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V. Commercial product containing ' approximately twenty (20) percent to twenty-five (25) percent available phosphoric acid. s. : Commercial product containing approximately twenty-one ( 21) percent Ammonia. X. • Commercial product containing approximately thirty-four (34) percent ammloesia. I. Agricultural grade containing fifteen and - one-half (15-i/2) percent nitrogen. J• Granular commercial product containing thirty-eight (38) nitrogen. K.T f n ti [ lee sr.►vldiesia Diurnal: commercial product containing thirty-one (31) percent nitrogen. L. sail Sulfur;: Agricultural grade sultan coe.tainiag a minimum of ninety-sfx (9i) percent sulfas. M. : Geigy Iron Seq ostrome 330 Fe. 2.05 WATER A. Clean, fresh and potable, furnished and paid for by Agency. PART 3 - EXECUTION x.01 SOIL PREPARATION 1. Mniatura SARLSO : Do not work soil when moisture content is so dry that dot will foam in air ttut clods will not break readily. Apply ester, if necessary, to bring soil to as optimum moisture content of tilling and planting. 3• �l�t g of nahris: Clear all planting areas of stones two (2) inches diameter and larger an the surface after finish grading. Also, remove all weeds, debris and other extraneous materials prior to amending existing soil. g.Pr aration f lam. tin„Soil: 1. iiiii'llilliVerify that grades are within plus or minus one tenth of one foot of the required finished grades. Report all variations immediately to the Agency's Authorized Representative. 2, s`ultivatinn_: Rip or cultivate all planting areas to a depth of six (6) inches immediately prior to amending existing soil, except for slope areas 2:1 or greater. J. Trees tg elema�: Need cultivate within the drip line of existing trees to remain. Depth of cultivation stall not exceed two (2) inches. Cultivate sdiately prior to amending existing soil. 3.02 SOIL CONDITIONING A. &�� f Yiatina anal ( 11 arae lama thaw tri slenaal= 1• : Incorporate par me thousand (1,008) square feet:, 6 cu . y+d . Mi t rogsr�-treated sawdust . 18 lbs. 12-12-12 Commercial Fertilizer 10 lbs. Ursa Formaldehyde 2, IaA=: The above amendments and quantities are approximate and are for bidding purposes only. Following five (S) on-site topsoil analysis by an approved Soils and Plant Laboratory, composition of amendments may change. Contract price will be adjusted accordingly. 3. &►rI ivaHydrMaadin_ : Delete pre -plant fertilises. 4. lacaXpQrAtion of : Incorporate thoroughly within top six (6) inches of soil layer and bring amended soil to finish grades and elevation shown on drawings. Do not work soils under muddy conditions. a, p��kfill ix fir on -Grade Plant Pits: 1. : Sixty (60) percent Native Soil excavated from plant pit Forty (40) percent Nitrogen -treated sawdust One (1) lb. 12-12-12 cubic yard of mix Two (21 lbs. iron Sulfate per cubic yard of mix 2, ['lar f ashria: Clear all planting areas of stones two (2) inches diameter and larger on the surface after finish grading• Also, remove all weeds, debris and other extraneous materials prior to amending existing soil. B. Pragaratinn of ExiatinQ_Soll: 1, v�ifi anon %r* .2a -radu: Verify that grades ars within plus or minus one tenth of one foot of the required finished grades. Report all variations immediately to the Agency's Authorized Representative. 2. C itivation: Rip or cultivate all planting areas to a depth of six (6) inches immediately prior to amending existing soil, except for slope areas 2:1 or greater. 3. Trans nes wormier: Hand cultivate within the drip line of existing trees to remain. Depth of cultivation stall not exceed two (2) inches. Cultivate immediately prior to amending existing soil. 3.02 SOIL CONDITIONING A. of moist M aril (all ram: lass thaw 2:i slopaal: 1. a �: Incorporate per one thousand (1,000) square feet: 6 cu. yd. Nitrogens -treated, Sawdust 15 lbs. 12-12-12 Commercial Fertilizer 10 lbs. Ursa Formaldehyde 2. 12LA st: The above amendments and quantities are approximate and are for bidding purposes only. Following five (S) out -site topsoil analysis by ae approved Soils and Plant Laboratory, composition of amendments may change. Contract price will be adjusted accordingly. 3• ar as to gacaive Nydroaaadina; Delete pre -plant fertiliser. 4. It o-•�+aration of A= nts: Incorporate thoroughly within top six (6) inches of soil layer and bring amended sail to finish grades and elevation shown an drawings. Do not work soils under muddy conditions. a, a�c•kfill in far on-Grada_Plaat Pits: I.' its ar: Sixty (60) percent Native Sofl excavated from plant pit Forty l40) percent Nitrogen -treated sawdust One (1) lb. 12-12-12 cubic yard of mix Two (2) lbs. Iron Sulfate per cubic yard of mix One (1) lb. Urea Formaldehyde per cubic yard of mix 2. Inns=: The above amendments and quantities are approximate sad are for bidding purposes only. Following two (2) oa site topsoil analysis for agricultural suitability (paid for by Contractor) by as approved Soils and Plant Laboratory, composition of I amendments may change. Contract price will be adjusted accordingly. 3.03 D1tAINAGE OF PLANTING AREAS A. gurface Drainage: All planting areas shall have positive drainage towards drains and/or street curbs. Contractor stall verify that no standing water will occas. a , n.r.►i nal a Saar _ -� I . _acid 1. Submit in writing all soils or drainage conditions considered detrimental to growth of plant materials. State condition and proposal and cost estimate fez correcting condition. 2, : Submit for acceptance a written proposal and cost estimate for the correction before procooding with work. 3.04 CLEAN-UP A. Seep all areas of work. Clea, neat and orderly at all times. B. Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance to the satisfaction of the Agency's Authorized Reprsaen- tative. END OF SECTION ( 1.01 DESCRIPTION a.. Rsviw the General Conditions, standard Specifications andSpecial Provisions, which contain information and requirements that apply to this sectio - a. y Provide planting of trees, shrubs, sad ground covers, complete s• shown sad specified. C. etlarad rinrnc n Other Sactiona: Irrigation system - section 02010 Soil Preparation - Section 02!20 Lawns and Grasses - Section 02!30 Landscape Maiutsnaace - Section 02978 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. : I. Provide certificates of inspection rogesired by low for tranuportatioa of each shipment of plants along with invoice. 2. File copies es of certificatafter acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Government at place of growth does not preclude rejection of plants at project site. a. Apply standards for plant materials as described is the following: i. General Conditions, Special Provons, trxhibit •A" ani Appendix 1. 2. •American Standard for Nursery Stock•, latest edition, American Association of Nurse Ise • 3. Montan III - Latest edition, smiley Noratoriva, Cornell University. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. s..;lSa sedProduct 0&M: Prior to delivery to site, submit samples and manufacturer's current literature foe the following items: 1. Tram sb_rub P ant W Fertilizer: Four (4) tablets each. 2. SCA: One (1) pint . a. 2Y�ti L: Submit all laboratory test data for all materials. 1. !linty: One (1) pint 1.04 WORK SCHEDULE A. Proceed with the work ae rapidly so the site becomes available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. 1.05 SELECTION, TAGGING AND ORDERING OF PLANT MATERIAL A. noc- : Submit documentation within fifteen (13) days after award of Contract that all plant materials haw bees ordered. Arrange procedure for review of plant materials at time of submission. a. 2ayijW: Submit a written list mad request for review of tagged plant materials and quantity at place of growth at lease ten (10) working days prior to shipment to site. Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to refuse review at this ter, it, in his jtd�moat, a sufficient quantity of plants is not available. C. Contractor shall provide transportation for review of plant materials from Agency's Authorized Representative's Office to the nursery. The Agency's Authorized Representative will review the tagged plants at place of growth and lepers delivery for conformity to spociiications. D. Submit photographs with a person adjacent to plants for preliminary review. Such review shall not impair the right of review and rejection during the progress of the work. a. It proof is submitted ttat any plant speed is not obtainable, a proposal will bi considered for use of the nearest equivalent size of variety with corresponding adjustment of contract price. Substantiate such proof in writing no later than fifteen (15) days after award of contract. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Lahtlim: Furnish standard products in manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels legibly showing quantity, analysis, genus/species and name of manufacturer/grower. a. : Store products with protections from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. Protect metal containers from sun during summer months with temperatures above eighty (90) degrees fabreuheit. C. HandljQ: Do not lift or handle container plants by tops, stems or trunks at any time. Do not bird or hsadle plants with wire or rope at any time. D, Anti -Desiccant: At Contractor's option, spray all evergreen or deciduous plant material in full leaf immediately before transporting with anti -desiccant. Apply an adequate film over trunks, branches, twigs and foliage. 1.07 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. ZMMIIM: Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to take and analyse saaQles of materials fez conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request. a. 2Sjacted Remove rejectod materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay cost of testing of materials sot meeting specifications. 1.08 MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Se Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance. 1.09 WARRANTY PERIOD A. V&XXA : warrant that all trees, planted under this Contract will be healthy and in flourishing condition of active growth one year from date of Final Acceptance. Similarly warrant shrubs, and ground covers for a period of 90 days after Final Acceptance. a, gal&=: All delays in completion of planting operations which extend the warranty Period correspondingly. C Plants shall be free of dead or dying D. ls: As soon as weather conditions permit, replace, without cost to the Agency, all dead plants and all plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as determined by Agency's Authorized Representative during, and at the end of warranty Period. 1.10 REPLACEMENTS A. gdM&Kal: 1. plant materials exhibiting conditions which are determined as being unacceptable des to workmanship by the Contractor shall be repaired and/or replaced at ns additional cost to the Agency. 2. Closely match replacements to adjacent specimens of the same species. Apply all requirements of this Specification to all replacements. a. Contractor shall be held responsiblo for a maximum of two (2) replacements for each tree, shrub, and same area of ground cover planting during warranty period. C. Marr v: All replacement plants shall be warranted per (1.09) above. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANT MATERIALS A. Gsaaral: 1. Growing C ditiaa:: Plants shall be nursery -grown in accordance with good horticultural practices under climatic conditions similar to those or project for at least two years, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Agency's Authorized Representative. • 2..All planta shall be symnetricai, tightly knit, ao trained or faceted in development and appearance as to be superior is fors, number of branches, compactness and symmetry. 3. XUM: Planta shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when in leas. They shall be free of disese, insect pest, eggs, or larvae. They shall have healthy, well-developed root systems. Plants shall be free from physical damage or adverse conditions which would prevent thriving growth. 4. Container stock: Verify ttat all container stock has been in the containers in which they were delivered for at least six (6) months, but not over two (2) years. Samples must prove to be free of kinled, circling or girdling roots and with no evidence of a pot-bound condition. Do not install container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth when taken from container. I a. i 1. moi: Measure plants wheys bsreackee are in their normal upright position. Haight and spread dimensions specified refemain to ain body of plantand not branch tip to tip. Take caliper measurement at a point on the trunk six (6) inches above natural ground line for trees up to four (4) inches in caliper and at a point twelve (12) inches above the natural grromd line for tress ons four (4) inches in caliper. of 2. ,Size Range: If a range size is given, do not use plant materials less than the minimum size. The measurements specified are the minimmrm sits acceptable and are the measurements after pruning, where pruning is required. Plants that meet the measurements specified, but do not possess a nonoral balance between height and spread shall be rejected by the Agency's Authorized Representative. 3. Plants shall be true to species and variety, and shall conform to measurements specified except that plants larger than specified may be used if accepted by Agency's Authorized Representative. Use of such plants shall not increase contract price. If larger planta are accepted, increase the ball of earth in proportion to the size of ttse plant. C. flyipi": Do not prune plants before delivery. For pruning after installation, see Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance. a, S:Dmditim: Trees which have multiple leaders, unless specified, or damaged or crooked leaders, will be rejected. Trees with abrasions of the bark, sun -scalds, disfiguring knots, or fresh cuts of limbs over three-quarters (3/4) inchsa which have not completely calloused, will be rejected by CAS Agency's Authorised Representative. 3.02 BACKFILL MIX FOR P�t�1'r PITS A. Sea Section 02920 - Soil Preparation. 2.03 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS A. T= -dress Fertilizer: Complete fertilizor, fifty (SO) percent of the nitrogen to be derived from natural organix sourcesd or urea -foam. Available phosphoric acid shall be from superphosphate, bons or tankage. Potash shall be derived from muriate of potash containing dixty (60) percent potash: Sixteen (16) percent Nitrogen Six (6) percent Phosphorus Sight (8) percent Potash a.: •Agrifors• twenty -omen (21) gram tablets with 20-10-5 ) Formula as manufactured by Sierra Chemical Co., Milpitas, California, (408) 263-6060, or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. 2.04 STAKING MATERIALS A. : Lodgepole Pine two (2) inch diameter; ten (10) fest long) with ten 110) inchsa. Tapered driving point and chamfered top, treated with copper napthanats or pentachlorophenol to heartwood, green color, as manufactured by C a E Lumber Company, Pomona, CA., Tel. (909) 626-3591, or equal approved by Agency's Authorized RepreseAtatiw- a, Tial: wonder tree -tie or other tie as accepted by Agency's Authorised Reprasaatatiw. 2.OS GUYING MATERIALS A. n aamn: Cedar or redwood, with one (1) three-quarter inch x four (4) inch galvanized eyebolt centered and secured on its side; screw-type galvanized steel ground anchor, or Universal ground anchors, as manufactured by Laconia Mallsablo Iron Company, Laconia, New Hempahire. a. HaxdMIL Ds : 1. Guxizg Cable: i x if Aircord, rise as specified. 2. Galvanized or dip -painted and weldless. 3. Galvanize& or copper, rise a. repaired. 4• pla_•tic chug ov a: One half (1/2) inch diameter x four (4) to few (S) foot long white PiICC SCii. 40 piping. Z.06 MOOT BARRIERS A. Barriers to deflect tree roots downward stall be installed when the tree is planted within five (5) fest of City improvements (i.s. sidewalks, curb & gutter, storm drain structures, wall structures...). a. Root barriers shall be Deep Root Corp. or equal. 2.07 WATER A. Clean, fresh and potable, furnish and paid for by the Agency. a. Transport required. 2.06 ANTI -DESICCANT A. Anti -desiccants for retarding excessive loss of plant moisture and inhibiting wilt shall be sprayable, water insoluble vinyl- vinyledine complex which will produce a mositure retarding barrier not removable by rain. a, wilt-pruf Formula NCF as manufactured by Nursery Specialty Products, Greenwich, CN., or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. PART - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPLANT REVIEW A. mal: Do not commerce planting work prior to acceptance by Agency's Authorized Representative of soil preparation. a. Mini h ©radee: Finish grades for all planting areas shall have been established in another section. Verify that all grades are within one (1) inch plus or minus of required finish grade, and that all soil amendments have been installed as specified under Section on Soil Preparation. C Motificatjm: Submit written notifieatioa of all conditions inconsistent with specifications for soil preparation and mixing as described in Section 02!20 - soil Preparation. 3.02 DRAINAGE OF PLANTING AREAS A. surface DrainaQa: Maintain positive surface drainage Of planted areas as established under Section 300-11 Finish and Rough Grading. a, Submit in writing, all discrepancies in the Drawings or Spocificartions, obstructions on the site, or prior work done by others, which Contractor feels precludes maintaining proper drainage; include description of all work required for correction or relie11". _1_d �111RLEIIGLLM: s of said discrepancies. C. 1, Supply written notification of all conditions detrimental to growth of plant material. State condition and submit proposal and cost estimate for correcting coetditiom. 2. ZaaLAjW: Test drainage of twenty (20) plant beds and pits identified in field by Agency's Authorized Representative by filling with water twice in succession. Notify Agency's Authorised Represents -taw of conditions where retention of water is planting beds occurs for more than twenty-four (24) hours. 3. Submit for acceptance a written proposal and coat estimate for the correction before proceeding with work. 3.03 LAYOUT AND EXCAVATION OF PLANTING AREAS A. Lavoaa- sad_stakin:: Lay out plants at locations shown on Drawings. Stake each tree location with lath, color coded for each species. Outline shrub and ground cover beds with lime. Agency's Authorized Representative will check location of plants in the field and shall adjust to exact position before planting begins. Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to refuse review at this time, if in his opinion, a sufficient quantity of planta fa not available. a, jl t Pits: Excavate container -grown tree, shrub, and vine pits to the following dimensions: . llidti - 212rA Boxed Trees Two (21 times box width One and one half (1-1/2) times hart height . six (f) inches Canned Trees Two (2) times diameter One and one halt (1-i/2) times can height + six (6) inches Canned Shrubs Two (2) times diameter Can + six (6) inches 3.0� PLANTING OPERATIONS A. QftUaral: i. Protect plants at all tits from sus or drying winds. 2. Keep plants that cannot be planted immediately upon delivery is the shade, well -protected and well - watered. a. V&rkdling of Plast Materia": I. Remove carawd stock carefully after camas haw been out on two sides with accepted cutter. Do not use spade to cut cans. C. InALAIIALim: 1 - positicni=: After removing plant frem Cemtaie:lw, scarify side of rootball to prevent root -bound condition and position plant in planting pit. 2, >jarJttilliA�: Use backfill mix to backfill plant pits. Set each plant plumb and brace rigidly in position until planting soil has been tamped solidly around the ball and roots. when plant pits have been backfilled approximately two-thirds (2/3) full, water thoroughly and saturate rootball, before installing remainder of the backfill mix to top of pit, eliminating all air pockets. 3. �ratxirM �d1er �v_iam: Stake or guy as outlined is Section 3.06 below. 4. Place evenly distributed is plant pits when backfilled two-thirds (2/3) to finish grade according to the following schedule. Fifteen 1131 gallon can - Three (3) tablets s. Adjust plants to chat after full settlement hes occurred, the natural grade at the base of the plants is one (1) inch above the adjacent planting finish grade. •. r*r4n &asin: Form saucer with four (4) inches high berm centered around tree and shrub pits twlve (lZ) inches widen than ball diameter. Do not foss sauces around trees is lawn areas. F, W& aLj=: water all plants immediately after planting. a. Libali: Remove all nursery -type plant labels from plants. 3.Oi STAKING AND GUYING A. sianaral : I. Trees shall be able to stand upright without support, and shall return to the vertical after their tops haw bran deflected horizontally and released. Stake or guy trees which do not mart this qualification. All plant materials shall remain plumb and straight for all given conditions from installation through the guaraatae period. 2. Use either staking or guying method per planting details and planting legend. a. Sf,ALL" : 1. Locate stakes in a line with trunk of tree, perpendicular to pravailinq wind, and as close to the main trunk is practical, avoiding root injury. Drive stakes at lease thirty (30) inches into firm ground. 2. Remove tree from nursury-supplied stake and tie to now stakes using Loos (41 accepted tree ties. Find propos height for point of tree ties and attach a• follows: A. Hold trunk in one hand, pull top to one side and . release. Height at which trunk will just return to upright is Base Height. Attach tree ties to trunk approximately twenty-four (24) inches above Base Height. b. Nail tzN ties to stakes using two (2) galvanized roofing nails at each end of tie. C. guyjm_ 1. Guy trees at points of branching with gents space& equally around and outside perimeter of ball. Cover guys with rubber hose at points of contact with bark. Position guys at crotches and fasten to a dsadm . 2. Install 1/2 x 3' or 4' or S' SCH. 40 P.V.C. pipe or approved white co,atod wire. 3, Oyyj: Provide one turnbuckle for each guy. Use two (2) cable clamps at each cable counsction. 3.07 PRUNING Sea Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance 3.04 GROUND COVER PLANTING A. per: Plant ground cover planta at optimim depth for proper growth. Avoid air pockets. Equally space traingularly, at distances called for in the Drawings. a. Fert�lizera: Apply tap -dress fertilizer at the rate of few (5) pounds per one thousand (1,0001 square feet. C. water bed tharaughly after fertilizer application. ktash all fertilizer from leaven of plant materials. 3.09 CLEAN-UP A. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. S. Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptanes. �F.(`TTON Q293Il PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Ralated RaauirlbIlklInts: Review the General Condons, Stassdar& Specifications and Special Provisions, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. a. Work ncluded: Provide lawns, complete as shown on drawings and as specified. C. Irrigation System - Section 02810 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Covers - Section 02950 Landscape Maintenance - Section 02!70 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. e`rovide as required by law fes transportation of each shipment of seed along with invoice. Submit copies of certificates after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Govern enta at place of growth does not preclude rejection at proper site. a, Annlir•a�bla Standard&: Apply standards for seed and sod as described in the following: 1. General Conditions, Special Provisions, Exhibit "A• ad Appendix 1. 2. Hortus III - Latest eon, smiley Natatorium, Cornell University. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit samples and manufacturer's literature for tins following items: 1. Sead Mix(eal: One half (1/2) pound for each type. 2. gUICA: Ons half (1/2) pound 3.one half (1/2) pound 1.4 . : One half (1/2) pound a, 1ARL..2&tA1: Submit all laboratory test data for all materials. 1, stead varieties Guaranteed statement of campositivn, mixture and percentage of purity and germination of each variety. 1.04 WORK SCHEDULE A. Proceed with the work as rapidly as the site becomes available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. 1.0S SELECTION AND ORDERING OF PLANT MATERIAL A. Submit documentation within fifteen (1S) days after award of contract that all seed has been ordered. a. If proof is submitted that any seed specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent variety with corresponding adjustment Contract price. Substantiate such proof in writing no later thaw fifteen 1131 days after award of contract. C. -a+The above provisions shall not relieve contractor of the responsibility for obtaining specified seed in advance if special growing conditions or other arrangements must be made in order to supply specified materials. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Sand: 1, paltya=Y: Furnish standard seed in unopened manufacturer's standard containers bearing original certification labels showing gwatity, analysis and basin of manufacturer. 2. Z&gaM: Store seed with protection frog weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effective&*" of the projoct . a. Hu1Gb: Store with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. 1.07 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Smiles: Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to take and analyse samples of materials for conformity to specifications at say time. . a.^acts& Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay coat of tostiag of materials not meeting specifications. 1.08 MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Se Section 02970 - landscape Maintenance. 1.09 WARRANTY PERIOD A. MUM Period: warrant that all lawns and grasses shall be in a healthy and flourishing condition of active growth six (6) months from date of Final Acceptance. a. Ani ..r nes our nQ arrant:: Lawns shall be f res of dead or dying patches, and all areas shall show failage of a normal density, size and color. an,&=: All "lays in completion of planting operatics which C. extend the planting into mon than one planting season shall extend the warranty Period correspondingly. Warrant growth and coverage of hydrosssded plantin/ D. ' to the effect that one hundred (100) Percent of the area planted shall be covered with spoeitied plaatiaQ atter 4� growing seance with ao base spots. a. Contractor shall not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by the Agency, vandalism, etc., dusi.sy Warranty Period. Report such conditions in writing. 1.10 REPLACEMENTS A. spraLble won m,anahijk: Lawn areas exhibiting conditions which are determined as unacceptable workmanship shall be repaired and/or replaced at no additional cost to the Agency. a. s &*lose, without gest to Agency, as soot " weather conditions permit, all lam not is a vigorous, thriving conditions, as datermined by Agency's Authorized Representative during and at the and of Warrmaty Period. C. HaLthias: Closely match all replacement seed with adjacent areas of lawn or grass. Apply all requirements of this Specification to all replacements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 LAW SEED A. fresh, clean, certified, now crop seed of the following varieties mimed in the proportions As W-- : �rathenT or Triple Croom Drrari Marathon 52f empress Dort 3416 or equal Mustang 22% Pixie Owari 33f or equal Rebel lit Pixie Dwarf 33t or equal Olympic 159 El Dorado Dwarf 330 or equal or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. a. used: Do not exceed twenty-five sae hundrendthe percent (0.25*) . 2.02 ORGANIC AMENDMENTS: A. see section 02920 - sell P:ratios 2.03 TOT -DRESS FERTILIZER A. Complete fertiliser, fifty (SO) percnst of the notrogem to be derived from natural organic sources or urea -form. Available phosphoric acid shall be from superphosphate, bone or tankage. Potash shall be derived from muriate of potash containing sixty (101 percent potash: Sixteen (ii) percent Nitrogen Six (6) percent Phosphorus Eight (8) percent Potash 2.00 NYDROSEED MJLCM A. General: I. : Green -colored, fibrous, virgin wood cellulose mulch containing no growth or germination- inhibitinq factors. 2. pis*+-rsi� n IJU=: Mulch shall be manufactured is such manner that after addition to and agitation in slurry tanks with fertilizer, seed, water and other approved additives, fibers in the material will become uniformly suspended to fors a hermogeseous slurry. 3, : when hydraulically sprayed on the ground, the material will form a blotter -like ground cover impregnated uniformly with seed which will allow the absorption of moisture and allow rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. B. Specifications: 1. !lzi9At: "eight specifications of this material from suppliers, and for all applications, shall refer Daly to air dry weight of the fiber material. Absolute air dry weight is based on the normal standards of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry for wood cellulose and is considered equivalont to tea (10) percent moisture. 2. LabLum, Bach package of the cellulose fiber shall bs marked by the manufactures to show the air dry weight content. 2.05 SOIL STABILIZER A. romDos^itice: Totally organic substance, supplied in power form and at least 90% of which is ninety-two (92) percent pure nucleoid derived frm ground plantago ovata-insularis husks. Stablizer shall be water-soluble, arms- toxic hydrophillic and shall not inhibit germination. a. prrwhye!r: ■Ecology Controls 14 -binder" as distributed by Stover Company, Los Angeles, Ch, or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Reprsaeatative. 2.06 HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT FOR HYDROSEEDING A. mixer: Use a commercial type hydro-Neder for the application of slurry. Equipment shall have a built-in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend ani homogeneously mixt slurry. a• Large enough to prevent stoppage and to provide even distribution of the slurry over the ground. C• One hundred fifty (150) psi at the nozzle. D. 81_:= Tank: Minim= capacity of one thousand (1,000) gallons shall be mounted ons traveling unit which will -place the slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded so as to provide uniform distribution without waste. 2.07 MATER A. Potable water is furnished by the AVeney• I a amopes't so required. 2.0 t HYDROSEEDI1Ni MIx PER ACRE A. : Marathon II, Triple Crown Dwarft or equal. . PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Are�� to _Receiydroaeedina: All turf areas. 3.02 SOIL PREPARATION A. Reser to soil Preparation - Section 02!20/ 3.03 HYDROSEEDED LAWN A. Turf Area EMaration: Culti-pak or roll all hydroseeded turf areas prior to hydroseedinq so as to settle soil. Re -grade low areas and re -roll. a: ---=d tamant Prior : Begin watering immediately to activate fertilizer and chemicals. 1. water all areas thoroughly and uniformly. Continue watering at the frequency and duration necessary to germinate all residual weed seeds, and as directed by the Agency's Authorized Representative. 2. Unless otherwise directed@ mnintaia weteriag for sot leas than three (3) weeks. 3. If perennial wed appear, apply approved contact It herbicide oust affected areas. Apply in acnes& with mmnufacturar's instructions. 4. If annual weeds appear, apply approved contact herbicide over affected areas. Apply in accord with manufacturer's instructions. S. De est metes affected areas for a period of four (4) days minimum, following application of contact herbicides. S. Follow manufacturer's instructions relating to time required for chemicals to effectively destroy wend growth. 7. Resume watering, sad continue for a period of three (3) weeks. a. A shorter watering period may be permitted by the Agency's Authorized Representative, as determined by project conditions. second 8. Discontinue weturing for one (il day prior to application of herbicide spraying• a. Reapply straight contact wed killer in accord with manufacturer's instructions. b. Do not water treated areas for a period of four (4) days minimum following application of herbicide. 9. Remove all desiccated weeds from the slopes to the finish grade. 1S. Nater planting areas thoroughly and continuously for three (3) Consecutive days. Saturate upper soft lsy+er/• 11. Allow soil surface to &Y for w (1) day immediately prior to hydroseedinq. a. Exercise care not to allow the soil surface to become over-satuated with water prior to hydrosoeding; do not permit soil to become bonier dry. b. The top quartos (1/4) inch of soil surface shall show evidence of residual meisttire at tial of hydrosesdinq. C. Preparation: Do all slurry preparation at the jab site. I. ghat: Add water to tank when the engine is at half throttle. when the water level has reached the height . of the agitator shaft, establish good re -circulation and add seed. i. SWd: Do net allow seed to remain 0=0 than thirty (30) minutes in slurry. 3. dd : Afertiliser, followed by the lulch. The mulch shall only be added to the mixture after the seed, and when the tank is at least one third (1/3) fills& with water. 4, diXiM: Open the engine throttle to full speed when the tank is calf -filled with water. Add all the mulch by the time the tank is two-thirds (2/31 to three-fourths (3/4) full. Commence spraying immediately wham the tank is full. a I. %anar&l: Apply specified slurry mix in a sweeping rate. Keep hydrosesding within designated areas and keep from contact with other plant materials. 2, Unusad Mix: oo not use slurry mixture which has not been applied within four t4) hours of mixing. Promptly remove from the site. 3• Yj;ntactios: Afters application, do not operate -any equipment ovez'the hydroseeded areas. 4. RaAlaadiDs: Rose" all areas and parts of areas which fail to show a uniform stand of lawn until areas are covered with a satisfactory stand of lawn. 3.04 CZ.M Ot A. : Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. Keep all paved areas clean during planting operations. a, gyAXaR X: Immediately after application, thoroughly wash off any plant materials, planting areas, or paved areas not intended to receive slurry mix. C. IISt=is: Clens up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final A►eceptance. END OF SECTION SECTION 02970 • PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DlSCRIPTION A,. Review the General Conditions, Standard Specifications andSpecial Provisions, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. a. work Include Provide Landscape Maintenance, complete as specified. C. Q.lar•d Bork in �thar Sactiona: Irrigation System - 8octian 02810 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Covers - Section 02lSO 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. : Apply as described in the following: 1. General Conditions, Special Provisions, Exhibit "A• and Appendix 1. 2; Guide for Fertilizing Shade sad Ornamental Trees. 3. Pruning Standards for Shade Trees. a. 1. Perform all work in accordance with all applicable law, codes and regulations required by authorities having jurisduction over suck work. 2. Provide for all inspections and permits required by Federal, State, or local authorities is furnishing, transporting, sad inatallinq of all agricultural chemicals. 3. The County Agricultural Commissioner's Office must by law, be given a monthly record of all herbicides, insectfcidos and disease control chemicals used. C. Ynrlc Force 1. The landscape maintenanco firm shall have a full tiros foreman assigned to the job for the duration of the contract. He shall have a minimum of four t41 years experience in landscape maintenance supervision, with experience or training in turf management, entomology, peat control, soils, fertilizers end plant identification. iiE MUST SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY. 2• Labor Force: The landscape maintenance firm's labor force shall be thoroughly familiar sad trained in ttno work to be accomplished and perform the task in a competent, ifticiant manners acceptallle to the Agency. 3. - 22rviaim: The foreman shall directly employ and supervise the work force at all times. Notify Agency of all changes in supervision. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit to Agency's Authorized Representative for approval, two (2) copies each of the following items: I. Schedule of maintenance operations and monthly status report including list of all equipment and materials proposed for the job. 2. written application recomiNndatioa by a licensed agricultural pest control advisor for all wed, peat and • disease controls restricted by the Director of Agriculture proposed for thea work. 3. All licenses and insurances required by the City of Fontana, the State or Federal government pertaining to this work. 4. Monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides e disease control chemicals usd for rho projset�,, 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS ' A. seta visit: At beginning of maintenance period E walk the site with the Agency's representative lar'. scope of work ami understand existing prof si conditions. .F - Cv'�-Ff ..1 �a�� L"' I � OF C AOT ;1v . t,, Noo 2 "714, - I I El 0 E; ImI 49 O. << co a X W I 9 Ili it 0 a` IrW W Z Z 4*" � w U W4 V T" ao Fft� V" :$P V Z ;� O k V%J 441C Fw� Q `` C) tW4 i .� N aa .C) � f% U IC K ~ V" Q41C tz 40 V"4 !► KVISON KM Dun �EC1 COMMM M TR. 15655 Mi IF L- 13 ")0 1 4 y k I 9/6 hr , A V a I 1 L W Z 0 UCL= 1 4c CL W J � J N Ch 0Z �OQQ Zaa :3 t =O � Q pt LL - Zaz() A, amoz Zz3�: W 0 . r S 15 un 0 E; ImI 49 O. << co a X W I 9 Ili it 0 a` IrW W Z Z 4*" � w U W4 V T" ao Fft� V" :$P V Z ;� O k V%J 441C Fw� Q `` C) tW4 i .� N aa .C) � f% U IC K ~ V" Q41C tz 40 V"4 !► KVISON KM Dun �EC1 COMMM M TR. 15655 Mi IF L- 13 ")0 1 4 y k I 9/6 hr , A V a I 1 L ** 1 4c CL W 2 0 O IL, 111le z :3 t W :E V d O A, � W 0 . 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