HomeMy WebLinkAbout2366-C2.2R 1.03 9VEREAC^VAT.14fA_;9F FILL AREAS 6.02 FILL -OVER -CUT SLOPES 1 DETAIL 17118 LEGEND GENERAL NOTES The existing ''i4e in a1 areas determined to be Where fill -over -cut slopes are to be graded the cut portion T +stitisfactory forrfle supQort o fills shall be scarified to a 2' of the slope shall be made and approved by,the geotechnical NOT TO SCALE Minimum depth ,of 6 inche:s.` Scarification shall continue consultant•' prib'r to placement' of- materials..for construction un 4l the soils are broken dowii-and free from lumps or clods. of the fill portion of the slope. T. C. TOP OF CONCRETE CURB 1. , ALL'• WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE - Vi TH THE APVLI CABLE `GRADING ORD INANC$ and until the t h,e' scarified zone is uniform. The mo,i s t:u r e AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, THE -UNIFORM BUILDING COBE LA?LST ...+.. , content of the scarified done'. shad be adjusted to. within 2;t13," X 4" OR 2" X 4" NIP. T.B.E. GALV. !l•'S • • F.S. FINISHED" CONCRETE SURFACE EDITION AND THE STANDARD SPECIFYCATTONS FOR PUBI:IC WORKS.`CONSTRUCTION, of optimum moisture. The, scarified zone shall then be 7.0 TRENCH BACKFILL �4^'{1 LATEST EDITION. uniformally compacted to 90$ relative compaction. •�• : � : • A.C. ASPHALTIC CEMENT PAVEMENT METER FLANrE, OVAL, C . I . • .. Where fill material- is ;.,tq be placed on ground with slopes7.01 GENERAL P'••�.:` F.L. FLOW LINE 2, ADE UATE. BARRICADES, LIGHTS, FLAGMEN, SIGNS &ND OTHER SAFETY, DEVICES SHALL' steeper than 5 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) the sloping l�" OR 2" FLG' D, 1.1ETER (USE 2 Q round shall be benched.. The lowermost bench shall be a g y GASKETS EACH SIDE OF METER) A.'7�'�; ' F.G. FINISHED GRADE OF DIRT BE PROVIDED AS SPECIFIED IN THE TRAFFIC MANUAL PUBLSISHED'"�BY-MOE STATE OF g Trench backfill within street right of ways shall be • minimum of 15 feet wide, shall be a minimum of 2 feet deep, compacted to 90% relative. compaction as determined by the - •a • ' CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LATEST DIVISION. -shall expose firm material as determined by the geotechnical ASTM D1557 test method. Backfill may be jetted as a means of �� „ `.� ', a F.F. FINISHED FLOOR OF BUILDING consultant. Other. benches shall be excavated to firm initial compaction, however, mechanical compaction will be �. OR 2 ANGLE METER STOP J -1525F. ;.� . . material as determined by the geotechnical consultant, and required to obtain the"required percentage of."relative ,o �. • , B.S. BACK OF SIDEWALK 3. EXISTING CITY STREETS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN OF ALL MATERIALS RESULTING FROM shall have a minimum width of 4 feet._ compaction. If trenches are jetted,.there must be a suitable -••'�, THE GRADING OPERATIONS. THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE CLEANED UP delay for drainage of excess water before mechanical FACE OF C URB �.'.'• --- .. . � E.G. EDGE OF GUTTER DAILY, AS NECESSARY, TO MAINTAIN SAFE PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR PASSAGE AT Existing ground that is determined to be unsatisfactory compaction is applied. J for the support of fills shall be overexcavated in accordance NOTE; s,,'n;:a ALL TIMES, to the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report 3,. SEE JOB PLANS FOR LOCATION OF METER `o',+; � E.P. EDGE OF A.C. PAVEMENT of which these general specifications are a part. 8.0 SEASONAL LIMITS WHEN SIDEWALKS ARE ADJACENT TO THE G.B. GRADE BREAK 4. THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL UTILITIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CURB SERVICE " PERMITTEE• +,3.04 OVEREJCCAVATION OF BUILDING AREAS 2 • FOR 1' SERVICE X IS 13 AND A CURB & GUTTER H.P. HIGH POINT 8.01 GENERAL NO* 38 METER BOX SHALL BE USED. FOB_ All footing areas, both continuous and spread, shall be '2k' SERVICE "X" IS 17" INND A NO. 65 ;i ts: T.B. TOP OF BERM 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL. CONTACT THE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT, 1-800-422-4133, 48 g p No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it METER BOX SHALL BE USED.'USE- METER HOURS IN ADVANCE OF COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION FOR EXISTING UTILITY undercut, moistened, and compacted as necessary to produce is frozen or thawing ,or, during unfavorable weather BOX OVE SIZE LARGER TriAN REQUiI2ED •o .' d;.. �' INV. INVERT soils compacted to a minimum of 90$ relative compaction to a conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, fill ,s.,• LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES de the ual to the width of the footing below the bottom of.. ��THEXEVER 'METER BOXES ARE TO BE PROPERTY LINE Q p q g operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the r, 'PLACED WITHIN SIDEWAL K � OR OTHER , .:�.'.`�.• . ,� ' d' - the footing or to a depth of 3.0 feet below the bottom of the soils en ineer indicate that the moisture content and density fl '� �•'� �': K TO PROTECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN AND ANY.OTHER LINES NOT OF RECORD OR y G _ CENTER LINE footing, whichever is less. Depth of the undercut may be of the f 11 are as previously specified. PAVED •AREA. ,. ?� ,• • .,� Q;: NOT SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. reduced if, during the process of the removal and ' 3 • FOR TAPS ON STEEL MAIN SES STD . 4 0: ; 44 recompaction of the existing fill materials, the minimum 9.0 SUPERVISION UvIG, NO. 3-E; FOR TAPS ON A.C. OR ' � '• �' O.4 ' ► + T.W. TOP OF WALL 6. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING, undercut requirement is satisfied. C.I. MAINS THE 'FOLLOWING,WILL BE USED. I I T.R.W. TOP OF RETAINING WALL Footing areas shall be defined as the area extending from the 9.01 PRIOR TO GRADING MAIN 1�" 2" 7.' ANY MODIFICATIONS OF OR CHANGES IN APPROVED GRADING PLANS MUST BE APPROVED edge of the footing for a distance equal to .the width of the T.F. TOP OF FOOTING footing or to 5.0 feet, whichever is less. The site shall be observed by the geotechnical consultant SIZE TP TAP BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, upon completion of clearingand grubbing,prior to the 4" A C C'PLC' * BOSSED SIEJ VE H T.O.G. TOP OF DRAIN BOX GRATE All floor slabs and paved areas which are in fill shall be preparation of any originalgroundfor prpaation of fill. 6" DBL. STRAP* EOSSED SLEEVE � 8. A COPY OF THE GRADING PERMIT AND APPROVED GRADING PLAN MUST BE IN THE- scarified or blade mixed to a depth equal to 1•.0 foot below " r• x �- __�. EDGE OF A.C. PAVEMENT original grade, moistened as necessary, and compacted to a The supervisor of the grading contractor and the field 8 SQL. STRAP SGT,. STRAP _ POSSESSION ,OFA RESPONSIBLE PERSON AND AVAILABLE AT THE SITE. p g g 3.0" . SGL STRAP* SGL STRAP d' • i. minimum of 90It relative compaction. representative of the geotechnical consultant shall have a ,� �y.;. FINISHED CONCRETE SURFACE meeting and discuss the geotechnical aspects of the earthwork 12 'SGL. STRAP* SGL. STRAP 1�2-" OR 2•" 9. THE SOILS ENGINEER AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE prior to commencement of grading. *A.C. TAPPED. COUPTiII..,TG MAY BE USED COPPER -�--- -♦- CONCENTRATED FLOW LINE QUALITY' WORK'PERFORMED THE WORPERFORMED BY THE GRADING CON'T'RACTOR AND SHALL 4.0 FILL MATERIALS IN PLACE OF SADDLE . TUBING ' � �•�••- �-� SHEET FLOW DRAINAGE EXERCISE SUFFICIENT SUPERVISORY CONTROL DURING GRADING TO INSURE 9.02 DURING GRADING COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CODE WITHIN THEIR PURVIEW. 4.01 GENERAL 450. T/HDWL, TOP OF HEADWALL Site preparation of all areas to receive fill shall be tested '• Materials for the fill shall be free from vegetable matter and approved by the geotechnical consultant prior to the 13" OR 2" COUPLING, ('Z4.55) EXISTING ELEVATION 10. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR AND SUPERVISING CIVIL ENGINEER SHALL SUBMIT A and other deleterious substances, shall not contain rocks or placement of any fill. � SC,,TEAT C OP PE R WRITTEN STATEMENT VERIFYING THAT THE WORK DONE UNDER HIS DIRECTION WAS lumps of a greater dimension than is recommended by the (T. HERE APPLICABLE) EXISTING CONTOUR ELEVATION PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS AND REQUIREMENTS OF geotechnical consultant, and shall be approved by the The geotechnical consultant or his representative shall Q geotechnical consultant. Soils of poor gradation, expansion, observe the fill and compacting operations so that he can 2ro.5 PROPOSED ELEVATION CHAPTER 70 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE OR DESCRIBING ALL VARIANCES FROM or strength properties shall be placed in areas designated by provide an opinion regarding the conformance of the work to 1 OR 2" ELL 9 00 THE APPROVED PLANS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODE, the geotechnical consultant or shall be mixed with other the recommendations contained in this report. -..•-1Y" OR 2" J--1505 SWEAT COPPER I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER soils providing satisfactory fill material. O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER 11. ALL RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDED IN THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PREPARED BY 4.02 OVERSIZE MATERIAL SADDLE WITH 1 �" OR 2 " -OUTLET. G GAS MAIN RICHARD MILLS ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THIS PROJECT DATED OCTOBER 30, 1989, /'"'"- , SEE NOTE NO, 3 THIS SHEET FOR - MUST BE COMPLIED WITH DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. oversize material, rock or other irreducible material with a REQ UI RE 14" NT S. W WATER MAIN maximum dimension grater than 12 inches, shall not be placed in fills, unless the location, materials, and disposal ADDITIONAL NOTES: S SANITARY SEWER methods are specifically approved by the geotechnical METER BOX FOR 2" SERVICE IS 17" X 28" INSIDE DIMENSION 12. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF FONTANA con..sultant.' Oversize materiil shall be placed is such a ( ) W.V. WATER VALVE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR ALL PROPOSED WORK WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF manner that nesting of oversize material does not occur and PRECASE CONCRETE BOX MANUFACTURED BY BROOKS PRODUCTS INC. LIVE OAK AVENUE AND VILLAGE DRIVE PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE in such a manner that the oversize material is completely W. H.. WATER METER STREETS, surrounded by fill material compacted to a minimum of 90% REFERENCE: F.H. FIRE HYDRANT relative compaction. Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 feet of finished grade without the approval of the SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER COMPANY STANDARD DRAWING NO. 3-B FOR A 13. THE FOLLOWING EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS WERE TAKEN FROM THE geotechnical consultant.TYPICAL V-/2" OR 2" COPPER SERVICE C. M-. GAS METER GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PREPARED BY RICHARD MILLS ASSOCIATES, INC, FOR S.M.H. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLEQUANTITIES CONSTRUCTION NOTES THIS PROJECT DATED OCTOBER 30, 1989 AND ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THIS 4.03 IMPORT 0 _ o:V`. ) P.P., POWER POLE PLAN: 250 S.F. �A CONSTRUCT 9" MINIMUM THICK PATTERNED - r - Material imported to the site shall conform to the " ? 1.0 bENERAL DESCRIPTION requirements of section 4.01 of these specifications. CONC. PVH'T OVER 12 OF 95% COMPACTED ��?' 'S6� Q't` S. L.. STREET LIGHT Potential import material shall be approved b the NATIVE SOIL, TO MATCH THE COLOR AND VILLAGE p1 ''�s DRIVE � y geotechnical consultant prior to importation to the subject SHAPE AS THE EXIST. CORE DRILL 9" EXIST. TRAFFIC SIGNAL ���? -,4`���;�;Q' W C.O. CLEANOUT 1.01 INTRODUCTION INTO EXISTING CONC. PVM'T AND INSERT BOX FLU514 TO BE �. �o �a site . 18" LONG #4 REBAR DOWEL AT 24" O.C. RELOCATED A These specifications present our general recommendations for 5.0 PLACING AND SPREADING OF FILL earthwork and grading as shown on the approved grading plans 75 L.F. B CONSTRUCT 8" CONE. CURB AND GUTTER TO FEATHER FORA �, SAWCUT LINE ^bx Z 9 for the subject project. These s ecifications shall cover MATCH EXIST. PER CITY STD. DETAIL 101. _ SMOOTH JOS? �s, do�i_i ?s? W p i struc urea h1�� all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing �. 5.01 FILL LIFTS of land to be filled, filling of the land, N t�$ ��? S �`� � �~� ?�'� Ate, -`� � � preparation 1 EA . CO CONSTRUCT 4" THICK CONE . CURB RETURN 03�AC �90 s9J�,r'Q`'\�, 9C' r 0� _ �� S ���/ t 1 f the fill and all RAMP PER CITY STD DET I 104 SAWCUT LAIE� ti spreading, compaction and con ro o , subsidiary work necessary to complete the grading of the The selected fill material Shall be placed in nearly horizontal layers which when compacted will not exceedrn A L A. (75.42)T,C. filled areas to conform with the lines, grades and slopes as approximately 6 inches in thickness. Thicker lifts may be 975 S.F. OD CONSTRUCT 4" THICK CONCRETE SIDEWALK (24.78)FL• shown on the approved plans. placed if testing indicates the compaction procedures are other materials approved soil 90% relative PER CITY STD. DETAIL 105A. (74.11 )E.G. The recommendations contained in the geotechnical report of such that the required compaction is being achieved and the, geotechnical consultant approves their use. 80 S.F. OE CONSTRUCT 9" MINIMUM THICK CONC. PVM'T which these general specifications are a art of shall p in case of 5.05 COMPACTION TESTING STRIP,OVER 12" OF 95X COMPACTED NATIVE • •i[1. EXIST.. COtJt I supersede the provisions contained hereinafter Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly 3.0 ORIGINAL GROUND PREPARATION SOILS, TO MATCH EXISTING. CORE DRILL 9" ,' SIDEWALK; conflict. blade mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of INTO EXIST. CONC. PVN'T. AND INSERT tests shall be made at locations selected by the geotechnical material in each layer. consultant. 18" LONG # 4 REBAR DOWEL AT 24" O.C. After the site has been properly cleared, all vegetation and former vegetation 1.02 LABORATORY STANDARD 4�-V.C.P. RISER 4of--49° WYE 890 S.F. OF SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXIST. CONC, SIDEWALK, Ul h^ 42 shall be stripped from areas graded. be used as fill in areas 5.02 FILL MOISTURE 5.02 I CURB AND GUTTER, PATTERNED CONC. PVM T r� The laboratory standard used to establish the maximum density mixed with a sufficient amount of soil to assure that no m face AND CONC. PVM'T STRIP. appreciable settlement or other detriment will occur due to and optimum moisture shall be ASTM D1557. Method D shall be When the moisture content of the fill material is below that decaying of the organic matter. Soil materials containing Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed W/TIGHTENING' BANDS MIN. 2% SLOPE UNLESS used if the amount of material passing the 3/4 inch size recommended by the soils engineer, water shall then be added 2 EA, G� RELOCATE EXIST. TRAFFIC SIGNAL PULL S&SOI1'50'E exceeds 10% by weight; otherwise, method C shall be used. until the moisture content is as specified to assure thorough these readings indicate that the density of any layer or fill BOXES. EXTEND EXIST. CONDUIT (NO PROP CURE RETURN DATA or portion thereof is below the required density, the bonding during the compacting process. Any non -engineered fids encountered during grading shall be WIRING) TO NEW BOX LOCATION AND INSTALL x=90'00'00" The in-situ density of earth materials (field compaction required density has been obtained. CONDUIT BETWEEN BOTH PULL BOXES. 8=35.00' tests) shall be determined by the sand cone method, ASTM When the moisture content of the fill material is above that L=54.98 D1556 or other test method as considered appropriate by the recommended by the soils engineer, the fill material shall be 100 S.F. G CONSTRUCT 6'-/2" THICK A.C. PVM'T OVER Ta35.00' geotechnical consultant. aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the 12" OF 95% COMPACTED NATIVE SOILS. moisture content is as specified. FEATHER A.C. OVER EXIST. PVM'T FOR A Relative compaction is, defined, for purposes of these SMOOTH JOIN. specifications, as the ratio of the in-place density to the maximum density as determined in the previously mentioned 5.03 FILL COMPACTION laboratory standard. I 2.0, CLEARING After each layer has been placed, mixed, -and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than 90% relative compaction. Compaction shall be by sheepsfoot SEWER MAIN rollers, multiple -wheel pneumatic tired rollers, or other 2.01 SURFACE CLEARING types approved by the soils engineer. 1 4� V.C.P. RISER -4 -45-WYE�7 45r ' All structures marked for removal, timber, logs, trees, brush, Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill material is at and other rubbish shall be removed and disposed of off the the specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer shall - mann Any trees removeremoved as.muchshall the root pulled systemsuch as a be continuous over its entire area and the roller shall make manner so as to sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been possible. obtained. 2.02 SUB -SURFACE REMOVALS 5.04 FILL SLOPES PLAN Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers A thorough search should be made for possible underground or other suitable equipment. Compacting of the slopes may be storage tanks and/or septic tanks and cesspools. If found; done progressively in increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill tanks should be removed and cesspools pumped dry. height. At the completion of- grading the slope face shall be y concrete irrigation lines shall be crushed in place and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. This may An all metal underground lines shall be removed from the site. require track rolling or rolling with a grid roller attached to a tractor mounted side -boom. I FRONT PROPERTY LINE 2.03 BACKFILL OF CAVITIES Slopes may be over filled and,cut back in such a manner that the exposed slope faces are compacted to a minimum of 90% All cavities created or exposed during clearing and grubbing relative compaction. operations or by previous use of the site shall be cleared of The fill operation shall be cotitinued in six inch (6") GROUND LIN -E-,7 deleterious material and backfilled with native soils or by the engineer. Said compacted layers, or as specified above, until the fill hab sN X l other materials approved soil 90% relative been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on v backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of the accepted plans. compaction. 5.05 COMPACTION TESTING PROVIDE WATER TIGHT PLASTIC PLUG 3.0 ORIGINAL GROUND PREPARATION Field density tests shall be made by the geotechnical w / TIGHTENING BANDS consultant of the compaction of each layer of fill. Density tests shall be made at locations selected by the geotechnical 3.01 STRIPPING OF VEGETATION consultant. After the site has been properly cleared, all vegetation and former vegetation Frequency of field density tests shall be not less than one 4�-V.C.P. RISER 4of--49° WYE topsoil containing the root systems of to be Materials rembved test for each 2.0 feet of fill height and at least every one shall be stripped from areas graded. be used as fill in areas thousand cubic yards of fill. Where fill slopes exceed four I in this stripping process may designated by the soils engineer, provided the vegetation is, feet in height their finished faces shall be tested at a g frequency of one test for each 1000 square feet of slope ' mixed with a sufficient amount of soil to assure that no m face PROVIDE WATER TIGHT appreciable settlement or other detriment will occur due to . PLASTIC PLUG decaying of the organic matter. Soil materials containing Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed W/TIGHTENING' BANDS MIN. 2% SLOPE UNLESS more than 3% organics shall not be used as structural fill. to a depth of several inches. Density reading shall be taken OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY in the comfacted material below the disturbed surface. When ENGINEER 3.02 REMOVALS OF NON -ENGINEERED FILLS these readings indicate that the density of any layer or fill or portion thereof is below the required density, the Any non -engineered fids encountered during grading shall be _particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the ELEVATION IMI-MIremoved' and the underlying ground shall be required density has been obtained. PROPOSED R/Wf' PER F M. NO.174SS 4'V.C.P. LATERAL 45a8ND SEWER MAIN comp - . original prepared n accordance to the recommendations for %J &, und preparation contained in this section. After 6.0 EXCAVATIONS cleansing of any organic matter the fill material may be used for engineered fill. 6.01 GEJMRAL Excavations and cut slopes 'shall be examined by the geote-hnical consultant. If determined necessary by.the geotechnical consultant, further excavation or overexcavation and refilling of overexcavated areas shall be performed, . and/or remedial grading of cut slopes shall be performed. i DETAIL Nil 'SCALE: t � ='lot REFERENCE: CITY OF FONTANA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STD. DETAIL 125 DETAIL "G" II NOT TO SCALE RECORD _D THESE RECORD DRAWINGS (AS -BUILT DRAWINGS) HAVE BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION SUBMITTED, IN PART, BY OTHERS. WHILE THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE, WOLFF/LANG/CHRISTOPHER ARCHITECTS, INC., - HAS NOT VERIFIED THIS INFORMATION AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS ACCURACY OR ADEQUACY, NOR FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED INTO THESE DOCUMENTS AS A RESULT. a O W GUTTER 1 IRSTALL FRAME PLUSH WITH PROPOSED G$ADE CLEANOUT OF DIRT OR CONCRETE SURFACE PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE PROPOSED FINISHED SURFACE INSTALL ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY - A-1240 HEAVY DUTY COVER AND FRAME (COVER SHALL BE MARKED "SEWER") CONSTRUCT CONCRETE ( CLASS rt 567-C-3250) AROUND FRAME INSTALL 4" DIA. CAST ---`07., 7.. IRON SEWER PIPE INSTALL 1/8 (45'0) CAST IRON $END No. 38382 " ' * EXP. 3-31-93 J�9T C10.. I co v P INSTALL 4" DIA. CAST IRON WYE - 0 1/4" PER F7 MIN. INSTALL PLUB AT END OF LATERAL DETAIL "H" 13 NOT TO SCALE 'IrY AS "Stwg " CITY OF FONTANA FIRE ANLL POLICE CONTACT STATION NO*, 0 00 - 00 FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CENTRAL VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FONTANA POLICE DEPARTMENT CONSULTANT CARL W. DONMOYER & ASSOC., INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 609 EAST ALOSTA AVENUE, SUITE B GLENDORA, CALIF. 91740 • (818) 963-5710 -29-70 MARK S. LAMOUREUX EXP. 3-31-93 RCE 38382 APPROVED APPROVED NO DATE BY REMARKS-� A FE& 1994 MV AS -WILT!5 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN DRAWN D. R. CHECKED M.S.I.. DATE AUG.' 90 SCALE AS NOTED JOB NO. 8913000 JN 89-69 PWC74 Mo., 2366