HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-C-13GENERAL CONDffMNS PART 1: G�ENERAI 1.01 CODES PERMITS AND FEES A. Perform work in conforeance with 19eS edition of Uniform Building Code and all other codes,, ordinances, laws and other regulations and standards of each and- every governmental agency and bureau having" jurisdiction over project and advise in wiriting of design or construction which must bt specified to mitigate, shield or protect from architectural hazards. B. Obtain and pay foe all permits, licenses construction taxes and fees requi red by city county and state 1 aws except general bui 1 di ng pl a� check fee which wi 11 be paid by Owner. Include in contracts, necessary expenses to comply with all such laws, ordinances, regulations, fees, permits and taxes. Arrange for all meter installations and pay for their fees. Provide temporary toilet facilities as required by local building code. 1.02 SITE VISIT A. It is recommended that the site be visited prior to submission of any bid. Contractors and subcontractors will be held financially and legally responsible for accuracy of all grades, project condi- tions, and dimensions prior to and after commencing work. Notify Owner in writing immediately of discrepancies found within the construction documents, be responsible for the accuracy of details, for confirming and coordinating all quantities and dimensions, for- . selecting fabrication processes at•d for techniques of assembly and performance of ai i work in a legal, sae a and satisfactory manner. !.Provide full-time on-site supervision by an experienced and competent superintendent in charge of the work until it's completion. Ensure that the superintendent is on the project every day and at all times that any work is being done by any trade to ensure that all work is being done properly and in accordance with drawings and specifications. Meet with each worker, trade or subcontractor before work is to ccmmerce and explain the job to be done. I nsFect work which i s comps eted before proceeding to the next trade or phase of work. 1. Before concrete is poured into forms, check to see that forms are true and level, that dimensions are correct and that reinforcing i s a] I a n and properly placed. 2. While masonry work is being installed, ensure that it is properly started, properly raked and tooled, properly reinforced and kept clean. C. Perform the work correctly the first time, spending as much time as is necessary studying drawings, specifications and project conditions to ensure this. This does not reduce the. requirements that each worker and trade perform the work in strict accordance with drawings, specifications and schedules. 1.04 GUARANTEE AND WARRANTIES A. Guarantee all work, materials and products for at ltast one year after date of acceptance or work, unless a longer duration is specified within individual technical specification sections or unless a 1 onger trade or material warranty is customary and standard. Repair or replace or cause to be repaired or replaced, all such defective work, together with other work which may be displaced in doing so, without additional expense, ordinary wear and tear, unusual abuse or neglect excepted. . B. In addition to guarantees and warranties, provide materials, pro- ducts, assemblies and construction which will yield a reasonable value over a peri od of time which exceeds the specified or customary guarantee and warranty periods. 1905 DRAWINGS A. Drawings and specifications are intended to show and describe dotal 1 s for a complete pro;;ect. Execut_ parts and dotal 1 s not fu: ly shown or desorlbad Jard and Gusto ,nary trade practice and in similar manner and spirit of details which are shown on drawings or described in specifications. B. If dotal 1 s are considered unsound, unsafe or not within customary trade practice, notify the Architect and Owner in writing. If work is performed, it will be assumed that there is no objection to the detail. Check accuracy of dimensions. No additional compensation wi 11 be al 1 owed for differences between actural dimensions and those indicated on drawings. C. Follow figured dimensions in preference to scale, and detail drawings i n preferenced to sural 1 scale drawings. Check accuracy of all dimensions in the field. Unless specifically excepted in individual technical specifications sections, do not off-site fabricate any, materials nor do any construction anti 1 vera fi cation of accuracy of drawing dimensions with actual field conditions. D. Follow specifications and written notes end schedules in preference for information furnished i n the form of 1 i ne drawings. Detailed and approved drawings furnished during construction are to be considered explanatory and not as nodi f i cati ons or drawings and specification. Notes, figures and details on said detail drawings are to be executed as part of these specifications. E. Drawings and specifications are complementary and work called for on one and not the other small be provided as though fully set forth is both. F. These specifications are divided into sections for convenience only.. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine trades or workers responsible for all items for a complete project. These specifications include major information. In the absense of information, secure the review and approval of materials, products and systems by the Architect and Owner. It is assumed that- all persons and coMpanies proposing work on this project are skilled in the i nterpretat� on and use c►f drawings and speci f i cati ons and have found these Contract Documeats free of ambiguities sufficient for bidding and successful construction purposes or have notified the Architect in writing of such ambiguities. G. Dangerous Products: Products specified in these specifications or on drawings have been selected for their apropri ateness i n design. The Architect has not researched each and every material, product and system in detail. It is the responsibility of each worker, trade and Contractor to obtain information necessary relative to potential dar±gers due to toxic gases, smoke, flammability and other• potentially harmful characteristics and submit information on such characteristics at to the Owner prior to purchasi n9 and installing - such. 1.06 LIENS AND INSURANCE A. Provide Owner with certified waiver of liens by all subcontractors and suppliers. t. Provide evidence of obtaining and causing to maintain public liability insurance, property damage insurance and fire insurance for the duration of the project and until requ-est far final payment. C. Carry the following minimum insurance: 1. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. 2. In addition, carry statutorily required Workers Compensation Insurance. 1.01 ARCHITECT - A. Architect will consult with and advise the Owner. Architect may observe construction and render interpretations necessary for the proper and timely execution of tut work. B. Architect nor the Owner will be responsible nor have control or charge over the acts of omissions of construction means, methods, tcc;�niques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs, or the Contractor, workers, trades, suppliers or any of their agents or employees, or any other persons performing any mf the work, . 1.08 CHANGE ORDERS" I • A. Owner or any Contractor may request extra work or changes by altering,, adding to or deducting from the work, the contract sum being adjusted to their mutual satisfaction. Before any extra work or changes are effected,, the party requesting the extra work or changes roust formally present the other party with a proposal for any added or deducted suis for their approval. 1.09 TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Erect and properly maintain at all times as required by conditions And progress of the work. all necessary and requi red protective barricades, fences rrd other safeguards for the protection of workers and the public. Construct and 1 ocate these barricades and fences as determined by local authorities, codes and practicality. • �. At all times during ccfnstruction or erection of project or its component parts, prior to completion of the structural frame or . placement and permanent connection of component members to the structural frame, provide, install and maintain properly designed acrd const-► ucted temporary brdci ng or adequate strength to prevent dislocation, distortion, cracking, falling -off, or any other damage to the work or any of its component parts due to foreseeable normal excessive winds and earthquake forces, without additional cost to Owner. Repair or replace at no added cost,.damaged portions of work or companenL parts. C. The design, adequacy and safety of erection bracing, shoring, temporary supports, etc. is the sole responsibility of the workers and contractors, and has not been considered by the Architect. Architect, in his site visitations will not inclgde inaptction of these items. 1.10 SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Submit substitutions of materials or methods proposed to the Ow nee in writing for approval or denial. Request these substitutions•at the following preferential times, but in no case at such a time that Contractor, Owner and Architect's review time would delay the pro- ject: during bidding period; 1* working days prior to 'a♦est orderin4 date. Substitutions wit be a�provcd only if materials or methods are demonstrably superior in quality. Manufacturer's literature alone may not be sufficient evidence or proof of superiority. A request for a substitution constitutes a representation that workers and contractors waive all claims for additional labor or materials or products. • B. If more than one manufacturer is specified in these specifications, i t i s the Contractor's option to select the ens which he may cies i re to user If more than one finish or style is evai 0b: e in the i tcm' specified, the Contractor is obligated to allow the Owner to make a se 1 ect i on. No substitutions sha ] 1 be made w i thou t the Architect's and the Owner's approval. 1.11 CLEAN-Ut Ain! REMOVALS A. All Contractors are responsible for the daily remova�! of all accumul ated debri s risu-Iti n j fro in thea r wirk that day. Lawfully remove a 11 scrap, debris and ot!aer excess materials from the s itt, or as otherwise may be directed. Be At completion of work, protect work and finishes from damage by other trades or contractors. After completion of project, remove protective materials and then clean all for acceptance by Owner. C. Ensure that all materials or products required to be operational are. Make necessary adjtstments for correct operation just prior to scheduled Owner acceptance. EARTHWORK P� 1: GENERAL I'll SCOPE . A. Provide all labor, equipment and material- in connection with _ excalation and backfill for structures, complete, in accordance with this section of the specifications and the applicable drawings. Be Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Clearing and Demolition. 2. Site Storm Drainage 3. Site Utilities. �. Landscape Planting 5. Cast -in -Place Concrete. 6. Landscape Irrigation. C. Examine all sections of the specifications for work related to that of this section. Provide all work hereunder as required for the support a-nd accommodation of related work. 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: . A. Coordination of the Work: This work shall be cooreinated with all associated work i insure that all' earthwork will be accomplished as rapidly as the progress of the project wi 11 permit and that no work wi 11 be delayed for want of associated earthwork. B. Responsibility: If more than one subcontractor is t® perform woMt detailed by this section,specific responsibilities shall be defined by the General Contractor. C. General Motes and General Construction Fbtes on the drawings shall be considered part ®f this specification. D. Soils Investigation Report: The Geotechnical Study prepared for this site can be obtained from the Owner. The applicable provisions and recommendations contained in the report shat 1 govern the work, having the sant force and effect as i f wri tten out in full herein. E. Engineering: Contractor shall provide and pay for all necessary engineering services requi red to 1 ay out the work, set al 1 stakes. points, etc., for line, measurements, distances, grades, elevations, temporary bench marks, or other layout points until he no longer needs them. The developer shall provide the property lints ase datum point. F. Permits and Fees: Contractor shall obtain and pay for all fees required in connecti n with this work. Any fees made necessary by the removal- and disposal of excess earth aid debris shall be paid by Contractor. G. Dust Control: Whenever the work in this contract causes dust in the atmosphere, water sprinkling shall be used to limit the amount of dust and pollution rising and scattering in the air, and as . necessary to comply with all governing regulations. I I I 1.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. ExistingGrades: Prior to commencing any earthwork, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify the accuracy of the existing grades as shown on the Contract Documents and report any discrepancy to the Architect for verification. Failure to do so shall constitute acceptance of the grades as shown and no subsequent • claire for additional compensation based upon an allegation of ng the existing gradeswi 11 be considered. . 1. Existing constructiee adjoining thecoRstructios site,shall be protected from damage. . r C. The Contractor shall exaraint the conditions at the sitz and asume responsi bi 1 ity as to the character of the earth and other items that may be encountered during the excavation b -low existing grades. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection and maintenance of existing _service lines throughout the project site. 1.4 TESTING AND INSPECTION A. Inspection by Soi 1 s Engi neer: The grading operations wi 11 be under the direct inspection of a•Soils Engineer employed by the Owner. The exact nature of the soils as they are 0 sclosed will be evil uated by the soils engineer and he shall make all final determinations as to adequacy of work performed on the site. He shall carry on the general inspection of the work grading operations with specific concern for the proper performance of the grading as specified and called for in the drawings or any authorized modification of conditions that have not been disclosed by the • present investigations. The Owner through the soils engineer will have to approve any deviations frena the contract in writing, prior to the executi nn of the work. The soils engi neer wi 1 oke such tests thFough a qual i f i ed testing 1 abor.tory to aal�re proper performance of the •vork. The cost of the tests will be paid for by the Owner. 1.5 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY • A. Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with warning 1 i ghts. Operate war�li ng 1 i ghts as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. B. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damages caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other' hazards created by excavation operations. . PART 2: PRooucTS 2.1 8aC1CF I LlANO FILL MATERIALS • A. �i l l and Backfi l l: Site fill ar.d backfill steal l bo suitable native material. �. The on-site soils are suitable for use as structural fill. Any import or borrowed materials that are to be used as structural fill shall he approved by the Soils Engineer prior to construction. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.1 PREPAI;ATOR f WOK . A. All vegetation, trash debris, or other deleterious material shall be stripped from the area to be graded and removed from the site. 3.2 EXCAVATION A. Excavation shat 1 be performed to the 1 i nes and grades indicated on the drawings. B. Subgr"de Nreparation shall conform to the plans and so;' report. 3.3 FILL A. Fill shall be placed to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings. B. at Prior to placing fill, the exposed surface shall be scarified to least 12 inches, watered to near ol:timum moisture content and coarpacted to at 1 east 90% of the materials maximum dry density. C. Fi 11 steal 1 be pl aced in six inch (6") lifts, watered to near optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 90% of the materials maximum dry density prior to placement of the succeeding lift. D. The upper six inches (60) of the subgrade and base material below paving areas shall be scarified and compacted to at least 90x of the maximum dry density. E. Fill for landscape areas shall be placed to the grades and lines` indicated on the drawings and shall be as directed and approved by • the Architect and Owner. ' Fill for these areas (five feet <5'> outside building lines) shal 1 be compacted to 85% of maximum dry density. 3.4 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING A. Placement of all fill and backfill shall be monitored by representatives of the Soils Engineer. This includes observation of prepared bottoms prior to filling. All excavated slopes, both temporary and permanent, shat 1 be observed by a representative of the Soils Engineer. Supplemental recommendations may prove . warranted based upon the materials exposed in the actual excavations. d. Foundation excavations shall be observed by representatives of the Soils Engineer to see if the recommendea panctrati on of oroper supporting strata has been achieved. Such observations shall be made l prior to placing concrete, steel,, or forms. The Soils Engineer s a be notified at least 24 hours prior to placing concrete. 3.5 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS -. A. Fi ni sh-Gradi ng: Finish grade ten feet (104) out from the wal 1 i n such a say as to avoid damage to the structures, services or other site improvements. . !. "Finished Grades' as used herein, Etas the required final grads elevations indicated on the drawings. C. Noise and Dust Abatement: During the entire period of construction, the Contractor shall exercise all reasonable and necessary means to abate undue noise. Necessary sprinkling and wetting of the entire construction site shat 1 be performed so that said premises wi 11 not be excessively dusty at any item and the amount of dust carried i n the air will be kept to a minimum. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all water required for dust control. CONCRETE FORM WORK PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. the work includes, but i s not necessarily 1 i mi ted to, the furnishing and installing and removing of forms for all cast -i n-pl ace concrete work as shown and noted on the drawings and specified herein. 1. When authorized i n writing by the Architect, where sides of excavations have been cut neat and accurate to size for placing of concrete directly against the excavation, and where sides of rm excavations are fi, forms for footings w i 11 not be required as herei naf ger specified. 1.2 KQ IREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Codes and Standards: The American Concrete Institute's "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork," ACE 347-71, and the "Uniform Building Coda," 1979 Edition, Volum ne 1. Section 2606, are hereby made a direct part of this specification, and all concrete form work included in this contract shall conform with the applicable requi rtmenzs twerei a ecd atherwi se herei .f: PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS . A. Earth Forms: Allowed only when authorized by the Structural Engineer, earth forms may be used for footings only where the soi 1 i s firm and stable and the concrete wi 11 not be exposed. Where earth forms are to be used, excavations shall be ,cut neat and accurate to size foe placing of concrete directly against the - excavation. Be hoards of Unexposed Concrete not otherwise scheduled or specified, shall be six inches (6") or eight inches (8") shi pl apped or T. d G. "Standard' grade Douglas Fir, conforming to the :Standard Grading and Dressing Rules No. 16", boards shall be S4S. Contractor, at this option, may use plywood for forms i n lieu of boards. Plywood, i f used, shat 1 be "B -B Plyfort# C1 ass I Exterior" Grad -l! conformi n! " to U..'&'. Product StanuiaPd FS 1, 5/8 -inch minimum tSickn•ss. C. Plywood for Exposed Concrete, not otherwise scheduled or specified, shat 1 conform to the following: 1. Exterior Surfaces: "B -B Plywood Class I Exterior' grade ply- . wood, conforming to U.S. Product Standard PS 1, 5/8 -inch minimum thickness. Each panel shat 1 carry the grade trademark of the American Plywood Association along with the DFPA Quality stamp. D. Framing, Studding and Bracing: "Standard on Construction" grade Douglas Fir, tough or S4S, conforming to the herein before specified Grading and Dressing Rules No. 16. E. Form Ties and Spreaders: Standard metal form clamp assembly, of type acting as spreaders and leaving no metal within one -inch (1") of concrete face. Inner tie rod shall be left in concrete when forms are removed. submit samples and manufacturer's specifications totted Architect for �.pproval before using. No wi re ti a or wood spreaders wi l i be permitted-,----- F. Form Anchors and Hangers: Anchors and hangers used for exposed concrete shall not leave exposed metal at surface.Hanger supporting forms from structural steel shall be symmetrically arranged on supporting members to minimize twisting or rotation of member. Penetration of structural steel members will not be pear i tttd. G. Form Coati ng: Non -grain raising and non -staining type that will not leave residual matter on surface of concrete or adversely affect proper bonding of subsequent application of other material applied to concrete surface. Apply coating in conformity with manufacturer's specifications before reinforcing steel is placed. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 CCNSTRUCT:OrJ A. Earth Forms: Trench earth forms at least two inches (2') wider than footing widths shown on drawings. Construct wood edge strips at each side of trench at top to secure reinforcing and prevent trench from sloughing. Form sides of footings where earth sloughs. Earth forms shall be tamped firm and cleaned of all debris and loose material before depositing concrete. B. Formnork - General: Mood forms shall bt Constructed o_f_ sound meteri a i , 3hal l- be of zorrect shape and di mensi oris, mor tar tight, and of sufficient strength, and so braced and tied together that the movement of men, equipment, materials, or placing and vibrating the concrete will not throw them out of line or position. Forms shall be strong enough to maintain their shape under all imposed loads. They shall be so constructed that they may be easily removed without damage to the concrete. Before concrete i s placed i n any form, the horizontal and vertical position of the foray steal 1 be carefully ver-Ified And all inaccuracies cor •ected. All wedging and bracing shall be completed in advance of placinW of concrete. C. ..Framing and Bracing: Space studs at 16 inches on center maximum for boards and 12 inches on center maxi mum for plywood. Framing, bracing, supporting members, and centering shall be of ample size and strength to safely carry, without deflection, all dead and live loads to which forms may be subjected, and shall be spaced sufficiently close to prevent any bulging or sagging of forms. Saff i is of al 1 beam forms shall be constructer cf two inches (2") minimum thick material. Concrete out of lire, 1ev2l or plumb will be cause for rejection of the whole work affected. Di stri butt bracing 1 oads over base area on which bracing is erected. When placed on ground, protect against undermining or settlement, D. Tolerances: 1. Variation from plumb in 1 i nes and surfaces or walls, and arises shall no exceed 1/8 inch in ten feet (10') with maximum *in* and "out" variation occuri ng in not less than 20 feet. 2. Variation in linear building lines from established position in plan and related position of walls shall not exceed 1/2 inch in any bay of 20 feet or one inch ( 1") i n 40 feet or greater length. . fte 3. Variation in cross sectional dimension of thickness of slabs arA walls shall not exceed minus 1/4 inch or plus 1/2 inch. 4. Defection of soffitts of openings, ann+ structural slabs shall not exceed 1/8 inch for their entire length. E. Form Ties: Farm ties shall be of sufficient strength and used on sufficient quantities to prevent spreading of the forms. Ties shall be placed at 1 east one inch (1") away from the finished surface of the concrete. The use of ties consisting of twisted wire loops will not be permitted. Inner rods shat 1 be 1 eft i n concrete when forms are stripped. All form ties shall be spaced equidistant and syrrrmetrical and shall ling up both vertically and h©rizonta�ly, F. Arrangement: Arrange formwork to allow proper erection sequence and to permit form removal without damage to concrete. G. Imbedded Items: Provisions shall be made for pipe, sleeves, anchors, inserts, reglets, anchor slots, Hailers, waterstops, and other features. No wood other than necessary Hai 1 i ng blocks shat 1 be imbedded i n concrete. Secure information for imbedded items from other trades as required. All imbedded items shall be securely anchored in correct location and alignment prior to placing concrete. Electrical and telephone conduits shall be run in concrete only upon the written approval of the Architect. No electrical or telephone conduit larger than 3/4 inch in diameter and no plumbing pipes of aqy size will bt permitted in concrete walls or slabs. . H. Openings for Items Passing Thru Concrete: Frame openings in concrete where indicated on architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical or electrical drawings. Contractor shall establish exact location, sizes and other conditions required for openings and attachment of work specified under other sections. Contractor shall be held responsible for unnecessary cutting and patching of concrete. Any cutting and repairing to concrete required as result of failure to provide for such openings shall be paid for by the Contractor at no additional e�cpense to the Owner. I � W I. Screeds: Contractor shall set screeds and establish levels for tops of concrete s 1 abs and leveling for finish on slabs. Shape s l abs. to drain where required or as indicated on drawings. Before depositing concrete, all debris shall be removed from the space to be occupied' by the concrete, and forms shall be thoroughly wetted. Reinforcement and • n�erts shall be secured i n position and approved by Architect. Free standing water shall be removed. J. Screed Supports: Screed supports for concrete over waterproof . membrane and/or vapor barrier membranes shat 1 be of a cradl e, pad, or base type which will not puncture the membrane. Staking through the membrane will not be permitted.- K. Shores and False Work: Contractor shall be fully responsible for the Nroper strength, safety, ar.d adequacy of all false work, . supports, pests, footings, etc., used on and in cnnrection with `.hs work. False work and supports shat 1 be adequate i n size and strength to resist the loads imposed upon them without deformation, deflection, or settlement. Wedges in pairs of jacks shat 1 be used where requi red to bring forms, shoring, or false work for slabs, and other parts of the structure to the exact elevations and uniform bearing before placing concrete. Single wedges will not be permitted. Vertical and lateral loads shall be carried to ground by formwork syc t; m or by completed structure, after it has atta-ined adequate sti dngth. Submit manufacturer's data for patented snores, . shore splicing and methods of shore support. Construct f.)rm's to permit their removal without disturbing the original sharing. * - l. Reuse and Coating of Forms: Thoroughly clean forms and recoat with specified form coating before each reuse. Do not reuse any form for . exposed work which cannot be reconditioned to "like new" condition. Discard forms considered unsatisfactory by the Architect. Apply fora coating to al 1 forms in accordance with the manufacturer's speci f :cations. Apply form coatings before placing rei nforci nj . steel. . M. Inspection: Prior to pl aci n9 of any concrete, and after placement of reinforcing steel in the forms, contractor shat 1 notify the Architect so that proper inspection may be made. Such notification shat 1 be made at 1 east 72 hours i n advance of placing concrete to permit proper arrangements to be made for inspection. N. Rejection of Defective Work Due to Improper Forrrs: Any movement or bellying of forms during construction or variations in excess of the tolerances specified will be considered just cause for the removal of such forms and, in addition, the concrete work so affected. Reconstruction of forms and new concrete shall be furnished at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.2 REMOYAL Of FORMS AiR) SNORES .'l: Tne su�porti ng forms and shoring Thal l not be removed anti 1 the members have acquired sufficient strength to support their weight and the loads superimposed thereon safely. I n no case may any forms or shoring be removed until the time and sequence has been approved . by the Architect. Earlier removal than specified below may be approved.by the Architect, based on the weather and tests of job cured cyc l i ndErs. A] 1 f ormvrark steal l bt removed without damage to the concrete. Be The minimum t.'e me Iror forms and _shoring to rem"i n in place shall he as follows: Structural slabs and columns . . . . . 28 days Slabs on grade and sides of footings ...... . . . 5 days Walls. . . . . . . . 0 . . 010 days C. Shoring shall be adequate in strength and shall be so designed and placed that the load from successive parts of the structure will be transmitted directly through the. false work without creating bending or sheai•i ng st-esses in -the c,increte. Do not remove shores until supporting members have attained sufficient strength to carry the imposed loads and when approved by the Architect. 0. During the period that forms are in place on the concrete work, said forms shall be kept wet at all times. E. In removing plywood forms, no metal pinch bars shall be used and special care shall be taken in striping. . �. Forms shall be left in place as long as possible to permit shrinkage away from concrete. Any plywood forms shat 1 be 1 eft i n place anti 1 all other forms around are stripped and until there is no danger of damaging the architectural concrete due to other work i n the vicinity. . CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT . PART 1: GEMRAL 1.1 SCOPE . A. Furnish and install at l concrete rei nforcement as indicated on the drawings and as specified in this section. 1.2 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Standards: All work shall conform to the requirements of the- Concrete he-Concrete reinforcing Steel Institute, theAmericanConcrete Institute and the 1919 Edition of the Uniform Building Code. 1.3 TESTS ANO INSPECTIONS A. Inspection of reinforcing steel for size and location prior to placing of concrete shall be done by Owner's representative and the city* B. Test stool rei nforceaent n accordance with ASTM A-615-40. One test shall be made for each 20 tons or portion thereof where mill analysis is available. Where no identification is available, one test for each 2-1/2 tons or portion thereof shall be made. PART 2: PRODUCTS . 2.1 MATERIALS A. Billet -steel oeformed bars for concrete ano/or masono•y re i of orceme at , ASTM A-615, Grade 40. S. Welding E1 ectrodes: As per AWS A5.1 Sections 1.17.3 and 1.17.4 of AI SC Specifications E1 ectrodes shat 1 be E-70 type, delivered i n hermetically sealed labeled containers. C. Wire for concrete reinforcement, ASTM A92 -62T (cold drawn steel), D. Chairs, bolsters, spacers, and the like shali be performed and . manufactured for the express use involved. These items shall bt plastic coated metal or aluminum when used i n slabs or beams with underside to beleft exposed, painted or to receive plaster. • PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 FABRICATION I - A. Wtiere possible, all reinforcement steel shall be bent to shape at Contractor's shop. Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, the design and details of the steel shall conform to requirements of the. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Insti tuts and the American Concrete Institute. . 1. Bars reduced in section will not be accepted. 2. Bars with kinks or bends not shown on drawings will not be accepted. Bars shall not be formed in manner injurious to . bars. . Be Bars shat l not be heated -to faci 1 i tate bendi ng or for any other . purpose. RECORD D CONSULTANTS . . . REVISIONS GATE IaIB-- Y !.PHASE. Ill 11 m ICONSTRUCTIO.G _ - ._ :v_-_-_..-- . ____.__ I . I 11 I SOUTHRmwIww�WA-E V.I.LL. TE - INTY, LTD �1 14T35 PILLAGE DRIVE FONTANA9 C;ALiFORMA FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 N. SPEI C. IF,q 0 ICAT. IONS . C I ERIKSSON 0 PET RS 0 HOMS 1214 EAST GREE! STREET, PASADENA. CALIFORNIA 91106 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE . - - __ I - ____ - 1% - __ ___ I -_ ­ -_i 2T461 CALLE ARROYO. SAH JUAN CAPISTRANa CA 92675- . [EE __ - ____ - ____ .k __ . /1-1 % _. . . - - ­ . __ • ` \ I . /--- -- . .. ''I - � ___- - - - __ _ _� �____ _ r I I - __ DATE IZINM* . - 00 . DRAWN TPI CHECKED K.H.Ve JOB NO. 81.511 I [­.. SHEET I OF:.:_�P_W! J C-13 . .,w I I 4 I I I