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CITY OF FONTANA STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with these plans and the City of Fontana Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated 1975, and any revision thereafter. 2. Construction permits shall be obtained from the City of Fontana Public Works Department prior to the start of any work within the city limits. 3. Stationing refers to the centerlines of street except where otherwise noted. 4. Curve data refers to the face of the curb. 5. All exposed concrete shall conform in grade, color and finish to all adjoining curbs and sidewalks. 6. Actual thickness of A. C. pavement and/or base course material for structural street section shall be recommended by a geotechnical engineering report and submitted to the City of Fontana for approval upon completion of rough grading. 7. Pavement structural sections shown are minimum and subject to revision and approval of the City as required by soils tests taken after completion of rough grading. 8. Care should be taken to prevent grades, ditches and swales from undermining street improvements. Upon inspection of the site, the City Engineer may required temporary gunite swales, entering or leaving improvements. 9. All underground work shall be completed prior to paving of the streets. 10. Adequate stakes shall be set by the Engineer to .enable the contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. 11. All pipes or substructures of any kind and all telephone or power poles, water meters, valves, hydrants, irrigation structures, etc., shown or'not shown on this plan and located within areas to be improved and interfering with construction, shall be relocated by others. It'shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify all of the agencies concerned before construction begins. r 12. All manhole and cleanout frames and covers shall be constructed 6" below finished grade by sewer contractor and shall be raised to grade by paving contractor after completion of paving. 13. All valve cans and covers shall be constructed 6" below finished grade by water contractor and shall be raised to grade by paving contractor after completion of paving. t 14. Refer to City of Fontana, underground utility. location Standard Detail 129. 15. The contracto>(s) shall coordinate construction with all utilities and other improvements including, but not limited to, gas, telephone, electrical, lighting, television cable, landscaping, landscaping irrigation, domestic water, reclaimed water, sewer, storm drainage, flood control systems, etc. 16. As built drawings shall be provided by the engineer to the City of Fontana. 17. Type, location and width of driveway approach aprons will be determined at the time of construction and shall conform with the City of Fontana standard details. 18. Contractor is: instructed to refer to these plans and the specifications, and where there is or may be a conflict shall immediately re0ort said conflict or possible conflict to the owner's representative. 19. Sterilant required under all A.C. pavement. 20. No concrete shall be placed until forms and reinforcing steel have been placed, inspected and approved. 21. All utility companies shall be given 48 hours notice prior to work around their facilities. '22: All backfill compaction to be certified by soils engineer. 23. All materials and methods to be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.! 24. Backfill materials shall be verified by contractor and approved by Public Works Inspector prior to the placing of any permanent pavement. I 25. Contractor to install pavement markings and striping as required by the City Engineer. 26. Contractor shall not operate any main line water valve. 27. If existing utilities or any other facilities conflict with the proposed improvements, work shall stop and the Engineer notified immediately. 28. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to notify the Engineer after the base course has been constructed and -before the paving has.been installed so that the Engineer may install the street centerline monuments as required by the City Code of the City of Fontana. UTILITY NOTIFICATIONS WATER: SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER COMPANY 4„ . A.C. pAVe14rI1T oVe1K 4" oLA �s 2 /,A.45. 11142 GARVEY AVENUE 338 EL MONTE, CA 91734 0" 7"FMP�9RAKY A Z • )tvVA47' 13) 448-6183 SEWER: CITY OF FONTANA� �/�► �. TH /G/�C NESS � . c'. av�i'eL-•g7 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 (714) 350-7640 2-77 z- /I'-- POWER: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY P. 0. BOX '788 300 N. PEPPER STREET 4072 RIALTO, CA 92376 /?G. G. S I L2E wA L /'G ATTN: DAVID JONES 54� (714) 820-5191 GAS: SOUTHERN'CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY / 16231 VALLEY BLVD. X�51-0GA7_C 57' 0&7 5/GN FONTANA, CA 92335 MR. LOU WESTFALL )t2eL06tTe 1'1. (714) 889-9711 - 37 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY lteA4:�)Ve A C. 1& VlWr TRANSMISSION DIVISION 3 3� 2191 E. BIRCH STREET 1;�'01140Vzs /?G G• GUA`B BREA, CA 92621 37 (714) 529-2889 TELEPHONE: GENERAL TELEPHONE 338 9000 HELLMAN AVENUE /2EMOVE f:: 7C. C. Z2/e/ VE A RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 337 (714) .945'3562 /�'&k4o�l& pc:c. WAL,x PACIFIC BELL Ill 3939 E. CORONADO STREET fZEA40VE f?C.C. KeT. kVALL ANAHEIM, CA 92807 3 (714) 999=5639 CONSTRUCTION. NOTES 1�---CONsr 4" A.c. OVER 4" CLA-s 2 A.'45.(A551/me 4"A.G. oVEv�, 4 "A-65. ESTiMA77A10 PZIMPoaEs ©Nc.Y. Ac7WAL IoAVIN(5 THIONNESS T© B,ff vr=TeRA411t15,o z�Y Solc.5 �N6IN�E.`1'e� Col�s7' 8" pc'c. cuMZ5 24 "GCIT7_5,4�, 7'Y? -7E A 2-8 Pe17 CAL T9,4AI.S' S TIS NS -A fS�•,• 6A ET #Z) �NsT: 4" PG.G. 51,c722WAL-X %-ULL W/DTH R, TYp/CAL SECT/4N V4/41Z. rH/C KNE SS A . c.. o Ver1ACL ,AY NsT z;, wy App rH/GK ) PER e/T Y STD. /O2 - A .G. C714ei_:= 05`CPe/'e C.9z-T�� ?NS STD. Ald A �<SF'E .5,'EET#2� - RL' MaVE -x 1sT 14 1p�MaV 6'>C/4 -50T. A-47. A=`VM77 e`X l ST. i"oc. c. A01-57-. WALL- To wJ5s7- 11. 12 CoNs 7- f'c. c. cult o 67,k1L."y pelt cAL 7R,#A15 STD. 41-8 (SEE SlvEET #2 ) l3 CONS -r- TQM.".• Z"A.C. pvM'T - TAP OF A.C. Z2/RE _ TO T01b o? r'A\-CONe;T, 3' Al/,qac. <&T. WALL W1:2 " 6AL-Y- f!/='C HANtWA1L ` 310" H!. 1 ' fiVOTALL GA _7-x 1v;P 7"YAPE L-1 OBJECT AfA X X = 1&R 5 rV. +737 (SEE WNEE T 4 2 ) I ' MfSTALL. 7YPEIII 4SKt1?1CAte /OeM C L -7"N5 STt? A -73 (3EE ZPH, vT # 2 ) @-INOTAL4 K- ZG 5/GN 1 1N57'ALL &-41 5/GN W' CUT TO A ST/CA1G1-1 T EL4;�C- 20 _OAiNER 7Z�P JOIN ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES I. 1/4 2037 e).,= 4„ . A.C. pAVe14rI1T oVe1K 4" oLA �s 2 /,A.45. 9 338 5P. 0" 7"FMP�9RAKY A Z • )tvVA47' 3. l4, 6 33 s. � �/�► �. TH /G/�C NESS � . c'. av�i'eL-•g7 2-77 z- /I'-- z4''Cvu;rre ;< '. 4072 5.1 • /?G. G. S I L2E wA L /'G g 54� Sr &h f?G.G. OXIVi!wAY AI P q. / eA. X�51-0GA7_C 57' 0&7 5/GN EA. )t2eL06tTe 1'1. 1 1. 37 5 F lteA4:�)Ve A C. 1& VlWr 12 3 3� L .r- 1;�'01140Vzs /?G G• GUA`B l3• 37 L. /F- VE 11:7C. C. CLItAZA3 67M. 1¢• 338 S p /2EMOVE f:: 7C. C. Z2/e/ VE A 1✓ 337 s /�'&k4o�l& pc:c. WAL,x 1!o Ill G.1c fZEA40VE f?C.C. KeT. kVALL /7• 3 C,4. REL.00AT6 STItEET Z-16147' 10 ' 5-A - TYt'?E L-1 Q J�GTIVIA 1`� l9 2�-A . 7'Yi!5E 1"A:/ ,,9 t2L`-- 20. 7 �54. 2/. 2 em. A!7- 4-I 151GN 22. /2 L - F. rG G. Jql�'r=T WALL- ALL 0616 r EXP. 12-31-92 OF CALL '/4 �l2 40A [-6 1N M I Lry CALTRANS GENERAL NOTES i. An ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS R.EQUIREb before any work may begin in or near the State right of way. 2. ALL WORK within the State right of way,SHALL CONFORM to ,the latest STATE STANDARD PLANS i SPECIFICATIONS or as directed by the State's representative (Standards other than State must be pre -approved and justified). 3., NO EQUIPMENT or MATERIALS -may be stored on the State right of way," 4. ALL disturbed areas in the State right of way MUST BE treated for erosion control (hydrosoeding or equivalent, or as directed by the State's representative). The responsibility for maintaining erosion control WILL NOT be released until the seeding is well established. The CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for the COST OF CALTRANS CLEANING ANY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES/CHANNELS which have become cluttered with debris and/or silt as a result of, or caused by, the construction project. ft - oval - ME V 6P 21 21 46 5. The STRUCTURAL SECTION shown within the State right of way is for ESTIMATING purposes ONLY. The actual section WILL BE designed by a Soil Engineer after native soil testing has been -completed. A traffic index (TI) of 1..= shall be used in the design of the travelled way, and a TI of shall shall be used for the shoulder design. The laboratory reports and the design calculations SHALL BE SUBMITTED to the State's representative for APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION of the structural section. G. ALL State drainage structures MOST first BE COMPLETELY CLEANED of debris and/or silt by the contractor PRIOR to making the connection., r 7 The contractor SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE for ensuring that any State drainage facility which is connected to or directly affected by the contractors operation SHALL BE clean and operational PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE of the permit work f by the State. Adequate clean -outs and access openings SHALL PE PROVIDED in any construction within the State's right of way for future maintenance and repair work as needed. This work shall be furnished at NO COST TO the STATE. 6. Where SURVEY MONUMENTS exist, such monuments SHALL BE PROTECTED or shall be REFERENCED and RESET pursuant to C Business and Professions ode, Sections 8700 to 8805 (Land Surveyor's Act). q. The pavement MUST BE saw -cut 2' minimum from the edge of pavement. The saw -cuts MUST DR perpendicular or parallel to the State highway centerline. to. ALL signing, striping and pavement markings SHALL BE in conformance with the current edition of the TRAFFIC MANUAL, published by the State of California, Department of Transportation, and the SPECIAL PROVISIONS. All pavement markings SHALL BE thermoplastic unless otherwise noted on the plans. II• The exact location of ALL 8IGN8 shall be determined ' in the field by the State's representative. 1�L• ALL conflicting striping and pavement markings HOT SHOWN on the plans SHALL BE REMOVED from the pavement by ' sandblasting by the contractor. 13 ALL conflicting signs SHALL BE either removed or relocated by the contractor. Relocatable signs SHALL BE - installed as specified on the plans or as determined in the field by the State's representative: (4. ALL -.signs, roadside markers, -el ectroliers, etc., SHALL BE PROTECTED and /or!-RLPLACED 1n -kind according to the current State Standard Plans`-hd the current Traffic Manual, at NO COST TO,,,the 11. rAKKIN& PKOHIVITrz-f2 AEON-_& rOO7-HILL ~bLVt7. J yiI r 's