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WCOTT WALwIL-AC! =.a. FOOTINGS 0 ! TI,UCTLJAAL tNQ/N>lEl� crit . JORMED SUAFACC IN CONTACT W/ EARTH ciai=em" =dadi! VGA* WALLS & BEAMS EXTERIOR EXP, gazebo rouadatie WALLS INTERIOR EXP• Tit 1x655 SLABS Foatstaa, CIL BEAMS & COLUMNS INTERIOR EXP.r rooting Plea D 1.0 drawings and shall submit a certificate indicating Details D 2.0 - 3.0 • SpecifiaatiemRs S 1.0 - 3.0 • Calculations 1.0 - 4.0 agency and the Engineer. DMIM CaITZRIA (DamA oa the preRvLaiel sI e! tie 1994 0W) 1. Cat>sorsrlta ( 29 okay ) ............................. F' e:• 2500 ps i Seiatotrcial steel !'� 40 ksi #5 bars and 3eee ............................ rum• 60 ksi #6 bars and greater ......................... f mi. _lslMtuw" @.sell ern 36 ksi Anchor Dolts ................................ is 40%h O ?%0_01W NillMcisy •.................................... 1000 pet • AasaBR91i 1 C, K �s *�► � Aav`tw Clew- ow-lS reinforcing steel and welding of steel docking.�'�/�''� soil Engineer shall verify that construction at the lip B► Installation and tightening operations for all 2527 I BENTLEY LANE L 7 1 4 455-9875 ' AuJNA HILLS CA 9_5_=-AE39 L FAx 71 a 455 ga5'c TPRNCTNPRAL. 00VOINOM/w ��ToqAIA(.: (o'N0pki ?I-0 Set rwfioliG K Ie; +►r-.2 (Z) tip S %A, WO I Sit,' -t't/ Ci R!,ctS • �Il�clt� bi t �� ple Aw- I ' � J L IYP• n M 4� -J 2a1R. v �f ESS1gy� WA irk �rt�,3J 5:�1.�'v0• � 3e13 � C � � ;�� ! � �RA'I.► rT7 i ES � �'l�(f ►C <Tit>+/ S TF O►•6lL 51.E 52•� t :3.0�' � f,,, n � , . if SLAB, REINF t UNDERLAYI-ENT FM PLAN --. _1 (2) 05 CONT. a+o (2) 4`5 CONT. UND EXTERIOR FOOTING N T -S 3 -13 -ft F4 MIN. CONCRETE COVERAGE OR REBAR FOOTINGS 3" JORMED SUAFACC IN CONTACT W/ EARTH 2" WALLS & BEAMS EXTERIOR EXP, 2" WALLS INTERIOR EXP• III SLABS 1" U.N.O. BEAMS & COLUMNS INTERIOR EXP.r 1 1/2" J REBAR COVERAGE. Z VERTMITZRSEGTION DAM 5AT�T- , A SHALL HATCH H00I2. WALL RE1NF. LiV56LICIeW4 2 VCR' (STAb6CR1 BARS, TYP ' INTERSECTION (2 LAYERS OF REW) CORNOt Ad 4i' MALL LAP .. \ I VERT OAR, M - INTERSECTION (ONE LAYER OF REIW) CORNOt 1 l u to TV "`L. N w■. N T.S. 12-11-46 DEEP SAi CVY' MAY BE 115ED AS ALTERNATE CONTROL JOINT. SAYVCVT KST DE COMPLETED I' 'STRAIOW LINE' PLASTIC CONTROL JOW V 6REA!! Ali Mw/iI I�eAR 1041"M 24 HM" OP SLAB POM! TYPICAL SLAB JOINT NT,S. - talo N.T.S. F11 v>rN t :• n i -------- ----------NN-- 1. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions, elevations and site conditions before starting work and notify Designer immediately of any discrepancies. 2. All omissions and conflicts between the various elsmanto of the working drawings and/or specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Designer before proceeding with any work so involved. 3. Resolve any conflicts on the drawing with the Designer before proceedinq with construction. 4. The Contractor shall determine the location of utility services in the area to be excavated prior to beginning excavation. 9. so pipes, duets, eleers, ehsese, ate., stmil be placed! s) Where special inspection is required a deputy •SEAR MV %W in slabs, bases, or walls unless specifically shown or 1=0 I I WAL.LACM I•L L1 C 'r 04 �. • N • 1 N • I OR �' � ,,Orme • �}• j�M�I�,� � s�?_�90 f• noted. nor shall any structural member be cwt for I TPR LJ A � 0 pipes, ducts, eta. Refer to architectural drawings drawings and shall submit a certificate indicating sun • and/or mechanical drawings for locations. • FOONBIt'tTOw agency and the Engineer. �. All material and workmanship shall conform to tis 1. soil design pressure • 1000 put. • requirements of the latest edition of the OBC. ?� �r.i Alo- p0q- e - 4% 7. Special inspection per Section 306 of the 1991 SDC is f mi. 3. Character of soils See soils report by$ requiredas follows: is 40%h O ?%0_01W 1y1MRls•► 1111w Tits. A) All structural field welding, including welding of 1 reinforcing steel and welding of steel docking.�'�/�''� soil Engineer shall verify that construction at the P'irtr�0r P -'� s '� + �� � •�• Z�• j�, r'�191 �;t S j 1 ` B► Installation and tightening operations for all x/11. -7 11TV conclusions of his report. high-strength friction bolting (A325F) ` 570 Finished excavation for foundation shall be neat and C) Installation and tightening operations for all true to line with all loose material and standing water �oPl>or� G high-strength bolts.tbJO -Jr 6. Before any concrete is placed, excavations shall be D) During the taking of test specimens and placing of 1 1 7•Z. 'j r1 ' -►•'� �''TK•�110 St'.J� 2.4 all reinforced concrete, with the exception of ;/VL(f 1""- v , \� As, 4 s 4 �s•11r=� I. SS s /(,.m. foundation concrete when the structural design 1.0 • S M= 7.- All fill material is to be approved by the Soils strength is no greater than f'e- =Sea psi. 1 Engineer and is to be compacted .o 901 of maximum 10 pega •Manual of standard Practice"' latest edition. 4, welding of reinforcing steel shall conform to AN$ 012.1 S. Laps at bar splices bat 40 bar dia. or 190 min. for concrete and 36 bar dia. or 240 miss. for masonry unless noted otherwise. 6. vortical barm is walls shall be accurately positioned at the center of wall, unless noted otherwise in details and shall be tied in position at tog and bottom and at intervals not exceeding 192 bar dia. 7. Reinforcing steel shall be provided with the follwift amounts of concrete cover: footings (concrete deposited against aarthl..........30 LOAD 00VIDNATION s) Where special inspection is required a deputy •SEAR MV 04EAlt inspector, approved by the jurisdictional agency r)OMEW cry, ORAD • LIVV LAID issuing the building permit, shall provide \ • continuous inspection at locations required on the 0 WNp LOAD X-010 drawings and shall submit a certificate indicating sun • compliance with the plans and specification to tie • FOONBIt'tTOw agency and the Engineer. -1111101 1. soil design pressure • 1000 put. • 2. Bottom of footings shall be a minimum of 240 below teD p0q- e - 4% of alae. f mi. 3. Character of soils See soils report by$ is 40%h O ?%0_01W 1y1MRls•► 1111w Tits. s 36 ! ----- --------- -- cr1r /�"� i 11 V l 4. soil Engineer shall verify that construction at the P'irtr�0r P -'� s '� + �� � •�• Z�• j�, r'�191 �;t S j 1 ` site is in accordance with the recommendations and x/11. -7 11TV conclusions of his report. , S. Finished excavation for foundation shall be neat and �61RrRMgi a �'i� true to line with all loose material and standing water �oPl>or� G removed from excavations. 6. Before any concrete is placed, excavations shall be VLiii veep • - q* 1 1 7•Z. 'j r1 ' -►•'� checked and approved by a qualified soils engineer to • li is! G�"A'w /Aw- Q insure compliance with the requirements of the soils , \� As, 4 s 4 �s•11r=� I. SS s /(,.m. report. 1.0 • S M= 7.- All fill material is to be approved by the Soils 1.6 •'66.0 est 1 Engineer and is to be compacted .o 901 of maximum 10 pega l� density (or more as directed). Inspection is required'_T' 1.0 • u. during fill and compaction. 1.0 • 451.1 M= 714 45S-9975 Teti 714 455-6952 0 S. All expansion anchors are Philips -Red-Head• or equal t-- - Y ner :C80 recon:: :Io. :372. AiINPDRClin S=L MZ lomosoosoo Z i. Bar reinforcement shall conform to AETR ASIS as Fa,FOAnom 'r follows$ Graeae 40 fy40'kzi----�-------ib.3,fb.4 and fb.'S bet's ' Grade 60 fy-40ksi-bars a larger 2, welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A105, 3. Reinforcing detailing, bending, and placing shall be in . LOAD! TOATIOIrI CK�, RKllr+i/ IEAIGTip�� accordance with Concrete Reinforcing steel Institute •Manual of standard Practice"' latest edition. 4, welding of reinforcing steel shall conform to AN$ 012.1 S. Laps at bar splices bat 40 bar dia. or 190 min. for concrete and 36 bar dia. or 240 miss. for masonry unless noted otherwise. 6. vortical barm is walls shall be accurately positioned at the center of wall, unless noted otherwise in details and shall be tied in position at tog and bottom and at intervals not exceeding 192 bar dia. 7. Reinforcing steel shall be provided with the follwift amounts of concrete cover: footings (concrete deposited against aarthl..........30 LOAD 00VIDNATION AXIAL Mk) •SEAR MV 04EAlt Mamma r)OMEW cry, ORAD • LIVV LAID SAIS Ili • 0 0 WNp LOAD X-010 -220 sun • • • on # WNP LOAD Z -DIRK -2!6 -1111101 DBI• • • GVF�, p0q- e - 4% r f mi. Concrete Surface (formed) exposed to earth or weather............•.................................2 Column reinforcing ( including column ties) ....... 1-1/20 VESIC" OF FOUNDATION TQ IBE InEFF<MMUV SY AN EWCa1NEEIR seams and Girders.... OR A WJoQTEGT. THIS ORAIINIV x 15 NOT INTENDED AS A FOttNDATKIN Slabs (no.11 or smaller) ...........................3/4• DESIGsk IT 16 StJO#'11TTED ASA PW EMMM TO MINVIU't SLAB 9. All reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, dowels and inserts DN"0461GPE AND A 4CMO1t IWLT LOCATION& shall be well secured in position prior to placing IF WALL* AIE TO Ma SI'EGN D, GONBULT FACTCW FOR P EVNWW concrete or grout. SLAB CAI "CMONS. 90 unless otherwise noted in details, furnish No.3 spacer SHEET ties at approximately 21-6. O/C in all beams and aTT WAS••a ACS M` footings to secure reinforcing in place. lTmLJCTumAL. INWIN•II+ n&AnrvM.aai �.uw�.tcoas ---------------- 1. Csmsnt shall conform to ASTM C-150, Type II. 2. Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C-33 form for normal - weight concrete and ASTM C-330 for lightweight concrete. 3. Ready -mix concrete shall be mixed and delivered In accordance with ASTM C-94. 4. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength at 29 days of Zsoo psi unless noted otherwise. S. Admixtures may be used with approval of the Structural Engineer. Admixtures used to increase the workability of the concrete shall not be considered to reduce the specified minimum cement content. 6. Refer to Architectural drawings for molds, grooves, ornaments, clips or textures required to be cast late concrete and for extent of depressions, curbs and ramps. 7. Projecting corners of slabs, beams, columns, walls, etc. shall be formed with a 3/40 chamfer unless noted otherwise. 9. Concrete form tolerances shall be within the standards set by the American Concrete Institute. 9. All reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, dowels and other inserts shall be secured in position and inspected by the local building department inspector prior to the pouring of any concrete. 10. Location of all construction joints not specifically indicated on the drawings shall be approved by the Structural Engineer prior to placing reinforcing steel. 11. Concrete floor slab variation from level scall be as more than 1/e inch in 10 feet maximum. 12. The maximum placing temperature of the concrete, wben deposited, shall be 90 degrees Fahrenheit. If the weather causes the placing temperature to exceed N degrees Fahrenheit, the mix shall be cooled by wetting the aggregate or other appropriate method approved by the Engineer. 13. immediately after stripping forks, patch miner defects• form -tie holes and honey -combed areas before concrete is thoroughly dry. Remove ledges and bulges. Repair gravel pockets by cutting out to solid surface, form key, and thoroughly wet before placing patching mortar consisting of 1 part cement to 2 parts fine sandl compact into place and neatly finish to match surrounding surface. Grout or fill surfaces to produce level, true planes. 14. All concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated by suitable means during placement and shall be thoroughly worked around reinforcement and embedded fixturse and Into corners of forms. IS. Where special inspection is required a deputy inspector approved by the jurisdictional agency issuing the building permit, shall provide continuous inspection of the placement the reinforced concrete and shall submit a certificate with the the plans and speeifiastione to the agency and the Engineer. 16. Concrete mikes shall be designated by a recognized testing labratory, copies of the design shall be sent to the Engineer. Compressive strength test reports shall be submitted to the Building Department and the Engineer. All concrete except foundation concrete shall contain a polymer based water reducing admixture. 17. The maxim$nm slump shall not exceed 3- +/- 11 for footings, slabs on earth and mass concrete, and 41 +/- i- for other concrete. Is. Conduit or pipe size (O.D.) shall not exceed 300 of slab thickness unless specifically detailed and shall be located in the middle 1/3 of the slab. Clear spacing between adjacent conduits or pipes shall be a minimum of 2 times the larger O.D. 1f. use No.3 aggregate as designated by the Standard Specifications for Public works Construction, also known u the "Green Book"'. 11 minimum size. PUMCTION ARID CURLING OF CONCRETZ e -------------------------------------- 1. Protect concrete from injurious action of the elements and defacement during construction operations. 2. Keep concrete in a thoroughly moist condition from the time it is placed until it has cured for at least sever: (7) days. 3. Keep forme sufficiently wet to prevent drying out of the concrete. 4. Carefully protect exposed concrete corners from traffic or -abuse which will damage them in any way. 5. Fog spray freshly placed slabs continuously until finishing operations commence. Allow no slabs to become dry until curing operations are complete. Slabs shall be cured with non-staininq curing pacer, wet r�Gl� epvc,T As X I•w�=� Gr..s Its C • 1 Ps �� M AA 0.-;-� y moi► /': �'"� �'! "i Q3JlL� �r1,6� • 'Oft USe- Ivo U2� ; '71-1 mCOTT W AL_L .ACM W -i• !TPReJCTLJPRAL. 0N9VINN0JR Fla I � v 1 i�--Icp14f osi - Z� Z[rO 1. ,� Z• -L � �,-- ��,� � JPS s'� C �-y� ��- 1 , P r �3 �- If s Sip& 1i i M burlap, fog sprays or curing compound. Protect fresn concrete from drying wind, rain, damage, or soiling. Cover exposed finished slabs with curing paper lapped 4 Inches minim= at joints and sealed with waterproof adhesive or masking tape. CONCI!' 0 !C©TT WAt..L.AC0 l.�. ! TI�VCTIdI,A ` 0NaINas OR California Landing park Liskt. i Flag Pole Fomadstiem Tract 1%59 w4mb6a"e Ch Details D 1.0 - 2.0 Specifi.satieas 8 1.0 - 3.0 Calculations 1.A - 7.A t�ss�f 1F IT If faA (Based m the provisions of the 1994 OAC) Osm mm*O (20 day) ............................. Plan 2500 psi Reimferei" Steel #5 bars and less ............................ Fy- 40 ksi #6 bars and greater ......................... 11'r• 60 ksi Mil beeclam • ...............................r.... 2N0 Poe • Based ea a sails repent by Kleiafeldee, dated Apeil 10, 1»s. Q2527 1 BENTLEY LANE a 7 1 4 455-9875 LAMINA HILLS CA 9 265 3 -4602 FAX 7 1 4 455-9852 99C.A.3 1r WALA .ACS MAL 119R '_„A rMA'Ll..1RL1 �� Q NTIRNCTN/RAL. NN•INNNA =TA1i./CTLJPrAL. NNS/NtOA ...�.� _UW. Pw SLAB •....moi N/W - ��"S•11SF1� ��1/ni `Il'■Gi t .� �' / � ter Based on onetime brie, i4 '� I ee (1-1 Vt IS.# snww r -4 I'L' d' vf" ►�++s - sh+�lt G A1 160 • Z Z Gf � S. S '� s, ��� - 41"FIMP'TUtAL NLLI?'lfit#1R �1QtC.l•tAM�i 114�►Tt�+s) Cr • o"ff GVF�, p0q- e - 4% r f mi. AOO(f 0 ► F UA& is 40%h O ?%0_01W 1y1MRls•► 1111w Tits. s 36 ! W&wr RA•- s,t. , • P'irtr�0r P -'� s '� + �� � •�• Z�• j�, r'�191 �;t S j 1 ` - �v x/11. -7 11TV - ' G s 12 �61RrRMgi a �'i� wxm �oPl>or� G Based on seetiea IG III '!') ' • « 4 . I - - VLiii veep • - q* 1 1 7•Z. 'j r1 ' -►•'� Co •toile Be. tG-� • li is! G�"A'w /Aw- Q SIi1+o/Mtrfta Cel (moth" ZZ) • s 4E' i ja j > N' I • L, As, 4 s 4 �s•11r=� I. SS s /(,.m. . - u . , . u �. . 1.4 • 1." • 1.0 • S M= � _ � is <dMb <u -t % (1� <1•, � d s Z. Z� �r� 20' t • 16.E • 1.4 • 1.12 • 1.6 •'66.0 est 1 Ire �* 3,.• h 25 • P . 14.4, • 1.4 1. It 10 pega l� 30' P • 10• 1.♦ • 1.22 • 1.0 • u. 40' f • 1`,+ • 1.4 • 1.31 • 25271 BENTLEY LA09 0 LAGUNA MiLLc CA s:bsi-4669 0 1.0 • 451.1 M= 714 45S-9975 Teti 714 455-6952 0 1 1 1 N �•�•� 57�IjrO I�a'•j�p-�'�-1 ;1•I � •�(S /W� .. SCOTT WAL..LACM ILML J00 SHM NTwueTuwAL. •NOINer•w (� LANp��I �i(,t�i � J,o fWA - -� t '.� WS # ArIft"Or �., -�`L- OW -Vft cls' 1 "Wot =4" 'o10 I I'10 1� a '�l► I • rd6 1 w! Psi M SU �ur�Ta►n (3) +-tp � , ML AO , I0ro WI -WW '1W sr . ` 1 A4.K S I.d, SW * Ss.o (4) #19 v:OLT �� �3 ?1Es � ki"e►c. --� 0C0TT W ALLACM ISAL 6�t STPRNCTNPRAL NNO/NNNR 44 ,cif ~ t I s 70 # . M•> c - �` _ z arc � 40 10404, Mow �,1� ; - Z = ZZs4 /r a, '�, (i(l.,-, t� � �4� F 2) OVA sur+ s 55���- % � lSPA tt r + T z7.� Mit, 31 2 8 bt1l%I..�/ Nom► '� CalutN _UW. Pw SLAB a N/W - ��"S•11SF1� v+u'ted v; 1YPi• MN4 M �crt11 '� I ee (1-1 1 d.. snww r -4 I'L' d' vf" ►�++s - sh+�lt G A1 160 �Io S. S k►r1li. Siib }� GVF�, fivn�k4 10L uCOK r f mi. � ► F UA& is 40%h O ?%0_01W 1y1MRls•► 1111w Tits. W&wr RA•- s,t. , • �j L/ rig r - �v x/11. �I- � M - ' G s 12 `f; 3 39. �oPl>or� G 3 0=3 11T WAL.LAC1111 ZJ NTIRL1CTeJAAL /NOINNNPI r , 106 S1' L/�N�l�N�� S M ,� _ WALL.ACE As SHM a 'rXLJCTLJRAL. ONNINNNIR �Nrl+*• S 4.4 2 8 SHEU OCOTT WALLAC1111 15AL J ,�� NTFRLIC7U RAL. NNV/NNNI+ C� l.%�A/Q/,�',S 'I94t.f+�S I•>� _UW. Pw SLAB A00V4& r 1P ra Siirltd„ WR MWO I1� *' INSTAL" sY 40 w- >- 12f 5o SOIL ►�++s - sh+�lt G Ze' �Io S. S k►r1li. Siib }� GVF�, fivn�k4 10L uCOK r f mi. � ► F UA& is 40%h O ?%0_01W 1y1MRls•► 1111w Tits. W&wr RA•- s,t. , 2 8 p4ropeAs * x-10 _* 1 It n Gr+J U�^Sala. s� A d 4V 6M IS IS g*,auc 3' G' � i, t� G•Z' u�,s. Ls''3' t a." 1 w• A MtaaI•� W t1wr 1 r L' �.1t lips I-V�p' 1.ts f 1 Z,is$" �•T X �-3 y f�� x 0 0 0= 1wr wALLACt s -AL ,¢ p�c5 ff� s•�l 00'rftLJCrLJ0WAA_ :Ct�TT wALLAC� sls�Z1rR11JCTNPRAL. NNO/NNN/N NNO/NNNIR 0 Grp- ra'a = Joe # 90,11, *W 31 c«K 64- 00w So A rww. s YI& FsI Ldon f . CO 1 v W Z O V a. J J CM a) 0 WQ L,f)o�z Cl) 0 � O = O W J 0Z0v ZQZ c Q OmWOZ Zz�v Q�LO J Q Lo a. o a W cc � � a 0 LL Z Q Q W o0 a Qx o a. & 0 In N Z W W U Q W Q © w Z -W Z 0 Zi LL H :W m i LL Z w �U 0 0 a O y 0 0 Lo LO (0 < L0 mmmt r- Z o 0 Q+1 Q LL Q 1 U w U) 0 Z Z Q F Z Z 0 LL 11•- i= W W 40 O U� N co �C n vz wQ .-� 4 N& REVISIM SCALEDRAWN �►� ��.t:t�� t1rosess" c Z3,s IS-4..&�.) liz'� iZh. �2) NOW! - is a sD 1*4 t.s � Zs+ �,.*, t Ise' l =,Ij S CtNE�CKCKE1 CONFLETE1 RATE �Iw/+10 Ia n p 1 5, = i•3> (�� a�s 1161 TR. 15655 San 1see X. 'y 3.S► '�'Ci�i 0.'�i 3.� • I. S4 1.0 • 4 f 1 1F o.w �.I f -z, 14s alrr I s � 'to� � ♦ I = S f3 IG SHEU OCOTT WALLAC1111 15AL J ,�� NTFRLIC7U RAL. NNV/NNNI+ C� l.%�A/Q/,�',S 'I94t.f+�S I•>� G tSll� 40 w- >- 12f 5o Z•'Sb ►�++s - sh+�lt G Ze' �Io S. S 'P!•i7 r i % I r� � � �� p4ropeAs * x-10 _* 1 It n Gr+J U�^Sala. s� A d 4V 6M IS IS g*,auc 3' G' � i, t� G•Z' u�,s. Ls''3' t a." 1 w• A MtaaI•� W t1wr 1 r L' �.1t lips I-V�p' 1.ts f 1 Z,is$" �•T X �-3 y f�� x 0 0 0= 1wr wALLACt s -AL ,¢ p�c5 ff� s•�l 00'rftLJCrLJ0WAA_ :Ct�TT wALLAC� sls�Z1rR11JCTNPRAL. NNO/NNN/N NNO/NNNIR 0 Grp- ra'a = Joe # 90,11, *W 31 c«K 64- 00w So A rww. s YI& FsI Ldon f . CO 1 v W Z O V a. J J CM a) 0 WQ L,f)o�z Cl) 0 � O = O W J 0Z0v ZQZ c Q OmWOZ Zz�v Q�LO J Q Lo a. o a W cc � � a 0 LL Z Q Q W o0 a Qx o a. & 0 In N Z W W U Q W Q © w Z -W Z 0 Zi LL H :W m i LL Z w �U 0 0 a O y 0 0 Lo LO (0 < L0 mmmt r- Z o 0 Q+1 Q LL Q 1 U w U) 0 Z Z Q F Z Z 0 LL 11•- i= W W 40 O U� N co �C n vz wQ .-� 4 N& REVISIM SCALEDRAWN �►� ��.t:t�� t1rosess" c Z3,s IS-4..&�.) liz'� iZh. �2) NOW! - is a sD 1*4 t.s � Zs+ �,.*, t Ise' l =,Ij S CtNE�CKCKE1 CONFLETE1 RATE �Iw/+10 Ia n p 1 5, = i•3> (�� a�s 1161 TR. 15655 San 1see X. 'y 3.S► '�'Ci�i 0.'�i 3.� • I. S4 1.0 • 4 f 1 1F o.w �.I f -z, 14s alrr I s � 'to� � ♦ I = S f3 IG