HomeMy WebLinkAbout1870-2SlY"i jro& 4wtv�- tymm and oc*w To ban 3/; #61v. ,- F b sri See std. dwq. MH 255 steel slops 16"O.C. rnts " rqdLicef Se� std. dwns. 7 tact of cowele too See std. dwg. MH 257 MH254-2 �nd MH259 al 4' note 8. -00&4 H hXS S. 0, W1 _j -SECTION CrG 7PLAN M* R.0 P (Pn3 cover W shown) 5042"pipt seat F and 0 barii Concrete riots yl* bets Omit this stop Sir**$ Oradv /-5 yl ring lito Min I In paved otrfete� 171 For poved stre ft 111" 113 F Is is pl�lun oved 11 --H W 'Variable f&'�----Abars \-TeMn E W% F F— I D bof ji Rolind edles -8 ban to 3'radous F AL F 4_. . .... 04 a 18"O.C.,lbothwayll, to be used 1_1 "ky \-Tw brs when 01- is 60 .. or over. f SECTRY4-�M-P-o # Prolitcted on P -P-0 3 -No. 4 x 4_4' of 3 to C/c continue additional bars 6-1/c toinside edge of structure. DETAIL M [fF_i4-- o, F Ant'# A Pipe S&* 11ste = o-44 Build up deck of Rwh* Iz/ I I -A to provide levtI pipt scat D tior J 0( Seat for "t 2 A VAW tv is r4t level /0 bar 5 S'lt 2&p" w A P F t P f he r-, own F bar%—" F #*S to barl 3- rodsus A and B buir T_ ...... .... rills Y,3 C. No.4 bars at 18" c/,c both w To be used when Dz is 60 or over. F- F,. LONGITUDINAL SECTION PL AN (Shaft not Oiown) TAB LE OF BAR SIZES D2,DI or 6 A a B Uars D a F bars Use D? or DI whichever is .12"- 39" No.503" No,406" greater or S. 42" 84" No.6 of 3" No. 5 at 6" 901-TWJN_�_703w 1'14o.606' PC i ISIO 4 S RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD C014TROL PROM I NO AND WATF2 CONSfRVATION DISTIICT MANHOLE NO. 4 DRAWIN(-,' N-0 I P AP,0d*,0 1�7 -17 - ew i r) viv 3TANDARD ORAW1140 NUMOER MH254 DF11(.R1'PTl0h_ 'Arow [)Alil! -f,§!, P" :,All SK ET I OF: 2 OF NOTES I - VALUES for A. B. C. D, D?. OevalloA R. iM Elevalica 5 are im on the improvernerit plan TABLE � values for F and T herecti 2 - LATE'RALS: If laterals enter on both U*des of mAwle.access shaft shall be located on side receiving the smaller lateral 3 - CENTER OF MANHOLE SHAFT shall be located over ceroer line of mary storm drain when D, is 48 -or liss. in which case place 8 E bars symmetrically around shaft 9 45* with center line. 4 - LENGTH L may be increased at option of Contractor to meet pipe endslibut any change n location of spur must be approved by the [jilwer. 5 - DETAIL M : When depth of maMole from street grade to top of box Is less than 2'-ioj'fqr paved streets or 3'-6' for unpaved streets, construct monolithic shaft as per Detail M manhole. The Contractor shall have the option of constructing shaft as per Detail M fQr-any depth of When diameter DI is Wor less, center of shaft shall be located as per Note 6 - REINFORCING STEEL shall be round, deformed. straight bars.1j"clear from insIde face unless otherwise shown. Tie bars shall be No4and spaced Won centers or closer. 7 - CONCRETE shall be class A 8 STEPS shall be J' round. galvarazed steel wd amlwed not less thain 6 Inches in the walls of structure Unless othervasle shown the spacing shall be 16" on centers. The lowest step shall be not more than 2 feet above the invert 9 RINGS, REDUCER, AND PIPE for acces4 shift shall be stated in cement mortar and neatty pointed or wiped inside shaft. 10- FLOOR of manhole shall be steel troweled to springing line 11 - BODY of rimholedricili.iding spur, shall be poured in one continuous operation, except that ihe Contractor sh�! have the option of p4cing at the springing line a construction *)oinl Yvith longitudi4 keyway. Use 02 or DI whichever Is TAKE OF VALUES FOR IF A.40 *D2, Di F B T B T greater, or B. 12 4 .. Iz.. 4 . 78" it 3/4" 15 41/4" Is .. 4 1/4" 84" 112 1/2" to" 41 /21. is' 4 1/2" go" 15 1/4" 2l.. 5 21 S" 96" 14" If D2,Dj or 8 falls between tabulated 24" 1 5 1/4" 24 5 1/4" 102" 15 1/2" values then use the next highest 27 . 5 I/z" _z? 5 1/2" 108" 16" value to determine F or T. 30" 6 30" 6 . 114" 16 1/2" $3" 6 1/4" 33" 61/4' 12 0' 17" 36" 61/2- 36" 6 1/2". 126 17- 7 a 39, 7 " 132" 1 T _172 42 7 1/2" 4 2" 7 1/2" 138" 171/2- 45 7 3A" 45" 7 3/4" 14 4" Is 4a 8 48" 8 51 81/2" 51 . a 1/2" 5 4" 9 " 54' 9 k 57 a 9 1/4" 57 . 91/44 60 91/2 60" 6 3" 10" 6 3" to" 66" 10 1/4" 66" 10 1/4" 69 " 10 3/4" 69" 10 3/4" 72" 11 W 72* 78" 11 3/4" 84 " 12 1/2" go" 131/4- W 14 16 IOz" 15 1/2" 104, 16, 114" 16 I/z" 1.26, —fi, 17 17 1/2" 138" 171/2' 14=4 - is" Rl. RIVIRSiot COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL PROircy NU AND F7—z WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT it: -tize61-1z MANHOLE NO. 4 DRAW!146 NO SHEET NO STANDARD DRAWING NUMBER MH254 7.1 D(sc. 1 Ios 1! It. -I C, I t, 0, 3HEET 91 OF 2 I A rrTAi L_ 'A' Nz> eveA L-6 Norz�5 onaekwalfivi-S ry -*Agow, CV1 1heplon. 472 144t it" kr A, 8, C, 49 tq + ri @ rABLC ol&vkw A- ',ro-W Thw~. CoAcrelf riot .04d rt4vter. -LAr 4R4L-J: 9 lolsivb "er *vbo& s4*t Q1fftW7A#k.*Cc4W 41W1t4�-,1AW,6Coe41Q 41W* rVC4i oz4r A91,11V171. # 3 -UWrrof a-,VAWV41 �W�i`r 4rA*//Ae Ap"*W ilimso- fr*fWor A�w G1 S" Prfi-p -A&7 A Ad 44 'a- Arm. - 41* wAxA cw#p*c-t 4 ZAwv jyrafwoir� orow7d fi,6*11 v4s'-4A r*%,6-A;x A*;wvG.,# 4:4 -wdAswvm1 Jilivvk .1 7jayiiie ;7efwaoedit A*,? - - - - - - 4:0 6 -pew ow -0 Axvil�n ol 4ow m"I Ae apgoevieNo'by Ow Pishwi` 61sykwe. A "C', 04.v" S- oerA& W:Whoa a�-plh_ol ff Panhok hvm j4-wl ffip */ has v lovi lhoi .?-/Oj rb-ovis or 3 -6 /h- w4i�.r4rwii!lt esivadrsAcl awosalllhitoalii aw por Do tod M. # SECTION -G -G 14V coov FW a C" trtx fion AV sho/I as pov- Del AIA4 A- a%oM ol nwri6oAr a clollowl. �4 AN Wh*7 01AZVr Ar A*- 4 i� 0 lar Aw, celik,- v/ &4oll 4W/be /*%v/*&1 at/civv- No to J. -R7 W#Vi A JrM 4h -11A* per 2 -PI 71 .,Peng,"j bo^4/j C4-�qr /,v. -n loc# ol IA1 cw;c.,fN1e LolAws AJwwn oA4orw4e. r4 Aaq &A411Aw -4Jj oh/ Aoocoft /0 �on 1#4W 51 &Wllixi/ed aA *Aom Jlp, 0, jo fit W WV # 4,7- rA40ftWf)VtP Vvllbe 5*t&' Dz -96"01-14.33 ard 6'fbrDr 0eer 36' A A r, ",h� ­3rCoickS #hall A pnC1jofvWWj /# Oj d &wh A�p I,* - 4 6 *o//v :UILP —1111rz a�hrv-w, 1; o a0so," v 1A* liall,6w N'lo 15'o-cA7)�e + loo 1hverl."till L, 'CL 9G. Aom"l J.,*p Ahall be not nov Mon d &CCS" 4A401j 41011tt'd X *01A/ &-d or i,;s,,,V* tAole. All Aar -i 4, 16 -a c Will wq! 't 11 -IL OOR Q/aw/w`1`0k JA011 AC -114v/ llv"104/ 14 401-,VJY�ly /444 - uiedsihen J is io or morit A4 -,8610Y P/ maro`ia�, axAA4�y jpw, */#4// jW,0~,fW */W ir0,11t1.-W*4AJ 41'.4cepe SECTION N- -P-0 13:01� iVhfn 413 60br- OKr W., "4 10,0C boeh ftc;w, A2 ble -,C��rIOV 'U " fq1+V4j afA inside, -woll si/ giltrt4sit4wris on 4kQ0 r4 4 bees, 4'J'A*vf. 9'04 col ,a ov DETAIL M $ 11 - r, -.3000 psi at days. %W W + ill'at to A481do. evve tjeq ,at, 4 a Z. kM*v Pwsuv Manhole No. 4 U& r 00, foR F Am f 01j"A'TA*14. 'f 1* T q sivy iod on p1pas so* Std Al' 4 - IN I F *"4.1 — a -_ " $1 & PW .114, Dwo. Z-0210 n o to J. 01.. 14 j% + TA13LE OF BAR SIZIES ::DjLiji_ A 4 8 bfirs D fir F 1111*rs 60'. wh en to," As /#a 42;44� -506- 90-- 44- 07_01�­ as*&* 7 1 ,oj 7, 7 4. 6 At-, if P 41 vow, P J Vv e. #4 I I 2— D149+ FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT J% + 1 2 - D 107 446 HAN41ED MIX + VISED NO. 2-D171 �_h F, MANHOLE NO. 4 REVISED D 2 2 t PLAN. SECTION, AND LONGTUDINAL 2- D 96 IfE"OTL 4PP + DETAIL 4 2- 047Z As E 0 SECTION 14 llia.1L. /V& D4 --4 41- 615 PLAN 3 1-74 APOfJ0 I/Off SrD A 13-46 1 ti� dc &:V a DAll 2-0113 I AeA,&-,.� J -P-30 *Afpf�,v) L �V� -Sfe N . I - It 11-9 70 qsy 3C ng ho -of. ___ � I I 0,_ of' Pipe Evisting toe P flow line (or- as designated by the Engineer) ot Class *13' Concrete r.9AC for Splash PoLd :1)(12'Norninial Rocks in GAD eh ZA:_ C%j > C0 B 01 C, PLAN Top of bank or levee 1AA Slope (As Shown) -Others to be oLs Approved by the Engineer ------- Evisting toe 6) Ix rflow line 12' Rubble -Flow L Bank Protection Q '41 SECTION B -B 4 bars (D WO.C. '*-Flow Line 4,-O,Cvt- ofc Wall all around ank protection ALTERNATE REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB ON SLOPE IN LIEU OF RUBBLE . DETAILS OF PIPE THRU TRAPEZOIDAL EARTH CHANNEL (FOR 36" DIA. PIPE AND SMALLER) F, T ia, I L I V Ncli C� CA Lx—, (E�_ V Er TA I L� Ne.> 12 Nominal Parks 1121 SECTION A -A '14 bars 0 18'O.C. J� ZA ALTEANATE SECTION A -A REINIFORCED CONCRETE SLAB ON SLOPE IN LIEU OF RU88LE NOTES: W Vories 30' to 45' 6' Varles 15'-O'for 18'cliannifer pipe t smaller , G' -O' to 36' diarnef " . 'C* Varies 41-0-P417118"diametfir ipe t smaller -, G'O' to 3G' dpicirnater pipts,isircept for Channels not elicood'ing lo! width Place pact across aniii-a Channel width and. Place Rubble Bank Protection up opposite side to provide ityrnmefrica.1 section. H' Minimum 5-0' for Channels of 5'0* depth or qrtater, otherwise to top of bank or tityet W Sholl be 12'vnless nolid. Pipe shall be placed at an approved locaiion ( elfivation. IV Varies with pipe size anct Arqle 'K. CHAMFE P �AN CHAMFER DETAIL i I TO I T 3 to 1 2 FOR ELEVATIONS A SEEPROF IL E ELEVATION SECTION A -A NOTES: 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 8 CONCRETE. 2. ALL EXPOSED CORNERS SHALL BE CHAMFERED 3/4' 3. DESIGN FEATURES SHALL CONTROL THE INSTALLATION OF THIS HEADWALL. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ROAD DEPARTM M. A. Nicholas GRAVITY HEADWALL 201 COUNTY ENGINEER I 12 e, -rt&, I L , E,' No '5,eALP— i;xI"r6q seat --street 9rcilde B 1dqe5 to be rounded omil Ihiis stop it) I Max min -c4ts j For paved stracts I to 3" Rodius paved 5tr For TkT�L41 -T— F. - % strs. W 15" X - t, See Notc. P) 17 7,7 w- 7 7 10 ID A A IiTs < JL -7; t L A L '01 - Radius 1. V. of 5pur f -4 _2� All steel Res"Ir. 7— `K- 71 L 84 bars, 4 0 0. C. -%v b: F S'. ('f/ fat o OW41 "p, SECTION C -C DETAIL N PLAN PLAN t4OTF-S (3liaft not 5hown) (5haft not shown) H - H r- IGHT H (in Sot A -A aeW sag. U -S j.':tVjl hg�=t I*.* #win 4'- 0'. tf�471, b4, increa"a 04 fluot the valufs of M 1-4wall be 1 1. The rnin"um 0" 'As I a mt file re- mic;iinhola fricime and coyr-r- Sec Note M r -C.114 alvaii b: used. For H (in sec -C-0 se,4 hotio P. L - k-ENGTK L ph -mil be 4 feelinlo piciiin. L rnixv be emothfirwoses diho:"fwn fr Plan No. 2-D 47Z incromb" or llecAirian orrrZin a 04 PC most POP4 INd c 0 M-5HAFT ishailItIonsitructsiai =r"c I 41ch M fr%:in1 istriect 4,041vanizcd r:�Cde to top or box is IC&O X-10 or li, unpavcd V SICCI steps. P- E)EPTH n cvbeolute li"t of 6' wbcn Icarger val"s of P A rep �__sy 14" to 15' 'O.C. %youl du(,, k7nr;=c-c to 111*44" or lc;13. I T -T ahal I Lic &' for v up 60 Q" inc uJing a feet. C Sid Qr9 2- D96 - .1 T sihall be to" far voluce of H qver 6 feet. r 7 Where Pressure Mcw*49* No -hr, spschad on plans see Sild D%fj. 2-D2iO note 3 Ichc 6 36 RC, P 5TEPS ah:p beawgund ,r;, vl��xO steel and anct I not Its* thay, thsi wallis acru on * Ipe & ac 4- 94 6wcst otcp "ll be rwi mot than -1 feet 0=4 Apilp"ei 4t Wde 4�1 rnanrwAc 4i SIps Std D%vg 2-D t, a 3000 Psi days C17 3-pr-INFORCIN4 3TF-EL t0-11 be f,, 2-0171, straight bars 11"clear from > 4 - 5_rA_T 10 INI Z of rnanWii:3 alNcwn on Mden -P P.. .3 A ,r_CNe line 0( fWt. sr dd=g, CCMCC WWI rtficir to tfw prol grods: .111411 c L T 1 4 L4 j 5-I'LOOR �W"manhea'nle ishoill be afcal-fireweled. 4 viouild 0 -rd V_ 6-RIN63, rigotis or accatse sheff ishall be ofsateol in mortar and nomily q point LOS ANGELES COUNTY 'N tq 4- Lj 7 T 4 MAPS& &ATQ. 41,49"1"60" FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT A—IV :C N:)tc-4 MANHOLE NO. I Ldg-rsj' r e, V., ;__5� I %a -t: PLAN, SECTION AND _j opliowl borloni DETAIL so, -V. SFECTION B- B Inlet elevation /D f t UPPIPC3 at I his point TVs DRA WIMC7 541,DEPjj,0.rf LW6. 41:� 1AT9 2-0102 SECT ION A -A OF rHE S.4 UF A/0. A4 rED /­ 7- 3 9 L "Llf 11121111* 1 &_­—EN'_� _1L NOTES 1. Concrete for encasement and blankil %hall be CLASS "B" concrete.. 2. The concrete encasement or blanket shall extend across the full width of the ,storm droin trench plus an additional 12"Inches Into undisturbed earth on each side of the storm drain trench. When the clearance between the bottom of the storm dtoin and the top of the sewer is between 6 inches and 18'Inches the sewer shall be encased for Case I or blanketed for Case U as shown below. _F6 Min. A T onorete Encomment -C 6 MIX Mln. CONCRETE ENCASEMENT A Now Sewer SECTION A -A TYPICAL SECTION PROTECTION FOR NEW SEWERS - CASE I. K, oncrele Blonkel + B Existing Sewer 6 6 Min. Min. TYPICAL SECTION CONCRETE BLANKET SECTION 8 -B PROTECTION FOR EXISTING SEWERS - CASEn NOTES 1. CAST IN -PLACE STORM DRAINS (o.) When the clearonce belvicen the bottorn of the storm drain ond the top of the lower is lezi than 6 Inch f3, the stwer sholl be encosad monolithically with tht base of the slorm droln-, In addition I shall N construc4d or replaced,1s.thle cc%* may be, with slondord cost Iron soil pipe, in the case Of house connections,or with cross" 0 c a ss"150"cosl iron plps,in the cats of malt) line sewers, (b) Whom ths bottom slab of the cost-in-ploce itorm drain Intersects sewers undar 15inchas In diomeltr, construct ptr typical ancosernent as shown billow. 2. PRECAST PIPE STORM DRAINS Whon the citoronce between the bottom of the storm drain and lh4 lop of the sewer Is Its* than 6 Inches, the sewer sholl " encased, In addition it sholl be const �­�A fl-ert rucitd or replaced with standard cost Iron %oil elpt,in the case of houst connections, of with closs"S or closs 150'cosi Iron pipe. In Ihe case of mainjInli s4wers. T (D Cyt off 2"citar of C -Le YYPI*CAL ENCASEWCAIT WHERE StwEll IS IN JASE Afto 04 Construct CLP or replace existing stwer pipe with C.LP APPROXIMAYELY AT RICHT ANGL(I 70 1 IORM 001AIP6 Ctearencit betwetn th# top of the ?Aver 1ps and the steel I I � ritinforcernent it.od bt a minimi.irn of 11 SANITARY SEWER PROTECTION 14 *J_ ;7� STANDARD DRAWING NUMOER W410? V r, -r A\ IL, I F I No LV, 1:2 MIX CEMENT MORTAR NO. 4 BARS, 8" O.C. BOTH WAYS W 6 BARS PLACED GONALLY SHOWN ON PLANS. SHOWN ON PLANS, SHOWN ON PLANS. X 'X" DISTANCE 4' X: Y" DISTANCE 7' 6 BARS, 8" D.C. rH WAYS. _PRECA,ST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE RING RING SET IN A THICK BED OF 1:2 M IX CEMENT MORTAR -6 . N0.4 BARS, 13-O.C. BOTH WAYS S EPS ON WALL WITHOUT DRAIN AND UNDER MANHOLE PLACE 3/4" 0 GALVANIZED IRON STEPS IN WALL A MAXIMUM OF 15" APART SIZE AND g LOCATION OF CULVERTS SHOWN ON L, PLANS rMIN. 7IT17, NO.4 BARS, a" oir. BOTH WAYS,/,/.I 40 STEP DETAIL NOTES: L STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT !IHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF CLA33 X CONCRETE. 2. CLEARANCE FROM I.D. DF PIPE TO CLEANOUT WALL SHALL BE 4" MIN. 3. APPROVED PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SHAFT RINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF CAST -IN-PLACE SHAFT SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENJ OATC: Jt M. A. Nicholas STORM DRAIN 208 EER COUNTY ENGIN CLEANOUT It, el 4(PIZ Closs"B" Concrete New or 0 Existing ill -9 - D I L Pip & 0 4�, 4 -Ir 12 /0 4 CP -1 e-r,,iz 14/�4 18" of 511 24" 10 6v A 36 " 15 8" 4'. 48 IV 15' /011, ?W4@12 57' 15 ' /0" 'J 4 Circulor ries 60" 175' 1�_6_777_? NOTES A concrete collGr is required where the chon9e In grade exceeds 0 0 ft P er f o o t, of if chonge in alignment exceeds 0. /0 fl p of fool. 2. Where pipes of different diameters ore loined with o concrete colloi,, L ond T 5holl be those of the lor_oer pipe. DzDl or DI whichever is greater, 3. For pipe larger thon 66"a sPeclol cir?llor deloil Is required. 4. For pipe size not fisted use next size larger. 5. Omit reinforcing on pipes 24 "and less In diameter and on oH pipes where ongle A Is less thon /0*. 6. Where reinforcing is required the diameter of the circular ties shoH b a 0 * (2 x wall thickness) * 8 7 When 0/ Is equal to or less thon 9z, join Inverts ond when D/ Is greater than Dz, loln sofflts. 6. Pipe moy be corrilgoted metol pipe, conarels pi,oe, or reinforced concrete pipe. tive.5191 C�.fl FLOOD C0.1.0t -0,10 �O -------- CONCRETE COLLAR FOR PIPE 12 INCHES THROUGH 66 INCHES STANDARD DRAWING NUVOER W1103 A Record i2ra&yj .g�� Isof