HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-P-38PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1,00 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORX Contractor to furnish all labor and materials required to execute this work as indicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to co,aplate the contract, including but not limited to these major items: 1. Provide import soil as needed and finish grading of all areas to 1.5% minimum fall, 2. Supply and installation of all specified soil preparatios. 3. Stx 1 and installation of all trees including backfill and the installation of stakes. 4. Supply and installation of all turf, ground cover, and shrubs. 5. Use of the irrigation system during the maintenance period. 6. Clean up of all work areas at conclusion of contract. 7. Maintenance period of 90 days. 6, Guarantee of all plant materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year. 1.02 QWkLITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications of Workmen Provide at least one English speaking person who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion of work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being installed and the best methods for their installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. This individual shall be approved by the City and shall not be replaced except by written authorization of the City. Be Standards Plant materials indicated on the drawings and herein specified shall conform to the following: 1. Plant names shall conform to "Standard Plant Names" established by the American Joint Committee on Horticulture, Names not covered by this standard shall be named in accordance with the established custom of the nursery. 2. Plants shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, sound, heal thy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests or their eggs and shall have healthy normal root system, well filling their containers but not to the point of being root bound. 3. The height and spread of all plant material shall be measured with branches in their normal position. The caliper of all trees shall be measured 4'-0" above the surface of the ground. 4. Sizes of pl ants shall be as stated on the drawings, container stock (1 gallon, 5 gallon and 15 gallon), shall have been grown in containers for at least Dee (1) year, but not over two (2) years. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Certificates 1. All certificates required by law shall accompany shipments and shat 1 include the following: a. Quantity of seed and hydromtulch. b. Quantity of all other soil amendments called: for by plans and specifications. c. In addition to any other certificates. -specified, furnish a certificate with each delivery of bulk material stating the source, quantity and type of m'aterial and that .material conforms to the specs f i cats ons - requirements. For bulk delivered organic fertilizer, the certificate shall also state the volume, net weight, percent of nitrogen and percent of phosphoric acid. For each fertilizer and soil condition in containers, furnish a similar certificate or invoice stating total quantities by weight and volume for each material. Submit these certificates to the City of Fontana prior to de 1 i very to the job site. Y. The contractor shall carefully and continuously protect all areas included in the contract until acceptance of the work by the City of Fontana. 1.04 PRO HANDLING A. Delivery and Storage 1. Submit samples of all soil amendments, seed and plants for Inspection and store on the site until furnishing of materials is completed. 2. Deliver all items to the site in their original containers with all labels intact and -legible at time of the City of Fontana's inspection. 3. Immediately remove from the site all plants which are not true to name and all materials which do not comply with the provi- sions of this section. 4. Use all means necessary to protect plant materials before. during, and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. Be Replacements In the event of damage or rejection, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary at no additional cost. 2.00 PRODUCTS 2.01 FERTILIZER A. General All fertilizer shall be as specified in the Amendments Section, delivered to the site in bags labeled with the manufacturer's guar- anteed analysis. Be Special Protection If stored at the site, protect fertilizer from the elements at all times. 2.02 SOIL AMIE ND14E NT A. Cross -rip soil to a minimum depth of 9 to 12 inches. THOROUGHLY rototi l l a minimum of two directions the following amendments into the top 6 inches of soil and irrigate thoroughly* (per 1000 sq.ft.). MOUNT PER 1000 SQ. FT• Four (4) cubic yards of a nitrogen stabilizer wood. Examples: Vito -Bark (Sequoia) or Nutri -Fiber (Red Star), 20 pounds of a sulfur/iron chemical soil amendment where part of the sulfur is in a dry, crystalline acid form ( not iron sulfate or soil sulfur), Examples: Sul-Fe/Sulfur, I roni ze, I coni te. * After soil preparation has been completed but prior to planting, irrigate with overhead irrigation so that a minimum of 10 inches of water passes through the soil profile before planting takes place. CONSULTANTS 2.03 IMPORT SOIL 3.03 FINISH GRADI NS 3.09 WATERING A. The import soil for surface fill in areas to be landscaped should When preliminary imi nary grading, including weeding and fertilizing, 1 i zi ng, has been A, Watering to to+mmence immediately after completion of seeding and to meet the following specifications: completed and the soil has dried sufficiently to be readily worked grade continue at a rate necessary to keep area moist without drying out all lawn and planting areas to the elevations indicated on the drawings. or puddling. Import soil should be imported from locations immediately adja- P P Y Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or sl opts between cent to the project and should be of as similar a texture and points where elevations are given. Slope soil areas to allow natural 9, Immediately after planting apply water to each tree, shrubs and chemical make-up as possible to site soils. No adverse chemi- runoff of water, and direct surface drainage as indicated on the drawing vines by means of a hose. Apply water in a moderate strea*-in the cal or textural conditions should exist in any imported soils. by remodeling surfaces to facilitate the natural runoff of water. planting hole until the material about the roots is completely Silt plus clay content of the import soil shall not exceed 35% saturated from the bottom of the hole to the top of the ground, by weight with a minimum 95% passing the 2.0 millimeter sieve. 3.04 PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shall not exceed 6 and the C. Water plants which cannot be watered efficiently with the existing electrical conductivity (ECE) shall not exceed 3.0 millimhos A• General irrigation system by means of a hose, per centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade. The boron content shall be no greater than 1 ppm as measured on the saturation 1. Regularly water all nursery stock in containers and place them 3.10 14AINTENANCE extract. In order to insure conformance, samples of the import in a cool area protected from the sun and drying winds. . soil should be submitted to the City of Fontana for analysis A. All areas landscaped by the Contractor under this contract shall be prior to and following backfilling. 2. Do not allow plants to dry out before or while being planted. maintained by him for a period of not less than 90 days from the Keep exposed roots moist by means of wet sawdust, peat moss, or date of acceptance and written notice. 2.04 TREE STAKES burlap at all times during planting operations. Wilted plants, whether in place or not, will not be accepted and shall be Be Start of maintenance criteria: Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, all tree stakes shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. straight grained lodge pole pine free from knots, checks, splits or BeExcavation 1. Maintenance period shall not commence until all elements of the disfigurements. Size and location to be as specified on the drawings, project are completed in accordance with the approved plans, Tree ties shall be Wonder Tree -Tie manufactured by the Alden Company. It may be purchased from Bishop Supply, 9852 E. Triangle Street, S. E1 1. The planting pits for the trees and shrubs shall be excavated Projects will not be segmented into phases, Monte, CA 91733, 714/995-6682. specified in plans. Loosen compacted soil at sides and at bo bottom of plant pit. 2, per, either temporary or permanent, to remote controllers 2.OS PLAltT MATERIALS shall be established prior to the begi nni ng of the mai ntenance C. Planting period at the approval of the City Inspector. All plants and planting materials shall be as indicated on the drawings. 3. Written approval by the Architect must be obtained prior to the 1. Fill holes with backfill mixture as specified below: beginning of the maintenance period. 2.06 OTHER MATERIALS A. Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners BACKFILL: 64% by volume onsite soil 40% by volume "true co -compost" natural organic 4. If the project maintenance fails to continuously meet standards soil conditioner. Examples: Gro -Mulch, required for start of maintenance, the maintenance period shall . 1. Commercial Fertilizer. (Kelloggs) or Nutri -Mend (Red -Star) be suspended. An additional maintenance period of up to 90 days shall begin when the Contractor has corrected all 3 lbs. of a sulfur/iron chemical soil amendment deficiencies. a. Fertilizer shalt contain the following percentage by where part of the sulfur is in a dry, crystal• weight, tine acid form (not iron sulfate or soil sulfur). C. End of maintenance: 1. 6% nitrogen 2 lbs* of a 6-6-6 fertilizer. (NOTE: If Nutri-14end "true 1. Deficiencies noted during inspection shall extend the saint* - 2. 63 phosphorous (P205)" 5 is used as the co -compost" natural period, 6% potash (K20). organic soil conditioner, since it is already 2. Natural organic Soil Conditioner, will fortified with needed essential nutrient elements, it is cautioned that no fertilizer 2. End of maintenance shall occur only upon written acceptance by be added during soir preparation for the Architect. - T 1. Shrubs. and trees: A "true co -compost" natural oranis planting. D. During the maintenance period the Contractor shall provide all soil conditioner. Examples: Gro -Mulch (Kelloggs? or (For bidding purposes only.) watering, weeding, fertilizing, cultivating, spraying, and mowing Nutri -Mend (Red Star}. necessary to keep the plants and turf in a healthy weed free growing Z. Turf and ground cover: a nitro n stabilized wood: rases 9 9 2. Fill to proper height to receive the plant and thoroughly soak condition and to keep the planted areas neat, edged, and attractive. All shrubs shall be, pinched pruned as necessary to encourage new Examples: Vita -Bark (Sequoia) or Nutri -Fiber tar ). with water then tamp the mixture before setting the plant, growth and to eliminate rank sucker growth. Old wilted flowers and Be Stakes shall be round Lodge Pole Pine, made from the entire bole of 3. Set plant in upright position in the center of the hole and dead foliage shall be immediately pinched or cut off. All trees shall be pruned only if required during installation or maintenance* the tree with bark removed and completed treated in a solution of compact the backfill mixture around the bal 1 or rootse copper napthanate at least two inches (20) or two and one-half inches (2-1/2") in diameter, not less than eight feet (8') in length 4. Thoroughly water each plant when the hole is two-thirds filled, E. After planting and during the maintenance, period, fertilizer shall be applied at the rate recommended by the agronomic soils reports for five (5) gallon trees and ten feet (10) for 15 gallon trees. Stakes conically pointed at one end with ten inches (10") taper and S. After watering tamp the soil in place until the surface of the In the event that ground cover, trees, or shrubs exhibit iron chlor - ' chamfered at other end. Utilize two (2) stakes per treee backfill is level with the surrounding area and the crown of cies symptoms, necessary action shall be taken to correct the defi- ncy, the plant is at the finished grade of the surrounding area. C. Hydromtul ch Materials 3.Q5 HYD-SFEQIN6 F. During the maintenance period, should thea ranee of any plant im►medi- indicate weakness, that plant or cutting shall be replaced l. Fiber Mit: Fiber shall be produced from a virgin wood ately with a new healthy plant. Any trees or shrubs with damaged material .Fiber mulch shall have the property of becoming A. Equipment cambium shall be replaced immediately. At the end of the mai nte- evenly dispersed and suspended when agitated in water. When sprayed uniformly on the surface of the soil, 'the fibers shall 1. Equipment must have minimum capacity of Y WO gallons and a - nance period all plant materials shall be in a healthy, growing form a blotter -like ground cover which readily absorbs water , positive displacement pump with the ability to agitate and condition and spaced as indicated on the planu and allows infiltration of water and air to the underlying soil properly mix the above materials. I Pump must be capable of g• Turf: and shall have an effective life of at least one (1) year. creating 100 pounds P.S.I. pressure with sufficient volume to distribute above slurry evenly over 12,000 sq. ft. within a 15 The maintenance of turf includes all work normally required to .2s, Stabilizing emulsion shall be non-toxic to plant or animal life minute period. � � � germinate the planted grass seed and to grow a healthy, uniform turf .and non -staining to concrete or painted surfaces. (The mater- salshall be registered with and licensed bythe State of - � 2. Contractor -furnished labor: Contractor shall furnish not less of smooth and even texture and grade. Unless noted otherwise least all California, " Department of Agriculture, as an auxiliary soil ": than two employees. during all hydromulchin9 applications. turf shall be .mowed to a height recommended for the species at -once a week. Grass clippings shalt be removed offsite. -Maintenance" chemical ) Use AZ -TAS or approved equal . c 3.06 APPLICATION. height for- all fescue is two (2) inches, unless otherwise -specified. 3. Contact Herbicide: For treatment to kill weeds and lawn both All turf shall be trimmed around sprinklers, valve boxes and trees. annual and perennial. Weed killer shall not leave stain or 1. The materials for seeded areas shall be machine mixed before during entire maintenance period. residue. application. H. Irrigation D. Root Barriers 2. The mixture of seed and additives are to be applied by a Hydro- 1. Contractor shall properly and completely maintain all irriga- Root barriers will be by Deep -Root manufacturer and installed per Mul chi ng machine. The nozzle height shall be between six (6) feet and ten (10) inches above the ground level. Discharged tion systems, automatic and manual. A balanced watering pro - plan. Use the following type(s) of panels for the noted tree size* pressure at the nozzle shall be 100 P.S.I. grams shall be maintained to ensure proper germination. After 60 days of the 90 day maintenance period, all irrigation shall 15 Gallon U'824-2 3s, Spraying shall be done in a sweeping motion allowing the slurry � � be adjusted for proper on-going maintenance. Contractor shall be responsible for the irrigation system for the entire main - 24" Box UB 24-2 to fail evenly and eventually building up a fairly consistent tenance period. 36" Box U8 24-2 matting. 48" Box UB 24-2 4. Soil Moisture: Area to be planted shall be irrigated to obtain 2. A11 controllers are to have each station individually adjusted. 3.00 EXECUTION twelve (12) inches of penetration. This should be done four (4) to seven (7) days prior to planting. K. Site mai ntenance: 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIOMS 5. Mixture: 1. All planned areas shall be kept neat and clean and free of all clippings, debris and trash. All landscape maintenance debris A. Inspection a. Hydroseeded area, "TURF" on plan, to be hydroseeded with shall be removed from site at Contractors expense immediately 1. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully the following seed mix included in the hydromul ch formula: as it is accumulated through maintenance practices, check and verify all dimensions and quantities shown on the 100% Jaguar"Tall Fescue by seed count applied at 10 2. All sub -surface drains shall be periodically flushed with clear drawings. lbs -11000 sq. ft. water to avoid build up of silt and debris, Keep all drain Z. Prior to all work of this section, carefully inspect the in- b. Hydromulch formula shall also contain as a minimum: inlets clear of leaves, trash and other debris, stalled work of all other trades and verify that all such work 1,500 lbs./acre Lonwed 2000 Fiber 3. All paved areas shall be cleaned weekly of trash, debris and is complete to the point where this installation may properly 75 lbs./acre 12-12-12 commercial fertilizer silt. commence. 75 lbs./acre urea formaldehyde 3. Verify that planting may be completed in accordance with the 3.07 TREE STAKING AND GUYING ori gi nal design and the referenced standards. 1., Replacement A. All trees shall be staked per plans. 3.02 SOIL PREPARATION . 3.08 INSPECTION 1. During the maintenance period. should the appearance of any A. This work shall not commence until the agronomic soils Lest has been plant indicate weakness and probability of dying, immediately replace that plant with a new healthy plant of the same type completed by the developer. Soil amendments and back -fill mix A. All inspections herein specified shall be made by the Architect. and size without additional cost to the Owners indicated within the specification are for biddin� ur oses only. The Contractor shall request inspection at least two (2) working Further clarification will be provided prior to construction begin- days in advance of the time inspection is required. 2. The Contractor will be responsible for all aspects of the work ning, until acceptance except as otherwise stated in the General B. Moisture Content Be Inspection will be required for the following parts of the worm: Conditions, 3.11 GUARANTEE AND REPLACE14ENT No soil preparation or wont shall occur when the moisture content is 1. During the preliminary mi nar finish rads and soilpreparation. . g P y grading so great that excessive compaction will occur, nor when it is so dry A. Guarantee all trees for a period of one (1) year after completion of that dust will form in the air or that clods will not break readily. 2. When finish grading and soil preparation are completed. the specified maintenance period and final acceptance by the City of Apply water, if necessary, to provide ideal moisture content for tilling and for planting as herein specified. 3. Plants after delivery to site (prior to planting, when shrubs Fontana. and trees are spotted for planting, but before planting hales B. Within 15 days of notification remove and replace all guaranteed C. weed Abatement are excavated, plant materials which for any reason fail to meet the requirements 1. Clean and remove these existing weeds by mowing or grubbing off 4. Specimen trees at source before deliver P Y• of the guarantee. Replacement shall be made with plant materials as indicated or specified for the original planting, and all such all plant parts at least one quarter inch (1/4") below the S, Planta ng areas prior to replacement materials shall be guaranteed as specified for the surface of the soil. planting. original guaranteed materials. 2. Upon completion of soil preparation and planting of all speci- 6• Lawn areas prior to seeding men trees, begin weed abatement program by applying �DO poun#s of a commercial fertilizer 21-0-0 per acre, per mono acturer s 7, All landscape construction items, prior to the start of the maintenance period. 3. Water all areas four (4) times daily for twenty-one (21) conse- cutive days and until weed seeds have germinated at least two 8. Final inspection at the end of the maintenance periods provided (2) to four (4) inches. Cease watering for three (3) days, that all previous deficiencies have been corrected. Spray a nonselective translocative herbicide to eradicate the germinated weeds. 4, Allow herbicide to kill all weeds. S. If perennial weeds or grasses still exist, re -water four (4) tines daily for fourteen (14) consecutive days, until new growth appears. Reapply herbicide. Remove weeds after herbi- cide has had a sufficient time to kill. WUTHRIDGE VILLAGE PARK -PHASE 111 LOTS FONTANA9 CALIFORNIA DEVELOPER TEN-NINTY, LTD 14733 VILLAGE DRIVE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92333 PLANTIN'SPECIFICATIONS i RECORD DRAWINGS._ DRAWN Top, CHECKED K.KV. JOB NO. 6-7.51:3 EMKSSON •PErERS • THOMS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE iris �Mino c�PisTR�na 's�nJ�iu°►nc�Pis��rRAI'�QCA 92675 74/%661- " DuVs. ��1.01D SHEET r of