepticles, to b. otherwise noted. "RTP - 30 -LID", as manufactured by Robbins Precast Inc., S. All existing grades shown per Civil Engineer's phm. Corona, California, (909) 272-0282, or approved equal. _ 6. All proposed paving surfaces shall meet existing paving surfaces with smooth and continuous transition and flush along entire edge. 1 • � °sed 7. Concrete walks to have a maximum cross slope of 2% and shall meet all local 2. CGl=: naturaland county requirements. a. Prior to construction, the Contractor shall verify all utiflty locations, existing 3. Lid: Spun aluminum, direnodic or painted finish in drainage structures, street improvements, and finish floor elevations with the color, approved by Agency's Authorized Representa- tive Engineer. Notify the Landscape Architect immediately upon any discrepancies. 9. Contractor shall verify proposed drainage inverts. + . Liaar : Thirty (3 0) trial lea Kf 10. Daylight drain line through face of existing curb 1 " above flow line. Exact invert . i. a, =baa: Benches to be as manufactured by =welcome- Products, to be verified in the field. model number 86BWO - Rolled Park Bench, or approved equal. 11. All finish grades in planted areas shall be 1 1/2" below adjacent paving surface P251(o unless noted otherwise. 1. CQI=: Black 12. All flashwalls shall follow finish grade. 13. All drain line junctions and or changes in direction shall be made with 45 degree C. vine wails: vine wells to be pre -cast masonry concrete tree wells; 2" thick, 6" high, 18" diameter, install flat side up.`, sweep ells. -. -' 14. Quantities shown are estimated for permit purposes only. Each Contractor shall 1. Com: Natural PART 3 - EXECUTION r� � ,- - be responsible for his own quantity estimate for bidding and shall bid a complete AlOb• ,w _ -- .s { �� -,. i `h( o rcITP� . 7D �� "° CONCRETE PAVING NOTES GDK , . _ . 3.01 GENERAL 1. ,. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH THE PROJECT SOILS ENGINEER THE f`I -s ��' �r�'P�- -" NEED FOR REINFORCING, BASE MATERIALS, PRE -SATURATION, ETC. FOR A. ,��•*+*�*+�-�: Do not install site and'street furnishings prior WALKS. to acceptance by materials. a e=rialthorizeds. Representa- tive of '� area to receive suchch 2. ,, PAVING AND CONCRETE CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH ELECTRICIAN, DRAIN LINE CONTRACTOR AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR B. : Install as directed and as shown on the Drawings. FOR SLEEVING, PIPING AND CONDUIT UNDER ALL PAVING AS REQUIRED. r 3. ALL CONCRETE PAVING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES THICK. C. a1 preeawt; ems : Ouard against staining or daseasir�q ofC�\� ��­ i 5. -, REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR FINISH GRADES AND DRAINAGE. existing pavements and plantings where site furnishings are to 6. EXPANSION JOINTS, AS PER SPECIFICATIONS, ARE TO BE SPACED AT A be installed. , MAXIMUM OF 20' ON CENTER. 7. � THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SLOPE ALL FINISH SURFACE AREAS A MINIMUM OF 3.02 CONCRETE PADS AND FOOTINGS \1%. �8. ," THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SLOPE ALL EARTH AREAS A MINIMUM OF 2 9`. A. Layer: Accurately layout all pads footings as called , 9. .' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HOLD FINISH GRADE 1 1/2" BELOW FINISH SURFACE. for in the Drawings . 10. -'x REFER TO CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR COLOR AND FINISH OF CONCRETE. ` B. instal _ti=: Excavation form as required and fill for pada 11. ':, A TEST PANEL, EXHIBITING SAMPLE FINISH OF CONCRETE, SHALL BE MADE. and footings as specified in Concrete Sections 201 303 ;� ONLY AFTER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HAS APPROVED T ST PANEL SHALL (standard Specifications). FINISH BE APPLIED. 12:g Il . 111, ... iiiiiiiillllllilll''iillillillll,*4���% 't CONCRETE PAVING SHALL HAV0 PSI, 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH i •`, AND CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. S i AN 3.03 CLEAN-UP REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FON STANDARDS FOR QUALITY ANI] METHOD OF A. weep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. ',:-1'.,.......-. -„„Y..�- `°"`,N.,�- CONSTRUCTION ____.- "- .1111-- S. Clean up and remove all debris from the entire work area to �/ �,-,- MASONRY NOTES satisfaction of Agency's Authorized Representative prior to Final Acceptance. �ty,,,q- TV �rfr i <�� 1. C CRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2, PSI AT 0�s �S7 L-"28 D S. 2. GROUT L CELLS WITH STEEL, SOLID. IF RETAINING, GROUT ELLS t 1+r N a.%-) SOLID. 3. CONSTRUCT LS PLUMB AND TRUE, STEP FOOTINGS IN N BLOCK END of s>:crlorn * ,�- INCREMENTS. 4. ALLOW FOR ADJOI G CONSTRUCTION. 5. ALL WORKMANSHIP MATERIALS TO CONFO T GOVERNING CODES ``1,\ AND ORDINANCES. "� 6. ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE P RED ON UND ED NATURAL SOIL OF COMPACTED FILL, 90% RELAT ;: �� % 7. ALL FREESTANDING WALLS TO H E A MI UM OF 40 BAR DIAMETERS. !'a" 741 5:-- 4�7J _ � OVERLAP AT SPLICES. ALL RETAINI L SPLICES TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48 jo(N -T / �'-m�/ e. , BAR DIAMETERS. / 8. DOWELS SHALL BE AT LEAST EQ U IN S AN SPACING TO VERTICAL BARS. P7 700 *.,6'0' p T�-I�w-W- Chi 9. MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE GRA N-1 CON RMING TO A.S.T.M. 690 AND I<' ;„l, Lf I A II MANUFACTURED IN ACCORD,_ CE WITH CONC TE MASONRY ASSOCIATION Ili STANDARDS. ,�t'` W .-� , Mcg �� r - 10. PORTLAND CEMENT SH CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. C 0. �,. I - 11. MORTAR SHALL BE FR HLY PREPARED AND UNIFORM MIXED IN THE RATIO ,.-►% OF 1 PART CEMENT -f/2 LIME PUTTY, 41/2 PARTS SAND, SHALL �1 /�s CONFORM TO A. . .M. C 270. 1 12. GROUT SHALL OF FLUID CONSISTENCY WITH A RATION OF 1 RT CEMENT, _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ ( 3 PARTS SA ,2 PARTS PEA GRAVEL. F------ - - f f! 13. REINFOR G STEEL SHALL BE DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO A. T.M. A --r---- j I i .!!x �(! � � � � 615 G E 40. I l I I'�" a 14. REF TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR STANDARDS OF MATERIALS AND I I --�e 1 k`� � rX-_� W KMANSHIP.-,,,''" .... --• .. i ( I / (� i % ,----._,,,�.�--,-_--,-, -- -``- WOOD CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1 i I .�. 4e .. ?��. 4----- - --- 'i - -- I L-- � ---0- �...�. j 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO GOVERNING CODES . 1 1 I 1.1 I AND ORDINANCES. I I I 1 I 2. ALL WOOD SHALL BE ROUGH SAWN (ROS) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I I 3. ALL WOOD SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR DF SELECT GRADE #1 UNLESS I I I ( ) j I I OTHERWISE NOTED. 1 I 1 4. ALL NAILS SHALL BE GALVANIZED IRON. 1 5. REFER TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE FOR NAILING SCHEDULES. I l 1 I 6. ALL STRAPS, BRACKETS, HANGERS, ETC., SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL OR --- - -I----- - -1- �-- --- -]- - - ----,. PAINTED WITH MINIMUM 2 COATS OF ZINC CHROMATE PRIMER. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAIN ALL WOOD TO MATCH ADJACENT WOOD FINISH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. t Rh4)9 J0f � T/GDI` '� dbi L.,&yo r 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ALL STRAPS, BRACKETS, HANGERS, ETC. TO �i I�. ,,�nl _ MATCH WOOD FINISH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. F E) PA4-' %'�I �'1`"I � t., 9. ALL BOLTS SHALL BE CADMIUM PLATED, GALVANIZED OR PRIMERED. . . ��� ��� .ter �� 10. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PLUMB AND TRUE. _ � r4i I}-1 �,,,, 11. ALL LUMBER SHALL BE SET CROWN SIDE UP, WHERE APPLICABLE. L 12. THE CONTRAC 1 OR SHALL USE FINISH NAILS ON EXPOSED WOOD SURFACES ` ' M AND COUNTERSINK HEADS 1/8'. --�,\ .i ., -" I �--a 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALLOW FOR ADJOINING CONSTRUCTION. 40 IO l !, ^� ' i �:' CA, -;L• 1"'(P.BASKMALt COURT SLAV: MINIMUM 6" SLAB WITH 8"x Ir THICKENED EDGES AND r E x A' THICKENED CENTER LRE, (EACH pjey,K;+'r`i of A;� IGr,*,4r�,,-,�- -t� COURT). CONCRETE SHALL HAVE MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,250 PSI AT 28 DAYS. INSTALL 6" x 6 #110 WIRE MESH RE**0f **k EMANGM JtNNT AT MMD COURT AND WEAKENED PLANKS AS DIAGRAMMED IN DETAIL. CONCRETE . - THE UPPER 12 -INCHES OF THE EXISTING ON - SITE SOIL SHALL BE SCARIFIED AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF sib% RELATIVE COMPACTKRI BASED ON ASTM TEST METHOD D -1567. I 0 � , 1. - F? I I .00W I . 1-� - bu;,�, Qo!&. �, �? r L 1. I 5011<,-��, � � �a .��� O N -r? -N . � F: U Q IL CO) W Z Cc 0 O L1. Z W J om Qa V O J Q Z W � Q W H Q Z LL. H LL. Z O :) >. 2 H 2 v O V m 3 cc0 Z O F= Q (1) LL CO) W a U) 0 W H 0 Z 1W 0o,4 �- soW W s -- W a O (OO 0) (3) V- 90 OZ n1z) a - tie. W w '! aQ � 01 XS W I N Ili U Q W W Z Z omp } } m m W 0 2 Y 0 0 CA W 0 0 LO LO Q LO r Z F CC (.)O Q LL J �-= Q IU (n w 0 Q Z Z Q 0 �- Z Z QO J Lm NIS IEIISIINI 4/17!q) P14101 11 1111i] - wmwd� I' II - - SCALE z DRAWN CNECKEI CONFLETEI DATE 0-;;/y7 11 __ ,Joe TR. 15655 W Z O " U _ a. " _! o J co C QZ Ln O WW Q � CrCr O O (n WH"0 X LL J 0za(.) W ZQZU Z Q Q O 00 Z Z Z § CW) JQLO 90 OZ n1z) a - tie. W w '! aQ � 01 XS W I N Ili U Q W W Z Z omp } } m m W 0 2 Y 0 0 CA W 0 0 LO LO Q LO r Z F CC (.)O Q LL J �-= Q IU (n w 0 Q Z Z Q 0 �- Z Z QO J Lm NIS IEIISIINI 4/17!q) P14101 11 1111i] - wmwd� I' II - - SCALE z DRAWN CNECKEI CONFLETEI DATE 0-;;/y7 11 __ ,Joe TR. 15655