HomeMy WebLinkAbout2091-1I -STATEMENTS,_ The pavement MUST BE saw -cut 21 minimum -f rom the edge of An ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED before any work may- 9 Construct 8" curb and gutte r per Caltrans Std. begin in or near the State right of way. Construct discharge structure per Std. deta - il pavement. The saw -cuts XUBT BE perpendicular or parallel detail N8 -A Type A2-8, Min. .6" Class II A.B. is OWEN 124 (modify connection to inlet per Detail No. to the State highway centerline. 2 ALL WORX within the State right of way SHALL CONFORM to 2? Configuration of southerly structure as per Detail No. 3 ,sheet 3. 3 ST Construct n A.C. over A.B. paving. the latest STATE STANDARD PLANS A SPECIFICATIONS or as lo ALL signing, striping and pavement markings BEALL ZZ in (Assume 6.-5'ff--A.C. over natTv—e for estimated directed by the State's representative (Standards other detail N8 -B. case E conformance with the current edition of the TRAFFIC purposes only. Actual paving thickness to be than State must be pre -approved and justified). I — MANUAL, published by the State of California,. Department determined per General Note 6i, on sheet 1 of and 19 Construct sidewalk per this p1jan. See CAty Std Detail No. 105A of Transportation, and the SPECIAL PROVISIONS. All 3 NO EQUIPMENT or MATERIALS may be stored on the State for expansion and weaken plane joint location/ config. pavement markings BEALL 31 thermoplastic unless otherwise Construct R A.C. over n A.B. paving. right of wai. Saw -cut to clean edge per limits shown on plan,, noted on the plans. 4 ALL disturbed areas in the State right of way MUST BE ii The exact location of ALL 810*8 shall be determined in purposes only. Actual paving thickness to be treated for erosion control (hydroseeding or equivalent, Relocate existing water meter the field by the State's representative, determined per General No. 6 on sheet 2 of 3. or as directed by the State's representative). The See typical section Mulberry Ave. rasp . onsibility for maintaining erosion control WILL NOT 12 ALL conflicting striping and pavement markings NOT BROWN Place . 61 wide A. C. feather overlay per typical be released until the se�sding is well established. Tht I on the plans SMALL DR REMOVED from the pavement by section. A. C. shall -be . cold planed a min. 0.15' CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for the COST OF CALTRANS sandblasting by the contractor. to 1 ane'line or as directed by Caltrans Inspector CLEANING ANY DRAINAGE OTRUCTURES/CRAIMLS which have U and overlaid with A.C. become cluttered with debris and/or silt as a result of ' 13 ALL conflicting signs SHALL BE either removed or Construct 8n A.C. dike per detail No. I on sheet or caused by, the construction project. per Caltrans std. details',. relocated by the contractor. Relocatable signs SHALL BE No. 3 of 3 WHr"f A A. T. &IS.F. RR Place variable thickness'A.C. overlay per typical installed as specified on the plans or as determined in 5 The STRUCTURAL SECTION shown within the State right "of section Foothill Blvd. A.C. shall be cold planed min. 0.15' to lane line or as directed by the field by the State's representative. OF FONTANA way is for ESTIMATING purposes ONLY. The actual section a I Remove existing curb and gutter WILL BE designed by a Soil Engineer after native soil 14 ALL signs,, roadside markers, electroliers, etc. , SHALL Rempve existi tr6e �City of Fontang tree rem9val permit testing has been completed. A traffic index (TI) of Install ornarnern'tal street'light (lumeA I ntensity shown onplan) BE PROTECTED and/or REPLACED in-kind according to the application requIrr9d'prior o const. permit issuance). 11.0 shall be used in the design of the travelled way, I current State Standard Plans and the current -Traffic Plug existing 14" c o*nerete irrigation pipe and n and a TI of co -5 shall be used for the shoulder 'design. Relocate existing street sign (by others) Manual,, at NO COST TO the STATE. remove 30 :�teel stand pipe Coordination w/ Utility Co. The laboratory reports and the design calcul ' ations SHALL 15 All obstructions shall be removed or relocated prior owning steel pipes� is req'd. prior to start of construction. '(by BE SUBMITTED to the State's representative for APPROVAL Relociate existing traffic structures Verify approval to beginning of work. Relocate power pole others) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION of the structural section. of signalization plans prior to start of const. Relocate fire hydrant 16 The work under this permit, shall be co-ordinated with e ALL state drainage structures MUST first BE COMPLETELY Install type R -26S "NO PARKING ANY TIME" sign, location shown permit o8 -90 -MC -1274 and 08 -90 -CD -1920. CLEANED of debris and/or silt by the contractor PRIOR to on plan. Adjust valve cover to grade as necessary making the connection. 17 A minimum of one lane is required east bound between Remove existing water meter Mill existing pavement to allow 0.10'overlay. 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and two lanes are required at all 7 The contractor BRALL DR RESPONSIBLE for ensuring that.any other times. shown on plan ( See D/W Detail this-shedt),. State drainage facility which is connected to or directly affected by the contractors operation SHALL -BE clean and 18 During construction all traffic control shall be to operational PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE of the permit work State Standards. Refer to Traffic control manual of by the State. Adequate clean -outs and access. 'openings 1990. SHALL BE PROVIDED in any construction within the State's right of way for future maintenance and repair work as needed. This work shall be furnished at No COST TO the STATE. 8 Where SURVEY MONUMENTS exist, such monuments SHALL BE PROTECTED or shall be RZYZRZNCZD and R382T pursuant to THIS AREA NOT A PART OF CONTRACT Business -and Pr2fessions Coslel, Sections 8700 to 8805 I WITH IN THE CITY OF FONTANA (Land Surveyor a Act) MM -CONSTRUCTION NOTES for Southwest corner of FoothillBlvd. and M ulberry Ave. Standard Detail Drawings referred to are those (if the City of Fontana PL"Ic Works -Department unless otherwise noted. Construct 8" curb and gutte r per Caltrans Std. Construct discharge structure per Std. deta - il 500 detail N8 -A Type A2-8, Min. .6" Class II A.B. is OWEN 124 (modify connection to inlet per Detail No. required under curb and gutter. 2? Configuration of southerly structure as per Detail No. 3 ,sheet 3. 3 ST Construct n A.C. over A.B. paving. 1 + — -- o Construct ramped curb,, return per Caltrans, Std. VALENCI AV (Assume 6.-5'ff--A.C. over natTv—e for estimated > C detail N8 -B. case E ARROW purposes only. Actual paving thickness to be ROUTE I I — 14900 AV determined per General Note 6i, on sheet 1 of and 19 Construct sidewalk per this p1jan. See CAty Std Detail No. 105A 1 6 14 note n on Sheet 2 of 3).-, for expansion and weaken plane joint location/ config. 1250 0 RANCH Construct R A.C. over n A.B. paving. 13200 Saw -cut to clean edge per limits shown on plan,, 135M (Assume 6.5'—A.C. over nativ—e for estimating 13900 < z < z or as directed by the State's Representative. purposes only. Actual paving thickness to be Relocate existing water meter determined per General No. 6 on sheet 2 of 3. See typical section Mulberry Ave. Install double faced "Right Turn Onlyn sign 3 4 co Place . 61 wide A. C. feather overlay per typical us 0 2 -1 I section. A. C. shall -be . cold planed a min. 0.15' to 1 ane'line or as directed by Caltrans Inspector U and overlaid with A.C. Paint curb red and- Install "NO STOPPING ANY TIME"Pign 4-�THIS AREA NOT A PART OF Construct 8n A.C. dike per detail No. I on sheet M per Caltrans std. details',. No. 3 of 3 WHr"f A A. T. &IS.F. RR Place variable thickness'A.C. overlay per typical Remove existing A.C. pavement. + section Foothill Blvd. A.C. shall be cold planed min. 0.15' to lane line or as directed by OF FONTANA a Remove existing curb and gutter Caltrans Inspector and overlaid with A.C. MAP N.T.S. Rempve existi tr6e �City of Fontang tree rem9val permit Foothill Install ornarnern'tal street'light (lumeA I ntensity shown onplan) application requIrr9d'prior o const. permit issuance). I Plug existing 14" c o*nerete irrigation pipe and n Relocate existing street sign (by others) remove 30 :�teel stand pipe Coordination w/ Utility Co. owning steel pipes� is req'd. prior to start of construction. '(by Relociate existing traffic structures Verify approval Relocate power pole others) of signalization plans prior to start of const. Relocate fire hydrant Remove existing A. C. curb Relocate concrete block valve box Install type R -26S "NO PARKING ANY TIME" sign, location shown on plan. Adjust valve cover to grade as necessary Construct handicap ramp per detail. 4, sheet 3 of 3. Remove existing water meter Mill existing pavement to allow 0.10'overlay. Construct driveway per Cit�'Std. Detail No. 102-C, width as shown on plan ( See D/W Detail this-shedt),. NOTE: ALL WORK DONE WITHIN STATE OF CALIFORNIA R/W SHALL. A STANDARDS. CONFORM TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNL Install 'paddle' markers per Caltrans Std. No. A74-A,- Class'l. PHOO am@v Q30UM STREET IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION LIMITS <��Evq La R nV� LPN -s D N4 co I NVO , C�l 31 revision* midline inr engineering * planning o surveying 2150 north arrowhead avenue san bernardino,california- 924051 + CT WE CT <VHE . STN CT > AV CH�.STNUT > Z AV SITE 41 < IVY AV F19 Q "2 Construct curb and gutter per std. detail 101 8" C.F. Construct cone. curb only per std. detail 101 6" C.F. Construct conc. sidewalk per City specifications G) Construct wheelchair ramp per Std. detail 104A Construct cone. cross gutter per Std. detail 105 Construct 4" AC over 12" compacted native NOTE: All work within State of California R/W shall conform to the State of California Standards 0 * 0!0 0- 0 0- 0 Goo 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 40 0,0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0;0;9;0,0, ow W11 a SEE SHEET NO.6:::::. 0 0-XSEE SHEET ?10.*S*- 00 0 he*-* 0 0 0 Soo a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000 so* so, THIS AREA NOT A PART OF CONTRACT WITH IN THE CITY OF FONTANA CONSTRUCTION NOTES for Southeast corner of Foothill Blvd. & Mulberry Ave. M, Construct 80 curb and gutter per Caltrans, Std. detail N8 -A Type A2-8. Min. .6" Class II A.B. is required under curb and gutter. Construct A.C. over A.B. paving. (Assume 6.75w-- A. C. over nativ—e f or estimated purposes only. Actual paving thickness to be *Igo so'- 0 determine per General Note 5 on sheet I of 8 and. 4.0 0 d G_e * note 32 on Sheet 2 of 8 Remove existing tree fl 4� Remove existing water meter Construct driveway per City Std. Detail No.102-C, width as shown on plan ( See D/W Detail on Sht. 1 of 8 Construct ramped curb return per Caltrans Std. detail N8 -B. case A. b tVpdt A (+-wa r.&rm PS) INDEX MAP SCALE: 11"= 60' (714) 886,*4768 �qj Construct sidewalk per Std. detail 105-A F 26� Construct cross- gutter per Co. S. B. Std. 119 Relocate existing street sign (by others) Relocate existing traffic structures Remove existing A.C. curb Pk drewh: `% SCALE: 1" = 60' LEGEND z CT I a 1111 :k I 500 QWTE OWEN ST UJ F*-- 1 + — -- SEVILLC AV SPRIN ST — — — VALENCI AV > +ff---4 . > C ARROW ROUTE I I — 14900 AV CE4ES AV ARROW 1 6 14 LIJ ca 1250 0 RANCH 13200 135M > 9 LU 13900 < z < z z 0 LU z D z > 3 4 co < CO us 0 2 -1 I U > 4-�THIS AREA NOT A PART OF IECOND- CUCAM M AV WHr"f A A. T. &IS.F. RR CONTRACT WITH / IN THE CITY + OF FONTANA —VICINITY MAP N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION NOTES for North side of Foothill Blvd. Construct curb and gutter per std. detail 101 8" C.F. Construct cone. curb only per std. detail 101 6" C.F. Construct conc. sidewalk per City specifications G) Construct wheelchair ramp per Std. detail 104A Construct cone. cross gutter per Std. detail 105 Construct 4" AC over 12" compacted native NOTE: All work within State of California R/W shall conform to the State of California Standards 0 * 0!0 0- 0 0- 0 Goo 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 40 0,0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0;0;9;0,0, ow W11 a SEE SHEET NO.6:::::. 0 0-XSEE SHEET ?10.*S*- 00 0 he*-* 0 0 0 Soo a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000 so* so, THIS AREA NOT A PART OF CONTRACT WITH IN THE CITY OF FONTANA CONSTRUCTION NOTES for Southeast corner of Foothill Blvd. & Mulberry Ave. M, Construct 80 curb and gutter per Caltrans, Std. detail N8 -A Type A2-8. Min. .6" Class II A.B. is required under curb and gutter. Construct A.C. over A.B. paving. (Assume 6.75w-- A. C. over nativ—e f or estimated purposes only. Actual paving thickness to be *Igo so'- 0 determine per General Note 5 on sheet I of 8 and. 4.0 0 d G_e * note 32 on Sheet 2 of 8 Remove existing tree fl 4� Remove existing water meter Construct driveway per City Std. Detail No.102-C, width as shown on plan ( See D/W Detail on Sht. 1 of 8 Construct ramped curb return per Caltrans Std. detail N8 -B. case A. b tVpdt A (+-wa r.&rm PS) INDEX MAP SCALE: 11"= 60' (714) 886,*4768 �qj Construct sidewalk per Std. detail 105-A F 26� Construct cross- gutter per Co. S. B. Std. 119 Relocate existing street sign (by others) Relocate existing traffic structures Remove existing A.C. curb Pk drewh: `% SCALE: 1" = 60' LEGEND z CT I DRIVEWAY CURB DETAIL N.T.S. PM MY OF FOWMA STD. IXTAIL NO. 102-C. INDICATES LIMITS OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER PLANS PREPARED 13Y BROWN & MULLINS INC. 00 INDICATES LIMITS OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER 000000#00*00:0::* 00 * *-0-6-0-0-0 0 PLANS PREPARED BY HAYES & ASSOCIATES INC. ............ . INDICATES LIMITS OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS X X PER PLANS PREPARED BY HALL & FOREMAN, INC. ATTENTION CALTRANS NOTICE: WITH THE PREPARATION OF THIS COVER SHEET, BROWN' & MULLINS., INC. HAS ATTEMPTED TO COORDINATE WORK AT THE JOB SITE. NO ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO DETERMINE THE ACCURACY OF OR ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR SHEETS 4 THROUGH 8 INCLUSIVE. BY PREPARATION OF THE COVER SHEET, BROWN & MULLINS., - -INC..9 DOES -NOT INTEND NOR IMPLY THEIR ACCURACY NOR ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR SHEETS 4 THROUGH 8 INCLUSIVE. USE OF SHEETS 4 THROUGH 8. INCLUSIVE FOR CONSTRUCTION AT THE JOB SITE ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY. OF THE PARTIES WHO COMMISSION, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE WORK SPECIFIED BY THOSE SHEETS. QUESTIONS REGARDING - THIS WORK ARE TO BE DIRECTED TO THE RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. CITY OF FONTANA9 CALIFORNIA 'Us DESIGNED BY STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS SCALE: 6-J. F .0 DRAWN BY 0 z DATE z CHECKED BY TITLE SHEET .0 9 JOB NO. APPROVED DWG NO. SHT NO. I,&,( C, CITY ENGINEER. RICE. Z.I—/" 2091 OF ca W PERMIT # 08 -90 -6 -MC -2240 CALTRANS SHEET NO: 1 of 8 500 QWTE COU R1 LN VALENCIA AV VALENCI AV > C > 3 WHITTRAM I — 14900 AV CE4ES AV MERJILL AV DRIVEWAY CURB DETAIL N.T.S. PM MY OF FOWMA STD. IXTAIL NO. 102-C. INDICATES LIMITS OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER PLANS PREPARED 13Y BROWN & MULLINS INC. 00 INDICATES LIMITS OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER 000000#00*00:0::* 00 * *-0-6-0-0-0 0 PLANS PREPARED BY HAYES & ASSOCIATES INC. ............ . INDICATES LIMITS OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS X X PER PLANS PREPARED BY HALL & FOREMAN, INC. ATTENTION CALTRANS NOTICE: WITH THE PREPARATION OF THIS COVER SHEET, BROWN' & MULLINS., INC. HAS ATTEMPTED TO COORDINATE WORK AT THE JOB SITE. NO ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO DETERMINE THE ACCURACY OF OR ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR SHEETS 4 THROUGH 8 INCLUSIVE. BY PREPARATION OF THE COVER SHEET, BROWN & MULLINS., - -INC..9 DOES -NOT INTEND NOR IMPLY THEIR ACCURACY NOR ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR SHEETS 4 THROUGH 8 INCLUSIVE. USE OF SHEETS 4 THROUGH 8. INCLUSIVE FOR CONSTRUCTION AT THE JOB SITE ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY. OF THE PARTIES WHO COMMISSION, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE WORK SPECIFIED BY THOSE SHEETS. QUESTIONS REGARDING - THIS WORK ARE TO BE DIRECTED TO THE RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. CITY OF FONTANA9 CALIFORNIA 'Us DESIGNED BY STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS SCALE: 6-J. F .0 DRAWN BY 0 z DATE z CHECKED BY TITLE SHEET .0 9 JOB NO. APPROVED DWG NO. SHT NO. I,&,( C, CITY ENGINEER. RICE. Z.I—/" 2091 OF ca W PERMIT # 08 -90 -6 -MC -2240 CALTRANS SHEET NO: 1 of 8