HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-2All % tu Drain Line Data V V, LA] 8" Dia. CMP 16 GA. GaIv. Steel Drain Line IP PIA G r I& &A 15MML- WA N 1,40�! I rXIAA�V-16 r./Flf e, FTP��H\ BENCH MARK [BI 12" Dia. CMP 16 GA. GaIv. Ste4l Drain Line Pep LWlN UNP,. �31RADE (EG) IS ELEVATION 901-61, SITE CONTROL POINT NO. 5�9, 1" I.P. FLUSH AT 24" Dia. CMP 16 GA. GaIv. SteflIl Drain Line VIA. 6�r I p4N M1Nt41Vr_ BENCH MARK FOR EXISTING T OF THE CENTER LINE QF CHERRY AVENUEt Fr] R2101 THE APPROXIMATE CENTER F LOT 19,70'EAS i Drain Line Notes Ai 1 . Minimum percent of slope shall be 1%. Refer to Plan for slope percenta0e. IF F IN.N. 2. Refer to project specifications tection 02500 Storm Drain Construction pnd Standard A, Specifications for Public Worki Construction 1988 Edition, Sections 207-11 Corrugated Steel 1 015) Pipe and Pipe Arches and Seclion 306-1.2 Installation of Pipe. d ijspected in conformance N, 3. Corrugated steel pipe and cou�ling bands shall be manufactured an with AASHTO M36. The man acturer of the corrugated -steel pipe and'couplings. shall furnish the Engineer with a certificate of cqmpliance stating that the materials furnis ed comply in all respects N. Quantity Estimate 1 . Excavated and compacted backfill 2. Catch basin per detail R Sheet _Q-1 3. Catch basin per detail If Sheet f, -J 4. Catch basin per detail JLSheet -Q- 5. Manhole, per detail W, Sheet.Q_-Z 6. Manhole, per detail.W, Sheet L_ -Z (connection to existing 27" RCP drain line) 7. 1-D'atch basin per detail Y, Sheet C_ -Z 8. 13" Dia. CMP 16 GA. Drain Line 9. '12" Dia. CMP 16 GA. Drain Line 10. 24" Dia. CMP 16 GA. Drain Line -It. 161,01A. CMP 1& 6,4, 13. 1 11 04. CA61r 11T49N 1�79411'v Allve 18,700 c.y., 3 1 2 2 1 WIM MV F CIIH� 43H V %� %J C1 V I 4. 1?,CP W0 Wwe, TV H01�T_ 1'�M r"OlfV06W Of' 1al - 2, 47r T4, e_'qrk4o�� t-.? i ri Wcw 1, Ott ') , I 1 1164 % I rq;,, mvu& o0t,-6 (a"-Tz0&f", 1160 - A 1 �9. 0', 1 14-12 11) IF eel 0 3`?� .1 5. CA15r 1PON I) MIN WN�; iv mi�gr WS 73 To 11, MQU#?A`-f0VrQr VJ5CI70" 207-7 OP leve A eE, C11 19� W-OKK 5 tb I v1pearl 0115 9/-" /fit 'evit ovfo 1 576 T- PI,'r V �j- 9XISTINQ DRIVE APPROACH 1!57' 10 02, NZ VN\1 k INl 'OVE OAK AVE �.:V, 1(0 6, 1 �51 T lolliqcf PM1N,_1N (V a owrar i wx- 114) i5m" oA*N 11vi_,5r IN w?t�r. 0/0 X rT_ 1,Nkrqr e4w.4 77,oN qv2 Grading Notes: N, v A. -1\ XISTING �CUIRB'Ai < 1 All work shall conform to the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70 and the Standard Specifications Ci for Public Works Construction, 1988 Edition. UTTER A" D' L it, IDEWA Contractor shall verify all site conditions, dimensions, locations and depths of all existing 2. C� underground utilities prior to start of work. 'X AO 1.3 -In oil/ 3. Contractor shall perform all excavation, compalcted backfill and grading operations to establish all 7 h 417 N\ subgrades, finish grades, finish surfaces and finish pads for all work indicated on plans. K7 (VY N 4. All grading work shall conform to the requirements of the soil report prepared by Leighton & PARKING LOT I I U Associates, dated June 25,1986, projqct #6860670-01. Soils Engineer shall certify building pad, pool area, tennis court area and parking lot subgrades. No construction shall occur in these areas prior to certification. Any construction within theso areas prior to certification will be removed at Contrdctor's expense. 5. All areos, to receive fill shall be scarified to a depth of 12" and compacted to 90% relative to m6e, IF compaction prior to placement and compaction of fill. AIV,0 9.), 9 1 6 oNfIN oi?APL� 6. All areas to'be cut shall be scarified to a depth of 12", after excavation of cut material and 5 (0 0 PARKING L T B� Awo compacted to 90% relative compaction. 'N fy IW14 47 7. Remove all vegetation and debris from site and legally dispose of same. VY\ 8. Contractor to grade per contours and elevations shown. NN, 9. Any required import shall be supplied by 1090 Limited. All imported fill material to be aproved,by Val .2-f-6 Soils Engineer. V -olus or minus 1/10th of afoot. 10. All elevation shown on plan shall be TENNIS C"RTS--. A' �j 4- L *establish '11 elevations and dimensions and provide all survey work necessary for T r 11. Contractor shall proper executibn of plan. i 12. All concrete work shall receive a broom finish unless otherwise stated. PA A 3. One (1) set of approved Grading and Construction Plans shall remain on job site at all times. FEXISTINIa 01VE' .40 0, 111 As ILA 14. Dust control shall be properly maintained at all times. 4_1 APPROACH;) 5 If lye 'IN 15. Final reports shall be submitted in accordance with the 1985 Uniform Building Code appendix 70 Section 7015'Compl'etion of Work. 4.!n U �A 16. The Civil Engineer whose name and signature appear on the Grading Plan, shall be responsible .A I 1 4 010) for inspections and approval of site grading,. U d. 17. Refer to Sheet C-2 for installation of utilities. Oot�0'0.,GN DREN 0 CIO& -3 for site construction requirements and dimensions. 18. Refer to Sheet C Or P AY AREA I q 19. Refer to Sheet C-5 for ballfield and play area construction. 0 IS 20. Refer to Sheet C-3 for tennis court construction. A tw, bo qN, q111 oil 21. Refer to Sheet C-4 for swimming pool construction. ilk XI - so 22. Refer to Architectural Plans for community building construction. Community building to be built 0 under separate contract. 4 %-,1 10 ,+�� a- 4 f "\V N, : 0 0 23. Minimum grade for all landscape areas to be 11%. :5 a 24. Minimm grade for all paving and slabs to be .50o. no* I too, N\ f A V I \ I a - OF soon iving Items: Construct the Follol 41 000-1.6 NN Construct concrete curb per Detail Sheet 6, 0 Construct concrete curb & gutter pe'r Detail I_ Sheet c "16H /"//V 9///V Ov a & Construct concrete curb & gutter per Detail H Sheet _��7 Tmu A49 AU Construct concrete sidewalk per Detail -Sheet C-1 X� Construct concrete ONM per Detail F, - Sheet AL F- Sheet C - -1 Construct catch basin per Detail AL FIELD 2 Grading Symbols IY. /A Tit �t, Q) Construct catch basin per Detail I Sheet c- -1 N-11 IbA 4 11 1 1 --- - 0 11V (908) Existing Grades 0 Construct catch basin per Detail LA Sheet C,7 Existing Contours ;7' PRIV 4 %0) 9080 Proposed Grades Construct manhole per Detail W Sheet C 7 1703 Proposed Contours I TG Top of Grate Sheet c_-7 -T- —,A 07 EG Existing Grade Construct manhole per Detail W X (make connection to existing 27" RCP drain line) SALL FIELO 1 (10 V FG Finish Grade 1/a .1�f z PL Property Line gX7p4Yv D6f 1,y 4 -INF- IP f)WRK" 411Ve See Sheet C-3 for tennis court construction. liqy49 eW 111VIZ(ge. M41Ktf� A4V4V6W CL Center Line 8 (A HP High Point cted native soil. 41 4fIF WIN WHM ;ZX -f 5771t(4! Direction of Flow Construct 2-1/2" asphalt paving with 4" Class It aggregate base over 12" compa NN, EP Edge of Pavement Y TC Top of Curb See Sheet C-4 for pool construction. I OFF W FS Finish Surface I E Invert Elevation Excavation building pad area per Sections E & G, Sheet CA A. Scarifty bottom 12" of the n -site soil in layers not to exceed 6" and excav 0 in ation and campact to 90%. Fill pad area with i I i ell 4 IF d a '.', I I P0 Jry FF Finish Floor compact,to 90%. i 27 / It Scarify existing grade at pool area to a depth of 12" and compact to 90%. Fill pool area with on t- I-- L. I - stioldr 1 100 0 soil In layers not to exceed 6" and compact to 90% 0 tv /A., Oman* moos Remove existing drive approaches and install curb, gutter and sidewalk to match existing. ease 0, 1P 6,600 0 041, 'mass a, a Remove existing a* I autos sphalt paving. I game m was a a a -sees one 0! me Meet and. match existing improvements. -5 for construction of ballfield b�ckstop areas and childrens' play area. 0 mammon Nola See Sheet C 0 ....Seem mono* WITf ry - Ito Existing property line wall. N"W— AWi M�w I-, 1__� 1 -1 51�L MAt4tl" C4VEt- hhV ?AN WAS. A,11-10 V101- �1_ 1-11 1__� . 1_� _� IV Illustrates existing trees. Landscape Architect to designate which Irees are to be removed. A-11 V �1) - GLde area to drain at 1 % minimum er Detail L Sheet C,-7. COnstruct concrete sidewalk and curb p V Sheet 0 r& C6nstruct play area curb and sidewalk per Detail A0 Construct concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter per Detail J Sheet q 0&- 6, Cqnstruct concrete swale pei yetall VIP -t!�1517N6 Z-7111`t6p CPAIN 1, 06 -1W I ON 73 IV45W MAV 9W4 --ql I OOD N-3MOT ?7A`51.N rP-^ DeT&JL- 410— CATra IJAM C,0H1Yi5617 lie IF __ 41MIly "by f4r/T 410VA /z. _-3;_ vAa-4-Er 6 -7 TQ PASN P6K 176TA11- A smervr e_:�z CIO - Cr A f'7 *0 These as -built or record drawings have been prepared, in ilk part, on the basis of information compiled and furnished &­ -.6 1� Ww L_ rt I Hl Cl) for any errors or omissions which have been incorporated into this document as a result. ev-.&P- P. _� 4 zt 10� F 4 Afll� ANEPW -A HEIMBERGER HIRSCH AND ASSOCIATES9 INCORPORATED July 31, 1990 W CY) 0 :D N W cy) L) W 0 z Z Z CY) o < < (c) < UJ C\J 3: CY) Cn W z < 0. C) 0 < Z z C) < 2 0 (f) 0 0 zINY L,) W < T--- _J LO :D LL J Project; -ste Date; 4�rr moi Design; 0 0; 8 6002 z 0 W(3.) LL] (3) "0 C) 16+_ z Cz c) < W A. C zw"% (y) C: 4-1 < Lr) cy) C 0 Cf) 0. 0c) itFL I Date; 4�rr moi Design; 0 0; 8 6002