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W � 11 RA-NDAVF� - -- - - SCALE rsv► b I i I M : Iv N N N : = II 20 0re 20 410N rM • N II I N • N � 1 r smsngasses n 3W WTOG C I Mg 76 - .__._.YOE 1 I : II . N N I • M r . M f iift4titfft2: ttliLLitftifft: itszsssizxssz:: s:ssxzs::s:szsz�,y .�� s, mmss .tmw.SUMMONED 4� r mors ••s[�t ■tit• a.�w .tt.w R[II� amalAf. -Nom m Immo MMOM mt�� s:t� st*� a•Itt� stn ssa.� .�. a�s�► ,.�� am•1M. ssn� .mks atts� �[� �t�...t[� a�wtt• �s I�t� .m. asw.A amain se•....�� [�[� .�.. saa.pt msmom momm .a•sti amt .Im.zo commam asap at.m.r t•maas. ami .t■� �w ver .r r r.wr ��«. .�..� +..r. ...+�� M ' \j "1e.. _�� .�.r �.�.. r r�+r �.•rr _«+I�+ M A N N -.. •• ;; •� ;}....................... ......................... MlN N •• .■M,NFsy�� �lr, t���'w+ ` t`■�` wi sw' i ��2 1«it.�ft i .■.r�. -�+•• [_ •w.�.w.�.��� �. �..�..�■.•�+i��. �s:s� l2ijsst222s_$Itsees4s:2p4 + �r.�.�l ilr�sr i i.w:•:•�.■Ir..�fr ........................ �•-r•l�••-.r-.r••r•�•.--••••....(a . •.•.•...•«••..•••••.•• tj isi.issjassss:....................... ••—' .«w�■�1■ri �tjjttsssttssaztsstsst.asoft;ttttstts2tssttfzsiI*$ t s t i s t i[ ttsi ttt� .� ijstt2it 2tsit j ssetstsziEttt t s s s s s ii i i. ft$$s « N 11 \v [ ifs•- iftfttiissittititssssaiiisazittt# ++ 11 •• •. ••.........•............. ...•.............. . 1 N .. It: tii:52:21::2 i.::.: 2::�. lEi Si is ii S. Sfiii SSfiii ilii SSiL2tiiii tt Yjtt N •. 1 101Y POCKEiN 9II Cly law T'. -•-- ---- ---- ---- - . w.. ...• .... •... ........................... .................... •1 N 1. N •... -... _.•• • .. ..._ •.•. N N A 11 N w 11 ! N N H _ ata sats � stir• st�ta stat s� � s� t� �� soma Iia tlti sitnat• � r t� si � stltntta z� � � stn tsf �tia ssi♦ � r� � s� sofa t� szlta� � � siva � sttatas � � � sir �, � sib t� � t� � tt� �� � tat�a t� r stats,! ! sttti � s� t� � saw � t� s! mtta2i � s» .tom �tti t� r ttii r sesta sti t� stagy tam. t� � sa•ta �ttta tta� stteau slats � *4811181883 111$:: tttiLLtttiiits:r'•• « I i TO II i M I M . • li II IV M [ M • 1 STRIPE REMOVAL J► -- i 'row axis" crosswcOk at** (TH RMOPLA_STIC� ---- Remove existing double yellow swpp& C ---- Remi vistkv r whiU stripe. Q -- Remove existing r ions Nne striipo. Iv EXISTW E.P. .+� ia� .■■� _r oma- _r lmg� -7r _r _00� _r 1"00• 'r, -"m!•. _r � 'r� r TM, TIg' _M"� _r _�..b A. .•�! �. �I�m# ..1�1« �r� �I• ��. .1■Iaml«I .I�m■� 7", 71, 7- � TO, i 7", �� .�■ �IN� . «+ rt I % &00 r% LW&W - 4— asssar !atria a� � stns. satttea sats. �I■aN► w.NNa. «Irl �•ai _ -r. �I!-I^•..r .�� �I� -VIII« i a�io sttstas saat� sa•t# � [�� �� rasa .ml� Tim( I r Exp VAU 041 II I! li I� DiNVE trAY D NVEWAY F f r QF4YEluIAY M M M PAVEMENTSTRIPE AND MARKING (1] — W*gN yellow crosswalk stripe (THERMOPLASTIC). Q - tmia whits TIT[ N iii P"n'ti+nt wow ('TNERMOPtAS11Ci• a0 —,may a' white strips (THERMOPLASTIC). (.con sa). Q —Post 40 wna* roe. an.dip.. (D" s) SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES 1. AN work mab►is ane egaipnlwrt for troflis signlnoj ane stripy shall conform to these plans and the Standard S ifications for the CITY OF FONTANA and the StanUW U Specific= of the STATS OF CALiFORMik (CALTRANS) dated J► 11992. 2. Pavement mark-- and traffic striping dimensions shall conform to CALTRANS Standard Plana. 3. Pavement Ilkin end shON 0onform is the CITY or FONTANA standa stencils. 4. All stnTpM anaMGM markin5p shalt bo in—m—, rt 6 per tbls Pry for tags Prot. 5. Traffic sign dimensions. color and lettering shoN conform to the latest C�TRANS sign specifications sheets. Sign codes shown hereon are to conform to CALTRANS speclflcations sheet codao. Traffic sign size shall be standard unless otherwise shown on the plana. L AN signs 9*0 bemo CITY OF FONTANA Stand Detai No . otherwise shown. per 7. it shat! be the responeftAl ty of tho to rnatrrt�A bar:'icodes, de ins or dth traffic control at ON L Control points or "cat—tracking' shall be approved by the Engineer 24 homes pyla to powtnent 901pinQ a g. Crosswalks shall have 10' between centerllnea of 12" stripes as shown, on CITY Of FONTANA Standard Dotal No. 104A. SIGNING I ----- Install R18--2 on metal post per CITY STANDARD DETAIL. 13q. Q -- tn" RAS) on meW past per MY SURD DETA& 13L ®— Install SR4 on metal post per CITY STANDARD DETAL 13o. ©— ,Tsai W65-1 on nmAd post per CITY STANIMM DETAIL 133 * — See TRAFFIC SIGNAL. AND LIGHTING PUN (Sheet 4 of 5) for additional sign quantities. M II II a II II I • N scALIS r•4v 1 r M 20 0 10 26 II M II I� I N II • I N ��N[� ■sss•� �ss� .s��[ �iw �sf� �� �s�� �� r �sw..s�� �� �� �� �� �ss� .� .�sss• s•s� ss� .s.i [s•s[. ss.se• �� s� s�ss� / N• •.;' ` 4WAi t•oune .ter ammo, .ANN 0 s .ss.W N N I N N N I• M .1 . !!333!!3 jtiitY 2 s[ t:Y 13.......... 223222243. M til ttiY _.Sitt.sSYi..22filf. YiM » .. .■.............. _... i• N .. N N A v AA .. �.«..>•«��.. �•�•�.. �.•.�..w«.�b....�..,[■.I�■•���.►♦.�.III.....�.«....,a.s.•.,....�•.�.�.�.�.� `'���s�wT�Tl17!l�TIT!"lili"iffzf:sites:zsszs3f:zssztsszffsYsz3322sf:sfiszYrszstzftas3::so: zzzzseztjtsszsj•..... ............ tp ...................�; :: •. :423ftsasi2ss z z s sasz .• .. .. .. N I• N .• 11 gommm ...................... COMM (410 •. N •. •ii • _... _.w. _. • Y N 141M cac •. N STLENM = 1 �� s. s>_ .mom sa•tas s�tl �a s�litt tarn saa� w ' tr- aszzsz:Ls::zsz: •-_..._. gilt ....... ........... bII«.. ................ � II N I I « 1 . « 4 I ! II I1 CI TMA VENLX Cw121 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES STRIPE REMOVAL NEW STRIPE AND MARKING NEW SIGNS oescR►TM u�.No. oEscerrion UMcu�►n � oEacnrnoM � A 1120cnosswwc s.fB.P.,uo 1 trr YELLOW CROSSWALK s.R. zoo i z EA. I t M 1M111Tt sTRIPt S.P. s Z PAVEMENT ARROW S.F. 30 M R26(64 -EA. i C DOUBLE YELLOW Tlilt 3.f. 83 A' WHITE STRIK s.F. 120 M 5114 EA 4 40 LANE LNC sTRIK 3.f. nomms� S mo.-MIN0 L4 40 MRMT[ LAW L/! 8"11119 LF. $40 IV Mlbd-i EA, STRIPE REMOVAL J► -- i 'row axis" crosswcOk at** (TH RMOPLA_STIC� ---- Remove existing double yellow swpp& C ---- Remi vistkv r whiU stripe. Q -- Remove existing r ions Nne striipo. Iv EXISTW E.P. .+� ia� .■■� _r oma- _r lmg� -7r _r _00� _r 1"00• 'r, -"m!•. _r � 'r� r TM, TIg' _M"� _r _�..b A. .•�! �. �I�m# ..1�1« �r� �I• ��. .1■Iaml«I .I�m■� 7", 71, 7- � TO, i 7", �� .�■ �IN� . «+ rt I % &00 r% LW&W - 4— asssar !atria a� � stns. satttea sats. �I■aN► w.NNa. «Irl �•ai _ -r. �I!-I^•..r .�� �I� -VIII« i a�io sttstas saat� sa•t# � [�� �� rasa .ml� Tim( I r Exp VAU 041 II I! li I� DiNVE trAY D NVEWAY F f r QF4YEluIAY M M M PAVEMENTSTRIPE AND MARKING (1] — W*gN yellow crosswalk stripe (THERMOPLASTIC). Q - tmia whits TIT[ N iii P"n'ti+nt wow ('TNERMOPtAS11Ci• a0 —,may a' white strips (THERMOPLASTIC). (.con sa). Q —Post 40 wna* roe. an.dip.. (D" s) SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES 1. AN work mab►is ane egaipnlwrt for troflis signlnoj ane stripy shall conform to these plans and the Standard S ifications for the CITY OF FONTANA and the StanUW U Specific= of the STATS OF CALiFORMik (CALTRANS) dated J► 11992. 2. Pavement mark-- and traffic striping dimensions shall conform to CALTRANS Standard Plana. 3. Pavement Ilkin end shON 0onform is the CITY or FONTANA standa stencils. 4. All stnTpM anaMGM markin5p shalt bo in—m—, rt 6 per tbls Pry for tags Prot. 5. Traffic sign dimensions. color and lettering shoN conform to the latest C�TRANS sign specifications sheets. Sign codes shown hereon are to conform to CALTRANS speclflcations sheet codao. Traffic sign size shall be standard unless otherwise shown on the plana. L AN signs 9*0 bemo CITY OF FONTANA Stand Detai No . otherwise shown. per 7. it shat! be the responeftAl ty of tho to rnatrrt�A bar:'icodes, de ins or dth traffic control at ON L Control points or "cat—tracking' shall be approved by the Engineer 24 homes pyla to powtnent 901pinQ a g. Crosswalks shall have 10' between centerllnea of 12" stripes as shown, on CITY Of FONTANA Standard Dotal No. 104A. SIGNING I ----- Install R18--2 on metal post per CITY STANDARD DETAIL. 13q. Q -- tn" RAS) on meW past per MY SURD DETA& 13L ®— Install SR4 on metal post per CITY STANDARD DETAL 13o. ©— ,Tsai W65-1 on nmAd post per CITY STANIMM DETAIL 133 * — See TRAFFIC SIGNAL. AND LIGHTING PUN (Sheet 4 of 5) for additional sign quantities. M II II a II II I • N scALIS r•4v 1 r M 20 0 10 26 II M II I� I N II • I N ��N[� ■sss•� �ss� .s��[ �iw �sf� �� �s�� �� r �sw..s�� �� �� �� �� �ss� .� .�sss• s•s� ss� .s.i [s•s[. ss.se• �� s� s�ss� / N• •.;' ` 4WAi t•oune .ter ammo, .ANN 0 s .ss.W N N I N N N I• M .1 . !!333!!3 jtiitY 2 s[ t:Y 13.......... 223222243. M til ttiY _.Sitt.sSYi..22filf. YiM » .. .■.............. _... i• N .. N N A v AA .. �.«..>•«��.. �•�•�.. �.•.�..w«.�b....�..,[■.I�■•���.►♦.�.III.....�.«....,a.s.•.,....�•.�.�.�.�.� `'���s�wT�Tl17!l�TIT!"lili"iffzf:sites:zsszs3f:zssztsszffsYsz3322sf:sfiszYrszstzftas3::so: zzzzseztjtsszsj•..... ............ tp ...................�; :: •. :423ftsasi2ss z z s sasz .• .. .. .. N I• N .• 11 gommm ...................... COMM (410 •. N •. •ii • _... _.w. _. • Y N 141M cac •. N STLENM = 1 �� s. s>_ .mom sa•tas s�tl �a s�litt tarn saa� w ' tr- aszzsz:Ls::zsz: •-_..._. gilt ....... ........... bII«.. ................ � II N I I « 1 . « 4 I ! II I1 CI TMA VENLX Cw121