HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-C-17I - . � �, I - 'i � 4 � , � � .... !F .JAi �k r " I . W : �, ; . I � I � - ; 7 i . r , I I � . q I . ; � , ; I ( . � I r � - � � I - - ­ -1 -1.1. - ­ ­ - - ­­­ � , ­_ I � .- - - - - - ..- 1-1 .1 - - - ­ ­­­-­­ 1". ­ . ­ __ � , rl- �'­_ -I-'-,---"-- -1 - - 11, - �: i - I I" I -.1 - I I I` , : _ ,. � � - , " , � , , , - - � :1 , � I .�� 11 - I . . ­ - 11 � I I I I r' - I If' - - ­ , - � - 11 . I I . I � � I . � I I . � � � . - 'r __ ,% . , � . � -1 � 1. . : .1 . I _­� - 1. � . . .. I I I � I . I . I - I I -1 � .... � , .. , I J! I I � I � . - i I � I I - � . I , - - - . - . � , . . � — I I I - . . . . . . I . I � I . GENERAL CONDITIONS . ., . � / . I . displaced in doing so, without addi rdinary wear and A . Perform work in conformance with 1985 edition of Uniform Building A. Architect will consult with and advise the Owner. Architect may . s, laws and other regulations and tion and render interpretations necessary for the 92675, standards of each and every governmental agency and bureau having . . ranty periods. 1.05 DRAWINGS . Drawings and specifications are B. Architect nor the Owner will be responsible nor, havo'control or I . � techniques, sequ programs, or the Contractor, workers, trades, suppliers or any of � d, unsafe or not within customary ployees, or any other persons performing any of ct and Owner in writing. If work . detail. Check accuracy of dimensions. No additional compensation I . � . I - 4 C. installations and pay for their fees. Provide temporary toilet drawings in preferenced to small scale drawings. Che . A. Owner or any Contractor may reque fabricate any materials nor do any construction until verification' altering, adding to or deducting from the work,, the contract sum y D. being adjusted to any extra work A. It is recommended that the site be visited prior to submission of or changes are effected.. the party requesting the extra work or any bid. Contractors and subcontractors will be held financially . changes must formally present the other party with a proposal for . and legally responsible for accuracy of all grades, project condi- ' tions, ,and dimensions prior to and after commencing work. Notify � Owner in writing immediately of discrepancies found within the CILITIES both. rly maintain at all times as required by conditions workers responsible for all items for a complete project. These , . rmation. In the absense of l work in a legal, safe and satisfactory manner. and systems by the Architect and Owner. It is assumed that al 1 . I . B. Provide full-time on-site supervision by an experienced a-nd . . competent superintendent in charge of the work until i t's bidding and successful construction purposes or have notified the completion. Ensure that the superi project every B. At al I times duri ng cdnstruction or erection of project or its da and at all times that any work is being done by any trade to y component parts, prior to completion of the structural frame or . not researched each and every material, product placement and permanent connection of component members to the and system in deta Y structural frame, provide, install and maintain properly designed . s, smoke, flamiiability and other emporary bracing or adequate strength to prevent . done. Inspect work which is completed before proceeding to the next r any other damage such. . 11 . I to the work or any o I . excessive winds and earthquake forces., without additional cost to B. . Owner. Repair or replace at no added cost..damaged portions of work a -t . � l in and properly placed. wing minimum insurance: . I C. The design, adequacy and safety of erection bracing, shoring,, 2. In addition, carry statutorily required Wor<ers Compensation 2. While masonry w ts, etc. is the sole responsibility of the workers properly started, properly raked and tooled, properly site visitations will not include inspection of I � I . is necessary studying drawings, specifications and project . conditions to ensure this. This does not reduce the. requirements that each worker and trade perform the work in strict accordance in writing for approval or denial. R es. the following pre . Contractor, Owner and Architect's review time would delay the pro- * ject: during bidding period; 15 working days prior to latest A. Guarantee all work, materials and products for at least one year . ordering date. Substitutions wil be approved only if materials or acturer's I ent evidence or proof of - ical specification sections or superiority. unless a longer tr mary and representation that workers and contractors waive all claims for standard. Repair or re lace or cause to be repaired or replaced, p or materials or pr CONSULTANTS or's option to select the one which h sel ecti on. No substitutions shall be made without the Architect's I . - A. - All Contractors are responsible for the daily removall of all - accumulated debris resulting from their workthat day. Lawfully remove all scrap, debris B. At completion of work, protect work and finishes from damage by ntractors. After completion of project, remove . C. Ensure that all materials or products required to be operational are. Make necessa EARTHWORK � I . PART 1: GENERAL . A. Provide all labor, equipment and materials in conn ures, complete, in accordance with f , I . . i - . - . t,ions of the specifications for work related to that of this section. Provide all work hereunder as required for the associated work i I earthwork. responsibilitie I C. General Notes and General Const . . I D. Soils Investigation Report: The Geotechnical Study prepared for . ner. The applicable provisions and recommendations contained in the report shall go . � E. Engineering: Contractor shall provide and pay for all necessary engineering services required to lay out the work, se points, etc., for line,, measurements,, distances, grades, elevations, temporary bench marks, or other layout points until he no longer . datum point. . k. Any fees made necessary by the removal and di . atmosphere, water sprinkling shall be used to limit the dust and pollution rising and scattering in the air,, and as r REVISIONS I � I I , r ,� - � - - - - - - - �� i , - - [�'. Rfl EC: K,9 oft Fr,E�10,1�is I .... I IMF 0 . . � . I � - 'E " OrKI& " ( * �SwON A's --I I . �_r _E� r'� E � R'� sc�' 4 I � - -_ "I - ______ -_ - I �' - __ __ ___ - - - __ - ___ __ � . . . I . .� � ­ I � I . � - , . _;_ � , . Vk. I.- . : -1 . . �. _11,��. . -..-..,.. . � ­ I .1 I- . I . I - . 4, A" Z:,;_,��!*,.4_z I`% -, --- 7.1-4., - - . - I . . I - I � _­ . - I.. r � 1. . 1-:1 If_- - -­,�.!_ ­­ �.,.._�,.ih�!_,Z.., _. - �.. .. . - 11 -1 I" ,_ ( . ... - . ­ - L I - -6­:__.�_­__'_._­__ I . . � � I : I - I _1 ____________�_­ ------------ L--.--- - . - _____ _______ ----- - - ------------- _____ — M0 R . .- I ..,%"�", ­ �. . IV. -11 . I ; � � '. _" . � � � ( �� �� � 4 ­ I - t . .. * I " . . I _� , cing any earthwork, it shall be the y ract Documents and report any - discrepancy to the Architect for verification. Failure to,.do so . qU-ent , -- ­ ­ I ­ . n . f � B. Existing construction adjoinin " � 2 . , D. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection and - ­ - . the direct inspection of a -Soils Engineer employed by the Owner. The exact nature of the soils as they are disclosed will be oils engineer and he shall make all final rk performed on the site. He general inspecti ing operations . specified and called for in the drawings or any authorized . ations. The Owner through the soils engineer will iting, prior to the execution of the work. The soils enginee . - authorities having jurisdiction. . ' I ents, 'and other facilities from damages caused by settlement, lateral movement, I undermining, washout, and other'h . . I . 6 . . . . I . �� P I � 3 , I � � stripped from the area to be graded and removed from the si te. I � I * A. Fill shall be placed to the lines and grades in I I- " . d surf . . , . aced in six inch (6") lifts, watered to near optimum - . moisture content, and compacted to, at least 90% of the materials ty prior to placem I U ches (6") of the subgrade and base material below � . E. Fill for landscape areas shall be placed to the grades and lines hl . et <5'> outside building lines) shall be compacted to 85% of maximum dry y . . . ' A. Placement of all fill and backfill shal I be monitored by eer. This includes observation of I the Soils Engineer. Supplemental recommendations may prove warranted based upon the materials exposed i n the actual avations shall be observed by repre Soils Engineer to see if the recommended penetration of proper . supporting strata has been achieved. Such observations shall be made prior to placing concrete, steel, or forms. The Soils Engineer - � g: Finish grade ten feet (10') out from the wall in . ­ ­ - . I I I B. s" as used herein, mean the required final grade elevations indicated on the drawings. I batement: During the entire period abate undue noise. Necessary sprinkling and wetting of the entire e shall b tractor shall obtain and.pay I CONCRETE FORM WORK I . A. the work includ r I . � d in writing by, the Architect, where sides of I '�. of concrete directly against the excavation, and where sides of I . as hereinafter specified. � . - LOTS 119A, 1205 1345135 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA . 0 & ute's "Recommended rete Formwork," ACE 347-71, and the "Uniform Building Code," 1979 Edition, Volumne 1, Section 2606, are hereby made a direct part included in this contract shall conform with the applicable ,requirements therein except as spe herein. . I . . . � . .. ART 2: I I '.. . I . . I . . ' A. Earth Forms: Allowed only when authorized by the Structural I Engi neer, earth f I s (6") or eight inches (8") shiplapped or T. & G. , "Standard" grade Douglas Fir, conforming to the :Standard Grading I this option, may u . if used_, shall be "B -B Plyform Class I Exterior" Grade, conforming andard PS 1,, 5/8 -inch minimum thickness. . . . ces: "B -B Plywood Class I Exterior" grade ply- . to U.S. Product Standard PS 1. 5/8 -inch I minimum thickness. Each panel shall carry the grade trademark I of the American Plywood Association along with the DFPA Quality stamp. 4 � ing and Bracing: "Standard on Construction" grade Douglas Fir, tough or S4S, conforming to the herein be Grading and Dress E. Form Ties and Spreaders: Standard metal form clamp assembly, of type acting as spr g no metal within one -inch (1") I 4 ofconcreteface. Inner tie rod shall be left in concrete when . forms are removed. Submit samples and manufacturer's specifications I concrete shal I not leave exposed metal at surface. Hanger member. Penetration of structural steel members wil . G. Form Coating: Non -grain raising and non -staining type that will l matter on surfac to concrete surface. Apply coating in conformity with ART 3: . t least two inches (2") wider than own on drawings. Construct wood edge strips at . ! from sloughing. Form sides of footi � i � I . k 8. Formwork - Gene I material, shall b and dimensions, mortar tight,, I I rials, or placing and vibrating the o maintain their shape under all imposed loads. I verified and all inaccuracies corrected. All wedging and bracing . s I bracing, supporting members, and centering shall be of ample size loads to which forms may be subjected, and shall be spaced . Soffits of 'all beam forms shall be constructed of two inches (2") minimum thick material. Concrete out of line, level o . I bracing loads ove h bracing is erected. When - placed on ground, ndermining or settlement. I . plumb in lines and surfaces or walls, and arises . shall no exceed 1/8 inch in ten feet (10') with maximum "in" and "out" variation occuring in not less than 20 feet. 2. Variation in linear building lines from established position in .- osition of walls s r one inch ( 1") in 40 feet or greater 1 3. Variation in cross sectional dimension of thickness of slabs and . . . . ' . gs, and structural slabs shall h for their entire length. I & E. Form Ties: Form ties shall be of sufficient strength and used on one inch (1") away from the finished surface of ting of twisted wi not be permitted. are stripped. All form ties shall be spaced equidistant and o allow proper erection sequence and r fEatures. No wood ary nailing block ete. Secure information for imbedd other trades as required. All imbedded items shall be securely anchored in correct location and alignment prior to placing concrete. Electrical and telephone conduits shall be run in . electrical or telephone conduit larger than 3/4 inch in diameter and slabs. . I I H. Openings for It enings in concrete where indicated on architectural,, structural, plumbing, ctrical drawings. Contractor shall establish exact k specified under other sections. Contractor shall be held responsible for unnecessary cutting and patching of concrete. Any cutting and repairing to concrete required as result of f ai 1 u re to provide f or such openi ngs shal I be pai d f or by the I TEN-NINTY,' LTD ' 14735 VILLAGE DRIVE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 � I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE � . k . I � I . I -_ I -t,� f `;�,� I - 'Ile " . � I . L inish on slabs. Shape slabs.to . ' drain where required or as indicated on drawi iting �` by the concrete, and forms shall be thoroughly wetted. � I . Reinforcement an . , . . . . K. Shores and False Work: Contractor shall be fully responsible for 11 the proper strength, safety, and adequacy of all false work, .. footings,, etc., used on and in conne . - t de�ormation, deflection, or settlement. Wedges in pairs of jacks shall be used bring forms, shoring, or false work for slabs,, and other parts of the structure to the exact elevations and uniform I bearing before placing concrete. Single wedges will not be permitted. Vertical andl ateral lo formwork system or by completed structure, after it has attained � . - h. Submit manufacturer's data for patented shores, - � . shore splicing and methods of shore support. Construct forms to . permi tthei r remo rbi ngtheoriginal shoring. - . exposed work whic oitioned to "like new" condition. . Discard forms considered unsatisfactory by the Architect. Apply l forms in accordance with the manufacturer's - gs before placing reinforcing - steel. . M. I nspection: Pr ny concre eel in the forms, c . N. Rejection of De Any movement or - . I crete shall be furnished at no � . * . - forms and shoring . rimposed thereon safely. In no case may an ' forms y or shoring be remo Earlier removal than specified below may be approved-.bythe Architect, based on the weather and tests of job � cured cyclinders. All formwork sha I B. The minimum tim ring to remain in place shall be . I . . - I I ..IF Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 a 0 � W, C. Shoring shall b . transmitted dire i or shearing stresses in -the concrete. Do not remove shores until 4 . .1 I supporting members have attained s th to carry the, :'11 he Architect. . D. During the period that forms are in place on the concrete work, said . , E. In removing plywood forms, no metal pinch bars shall be used and . � . eft in place as long as possible to permit shrinkage I away from concrete. Any plywood forms shall be left in place until I . damaging -the architectural concr 1. . vicinity. I - - A CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT � I � I . A. Furnish and install all concrete reinforcement as I cti on. . . - ' . 1.2 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENGIES* . . A. Standards: All . Concrete reinforcing Steel Institute,, the American Concrete . . . * ion prior to placing of concre Owner's representative and the City. I . 11 . I . analysis is available. Where no identification is available, one . I I . . . A. Billet -steel deformed bars for concrete and/or masonry STM A-615,, Grade 4 . B. Welding Electrodes: As per AWS A5.1 Sections 1.17.3 and 1.17.4 of . . I . I D. Chairs, bolste manufactured for the express use involved. These items shall be I tal or aluminum wh . � . , all reinforcement steel shall be bent to shape at . . Contractor's shop. Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, the I I . i VN%DSC,4Pe . � I ; I I R. H. (_1) ! 2. Bars. with ki nks or bends not shown on dra in.gs w - ANDERWOOD JR." 1;� I . . L,: ___4 nner injur �) �, 1726 1 bars. . � . i * -_ I � . I J�� DA i N � 41e OF UN0 I' �'� , - 11 � CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS __ ____ ___ - r- IDATE - . __ __ 11 _�� iu�y 81 i38 I ORAWN 7. P1 FfOA � . ' - ORI CH - K - H V CHECKE0 - . I JOEB NO. 6-7 - E; 15 \.. ..J1 �� Ieo"� SHEET I � Q� 17 1 1 __ -% i 0 F �' . !. :� ;a �_ = 1 1214 displaced in doing so, without addi rdinary wear and 91106 tear I I uarantees and warranties, provide materials, pro- . . 31815 ducts, assemblies and construction which will yield a reasonable 92675, .213/681-3408 714 6617127 11 ranty periods. 1.05 DRAWINGS A. Drawings and specifications are lete project. Exe shown or described ' according to standard and customary trade practice and in similar manner and spirit of details which are shown on drawings or described in specifications. I � d, unsafe or not within customary ct and Owner in writing. If work detail. Check accuracy of dimensions. No additional compensation ween actural dimensions and those I indicated on drawings. � 4 C. Follow figured dimensions in preference to scale, and detail drawings in preferenced to small scale drawings. Che all dimensions in the field. Unless specifically excepted in . fabricate any materials nor do any construction until verification' y D. Follow specifications and wr*itten notes and schedules in preference rm of line drawings. Detailed . odifications or drawings and specification. Notes, figures and details on said detail drawings ­ I � I re complementary and work called for on . both. workers responsible for all items for a complete project. These , . rmation. In the absense of and systems by the Architect and Owner. It is assumed that al 1 are skilled in . found these Contract Documents free of ambiguities sufficient for bidding and successful construction purposes or have notified the Architect in writing of such ambiguities. . hei r apropri iteness i n desi gn. not researched each and every material, product and system in deta Y trade and Contractor to obtain information nece,,)sary relative to s, smoke, flamiiability and other potentially harmiful characterist nd installing such. . � ver o . f liens by ill subcontractors B. Provide evidence of obtaining and causing to maintain public liability insurance, property damage insurance and fire insurance � wing minimum insurance: . mage Insuranc�. 2. In addition, carry statutorily required Wor<ers Compensation Insurance. , CONSULTANTS or's option to select the one which h sel ecti on. No substitutions shall be made without the Architect's I . - A. - All Contractors are responsible for the daily removall of all - accumulated debris resulting from their workthat day. Lawfully remove all scrap, debris B. At completion of work, protect work and finishes from damage by ntractors. After completion of project, remove . C. Ensure that all materials or products required to be operational are. Make necessa EARTHWORK � I . PART 1: GENERAL . A. Provide all labor, equipment and materials in conn ures, complete, in accordance with f , I . . i - . - . t,ions of the specifications for work related to that of this section. Provide all work hereunder as required for the associated work i I earthwork. responsibilitie I C. General Notes and General Const . . I D. Soils Investigation Report: The Geotechnical Study prepared for . ner. The applicable provisions and recommendations contained in the report shall go . � E. Engineering: Contractor shall provide and pay for all necessary engineering services required to lay out the work, se points, etc., for line,, measurements,, distances, grades, elevations, temporary bench marks, or other layout points until he no longer . datum point. . k. Any fees made necessary by the removal and di . atmosphere, water sprinkling shall be used to limit the dust and pollution rising and scattering in the air,, and as r REVISIONS I � I I , r ,� - � - - - - - - - �� i , - - [�'. Rfl EC: K,9 oft Fr,E�10,1�is I .... I IMF 0 . . � . I � - 'E " OrKI& " ( * �SwON A's --I I . �_r _E� r'� E � R'� sc�' 4 I � - -_ "I - ______ -_ - I �' - __ __ ___ - - - __ - ___ __ � . . . I . .� � ­ I � I . � - , . _;_ � , . Vk. I.- . : -1 . . �. _11,��. . -..-..,.. . � ­ I .1 I- . I . I - . 4, A" Z:,;_,��!*,.4_z I`% -, --- 7.1-4., - - . - I . . I - I � _­ . - I.. r � 1. . 1-:1 If_- - -­,�.!_ ­­ �.,.._�,.ih�!_,Z.., _. - �.. .. . - 11 -1 I" ,_ ( . ... - . ­ - L I - -6­:__.�_­__'_._­__ I . . � � I : I - I _1 ____________�_­ ------------ L--.--- - . - _____ _______ ----- - - ------------- _____ — M0 R . .- I ..,%"�", ­ �. . IV. -11 . I ; � � '. _" . � � � ( �� �� � 4 ­ I - t . .. * I " . . I _� , cing any earthwork, it shall be the y ract Documents and report any - discrepancy to the Architect for verification. Failure to,.do so . qU-ent , -- ­ ­ I ­ . n . f � B. Existing construction adjoinin " � 2 . , D. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection and - ­ - . the direct inspection of a -Soils Engineer employed by the Owner. The exact nature of the soils as they are disclosed will be oils engineer and he shall make all final rk performed on the site. He general inspecti ing operations . specified and called for in the drawings or any authorized . ations. The Owner through the soils engineer will iting, prior to the execution of the work. The soils enginee . - authorities having jurisdiction. . ' I ents, 'and other facilities from damages caused by settlement, lateral movement, I undermining, washout, and other'h . . I . 6 . . . . I . �� P I � 3 , I � � stripped from the area to be graded and removed from the si te. I � I * A. Fill shall be placed to the lines and grades in I I- " . d surf . . , . aced in six inch (6") lifts, watered to near optimum - . moisture content, and compacted to, at least 90% of the materials ty prior to placem I U ches (6") of the subgrade and base material below � . E. Fill for landscape areas shall be placed to the grades and lines hl . et <5'> outside building lines) shall be compacted to 85% of maximum dry y . . . ' A. Placement of all fill and backfill shal I be monitored by eer. This includes observation of I the Soils Engineer. Supplemental recommendations may prove warranted based upon the materials exposed i n the actual avations shall be observed by repre Soils Engineer to see if the recommended penetration of proper . supporting strata has been achieved. Such observations shall be made prior to placing concrete, steel, or forms. The Soils Engineer - � g: Finish grade ten feet (10') out from the wall in . ­ ­ - . I I I B. s" as used herein, mean the required final grade elevations indicated on the drawings. I batement: During the entire period abate undue noise. Necessary sprinkling and wetting of the entire e shall b tractor shall obtain and.pay I CONCRETE FORM WORK I . A. the work includ r I . � d in writing by, the Architect, where sides of I '�. of concrete directly against the excavation, and where sides of I . as hereinafter specified. � . - LOTS 119A, 1205 1345135 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA . 0 & ute's "Recommended rete Formwork," ACE 347-71, and the "Uniform Building Code," 1979 Edition, Volumne 1, Section 2606, are hereby made a direct part included in this contract shall conform with the applicable ,requirements therein except as spe herein. . I . . . � . .. ART 2: I I '.. . I . . I . . ' A. Earth Forms: Allowed only when authorized by the Structural I Engi neer, earth f I s (6") or eight inches (8") shiplapped or T. & G. , "Standard" grade Douglas Fir, conforming to the :Standard Grading I this option, may u . if used_, shall be "B -B Plyform Class I Exterior" Grade, conforming andard PS 1,, 5/8 -inch minimum thickness. . . . ces: "B -B Plywood Class I Exterior" grade ply- . to U.S. Product Standard PS 1. 5/8 -inch I minimum thickness. Each panel shall carry the grade trademark I of the American Plywood Association along with the DFPA Quality stamp. 4 � ing and Bracing: "Standard on Construction" grade Douglas Fir, tough or S4S, conforming to the herein be Grading and Dress E. Form Ties and Spreaders: Standard metal form clamp assembly, of type acting as spr g no metal within one -inch (1") I 4 ofconcreteface. Inner tie rod shall be left in concrete when . forms are removed. Submit samples and manufacturer's specifications I concrete shal I not leave exposed metal at surface. Hanger member. Penetration of structural steel members wil . G. Form Coating: Non -grain raising and non -staining type that will l matter on surfac to concrete surface. Apply coating in conformity with ART 3: . t least two inches (2") wider than own on drawings. Construct wood edge strips at . ! from sloughing. Form sides of footi � i � I . k 8. Formwork - Gene I material, shall b and dimensions, mortar tight,, I I rials, or placing and vibrating the o maintain their shape under all imposed loads. I verified and all inaccuracies corrected. All wedging and bracing . s I bracing, supporting members, and centering shall be of ample size loads to which forms may be subjected, and shall be spaced . Soffits of 'all beam forms shall be constructed of two inches (2") minimum thick material. Concrete out of line, level o . I bracing loads ove h bracing is erected. When - placed on ground, ndermining or settlement. I . plumb in lines and surfaces or walls, and arises . shall no exceed 1/8 inch in ten feet (10') with maximum "in" and "out" variation occuring in not less than 20 feet. 2. Variation in linear building lines from established position in .- osition of walls s r one inch ( 1") in 40 feet or greater 1 3. Variation in cross sectional dimension of thickness of slabs and . . . . ' . gs, and structural slabs shall h for their entire length. I & E. Form Ties: Form ties shall be of sufficient strength and used on one inch (1") away from the finished surface of ting of twisted wi not be permitted. are stripped. All form ties shall be spaced equidistant and o allow proper erection sequence and r fEatures. No wood ary nailing block ete. Secure information for imbedd other trades as required. All imbedded items shall be securely anchored in correct location and alignment prior to placing concrete. Electrical and telephone conduits shall be run in . electrical or telephone conduit larger than 3/4 inch in diameter and slabs. . I I H. Openings for It enings in concrete where indicated on architectural,, structural, plumbing, ctrical drawings. Contractor shall establish exact k specified under other sections. Contractor shall be held responsible for unnecessary cutting and patching of concrete. Any cutting and repairing to concrete required as result of f ai 1 u re to provide f or such openi ngs shal I be pai d f or by the I TEN-NINTY,' LTD ' 14735 VILLAGE DRIVE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 � I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE � . k . I � I . I -_ I -t,� f `;�,� I - 'Ile " . � I . L inish on slabs. Shape slabs.to . ' drain where required or as indicated on drawi iting �` by the concrete, and forms shall be thoroughly wetted. � I . Reinforcement an . , . . . . K. Shores and False Work: Contractor shall be fully responsible for 11 the proper strength, safety, and adequacy of all false work, .. footings,, etc., used on and in conne . - t de�ormation, deflection, or settlement. Wedges in pairs of jacks shall be used bring forms, shoring, or false work for slabs,, and other parts of the structure to the exact elevations and uniform I bearing before placing concrete. Single wedges will not be permitted. Vertical andl ateral lo formwork system or by completed structure, after it has attained � . - h. Submit manufacturer's data for patented shores, - � . shore splicing and methods of shore support. Construct forms to . permi tthei r remo rbi ngtheoriginal shoring. - . exposed work whic oitioned to "like new" condition. . Discard forms considered unsatisfactory by the Architect. Apply l forms in accordance with the manufacturer's - gs before placing reinforcing - steel. . M. I nspection: Pr ny concre eel in the forms, c . N. Rejection of De Any movement or - . I crete shall be furnished at no � . * . - forms and shoring . rimposed thereon safely. In no case may an ' forms y or shoring be remo Earlier removal than specified below may be approved-.bythe Architect, based on the weather and tests of job � cured cyclinders. All formwork sha I B. The minimum tim ring to remain in place shall be . I . . - I I ..IF Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 a 0 � W, C. Shoring shall b . transmitted dire i or shearing stresses in -the concrete. Do not remove shores until 4 . .1 I supporting members have attained s th to carry the, :'11 he Architect. . D. During the period that forms are in place on the concrete work, said . , E. In removing plywood forms, no metal pinch bars shall be used and . � . eft in place as long as possible to permit shrinkage I away from concrete. Any plywood forms shall be left in place until I . damaging -the architectural concr 1. . vicinity. I - - A CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT � I � I . A. Furnish and install all concrete reinforcement as I cti on. . . - ' . 1.2 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENGIES* . . A. Standards: All . Concrete reinforcing Steel Institute,, the American Concrete . . . * ion prior to placing of concre Owner's representative and the City. I . 11 . I . analysis is available. Where no identification is available, one . I I . . . A. Billet -steel deformed bars for concrete and/or masonry STM A-615,, Grade 4 . B. Welding Electrodes: As per AWS A5.1 Sections 1.17.3 and 1.17.4 of . . I . I D. Chairs, bolste manufactured for the express use involved. These items shall be I tal or aluminum wh . � . , all reinforcement steel shall be bent to shape at . . Contractor's shop. Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, the I I . i VN%DSC,4Pe . � I ; I I R. H. (_1) ! 2. Bars. with ki nks or bends not shown on dra in.gs w - ANDERWOOD JR." 1;� I . . L,: ___4 nner injur �) �, 1726 1 bars. . � . i * -_ I � . I J�� DA i N � 41e OF UN0 I' �'� , - 11 � CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS __ ____ ___ - r- IDATE - . __ __ 11 _�� iu�y 81 i38 I ORAWN 7. P1 FfOA � . ' - ORI CH - K - H V CHECKE0 - . I JOEB NO. 6-7 - E; 15 \.. ..J1 �� Ieo"� SHEET I � Q� 17 1 1 __ -% i 0 F �' . !. :� ;a �_ = 1 1214 EAST GREEN STREET9 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91106 - ' .. 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