HomeMy WebLinkAbout2431-7y I _ a - ........,-Hb 0.k.;--•.:,�.._: a' :-.... � '�it. p°: ';. Vit' ,< _�. ,-. - s,. .my. .,. .«.-p�' � ._ <�. . _... yifk-'9F..Yrt.'.� .'.SAE �' �s6'�Ma= _ ti.. g .. - .. Date CONSTRUCTION NOTES: WA R N i N G � • k ft worms dro.in .�� fms a W of f. so Fmcaft f. �.rA.ak„w Rev. f�� 0.w" erne at no cost to the Edison Co npony: The excavator 1Mtst take all steps necessary to :?void Sauthere Colftmis Edison Campsny hes ott*"W to MTWUy show d gist" UUMse and a4dmeboft contact with underground focalities which may result in ?a TRACT BOUNDARY injury to persons or damage to facilities in the area. The Faiure of SCE to show d substructurse n their correct location dl not be a bosis for a dais for er" pork oul the cenb ctor &hats be ,eW h A s ver d dorn"n to uAwkwchwu Ww" shown r not indicated location of Edison underground foclities,os pro- CHANGES iN THESE PLANS WiLL REQUIRE AiV ADDITIONAL 4 TO 6 WEEKS AND CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED iN ADVANCE �. FOR REQUESTED CHANGES. vided, are believed to be accurate. However, the find deter- i' Felt GUACtAL 5PEOMAT10bS SEE UGS-1. I _ a - ........,-Hb 0.k.;--•.:,�.._: a' :-.... � '�it. p°: ';. Vit' ,< _�. ,-. - s,. .my. .,. .«.-p�' � ._ <�. . _... yifk-'9F..Yrt.'.� .'.SAE �' �s6'�Ma= _ ti.. g .. - .. Date CONSTRUCTION NOTES: WA R N i N G � • k ft worms dro.in .�� fms a W of f. so Fmcaft f. �.rA.ak„w Rev. f�� 0.w" erne at no cost to the Edison Co npony: The excavator 1Mtst take all steps necessary to :?void Sauthere Colftmis Edison Campsny hes ott*"W to MTWUy show d gist" UUMse and a4dmeboft contact with underground focalities which may result in in the vicinity of the worm but doss not guarvntoo Uwe = no other *Awbvcbxw in the ora. injury to persons or damage to facilities in the area. The Faiure of SCE to show d substructurse n their correct location dl not be a bosis for a dais for er" pork oul the cenb ctor &hats be ,eW h A s ver d dorn"n to uAwkwchwu Ww" shown r not indicated location of Edison underground foclities,os pro- CHANGES iN THESE PLANS WiLL REQUIRE AiV ADDITIONAL 4 TO 6 WEEKS AND CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED iN ADVANCE �. FOR REQUESTED CHANGES. vided, are believed to be accurate. However, the find deter- i' Felt GUACtAL 5PEOMAT10bS SEE UGS-1. minotion of exact locations and the cost of repair to damaged Z CONDUIT: facilities is the responsibility of the excavator. a. utik%w% coon In sbeN or parkway Is 30r below gutter grana unless new oMrwisa b. Wninurn cower an privrHte property Is 30' below Mished grade. unless noted oVwvisa Southern California Edison Company d Cont is to fwnhh ane instal oWeved conduit to Edson Vacif otions per UGS-100.1, 110 AND 120, nsc For the yqo of conduit for this job. See UCS -11x1. Y L histol d risers per UG'S-- I M 161.162 and 170. vesme E Cap d rnoinline conduits pr U(S-148 and ser Ace cendtrilt per UGS-15e, f Instd bunk Conduit plugs In d conduits tsrmbnotkq into Vett Menhsis's. PW ss. SOE's A d alp teacup, ASSOCIATED W.O. per UGS-180.1 t UGS-10.0.2 Applicants expressly represent and warrant that all A. hsWd pul rope in of conduit now Pul rope to be 1/4- pdWapylsne or polyNhosne rapt. kdded work performed and all motorial used in meeting or twisted For speelfkatbns. approved makes, and suppliem we L46&-4& Applicants' obligations herein ore free from defects in _ L Al conduct must be mandrWW with the approved mandreil L) S-197. workmanship and ore In conformity with Southern 5 CONDUIT firo � ponis requirements. This war- California Edison ComThe rnlma u'roans for bends ens ranty shall commence upon receipt by Applicants of 36' f 3for conduits 3' in diameter or >rnnatw Company's find acceptance and shall expire one year 4C for conducts r and 5' in &xnetar from that date. Applicants agree to promptly correct ST for C *renter conduit to the Company's satisfaction and that of any k The nnwkmsw rain Iver d so*" of d stn *wWwIts Y 12'-i'. gov*mmentol agency having jurisdiction and at Appli- -2 cant's expense any brooch of this warranty which may 4, CABLE-0.N-CONIXAT (ac): become apparent through inspection or operation of a. Ylrninerrn drench wieM Is Inelnea � ��� coon y ncfiea underground electric system D Com Burin this 9r is y pony 9 c Contractor Is to profile trench. conduit shesres if ro**mK bm*ft 0.M cmnpocden. (esim no- sol w©rranty perms tier+ contact Edison Inspector for CIC Instalstion coordination). Edison wit kwW CIC in tarok l Contractor shot protide suft'idoA help " OC to Wathm to rnsipiNk o dam benxdt ihee of rook tad *UW d-11 5. EXCAVATION AND 13ACML: rareerr o. Rork oreo dxm be cleared 0.M rouo graded to wftfnit four drHcfnee of fine} rob prier to cnslefatiw of BY Edison conduit or structures. -OF� L AN excowtions shall be in ac-cmdtnp with IM California State Ca wbuction Safety Orders (when applicoMel DWG. NO. 5E130 Edison speciAoations, and al go nirnq Iocd ordinoness. c Eoch trsndn to be o uniform depth bdm find Tod* prior to i *datlon of Edson q~ or sbwcMrra d. Sock111 shat be provided by the Controctor far d m covotions and shd Include cru" rock eoncroik and/or rnparted bockffll, whew require& L SodkfN with a MPAMUM of one sods per ywt send cemoo nt *M erakund end ear !cafe the n+ar 1 son per UGS-30.3. Por. 6.4 and around PMH's within ons loot of Anishsd grade per LI S-5900.. t BockO. per Edison gncificotion; shd hweedlotdy fdiw CIC w sksbuct ro insiolalkoy. At he !hes shad CIC be ieft exposed over 24 hours, 4 No rocks are dowed wl#An 12 inches of direct -buried cobles or any conduit without concrete sneco msnt. Notts bodcfN capable of poseN through a ons -half Inch mesh ween shd be considered to be 'rock free. if misting b m*fg doss not pose tivrauo a 1 /Y serosa. pion imported sand r -below ant If above Eden cables. After this point, no rocks longer than 12" &n*tr ars pwmfttsd It. AN bodcA *mal be concocted to most or exceed Iced ordinances or other roo*orrouft R shell be piecell In a monnr that wN net donwgs the canduft or s hebucture or dew lips a u6sidonse of fit traor sbwcluroa IL PAVMG Repo*o% whore rs***4 shd be pleas In a mh t rnemr that intsrtisrenoe VM .VOft b bA" pedestrian troffk„ wilt be kept to a minknum. The Controctor *hal *atabNk#n a program of reparkp ecosptdle to the Muwic*My. Cousty, or other s Adwity having Prlsdictloa and vfich is aoeptfble to Ed aft 7. STRUCTURES` a. Al subobvdnree she/ be co+ebacW or MicAsd to Edown spedflooUona L ketal protection banish per UGS-830 when required in areas exposed to bulk per Edison Inspector. r- AA conduit tines and concrete Adored suhstructuros shd be water tigh L Al grounding mktr oterfds shd be niahed ane installed by the Contr i iII, fEiAMMG NA115: When rsquirsd, retdninq waft shd be provided by the Dovs* r. wale anreq 4 *#w ever prods Hiss more than 18 inches above the structure or 24- above the pod surface at o . -o/ 5 het ltarri ft swim or In areae subject to erosion. Design and instafotion must comply wiMn idrh ord omm Rehr to Edison Inspector for typieel space rsquk+srnents. _ 9. PERI) M Af permits neceseory for escavotbn shat be prorlSM by the Centrectr/Dww-`.p r. 1 Q ACCESS: Heavy trudk oemse " be wA intalnN to egv*ww4 IseeUma, Sfrvct res feet be deer of d en -mita anoss that would obstruct the loading or unrooding of equ*wt- 11. SERVIMS: L dieters and w -Am shot comply with Edison Electrical Serdas Requi°s ew tL k Mkinn9 n%* be in ec©a *mos with appikable local ordboncm and approved by bed inspscdo AvOwitim 12 LOCATION: . a. The bcatiaa of en contions and stnxAmss for Edison shd be as ahewu an the watdng drewknf Ne OrAodw km the planned locations wfll be permitter unless approved by the Edison Inspector. See WS -11, Por 22 0. Actud location of obstruction*, storm drdrA and/or other foreign utlMos to be the rsq)qaMy of the Controctor. See UGS-1, czar 2.1 15 Cmtrsder is to verity location or d widt!ns of d s*Am ale and dlive.roys prier to ebsot %M hstadetlwL See UGS-175.1. UGS-175.2 and 11G$-175.5 14. SUR* Y: Surveying of street hvroverrents. property cornert lot lines, Misled grofik sir, neeesswy for the h*d- lotion of underground foclities must be completed and morn rs or stakes placed prior to the start of the h - striation. In oddition. Dovokgw shat maintain the markers during the instdetlon end bgmthm by Edwsw. Gro& and property line stalks rant 0aw any ofisot memsamsatiL 15. COORDINATION Ano SRUMSI( t TM Devdapr shat provide s gw4sias over 0.4 coordination am mq t1w vvrlan ca*ecters wo dq wltf h ileo devolopnwt in order to prevent donnogs to Edison foclities. He Is responsible for the cosh of repairs, re- plocen ant. rriocotbn, or other corrections to Edison focWties mode news ry by his !+Ditto to p violft supervision or to otherwise comply with these spedfkotion& I& MIPMOK AND OTM UXM REGUi A301TS The drawing pn porsd for this Job may also coax the foclitin to be or 4,d for the tdepha w ccxv%m y • and/or otter unit)L Any questions corn n+kng detoile of tidy haw, x dm id be referred to the cornpway concerned. 17. ONNER4031: Developer is to dead to the Edson Company d sbvcturn shown herr *4w as* than snow+ os awtomer som 1 floe WARRANTY: Applicants expressly represent and warrant that alt wok performed and off rnaterid used In meetbq AppOefflille• obligations herein are fres from defects in sorikmanship and we in conformity with Southern Californb Edison Company's mWireryenta. This warranty *hal comrnencs upon roe* by Appikonts of Company, foal occwtenes and shol aspre one year from duct dots. Applicants agree to prop ly con +sct to the Cornponr s satisfaction and that of any govern mvntd o9ency having )rbdktion and at Wzxnt's expense any breodn of this warranty which may beoomo apparent through inspection or aWatien of uxnfargro wW dscfsik: systema by Company drill lld warranty psrlset 19. INSPECTION: Inspection is required during the coraOuctbn period A 48 hour odvanos notke of intent to siert oonstruction is required from the conMoctor to the Southern Co omit Edison Camp olL SMndw* of Edtiwl ownbvetisn roqurernents are ove&Wo upon rsgweL Contact Underground Inspector: Phone: (909) 357-6553 LEGEND OF CONDUIT SYMBOLS' (CONVENTiONAL U.G.) OL esHwr kAWp6 or aael/r or 710M STOW uowt ML OF oswum so.. --------- a- • 0.0100 sw +r ------.r - a - 400. nnr or Comm nova s W s �o v J DENOTES CONDUIT RUN CONTINUATION SCALE: 1 « • R FOR CONSTRUCTION INFORidATION apnoea uta oaneMm r 60% est 0.r cancan .. +s0. "EMO __.. TFUt GRg n afoot . sinal crotrr ns► • e..rr new -----•- OF Comm MEMO uw u. 1 I 1 1 ANY OF ABOW SYNBOIJ FOLLOMI n SW A ------� Dwg./Rev. Developer's Signature,--`- Date Original D.w.o. 6630-1920 d.L N0. 5-1905 Rev. CSD 17 NQ frOREYNs Rev. TMC11As MIOS• PG. Rev. DIST. SldfTt31 NO. PERIOD ENDING CHANGES iN THESE PLANS WiLL REQUIRE AiV ADDITIONAL 4 TO 6 WEEKS AND CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED iN ADVANCE �. FOR REQUESTED CHANGES. ALL HANDHOLES TO BE 10' BEHIND FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL HANDHOLE RISERS PER UGS-205. ALL STREETLIGHTS TO BE 2' BEHIND FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL STREETIJGHT RiSERS PER UGS-175.1, 175.2 or 175.3 LIST OF MATERIALS Na'E 1. Footage quantites are opproxirnotw [EDISON C0.] 2. Were reference is to an itwn not detoied. separate description list. 3.. This Net provk ee o s onmery of ane jar itarne. SEE 1165 SECTION INDEX FOR REFERENCE DRAMRNGS ALL SWEEPS TO BE 12'-6"R. MIN. w-_ UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR COST PLUS FIRM DEV. Z\_J INCLUDES PERMPAVING YES NO F PERMIT NUMBER DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1-800-227-2600 Coll USA For Underground Locating 2 Working Days Before You Dig M.L. CO.# 7 S.L. CO.# 94 thw 100 DUAM. LMT DESCRIPTI 11 Sf2E ITEM NM REF DWG DATE 2 EACH HAl+to iULS 12' x 24' x 15' HH -5 UGS-too 12 88 HUNTER r S RIDGE- PHASE 1B Sl I I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES CONDUITS CONCRETE PRODUCTS Precast concrete item complete with neck, cover, and DWG. NO. 2431, SHEET' 7 of 7 Inserts may be obtained from any of the following fisted and approved monufactureres. 14 3THIS PLAN APPROVED AS TO LOCATION ASSOCIATED CONCRETE PRODUCTS. INC AND TYPE OF ELECTRIC SUBSTRUCTURES 4301 w MacArthur Blvd, Santo Ano, Calif. 92704 • DENOTES THE FOLLOWING: 3' Phone: 213 626-4653 EAM DS COMAT WITHOUT ENCASEMENT I ::.. ::.. asorr�714)357- 7470 EhiCASE1rtEN s Qer+elc�per ACCEPTABLE FOR POR?iONS OF TREM04 3" • NTH ONLY ONE OR TYMO CONDUITS. � � Address BROOKSg! 14221 Son Bernardino Colic. 92335 4 - savl-diCAS£11EMT 1s ft€QtJiflEl� FOR Phone: (ate) 443-3017 PORTIONS OF TRENCH MATH ONLY TYPtC*L. CONMAT BANK SECTION - =-----+-- --1--�-- --- - THREE OR FOUR CONDUITS► TA ICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION (909) 350-4111 s�io+rwlc FULL E�IcASE>�N>i MOK FOR s+lo�rr+f: SEW -ENCASEMENT Telephonts FULL ENCASEMENT iS REQUIRED FOR s2MLAaR CONSTRUCTM yea UTILITY VAULT CO. 4 MORE THAN FOUR CONDUITS, ++� oft FEunot LtioMD FEVAM C�ONMATS 106W Hem35lock Ave.. Fontana. CvIN. 923 MEOW" MR 116M owl . 0aNf�urs , Phone: (909) 350-2675 ` -.. . a W r - DISTRICT FOOTHILL PLANNER A. GONZALES D.w.o. 6630-1920 d.L N0. 5-1905 J.P.A. NM CSD 17 NQ frOREYNs TMC11As MIOS• PG. WIEN Y MAP WJIMUM DIST. SldfTt31 NO. PERIOD ENDING TRUCK Na CSD 13 Na S.B.CO. PG 4 E-3 238-2154-1 nsc Y Y a*- AU vesme x y GRID "a ASSOCIATED W.O. co 2 AM,& w co 140 >, cads: auu+om TO CHECK=_,.- sono 6630-4071 N-4064 -3 HUNTERS RIDGE CHERRY AVE. N/0 SADDLEBACK DR. -2 - H FONTANA rareerr DAR OW BY WON w DntE -OF� DWG. NO. 5E130 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY