HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-C-18JpPor- CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT (CON'T) 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Before being placed, thoroughly clean all material of all rust, dirt, dust, oil and any other material deleterious to bonding of concrete. B. Supports: With the exception of temperature reinforcement which shall be tied to main steel' approximately 12 inches o.c., reinforcement shall be accurately placed and securely tied at all intersections and spliced with 16 gauge black annealed wire., and shall be securely held in position during placing of concrete by means of precast concrete block supports. Wire -tie ends shall point away from the form. Unless otherwise indicated on drawings or specified, the number, type and spacing of supports shall conform to the ACI Detailing Manuel (ACI 315-78). C. In masonry construction reinforcing shall be placed as required. All steel shall be held at least 1/2 inch clear of the masonry to insure acceptable coverage of grout. CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Furnish and install all concrete work as shown on the drawings and as specified in this section; including but not necessarily limited to the f ol I owi ng: 1. Concrete footings for walls. 2. Exposed aggregate concrete paving. 3. Concrete footings and foundations for structures. 4. Placement and coordination of anchor bolts,, nailing strips, conduits and inserts with other trades. 5. Concrete mowstrips. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Concrete Formwork. 2. Concrete Reinforcement. 1.2 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Except as modified by the requirements specified herein, and/or the details on the drawings, all work included in this section shall conform to the applicable provisions of the following codes and standards. 1. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO): Uniform Building Code, 1979 edition, volume 1, chapter 26, "Concrete". 2. American Concrete Institute (ACI): Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete; ACI 318-77. 3. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): The specifications and standards hereinafter referred to., latest edition. 1.3 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS A. Testing laboratory approved by the Owner shall design mixes for each type and class of concrete, except arbitrary mix. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Portland' Cement: ASTM Standard Specifications for Portland cement .C-150, Typ-e 11. Use only one brand -of cement on the project. Tem perature of cement shall not be over 140 F when delivered to the patching plan. Concrete Aggregates; ASTM Standard Sp�c'ifications for Concrete Aggregates.- C-33 for - standard weight concrete. Exposed aggregate materials shall be 1/4" �- 1/2" diameter. See Detail B., Sheet C-16 f6r additional aggregate notes� C. Water for mixing concrete and grout shall be taken from an approved domestic source and shall be free of all impurities detrimental to concrete. D. Color 'Admixture: L. M. Scofield Chromix. Admixture C-11 per plans and details and installed following manufacturer's specifications. - Admixtures may, be used in all concrete. Admixtures shall be approved by the Architect. See.,Detail B, Sheet C-16, for additional notes.., E. Reinforcement steel per reinforcement steel section. F. Curing Compounds: Thompson's Water Seal or Hunt's T.F.L. G. Concrete Hardener: Sika -Gard, C/H. Aquabar or Hornstrone, two impregnations, applied as per manufacturer's directions on all exposed interior concrete. H. Concrete Sealer: Sika No. 2, Chem -Seal, or Horntraz applied as per manufacturer's published directions on ill exposed interior concrete. 2.2 CONCRETE STRENGTH AND PROPOSITIONS A. Concrete mixes shall comply with the arbitrary mix shown in the following table: Min. 28 Day Aggregate Max. Water -Cement Min. Sacks Maximum Slump Str Size Ration Cement 2,000 lbs. 1-1/211 7.5 Gal./Sack 5.3 411 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 CONSTRUCTION OF FORMS. A. Forms shal I be substanti al , pl umb, 1 evel , square , true -to -1 i ne, water tight, and accurate to the dimensions requireo. B. Concrete surfaces, where left exposed, shall be forned on all sides with plywood with taped joints to give a smooth, Lniform straight finish. D. Details of Construction: 1. Reinforcement steel shall be securely tied in place. Do not use bars with kinks or bends not shown on draw,ngs. Place all reinforcing as detailed and comply with typical detail for bends, splices, clearance, etc., and with reqL.irements of the Uniform Building Code. 2. Location of construction joints shall be as shown on the drawings and approved by the Architect. 3.2 MIXING, PLACING AND FINISHING A. Mixing of concrete shall be by, transit -mixers only Quantities of materials shall be recorded by an authorized we,ighmaster. Mix concrete for ten (10)minutes minimum with a peripheril drum speed of approximatel 200 feet per minute. At least three (3) minutes of the y mi xi ng period shal I be at the job s i te. Discharge loads in less than 1-112 hours after water is first added. B. Placing of Concrete: Avoid segregation,, d -o tamping 4nd �i'brating in such a manner as to* produce a dense,' smooth jotj free fromrock pockets and voids. Do not place concrete when the, temperature is below 40 F. Devices, shall be used to limit the 'free fall of con- cretesto a" maximum height of. six feet (61). CONSULTANTS C. Finishing (unless otherwise noted) shall be as follows: 1. Flat work, exterior: as shown on the drawings. D. Variance in concrete slab surface shall be no more than 1/16" in ten feet (10'). E. For retardant concrete see construction detail sheet. 1. The contractor shall provide a 3' x 3' sample of concrete with the retardant finish for approval before constructing walks. 3.3 CURING COMPOUND AND REMOVAL OF FORMS A. Curing shall be done in such a manner as to produce a complete hydration of the concrete. Improperly cured concrete shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor. B. Curing may be accomplished by keeping concrete continuously wet by flooding, by covering the concrete with "Visqueen" for ten (10) days, or by use of curing compound. C. Exterior walks, curbs, gutters, and other exterior concrete work may be cured by the use of an approved curing compound applied in strict compliance with manufacturer's specifications. D. Removal of, forms: Do not remove forms until the concrete has attained adeqLtate strength to prevent damage. Take extreme care in stripping to avoid breaking off corners, marking concrete, or defacing the finish surface in any way. 3.4 CLEANING AND PATCHING A. After stripping forms, clean all exposed concrete surfaces and all adjoining work stained by leakage of concrete. Remove all fins, burrs, and projections by grinding. B. Patch all voids, rock pockets, holes, cracks, etc., by chipping loose concrete and exposing clean sound aggregate. Structural engineer will inspect all patching preparation prior to dry -packing forapproval . C. After inspection, dampen prepared recesses for two (2) hours minimum and fill with dry -packing for approval. D. Apply mortar to final surface and keep patch damp for five (5) days minimum. E. Entire surface of concrete to be sacked with neat cement and water after surface is cleaned and patched. 3.5 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE A. Should concrete ' tests indicate that the strength is not as specified, or if concrete has excessive pockets, or if reinforcing steel is exposed, or if concrete does not in any way comply with the drawings and specifications, the defective concrete shall be removed and replaced as directed at the Contractor's expense. 3.6 CONCRETE WALKS A. Concrete Sidewalks and Walks: 1. Concrete sidewalks shall conform to the general provisions of this sections and to, the appropriate standard drawings. Unless otherwise specified, all sidewalks shall be four inches (4") thick. 2. In the construction of sidewalks, the concrete shall be tamped sufficiently to bring the fins to the surface after which it shall be finished to the required grade with wooden floats, and trowelled to a finish as detailed on the drawings. 3. When a straightedge ten feet (10') long is laid on the surface of the sidewalk, the surface shall not vary more than 1/16" from the edge of the straightedge, except at grade changes or curves. 4. Unless otherwise provided, the transverse slope of the surface of sidewalks shall be 1/4" per foot, calculated from the top of the curb to the back of the sidewalk. 5. Where any walk requires repai r before acceptance, repair shall be made. by removing and replacing the entire walk between joints and not by refinishing the damaged portions. 3.7 CLEAN-UP A. During construction, keep the area as clean and clear as possible. Do not di spose of waste materi al s on the site, i n pi ts . or otherwise. Upon completion of this work, remove all debris and excess materials, tools, etc., resulting from this work from the job site, leaving location of this work rake clean. CHAIN-LINK FENCE PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Provision of equipment, material products and labor necessary to install chain link fencing indicated on the drawings. B. The principal items of work include: 1. Chain link fencing. 2. Concrete footings. C. -Related Work Specified Elsewhere: Examine all sections for work related to the work of this section. The principal items of related work are: 1. Concrete. 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The work of this section shall be performed by a chain link fencing subcontractor who has been in the business for at least five (5) years and maintains his own shop and crews. All work shall be accomplished under the supervision of a competent foreman who is a regular employee of the subcontractor. Said foreman shall be kept on the site for the duration of the work of this section. B. Coordination of the Work: The work of this section shall be coordinated with the work of all other trades to assure that all required inserts and attachments are properly set and that adequate provisions are made for embedding this work where required. C. The fence height refers to the height of the fabric. D. Fence shall b -e provided with top rail, center rail, (as indicated) bottom raile E. Panels adjacent to terminal, angle, gate and. corner posts shall be provided with horizo ' ntal brace rails. Fence over six feet (6) in height shall have in' addition., 3/8" galvanized diagonal brace rods with an adjustment feature on these same panels. 1.3 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS A. Chain Link Fence Manufacturer's Institute. SOUTHRIDGE VILLAGE PARK�PHASE 111�1 LOTS 119A, 1205 1345135 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 9. Fabric shall be tightly stretched, secured to posts with fabric ties spaced at intervals not exceeding 16". At end, corner, angle, and gate posts, fabric shall be s,ecured with tension bars extending full height of the fence. Said tension bars shall be secured to theposts with bolted tension bands spaced not more than 14" apart. Fabric shall be installed on property line side of posts unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. 10. Local trenching and shaping shall be performed where required to permit uniform top and bottom alignment of fence. 11. Where details and/or notes on the.. drawings indicated departure - from the preceeding specifications, fence work shall be done in accordance with said details and/or notes only to extent indicated. 3.2 COMPLETION ,A% 'Upon completion, the fence shall be complete and continuous units between points indicated with all required parts, accessories and fittings provided and installed, though not specifically mentioned herein. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Asphaltic concrete paving work includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Fine grading. 2. Base course. 3. Prime coat and tack coat. 4. Asphaltic concrete surface course. 5. Striping and marking. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Grading. 2. Cast -i n -Place Concrete. 1.2 GUARANTEE A. In addition to the guarantee specified, the Contractor shall repair or restore to first class condition those portions of asphaltic concrete paving in which plant growth, creeping, shoving, cracking, raveling, softening, excessive or uneven settling due to improper placing, or defective materials that appear or become apparent within one (1) year from date of acceptance by the Owner. 1.3 SPECIFICATION REFERENCES A. All materials and construction shall -conform to the applicable Sections and Paragraphs of the "Standard STecifications for Public Works Construction" 1982 edition and amen m ents thereto. Delete payment clause. 1.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Striping and Marking Paint: Vinyl base, asphalt adhering pai nt similar to Arvco No. 201 or equal. PART 2: EXECUTION 2.1 FINE GRADING A. The earth subgrade shall be fine graded t the elevations required for installation of the aggregate base and paving as noted on drawings. Whereaggregate basei s to beplaced, the subgrade shall not vary from the specified grade by more than 0.04 foot. Variations within the above specified tolerances shall be compensating so that the average grade specified is met. 2.2 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. 'The upper twelve inches (12") of the subgrade and base material *'should be scarified and.compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density. 2.3 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT A. Prime coat, tack coat, and asphalt concrete shall be applied, spread, and compacted. B. All paving areas when completed shall be given a flood test showing surfaces free of standing water or puddles. Any areas that do not meet this test shall be corrected as directed. 2.4 STRIPING AND MARKI NG A Paint stripes and markings as detailed on the drawings with approved .specified paint. Lines shall not be less than four in6hes (4") in width, two (2) coats required. 2.5 PROTECTION AND CLEAN-UP A. Protect from all traffic during all operations and until paving is sealed and dry. B. After completion of work, remove all emulsion spill or splash from adjoining surfaces remove all debris, excess materials, and equipment, and leave site in a neat and orderly condition. STONE MASONRY UNITS PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Furnish and install all masonry work as shown on the drawings and as specified in this section. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Guarantee: Contractor shall issue a written guarantee that all work executed under this section shall be free from defects of materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from acceptance by Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. River Rock Cobblestones: -All cobbles shall be sound, durable, hard,, resistant to abrasion and free from laminations, weak cleavage planes and undesirable weathering effects. B. Water shall be from a potable source. C. Portland cement shall meet the requirements of the concrete section of these specifications and shall be low alkali type. D. Hydrated lime shall conform to Type S hydrated lime given the specifications for hydrated lime for masonry purposes, ASTM designation C207. E. - Sand and Pea Gravel: 'sand for mortar shall conform to the Specifica- tions for Aggregates for Masonry Mortar, ASTM designation C144, except that not less than three percent (3%) of the sand shall pass the No. 100 sieve. Sand and pea gravel for grout shall conform to the requirements for concrete aggregate in the concrete section of these speci fications, except for gradi ng. In addition, the pea gravel shall be well graded with 100% passing the 3/8 sieve. DEVELOPER TEN-NINTY, LTD 14735 VILLAGE DRIVE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 J F. Mortar shall be composed of not less than 1/4 part nor more than 1/2 part hydrated lime, one part Portland cement, not less than 2- 1/4 sand: conform to ASTM specification C270. The total clay content, including that in the sand, shall not exceed two percent (2%) of the sand content or six percent (6%) of the cement content. G. Grout shall consist of one (1) part Portland cement to three (3) parts of sand. Suf f i ci ent water- shal 1 be added to the grout to cause it to flow into all joints of the masonry. Where practicable, pea gravel shall be added to the grout in approved amounts to make a workable mix, but the confined mix shall not exceed 1:3:2. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 CONSTRUCTION A. Aixing of Mortar and Grout: The sand, cement,, and water shall be. placed in the mixer in that order for each batch of mortar oO',groA and shall be mixed for a period of at least two (2) minutes, the c lime shall then be added and mixing continued as long as needed to secure a uniform mass, but in no case less than ten ('10) minute's. Mixers of at le-ast on -sack capacity shall be used. Retempering of mortar by dashing water over the mortar is mot permi'tted. Mortar or gr out that is not used within the hour after the initial mixing shall be removed from the work. B. Laying: 1. All river rock cobble work to be tight joint and to have an appearance of being "stacked". Show as little grout as possible. 2. Care shall be taken to avoid mortar or grout splotches on the surface of the cobbles. Mortar and grout spilled on the cobbles shall be washed off beforei t dries. C. Re i nf o rceme nt Use masonry ties asspeci fied onplans . D. Joints: 1. Jointing to ol s to be ofhi gh grade steel that will notblacken mortar joints when joints are tooled to produce a dense, hard surface. 1. Remove all projections as a result of tooling by brushing lightly immediately after tooling with a soft bristle brush. E. Construction Joints: When grouting is stopped for a period of one (1) hour or longer, horizontal construction joints shall be formed -- by stoping the grout pour 1-112" minimum below the top of the uppermost unit. 3.2 CLEAN-UP A. Upon completion, remove all excess mortar, dirt, stains, and other defacements with stiff wire brushes and clean water. Acid shall not be used. All face joints shall be brushed clean, thoroughly wet and repointed where required with pointing mortar packed solidly into joints. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS N \1001 CA K VANDERWOOD A cr, 1726 WL OF JULY 6.1 Pff 68 ORAWN -T RJ, OR FkOA1OATE PART 2: PRODUCTS , CFH EE C K E Of H.V, 2.1 MATERIALS JO �.J-OEB NO. A. Chain Link Fabric: 1. All fabric shall be chain link woven steel or iron wire and shall be heavily zinc coated (hot galvanized) after weaving and shall be free of sharp protrusions and burrs. Fabric shall be one width equal to the height of the fence unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Topand bottom edges shall be knuckled. 2. Fabric shall be of No. 9 gauge wire woven in two-inch (2") mesh for all vertical surfaces. 3. The gauge of the wire shall be measured before coating. Wire shall be a good commercial quality of steel or iron wire. 4. The weight of the zinc coating on the wire shall not be less than 1.2 oz. per s.f. of uncoated wire surface, as determined by a stripping test, ASTN Designation A-90-39. 5. The uniformity of the coating shall be determined by the Preece Test,, ASTM Designation A-239-41. - Coatings shall stand without failure five (5) dips oflone (1) minute each. 6. The sampling, test specimens, packing, marking, inspection, and rejecti-on shall conform to ASTM A-117-33. B. Posts, Brace Rails, and Fittings: 1. All posts and brace rails (for panels adjacent to terminal, gate, angle and corner posts) shall be made of hot -dipped zinc coated (galvanized) welded and seamless steel pipe of "Standard Wei ght". The pipe shall be coated inside and outside, and the weight of the zinc coating shall be not less than 2.0 oz. per s.f. of total coated surface. Welding of posts for new chain link fences shall not be permitted with written consent of the Owner. 2. The calculated weight of the* coating and the determination of the weight shall be as described in ASTM A-120-47,, and including ASTM A-90-39. Pipe sizes and weights shall conform to the following schedule: Nominal Outside Weight Pipe Size Diameter Linear Inches Inches Ft.Lbs. Line posts 2 2.375 3.65 -Top raiT,-m-idqle & bottom rails" 1-1/4 1.660 2.27 3. The weight of pipe may vary not more than five (5) percent from that specified and the diameter may vary not more than one (1) percent under or over that specified, except for the 1.66" pipe, which may not vary more than 1/32" under that specified. 4. The finished pipe shall be reasonably straight and free from injurious defects. All'burrs at the ends of pipe shall be removed, and the zinc coating shall be free from injurious defects and excesive roughness. 5. Tensions bars shall be h eavily galvanized mil d fl atsteel not less than 3/16" x 3/4". 6. Tension bands and bands for securing rail ends shall be of heavily galvanized flat mild steel not less than 1/18" x 1". except for tension bands used in gates. Said tension bands sha I I be 1/8" x 3/4". Bolts for use with tension bands and rail bands shall be cadmium, zinc, or galvanized plated, not less than 5/16" diameter. 7. All post caps shall be heavily galvanized smooth top malleable iron, designed to fit snuggly over the posts with a minimum projection of one inch (1") below top of posts. Post caps for line posts shall be designed to allow top rail to pass through same. 8. Top rail and brace rail ends shall be heavily galvanized malleable iron and shall have holes to receive 5/16" bolts for securing to rail and bands. 9. Extension sleeve couplings for top rails shall be one inch (1 diameter steel six inches (6") long, fitted with raised center designed to fit tightly on inside of rail. Coupli ngs shal 1 be heavily galvanized. 10. Fabric ties for attaching fabric to posts shall be #110-1.,' or aluminum, No. 9 gauge wire, or No. 11 gauge galvanize'd .3/1611 steel wire. No. 11 gauge galvanized wire shall be used for typing fabric to top rails and brace rails. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Normal Installation: 1. Fence posts shall be spaced not more than 10'-0" and shall be spaced at equal intervals between terminal, angle, corner, and/or gate posts, except where spacing of posts is indicated on the drawings. Erect all posts vertically. 2. All fences shall be installed with top-rails.and mid -rails., (as�, indicated. on plans,), Toprail, shall passthroygh post ca ps and shall be secured at -ends, with rail end fittings and bands. 0 "- 3. Fabric shall be secured to posts with ties spaced not more than 1611 apart. Where No. 9 gauge galvanized steel wire or #1100-0 or 3/16" aluminum is used, the tie shall be hooked at both ends. Where No. 11 gauge galvanized steel wire is used, the tie shall be wrapped not less than two (2) turns around the fabric wire at both ends. Fabric shall be secured to top rail with No. 1 -1 -- gauge galvanized steel wire with ties spaced not more than 18", apart. The use of hooked ties with links will not be permitted. The ends of all tie wires shall be turned so as not to be ahazard. 4. The fence fabric shall be erected so that the bottom of the fabric shall be set to clear concrete, ground, or asphaltic concrete surfaces by 1/2". 5. Concrete for post footings shall be mixed in the following volumetric proportions: 1 - part Portland cement 3 - parts fine aggregate 5 - parts course aggregate (1/4" to 1-112") 8 - gallons of water, or less, per sack of cement 6. Postsshall be set plumb and true to line. Top ornaments shall be installed on all posts. 7. Posts shal I be set so that the top of the eye of the ornament shall be level with the top of the fabric. 8. The brace rails, in panels adjacent to end, corner or angle posts, shall be rigidly secured to posts by means of rail end fittings and rail end bands. The brace rail assembly at all terminal, corner, angle, and gate posts shall consist of a horizontal brace rail set the mid -height of the fence. The brace rail shall be omitted on fences six feet (6') or less in height. SOUTHRIDGE VILLAGE PARK�PHASE 111�1 LOTS 119A, 1205 1345135 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 9. Fabric shall be tightly stretched, secured to posts with fabric ties spaced at intervals not exceeding 16". At end, corner, angle, and gate posts, fabric shall be s,ecured with tension bars extending full height of the fence. Said tension bars shall be secured to theposts with bolted tension bands spaced not more than 14" apart. Fabric shall be installed on property line side of posts unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. 10. Local trenching and shaping shall be performed where required to permit uniform top and bottom alignment of fence. 11. Where details and/or notes on the.. drawings indicated departure - from the preceeding specifications, fence work shall be done in accordance with said details and/or notes only to extent indicated. 3.2 COMPLETION ,A% 'Upon completion, the fence shall be complete and continuous units between points indicated with all required parts, accessories and fittings provided and installed, though not specifically mentioned herein. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Asphaltic concrete paving work includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Fine grading. 2. Base course. 3. Prime coat and tack coat. 4. Asphaltic concrete surface course. 5. Striping and marking. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Grading. 2. Cast -i n -Place Concrete. 1.2 GUARANTEE A. In addition to the guarantee specified, the Contractor shall repair or restore to first class condition those portions of asphaltic concrete paving in which plant growth, creeping, shoving, cracking, raveling, softening, excessive or uneven settling due to improper placing, or defective materials that appear or become apparent within one (1) year from date of acceptance by the Owner. 1.3 SPECIFICATION REFERENCES A. All materials and construction shall -conform to the applicable Sections and Paragraphs of the "Standard STecifications for Public Works Construction" 1982 edition and amen m ents thereto. Delete payment clause. 1.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Striping and Marking Paint: Vinyl base, asphalt adhering pai nt similar to Arvco No. 201 or equal. PART 2: EXECUTION 2.1 FINE GRADING A. The earth subgrade shall be fine graded t the elevations required for installation of the aggregate base and paving as noted on drawings. Whereaggregate basei s to beplaced, the subgrade shall not vary from the specified grade by more than 0.04 foot. Variations within the above specified tolerances shall be compensating so that the average grade specified is met. 2.2 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. 'The upper twelve inches (12") of the subgrade and base material *'should be scarified and.compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density. 2.3 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT A. Prime coat, tack coat, and asphalt concrete shall be applied, spread, and compacted. B. All paving areas when completed shall be given a flood test showing surfaces free of standing water or puddles. Any areas that do not meet this test shall be corrected as directed. 2.4 STRIPING AND MARKI NG A Paint stripes and markings as detailed on the drawings with approved .specified paint. Lines shall not be less than four in6hes (4") in width, two (2) coats required. 2.5 PROTECTION AND CLEAN-UP A. Protect from all traffic during all operations and until paving is sealed and dry. B. After completion of work, remove all emulsion spill or splash from adjoining surfaces remove all debris, excess materials, and equipment, and leave site in a neat and orderly condition. STONE MASONRY UNITS PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Furnish and install all masonry work as shown on the drawings and as specified in this section. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Guarantee: Contractor shall issue a written guarantee that all work executed under this section shall be free from defects of materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from acceptance by Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. River Rock Cobblestones: -All cobbles shall be sound, durable, hard,, resistant to abrasion and free from laminations, weak cleavage planes and undesirable weathering effects. B. Water shall be from a potable source. C. Portland cement shall meet the requirements of the concrete section of these specifications and shall be low alkali type. D. Hydrated lime shall conform to Type S hydrated lime given the specifications for hydrated lime for masonry purposes, ASTM designation C207. E. - Sand and Pea Gravel: 'sand for mortar shall conform to the Specifica- tions for Aggregates for Masonry Mortar, ASTM designation C144, except that not less than three percent (3%) of the sand shall pass the No. 100 sieve. Sand and pea gravel for grout shall conform to the requirements for concrete aggregate in the concrete section of these speci fications, except for gradi ng. In addition, the pea gravel shall be well graded with 100% passing the 3/8 sieve. DEVELOPER TEN-NINTY, LTD 14735 VILLAGE DRIVE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 J F. Mortar shall be composed of not less than 1/4 part nor more than 1/2 part hydrated lime, one part Portland cement, not less than 2- 1/4 sand: conform to ASTM specification C270. The total clay content, including that in the sand, shall not exceed two percent (2%) of the sand content or six percent (6%) of the cement content. G. Grout shall consist of one (1) part Portland cement to three (3) parts of sand. Suf f i ci ent water- shal 1 be added to the grout to cause it to flow into all joints of the masonry. Where practicable, pea gravel shall be added to the grout in approved amounts to make a workable mix, but the confined mix shall not exceed 1:3:2. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 CONSTRUCTION A. Aixing of Mortar and Grout: The sand, cement,, and water shall be. placed in the mixer in that order for each batch of mortar oO',groA and shall be mixed for a period of at least two (2) minutes, the c lime shall then be added and mixing continued as long as needed to secure a uniform mass, but in no case less than ten ('10) minute's. Mixers of at le-ast on -sack capacity shall be used. Retempering of mortar by dashing water over the mortar is mot permi'tted. Mortar or gr out that is not used within the hour after the initial mixing shall be removed from the work. B. Laying: 1. All river rock cobble work to be tight joint and to have an appearance of being "stacked". Show as little grout as possible. 2. Care shall be taken to avoid mortar or grout splotches on the surface of the cobbles. Mortar and grout spilled on the cobbles shall be washed off beforei t dries. C. Re i nf o rceme nt Use masonry ties asspeci fied onplans . D. Joints: 1. Jointing to ol s to be ofhi gh grade steel that will notblacken mortar joints when joints are tooled to produce a dense, hard surface. 1. Remove all projections as a result of tooling by brushing lightly immediately after tooling with a soft bristle brush. E. Construction Joints: When grouting is stopped for a period of one (1) hour or longer, horizontal construction joints shall be formed -- by stoping the grout pour 1-112" minimum below the top of the uppermost unit. 3.2 CLEAN-UP A. Upon completion, remove all excess mortar, dirt, stains, and other defacements with stiff wire brushes and clean water. Acid shall not be used. All face joints shall be brushed clean, thoroughly wet and repointed where required with pointing mortar packed solidly into joints. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS N \1001 CA K VANDERWOOD A cr, 1726 WL OF SHEET 18 COF 42 Amir 1214 EAST GREEN STREET, PASADENAI CALIFORNIA 91106 213/681-3408 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTU NOW .1 K4343ON T -e-101 RE, 31815 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 714/661-712 7 - Mumma JULY 6.1 Pff 68 ORAWN -T RJ, OR FkOA1OATE , CFH EE C K E Of H.V, JO �.J-OEB NO. SHEET 18 COF 42 Amir 1214 EAST GREEN STREET, PASADENAI CALIFORNIA 91106 213/681-3408 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTU NOW .1 K4343ON T -e-101 RE, 31815 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 714/661-712 7 - Mumma