HomeMy WebLinkAbout2330-2ern Cot COUrIy pour[ Ilators ' f- r1 t e EXCAVATION BACKFILL EX AVG ION OG or GP BACKFILL 2Q EXCAVATION BACKFILL EXCAVATION BACKFILL EXCAVATION BACKFILL -` --OG Or GP 00 or GP W11 C or GP - OG or GP - •toataio e� uie+su 1.r9f�� \ • q � / // � \ uIYI,-1992-ft.. 1D otls\niiwssneorii dill� / /n_r8 NNI__-I10_3'�E1 0 2'--12•.. -•{ /,00 2' 0.3' L Unless otherwise shown on the plans or spoelfle SHAPED BEDDING SAND BEDDING SOIL CEMENT BEDDING In the special provision, the Contractor shall hav the option of selecting the class of RCP and th IN TRENCH IN TRENCH method Of bockflt to be used, provided the MI 1 IN TRENCH of cover doss not exceed the value shown for the RCP Selected. C R " 4 EXCAVATION BACKFILL q EXCAVATION BACKFIN EXCAVATION BACKFILL EXCAVATION 8ACXFILL EXCAVATION BACKFILL 2er P culvert with moxltTxm cover of 19' the • �� \` \ •� \��\� Embankment Embankment Embankment options ower �• ��.� '\ \,� �/ TOR c\\\constructed constructed constructed \ of Cioaa Y Special or stronger r with onstrucfed prior NO prior\�\� \ {�• �\\ \` \ \\prior tg\\\prior tpon p \ Method Lexcavato excavation •xcovotlon excavatIon _ b)Class %or stronger with Method 2. \,\ ( \ v, ` \ c1 Class i or stronger .with Methad 3. �\ o•j /r• \ nI , • \ i ! C Cover Is defined as the maximum vertical dlslonc�4 _ I ,, •o�n ,` �`� N }ram COP OF pipe to finishedgrade within the 0.3' culvert.2�`•_ _ __�.. length Of any given cuert. •i -r -4 I-.2 .4 V100 0,)'-1 0.2' 1 2. The class of RCP, method of back IItand bedding SHAPE BEDDING SAND BEDDING SOIL CEMENT BEDDING selected shoe be ms some throughout the isngr (A of any given culvert, A 91 TL IN EMBANKMENT IN EMBANKMENT 3' culvertThe ngth of betweenr y culvert"IS defined as me p IN EMBANKMENT. o. Succe$slve drainage structures llnte►s ' ItrTc IIon box* s. heodwots, a fc.) •10 AALMAILr A,rneANt r,AA."k ne UP MR Ur1Naa I MOM" ALLO11s81f CLASSES Or RCP FOR VETH00 2 M"" ALLOWABLE CLASSES OF RCP FOR MIEIHOO 3 b.A drainage lfructure and the Inlet or r Cover (In fool) Minimum Cass 6 D•Lood Less than 6.0 Class I 10000 6.0 1.9 Class M 13500 6.0 9.9 CIO&$ IN Specld 11000 10.0 11,9 Class IV 20000 12.0 13.9 Claes TV Special 25000 14.0 16.9 Class V 30000 11,0 20.0 Cass Y Speclal 36000 Cover On feet) 1Mnlmum Class 6 D-lood less than 16.0 Clogs 1 10000 16.0 19.9 Class a 13500 20.0 24.9 Clogs it Special 11000 25.0 21.9 Clogs n 20000 26.0 34.9 Clogs Iv SPectd 2So00 35.0 41.9 Class Y 30000 42.0 50.0 Cbge V SP ICA 36000 Cover tin het) Iflolmum Class 6 D•Lood Less than 26.0 Class 110000 26.0 31.9 Class d 135M 32.0 31.9 Clots N Specld 11000 36.0 11.9 Close IV 20000 45.0 55.9 Class N Special 25000 $6.0 61.9 Class V 30000 68.0 60.0 Close Y Special 36000 outlet end of the culvert,or 21 21 c. The Inlet and outlet end of the Culver t D when there ore no Intervening drolnoge Z structures. f 2"1 j 4. Slops or shore excavation sides as necessary. 21" 0.064" 9 S. Embankment height prior to excavation for 01, Installation of ON classes of RCP under Methods 3A and 38 shall be as foeovai N •e tee and I gee notes t ano v sizes - Pipe s12ee 45"to 84"t0 : 2/3 00 METHOD I METHOD 2 METHOD 3 Pipe sizes larger than el" ID • 60" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 6. The maximum size for ON classes of RCP placed See Notes L2.1 and 10 LEGEND under Method I Is 11"10. 1. Non•r•inforead precast plot $Iles 36" lar smoxer EXCAVATION 9AcrrK l( GP may also be placed under Methods 1, 2 or J. EXCAVATION BACKFILL t �Struatur• Excavation ICulv•rtl ®Sand Bedding ��- �� \"•� 6. Oval or arch !hoped RCP shoe los placed under OG OGtructur• sackflt(Clvlrt) Method 2 only. L •t95% relative compaction 'r''t Soll Cement Bedding \� • 9. Embankment comPOC►Ion regrllrement3 govern avStre the 90% relative compoction bockfil requirement / ®90% reurs a co compaction � Rpodway EmborVcmenf within 21/ feet of finished ode. OG / 90X rNotly• eompoctian z Or t�8 loose Backflt 10. Bock f1e lholl be placed full width of excOvatlon b 17.;FI11W Or Ground except where dimensions ore shown for backflt 401, Cement 00 • Ou►slds diameter for circular pipe$ and width or thickness. Olmenstons shown ore minimums. 210MRn • 0.1' -1h 0.1' -- Bedding Maximum vertical dimension for other shapes -• 0 10 ' Inside diameter for ctrcutor pipes and IN TRENCH ONLY IN TRENCH ONLY miMmum vertical dimension for other anao•a CAST -IN-PLACE PRECAST RCP ' Reinforced concrete pipe See Note 1 NON -REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE STATE Or CALIFORNIA OF.PARTU(NT Or TRANSPOATAI" EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS NO SCALE M lug connector for %" Dlo throoded rod or threodndVI" - /i' x611 bolt rod rood --- FIT OJO9" strop -- - d oor for r r'x 0.109" , ' Rod holder strop I TYPE I TYPE II r'x oJo9"• -_` Yln r stub strap with connector fo D• - -- standard 1/2 x6" - bolt / oa Ir qutrer See Note 6 i f CONNECTOR STRAP- DETAIL TYPE III ALTERNATIVE CONNECTIONS FOR PIPE TO METAL FLARED END SECTIONS See Note T " Ola nylon Itheooded Yin r stub 1108 TIC ---__. _ rod - pipe connector _ - folded connection _ - -T TYPE A TYPE B ,2... j4.. 3011- 36., ALTERNATIVE CONNECTIONS FOR PIPE ' TO PLASTIC FLARED END SECTIONS - el_ •_J V.NY " I le I •J j_'C _I� I ' tepAvoleni 1>10e11c FES to meet AAS410 Y-294 awed 4SIW 0.1248 Specifications FLARED END SFCTIO_NS FOR CORRUGATED METAL AND PLASTIC OR CULVERTS Oio or Reinforced 1 edge t See Note 2 ' PLAN la or r1fro Skirt t ^1 2"- Toe . 6" Toe It s1wK be securely attached to the skirt See Note 4 ELEVATION Flnlshed earth slope as required Limit of payment -Skirt for D)De 6" Toe plate If required by Woeld Provisions or Standard Speclftcottons See Note 4 TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION !PIPE -ARCHES ^- W.HES_.. -ENO '-- MYENSION-INCHES - SECTION A B ii_l f SPAN RISE TI•CKNES I"t YOx 1"1 IT't 2"f 21 21 CIRCULAR PIPES 0.064" 0.064" 1 8 PIP[END 014 �„ • 049 NSION- 04CK S SECTION A B N L THICKNESS I"t vow I"t 11/8"t 0,061,. - T- -T -- - S- . 16 f 2"1 j 16" • 0.064" s IO 6 21" 0.064" 9 12 6 16 42 We 0.064• 48 13 6 p 48 30,10 0.019" 12 _ 8 51 _ 0_36"• 36"s 0.019" 14 19 9 60 -Go- 12 4Y• 0.109" 16 22 11 69 86 46" 0.109" 0.0'. 1s Is 2i 12 30 -12 16 84 90 102 60.. 1 0.4911 111 1 33 -12 of - -F 114 66" 0.49'• M 1 36 1 ti +t -F i 120 i2" 9" 149 12 $1 In is" 0.109" 1s 42 12 6t IJ2 el_ •_J V.NY " I le I •J j_'C _I� I ' tepAvoleni 1>10e11c FES to meet AAS410 Y-294 awed 4SIW 0.1248 Specifications FLARED END SFCTIO_NS FOR CORRUGATED METAL AND PLASTIC OR CULVERTS Oio or Reinforced 1 edge t See Note 2 ' PLAN la or r1fro Skirt t ^1 2"- Toe . 6" Toe It s1wK be securely attached to the skirt See Note 4 ELEVATION Flnlshed earth slope as required Limit of payment -Skirt for D)De 6" Toe plate If required by Woeld Provisions or Standard Speclftcottons See Note 4 TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION !PIPE -ARCHES ^- W.HES_.. -ENO '-- MYENSION-INCHES - SECTION A B ii_l f SPAN RISE TI•CKNES I"t YOx 1"1 IT't 2"f 21 21 IS Is 0.064" 0.064" 1 8 10 12 6 6 23 2e 36 42 2A 20 0.064" 9 14 6 32y 48 35 24 0.019" 10 16 6 39 60. 42 29 0.019" 12 $0 s 46 15 49 33 0.109" 13 21 9 S3 85 51 -3s 0.109" to 26 12 63- 90 64 43 0.103" 18 30 12 TO 102 41 OJo9" 18 33 12 11 114 11 52 0.09' is 36 12 11 126 03 S1 0.109" I, 39 n 11 134 Limit of payment for RCP or alternative pipe 1x4 -e1.201.2 welded Ire fobrIc-_. Commerc�at quality .-._. _ _._ - - \ Flared end section i Corrugated olve `Skirt Mor for toeor a tub to'long) Some y r4" Yin cover fhlcknsae oa FES toe It If over ISMF /„ 41n.11,required 8" FLARED END SECTION CONNECTION TO RCP NOTES I I. AN 3•olece bodies to have 0.109" thick sides and 0.138" thick center Panels. fldth of center panels to be greater than 20% of the pipe periphery. Multiple panel bodies to hove lap seams which are are to be tightly Joined by rivets or bolts. 2. Reinforced edges to be supplemented with stiffener angles for the 60" thru 84" round, li"xSt" and 83"xSi" pipe•orch sizes. The angles will be 2"x?"x1/4" for the 60" thru 12" round. 11"x52" and 83"x$►'• plpe-orch sizes and 21/2'x2%2•x1/4" for 18" and 84" round. The orgies to be attached by %" nuts and bolts. 3. Angle reinforcement shoe be placed under the center panel seams on the 11"xS2" and 83"x51•' ploe•orch sizes. 4. Toe plate to be ovailoble as on accessory when specified. S. End of pipe to be finished with onrxlor corrugations to conform flored end section so that minimal leakage results from the connection. Other designs may be used with opprovd of the Engineer. 6. For 12" thru 24"hOcd end aect+on connection,a universal couping bond otfoched to the meld end section by rivets. bolts or one Inch long stop lack welds Spaced of some tntervols as dimples may be UA#)d In pince of the 12" ntub. See Standard Plan 0910. i, The types of alternative connectlons for Alps to metal flared end sections shoeconform to the ►olowingr CIRCULAR PIPES - 12" thru 24" Type I or IN 30" thru 44" Type I or PIPE -ARCHES - 21"xIS" thru 51"x38" type i or a 64"x43" thru 113"x5T" type f STATE Of CAL'FORMA DFPARTV[NT Or TRANSPOaTATION METAL AND PLASTIC FLARED END SECTIONS NO SCALE [ It - 0 E_ ME R URD These Record 'Owings have roll,* ed,'n rt bbY Others, $ r, or for errors or 0MI.S n �n r$ is not . I plans �s saes Which m� 81ble for Iii �� Q�oF ss>*�� result. Y aV& been intoATR � +' d Into No. 22015 Exp. 9-30-97 CIV I\� ��\P (iF 0 QI Pt,�yVS __PRfPARED ER THE DIRECTION OF,No � - -- - � b . R ISIONS I Engin..r City . D"cri tion, roval Date. ro"I to BENCHMARK, NAIL IN LEAD 6,46' WT OF QS' EST AND CURB RETURN NORTHWEST CORNER INTERSECTION OF CITRUS AVENUE AND SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE, CITY OF FONTANA DATUM. ELEVATION = 1136.67 � CML ENgNEERS, LAND PLANNERS LAND 2002 IOWA AVE. SUITE 110 RIVERSIDE, CALWORM 92.507 (&on) sef-3444. CITY 4 FONTANA C ! ADE f/EET Z� �-Zo-9� �•ti.N� Drown by: SCOW R.J• AS SHOWN 010M �� PL.I0.IVS pw,�,,.d by; �T pat,,; ,� df N 1• AQMEMRECnRD DR WIN DATA 'yPK � '�� s' J. KAPP iR, E / 2201 S DATE MY RECISTRi T EXPIRES 9-30-97 Chocked by: R.S./GLM. Ipprowd: 3-Z 9 1 It Ow9. No. Z33o 13