HomeMy WebLinkAbout2714-50.f. �SCTIaIf 029-291 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A• : !Review the General Conditions, Standard Specifications and Special Provisions, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. hl• �IorSsa�l: Provide all products and execute all labor to aehiew soil preparation, complete as shown and as specified.' C. Related marl I n Other Sectioee: Irrigation System - Section 02010 Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Covers - Section 02950 Landscape Maintenance - Section 02970 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General Conditions, Special Provisions, Exhibit "A- and Appendix 1. S. Provide certificates of inspection required by law for transportation with invoice. File copies of certificates with Agency's Authorized Representative after acceptance of material. Inspection by governmental officials at point of origin does not preclude rejection of materials at project site. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Saanlas andpz'QdJW t.: Prior to delivery to site, submit samples and manufacturer's literature to the Agency Authorized Representaivs for the following items: 1. Organic Amendments: One (1) pint for each type 2. Topeoil: One-half (1/2) pound 3. Soil Mixes: One-half (1/2) pound for each type 4. Sand: One-half (1/2) pound S. Chemical Additives: Ons (1) pied for each type a. eta: Submit all laboratory test data for all materials. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. jiib LJJ".- Furnish standard products in unopened manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels showing quantity, analysis and name of manufacturer. B. StQX&M: Store products with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. 1.0S ANALYSES OF SAMtLES AND 'TESTS A. $&MpjiM: Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request by Agency's Authorized Representative. bam Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. C. Taatiai: Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. 1.06 PRE -PLANT REVIEW A. Acceptance: work will be accepted by the Agency's Authorized Representative upon satisfactory completion of all soil preparation work. a. Notification: Notify Agency's Authorized Representative forty-eight (48) hours in advance for review of soil preparation prior to proceeding with planting operations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL A. 1, Use only fertile, friable, well -drained soil, of uniform quality, free of stones over 1 in. diameter, sticks, oils, chemicals, plaster, concrete and other deleterious materials, as a planting medium for the project. 2. Tatting: a. Raramites: Test all soils which have been previously used for agriculture forenmatodoe. it shall be acceptable if the parasites nematode population is less than two hundred (200) per five (5) cubic centimetre of soil. Do not artifically dry soil prior to testing. b. Itar»idt: Perform a radish/reygrass growth trial if herbicide contamination is suspected. Consult with Agency's Authorized ILepsoeenita- tine price to testing. •. lop Nd 00%i1 to b• llma�ed: Inspect existing soil and do all work necessary to bring it to standards specified under "General Qualifications" above. Amend as specified herein. 2.02 ORGANIC AMENDMENTS A. - Derived from redwood, fir, or cedar sawdust. 1. 2 gar nt i? a■+� Sieve si=n 9S-100 6.3S ms (1/40) 00-100 2.30 mm 40,* mesh) 0-30 SOO micros (03S, 32 mash) 2. rit_oQ.n n.r r (may weight basis) : Wood of Redwood - 0.4-0.6% wood of Fir/Cedar - O.S6-0.040 (dry weight basis) : Minimum 0.000 iron as metallic solubia salt.: Maximum 3.S millimhos/am twenty-five (25) degrees celsius as determined by saturation extract method. AM (dry weight basis): 0.6.00 3. Natt&AILIJ x: a. . The air-dry product shall, when applied to a cup or smaller beaker of water at seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit in the amount of 1 teaspoon, become completely wet in a period not exceeding two (2) minutes. b. Guarantee all wetting agents added to accomplish this to be non -phytotoxic at rate used. nftmt 2.03 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 1. u1itltAGALL iM: submit in writing all soils or drainage A. pre -Plant rtilirer: Minced by a commercial fertiliser conditions considered detrimental to supplier and consisting of the following percent by weight: materials. State condition and growth °f Plant estimate for aorsecting condition.Proposal and cost Six (6) percent Nitrogen 2. Cern.••};^^; Submit for ecce Twenty ( 20 ) Percent phosphorus and cost estimate for the correct otanceps �toM°1 Twenty (201 Percent Potash with work. proceeding 2,04 CHEMICAL ADDITIVES A. Qrnund Lime■ton•: Agricultural limestone containing not less than eighty-five (85) percent of total carbonates, ground to such fineness that fifty (50) percent will pass #100 sieve and ninety (90) percent will pass #20 sieve. B. Dnlo�it& Line: Agricultural grade mineral soil condi-tioner 3.04 CLEAN -Up A. Keep all areas of work, clean, neat and orderly at all times. B, Clean ng and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance to the satisfaction of the Agency's Authorized Represen- tative. containing thirty-five (3S) percent minimum magnesium such plants shall not increase contract price. If carbonate and forty-nine (49) percent minimum calcium 1• carbonate, one hundred (100) percent passing $6S sieve. larger plants are accepted, increase the ball of earth "Kaiser Dolomite 65 AG" as manufactured by Kaiser, Inc., END op Mineral Products Department, or equal. SECTION C. QySuLm: Agricultural grade product containing eighty (00) percent minimum calcium sulfate. D. Iron sulfate: (Ferric or Ferrous) : Supplied by a commercial fertilizer supplier, containing twenty (20) percent to thirty Prun1 a: Do not prune plants before delivery. For pressing (30) percent iron and thrity-five (35) percent to forty (40) percent sulphur. p PART 1 - GENERAL E, 4Llfata of Potaah: Agricultural grade. containing (50) percent to fifty-three percent of water-solublo potash. 1.01 DESCRIPTION F. commercial product containing A,Review the General Conditions, Standard approximately twenty (20) percent to twenty-five (25) percent Specifications and• Special Provisions, which contain available phosphoric acid. information and requirements that apply to this section. 0, Commercial product containing approximately B, Werk Tnclude0: Provide planting of trees, shrubs, and ground twenty-one (21) percent ammonia. covers, complete as shown and specified. M. Ammonlign mirrars: Commercial product containing appranimately C. Italatad rk in o ear a•etioee• thirty-four (34) percent ammonia. Irrigation System - Section 02010 I. S_aicium Nitrate: Agricultural grade containing fifteen and Soil Preparation - Section 02920 one-half (15-1/2) percent nitrogen. Lawns and Grasses - Section 02930 Canned Trees Two (2) time diameter One and one half Landscape Maintenance - Section 02970 J. Urea Formaidahyde: Granular commercial product containing thirty-eight (36) nitrogen. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE K. j s n U (iso Sutyidiens Diuraaf: Commercial product •.,-t+f+�-ter..; containing thirty-one (31) percent nitrogen. A. c 1• Provide certificates of inspection required by law for L. soil sulfur: Agricultural grade sulcus containing a minitmum transportation of each shipment of plants along with of ninety-six (96) percent sulfur. invoice. M. iron s&cnustrene; Geigy Iron Sequestrene 330 Fe. 2. Filo copies of certificates after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Government at 1, of growth does not preclude rejection of plants at 2.O S WATER project site. project A. Clean, fresh and potable, furnished and paid for by Agency. �• Apply standards for plant materials as 3.04 PLANTING OPERATIONS described in the following: PART 3 - EXECUTION 1 • General Conditions, Special Provisions, Exhibit "A" and Appendix 1. 3.01 SOIL PREPARATION 2. "American Standard for Nursery stocks, latest edition, ' American Association of Nurseyman, Inc. A. gm atil• 3. Hortus III - Latest edition, Bailey Moratorium, Cornell 1;•Do not work soil when moisture University. content is so dry that dust will form in air that clods muriate of potash containing dixty (60) percent potash: will not break readily. Apply water, if necessary, to 1.03 SUBMITTALS bring soil to an optimum moisture content of tilling and Sixteen (16) percent Nitrogen planting. A. Samnies end praduuet Data: Prior to delivery to site, submit samples and manufacturer's current literature for the 2, e -i. f aeras: Clear all planting areas of stones following items: two (2) inches diameter and larger on the surface after Right (0) percent Potash finish grading. Also, remove all weeds, debris and i. Tre. and Four (4) tablets other extraneous materials prior to amending existing each. soil. 2. gplrA: One (1) pint 1. Pr�naration of F�cistino Soil. (21) gram tablets with 20-10-5 (N -P -K) Formula as manufactured e. Test Hata: Submit ail laboratory test data for all materials. 1. Ver ,tion of Yin ;nc crag..: Verify that grades are by Sierra Chemical Co., Milpitas, California, (408) 263-6080, within plus or minus one tenth of one foot of the 1. Su1Ch: One (1) pint required finished grades. Report all variations or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. immediately to the Agency's Authorized Representative. 1.04 WORK SCHEDULE 2. Rip or cultivate all planting areas to a A. Proceed with the work as rapidly as the site becomes depth of six (6) inches immediately prior to amending available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for existing soil, except for slope areas 2:1 or greater. planting work. 3.Tres._ to tt.sain; Hand cultivate within the drip line of 1.05 SELECTION, TAGGING AND ORDERING OF PLANT MATERIAL existing trees to remain. Depth of cultivation shall By. not exceed two (2) inches. Cultivate immediately prior A. : Submit documentation within fifteen (15) days to amending existing soil. after award of Contract that all pleat materials have been ordered. Arrange procedure for review of plant materials at time of submission. 3.02 SOIL CONDITIONING B. 2AXJAu: Submit a written list and request for review of A. tagged plant materials and quantity at place of growth at lease ten (10) working days prior to shipment to site. 1. : Incorporate per one thousand (1,000) Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to square feet: refuse review at this time, if, in his judgement, a sufficient quantity of plants is not available. 6 cu. yd. Nitrogen -treated Sawdust 15 lbs. 12-12-12 Commercial Fertilizer C. Contractor shall provide transportation for 10 lbs. Urea Formaldehyde review of plant materials from Agency's Authorized Representative's Office to the nursery. The Agency's 2, Tnt=: The above amendments and quantities are Authorized Representative will review the tagged plants at approximate and are for bidding purposes only. place of growth and upon delivery for conformity to Following five (5) on-site topsoil analysis by an specifications. approved Soils and Plant Laboratory, composition of amendments may change. Contract price will be adjusted D. Distant material: Submit photographs with a person adjacent accordingly. to plants for preliminary review. Such review shall not impair the right of review and rejection during the progress 3, grass toEssays _ Delete pre -plant of the work. fertilizer. E. Unavailable Material-: If proof is submitted that any plant 4• corfleratien of Amendmante: Incorporate thoroughly 11�' specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for within top six (6) inches of soil layer and bring use of the nearest equivalent size of variety with amended soil to finish grades and elevation shown on corresponding adjustment of Po g j price. Substantiate such drawings. Do not work soils under muddy conditions. proof in writing no later than fifteen (1S) days after award of contract. B, sacfciill in for (�-tirade ! sat Cita: i. C�DaltiGD: Sixty (60) percent Native Soil excavated from plant pit Forty (40) percent Nitrogen -treated sawdust One (1) lb. 12-12-12 cubic yard of mix Two (2) lbs. Iron Sulfate per cubic yard of mix One (1) lb. Urea Formaldehyde per cubic yard of mix 2. jnta=: The above amendments and quantities are approximate and are for bidding purposes only. Following two (2) on site topsoil analysis for agricultural suitability (paid for by Contractor) by an -approved Soils and Plant Laboratory, composition of amendments may change. contract price will be adjusted accordingly. 3.03 DRAINAGE OF PLANTING AREAS A. a..rfac& tLrairLQa: All planting areas shall have positive drainage towards drains and/or street curbs. Contractor shall verify that no standing water will occur. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Lah�.alJna: Furnish standard products in manufacturer'a standard containers bearing original labels legibly showing quantity, analysis, genus/species and name of manufacturer/grower. B• AtQrA=: Store products with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. Protect metal containers from sun during summer months with temperatures above eighty (60) degrees Fahrenheit. C. NaOd AW: Do not lift or handle container plants by tops, stems or trunks at any time. Do not bind or handle plants with wire or rope at any time, D. ; At Contractor's option, spray all evergreen or deciduous plant material in full leaf immediately before transporting with anti -desiccant. Apply an adequate film over trunks, branches, twigs and foliage. PLANS PREPARED FOR LANDINGS, 750 L.L.C. ATTN: BEN ANDERSON 550 W. ORANGETHORPE PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92570 (7, 4) 995-5700 1.07 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. : Agency's Authorized Representative reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request. B. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. 1.0! IrLMZNANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. See Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance. 1.09 WARRANTY PERIOD A. warranty: Warrant that all trees, planted under this Contract will be healthy and in flourishing condition of active growth one year from date of Final Acceptance. Similarly warrant shrubs, and ground covers for a period of 90 days after Final Acceptance. B. Qalaym: All delays in completion of planting operations which extend the Warranty Period correspondingly. C. rnndit;on of Plants: Plants shall be free of dead or dying branches and branch tips, with all foliage of a normal density, size and color. p,•As soon as weather conditions permit, replace, without cost to the Agency, all dead plants and all plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as determined by Agency's Authorized Representative during, and at the end of warranty Period. 1.10 REPLACEMENTS A. aenaril: 1. Plant materials exhibiting conditions which are determined as being unacceptable due to workmanship by the Contractor shall be repaired and/or replaced at no additional cost to the Agency. 2• Closely match replacements to adjacent specimens of the same species. Apply all requirements of this Specification to all replacements. B, nt umtitisn: Contractor shall be held responsible for a maximum of two (2) replacements for each tree, shrub, and same area of ground cover planting during warranty period. C. lolAXXA tX: All replacement plants shall be warranted per (1.09) above. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.04 STAKING MATERIALS A. : Lodgepole tine two (2) inch diameters ten (10) feet long) with ten (10) inches. Tapered driving point and chamfered top, treated with copper napthanate or pentachloraphenol to heartwood, green color, as manufactured by C i E Lumber Company, Pomona, CA., Tel. (909) 626-3591, or equal approved by Agency's Authorised nepreoentative. e. Tian: wonder tree -tie or other tie as accepted by Agency's Authorized Reprosentativi. 2.05 GUYING MATERIALS A. QNSA Q: Cedar or redwood, with one (1) throe -quarter (3/4) inch x four (4) inch galvanized eyebolt centered and secured on its .side; screw-type galvanized steel ground anchor, or Universal ground anchors, as manufactured by Laconia Malleable Iron Company, Laconia, New Hampshire. f . Yirli�la=a : i. Quyi_ng iia: 1 x 19 Aircord, size as specified. 2. 7U=hUCkJM: Galvanized or dip -painted and weldless. 3. Galvanized or copper, size es required. 4. P antic guy severs: One half (1/2) inch diameter x four (4) to five (5) foot long white PVC SCII. 40 piping. 2.06 ROOT BARRIERS A. Barriers to deflect tree roots downward shall be installed When the tree is planted within five (S) foot of City improvements (i.e. sidewalks, curb i gutter, storm drain structures, wall structures...). a. Root barriers shall be Deep Root Corp. or equal. 2.07 NATER A. Clean, fresh sad potable, furnish and paid for by ttw Amey. a. Transport required. 2.08 ANTI -DESICCANT A. Anti -desiccants for retarding excessive loss of plant moisture and inhibiting wilt shall be sprayable, water insoluble vinyl- vinyledins complex which will produce a mositure retarding barrier not removable by rain. B. Wilt -prof Formula NCF as manufactured by Nursery Specialty Products, Greenwich, CH., or equal, approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. PART - EXECUTION 2.01 PLANT MATERIALS 3.01 pREPI.ANT REVIEM A• 9aMtial• A. QsnarAl: Do not commerce planting work prior to acceptance by 1. Growina C ndition_■: Plants shall be nursery -grown in. Agency's Authorized Representative of soil preparation. accordance with good horticultural practices under climatic conditions similar to those or project for at B. Finish Gradas: Finish grades for all planting areas shall least two years. unless otherwise specifically authorized have been established in another section. Verify that all by the Agency's Authorized Representative. grades are within one (1) inch plus or minus of required finish grade, and that all soil amendments have bees installed C. l�atillitim= 1. After removing plant from container, scarify side of rootball to prevent root -bound condition and position plant in planting pit. 2. laCAl111iW - Use backfill mix to backfill plant pits. Set each plant plumb and brace rigidly in position until planting soil has been tamped solidly around the ball and roots. When plant pits have been backfilled approximately two-thirds (2/3) full, water thoroughly and saturate rootball, before installing remainder of the backfill "x to top of pit, eliminating all air pockets. 3. MAI t ; sed/err t3�i�se: Stake or guy as outlined is Section 3.06 below. 4. rartilieer Tablets: Place evvemly distributed in plant pits when backfilled two-thirds (2/3) to finish grade according to the following schedule. Fifteen (15) gallon can - Throe (3) tablets O. Adjust plants to that after full settlement has occurred, the natural grade at the base of the plants is one (1) inch above the adjacent planting finish grade. t. : Form saucer with four (4) inches high berm centered around tree and shrub pits twelve (12) inches wider than ball diameter. Do not form saucer around trees is lawn areas. F. hiataxLft: hater all plants immediately after planting. 0. L &ala: Remove all nursery -type plant labels from plants. 6 STAKING AND GUYING A. 9MMESAL: 1. Trees shall be able to stand upright without support, and shall return to the vertical after their tops have been deflected horizontally and released. Stake or guy trees which do not met this qualification. All plant materials shall retrain plumb and straight for all given conditions from installation through the guarantee period. 2. Use either staking or guying method per planting details and planting legend. 1. Locate stakes in a line with trunk of tree, perpendicular to prevailing wind, and as close to the main trunk is practical, avoiding root injury. Drive atak�s at lease thirty (30) inches into firm ground. 2. Remove tree from nursury-supplied stake and tie to new stakes using four (4) accepted tree ties. Find proper height for point of tree ties and attach as follows: a. Hold trunk in one•hand, pull top to one side and • release. Height at which trunk will just return to upright is Base Height. Attach tree ties to trunk approximately twenty-four (24) inches above Base Height. b. Nail tree ties to stakes using two (2) galvanized roofing nails at each end of tie. 2. All plants shall be symmetrical, tightly as specified under Section on Soil Preparation. C. guyAmt knit-, so trained or facored in development and appearance as to be superior in form, number of C Nur;f+,-.t+gQ; Submit written notification of all conditions 1. Guy trees at points of branching with guys spaced branches, compactness and symmetry. inconsistent with specifications for soil preparation Aad equally around and outside perimeter of ball. Cover mixing as described in Section 02920 - Soil Preparation. guys with rubber hose at points of contact with bark. 3. yid: Plants shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, Position guys at crotches and fasten to a dead men . well branched and densely foliated when in leaf. They 3.02 DRAIHAGE OF PLANTING AREAE shall be free of disese, insect pest, eggs, or larvae. 2. Install 1/2 x 3' or 4' or S' SCH. 40 P.V.C. pipe or They shall have healthy, well-developed root systems. A. $urfaea IlrainaQa: Maintain positive surface drainage of approved white coated wire. Plants shall be free from physical damage or adverse planted areas as established under Section 300-11 Finish and conditions which would prevent thriving growth. god Grading, 3. 9 : Provide one turnbuckle for each guy. Use two (2) cable clamps at each cable connection. 4, rnntainar stock: Verify that all container stock has B, Baan Submit in writing, all discrepancies in the been in the containers in which they were delivered for Drawings or Specificartions, obstructions on the site, or 3.07 PRUNING at least six (6) months, but not over two (2) years. prior work done by others, which Contractor fools precludes Samples must prove to be free of kinled, circling or maintaining proper drainage; include description of all work See Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance girdling roots and with no evidence of a pot-bound required for correction or relief of said discrepancies. condition. Do not install container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth when taken from C. 3.08 GROUND COVER PLANTING container. 1. p: Supply written notification of all A. an ground cover plants at optimim depth for B. conditions detrimental to growth of plant material. proper growth. Avoid air pockets. Equally space State condition and submit proposal and Goat estimate traingularly, at distances called for in the Drawings. 1. Osatral: Measure plants when branches are in their for correcting condition. normal upright position. Height and spread dimensions specified refer to main body of plantand not branch tip 2. Test drainage of tweet (20) plant beds and B• F rt puns Apply top -dress fertilizer at the rate of five to tip. Take caliper measurement at a point on the �' Y P (Si pounds per on3e thousand (1,000) square feet. pits identified in field by Agency's Authorized trunk six (6) inches above natural ground line for trees Representative by filling with water twice in C. : water bed thoroughly after fertilizer application. up to four (4) inches in caliper and at a point twelve succession. Notify Agency's Authorised Representa-tive Mash all fertilizer from leaves of plant materials. (12) inches above the natural ground line for trees over of conditions where retention of water is planting beds four (4) inches in caliper. occurs for more than twenty-four (24) hours. 2. Riga Rana&: If a range of size is given, do not use 3, c -n zsc 3.09 CLEAN-UP g q ��.,�: Submit for acceptance a written proposal plant materials less than the minimum size. The and cost estimate for the correction before proceeding A. Keep all area' of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. measurements specified are the minimum size acceptable with work. and are the measurements after pruning, where pruning is B: Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from required. Plants that meet the measurements specified, 3.03 LAYOUT AND EXCAVATION OF PLANTING AREAS the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance. but to not possess a normal balance between height and spread shall be rejected by the Agency's Authorized A. Levant and staking Lay out plants at locations shown on Representative. Drawings. Stake each tree location with lath, color coded for I.1 MM �$� SECTION 0293 0 each species.. Outline shrub and ground cover beds with lime. 3, Q�ih.tit»rinn.; plants shall b! true to species and Agency's Authorized Representative will check location of variety, and shall conform to measurements specified plants in the field and shall adjust to exact position before PART 1 - GENERAL except that plants larger than specified may be used if planting begins. Agency's Authorized Representative reserves accepted by Agency's Authorized Representative. Use of the right to refuse review at this time, if in his opinion, a ELEVA7M 01 DESCRIPTION A. Review the General Conditions, Standard Specifications and Special Provisions, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. B. Provide lawns, complete as shown on drawings and as specified. C. salated Work in otter S._etious: Irrigationn System , Section 02010 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Covers - Section 02950 Landscape Maintenance - Section 02970 02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. bar + + a s of nalmetion: Provide as required by law for transportation of each shipment of seed along with invoice. Submit copies of certificates after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection at proper site. B, Apply standards for seed and sod as described in the following: 1. General Conditions, Special Provisions, Exhibit "A" and Appendix 1. 2. 1lortus III - Latest edition, Bailey Moratorium, Cornell university. LAYMON- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1 ENCINA IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92710 PIIONE 010731-S2M FAX 010 731-8141 CRY OF KWMA CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. O1ei"''''PLANTING � 5 D"Wod 9r. sPEciFicAr iUNS DoW CMeMd 8r. or. s3.97 D.O. PM.N57 CITY ENGINEE1t R.C.E 2S1 2%14' _ such plants shall not increase contract price. If sufficient quantity of plants is not available. 1• larger plants are accepted, increase the ball of earth in proportion to the size of the plant. g, plant pates Excavate container -grown tree, shrub, and vine pits to the following dimensions: C. Prun1 a: Do not prune plants before delivery. For pressing after installation, see Section 02970 - Landscape Maintenance. Ridgy am"A D. c'o**g�..dit••ion: Trees which have multiple leaders, unless Boxed Trees Two (2) times box width One and one half specified, or damaged or crooked leaders, will be rejected. (1-1/2) times boat Trees with abrasions of the bark, sun -scalds, disfiguring height + six (6) knots, or fresh cuts of limbs over three-quarters (3/4) inches inches which have not completely calloused, will be rejected by the Agency's Authorized Representative. Canned Trees Two (2) time diameter One and one half (1-1/2) times can 2.02 BACKFILL MIX FOR PLANT PITS height + six (6) inches A. See Section 02920 - Soil Preparation. Gasmen Shrubs Two (2) times diameter Can • six (6) 1, 2.03 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS inches A. Fertilizer: Complete fertilizer, fifty (SO) percent 3.04 PLANTING OPERATIONS of the nitrogen to be derived from natural organix sourcesd or urea -form. Available phosphoric acid shall be from A. r.,2narAL:. superphosphate, bone or tankage. Potash shall be derived from muriate of potash containing dixty (60) percent potash: 1. Protect plants at all times from sen► or drying winds. Sixteen (16) percent Nitrogen 2. Keep plants that cannot be planted immediately upon Six (6) percent Phosphorus delivery in the shade, well -protected and well - Right (0) percent Potash watered. B. Tres anA Gb_r Planting F rtiliger: "Agriform" twenty-oneB, Nin��ng of Plant tinct rials; (21) gram tablets with 20-10-5 (N -P -K) Formula as manufactured by Sierra Chemical Co., Milpitas, California, (408) 263-6080, 1:. Remove canned stock carefully alter cans have been cut or equal approved by Agency's Authorized Representative. on two sides with accepted cutter. Do not use spade to cut cans. Prepared By. �nginew.. _ _ _ _CR y_ .. _. _ ELEVA7M 01 DESCRIPTION A. Review the General Conditions, Standard Specifications and Special Provisions, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Section. B. Provide lawns, complete as shown on drawings and as specified. C. salated Work in otter S._etious: Irrigationn System , Section 02010 Soil Preparation - Section 02920 Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Covers - Section 02950 Landscape Maintenance - Section 02970 02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. bar + + a s of nalmetion: Provide as required by law for transportation of each shipment of seed along with invoice. Submit copies of certificates after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection at proper site. B, Apply standards for seed and sod as described in the following: 1. General Conditions, Special Provisions, Exhibit "A" and Appendix 1. 2. 1lortus III - Latest edition, Bailey Moratorium, Cornell university. LAYMON- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1 ENCINA IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92710 PIIONE 010731-S2M FAX 010 731-8141 CRY OF KWMA CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. O1ei"''''PLANTING � 5 D"Wod 9r. sPEciFicAr iUNS DoW CMeMd 8r. or. s3.97 D.O. PM.N57 CITY ENGINEE1t R.C.E 2S1 2%14' _