HomeMy WebLinkAbout2657-1_-s----.•—�---:...,r-rte- - - .. _a •s �� �. s ��.- ..�� s nr •.•.�-•-!sem s a-� -�.. ��. �.s .� �•^r �.�.� •-+�r•r ra �, s yam: a-•�s ......... ' ��� ��� i>_r.�s•�r' - - 1 41;0 -41-33 ,. I 1 -EI TWO DAs= ;r) nKo iff IMPORTANT N01ICE: Section 47161 +217 of the t;ovtrnrre+zt Cods .e'quirea a 01,1 Alvi sdzntitic'etion Numb -Ir h I l33ueJ befor a permit to excavate will bt w3lid, For your Diq Miert 1.0. Number csq A it ]DIE IE S = ' Uoderground Sewvic.3 Alert-, Toll Ir a nR�r*�b-tr h (804) 422-•41"3'3 taro working days belr;e yo:i dig. PAIRK - i t , ''. LANDSCAPE ARCHIIECIURE URBAN OES N • 30315 CAN1NC00 STREET •- . 'SU1Tt - 10+ •� T • AGOURA 1-11LLS,_., T:ALIFOP.!�llA 9Z.-0 • t8181 98g X904 FAX:• {E:SI •889.99Ct-1 :•:.. 1932 E. DEERE AVE. - 3UiTE 100 SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA 92705 1714 251.9655 F.X. (7741 :�5i•965? F T Ugnotur eA. YT - 16 A rr :F VIL LIC dr V" "W �'.K • • . - >• - Signattire :y n 1 - F >' 1 .,., . • • . � date 4, OF . - OF ,_; �. REV DATE DESCIP:0710N 13 P A O.R.1% APPROVED BY CITY OF R NTS NA Dew Al- ei elopiment sF 1 esus 4 I L( IROBERT MI®O�E RGE DJIF C7fY • :�0 Hy Authority Expires t� 04. I,(q///� �, NOTE: PERFORM ALL WORK TO COMPLY _ t � �� � �W A A 90025 _ PLY cit �j%T Required Notes:WITH -1994 UBC WITH CA. ADMENDMEN_TS i-` y a ..• J - . 3t. 10) 9 '4 8 & 1993 NEC WITH CA, ADMENDMENTS t_:�.�* C. 1 be +'naiattaitnsf l el a acct, cic%i w=1 frc: aad hm1thy waO,,Ltion. `This shall i icliuie bid not be � � ' � • Foritaiia -Fiel Off jCe �n ' - �,-, C� 1i n9-9-0156�. It � the landscape contractor's responsi��ity to contact the �nginccring Division Landscape Inspector 48 ` is at i<�kaS �n•,t �x1 ten 1 , days, 0 9 N C1jjt1.��od .)I .,:aznt� c) y 8 hours prior to desircci inspection of an item at (909) 350-6633. � -' `' �� , C�1l. ' 4 :. 1 • ►i3at a►aow%,3g tt n i4�;n ;� ght ,i�jt to ac i zwu (z) it+Cin (will tiary wiih sperles) T 2. Prior to release of utiiities car mai ntrrmc a period commencement, the following inspections arc required. . .Lar i�.0 i� o z l ants as tnar=m to Cantrol aA-n►l r#.ir� ��w�, At4 D PER L O C -AL• F I f�E pF- P' T . KIE �i I Fes.. NI E lit"1' - P p 14mmiiii Pre Construction Meeting. I > Sc,;�ed-%ded niaitnte:ia is t at i d eioa =aloil= za assiive Incation lata of water n fva' .. T . g I;° ate' • T Construction of ungation system m open trrsYch condition (prior to backf'ilI). Pressure Test 150 PSI w P1 plant �. ow h, Dein irrigation —y require spaaaliz vi landscape niaintcranc a rare, for a d ren. (3) hour continuous period. 5 _ i, ar, &lia•te. r-ptac,�em:nt of Lmgation ;,za,=Ws as needed to main�n good working concUdoa. 4 • As uriganon coverage test. - b. t.� t1 zaaonn .�ti a it sr;lz ,�ilc a i r in�n:xnd�d 'off► the GROW 5 9 ro pmvide prop• plant growth., ' and Landscape Development Section •� � � s � • .. Planting, including street trams. C.on�ci c Par P g pc op , - - Engineering cin Division, far spies an locations. - echo t � g j, (mmctitat' Iepai�� m• repla nent of urig � materials as needed .o maintain good working condition, e � � $, 3zakrs, guys and res un ir= shall b., chc,mk�i regularly for cony t fu-nc;don. Zirs axe to be adjustrri tr, i Puuskn grade prior to planting, * � avoid abrasions or gzr�iling cnt to nk of bratn�.hes. Compliance with approved landscape plans. �Jpo:i�iiplctionf tiucc (3) rnon►h3 or one (t) yr mantuianc:e period, an iYi.cpection shall be Crede by Any special Conditions of Approval attached to projeeL. Dem=ent -gin x3n� Commune Development Dcoartm g ecring Division Landscape Inlspaainn stiff. The landscape . '~ shall maintain in a=rtlan a with th= ta�Zdu-apc'maLitena = standards. s. Final :lnspe=on. O z 10_ tb%: pmtcipal hoaa holder is irspoais�l,- to mnraet the City and schedule. the maintenance inspectiian, .�_ lie owner's representative and landscape contractor shall be prtseat at tach inspection. f It v ! _ • _-�f...�.. Ti�,�s�..:0�-�,�� - �..�'�l��i�....�.R.S �1�....-.,.�. f-=l-�a. -< ��.-,,. -a..� �� - f��.�.. .......�.....� is .I��=r��.� ��. �� - • � 4fY _--,_iL• - _- -.fir-.� fi a. coal-��1.� �-1.1i1"�.-�R� .�.'�.��t .• .�ti-Yss�fa \�- a-n!'\��f•. �.��rO i•�Ti ir>••�a�t.l_�.�.'�� - - - . - i 'ill-...-Y.il� .:moi-='S..=.�r.is-.i_• �..�a.'i-t�a�f.� •>•�>_••. af- .��.�...'.I• !l�>A_--.t�•.s��.�♦.•.��-�li����l�til-�.>•�.�.r� 1�.-i����Y� �l��f-.1^�1f/�s �.���'.l�_1.1 if .�l�z���'la1Y� �l•i.f �.f �.i. s-_'s__�^���� 'i- ���.�r�4 T.: V1��� �3•��..�•�O.t ��._ lam l.� - R ns t GENEPAI. NOTES NDE___ 10-29-97 CITY P.C. REVISLO'NS A. '. ' 1, carORDIN.A k AND REFER 'rO Ar�CI-IITE►;T:1•�Al, D, �WiNVS t=vR AOD1 i'IC�!!�L NOTES 39 12-7-97 CITY P.C. REVISIONS • ,-....�•_ .r - ,AI+10 Si'ECIt'ICA!'IONS,. 1--2=30-97 CITY P.C- REVISIONS \� • �• SEE �'iVIL ENGINEERS DRAWINGS FOP GRADING 4ND DRAIiJACE INlFO:�M �`, rIUW `NOT r '14`Ny ON THESE PLANS- - 1-21-98 CI C. REVISIONS TY P. :in IL I tb �,a�' Z , . CONSTRUCTION / in r�{urian ' 3. I'RC)V+vE FOR POSITIVE DAAI, NOTIF=Y LANDSCAPL• A.Rt.,;l'1'ECT .F SI re .. CONDITIONS ":R� OTHERWISE. . MAttJ rA��! FLOW LINES AND ORAINAGF 'ATTERNG A r , , - IRRIGATION PLANLCIe1.�s2 •.•�•iNUICATE�) ON tiCiNFER S GRA.iNG r'._ANS, • '•�• ,•, •'-' :it'- •`• S STRUCTURAL ENGINEER To NUi,D DOWN 12" OR rt,#IRN BACK PL°.N i ING WAIT, a ..• ,�. J j : ` --_ ,n•♦ cr 9�o ,FOOTINr S `f0 -ALLOW FOR MAX. PLANTING AREA. a S. \/PINEY- LOCA•i10+ ! OF U r;LITIES PRIOR rj CO iSTAUC'ildN RN i RI; .Et.D IA Lt FOR rb , •- __ -••- _ �] AM �t;ES INCURRE�'� 3Y STAI LATION OF Tt iE WORK. - � IN _ G' TMi'`;�... -ti '• 'o H f` e: ! REPLACE .ANY EXlS raNt� I1V�PR0�►/EPAEN'rS -mA ARF JAMA(3ED DUMNlU ''CONSTRUCTION IDETAILS LCDol - 9f y r CON1Si'RU ! vQJ TE ' �',---..� -.._•-... R- 7. CHECK DIMENSIONS, FRAMING CUNDirioNS AND a1TE CONDITIONS BEFORE _ �3} x 1� �. STARi'ING W09K. ANY DlSCREP/ANCIES OR POSSIBLE DEFICIENCIES BEi WEEN THE • WITH FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL r3F BROUGHT Tt. . HF FLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ■■- - - Toll • • A: �MMEDtATE .4TTFN•i ION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, . Doge .JUNE 26, 1997 - - .. ..Z -moi«. :7 0 - �R.C'I DETAILSLIDA_18. VERIFY PROPER rY LIN�� PRIOR f0 OMMENCING WORD. i�lU CON.i � I�Ut:TIUN li E11F, � c"1mr 10' Urdw 4 .• INCLUDING FOOTINGS, SHAD_ EXTEND BFYf;ii[) rHE.PROPER wn by i -Y .INE- DEQ cs� s taw= % 3• GENERAL (,ONI'RACTO8 ,HALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COVRG NAi'ION WITH 14 t AMOMM � �,. . ii,�•.� SUBCON TRACTORS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH Y;�E rONSTR�Jt; rlt)N She -of Rhe ' OPERATIONS. PIPING, CONDUIT AND SLEEVES SMALL BE SM IN PLINer R.11CUI1 1,0 i - INSTALLATIc�N OF CONSTRUCTION ITUMS. � NNTING PLAN LP,1 0 2 TITLE S� � `T' 10. THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT THE FliOSHED STRUCfU:3E. u � CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND METHODS, BRACING, TEMPORARY SUPPORTS; AND . Uj SHORING IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. OBSEAVATION VISITS R WILDERNESS PARK ' (� TO THE JOB SITE 3Y THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DO NOT INCLUDE INSPECTION OF k. CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND SAFETY CONDITIONS AT THE WORD SITE. THESE TRACT 13750 - LOT El • > VISITS SHALL NOT 8t CONSTRUED AS CONTINUOUS AND DETAILED ;NSPEC•TIUNG, 1?1,,./-)LNLT_1NG DETALIL4S L ACTUAL ADDRESS TO BE } ASSIGNED BY THE• CITY OF Jc ; .ai FORMS AND ALIGNMENT OF P�1'IING SHALL 3E REVIEWED AND APPRt]VE BY THE FONTANA BLDG. &SAFETY �/ �"'° # 9 • LANDSCAPE ARCraY'ECT PRIOR TO POURING (GIVE A MlNll!!AUM OF 48 HOURS NO'T'ICE). • DEPT. � � � � . - �• , D r f +-� 3 PROPOSED SURFACES SHALL KIEET EXISTING SURFACES WITH SMOOTH AN • - ' �� CON TINUOUS T.IkNSITION ANO FLUeH, ALONG ENTIRE EDGE. ,3 EL ti BUILDING, .SAVING AND WALLS UNLESS E C 1 Rl,C,-,.ALP LL.!!:'�. DIM.NSt�]NS A1�,� FROM OUTSIDE FACE OF BU. .. _ ... . f AN OTHERWISE MUTED. ANGLES ARE SO OR 45 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. . - ... - : - AND COOPERATE IiVITi� CONTRACTORS l7t' �� iT ACHED, ADJOINING AND � g . :i �. Lu�)RUIN.�Tt:. -. k rFR ING WORK OF OTHER TRADES. . � IN" F.4C ICER RADE- ( - I . l iY. _ - F�, MA i F,RIALS AND WOR: ,NIAN:;HIP: �:JIVFuRII/! `I'0 LATEST UNIFORM BUILDING CODES T VICINITYMAP 1521J.'U'ECTRICALI'DETAILSF C' 1 .4ND APPLIf_;AgLE GOVERNINU .�C-.vCY CO �L1 AND ORDINANCES. NO PART OF• - ., - 'CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED TO EE IN VIOLATION OF CODES. IF i I_AN'-ANARCHITECT AND OWNER, T � , IFS EXIST NOTIFY ;_ V\�t` .. .]ISCr�EP. C _ . :. r- 1. a k W'_ _owl, w'=�r . .i �'" -•'-_'--••. t' ' ` s_ ..fi-- �. t A. E.