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it 0 10 .Is �2 2 Hi NOS �.. A V NUE I -- -I -, 0 n A -low 10) 43 0- 0 1�_ I lip C� ?ill► � 2� �„ � � ,�• -` if -•ad 1 , =� i F 1"411 Iw 1 Mr 44, MIR -- -- — Ccirttcnil�c _ Toro Network 8000 series Satellite Controller model 132-645e, 32 eta • satellite { controller in 'Myers' model a MEUGD-1 light green powder coated 0" a eyed enclosure. Final location to be approved by City Inspector. Coordinate installation electric meter with General Contractor. 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz. , 0.35 amp (® 115 VAC, 60H ) independent power for controller and electric meter to provided for by Owner and kwAa*d Engineers plans. Irrigation Contractor shall make final hookups. �aL4 Radius Install Toro Provide Sensor Input Board (S1113) 160M -e3 to d v d 570Z --12P-8 Q.T.H.F Pop up shrub spray 20 .1 7l. .23, .37..74 8' interface with flow meter and rain shut off device, etc. Provide Radio Link Kit a 89-7611 to 49$0 570Z -12P-10 Q,T,H Pop up shrub spray 20. .3, .42, .6 9' communicate with Central Command. Provide ground rod and surge protection for each 7 + r ♦ 570Z -12P-12 Q.T,H,F Pop up shrub spray 20 .4, .57, .95.1.67 11' satellite controller. Provide all radio equipment compatible with VHF. 19 le 0 0 570Z -12P-15 Q.T,H, F Pop up shrub spray 20 .6s, .95, t .3', 2.35 "31 ( G r INC.* '(, 45'll T1 FRWAV W 57OZ--12P-EST EST Pop up end strip 20 0.38 Tp fry t&5707. -12P -SST SST Pap up side strip 20 4.E5 4 :�, " &;v .., (�! ►' PN � 9 pyi0* d 0 0 570Z -8P-8 Q.T,H,F Pop up tud sprue; 20 .17..23. -'3I, 14 B � 14j N) )W' Tom' '�' !°� L1 �l%"O FOL_?F QF 4t O 570Z -6P-10 Q.T.H Pap up turf spray 20 ', .42..E o i V • 57OZ-6P-12 a. r.H.F Pop up turf spray 20 .4, .57, .9b. 1.5. gr Rt 13 0 57OZ-613-15 •. (:THF Pop up turf spray 20 .68..95, 1.37, 2.85 U 57OZ-6P-EST EST Pop up end strip 20 0.148 3`x12' u - 57OZ-6P-SST SST Pop up We strip 20 0.55 4'�4 - 0' b 4 5702-8 Q,T,H,F 20 .17, .23, .37, •74 8' t3 , 6707.-10 20 .31, .Q..6 9' - V • V ♦ 57=12 Q,T.H.F I I 20 .4,.67..95.1-67 11 gr t3 © 57OZ16 Q,T,H,F N 20.68, .95, 1.37, 2.86 13' ♦ _ Ar 5705 -FB -50 -ADS! 0.5 BL9)bier on rim 20 0.5 N10174 -lo t!7700 A&Twf"ftlC90000 �hW OW �43PAO ONLY. "W-1 Hro;&P iBRl IlQKY! LES Ls � 11 �,'6a.L.. OfT4 f I iJ �P-1 ^ � ALL RADIO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CONFIGURED FOR VHF. vF- GV series remote control vakv--Siza-at named on piw: Refer to d+etaL ALL TORO NETWORK 8000 EQUIPMENT CAN BE OBTAINED FROM CALIFORIWA TURF Q ar It ck coupler. Refer to detail. DISTRIBUTION, CONTACT CURTIS NEWMAN AT (619) 793-3899, (PAGER). 04 Nil T-113 series threaded bronze gate v0ve, line size. Refer to detail. ® Griswold 2000 series master valve. Refer to Point of Connection Cahoot on plans. Refer to detail. Mlatir MMK El Wilkins series 500 pressure reducing valve with standard spring range. Refer to detail. Refer to paint of �� per Engiper. connection cailout on plans for size or if required. Corsirac�or shall adjust pressure setting as required to 1 / 2- waters meter provided for and installed Owner nsane Exact location and see to achieve maximum performance. be verified by Irrigation Contractor prior to work. Refer to plan Point of Connection Cal. PIPEE�kfiow Pr+ewntar 'Casco' or approved equal. class 200 PVC lateral line. Bury minimum 12' below finish grads. Size as � Febco 825Y reduced pressure backflow device. Refer' to Point of Connerciion CaMout on pians for sizing noted on plans. Refer to detail. A� lateral line passing under paving or hand ail be schedule 40 Refer to detail. Provide 100 mesh bronze Y' strainer. Install Le Maur two piece stainless sloe! rne.� g backflow enclosure eve backflow. Install size as required and per ens PVC. Refer to irrigation notes. s4o) L,Q- � '�''�" I recommendations. •■� �-• ••� 'Lasco' or approved equal PVC main line: Mainline 1-1/2' and smaller shall be schedule 40 PVC. Flow Il�tir © Data Industrial IR -220P Serres flow sensor. Provide Data Industrial Model 600-15 pulse Output Mainlihe 2' and larger shah be class 315 PVC. transmitter Bury minimum 16' below finish grade. Where mainline passes under street, ntainlirte shall be buried 24' lransmrtter mounted in controller enclosure. Provide all hardware required to install aN equipment below subgrade. M Install per manufacturers recommendations. Refer to detail. Refer to Point of C Ca1W for Schedule 40 PVC electrical conduiL Bury 18/24 below finish grade / sub -grade. Extend 12' bey+cxxi sizing and further information. edge of paving. Size as required. Piping, controller wiring and communication cable under asphauk or PRj,A,17N - GOAT'' CV20N ®► j��, -F 0�j� oil Ll --mc;; C—,T j72 -- concrete shall be sleeved separately through Sch. 40 PVC pipe: Sleeving shall be installed a minimum 5yVP) � Mme, � Mo�� �� of 24' below street or parking lot paved surfaces. sleeving shall be installed a minimuan of 18' under • oC x a � - For vim Tv X91 Schedule 40 PVC sleeving ( 2x size of pipe inside). Bury minimum 180/24' below, fk*ph grade / sub- AS O�� -` Q5 �°� l%�' PIMP- 4 � r �'' t t Grade. Extend 12' beyond edge of paving. 6 O t'�° I ' ...l, ,p _ ar UP Tupf� KTDh- 36 AN pipe shall be installed, inspected and backfilled per City of Fontana Specifications. 5 0 . Ar 300 F"" F ' �Qf ' - Mr uPTv�� �� 4-o4w 4N 77 P�T1''*�L— a, It - JL Iff7m I rLte,V h 6' - � NOTES SOL - 1. _ _ _ ALL MAIN LINE PIPING AND CONTROL WIRES UNDER PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SErARA.M. _ SLEEVES. MAIN LINE SLEEVE SIZE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWICE (2X) THE DIAMETER OF TF:E aiF_ TO BE SLEEVED. CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE FOR THE REQUIRED NL-101.2EA Or. WIRES UNDER PAVING Z. ALL LATERAL UNE PIPING UNDER PAVING SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPS AND WALL Qc INSTALLED PRIOR TO PAVING. & PIPE SIZES SHALL CONFORM TO THOSE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. NO SUBS PT, TI *NS rc PIPE SIZES SHALL BE PERAMTTED, BUT SUBSTITUTIONS OF LARGER 3312ES MAY BE APFRC'y Ei..,u DAMAGED AND REJECTED PIPE SHALL BE REMOVED FORM THE SITE AT THE TIME 06; -iAif I L 120 VAC ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE AT CONTROLLER LOCATION: SHALL BE Pr1 1, DED ?v A!` INSTALLED BY OWNER PER ENGINEERS PLANS. THE iRRIGA-1 CrOiNTRACTOR SHALL r,,tA 1. T -;E 7 -"'NAI CONNECTION FROM THE ELECTRICAL SOURCE TO THE CON. , R. L. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS OTHdEFIISE SPECIFIED. 7. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH AND ADJUST ALL SPRINKLER HEADS AND VALVES FOR OPTIMUM COVERAGE WITH NO OVER -SPRAY ONTO WALKS, STREETS, WALL, E T C. L THE DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PIPING, VALVES, ETC., SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS ARE FOR DESK3N CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SK4LL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTIM AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL VALVES IN SHRUB AREAS, a IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, STRUCTURES AND VTILIME3. 7HE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ALL ITEMS DAMAGED BY HIS WORK. HE SWLL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS FOR THE LOCATION AND itis T ALLATit' N OF PIPE SLEEVES AND LATERALS THROUGH WALLS, UNDER ROADWAYS AND PAVING, ETC. 10. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT Is OBVIOUS IN THE RELb THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DIFFERENCES ;N THE AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDEREED IN THE ENG;'NEERI4:G. SUCH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. - IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICAl !c NrT PEgFCR.! .ED, "rwc- IRRI GATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR. ,ANY RE'JtS!t�t�S �„F^= ;Afi• 11. ALL SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT NOT OTHERWISE DETAILED OR SPEC!F!cr, SHALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 12.. ADV (ANTI DRAIN VALVES) UMTS AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS ARE FOR TiPICAL INS T AL+ A } iC1=v ONLY. AND MAY NOT BE REQUIRED ON ALL HEADS. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION THE CJNTP.SellI '_ l VERIFY WITH THE ON-SITE GRADES. IF THERE IS AN ELEVAT;ON DIFFERENCE OF 240 OR 11.'.^r=E DETWEEN THE H MEBT HEAD AND LOWEST HEAD ON A SYSTEM, THE ADV'S SHALL BE !';S7A.!..�L PEA THE DETAIL I& CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT CITY ENGINEERING DIVISION LANDSCAPE !NSFECTOR. 4k HOURS wF41 P TO DESIRED INSPECTION OF AN ITEM AT EXTENSION (909) 350 -SM. 14. REFER TO IRRIGATION SPECIFICATKM FOR STANDARDS OF MATERIALS AND WOFKWNSHM. INSTALLTION OF ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT IN T HE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 308 AND 212 OF THE 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTFitX-nON LATEST EDITION' AND THE CITY OF FONTANA PARK PLANNING AND LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT SECTION, ENGINEERING DIVISION LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION STANDARD DETAILS - COntraC:�. orl appfy suffK ier4 water to promote healthy grawth of the Pill rnater1W. At no tune will the / operator apply water at a rain or frequency which causes rinoff or w* saturation. H GL for Site is at 1,638' (top of Wk). Hycfraulc moons taken fronn mid =k at 1,623`. Rete: to hydraulc Ca1cU tier* for each meter vocation for static water pressure at each point of cenne rnmr, . k1%rrnation obtained from Mando Guardado at San Gabriel Valley Water Compwn;; or: 0: 6;.. 5. j�jr-? ra�aalber (818) 448-6183 oat. M. if pessum an not as st md, Contncw shah contact Landscape At tiled in writing prior to work far . Fa&ue tQ do ao WA remelt in Cm&actor be ft Responsible for any a c mn.ger :hat ; n..a•�, .:!!. Notes: Caw Dig Alert, underground service alert, prior to digging at street. Phone: 1 (800) 422-4133. Coordinate location of bubbler heads with tree and vine locations. NO 1/2" PVC CLASS 200 LATERAL LINE TO BE INSTALLED. SMALLEST SIZE LATERAL LINE TO BE CLASS 200 3/4. REFER TO SHEET 29 FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND AND NOTES. REFER TO SHEETS 32.33 AND 34 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. .