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i INS LL 2" x 6" REDWOOD HEADER REMOVE EXISTING REDWOOD HEADER' L' F F. is CONST. TEMP. TURA-AROUND PER STD. PLAN 119 ,��CONST. ALLEY ENTRANCE PER STI). PLAN IF coAtsr TEMPORARY ^#w;AfcN7, rfxN,617*1o*41xmAe.) 200 .F F MVSr 27,r,44 alrf CAS or gr Z L4j &2K JV01t. &W M4210 PFR&7W ArP 95M dr6t/W#/,f AWT 474 -47 IVPt Cl TREEZ IMPRO�►I�EMENT, PI�aNS� FOR TRACT NON 1075? A CONSTRUCTION NOTES ESTIMATED QUANTITIES slierr .2 CONST. 'NOTE 000. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY IT UNIT STREETS CONST. Z'A.C. OK. -B. OVER COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL (D WW'I CONST. 8" CURB & GUTTER PER STD. PLAN 101 CONST. 8" CURB NLY 'PER STD. PLAN 101 4 CONST. 6"CURE 9 GUTTER PER STD. PLAN 101 I CONST. 6" CURB QTLY PER STD. PLAN 101 CONST.* TRANSITION CURB A GUTTER (6H C. TO r C.F.) CONST. TRANSITION CUM ONLY AROUND RETURN (6N c.F. TO r C.F.147Z O-- STANDARD CROSS GUTTER PER STD. PLAN 104 O-- CONST. CROSS GUTTER (141D BLOCK) PER STD. PLAN 106 CONST. 4" P.C.C. SIDEWALK CONST. SIDEWALK ACCESS RAMP PER STD. PLAN 104-A CONST. DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER STD. PLAN 103 13 'SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER (2�—SAWCUT 9 REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK �f}-- ' SAWCUT S REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT A-AMACr(29VW1 INSTALL STREET NAME SIGN 7 INSTALL BARRICADE PER STD. PLAN 118 REMOVE EXISTING BARRICADE INSTALL TRAFFIC WARNING Slims 2 INSTALL STREET LIGHTS W5 sTr. 4581 LF LIV A 1126 L.f. FO NTANAICALINI L A14P A*4'%Ns IAI "Ie2j PAGE 97 RFCORPS OF SW UNIMIR'THE SUPERVf" OF: S.F.CONST. CO&AIW "C 4VE© AS M16 64645 dw AEARIAld Pae 57904 SF- , IZ80 IF 9" 3F MIS *A .0. i 00. Z�115S W SMIANER 23207 — N DRAWNqy�� 5960 8F BENCH MARK: R E -VISI 0 N 77 A( T %�. _M Tom & CountryCountryRoad, Ore California 921868 (714) 835-4447 66AICAI MAA?K Atv 407 PAC AIA& Ak/ WFrr EAM SW WAVE. A41U.FR EA DESIGNED:Telephone ID F4111'r ACT 757------ _ I i INS LL 2" x 6" REDWOOD HEADER REMOVE EXISTING REDWOOD HEADER' L' F F. is CONST. TEMP. TURA-AROUND PER STD. PLAN 119 ,��CONST. ALLEY ENTRANCE PER STI). PLAN IF coAtsr TEMPORARY ^#w;AfcN7, rfxN,617*1o*41xmAe.) 200 .F F MVSr 27,r,44 alrf CAS or gr Z L4j &2K JV01t. &W M4210 PFR&7W ArP 95M dr6t/W#/,f AWT 474 -47 IVPt Cl TREEZ IMPRO�►I�EMENT, PI�aNS� FOR TRACT NON 1075? A CURB CR E %og. A VEu l A INE,- DRI PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES Contractor agrees that he Nall &same sole and emplete respmsi- The existence and location of any andIf 4 p1pes, or strut t:UT- bility for job site conditions during the course of construction of thown on these plans was obtained by a search of available records. this project, including safety of all persons and prope--,, that ?b the beat of our krrwledge them are no existing utilities except the requirements shall apply continuously -and not be limited to as sh3vm on these plans. The Contractor is required to take due irmnal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, indem- precautionary mmsmms too protect the existing utility lines and any nify and hold the Owner and the EMineer harmless from any and all lines not of record or not shown an these plans. liability, real or alleged, in connection with the perfornmce of wm&k on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole negI. - GENERAL NOTES: l's - Al I work and material s shal I comply wi th the specifications and standard plans of the City of Fontana, Public Works Department dated 1975. , 2.. Driveway location shall be detemMned In the field at the time of .building construction. 3. Signals and lighting shall conform to the provision of sectim 96 of the standard specifications and special provisions. 4. Backfill to be in r lifts if trench bottom and sides have an S.E. less than 20. 5. Stomping of backfill permitted In 3" lifts., 6. All materials & mthods of constructioin to be subject ile approval of the City Engineer or his representative. 7.- Backfill material to have S.E. of 30 (Min.) 8. All backfill to be certified by a soils engineer. 9.. Water services to be mini mum of 10' horizontally distance from sewer lateral. 10. Isispectiom to be called for through the City of Fontana (714- 24 hours prior to starting work. il. All utility companies to k. given 48 hours notice prior to working around their facilities. 12. All new or existing valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade by paving contractor, after the completion of paving. 13. All Irrigation lines if any to be removed,, relocated or recon" strutted as shown. 14. Contractor to install pavement markings and striping as required by the City Engineer. 15. During the working day trenches may be left open across existing street providing traffic flows in both directions. No trench may be left open overnight on existing street, unless authorized in writing by the City Engineer, 16. All utilities shall be Installed, tested and approved prior to paving. 17. Prior to construction the contractor shall obtain pervets fmm the City of Fontana, Public Works Department. 18. If any existing utilities or my other facilries conflict with the proposed improvements, work shall stop and the engineer notified immediately of this situation. 19. Dust control shall confb,rvN to tate pmvisloos In Section 10 of the Standard Specifications and as here in after specified. 20. All,existing elevations pertaining to proposed connections to existing utilities shall be verified by the contractor. Any deviation the engineer shall be notified immdiately, 21. Adequate stakes shall be set by the imgimer to enable that contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. FCONTROL BLOCK FOR CLIENT-ENGINEER'COORDINATION ONLY PIThis Plan Has Not Been Approved by City OThis Plan Has Been Approved by City L Requested Completed NO. Description By by Date I Re-MION PIMP AP A Vd-. S r SFC rlONS 678. 1.4AIA 41///80 S -A?LrM0WZP AV"N-RFMINIA49 MU a"Alt /A r.Ahi Prior tie tnbig t%Is pian for emstruction purposes, Cmtractor Is to verily latest revision number with job superintendent. ligence of the Over cw the EYrjineer. SEE slierr .2 BASIS OF BEARINGS: 7YE WAROV6 1V00*18`4rW&0#6 THESE PLANS WHERE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE Of: FOR A, LIV 3 4 - CIT -Y O F FO NTANAICALINI - CURB CR E %og. A VEu l A INE,- DRI PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES Contractor agrees that he Nall &same sole and emplete respmsi- The existence and location of any andIf 4 p1pes, or strut t:UT- bility for job site conditions during the course of construction of thown on these plans was obtained by a search of available records. this project, including safety of all persons and prope--,, that ?b the beat of our krrwledge them are no existing utilities except the requirements shall apply continuously -and not be limited to as sh3vm on these plans. The Contractor is required to take due irmnal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, indem- precautionary mmsmms too protect the existing utility lines and any nify and hold the Owner and the EMineer harmless from any and all lines not of record or not shown an these plans. liability, real or alleged, in connection with the perfornmce of wm&k on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole negI. - GENERAL NOTES: l's - Al I work and material s shal I comply wi th the specifications and standard plans of the City of Fontana, Public Works Department dated 1975. , 2.. Driveway location shall be detemMned In the field at the time of .building construction. 3. Signals and lighting shall conform to the provision of sectim 96 of the standard specifications and special provisions. 4. Backfill to be in r lifts if trench bottom and sides have an S.E. less than 20. 5. Stomping of backfill permitted In 3" lifts., 6. All materials & mthods of constructioin to be subject ile approval of the City Engineer or his representative. 7.- Backfill material to have S.E. of 30 (Min.) 8. All backfill to be certified by a soils engineer. 9.. Water services to be mini mum of 10' horizontally distance from sewer lateral. 10. Isispectiom to be called for through the City of Fontana (714- 24 hours prior to starting work. il. All utility companies to k. given 48 hours notice prior to working around their facilities. 12. All new or existing valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade by paving contractor, after the completion of paving. 13. All Irrigation lines if any to be removed,, relocated or recon" strutted as shown. 14. Contractor to install pavement markings and striping as required by the City Engineer. 15. During the working day trenches may be left open across existing street providing traffic flows in both directions. No trench may be left open overnight on existing street, unless authorized in writing by the City Engineer, 16. All utilities shall be Installed, tested and approved prior to paving. 17. Prior to construction the contractor shall obtain pervets fmm the City of Fontana, Public Works Department. 18. If any existing utilities or my other facilries conflict with the proposed improvements, work shall stop and the engineer notified immediately of this situation. 19. Dust control shall confb,rvN to tate pmvisloos In Section 10 of the Standard Specifications and as here in after specified. 20. All,existing elevations pertaining to proposed connections to existing utilities shall be verified by the contractor. Any deviation the engineer shall be notified immdiately, 21. Adequate stakes shall be set by the imgimer to enable that contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. FCONTROL BLOCK FOR CLIENT-ENGINEER'COORDINATION ONLY PIThis Plan Has Not Been Approved by City OThis Plan Has Been Approved by City L Requested Completed NO. Description By by Date I Re-MION PIMP AP A Vd-. S r SFC rlONS 678. 1.4AIA 41///80 S -A?LrM0WZP AV"N-RFMINIA49 MU a"Alt /A r.Ahi Prior tie tnbig t%Is pian for emstruction purposes, Cmtractor Is to verily latest revision number with job superintendent. ligence of the Over cw the EYrjineer. BASIS OF BEARINGS: 7YE WAROV6 1V00*18`4rW&0#6 THESE PLANS WHERE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE Of: FOR A, 7WE C.5NMRI-liVe Ar CYPRESS A11FAIZ16" AS -SAWAI OM MA1eS'- PRC TOUPS CORP "W: 11'55-4447 CIT -Y O F FO NTANAICALINI A14P A*4'%Ns IAI "Ie2j PAGE 97 RFCORPS OF SW UNIMIR'THE SUPERVf" OF: CO&AIW "C 4VE© AS M16 64645 dw AEARIAld Pae 11 -f -I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRC i`Ol1ps Corporation MIS *A .0. i 00. Z�115S W SMIANER 23207 — N DRAWNqy�� SHEET NO.. BENCH MARK: R E -VISI 0 N 77 A( T %�. _M Tom & CountryCountryRoad, Ore California 921868 (714) 835-4447 66AICAI MAA?K Atv 407 PAC AIA& Ak/ WFrr EAM SW WAVE. A41U.FR DATE DESCRIDESCRIPTIONMAIMMIDCitCRE,10 DESIGNED:Telephone ID F4111'r ACT 757------ _ I A7* rLV . AW, 1.3.59 CHECKED: OiF HE E T S A 1111% N M ig ftesm di SCALE: DATE: VWG. NO. AS01 A i Q V0 72ED -APPROVE& CITY ENGINEER 1,16 980 A N. Z24-3-030-0