HomeMy WebLinkAbout2391-5- >~�% -r r, A n -r m in t i A i r\ A tui \1 LEGEND OF CONDUIT SYMBOLS (CONVENTIONAL U.G.) ,• swn rrsss ss r oewsr MW s7r1QT UCW �--snot e: a.kwn us 0.r Is our =M -� am r = +{�nM W anew flys DENOTES CONDUIT RUN CONTINUATION FOR CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION now Wk esrourr Iva ss>< . os>inw MEMO STOW uow -•.-ss Or esak+w w.. eswr ,[v0. ----; MEMO •w M& ----ere ANY OF ABOVE SYMBOLS FOLLO>~ED BY A --� DENOTES THE FOLLOWING: DB CONDUIT WTHOUT ENCASEMENT IS ACCEPTABLE FOR PORTIONS OF TRENCH WiTH ONLY ONE OR TWO CONDUITS. SEW -ENCASEMENT IS REQUIMED FOIL PORTIONS OF TRENCH IMTH ONLY TMAEE OR Fault CONOW T3. FULL ENCASEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR MORE T)!AN FOUR CONOJ1TS. SCAM: 1 a - 40 A GuTwt I ! I ¢e W 1 1 fig I I 3 30 A_ T TYPICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION SHOWING FULL ENCASEMENT SIWR.AR CONSTRUCTION FOR WRE OR FEvvDt CONDUIT IEOuWW FOR MORE A4M a COMMATS BRAN I 1 3 a� Ns�w 1 TYPICAL CONDUIT BANK SECTION SH00111112 SEM -ENCASEMENT lmILAR CONSTRUCTICIN FOR FEWER CONDUITS Dwg./Rev. Developer's Signature Date Original lire excavator must take oM steps necessary to avoid Southern California Edson Company has attempted to correctly slow d suistby uttltin arnt Rev. 1n 1he vicinity of the 'ark' but day. root guarantee there are no other substructures th it e a eez Failure TPXWAS &ROS. r6. S.B.CO. PG 4 E-3 Rev. injury to persons or damage to facilities in the area. The con1roctor dual be rersposible for all darnoges to substructures whether shown or noL Rev. T ca 140 rte vided. are believed to be accurate. However. the find deter- CHANGES IN THESE PLANS WILL REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL 4 TO 6 WEEKS AND CUSTOMER WiLL BE CHARGED IN ADVANCE FOR REQUESTED CHANGES. THIS PLAN APPROVED AS TO LOCATION AND TYPE OF ELECTRIC SUBSTRUCTURES Developer Address Telephone CONSTRUCTION NOTES: WARNINGUnion otherwise specl an the working drawing which farms a pat of the specification, r.. ; ardar=!mw,P_'e+ara► •LU*40o.w.o. sholl furnish the following 'items at no cost to the Edison Company: lire excavator must take oM steps necessary to avoid Southern California Edson Company has attempted to correctly slow d suistby uttltin arnt contact with underground fOCl�It1CS which result i 9T may resun 1n 1he vicinity of the 'ark' but day. root guarantee there are no other substructures th it e a eez Failure TPXWAS &ROS. r6. S.B.CO. PG 4 E-3 of SCE to show all substructures in their correct location .rill not be a basis for a twin 111ssr ears vwk and Wo injury to persons or damage to facilities in the area. The con1roctor dual be rersposible for all darnoges to substructures whether shown or noL indicated location of Edison underground focilities.os pro- T ca 140 rte vided. are believed to be accurate. However. the find deter- 1• fit 0011E L VEancATM SIX UGS-1' mination of exact locations and the cost of repair to damaged t CONDUIT - facilities is the responsibility of the excavator. a im ��pr� ��railed aoWyInJWTMdoe 3 b. Wow Southern California Edison Company c Conboctar is to furnish and install approved conduit t• Edison sped t edons per tm-most 1= Joe 1t p y t For the type of conduit for this job. See UCS -110.1. a Instal all risen per UGS-160. 161. 162 and 170 0. 1: Cap all moinline con dh per UGS-148 and servke ewdwft par WS -/sit �L. S Instal blank conduit plugs in all conduits twtni othng into Vaults. Manhals's, Wil L Sys A e/ =0 bomotlsns` SKEET 1 per UGS-180.1 A UGS-1110.2 Ont is represent and wart that 0.M e'y � IL Instal in d conduit nsna NIM to be 4' r ped fes+ 1 b.*a�sQ r� / rrypre►ff we pol��w raga work performed and o0. motorial used >n meeting or or twisted For spedf rat a approved 'rakes, and supplism see UCS -44L Applicants obligations herein are free from defects in ahawdretivdgo Viamob"YGi-11u. Aliosrhdrr8 rnw� los w workmanship and are in conformity with Southem 3 QUIT RADIUS REQUIMENTS California Edison Company s requirements. This war- a The minimum rads for h in on ranty sholl commence upon receipt by Applicants of 36' for conduits 3' In diameter or smdsr Compony s final acceptance and shod expire one year W for aorNk is 4' and so iw don r from that data Applicants agree to promptly correct IliOr for 6' diarnoter can" to the Compani s satisfaction and that of any fa TAe minirNrm radius ford am" of lig she avrhdwRs is 12'-i'. governmental _agency having jurisdiction and at Appff- - 4. CABLE -IN -CONDUIT (CtCk c ont's expense any brooch of this warranty which may a Mho trench v'ii'i r Truths: become apparent through inspection or operation of 6. Minimum cover Is inches underground electric system by Company during this a Contractor In to provide trench, conduit sleeves N required. boddi. and compaction CGe4are warranty perioct trent contact Edison Inspector for CiC hstalotion coordination}. Edison will instar CC iii bwmdr- 4, Contractor shall p vAk suffkisnt help during OC installations le 'maintain a aeon biermc t lee of nos ea14 ot#hsr d.brt.. - S MAYA71ON AND BACKFILL L work area shall be clesnsi and rw* •aded M anti+ low hdnns of NW grids prior is bubo uam of Edison conduit or sbuctures. b. All en000vatlons shall be In accordance with the Cditrts state CowsbucRsn Soliety Ode (~ amm odilsl Edison specifieotwm and all gowning local ardnahoss. L Each trench to be a uniform depth below final grade prior to installation of Edison canduk or as`-mcan s. l 8oddlil shall be provided by the Contractor for all aw ationa and shag bdude cru bad ar=06 �i and/or WmWed bockfA. when roWired a BodcAl with O YWYUM of ane sock per yard sand cement Burry around and over vaA ft mW s i sssis per UGS-Ml Par. 6.4 and around PMN's within one bot of Itnbhed grade. per UGS-59MI- t 8ocklw. per Edison spedfiootiaks. shall inmedtotely follow OC or subd uctw Installicb s, At lair arms si+all CIC be left wposed over 24 hours. * No rocks are allowed within 12 Inches of direct -buried cables 0.r any conduit wNhaut esmcrete t. Notive thocikfM capable of passing through o one-half inch mesh screen shall be c�orni ft to 3w 'sedk *NF- If s°dsting boafill does not pass through a 1/2* screen, place imported sand 3' boa. ant Ir- .some Ediew cables. After this point, no rooks larger than 12' dameter are permitted. N6 AN backfN shirr be compacted to meet r a:ase 4 local ordnonoes 0.r other f 00* Brno OL It slier be Pained d In o manner thot will not damage the conduit or suboauctu e or allow liubwe sulmidencons of now lrsd or slroc*rna l PANNG: Reprft where re*riea shell be piessa in sm& a mwhar Inst i kerilw nse ells, r+■fis„ ba6ming pedestrian trafTia will be kept to o m'inkrum. The Co ntrectr shah establish o progrw or rv.•w S awswi iia lis ilia Munidpdt)L Cauwtw ar ~ adh rlty Awlq )wbdidern sad wlni■A is •ocerlis to Ei..a. 7. STRUCTURES L AN subobwebesres shed be wsbrbefed or iatellsil to Edloon speelftwilla+a b, install protection barriers per UCS -830 when required In seas etposed is traft per Ed .s+ r.s,n■ncwnr. L M conduit lines and concrete floored substructures steal be water tight it AN grounding materials shall be furnished and ihstdbd by the Controctw. L NETAINING 'MALL& When request retioi+ing wails shah be prorilo0 by the Developer. weds we rsquiret .-wow granas vises more than 18 inches above the structure or 24' above the pod surface at o dnstancs of S iec *vm Slie Ar.% -k or in areas subject to erosion. Design and installation must comply wM local bui6rng Refer 1e Edson Inspector for typicd spode requirw w-ta 111. PERMIT5d ' AN permits woessary for acovotion sholl be prosi by tine Contrector/DrAloper. I& ACCESS Hoary bud access shag be maintained to apipr ion! leeewsrna, rile of me that would obstruct the Wading or uMoodkng of oquipment. 11. lid a Meters and services shed comply with Edison Electrical Services Requirements. b. wiring n d be in eooerisrhoe w h eppiicab+e level er0ihenees and approved by leen InsioseGuir a dmmlbm 12. UXAT10N: L The location of wetiaws ani stnuct vas br Edison sholl be as shown on the twdra.wng< errs dwAstim tom the planned locations we be permitted unless approved by the Edison inspecio r- See UCS•-101ft *'+err 21 IL Actual location of obstrudior . slaw drsihs, ewi/w o0w isreigrh wlu Mss _ le be V" ve+n r rut flits Contractor. See UCS -1. Par 2.3. 136 Centrsctr Is Is wNy location and widtl of ail side l0a and driv woYs prior to strsot 2W. i:'.dwasa► See UGS-176.1. UGS-175.2 and UCS -175.1 14 9JItVEY: Surveying of street improvements. property corners, lot line% f nWW grade. etc-. r%eaesrary Aw 1-w lt aW- kdJon of underground fociithes must be completed and moriu rs or stalm placed prior io the simm of Win bl- staibthon. In oddition. Developer sinal maintain the markers during the nstdetien and ie■pene'.rsnh fw Edson. Grade and property be stakes rrw.t aAow any ofhet rrhsewwosvia iS CDORDINAT)ON ANO SUPERVISXX The Developer shah provide skpsrMsisn env and coordination s mong lbs verivhw aantrscars wvriq oftd n try development in order to prevent damage to Edison foclitiss. He is responsible far t7'+e cost of -var>t is- pkxm nest. rdocatnon. or other corrections to Ednson facilties mods nesessory by Innis fohow In o rl�is supervision or to otherwise comply with these specifications. I& 11110W NE AND OTHER UTIUTY REQUIREMENTS: The drowing prepared for this job may also cover the facilities tar be installed for ria biispharrs =wmpwny and/or other whit} Any questions osnwrning decals of Yah► i videum shohid be I ago -oral ss s~ "i concerned. 17. OlwER901: - Developer is to deed to the Edison Company 0.i structures shown hersen wart if 0.w a shown a astsner owns& it WARRANTY: Applicants expressly represent and warrant that all work performed and all mateed uwt s emwo-u; 1lapikants' obligations herein are free from defects in worikmanshq and are In conformity with Sc6--j0. t C_-Wrtw-v is Edison Cornpanlis requirernents: This warranty shall come wwo upon receipt by Applicants of Coma's %mi aeeeptwme and shed wgire one year from that dote. Applkonts a" to promptly cornett to t:tie Cor grey s scerd8ttim and that of any governmental ogency having jurisdiction and at Apprrcont's expense ar:y nes of this wainesty • which may become apparent throuo inspection or operation of underground slsctrie sysUm ►t Cwavey dw%g thi -� warranty period ». WSPECTION: Inspection is required A rbhg the conslructisn period. A 48 haw odwwas wads of ietant 1s == rt sskrinsctisw is required from the controctor to the Southern CalAfornis Edam Compewx Standards of Edkmw snvrbnreOsre _ requirei r ants are available upon request Contact Underground Inspector. Phone (9M%' 357-6555 LIST OF MATERIALS ;Foster elw.ntiteia 0.r. ap►prerr+ole. CO.] 2. Where reference is to an item net detoila4 r s e 9sporoto description rat. �. Thio list provides a summary of major Itarma SM UG3 SECTION WMA Fah 11EF'ER WI ORAwiN= OUAM. UNIT DESCRIPTION SIZE ITEM NM REF DWG. DATE 1 1 EACH HMC*ioLES 12' X 24' X 15' M-5 UGS-200 12 80. CONCRETE PRODUCTS Precast concrete item complete with neck. cover. and Inserts may be obtained from any of the following listed and approved manufacturer@& ASSOCIATED CONCRETE PRODUCTS. tW. 4301 Irk MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ane. Calif. 92704 Phone•. R214) 13) 626-4653 557-7470 BROOKS PRODUCTS. MIG. 14221 Son Bernardino Ave.. Fontone. 'Colif. 92335 Phone- (ate) 443-3017 (909) 350-4111 UTILITY VAULT CO. 10650 Hemlock Ave.. Fontana. Calif. 92335 Phone: (909) 350-2673 -. . L ALL SWEEPS TO BE 12'-6"R. k!'�;_ UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ' CONTRACTOR COST PLUS FIRM DEV. INCLUDES PERMPAVING YES NO PERMIT NUMBER DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1-800-227-2600 Call USA For Underground Locating 2 Working Days Before You Dig M.L. CO.# 7 S.L. CO.# 94 thru 100 MS71MICT FOOTHILL •LU*40o.w.o. A. GONZALES 6630-1920 ILL No. ' 5-190.5 �.r.A. Mao. �0 17 No. FOREmm TPXWAS &ROS. r6. S.B.CO. PG 4 E-3 INWNTORY MAP Nuu8ER5 238-2154-1 DrST. W7CH NQ I IMMOO ENOwG ! "t" ■r- CSID 13 Na s 1LW T �� rEa�. as = M T ca 140 rte R -PAs oast Oft -MO ouu+aa TO 1LY acaksm mer =0 N0. 16630-&:7- ASSOC�► � 0 6630-&:7-3 3 I HUNTERS RID�';E 1 CHERRY AVE. N/0 SADD�EAC:sc R- FONTANA 1 _ 0. - �L. ALEX iQ 10 O? 95 SKEET 1 of 1 DWG. N 0. �- �•- I Mcv. n 0.R err mum SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY I DWG, N0. 2391 o�o-p 5