HomeMy WebLinkAbout2391-3• Existing structures shown on this drawing contain energized cable and equipment. Entering struc- turo or brooking thru wall to be done ONLY under supervision of Edison Co. personnel. EXIST. PMH P-5417109 5! X 1040 X7 _ 1 4 PW P5417113 C18 MEMO PMN -113 TO PMH -115 5'X106 X CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 61' TEMP. COVER OVER OPENING. RETAINING WALL TO BE INSTALLED AT DISCRETION OF SCE WSPECTOR. /8• rot t j• 1 04 1 cyy= 78 PM1N-113 TO SLJ� PER UGS-175.1 S' �lg�6f� X3'`89 103 132 h �� z SL TO SL G Ste, PER UGS-175.3 Souther" California EdloeR ?• � J f �, 1 1)4 X19 105 MEMO PMN -113 TO SL * l 6sE * PER UGS-175.1 SCALE: 1 w n 10 / 140 SL TO Sl C16 309 PER UG5-1.3 c� PiCK-UP POINT 'A' TO PMH -113 ........... ..; if tt+90 N ...a... ' 11�+ R111{C2 Sl* 101 125 St. TO St. S PER UGS-175.1 EXIST, Z) HANDHME o N3417110 '+22 � . 120X 240X 15' PLASTIC 0 f �419 64,E m ? 4' S%1N 6q 607'-1-4' EXIST.W a 10+7925 PMH109 IO CAP W o P 2 �- .0 pT• 13 a W C.B. _ C. 1 DRIVE . _ J ..SADDL .............. ' ESA . ................................................................................ T ... . E S ..... kp moo+................................................�...R.CP..-"1�,. QCP. X, ........... 40 ........ ,� . .. ......... ... 51 52 ...... a w h. ... .,... o ...... 6• 12' a RCP 10A VCP G a -- -- .. T ft ay • +. ,,� 4 O 115 i goo45. 214* -1-40 EXIST, a- CAP TO CAP � S rJ epi �i !� 4' MEANDERING S/W s 1 � � RETAINING WALL CLEARANCES FOR PMH SWITCH ENCLOSURE PREFERRED AND ALTERNATE) 1r tut. l 5' MIN. REO'D. 3' MIN. RFO'D. a 8' MIN. REQ'D. 11 TO CMFTO RETAMG WALLS ARE REOUiRED IF: = '� ►► O ANCES - f- 1) SLOPING GRADE RISES MORE THAN 18' AT A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF 5. OR LESS FROM THE ENCLOSURE, OR 2) SLOPING GRADE IS MORE THAN f NOTE: CONCRETE SLAB MATH NORMAL GRADE FOR DftAINMMG iS ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AT ANY RECOMMENDED TO FiLL IN BETWEEN THE PMH SLAB AND PONT ADJACENT TO THE ENCLOSURE. RETAINING WALLS. PMH TUB -STYLE CONCRETE ENCLOSURE 5X10 -6X7 rrlt 'WORKING CLEARANCE' C11B1I 8' MIN. FROM CABINET DOORS 3' MIN. FROM SiDE OR ENDS OF ENCLOSURE AT NONOOGIR SCE OF C/IINNET. Fr PERFERREO ALTERNATE PLACEMENT PLACEMENT LOCATION LOCATIOM 0� RE SAC ADAPTOR PLATE LOCATION CABLE • eo CLEAR OPENING (SEE NOTE 2) •., J001 010 d' �1 10 Roo `� Sf �.�. ,,O coo C CRUSHED Roar. O0 3/4' MIN. -1 1/70 MAX v MINIMUM EXCAVATION 12'-6' X 7' X 8' CABLES is CONDUITS SHOULD ENTER t LEAVE STRUCTURE AT EITHER FRONT OR BACK. (NOT SIDES) NOTESc 1. TOP a BOTTOM SECTIONS PROVIDED WiTH GROUNDING INSERTS. 2 CABLE CLEAR OPENING SHALL BE COVERED NTH AN EDISON-APPROVED COVER AT THE TIME OF STRUCTURE PLACEMENT. 3. KEEP BARRIER PLATES BANDED t IN BOTTOM OF BASE SECTION. ASSOCIATED ATE PRODUCTS BROOKS PRODUCTS UTILITY VAULT COMPANY SANTA ANA, CAUFORNIA FONTANA. CAUFORNIA FONTANA CALIFORNIA CATALOG NO. 700 PMH CATALOG NO. 650 PMH 84 -EDT CATALOG NO. ED -5106 -84 -PMH f7 1 4 MEMO PMH -113 TO CAP • SUl¢+30 PER IJGS--148 whore emodw a we Pieter up or intercepted, controctar to mandrel and install pull rope Brom terminal to terrnihe6. PiCKUP POINT *A" EXIST. 1-4" CAPPED 607 EpSL 1-4" CAPPED 214 LEGEND OF CONDUIT SYMBOLS (CONVENTIONAL U.G.) .a aomom MUM ell Gomm . whar�h err ore SSW usw ua r aur rCft -•- all spew ow ea . Guam ell DENOTES CONDUIT RUN CONTINUATION FOR CONSTRUCTUDN INFORILAAON mm nor osteon use\ • opehw ow w wic We, OF comes cert -� a► swear reE11D ANY Of ABOVE sM61111013 FOLLOWED BY A ---------- DENOTES THE FOLLOWING: 08 CO MT WrrIOUT ENCASEMEN II iS ACCEPTABLE FOR PORTIONS OF TRENCH WITH ONLY ONE OR Two 00NOUITi SEMI -ENCASEMENT IS REQUIRED Fait PORTIONS OF TRENCH WITH ONLY THREE OR FOUR CONDUITS. Flu ENCASEk EW is REOUIfAED Fat MORF_ THAN FOUR CONDUITS. GUTTER cRAOE y�e OuTyat ore fc«a srxq f I p. swq I I I I 1 I I I I 3 • ICA T TYPiCA!_ CONDUIT DANK SEC?M TYPICAL CONOuiT BANK SECTION snvw+Ne Fu.E ENCAS ACNT SHOONG SEW-D&CASEM(W SIMIK-AR CONSTRUCTION FCA SUN -AA CONSTRUCnON FOR RE MOOR FEWER CONDUIT FEVCR CONOUIT* REOUIREU FOR MORE THAN 4 CONOLMI s Dwg./Rev. Developer's Signoture Dote Original The excavator must take all steps necessary to avoid Southern California Edson Company has attermpted to correctly show cep efttng vMfes end Rev. ' injury to persons or damage to facilities in the area The Rev. indicated location of Edison underground focilities,os pro- Rev. i• tDIMK sPEcncAtioNs SEE tics -1. mination of exact locations and the cost of repoir to damaged CHANGES IN THESE PLANS WiLL REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL 4 TO 6 WEEKS AND CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED IN ADVANCE FOR REQUESTED CHANGES. CONSTRUC11ON NOTES: WARNINGUnion -- ;.'-' otherwise specified an the workn4 drawiwhich toms a part of the pedfcauar. the :. starne..ov�er FOREMAN chap irnish the following items at no cost to the Edsan CanpI _ s The excavator must take all steps necessary to avoid Southern California Edson Company has attermpted to correctly show cep efttng vMfes end Contact with underground facilities which may result in IN th e vicinity of the worm but doss not guarantee there are no other substnuctisee in the WI � Failure of SCE to show all substructures in the: correct location will not be a basic for a dei+ %V ood s WI and the injury to persons or damage to facilities in the area The contractor shag be reVosbk nor an dorms to substncU res sfnsffier stream ar not. indicated location of Edison underground focilities,os pro- vided, are believed to be accurate. However, the find deter- i• tDIMK sPEcncAtioNs SEE tics -1. mination of exact locations and the cost of repoir to damaged 2. CONDUT facilities is the responsibility of the excavator. at+llniMMM covin Indmt or paAwoy s5. 30' below gutter grade, wise noted _7 M ti0 M cook b. M�m knucover on privatefxowy y 3or below fnbrh.a no* uriess noted oImft Southern California Edison ComPony � to cep amu ' ~ Edserh Moet st0 AMC :211 C. Foror -3 UmUm t)"tractor off c�onduilt tti� 1,162 a bwtd d kwors 161. end 170. i L Cap d mainline condutults per � UGS-148 and service conduits per IIGS-iia tnedd bionic oorhdtuit I. plugs Ind conduits terminating Into Vaults, Manhais & PW*. SWS Ak at asp ineeL moL HUNTERS RIG "I pr UGS-100.1 A UCS -180.2 Applicants supremely hMssent sndi warrant that all I► instil pk/ ruga In d conduit nr+s. Perp rope be be 1/r pdWrap)*w or r=ut bm~ work performed and all material used in meeting or twisted. For specifications, approvwd maces, and suppliers, see t1Gs•••40. Applicants obligations heroin are fires from defects in t All eon" w#Ad be mand rds/ wlrh No "Proved motdrd UOS -M. workmanship and ore in conformity with Southern CG1Nornic Edison Compon�is requirements. This war-Theinincramn 1 00>'OUIT RAI fiEOtAREMENTS: - - - ronty shall commence upon receipt by Applicants of a rodiw bendk are 36' for conduits 3' in diameter or a"w* r Compony s find acceptance and shoA expire one yew 40• for conduits 44' and S' In danetar from that dote. Applicants ogres to promptly correct ST for 6' diameter conduit to the Company s satisfaction and that of any k The wA*nwn radius ior d sweeps of all ales = duke le tr-#*. governmental agency having jurisdiction and at Apps- MUM aY oAX SHEET cant's expense any brooch of this warranty which may 4. CALVE -NI -CONDUIT fOCk become apparent through Inspection or operation of a 5.0 WIirmurn trench widM >. in hes. k Ylntmum rover t: tncAsa underground electric system by Company during this ` or Is to provide _ (Bevicrranty tantoot ~goad period. bench. Edson Inspector for CIC Inst rotion� EdFaon wE C a WwroAL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON d, Contractor shall protide sutfichnt help during OC installations to mahtoln a dam band` *me of noel cwt OF ll - S ECAVA70H AND BAt2 - - a work woo shall be soared all "N* Weded Is 906 Aar bdm of fled greie Prier Is sersire � I Edison conduit or sb uctures. b. AN a+covations shat be in oceordance with the Odlfornle Stele C mebuctien Sokty Orders tri ovpfarie,. Edson specifications, and d governing food wdhancea _ a Each trench to be o unMorm depth bdos find grade prior t• instelletlon of Edison caI or aocto IL Bodcfil chap be provided by the Conbodw far d amovettene and she/ inducts ovoked eION16 aewersity and/or InVort.d bodcfR when miubsd. a BackfS with a M11,1elUM of one sock per yard sand cement slurry around and ~ vaclts awl wu■rftei■e per UGS-30.3 Par. 6.4 and around PMWs within ons bot of linishad grade. per UGS -S90.L t BodcM. pr Edison spedfiootions, shall irmnsdotely follow CIC or substrvetirs iwtnAot1*& Lit as iws shop OC be oft exposed over 24 hour& it No rocks we allowed within 12 inches of direct-k+ried oWn or any condwit vkh&A senoowe weawroonIL Native bodcfll capable of passing through a one-half Inch mseh screen sthdl be coo widw >g is be `vv* irae- If misting backfill does not par through o 1/2* screen. place lrnparted sand 3' fallow or"C 1Z samain Edasar cables After MIs point no rocks larger than 1Z' diameter are pormitteL A All bkxlcfs shall be compacted to meet or a oeod bed ordinances or o0w requl wrwtL It ~ be PkPOW . In a manner that will not damage the eandult or substructure or allow 4rture &A i fence of se 1tanch or slnuairrrea ' f5.► PAV NQ Rapavfrng. thane ra `Wal, shall be ~ 1h su& a Bonner Dal mtefe r+oe wltlt tr+affk. pedestrian traft will be kept to a minimmh. The Contractor sfid estab;isih a program of -wr•wA esssR:ssie is the MunkipslltS Co aty< r other authority AeI jvriedcthn std which is occeptble to Esdowc 7. STRucmmck - a AN substrucdrit lhdl be constructed or Insddited to Edon spednccatm-& IL Install protection borders per LKS -0o when required In areas eximed to tra1'IfR per Edi► s�eelr. L M conduit Nuns and, corI 11= substrucb w shd be water tighL d. All groundnq materials abd be ArrAW%oW and kstdW by aw CwAraddir. IL KTANM WAUI _ When required, retab ns wafts shell be provided by the Developer. walls ars raepuired wherwvr 4rwie #runt more thou 18 hats above the structure or 24• above On pod surface at a dIs of 5 %w- earn to sornha ar In area sub}ct to rosian. Design and ihstapotion rwwt eemply mia food boAdr4 or�rsa aseti. Refer to Edson Inspector for typical spoae requiramente. M prmns l000seory for excavation rhdl be provided by the Conlroctor/I)evsioper. i4 ACCESS Heavy truck cocas •Thal the maintained to og pIno ht locatlene. Sbuctm mnret tie dear of all aoprisr+serorrb that would obstruct* the ioocfiha or unloading of *WWntnL ff. u ,h i a Meters and sennas shop comply wllh Edam Electrical Services RequirarI - IL Wlnrih4 nmol be iti 0000rdonoe wit app6oaMe boel goo- and approved by lead InV a is LOCATION: . a The be@&" of aseeietim- and sbwtm 11w Edison shag be as shown an the .0§619 �w..s itfe elevlelie 11r rn the planned locations wiN be permitted urden approved by Dw Edon Inspector. See JIM.-% PPw 2.Z Actual location of obstructions, storm drol n, end/all ~ lerelp uttfitles to be then w u/ fee Contractor. see UM -1, Por Z3. 1.1 Contractor In b ve ft loeolla and widths of of IMM" ow *11000 t prim to sliest i jN i�eecssi� See UGS-175.1. UGS-175.2 and UCS -175.3. i4 StAt1lEY: . - �- Surveying of street improvements, property cans. lot Woo finished grade. OW. reoeeear7 ter 00 wsti- lotion of underground facilities must be completed an d markers or stakes plead prior to Zee s.ert ad ills its-- staAotuorh. In addition, Developer shot maintain the markers dung the iestallotisn and ire by Edlow Orale and property fine stoics mi uat show emy ofhat mens wernsnts, -�_'- iS COORDINATION AND SUPE1RVMOt line Developer shall provide super bb our and coordinanan among Uri! various tasnbactw eaftag wlahin licit developno t in order to prevent damage to Edison facditW& He le regmtsble for the coor of -v*moirs. re- plooement r+elocotcon. or other corrections to Ediew fokdities made naeoesary by This fh %ov in prshiit supervision or to o0wvise comply with Mese wedfications N. 1BEP'h10NE AM oltr M UWJTY REGtPIREMOil'i The droving prepared for this job tray also cover Vw Witiet to be inetaied 1a► rhe ti4yeme eenhpeny and/or other utMt} Any gAwVww concerning detofit M Met ihstdotion shoM be reler-I 2w 9w earnpsow ce conrned. -_: 17. OM111"S#P: Developer iii M deed to the Edison Csnhpany cep sttvcturss shown Moon on wpt chose sih+e.w as eAdsw+er ea - I& WARRANTr =- Applicants expressly represent and warrant that d work performed and of maternal used Tse Appricar= abrVatms herein are free from defects In wafikmonship and are in conformity wlft h Soubio Edis- Canpon/s requirements This ■orronty =hall commence upon receipt by Wcohts of Cor-wwwris Sind occeer•_snee and shall expire one )ear frorn that data Applkonts agree to promptly correct to the C.-hv.4's wvwfoc`sa R and that of any governmental agency having Prisdction and at Applicant's exprae any bre of this warI which may becorne apparent through Inspection or operation of underground elect* Mte"' >, Cwrowy dnrse9 Mie • warranty psrist ». INSPECTION: lnapecibn is required during the eoneOuctiew p~ A 48 how adeno malleo of intent to ai1■rt s is required from the contractor to the Soulhom California Edson Company. Standards all Like, o4nstruet�► rsquirsments are available upon request 4. Contact Underground inspector: Phone: 357-6555 THIS PLAN APPROVED AS TO LOCATION AND TYPE OF ELECTRIC SUBSTRUCTURES Developer Address Telephone LIST OF MATERIALS Wits" ,oentHft we [EI nC A'O where reference is to an item net detoier4 V J j�l ese separate deeariptle n rwL 3.. This list provides o sumn,%c r'y of major N«na SEE UGS sEC7M INDEX FOA F4YVW " DRAW*= OuAN. UMT DESCIaPTiON SZE ITEM NQ REF DWQ DATE 1 EACH HANDHOLE 12' X 14' X 15' HH -5 I UGS-200 12 3 EACH PWH . 5, X 10'6' X T I --- I Um -5901 02 9a CONCRETE PRODUCTS Precast concrete Item complete with neck. eovnr. and Inserts may be obtained from any of the following listed and approved n'hanufoctureres. ASSOCIATED CONCRETE PRODUCTS. W. 4301 W. MacArthur Blvd., Sonto Ana. CW $2704 Phone. -213 626-4653 (714) 557- 7470 BROOKS PRODUCTS, INC. 14221 Son Bernardino Ave., Fontana„ Calif. 92333 Phone: (818) 443-3017 (909) 350-4111 UTILITY VAULT CO. 10650 Hemlock Ave., Fontana, Calif. 92335 Phone: (909) 350-2675 ALL HANDHOIES TO 8E 16 BEHIND FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL HANDHOIE RISERS PER UGS-205. ALL STREE1LtGHTS TO BE Y BEHNO FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL STREETLIGHT RISERS PER TICS -175.1, 175.2 or 175.3 .7 - ALL SWEEPS TO BE 129-6"R. V14 4. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED_ _ P.L =rt - CONTRACTOR COST PLUS FIRM DEV. INCLUDES PERMPAVING YES NO PERMIT NUMBER DATE STARTED _ DATE COMPLETED INSPECTOR. - UNDERGROUND SERMCE ALERT 1- 800- 227- 26GO Coll USA; For Underground Locotim; - 2 Working Doys Before You Dig M.L. CO.# 16 thru 18 S.L. C 0. # 101 thru 105 ' OrSTirCT PtAMreEA D.W.O. 11. Na. jsL oro. _T f00THX.L A. GONZALES 6630-1919 5-1904 I 3 cm '1 7 NG ! FOREMAN T401AS eros. PG. 04VENTORY VAP NUMBERS DIST. SKETCH Na PMOD E%comr. e4 CSr 13 NC S.B.CO. PG 4 E-3 238-2154-1 via T T W-FASS chesTMks I.+ CM Na Assoc• TO an rhtab. ® 2 M ti0 M cook are o+eeeTW :ore 0630- 4053 N - 4046 -3 i -= HUNTERS RIG "I - F0X80ROUGH DR. h/C 3R.0LEPA7Ii I?Ftt FONTI `:A / 4A 02 /- 2 • ✓ 4/m, 9 'r 2" w DAM sr MUM aY oAX SHEET DWG. ''� �• 1 1 H129 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY OF 1 DWG. NO, 2391 3 I