HomeMy WebLinkAbout2194B-5_Gari DOWN_, Dowel per -AW w Ferris and Cover per - rClear oar ' Fece ►lett end NOTES • i1 DOW Dog. w. 2-0I5dr• ,' ' AncAar ,' Opemielg ped 11111111% T --- s`i t _ No 2-D2321. - T t T - :'�-(t'/Ii"- _ the Locate of downstream o" of Me bRsin rnit+t ►Me specifically noted otherwise on the genorol pion OtwM - ••� r - `'� 1 ♦� L. D. swlar'e Pipe shale N trimmed to the find tis and I"" betwe 31 1 fai- I w Flow M B« and �I -- - - - �, We ptecetmewt N concrete. -�-- t► i� Support BSM per Div. (' 2. S.4W-K iI j6 I �i ,• 401 Me 2-D11S end 2-D2>t 1- -- Design . f� - 3,000p s i comes st.anph w 29 daps. T:1 :1t '�• -•1 - • ' Floor of the besin shelf slope from all watts to tete 9~v4 ' c= - I • S11ed phew Des "a I 1 •�1• 2-111126 and woe S. 30, thole be given a steel -troweled swfoce frr►ish I " Cwvave t/f the $IN and side weed oI tete gutter epaawg 260 be formed by curved forms; and o'I exposed edges, or corners, and "Simi ie oaf �►oiw - - - -- - ' We 2-DZ32 i concrete to meta' trate edges ;holt be ?wen }- Cohrs edgy tirtl[It ole directions ; Surface of ON ete apesed concrole shell conrwt w gredrr• shpt. Carr • -�-- _- -AeMtr - _� I olid finish le We aaiNing, or prop sed, curb and was edpoo a to d r`; -T- • . ; -ed 3. REIIIFORCEMENT: (Standard Dwg. No 2- DIM 40 1 I _ _ _ ` • ' `- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ Top slab - No. 3 bars as roe wed on tete ill sklb S*ne%ro PW. I ;► -r - Swbgrede aptiaetel ' ' 2" Weft end Flow - As regr«►ed by Slender) Dog. Me 2- 0172. 4. DOWNSIONS: 'R*imf. • 2•A.8 SECT IOC! A- A, �AltormeN comme&Nssee Curb Face of Mrs oath bosun Mons rtg(Esest C F +N)~ be osagabed bar I par Div♦ We 2-0221 SN. Dog. Nos. 2 -DOG, 2-D4tS, or w slto.rw en tete gsweat ptela b • 3'-2",uwtess otherwise show a A' I \ -- ' ' s z n � t • iimches if v = 4'-0" or has. t 1 ■ t s 8 aches If V4 * -1' to 8'-0" t • 10 Michas If V -8'-I" or More T V - 4=d' unless otherwise Shawn on the ger 0 flews. � r1 / , 1 • - - ` S hers. 4 I'eg � \, S. STEPS: (Std. Dw j. Mt. 2-D961 Tit V to T-Olind.) , piece one stop 12 inches avow the Rear of we V om 3'- O" _ place steps of It -inch ~vv- orown SIR flexr DETAIL OF DOWEL of the boom with the top Step a 12 1nc"s twWwtww) belrtw the Oowal . •' : ' Raw 0 e0d ; Aashw per Dwg. tap of the otwMtsls. aliedl No. 2-D23t 1`AM. M.N. It&a/itrts •: :: .Cwo Pat Owl. w. 2-0131 TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DiSTO"CT CATCH BASIN NO.2 Sf/ps sus &vwiq 0 Me est PLAN, SECTION /~amber dt+Md Amato SM. a DE T A iL S MWN @"a REVISIONS 7M. 1rAwR etwft 1lascatrmwr .•c9N w cmw wr•w.r•• w WALK DATt r C.w�t,-_MG.SoMaT NO. 2� i NONE 1,5 -15 Aill CATCH BASIN- No. 2 t W # �---'•.------.-- -I -----'v- - -1- wiens pwaV Ne. 2-D 157-- A lety NOTE l CONNECTOR PIPE -� uos Downper! DOW Locate pipe at the downstream and of the batiwrtio specifically noted otherwise on the general plop. �I„^ ,.�-- - -- _ -1 N 4 I r 6 t r r / ( - � 70 1 -�- Pi shell be trimmed to the final N shape ale iMDM before the pi@s@Ntewl of the &@morel*. 2. CONCRETE: Design, k = 3,000psi compressive strength of 28 dogs. I X01 �► --�•.� �-�-. 1 Anchor--- l a -� typ. -2 lV� Floor of this basin shell slope from all walls to the outlet and shell be given o alis:l- troweled swfoca finish. Curvature of the sill ant the side wells N the gutter Dowel opening shall be formed by curved forms. Surface of eft exposed concrete shall conform at grate -Archer slope, color, and finish to the existing, or proposed,curb and walk adjacent to the beeiii. Fw Radius--- -- - Y , Cur •: 3. f>tENd��: l SM. Dws No. 2-D 171 1 Top Slab- Me. Me. 3 or No.4 bora spaced osrequired an the iii„ - - -FLOW 4° Radius _ _ Structural Plan. Radio* Walls and Flow -As r*gwired by Std. Deg. No. 2-D 172. 4 _ '-Anchor par I - - - - - - - -' l� i �� 4 Dwg Ne 2-D232t `ROW per 3" Radius WMAMEMM' Deg. Na. 2-0232 LA Curb face at cOO bosh+ opening (Exist. C.F. f•M. ) sMsp be as required by Std Dwgs. Nos. 2- D 80, 2-D415 or as shown on the genera! plon. - TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN dept basins os h for area feet or Isere shelfbe"a "V• _ upstream end equal to the cob fact of U-"3 ar•4 burs, 4 roq'd n / I I � 1 T- 1 M�-- DETAIL OF DOWEL 04►1?M"h►w D/ tMf NNWIMM�r "-' I , stops to outlet ,' i PLAN , S E C T IVI`19 dated Am# V+ from all directions AND DETAILS M.ww •r REVISIONS . 1 A. S. M. r�tw a►.x txsctulrrtew _ _ W1 c"6c.69 N j- i -,To A44111.9 to "•t6 • - T i - F- ••c•ww•ww• N ..r••r.e NCwww.••/•J/. fat D.W.H. A ~ 1-- • s -------- I 96.16"69 N -.y l•► a •` `� suigradt o►fitRai-- G.,, PN SECTION A -A WALeDATE DWG. NO. 2 �Ii3 NONE S -IS -68 swEET I oa I C. W. N. is CATCH BASIN Na 3 ----T-- ` W Ar B Wff J ro , ArIJ this catch basin plus 12 IncheS,m but In no case OR the slope of the floor exceed 3:I fiEMiSfM a FLOCW rEEL Eso Ileo � grams and Cava 4 W= 14'-0"-, and b= 3' - 2", urI@ss olio w to shown. #" Realms• per per Dwg. No 2 - D I!is = I Fw V - 4' - 0", unless otherwise shetlm. 0 Anchor-, -W �le1e OW 1 - i" if V = 4'- 0" or less. /2 �♦ e1 per D�wq. ;o 2-02 f = 8" if V - 4'- 1 " to 8'-0". T-- 4 6 t - 10" if V-8'- I"or more. - i c i it • • = r X. ,Streit or S. JIL : l SM. Dw* No. 2-D 96 ) a IE • "� �' -1" 111 I i IL.D. surface i V to 3'-0"(incl.) place one stop 12 inches above the t'•' Y 1 `rIr I 6e" ee floor of the basin. / , ♦ I V over 3'- O" piece steps of 12 -inch intervals fresh the ' Dowel I' I Protection Bar teed) floor of the basin with the top step at 12 inches(minimum) �� g4 4_r ,-Step per Dwg. No. L o , !-uplwrt Bolt per balew the top surface of the top stab. ' . 1 ' 2- D96 and Notes '- D•vg No. 2- D I7S 1 a" 2 - a 232 I LOS ANGELES COUNTY /O • 3It15W • >1 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT - = ;;A1par a t CATCH BASIN NO. 3 so/ x= V#V-(c.F•H•4 Dog .connections ls, -U4 ,Isdra- - 3" Radius .. I 04►1?M"h►w D/ tMf NNWIMM�r "-' I , stops to outlet ,' i PLAN , S E C T IVI`19 dated Am# V+ from all directions AND DETAILS M.ww •r REVISIONS . 1 A. S. M. r�tw a►.x txsctulrrtew _ _ W1 c"6c.69 N j- i -,To A44111.9 to "•t6 • - T i - F- ••c•ww•ww• N ..r••r.e NCwww.••/•J/. fat D.W.H. A ~ 1-- • s -------- I 96.16"69 N -.y l•► a •` `� suigradt o►fitRai-- G.,, PN SECTION A -A WALeDATE DWG. NO. 2 �Ii3 NONE S -IS -68 swEET I oa I C. W. N. is CATCH BASIN Na 3 ----T-- ` W Ar B Wff J ro , ArIJ FROW WALL TEL Her &4wf fiEMiSfM a FLOCW rEEL Eso Ileo ti 4 / TAe % v,,.roffW wrpb N gowwift"ce or co wer"ico, 0, so%* sof err.:esof !f• 43'. Js 3R Stool reinforcement shell be per standard arriving w.: -N r. Steel N concrete swfece, end cloNo*co shall be I i incites. 1b I 0 0 40 &V - 4 49l N 7 /2 /O 4 t! pow/Off • /i 4 6 OSTJ 66 3 061, / I , �Jierl - , LArl- It/.-- - '" @ 4 f 4 A i 0 / /4' S /O /0 6e" ee 40 /O / / b 'ale •3 / tiA 1. Elevol-i ; at owter corners and ovier edge site# cohere N finished suet@ $win* 0 4-0- 12A10 y 11111 s a / / OF I NOTES T :I l TGIP SI`M RESIFOOMMENT: I •� 1 7+ Aw staw✓,sw ; `.. For detetMtg of required s tOW . sea Cofth Mahe stertdsrd DrwUgs. - AidlAs l -- For ditneim n "b' grew that 4 tt.,ess Mee spacial deep of fed lap Ira A L 00 roUforctrhartI shear on Me roqumW *to rNw.l paw. 2. WALL AND FLOOR REINFORCEMENT, The Wwhcottd reinforcing steel applies N Cotch Moira Slerlde►d - - - l A Drawings his. 2-OIOI,IOs,K0,K2,K3,164,170,1sd.240od t o d41. AJ=� All catch basins constructed ort sfnNs designated as >f1!!! I - � INghweys shall include the r«nfe►cing steel shown en ~tis ^1----- ♦e". C0 %. basins constructed on afreais not designated os Sidtb WALL AND FLOOR STEEL_ SEC T I 011 1 Highways under the following conditions require well end CATCH BAS/N /MiE'/NfORcirAwmT- "N' • h 14V ATC%) from steel reinforcement B.sls 0006tg (rr, c er s to Bann ftPfh (v t To 7 feet (anti.) 10 feet M teem 7 to 14 f66411 l.) 7 foot or Iasi NIP SM* ~, SM AIA t-, 14 to 21 feet (incl shed a m*ra AM .lt1�-- r- - - w4A" ift---------- SECTION Z WALL AND FLOOR STEEL 4-� 1' • �ATCN eAS/N RE/NFARCEAIENT - 1GArATER THAN /i FRmE WALL &rAsT WALL SrUrL A L rs il / TAe % v,,.roffW wrpb N gowwift"ce or co wer"ico, 0, so%* sof err.:esof !f• 43'. J Stool reinforcement shell be per standard arriving w.: -N r. Steel N concrete swfece, end cloNo*co shall be I i incites. / A 050 6 0 401 , 4 16 Ar Ar ' • 4 3 s• 3 0? O 3 fie - a,►Ic'K a -10 /,f OF l 1 I , �Jierl - , LArl- It/.-- - '" @ 4 f I Fir Mee design of catch beoims with a V-doplb ones*" 6 ; e • 4 0 /7 319 ON 3i/4 toms** 1** two tats• • 4 ' %3 3ilw 'ale •3 / tiA 1. Elevol-i ; at owter corners and ovier edge site# cohere N finished suet@ $win* 0 4-0- 12A10 y 11111 s a / / OF I 6. /s- 9000 p s. r. of 21 Iris. Depresseeo. The curb soctiat shelf contort to that of Ike Contra," eget". A Raged cosstrsrctias taints at tho some distNrsilws as those of tkl off 3. G - E■isting gutter for Catch aosims Nes. I.2, 3, end 8 (Gose 1111). of are& slctsea Asa), *e crriar /4roetta Illi tre.151664 strocle's a/ Me / /O • 3It15W /! t rho /ressitiaw strachera shale be caaitruct" is ateMd*N!e wpf* tele ormirdl/ •3 ///O • 6 0 /so5 dtrawings. 9tliERKOES STD. DMI`. NO. 2-0185 B. N shall be measured at the odds N W ( catch basin opening) so/ x= V#V-(c.F•H•4 ,Isdra- .lt1�-- r- - - w4A" ift---------- SECTION Z WALL AND FLOOR STEEL 4-� 1' • �ATCN eAS/N RE/NFARCEAIENT - 1GArATER THAN /i AL VILLA AM to Nit- Allis lwN. ewe :t tate9 c a rQ / TAe % v,,.roffW wrpb N gowwift"ce or co wer"ico, 0, so%* sof err.:esof !f• 43'. J Stool reinforcement shell be per standard arriving w.: -N r. Steel N concrete swfece, end cloNo*co shall be I i incites. of _ 04 / 050 6 0 401 , V 0567 0 4414 J Volley type inverf,sltown by dashed line in Soctiom, regriref is eliped to end wolf of a blew. I I t 1 /' whew connecter lupe catch l 1 I , �Jierl - , LArl- It/.-- - '" @ 4 f I Fir Mee design of catch beoims with a V-doplb ones*" _ jT �Sama PL Aide sec/ilw at tach est of t#e grosaillimis and slbadf ew, enif if so 12 feet, sea the required st►nctwol plans. toms** 1** two tats• Case a only d1. r1a sa/ria- srrritate sA1eN M setas~ rind owy seiffa m ► &we~ Ab1p /loll MOTES: A he 4 ban troy be wood w Batt N Me. 3 bare • wig": .lt1�-- r- - - w4A" ift---------- SECTION Z WALL AND FLOOR STEEL 4-� 1' • �ATCN eAS/N RE/NFARCEAIENT - 1GArATER THAN /i Aw, _ SUPERKMS drawing N sow muNtbar Mod Delp - T- Od�g - �- --- - - '-"-�'"�-- - i� LOS ANGELES COUNTY • r� - - ' MAW POW piCEMENT 3ECTIgM t •"" " REY U�ION� �.� MR IiMC�•� .- Aft -ftPft� FLOOD CONTROL clNMUCT I � yi------,---- � CATCH BASIN 1 REINFORCEMENT I /IIrIt e I IllrA e - . I s tat► Ahem C ares Ale - J 1w1� AL1lfIMAIE ta+t - � <• J•a J •w GRATIN& BASK REINFORCEMENT WALE DATe owG• �• -DI NONE s-15 ralwi or - r A � 1L. C. i A fiCf & RC Arylll • - ---_�- - - - / f C 's►� 1 Flirt! SI, or area ►e pipe - use I r i or it- T ->n• �4 Nr > dr Abb rjs /Assdll ars AApN � r r moo) 4s, j% riA (Ars& ) 1 T rteft w rJm tam" r i 4 jell T,• iir"rs 1 ,EN U r SIRtilf➢r �- L AL VILLA AM to Nit- Allis lwN. J • • 4 29- - - - - - - - - -} - / TAe % v,,.roffW wrpb N gowwift"ce or co wer"ico, 0, so%* sof err.:esof !f• 43'. J i r 4 /O of _ 04 / 050 6 0 401 +�J / 44 0567 0 4414 J AI 0 2 3 S 4 3 •4 4111 24- 3 1 0 4 /I J '" @ 4 f t CetM basin opomiwg � "a sect,ar to teat o/ the pope well /ins 4 src*as. _- Abs to art* asd NsA to Nth-A%W of tai lltlraily Ow M rte Aw, _ SUPERKMS drawing N sow muNtbar Mod Delp - T- Od�g - �- --- - - '-"-�'"�-- - i� LOS ANGELES COUNTY • r� - - ' MAW POW piCEMENT 3ECTIgM t •"" " REY U�ION� �.� MR IiMC�•� .- Aft -ftPft� FLOOD CONTROL clNMUCT I � yi------,---- � CATCH BASIN 1 REINFORCEMENT I /IIrIt e I IllrA e - . I s tat► Ahem C ares Ale - J 1w1� AL1lfIMAIE ta+t - � <• J•a J •w GRATIN& BASK REINFORCEMENT WALE DATe owG• �• -DI NONE s-15 ralwi or - r A � 1L. C. i A fiCf & RC Arylll • - ---_�- - - - / f C 's►� 1 Flirt! SI, or area ►e pipe - use I r i or it- T ->n• �4 Nr > dr Abb rjs /Assdll ars AApN � r r moo) 4s, j% riA (Ars& ) 1 T rteft w rJm tam" r i 4 jell T,• iir"rs 1 ,EN U r SIRtilf➢r �- L Arc 4 may Aaw a horso&"*- 040aS, -" w r, w N ~ �'' O� c/rsM/sr, NI�MIicN r crew/ r« a art - N• cr••9• •. t u..• • • • % -. awl. • s ttAr@a. atwL�t T�7/,�, - Ac. . Mw1E r eaasry 1 Z oelfin IPA- d 1"ARP V119111 lti 1 ren L W K cone/ /t of bar r Cert ' Top of Curb 1..12 .1 Catch helm opow,ng 1 I2' ,-Tep N Curb Xsiial. T.C. - - -i AM to Nit- Allis lwN. Sae Mat 2- 1 1 s• /, See Nae 2 '' NQ€It Ai. of aa. - - - - - - - - -} - / TAe % v,,.roffW wrpb N gowwift"ce or co wer"ico, 0, so%* sof err.:esof !f• 43'. �•- l Atari/.••eine sAsaJ ler wads, 8008AMR /attars so's cater SWAN s•saal arts// a* re T at follows; i =i I 1 Nj i ff At Pop ant oris to area* - NifM N /rn to *$M. 250 AIC* Ar /Irl-- that •/ arc* scr•IAMt. .786 Arc* As act - l*at of art* socliwa AwywM AAF Ai*AW wee. / A s Sed Mede 1 7 latter flew tied- ee wed14113% rhe bw Nst,&# s*aN rNr MCN/NAt/y mr wriftAonl 1A16 "S"itsaa '.375 1. iu coscrole taicAmss .0011 1a as /Willows . 1.178 Ser to IrW tad arca to Nee -IAN N drat/ or Iso sastrsn awArse ted PLAN I" t ! a 6.7 Ike wrM MAcswess of he IiN plus 4 oachas is itreatlr, in Arch ease Coat see," Moa. I 1% se Nola I • J/ I L 1 �� tae clwcre/e tkicsasrss sail/ rerp wpi/I,Arlr from /tat o/ I*e aril M t CetM basin opomiwg � "a sect,ar to teat o/ the pope well /ins 4 src*as. _- Abs to art* asd NsA to Nth-A%W of tai lltlraily Ow M rte PL Aide sec/ilw at tach est of t#e grosaillimis and slbadf ew, enif if so I* Catch so" fed. 0 toms** 1** two tats• Case a only d1. r1a sa/ria- srrritate sA1eN M setas~ rind owy seiffa m ► &we~ Ab1p /loll MOTES: •dio.s,nb sac/Cass. tiA 1. Elevol-i ; at owter corners and ovier edge site# cohere N finished suet@ $win* P. At P•pi /twin'are. OW&SOMWei/ A aft* #@ S d ebilts /N iW •0000 Of Of At&* s unless otherwise shown on project drawings. or less. ~ S Mikes for IoM 80"s wr !M /A►s+lla. 2. Where no curb 11144#16. curbs shell be constructed between owls N Loch 6. /s- 9000 p s. r. of 21 Iris. Depresseeo. The curb soctiat shelf contort to that of Ike Contra," eget". A Raged cosstrsrctias taints at tho some distNrsilws as those of tkl off 3. G - E■isting gutter for Catch aosims Nes. I.2, 3, end 8 (Gose 1111). of are& slctsea Asa), *e crriar /4roetta Illi tre.151664 strocle's a/ Me G,- Maeswod to outsf ad" for Catch Basins Nos. i, T. old 91 see Section A -Al coalr•eteri oplistr. SK see S -a i*Ire. La K - i feet unless otherwise specified on project drawings. t rho /ressitiaw strachera shale be caaitruct" is ateMd*N!e wpf* tele ormirdl/ F strectorl/ sales appopter to •M or NM strrctwes s4eve M !Ala ,srojoe, we 2 inches for longt%$ of S greater then 1 feet OR Catch Opsin NO. 0. COM dtrawings. 9tliERKOES STD. DMI`. NO. 2-0185 B. N shall be measured at the odds N W ( catch basin opening) 1 lr*loo Ns LOS ANGELES CrAMTY 4. Concrete compressive strew h shell be 000 p.s.i. at 28 days. S This stondard may be used to inWC* t flows from bath #uKCIieas. R.esltitet: Ceteh Bosime Mas- i end 111111. N... Mea .l•cn1►►.stt• FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1.270 TRANSFTON STRUMOK 3L990 tib 1 I PLAN • IECTit+fd>t Arc 4 may Aaw a horso&"*- 040aS, -" w r, w N ~ �'' O� c/rsM/sr, NI�MIicN r crew/ r« a art - N• cr••9• •. t u..• • • • % -. awl. • s ttAr@a. atwL�t T�7/,�, - Ac. . Mw1E r eaasry 1 Z oelfin IPA- d 1"ARP V119111 lti 1 ren L W K 0 STEEL INSTITUTE ' Top of Curb 1..12 .1 Catch helm opow,ng 1 I2' ,-Tep N Curb Xsiial. T.C. - - -i BAR SIZES Sae Mat 2- 1 1 s• /, See Nae 2 '' -i► - OLD (IteG11t><1 NEW DIAMETER INCHES CROSS SECTIONAL AREA -=INCHES •: War Paid � 3; t �jl I �•"ve,ped fl W Sur loco.\ Y Swloce.�1 ------+ i =i I 1 Nj .167 250 I .786 FL000 CONTROL Dls't'�ti� / A s Sed Mede 1 7 latter flew tied- ee wed14113% - ~ I y warped '.375 sw f*te a �; ; 1.178 FLOW ♦, a; ; PLAN I" t ! a 6.7 Ike ' Coat see," Moa. I 1% se Nola I • J/ I L 1 �� 20 t CetM basin opomiwg � _ be" �" r�'par Dog. we 2-0232 (lAMPtao) !u 9rrte Is Sal r ► PL Aide • I I* Catch so" fed. 0 t "' Ie� Case a only 1 MOTES: ' I IZ' t I i:- i i tiA 1. Elevol-i ; at owter corners and ovier edge site# cohere N finished suet@ $win* W ~--� K i unless otherwise shown on project drawings. t--------------- + --------------- --------------+-t Catch basin apeetietg 2. Where no curb 11144#16. curbs shell be constructed between owls N Loch .60 Depresseeo. The curb soctiat shelf contort to that of Ike Contra," eget". ELEVATION 3. G - E■isting gutter for Catch aosims Nes. I.2, 3, end 8 (Gose 1111). 2670 G,- Maeswod to outsf ad" for Catch Basins Nos. i, T. old 91 see Section A -Al Mao: Takao along Gutter Flow Lime La K - i feet unless otherwise specified on project drawings. N • 1 inch who* 6 - 1 foot. Go we 2 inches for longt%$ of S greater then 1 feet OR Catch Opsin NO. 0. COM c4wh !Mire Floss helft M 1'- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y„� B. N shall be measured at the odds N W ( catch basin opening) 1 Dog 01.2-02711'--� I JL_ 1 • . .., : 1 I Sao Mete I • a 4. Concrete compressive strew h shell be 000 p.s.i. at 28 days. S This stondard may be used to inWC* t flows from bath #uKCIieas. R.esltitet: Ceteh Bosime Mas- i end 111111. off" L003 ANOELIES C01UNW • 4: _ I F'L000 CONTROL DISTRICT .. ,e�• 1 LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. 4 1 W 1 l C. 3_ 04_0 f or dis, I1 "-" REVIS1091s A. she• awn* el•f[ eIwKANrNIe 5-10 N 1 A N N 1 ..•l-1.••••• N .... ...•69. .w• N K. 0. A -+-a c.a ws SECTION A -A C. f. alma••• w A•rM.YI• K.O. l al...w or DATE DWB. N®. ! - 0 111!1 C. N. 010"C AHI , Ilt4 S"cCT 1 or I CONCRETE REINFORCING 0 STEEL INSTITUTE STANDARD A615A REINFORCING BARS BAR SIZES WEIGHT POUNDS PER FOOT NOMINAL DIMENSIONS -MOUND SECT ION: OLD (IteG11t><1 NEW DIAMETER INCHES CROSS SECTIONAL AREA -=INCHES PERIMETER INCHES 1 2 .167 250 .05 .786 FL000 CONTROL Dls't'�ti� 3 .376 '.375 .11 1.178 1 4 .668 -500 20 1.571 5 1.043 .625 031 19eft- 163 6 1.502 .750 .44 2.356 stir 7 2044 .875 .60 2.749 S 2670 1.000 .79 3.142 9 3.400 1.128 1.00 3544 4.303 1.270 1.27 3L990 �1 I 3.313 1.410 156-14430 Tft mw bar ncormiam ov baood on till. r11A>'1'A W of 4 tic w i1rA Judtd ky that /lammW dAwmtor of the bar. 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A•sr ettw.q AnArw+ QirleiMM L • '' A 10 -- __---- Pr�-------------- 'T \ 1 / iMiofs " akar silt teem Aa► I"W 1I ?/.w A ercAarM herarAwaAvy ewlMsle� I Ap'1ai! et AMrrwr arra ArwDAI/s Awl AIIl1A•►e M gDAMAww�r •r1lr� N / srlrcl►•r mc~ S/+err I wlaeMrr •► �reerrlllW . ser, sa+■ww w.I a nkl o c ALTERNATE METHODB FOR FACE PLATE ANCHORAGE. Ny W I sawwo AW weir "a' Arra wrr so realm. w NWV of 060" me Aar m~ Aw, •rw Ar alsooK wi a w►••e• ow" a weir Its siow"o, lazy 0-M7s. s sleww,/ &get Aw M saw a sryr a dew ^w ♦ a't 4r •tr •MIC Ams 4 AIi 00•w► .sitar awe seam so /rvlw.rell ~ AMsseD om 0 Ara w~ A or dew: /'tw"Is l sera/ sou/ Ar &saw 2-40 Iii allalliiiii► est► erweAy N at •Cram lwrr deagub d.' /tr'A1/ ~ w Aiawl tithe Abe .. AWlwa a Aries► 4DM�19 I,alslelr s , /A/ therm ter Ar a nw+•K V'aw so tilt. a.awes Mr dei at 0 wareowx •p AW Aw dealer •1' Ar door w sr Ar Ar AMI Are tt Alm/ IMI /LAID/ Ate. f4w Norm Aw • peww Aw w morrow 10' Ari M allow fogies" ra wwwwo61 ae rill wormy N me Alli aw ~ ♦I MA 0. M Ma1MDama sI AIW Ater owls, M of aw a AW ADM A%w 1 j Atm IMI AMMO/ OMA t NMC• weed (daft w Ar M /dsaww w M farms. AAI tnsone w •Mew ANNO Ar Pam /Alar AADrr M wed MO AMI Mai OUNIMMw Aw SM esrw llw/earle/ iMpweaw rr A%W*; AI Are AMID elrra ell AW eeaaad w OMS INtxex• anew AM ear 01110111011 MPOW. dAwr 4019111111 Mor M war✓ 1 NMw SAW* d A1ep #NO a sMrewe NAW 4f.MW /MMM ant r 00 MM Awlpt *MONO ed .Atlw SWO M Seel M NSW l W"W AAM► M e *40 •- it* - Ar Of APAIM &~ Brlfrw SOON M IMtM•W w AW awn nolpiwl "wast salt one A. O -Nm teeyr o, rero PAW et w#Arftr dM doM Aad dnr♦r Ay Intra! dMM Sow Ala S rasa M A l -/I O& I OW .1 Aar AAA /• /. CM& rwe SW M s+• Copra~/ dr Aw A1C. /-/Ifni, l-sawa� O's*ML sr w esMw sw A1C /wIM1N /thew. AD • Sir ea/ weMtra v4swe es[b el ADDI /iMC • Ara~ wed A AaeAr N w1rA mWelf w wOdN4w/M M w/ aM rMONO. RECORD DRAWING" at��ewl.awc n A A NOTES: - An alternate stop Illy be wed subject to the oWw#V of the w4inew. 2• AN steps will be firmly and rigidly set and no conte or shafts will be accepted with bent er crocked stops. 3 Stgw will be galvanised otter bending- _ Ra rlMNCca RKVISIONS LOS ANGELES C FL000 CONTROL Dls't'�ti� sdwwlc Mwrtt tas4awlf•rlo/e Q�oVESS/0 H44 �2 0 A S T N DA RD A a DROP STEP 00 No.34751 9-30-95 , Added not .A S- " CA1-�F stir oATt P40. 3'15 d....f: . SHMT I Ot 4 34"K Is' M.&T = r /71 ij�l • 4 • • d'!ts" tomtit M • esMrti -c------ --A , _ W. ` 1 AMM edw rl>w • ow /004"oo p AMMK Aw saM■t ' igg . wW~ *&I*• Abbo[3/d. ss N CrweAr, wA.. A•sr ettw.q AnArw+ QirleiMM L • '' A 10 -- __---- Pr�-------------- 'T \ 1 / iMiofs " akar silt teem Aa► I"W 1I ?/.w A ercAarM herarAwaAvy ewlMsle� I Ap'1ai! et AMrrwr arra ArwDAI/s Awl AIIl1A•►e M gDAMAww�r •r1lr� N / srlrcl►•r mc~ S/+err I wlaeMrr •► �reerrlllW . ser, sa+■ww w.I a nkl o c ALTERNATE METHODB FOR FACE PLATE ANCHORAGE. Ny W I sawwo AW weir "a' Arra wrr so realm. w NWV of 060" me Aar m~ Aw, •rw Ar alsooK wi a w►••e• ow" a weir Its siow"o, lazy 0-M7s. s sleww,/ &get Aw M saw a sryr a dew ^w ♦ a't 4r •tr •MIC Ams 4 AIi 00•w► .sitar awe seam so /rvlw.rell ~ AMsseD om 0 Ara w~ A or dew: /'tw"Is l sera/ sou/ Ar &saw 2-40 Iii allalliiiii► est► erweAy N at •Cram lwrr deagub d.' /tr'A1/ ~ w Aiawl tithe Abe .. AWlwa a Aries► 4DM�19 I,alslelr s , /A/ therm ter Ar a nw+•K V'aw so tilt. a.awes Mr dei at 0 wareowx •p AW Aw dealer •1' Ar door w sr Ar Ar AMI Are tt Alm/ IMI /LAID/ Ate. f4w Norm Aw • peww Aw w morrow 10' Ari M allow fogies" ra wwwwo61 ae rill wormy N me Alli aw ~ ♦I MA 0. M Ma1MDama sI AIW Ater owls, M of aw a AW ADM A%w 1 j Atm IMI AMMO/ OMA t NMC• weed (daft w Ar M /dsaww w M farms. AAI tnsone w •Mew ANNO Ar Pam /Alar AADrr M wed MO AMI Mai OUNIMMw Aw SM esrw llw/earle/ iMpweaw rr A%W*; AI Are AMID elrra ell AW eeaaad w OMS INtxex• anew AM ear 01110111011 MPOW. dAwr 4019111111 Mor M war✓ 1 NMw SAW* d A1ep #NO a sMrewe NAW 4f.MW /MMM ant r 00 MM Awlpt *MONO ed .Atlw SWO M Seel M NSW l W"W AAM► M e *40 •- it* - Ar Of APAIM &~ Brlfrw SOON M IMtM•W w AW awn nolpiwl "wast salt one A. O -Nm teeyr o, rero PAW et w#Arftr dM doM Aad dnr♦r Ay Intra! dMM Sow Ala S rasa M A l -/I O& I OW .1 Aar AAA /• /. CM& rwe SW M s+• Copra~/ dr Aw A1C. /-/Ifni, l-sawa� O's*ML sr w esMw sw A1C /wIM1N /thew. AD • Sir ea/ weMtra v4swe es[b el ADDI /iMC • Ara~ wed A AaeAr N w1rA mWelf w wOdN4w/M M w/ aM rMONO. RECORD DRAWING" at��ewl.awc n A