HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-1AM .SCALE: 40' GEAERAL NOTES: 1. *4 construction of all public imp-m—it. shell cilofaFm ioltTew ans and to � the City standard specifications, Public. Works partment. City of Fontana. Refer to d*finitiom and terms is city standard s'ptcifications. *vat i an construct an Peru s t a IL.ki 4 U. fi, n 6 4 +A Af an �"Ir &d4+%4n +kA r4* N4 -1 U I a % 4 limits. i I %V N 3. iftattent of public utilities shown hm boo datenytried him t1D available information. ftwevor, it shall be the responsibility of LEGEAD. this contractor to determine the true location and elevation in the field of any existing utilities and to exercise proper precautions to avoid injury or damage thereto. Contractor shall contact rp EDGE OF PA VEMEWT RV _r1zkrAf#Z1.*o' Onderground Service Alert for utility location before excavation A - C. FAVEWNT PAVEMEIVT rxx xg) EXIS TIAIG EL E VA 770A( I I r 4. "active measures shell be toten by "m Contractor so as not to VX PROPOSED ELf VATION mud, silt or debris to be deposited onto public or Any wild or adjacent property at all times during construction. 6P LoF debris on public property shall be removed immediately. Dust y �p EXISTING CHAINLINK FEACE I Wall be contrpll*d by watering or other approved mthod through - top I 1 1 1 1SUMP STONE WALL A 0 -9 out the grading and construction operations. tr L7 I \.1 SEWER MANHOLE C 1z 1(10 k Alt, � /A*� t�w/(Ov: (�, /01_�Jo 6 YP r L ROSENA AVE. A/ 00 t, 48 V/ I �Lr 0 0 S. Cars should be taken to pieven grada, ditdM MW 11welts fM STREET LIGHT undermining street improvements. Upon inspection of the site, the ol 14 o�; �. �04 City Engineer my require tompbrary gunits swales, entering or teaving improvements. 7 EXISTING 7REE k- J) 05 L� 6. all exposed concrete swften $hall conform to reft, color and 4W /727 LU finish to all adjoining curbs and sidowa ks. e e /'�_s r z 145Aer C Z; CA9tGUTTER 1. /M014" — 7. Storilant requtred mWe all AC poweamt. B W 84CK OF WALK 0 MIT J*� .17 Ck F CHAIN LINK FENCE lu -.4 1,07WA 4. W I. All pav~i or concrete rommis shall be saw cut. CEN TER L INE 7;We- ,o,�� , FAC _7 oP /,V I OWL 91 OPER Y L ffAE RIGHT OF WAY L r4 k AA T rOP OF CURB S4H SEWERMANHOLE "**)t 15.5' 1 z 1W 14 24. 5 so --o P 'Aflm ,4,r '0a;0::�r 'oe rA�F-Aop (D -o - Pl..Y/ , J, 4 0,1 "M . . .... er, 5z /Z7 -5 7es 3 ,TYP. SECTION - N. T S. k4 e5P 2- -da 45 4 -7 NO. CONS 7 R UC Tla V NO T ES: IIIINNEW. irk L%MiT* OF CCWSTRUCTION -OUANTITIES- WEST 7 Ame1_*f,-7A00r e;el-T77 (CiTY PE�RAMT KtrOL31MLro) ­VEor 7oo. ouantities noted are provided for the convenience,o`1 . DEVELOPER only. The CONTRACTOR 13 nereby nOtifl 60 to provide the DEVELOPER With & old based on his own deter - ENGINEER'S NOTE TO CONTRACTOR- ml nat Ion of quantities for a complete JOD. 4 1 Z SIC a] The existence ana t6cation or any UnaergroUna UtfultV pipes, 4% sp: EA conduits or structures shown on these plans are obtain od Y L ST) search of the available records. To the best of our knowiledg: there are no existing utilities except as shown on these plans. The contractor Is required to take due precautionary measures to protect the utility lines shown on these drawings. The ENGR' S contractor further assumes all liability and responsibility for DATE CITY DATE REVISION APPROVAL AFFROVAL the utility pipes. conduits or structures shown or not shown on these drawings. Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsibility for the job site conditions durning the course of construction of this 'project, Including safety of all No. 28501 persons and property; that this requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours; and that the contractor shall defend, Indemnify and hold t Re CITY, and OWNER and the ENGINEER harmless from any aTyd al -I 44M3441ty, the performance of work on real or alleged, In connection wIth this pro. 0 t ex ting for liability arising from the sole OF 'k negligenc "a f*the ��NG I NEER. t or /A W T.- GUT I EVRE C -.-E. 2850 FZ!VM7 3-31-94 1 .4 t SANDERSON CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 1 9587 Arrow Route Suite H RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730. (714) goo -12 -ii 3/11A -31-94 C-0, VIT."'eSU T I E R R Z R_ C. E. 28501 EX,�3 DOTE' 2fA- Y- 103 Llr 109 Lr- ewA_,oAxr1e6er -de "*,PW. (A-fw) 5X40e-A0kzAoo0 PE -K S -M 10 6-A 42 -0 Z_ 60 LF 4Z LF G)_ 4: V VZ Xle_ , o 4 C Z o e ) Vo!! F -A*) 2 O/A. /. ) .4 2 4A 6 2. cl 6 15F 7-18 SF- SWa-,9,771 c,,V1A17_ Alff. 103 LF %00) LF �04 14��14nlf t 4e rl'(% P&t 7/7 A 0/'f VIA I F/'01 P_ LEA 44 4'r/Xt0,0&) IeU-f VP;;V. 2 4 9r, )V ff ,'5*6 07 Lf 1.1 & LF Memo 5�7,4- 34 " �V 5- ?,e 1A 7 The quantities - timate of noted are provided by the aNaimErlil sotey is the amount of worK requ Ired to tompiete the 7 Ame1_*f,-7A00r e;el-T77 (CiTY PE�RAMT KtrOL31MLro) ­VEor 7oo. ouantities noted are provided for the convenience,o`1 . DEVELOPER only. The CONTRACTOR 13 nereby nOtifl 60 to provide the DEVELOPER With & old based on his own deter - ENGINEER'S NOTE TO CONTRACTOR- ml nat Ion of quantities for a complete JOD. 4 1 Z SIC a] The existence ana t6cation or any UnaergroUna UtfultV pipes, 4% sp: EA conduits or structures shown on these plans are obtain od Y L ST) search of the available records. To the best of our knowiledg: there are no existing utilities except as shown on these plans. The contractor Is required to take due precautionary measures to protect the utility lines shown on these drawings. The ENGR' S contractor further assumes all liability and responsibility for DATE CITY DATE REVISION APPROVAL AFFROVAL the utility pipes. conduits or structures shown or not shown on these drawings. Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsibility for the job site conditions durning the course of construction of this 'project, Including safety of all No. 28501 persons and property; that this requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours; and that the contractor shall defend, Indemnify and hold t Re CITY, and OWNER and the ENGINEER harmless from any aTyd al -I 44M3441ty, the performance of work on real or alleged, In connection wIth this pro. 0 t ex ting for liability arising from the sole OF 'k negligenc "a f*the ��NG I NEER. t or /A W T.- GUT I EVRE C -.-E. 2850 FZ!VM7 3-31-94 1 .4 t SANDERSON CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 1 9587 Arrow Route Suite H RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730. (714) goo -12 -ii 3/11A -31-94 C-0, VIT."'eSU T I E R R Z R_ C. E. 28501 EX,�3 DOTE' __� 1 11 OR,4#,Sf ;0)1 1 F DRAWN BY: TWIT G D DESIGNED: fBB CHECK'D BY: LTG JOB NO. VICINITY MAP CITY OF FONTANA PUBLIC WORKS'DEPT STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROSENA AVENUE APPROVED 13Y:M'A_S-111111111`�� CI-ry--E_,U�61NEER R.0 SCALE: AS NOTED FDA T E elP�l ,0/ Wi! N 0. SHT NO. '9 ;RU7YC1A Alff. __� 1 11 OR,4#,Sf ;0)1 1 F DRAWN BY: TWIT G D DESIGNED: fBB CHECK'D BY: LTG JOB NO. VICINITY MAP CITY OF FONTANA PUBLIC WORKS'DEPT STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROSENA AVENUE APPROVED 13Y:M'A_S-111111111`�� CI-ry--E_,U�61NEER R.0 SCALE: AS NOTED FDA T E elP�l ,0/ Wi! N 0. SHT NO. '9