HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-1504 e 6 IV A60 r1V W,4 Y5 rION A9.4AIP 6� -ry IX '01V 4 If N r \4 l,v5r,, L -fw 0 j# Z _5_rz�05 r IyL e r 4wal ae _f/Z'Z 1015-R e"1dZr1"A1_,T e"Olv5r -1011vr Ole e le '71c 6 * nW "Y "= 0" 7V 9 /'v 7V M' 09W r - 14 _f 0�_ 410 14AA0 0 4 A" 5 4eaVAIAP PIR,6. SMEAWW W,&L 31F A411W _4W)Mr A,___70,100 010e_ C,41elff orzrz ter &I'le 1*11ellfr /10041� /0/y NO 5 6,4Z 6- J!:�Wao of r ^Y)or "Afwps 5rRie r lAlra 0,elrse .4^eoN 4PP 3 04f AWe5 TA, r.4 7_1aov .45 SWO,�VW 4,e�P rION OCAV. &AI \X "oi tot-, 4,PP,? -04 0 __Loe5 5,vowly q,0V_,e;,fi0V-652 14VZ PRORIA144 4Cr Pe7X& 5 NO 5C,4Z,6_ 1/4- 7WIrX 57rrL PLA7r MOV19C AOT FOR ANCIVRI - AO L T5 t R/T/ L L IM SUPPoIr 7. SOL TJ J06 *,wr. *Wnwo ff7r,61- ,AX.4 r,= - rill NOTES:, 1. Junction strucluire Tooff ~ be unif " when sufflcm" wwwo at I N access is availoble for storm drain maintenance. 2. Junction structure Type 1Z is to be used when 00 of 9 is greotiw them Ift W some 90#04" ~ aftoo (-41*ss. the 10 at D or 9 is Larger than 24" 0 sholl not exceed 3/4 of D or owto Where 8 is less than 24'use TypeXor Typ*M. Where 0 exceeds 3�490. or it 39:'use junction structure TypsM without manhole. S. Volues of A B C and D are shown on project drawings. Elevation IN sW %6 1 1 A .0 elevation S are shown when required por Note 12. 4 Elevation "So' applies at in" wall of structure. 5. 1111rookout limits sholl be determined a follwaw T r�et Upstream limit -The intersection of the outside of the W wn" whh ft milh In AVIX. A125Z 5 01V S171111AP (/�X-mz I- -we-z',q) . drolL Doo" 1 mr- 6 downstream of fhe Into ow of IM Outside of ft spur 11000, wall with the main line pipe wall. 3 3" TU ops Ad be rectangular and cutnoln to the plin w1oce willimul damagirlil ANW01111 too rsinforckq steel. Provide a concrete oncosement I'above the top of the main line pipe 36 to the limits of 11M concrete crodle if a joint in the main lins pipe faft within the limits 57" of No cradle. P. TMtramvervo.o6ftc~lnpoedwNbe&Aoto@Rteref opelikkifaidbentlift ".. Up and bo"orn "s of spur. e,#r,4V,4 776W 7V Title main line pwo shoN be c adled and amend in 1:111 mis comiel , arlondh 1":!'e0,ree,r10.V At" -Y14F'w~. longitudinally 12 , beyond the limits of brookout Oes Note 5 k and fronsverpoly a 7-9/-4 LIAIr distance of H on each side of the contorline of pipe. H=!A 0.6. of pipe + 3" min. 66" Crodle may be ornitted on side opposite lateral inlet when constructed in connection )VER"l 777,640 with existing storm drain. 9. Reinforcing steel sholl be pleced 114" cbar from face of concre , unloss ollherwiIia shown. 9. E and IF bam shall be am. to a poll* not Ine than J distanoo 1111rom clentw" 72 Js TaD4V - 54 . 1/4- 7WIrX 57rrL PLA7r MOV19C AOT FOR ANCIVRI - AO L T5 t R/T/ L L IM SUPPoIr 7. SOL TJ J06 *,wr. *Wnwo ff7r,61- ,AX.4 r,= - rill 0 44 ct 7 X& 1. GENERAL NOTES IRON Llow L -*911111110ff N On Soe-A-A sid Illet. 11- 1000 be so Ilses thein 4! -do, but am ble 1mrsons of I N Option of the Engineer provided that the value of M "I be not Is then to. f the minimum specified and that the reducer shell be used 11br H (in C -C) W some 90#04" ~ aftoo (-41*ss. ove Note 4. owto IL - LE114TH L shal be 4 tWWftk of Wor IM WW 5*fW 1. fhan ze upoess G*wwm *Omen AM - it (May be increased a mcm. of (1) one toot at each end to nost pi pe ends. Continue 0 4 at 4 a. c. C saits or Sears 3. -S HAFT sWl be constiucts d as p er See. C- C and D itfail N w hen 48pth M f rom stred qrsile to top A of bell is lost then 2 10 1/2". tot paved streets or 3 6 Go', for vapeved streets -4*14* 4. -OEP" M be redwed ft On sbeable llmft of IC when larger voillion of M would I - *AP a /W -f rezz ,Vv,4�ry (is sote. C -C) to 3,-G" or loss. T r�et T sholl be Ir ftr webas d fil up to and labillin It T " be e ftr Was of " War AVIX. A125Z 5 01V S171111AP (/�X-mz I- -we-z',q) lif -STEPS ~ be rood VolvW-111isd 9ftell slid swileited net low th" e is ft wells 0 of djallf P Din! a min. of 4 inches ftm point of w"rytent. Unless othemiso shogirn, stelps shall be plac;W7:7on colow. The 11000, lownt stop shall not be more than 2 above the ledge at the side of manbols floor. 3 3" -*EIWMCIWG STEM 9*M be * 4 bar$ deflarmed, stro,11M bars I Ve cow tram face ANW01111 too of concrete. 36 lk -STATIO" 0 igientalles sheem on loop memo joill! plan apply all ceoftr Mw of $11110. 57" a _ftoollt or WAN*" 11111111110 be ot"-It P. to -RM!k redusere W4 Poe ft wesn�`&aff dW be sealled b Pt m ft ad neaft ".. pointed or wiped inide shaft. e,#r,4V,4 776W 7V be weped of e par ft". 1":!'e0,ree,r10.V At" -Y14F'w~. 10. 0 44 ct 7 X& 1. Asiplo doR 90 onned 4W " floor IRON Llow of I I N IF excesels 10% istain 1 !7 flow ftiL f H W some 90#04" ~ aftoo (-41*ss. ow: owto a it aterhor new C saits or Sears 9" A T f -4*14* Go 4ff,FD,01A-0 "0' SOL T r�et - 7"' 30" -1 All steel roeinforesitted AftW)W ""AP" _4MALL CAWMIN 3 3" 6 V4 ANW01111 too 1/2" 0 4'ee. 36 6 V2 57" 9 1/4" nets 1. 0. d spor 2 7 .. ".. 1-4 bass 04-4'OC. e,#r,4V,4 776W 7V IL 63 .. 10. 7-9/-4 LIAIr L I rcre" 9 - a 66" 10 1/4" )VER"l 777,640 1 8' Iry toolatIAL"' I 51" is 1/2" 72 it" 54 . 9 .. 0/w. r 57" 9 1/4 633 -0 -OC VOW between She" sail. sod. GO" 0 44 ct 7 X& 1. C.&P SUM Flef too to are 70-- of I I N �__ 14 420 to 44* Sr to sea %- - AA q4 AER -W ms eEpa) e 7 ow: owto a coaceeft 5 C saits or Sears 9" 24" si, 03-3-0c Go 4ff,FD,01A-0 "0' 6 i, 39" - 7"' 30" -1 oft Pit rat t-1- AftW)W ""AP" _4MALL CAWMIN 3 3" 6 V4 ANW01111 too Av �Wcle_i 4 AAts�ER 7-1.1,4N 4,v IAI 36 6 V2 57" 9 1/4" Z 7 .. ".. 1-4 bass 04-4'OC. e,#r,4V,4 776W 7V 7 1/2" 63 .. 10. 7-9/-4 LIAIr 17 3/4!' 66" 10 1/4" )VER"l 777,640 1 8' Iry 10 31-C 51" is 1/2" 72 it" 54 . 9 .. 0/w. ADM --y -ar"wer WWMW sest"Wont a, Pipe $*@# be 111701 for ApIll's " 0 dwd' lorgoor At 0dodiftf. offif 41M., 4'01w pipes Apts Men it" /a 'Scrood filrdwov,!V to fil eve powwo 00111111ottef. At as mse ske# it ke prodit 0 ppe. F/Pe of scroodIF Aw rke AFSSI MW /apetew my be# or C&qbr 001*00 Of &SO Eterift"r 5,rl e 'leelAp weehows, gt�w IV poloss wrom GENERAL NOTES g -m- 011 6 no 3-6 Sir snowed el000toolle V 9M.10111KIMW A0. 8006*r �4*skelv be eempaved of wow, No. J of *a 4 ers,000 reek of trove/ dor offier granular material we spay #oo spocifted, er Olijililerstriie dilp"oo," &X me enjilymdor �� ommlo to," Milt IV $a $*Raw ko=Oftelll 11,01.4. x -d 91J, 0 02 V r 9M 7' 6 C40W of Mb to in f"M 0.9. lb 01A C04IR46 004&4eNIMS A04eo01;`jfX4_ /1/0 5 614.1 id - -CURB Qezy .ZY 8 CrAl 4 6eQrJrJL. /'Nf 5AKfZ ^?0ArCr16FAor 9.4e IL 5,oreZZ APZ,41r -111.44ZL ffof lAol-f 7WZZCAO 9L 4C1094CPAPeAP 0 'w W r idr.4e',0V 4f-1VA0- JF 541,PROer A60Z rff ff,1VWZ Z A94C 5^4eeP 04/,r AofOr IrV 4f,orC464CA0 7' OA/ CCVree. it 541,P.AvApr Aa9z r shwz L oji 4zov.4,owo^4 .41AV1AP,e47A0W AP 4e&1Z1144 40 5r4Ce4 41Z.47"A' 51,64ZZ 5 lcl�cor..C_c or/01V 01" 5WX4444 404F .4Z 1VAf4r"14 I -19P6 3, a_flc� ,W1,r,49Y 4Z,0V,4AY,&^4 .e- 1_1777 ,C,.VA0P -o-e1Ve',0r;1V,0e-1 Ole 41A'1Ao`10e0V1KA:5:' IC41el,41 a maphsibi sho" shosill be 4 -Cr end JO*Cti" Struc"M bottom width shelf be increased to 4'-0" minimum when M, 15 Use Std. Man 604 with 6 " Jhick rinfil When M3. 15 � 9 bers 00 be placed !ro.c. ir been ~ be oseed Cae. Tie bers 010 be * 4 wKvd Mrst 00' CIO" I "Wo plant soottinve 0 bar$ at a es. a When L is goo�le than is SWW*Od shorter bore are required, bond or CIO ft Lengths Wootton in table art for IONest bcws- GENERAL NOTES I.. CENTER OF NAM40LIE SHAFT dooll be Wtoftd OW ORW "a Of Sion" dralloo dist"ejor fill is 4J' or wee, is witim as* piece E bar symmetrically around sfiatt 6f.41s wilk COMOr lift. it. LIENGTH L My be I -wool 00 (MOM WAR- 411'"Oh and ft Re"i'll"Pe and& Canfirous 0 ban at ef. L 3. DEWL Mite ~ depth of Went*% *w 1111`9411 We" ft 181111 st 60 is ft" "on '-'a VC fler PsvW sirests or S -C far movelved streetv, construct goonollhic shott a per dated M. Whas diameter 0 is 48 .. or last center of dwh " be located so W note 2. 4. TMCKNESS Of DECK " MY whOn 016c ft pm*& level pipe s", be ell" 00 on *a then tabular vskies fer To as 81101111 in &a KINFORC11104 STECL " in round, doille I d 6W@. I Vf 10don ~Wisg shown. sizes and lengths are. oftown in above table. 4L STEPS sliall be 11117' rallied, lead slow sow mew" V. lose fhan or in ft So" d on structure and shall project a min. of 4 itches from point of anbadment. 1111111111144, MDUCER, AOO PIK %r seems do" 00 be swW he Jot oortw ad onfly P~ ar wiped inside We dwff 1111111. IMTIUM d wmoo ~ a 1114" so" too, pw. sloppily ww womw IL FLOOR of maillitift dO be *IN: It to sp kqb lift. 110. 111111M of Waft* do" be OWA"Vftd bi on ton"WAW fp@l 111111111 00 COWON do$ MPO option of placing a constructim joint with a longitudinal k6YwOY Of the Wi" lih*- If. Deleted 0. For pip sins not djeom, un fabled volues ftr next larger P40. ikt;4ftV-1X4L[91- C.&P SUM Flef too to are 70-- of I I N �__ 14 420 to 44* Sr to sea %- - AA q4 16" 4 1/2" � a coaceeft 5 C saits or Sears 9" 24" si, 03-3-0c Go 11111111111111:7 6 i, 39" - 7"' 30" -1 oft Pit rat t-1- > 3 3" 6 V4 ANW01111 too �Ti 0 ban 0 3-14' Od 36 6 V2 57" 9 1/4" Z 7 .. ".. 1-4 bass 04-4'OC. 41" 7 1/2" 63 .. 10. 1 45" 17 3/4!' 66" 10 1/4" 40' 1 8' 69" 10 31-C 51" is 1/2" 72 it" 54 . 9 .. 76 .. I 1 3141 57" 9 1/4 94" 12 1/2" GO" 9 1/2" 90" 13 1/4" 63" 10 .. 96 14" 66 " 10 1/2" 02 15 li,2" 69" 10:Y4" Im .. 14 . 7Z.- I I .. 114" 161/2" 70" 11 3/4" 12d' 17 84" 12 1/2'. 12466" 17 lisen GIAMETER C.&P SUM Flef too to are 70-- of I I N �__ 14 420 to 44* Sr to sea %- - AA q4 16" 4 1/2" � a coaceeft 5 C saits or Sears 9" 24" si, lisen GIAMETER C.&P SUM Flef too to are 70-- of I Wig W �__ 14 420 to 44* Sr to sea %- - It to W vru a" A11or NO -Y r0r prpw Z I N 000wor dollar rwrpwif, wo Aso, dr for jw�jpljr soompr Malt Zr 4" amwow WRY Srofofinfog'slpo# Apet coarposodif of swildif or other ormddv moNriel as nogry be vocifted or othorawie epprooped by Me Enomew wyd S"// be conweled owfor ff p0great #Vmwf of &Ockfl# OIL OunOw 0116, 1000. On Ot ft*06 far side Inlets a- 201" di~or. CASE X BEDDING 8 BACKFILL ARULVID Pff (Load racier 1.9) 146) W dIj` *NNVW# Aw sftf "I be loss 1AM Me f0ftwor:6 w1ar OW 600djr fts is *Woofer. /0 0 for P*e 6 5`0 to /W * 1wAw** Av d-rowsifer, &,Ad 12"�� &* Atetyer Alan a"= 108"I'n db"PArr. rhese diawpsobns may lochlde Me AVCAkAeeSS Of OMY Sheellhy_ rb) Whore cover Is /0' or /ess, V, Neessred of Me top 00, Me pipe we .Y be OW 1101111110 A -A DW W apreirs, FIT ar Wr wrow apersersirrareir dw me prdoct 6towfflow. ft) Where cover ASyrdiefor OW /01 1W " swenrW ol' Ov Ailp of Me go Sp Vn YfttArV 40~BMW pipe Maniellin of Moor. bee. greater man /0 for PI)PO /08, 0 4dowfor or /Ves, of /Zo for "o ever 108"a ow infet dieffieters if - 36" sor 1*96. 411111`0811070f 60011111S MO COWrOthIr at AVS WO SIP1111111311 ffil"111111YOWS COS* I 00dViAp dr tm- BOTTOM VIEW `0,'C',ffPr : OCFAof,4 07V 45/0-,) stroarm pipe. rho" a1mmmalts ffic*40 Me 1*0noiss of AV skediftnt. TOP PLATE &LrXr- I-ACOWC0 4-D177,)` ft dowl br IDETAILesen JUNCTION STRUCTURE ?1. o"t,1*01-epileas DETAIL ons R.C.P. BED61NG able, A 12 NOW-dwnnw N. T. 13. dam on 0sm.- C.S.P. 0.11. 1/4" it 00 Far a~ no Imes" Catch ftilin oft"t, /Plom or reinforced Verfes to SWI Is concrete pope of C M P Mae Line 0 C:) 41) CL) T. all Catch basis fftm CL) t:u, (1) Sao Ote" 4 4_� g itiesse, Flom or saialloo C) C: BE TAIL - 111011.0.11 STWFESL Sao 'Note 7 Seemso* COOK. Pipe OF C. M.P. E 3/4" Molls to match top lift" A ---&a0-c- 20M PLAN <C esiat" of - CD BOTTOM VIEW inlet pipit - - Cofic. encasement -coomtelof poome -70 See Note 4 01% CAGE RETAINER RM f saw S CZ concrete or Cftss'C "Woof a- 7 0 C) Pool. meet rVolove density _r 7D 70k .1 C- 0, -R.C.F miquoted by Jew- CSP spet.111collons > Pipe edit 41 - CASE 2 CO plate. An connector p"S twoollieft the angles specified for Case 21 No r t Undisturbed got I to 111111441 be encased when toed within the #note line oncoveles Cr 111FORCh. for when #41ld on fill Which has not boon dwisified. tcr SECTION 9-5 SECTION _11� = -L2 NOTES, CASE I AND CASE 2 . - _2�, CASE I CASE 3-SADMIE 6NN'ECTION U.J C: W 0 _0 Mom L we I Also#@ A shelf be between 45"degree's end 90 degrees o" NOTES: CASE 3 <r X ro d OF-. 0. 41! ALTERNATE rUNCT1011111111 0 shelf be 24 inches or less For smaller values at A end I Connections to pipes 21 each" Sir to" lot diameter wil"Ou 0 �t__ �+_ 4rwm. I ­ A " - A --Dry P90 lewiller Oetwes of OL wee appropriate standard structwro. iw"CtiO" Steloclurts OF PrOCOSI Y borofthes Shelf be mieft Cl) C7 4� L wilh seddles E clots *c' nw#W"- %_ C"t 00.000, 00 NO CSS@ She" 11W OWISIdo 4has I -lei of the ififtit p*e on- 2 Trim Sir cut sedate to fit le"Vellor over "M evesefe of Me CD 9LEVATION r-- �4 00: clied colift - half he Inside diameter of the mein storm drotia. "A pope. end So 011 axis will be, on the line and grade C: C4 W 2 2 1/2 "It V� 24P c, of Ifit connecting pope = C7 -C�. st" ber N. 3 Collier tollk* of Intel she" be So radius of moon storm eilreole 3 The opening into the popoe she" be cwt and trimmed to 0111 <40�1 i, E NOTE S Igerf end Slow tio D I oncept where Elevation S is shown on project drawings lot the saddle so that no port wiii isrojeCt wothin the liewe I Riser pipe ottlead Isi"Flaiii. A*. Min -i of the soddle, pipe t Elevotleii A. Do. 01. Lt. Loo 4we shom an Pbft. 4 The coaftecting pope she" 60 $Moore@* as shown in Cases 3. corrvillef9d else, Pipe shell conform to AAS"O 111- 36. % X 5/9 spow- 4 The Opening 0"10 the waril loterm ifr*'n shall be the eviside OD foomet*f of the Intel Pope plus on* onch minionum or 3 mch end 2 4 Grele assembly Shall be tOftenit0i Offer febric@Oop. (J & I , I 4 6 e- moniber of losers so greto *Sww*V. le, (kEF OCE04 _11M. /5/5) 5. far Dl54"ond larger. SOW 1%7xlh IVw4fte to plate woolose" afore C ;12"Aflen be" .. . I T. of pipe for elleentelor Do diall be some as fir AM. ? : . t; L- - I ­ % 1 5 AN corrit"ted ret-orlied pop* end litiongs %hell be getweaesed ow "k-0*9d ~ weft No beessing % a Will WA be Shop No Lft-A HOLD-DOWN 6 It *014 a is 45 degrees of less. W" Case I It Aviellis 8 W04 DETAILealso is greeter 114on 45 d*greos. woe Case 2 SECTION C -C SECTION A -A CASEI 7 11wra or chip *"e Set contie"t9q, pope tootist, with @nfta, sw#"q JUNCTION STRUCTURE of moo"lloost pope Round edge of concrete pope ur reinforced concrete popit 13 L14 7. - - 44Z 2,0 11111111111�� r A 0 Station specified an dre"s applies at I%@ 10"Osect'afe Of iftsidq, 00y- wait Of main $form drain and center lone of inlet pope /r Was W. 7. 5. .0�� C . AFM�V`F fflf re*yr *Prte -- - -for Da pipe dwitters of 42s` w oreeler and Inlet pipe diameters of 30" or less. A. 9 bar$ fe.t. - AF" ~ W exceed 450 $Ido flow exceeds 10% of main line flow. ir live _J bore W 0 4!0.4 Tie bilro I Z:; 00. fter of obud" did be 11111111116 I I - MISR Aaction Sfru~ Type EK is T 02 T Now 11 %01 n spoefffed with rordWicied' monolithic arob *ft TABLE OF BAR SIZES 3 -04 � bars, 4,-eliest, 3'0.0 Optional fillet KOJECTED ON P0.0 r 1',tielp toeetefing* edoltieftel bar$ 4"o.i. !"� , 1-01, 5. re'. to inside odes of Motivate ^0110a , . 106or I Ali I lore Der F liars ­j'A 4 om � " &4 Tie bet r are of 24"- 39" J.W a of 1`1_� 42 94 .. 'SO 3" 060 Vie, of VS0' P 40 '-w Ir ......... 1.11 ........... .......... 0 3 .0 40.0 wr 90 dvow t I I va;sor : T I 1 0 3fto.c. For structure without manhole. % 1 & Revise D& of 9 to road 12'. - 3 We It. I A : I Still. .,.0, . V-1-ZA11 J- of "..0-4 9 4 mart'r-prile+ SOO note "A I reo-A _T I I I ",%. - - I Of oft 7we wun We "M wuvom F -I Mill r 4- - - - - --4rz :_ -, 4, � stwel sholl be cut and berill into Junction Structure hi ft sems iiiianim so SECTION 8-9 for pipe. oncreft cradle under reinforced a lithic arrh is -n& mqao," ($%off not shown) YIK I ALUES FOR T I T IV T a 6 16" 4 1/2" a coaceeft 5 C saits or Sears 9" 24" si, 03-3-0c Go 36 .. 6 i, 39" - 7"' 30" -1 oft Pit rat t-1- > 3 3" 6 V4 ANW01111 too �Ti 0 ban 0 3-14' Od 36 6 V2 57" 9 1/4" Z 7 .. ".. 1-4 bass 04-4'OC. YIK I ALUES FOR T I T IV T 3C 6 16" 4 1/2" a 24" 5 42 9" 24" G. 33" Go 36 .. 6 i, 39" - 7"' 0. Side inlet pipe shall enter main line radially when elevations " Roland " So on not shown on project drpwings. When side Inlet pipe enters main line other or I gum than radially, elevation So' shall be shown on project dravyinqs and side inlet pipe shall be laid on a straight grgdo.,from elevation 5 'to catch owl" *W"t ow emw r I FA basin or grade break in line. Elevation R sholl be shown on project //-P& Std. Plon630-0-OC t%ru. drawings only when stub is to be provided in main line for future side inlet 633 -0 -OC 11141111141 - ?- 0" 0- StctiOm 9110ciff0d 00 4111TOW111199 apply at Me intersection of cortfortlities of I max. . IL. rim IN 0 0"d lulorals, *xcepI That stations for catcn basin connector pipe A- -4'-G' apply at inside of structure. and ri Moo S iplan 1503- fd. Minimum 2'-folm" wo polost oil Iffm a - 0 Wft Unpaved Wree" 2 See Noto .3 ShW I _T PLA 3e We f Use Sid. Plan 1312 (Junctio a 1* - 47 D.C. Structure M) for side in left 3 111"Ateirceng Slow 'MA11111 LWE STORM 004100 nolis E bar$ R C Pope or reonlooced IT10 ft" 07 Tie bm 03-1600C ~0001%oc arch -41 ___ I I __.1, 0 bar* DETAIL 3- 1 oft Jr. I I ---Too bers inlet Gleve, -JUNCTION-, Is' 0 C dius A 4P 3 Iol radius applies of this 6 pow -TYPI '*'3-3*OC-- r + 0 T-- is --T 4 1 1 #-.FF ones 11 -'.E" % (A F Concrete -tool T t:r,-., DETAIL I 4X% 'ov? 3.5 co"'Oft SECTION A -A crrTinsi U_U \ It-- � I , all"NCTI ON OATRM T1 PF "k *No fttwe one of towels 0 4 14 bm 3!-(f Wq WTEJ lotion VALUES for A,B.C.D D2, Elevation R and Elevation S are SECTION G-6 go shown on plan. Table of values for F and T hereon. Station f vw 141010 Tie IF dF 2. LATERALS. If laterals enter both sides of junct. str., access shaft shall be located on side receiving the LONGITUDINAL SECTION. 14 smaller lateral. CUP build up dock of moomol; W111 barll to provios level pipe cost 6"O.C. 3. CENTER OF hARMLE SKAFT shall be located ever canter SEAT FOIlt SHAFT WHEN fromie eoww line oi Storm Drain when b, Is 48" or less. In this TOP 19 NOT LEVEL skeet trade p r 3ft". Plan 630-0-oc are 033 -0 -ft case place 4-E bars synometrically around shaft 45" R -- I.D. of slow t with c&nter line. P_ 204 flat"d raidw llao, with a Was. of 360 as. Par I 14 6 T_ 4. LENMI of junction structuro my be Increased at option to meet pipe ends, but any change In location 61 ellot. r- lei "teoft Owed streeft F of spur must be approved by the Engineer. 14 resod Min. T- 4 with unpaved streets J!LAN 'JISel state slieff Not Shown 6. RE1111"CING STEEL. Straight bars, 1111"clearof face of 12. ELEVATIONS applies at canter of main lirm on V bet 0 concrete unless shown otherwise. Tie bars shall be 04 prolongation of Invert spur. spaced 19" on centers or.clos&r. Steel schedule e--Jio bets < R) detailod on plan. 13. Manholes shall be constructed waless spie,�Iflsd T F, bees- ckj H T k!b. otherwtse on the project plans. SP1312 say be used 7. EMRFr)mr%,T 'P' shall bet 5" for 0196" or less and 8" without manhole when Engineer determinei; sufficient for D over 96". me) 2 means of access to available for storm drain Tie wintenance. M 8. STEPS shall " 3/4" round galvanized stool avid anchored NO -26229 M sot less than 6" In the walls of the structure and 14. V%en manhole to omitted from jitirrictlen structure, 3/31/94 shall project a minimum of 4 inches from point of Type III the following notes shall apply: T embedment. Unless otherwise shown, the spacing shall or Tie bore be 16" or 17" on center. The lowest stop shall not a. For D2 or I from 12" througb 33". IF �& T siloall be too. - - '. O.C.looft WOVI'lable CIVIL be wore than 2 feet above tho Invert. all. voes a"" Dale go or Otoor q.- ItINX, It"WER, AND PIPE foracclose shaft shall be, SECTION N -M -P-0 OF C A� III. For be or I graster then 33" use tablo of values seited In 1:2 mix mortar and n*atly pointed or wiped inside shaft. Lu. VLOOR of junction structure shall be steel trowe . led e. "W"Isars. DETA -JUNCTION -STRUCT-UR -..._TYPE- 3 A/. 77 -5. to spring line. 4. Omit "D" bars spaced at 3" and us* sposcing 11. BODY of junction structure. includInS spur, shall be indicated con table constructed in on* continuous opieration, exc&pt that a 49. Omit "A". "Ill" & "r bars for structure without P% construction joint atthe spring line, with longitudinal side inlets. CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA keyway, Is permitted. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MA" BY STORM DRAIN �PLANS SCALE NONE 5170 REPHILL AVE.- COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 92SM-4675 - 4714� 641 8777 DMIGNM 8 MISCELLANEOUS DETAIL 91W111,0110 Owl 4 TYP"" 4 r. SECTION J Z -Z t4 - -T. 5. TABLE OF VALUES FOR VANO T D2 F 9 T 3C 6 16" 4 1/2" a 21 5 42 9" 24" 5 IA' 4e' 6 27' 51/2' 44 6 30" 6" 51 91/2" 1 3 3" 6 V4 54 9 36 6 V2 57" 9 1/4" 39 7 .. ".. - 9 1&. 41" 7 1/2" 63 .. 10. 1 45" 17 3/4!' 66" 10 1/4" 40' 1 8' 69" 10 31-C 51" is 1/2" 72 it" 54 . 9 .. 76 .. I 1 3141 57" 9 1/4 94" 12 1/2" GO" 9 1/2" 90" 13 1/4" 63" 10 .. 96 14" 66 " 10 1/2" 02 15 li,2" 69" 10:Y4" Im .. 14 . 7Z.- I I .. 114" 161/2" 70" 11 3/4" 12d' 17 84" 12 1/2'. 12466" 17 90" 13 1/4" 132 " 17 1/2 94" 14 1 . 138" 17 1/2" lOt' 15 1/2 14 4" is 104 16 iiol" 16 I/e, 120' 17 1126" 1?. 132 17 1/2" 138 17 1/2- 14 4" 18 WTEJ lotion VALUES for A,B.C.D D2, Elevation R and Elevation S are SECTION G-6 go shown on plan. Table of values for F and T hereon. Station f vw 141010 Tie IF dF 2. LATERALS. If laterals enter both sides of junct. str., access shaft shall be located on side receiving the LONGITUDINAL SECTION. 14 smaller lateral. CUP build up dock of moomol; W111 barll to provios level pipe cost 6"O.C. 3. CENTER OF hARMLE SKAFT shall be located ever canter SEAT FOIlt SHAFT WHEN fromie eoww line oi Storm Drain when b, Is 48" or less. In this TOP 19 NOT LEVEL skeet trade p r 3ft". Plan 630-0-oc are 033 -0 -ft case place 4-E bars synometrically around shaft 45" R -- I.D. of slow t with c&nter line. P_ 204 flat"d raidw llao, with a Was. of 360 as. Par I 14 6 T_ 4. LENMI of junction structuro my be Increased at option to meet pipe ends, but any change In location 61 ellot. r- lei "teoft Owed streeft F of spur must be approved by the Engineer. 14 resod Min. T- 4 with unpaved streets J!LAN 'JISel state slieff Not Shown 6. RE1111"CING STEEL. Straight bars, 1111"clearof face of 12. ELEVATIONS applies at canter of main lirm on V bet 0 concrete unless shown otherwise. Tie bars shall be 04 prolongation of Invert spur. spaced 19" on centers or.clos&r. Steel schedule e--Jio bets < R) detailod on plan. 13. Manholes shall be constructed waless spie,�Iflsd T F, bees- ckj H T k!b. otherwtse on the project plans. SP1312 say be used 7. EMRFr)mr%,T 'P' shall bet 5" for 0196" or less and 8" without manhole when Engineer determinei; sufficient for D over 96". me) 2 means of access to available for storm drain Tie wintenance. M 8. STEPS shall " 3/4" round galvanized stool avid anchored NO -26229 M sot less than 6" In the walls of the structure and 14. V%en manhole to omitted from jitirrictlen structure, 3/31/94 shall project a minimum of 4 inches from point of Type III the following notes shall apply: T embedment. Unless otherwise shown, the spacing shall or Tie bore be 16" or 17" on center. The lowest stop shall not a. For D2 or I from 12" througb 33". IF �& T siloall be too. - - '. O.C.looft WOVI'lable CIVIL be wore than 2 feet above tho Invert. all. voes a"" Dale go or Otoor q.- ItINX, It"WER, AND PIPE foracclose shaft shall be, SECTION N -M -P-0 OF C A� III. For be or I graster then 33" use tablo of values seited In 1:2 mix mortar and n*atly pointed or wiped inside shaft. Lu. VLOOR of junction structure shall be steel trowe . led e. "W"Isars. DETA -JUNCTION -STRUCT-UR -..._TYPE- 3 A/. 77 -5. to spring line. 4. Omit "D" bars spaced at 3" and us* sposcing 11. BODY of junction structure. includInS spur, shall be indicated con table constructed in on* continuous opieration, exc&pt that a 49. Omit "A". "Ill" & "r bars for structure without P% construction joint atthe spring line, with longitudinal side inlets. CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA keyway, Is permitted. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MA" BY STORM DRAIN �PLANS SCALE NONE 5170 REPHILL AVE.- COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 92SM-4675 - 4714� 641 8777 DMIGNM 8 MISCELLANEOUS DETAIL 91W111,0110 Owl 4 TYP"" 4 r. SECTION J Z -Z t4 - -T. 5. _wn Y W TWO (2) 1111111101 to M! 0 wo~e dieff, pow between the" ow ,�L Ait�_�AO_ MrAZ CW.41W J-7fill. -A02e.- 4.14--93 1 %1TTV16 0 LAIIIIIIIIJ PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISKM OF: I itter Amo�c� 3 Jig N C. OGA R. E. 26229 n ATV CHeCKED BY DATE: -A. W_ JOB NO. DR. NO, SHTN APPROVIIii-24cl 6 3:�r_qr . P, .0 ;- nivii nurzwurtLn orc J\ .�f -d-,ge -V4Xj.,,e 4, z, d) �r� IM -40 11V4t6rJrRZ1CrZ14Z,6 A/f/ EQGRIS CITY No. AEVIS IONS AC1000r%%J4A DAT Annrw-%6-A DAT 4/ to