HomeMy WebLinkAbout2069-4r L.1 r: r? /,)I /t= I r I le rr I I I C:Z 17 17) C,,OP24M 51 &N 15EI�, MTA� 1L_ I - LCP+ OPq C4< GAP -F U LL S 14 Z, r=) sz-VENE�F_V- aPLICK SALOR CCUP*F: Z4 EQ ?_4 V^ P_ I ES VA F. 0 PFTA-,1 L_ FCP- W/ALL, 60NSTP?4ACT10�4 MONUMENT AT FLAT NEIGHBORHOOD ENTRY CHEr200Kf,=, aNCKCrULL-<_--�42-E) F1LPF_:,TE1P1 WITH N��_rulv4h_ll 6- ni I S'Fo�,4E SSIM11-AP-P DF -'TAIL. e4 -or .,K WAL-L Pr,:P- STPLACIT, Ewb- VJ/ OFP - w H i-rE UCco vJAS H 6DW F-1 P -M VJM H 7 94 Pf::TU W H FA 6? F, FT' I M I LA 12. f�!�J !->F_e� U>eTA1L_ 502 WALL-,, COHST"CTICN 11M M1 J 'MONUMENT. AT. SLOPED NEIGHBORHOOD- ENTRY. LOW CX - PE:5TAr-­I I H& WALt, ( \LCP,4-, aL_CC,,K WAL-t- PIE�_R- ST12L�cT� r=KIC-2. W/0FF-tA)HI1 STLA C -co Wt-,� �-, I cow F1 P -M WITH OWN E_P_ -PAPU, 6 -,W_ -y 60RIAN �SII�R-VA MONIM) VJ IT HUN7F_P-'.5 WDGF- LC INNEAZT P,,UNSTE-P P� __60P_1A1%4 51GWJI�DE� CTrTAJL 1-1 C.D4 PANTED LaTEPLS PP -ICK C/sp\�FULL 5 F--) NON06P^M 5:5a4AF -ro pLA bP-1Ir_K 56&op CoU RGE- M IMMM L6HT 6,F -F -Y 60RPN'�4 ('31EP-P-A P -6k) WITH 1HVERT E�tx AND KA6V PNKT5D <_--r Z= n WAY C;1�1 C. -W r -Y N 0� RAO< PANTEED PINLIHE I 'SP 1� <)5:TA L 74 al.� rA L 10 It P- t-4 F6i OvOi� lcs;p r "t 0 Fl- �0 1,e4l 0 Oe� �44,L- 4 4 - PLAN Z X Fr- T 1 -1 N lb VIER-- ELEVATION-- Is MANQFix4��"FUP-FP e�)UTPCt�>P_ [)JAAE�t4f>10i::�s IS16 AL_-�-EC, PP-JVE� ANAH�DMI CA 6)209SS (11/t� CORIAN SIGN FIXTURE P[Kt�H WITH A SEAL COA-t- ^N0 12P%(N-F W I-r:H -FWO Co/,N� 01= COL-OPL. 60LO[Z -F0 F3> C44oseN g\y e_->WNEP_. L-OVQ e?R4C-X__R-F,-rANNC-7 WA L�L) F --F- ro C:S-T7N L- 4 N.T.s. gnrloplole:pp :E-:)Lo6f;5 - T_ � F7.. e� A JA4 e0A T�P. _CHeP-0V-F,E_ aFZ16< CAP PPTA-, I L 10 - i� C D, I f= t W/1 row I=T 6 0 -T N ;� 10� I& t�N 0 - 'H _WATF,1Z PR-COF 1. W/ 57��� -r ftDL4F-E-F,) C0t--X, FC)CMF467 -?-U CIT, Et-_J� - PE1Z STr PERL WALL —E�42�CK- 5 PCT 10 N-1 -oil ABBRI�VIATION sim similar cl - centerline pl - property line conc concrete dwg drawing eq equal civ eng - civil engineer manuf manufactured approx approximately man - manufactured prod's - products spec's - specifications W/ - wit4 blk - block fg - finivh grade req (1) - requirements manufact,- manufactured min - minimum d. ' f. - douglas fir land arch - landscape architecture stl - steel foot"q -- footing sq - G�quare - comp - compacted o.c... on center adj - adjacent typ - typical rdwd - redwood agg - aggregate t & g - tongue and groove merch bldr - merchant bijilder retain -g - retaining fin - finish stds - standards exp - expansion nat - natural rad - radius NbTE: F70P- pILA<�-TEP (&411 Hle*4) F,EFE�91_ TO DETAIL &-LCP- I OLP ().PLE) Ew-cx CAP U. S1 R;pL I (:: k SEE CS7AIL- POMIM IoN 1CK_ C FU L -L N CP, OF WALL aYZ"Xa314-' '7 7 5/1 E� E�L�K, (::�,7r-ZOUT OEL�LS 5OL-1 D, C.cMP,0��F,p _sut?:,6RADE P EP_ SPEC. -S. poUP_F,r,> CorJC, PE_V_ SnZUCT, el�ljol I I I I�El I IP� �ffrl -COMMLNITY f_NT MONUMEN7 TRMTI.Q N -'No TE& 1. Base information derivud from J.P. Kappe Associates, Engineering, See Civil Engineer drawings for site grading. 2. All finished soil grades to be held 1-1/211 lower that adjacent finished paved surfaces. 3. All finished soil grades to have positive drainage 2% min., toward area drains, street, etc. All f inished paved surfaces to have 1% mimpitch. 4. If any discrepancies arise between plans and actual site conditions, notify Landscape Architect before proceeding with. any bids or construction. 5. Written , dimensions prevail over scaled dimengions.- 6. All construction to conform to City of Fontana building codes. 7. Curved hardscape elements, such as sidewalks, mowstrips, bike paths, -etc. shall transition smoothly and continuously. 8. Landscape Architect to approve chalk layou t of sidewalks pr.ior to forming. 9. Landscape Architect to approve forms prior,to pouring. 10. Sidewalk layout based on station points. set by civil Engineer. Confirm location in field. .11 - Scorelines and expansion j oints per city of Fontana general requirements. See detail 4-LCD.3-. 12. Back of sidewalk not to exceed 4&* from r.o.w. line unless otherwise specified. 13. Sidewalk east of pump station on Duncan Canyon Roa(3 shall be -no closer to face of wall than 4'. 14. Trellis pilasters at entries to be set prior to forming of sidewalk. Layou-� -fv 19z approved loy Lamdsc4pe -�re_kltect 15. Walls to be located 1211 back from top of slope face when shown on top of slope. 16. Unless otherwise noted, dimensions shall be measured from face of curb, face of wall, etc. 17. Walls to step either up on down at pilasters -wherever possible. 5,ee Idetaif (- L -C D -2 - See detail 1-LCD.2 for wall stepping. 19. See detail 9 -LCD -2 for continuation of walls not shown on enclosed plans. 20. Sloped walls are 'allowed o,+ y)vghborkooe' entrie.6, and *ofhey- tocelov\5 ovity QS _S�Icowvl 04 plan. 21. At n-sighborhood entries, where engineered slope is greater than 31-011 see detail 5-LCD.l. Where slope is 3'-011 or less use standard setback per Civil Engineer's drawings for end of wall locations. 22. Conflicts between location of utility vaults or other site infrastructure and elements shown on landscape plans to be brought to the immediate attention of the landscape architect. Landscape architect to approve on site all I evisions that arise from such conflict otVterwise contractor J A 23. Hard' bE repireJ t -o mak-e ckarlle.,s- if #qqvired OL+ kis expevlse. scape elements not clearly defined as to location will be defined in field by Landscape Architect. 24. 18" distance between back of sidewalk and split -rail fence unless otherwise noted. 25. Contractor is responsible for familiarizing himself with all details and specifications prior to bidding and construction. 26. All footings for walls are required to have the location and compaction (90%) certified prior footing inspection by Fontana's Building Division. NOTE: FIRST CITY WILL MAINTAIN A CITY APPROVED INSPECTOR TO OVER SEE THE INSTALLATION OF ALL 6" BLOCK WALLS Z7, All exposed structural steel bolts and welds shall be covered w/ rust resist. -paint,and painteJ VJI+i�ial &pproVed C01or. A DATE UESCRI"ON APPROVt D BY CITY ONTANA -0t: 1= ' A 25126 13081ERTWEDDLE RCE DATE MY P-t4GNEEk Ai y 4z1r11,*z17y ox,01124r-s IZ-01- ?9 (D L f C, Q - I _eIllX11 I tex,L - 4 41 M NICK 0�._ Wop-LE> 0424 ( F U L�L 51 Z. E� F- TO OC;T,& I L e:b L/ -D. 1 VEN F -,RP-- S^1 L. -O R�- -r I s e f I,::; "o ��tZ6�a - L.. - E>LXCM. WA LA,, 10'010 L-OVQ e?R4C-X__R-F,-rANNC-7 WA L�L) F --F- ro C:S-T7N L- 4 N.T.s. gnrloplole:pp :E-:)Lo6f;5 - T_ � F7.. e� A JA4 e0A T�P. _CHeP-0V-F,E_ aFZ16< CAP PPTA-, I L 10 - i� C D, I f= t W/1 row I=T 6 0 -T N ;� 10� I& t�N 0 - 'H _WATF,1Z PR-COF 1. W/ 57��� -r ftDL4F-E-F,) C0t--X, FC)CMF467 -?-U CIT, Et-_J� - PE1Z STr PERL WALL —E�42�CK- 5 PCT 10 N-1 -oil ABBRI�VIATION sim similar cl - centerline pl - property line conc concrete dwg drawing eq equal civ eng - civil engineer manuf manufactured approx approximately man - manufactured prod's - products spec's - specifications W/ - wit4 blk - block fg - finivh grade req (1) - requirements manufact,- manufactured min - minimum d. ' f. - douglas fir land arch - landscape architecture stl - steel foot"q -- footing sq - G�quare - comp - compacted o.c... on center adj - adjacent typ - typical rdwd - redwood agg - aggregate t & g - tongue and groove merch bldr - merchant bijilder retain -g - retaining fin - finish stds - standards exp - expansion nat - natural rad - radius NbTE: F70P- pILA<�-TEP (&411 Hle*4) F,EFE�91_ TO DETAIL &-LCP- I OLP ().PLE) Ew-cx CAP U. S1 R;pL I (:: k SEE CS7AIL- POMIM IoN 1CK_ C FU L -L N CP, OF WALL aYZ"Xa314-' '7 7 5/1 E� E�L�K, (::�,7r-ZOUT OEL�LS 5OL-1 D, C.cMP,0��F,p _sut?:,6RADE P EP_ SPEC. -S. poUP_F,r,> CorJC, PE_V_ SnZUCT, el�ljol I I I I�El I IP� �ffrl -COMMLNITY f_NT MONUMEN7 TRMTI.Q N -'No TE& 1. Base information derivud from J.P. Kappe Associates, Engineering, See Civil Engineer drawings for site grading. 2. All finished soil grades to be held 1-1/211 lower that adjacent finished paved surfaces. 3. All finished soil grades to have positive drainage 2% min., toward area drains, street, etc. All f inished paved surfaces to have 1% mimpitch. 4. If any discrepancies arise between plans and actual site conditions, notify Landscape Architect before proceeding with. any bids or construction. 5. Written , dimensions prevail over scaled dimengions.- 6. All construction to conform to City of Fontana building codes. 7. Curved hardscape elements, such as sidewalks, mowstrips, bike paths, -etc. shall transition smoothly and continuously. 8. Landscape Architect to approve chalk layou t of sidewalks pr.ior to forming. 9. Landscape Architect to approve forms prior,to pouring. 10. Sidewalk layout based on station points. set by civil Engineer. Confirm location in field. .11 - Scorelines and expansion j oints per city of Fontana general requirements. See detail 4-LCD.3-. 12. Back of sidewalk not to exceed 4&* from r.o.w. line unless otherwise specified. 13. Sidewalk east of pump station on Duncan Canyon Roa(3 shall be -no closer to face of wall than 4'. 14. Trellis pilasters at entries to be set prior to forming of sidewalk. Layou-� -fv 19z approved loy Lamdsc4pe -�re_kltect 15. Walls to be located 1211 back from top of slope face when shown on top of slope. 16. Unless otherwise noted, dimensions shall be measured from face of curb, face of wall, etc. 17. Walls to step either up on down at pilasters -wherever possible. 5,ee Idetaif (- L -C D -2 - See detail 1-LCD.2 for wall stepping. 19. See detail 9 -LCD -2 for continuation of walls not shown on enclosed plans. 20. Sloped walls are 'allowed o,+ y)vghborkooe' entrie.6, and *ofhey- tocelov\5 ovity QS _S�Icowvl 04 plan. 21. At n-sighborhood entries, where engineered slope is greater than 31-011 see detail 5-LCD.l. Where slope is 3'-011 or less use standard setback per Civil Engineer's drawings for end of wall locations. 22. Conflicts between location of utility vaults or other site infrastructure and elements shown on landscape plans to be brought to the immediate attention of the landscape architect. Landscape architect to approve on site all I evisions that arise from such conflict otVterwise contractor J A 23. Hard' bE repireJ t -o mak-e ckarlle.,s- if #qqvired OL+ kis expevlse. scape elements not clearly defined as to location will be defined in field by Landscape Architect. 24. 18" distance between back of sidewalk and split -rail fence unless otherwise noted. 25. Contractor is responsible for familiarizing himself with all details and specifications prior to bidding and construction. 26. All footings for walls are required to have the location and compaction (90%) certified prior footing inspection by Fontana's Building Division. NOTE: FIRST CITY WILL MAINTAIN A CITY APPROVED INSPECTOR TO OVER SEE THE INSTALLATION OF ALL 6" BLOCK WALLS Z7, All exposed structural steel bolts and welds shall be covered w/ rust resist. -paint,and painteJ VJI+i�ial &pproVed C01or. A DATE UESCRI"ON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE A URBAN DESIGN 4764 PARK GRANADA CALABASAS PARK CALIFORNIA 91302 (818)999-2014 AS BUILT*ez,44c4w.�. LA G67ROILIPt ING, DATE *Z J& 1 #2 Sianatur 160 OF CALIF AOTDft 22.07 DATE oaaFr C C4 U') 00 04 0 C4 co Revisions A\ 2r7, go OE�TA I Le--;� 7 2- 7 - ")C F'TR.��-T FT -4j 6 H 1!-* � le,' Date Drawn, By Sheet Tifle GONSTRUCTION DETA NOTES ABBREVIATIONS Job No.1 9 2 3 5ECT I ON AN 5S`J&W FkTUR-F- ro f3E eet No.LCDo 4 �p S E4:3 VWZ74 Z064 of Sheets APPROVt D BY CITY ONTANA -0t: 1= ' A 25126 13081ERTWEDDLE RCE DATE MY P-t4GNEEk Ai y 4z1r11,*z17y ox,01124r-s IZ-01- ?9 FOP PILA31-EJZ q-5-F5P I M NICK 0�._ Wop-LE> 0424 ( F U L�L 51 Z. VEN F -,RP-- S^1 L. -O R�- U1 OL E>LXCM. WA LA,, 10'010 OF- etocvcs. FANQ0ML-)1 or-PsEr APppaoy, il, < 5EF, DETAIL. P-1 WHI TE 51 4D CoL01121 '�FF -U6:� WA.,�44, 6.4!)NF1 12-M VJ1rH sTucco coLop- vA5H SrPF1F_1r I rl,>Ee: P-ECUCE0 srticco 4Z)�_ 1Z c,oA-r 7-o es rNPPLAEP COMPACTED S_1.4a&Pk� PE42. _<SpeC.� FIOUP-EL) 60-,�P-FTE, F670TIN162 PEP_ STT�CT IF -N&# NO&HOOPH00r,> L---N7R_X MONU N1 P,,-4 T - NOTE 60PIAN SIC44 FIXT-UPf-, 1-o E�;E, AppL.,IED Pr;;P- N/1AtAJ1:,: 5PECY, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE A URBAN DESIGN 4764 PARK GRANADA CALABASAS PARK CALIFORNIA 91302 (818)999-2014 AS BUILT*ez,44c4w.�. LA G67ROILIPt ING, DATE *Z J& 1 #2 Sianatur 160 OF CALIF AOTDft 22.07 DATE oaaFr C C4 U') 00 04 0 C4 co Revisions A\ 2r7, go OE�TA I Le--;� 7 2- 7 - ")C F'TR.��-T FT -4j 6 H 1!-* � le,' Date Drawn, By Sheet Tifle GONSTRUCTION DETA NOTES ABBREVIATIONS Job No.1 9 2 3 5ECT I ON AN 5S`J&W FkTUR-F- ro f3E eet No.LCDo 4 �p S E4:3 VWZ74 Z064 of Sheets