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g 1 . ,Z• - - , '\ CASE R CASE 1a CASE I Bocklill os splecihed-_____ VITRIFIED CLAY AND PLAIN CONCRETE PIPE REINFORCED CONCRETE PCP£ 6'wAMrw•w c%wrowae -` _ O)_ Tap of Bedding B unless oMerwise _ _ �----8ockfill as specified ,5'MJWPX w — — — —T to Sorrel.- - - - - - - - , ` . Co"f �,.t'w I_: -COrM cAewrewce - .-10,- C i f f ti noted in the Specrficofions - facoroted Donk a sAeefing cA Ir t t e--- -- I A E'wr/wim"n c%orslwce - - E I � _ r, ' Concrete000 to bN/ or cdNsr. _ _ - ' K ' I r l 1 AedNwg B Excavated bank a ,' i -sorted BedoYwe A to fit CWVW " awd ' ' I `- fl '' sheet". ----- � 450116E / Wade of p►pe. Ijpt o/ !'Foal wad /M ^�� 4 iNa- -- •, �'wiw - .• - j fit4virTp e - - - -•` l RSD' method d rrre /e be dgwowd y 1*0 = Ophoed set : r'3/eD' - ' Ewpiwoer. O� , I ,-//Is 0 awn. ewhlrodar-. -- _J ' t I AedA%wg A------ ..-. fit • -':/ T Beddkv Materia/ beAae bottom ; ; :. I it k" I/`/ Alwatieto of beddlor w►efene/ l*Awaiwwwr bode/fo ,: ' -05 o/ pipe shag be ///20' for p'pes ,, �� • _- I -��hi A v r w•a/erfa/ below r Ercw•eliae to this !Mt perwdlled 39 aril /'rear b dV~Ier, end f f- 0 f- or colAw. 4'foe pipes Aesf /Sew ;9' In I Escsrsl/oe JI IMC AiN pMweN1N. diome/er. Ifo no cost she// /t be 11 I. CASE I BEDDING (Load Factor 2.0 /ars Chow /'below a4 Nil a co/lar 2. CASE II REDOING 8 BACKFILL AROUND P:PI: (Load Factor 1.8) &W be used eAere rpecified on plow or whore required 0 Ira) 'W -&O spr+yky 11w std/ n.•t he kss then 6 "Por any utpM of trr.acA. 3. CASE M BEDDING a BACKFILL AROUND PIPE (Load Factor 1.9) alts ow M'NAOIirI /o Cede I a Case BtTaNAr►p of proaTaeM rtis dirr,rns,un rrxr inck,tk Me fhki1xrss of un ,shteYl/ • to) *W' d Ane sndd' Ad, be lest /how 00 foAeowin 6 ' /✓r Aerear Case 21r BoddAW .00 be used Aeslood of Cose t y y n 4p"rt0,n0 , • / � ppe" r ,a or A,,f against sAeeMeg a ��rslee% IrwecA fr/ef I/ t0 required by (6J Whore cover is e' or lest,•W'wrtosvred a4 lop o/ plot wtaY 6e en/ !w ,"f►ow•e/er,/O or ppe 6!'to /C✓� hrcArsire it areme/rr, ark! /1 hr ppr /kr�r /non 1M Ew wNi drw►ewsiaw prootdr than 6' r l in done/en rhesp diwrens ons .toy rrx,(.a4 the fA,ciness of any S/►ea f/,9. , !' (c) Maar' cover h preo/er Mow 8'. W modswed or tolp of pipe shah' e(0)Where tower is l0'or less, 'W'measured of the lap dr Me pipe Mal bo evy CASE 131 - fool be preo/er than 9'voloss the contractor of hs omm erpenso dtwefos/on poorer 1A09 the above specified WiAVAew,rmiesT #140feree *W fied providos Care 1 bedding or stronger pipe rhe stated a' AkcArdes ow /At protect Arow+wg-, Ill* /McAwess o/ any sheeting It (c I whom corer isPvo•er Mow 10' W , meoswed of 0* fop oe me 'WPO SAO# aw be - - -Law , -- - t, greeter thaw l0 /or pipe /0B' Ar dA nsofor or kss, or /2' for p/pe over AW'M E . e►eeneler raters IAA' contractor M Ms a -01 eq+Tse pro♦ieles Case 1 btow4l, or strowger pipe tits, d1kadi eriows NItA40 the )Aici6Tosr of d", sheering EstaroNd IenA I � Q,4�-C -?000 CASE Y GENERAL NOTES � w sA•oJ/wg-- _ I , Concrete 1 1 Use Cose 1 for R C P and A C P, Cos* N for vitrified dor and plain concrete pipe unless urherwlse spec,hed a shown an the protect drawings 420 -C -2000 Concrete - Q� _ J'ndwiwNNtT eA►erar►ee L.2 Bedanq A shoo be composed of sono. 3/4 -Inca tx 1/2 -mon crushed rock. No 3 a No 4 concrete aggregate a grovel. or other gr .hnubr i - mdtertd os speClfled, unties Pther•nse approved by the Eng,neer Any d Ina mderlals listed with o gradation no Coarser than thw .w I, 3/e D' IO bort/----- I al No 3 concrete o re ate anal De u"d too pipe 27 Inches In diameter and larger. and rnater.ds with o iodation no oo0r3er Ihar _ _ CorM--' 44 4 p 0 4 g RavpAwA enlace- • , I Joint lt1' J , that of 112 - inch crushed rock shall be used for pope smaller than 27 inches In diameter. A. A - . - _. wI,N I j __ Bedding B shall be composed of sand or other gronWo• motenol as spooned, unless ofh*rwlse opproved by the Engineer, a+J a , 1 shag be completed prior to pacing balance of bockf.11 f "T sea at for p•ede adjustntewt ,� - r r -J/4 D' ,_ V' , V 3 Concrete Dackhe, where coiled for On Sid Dwg 2 0213 a where specified On Me protect drawings. !hili bes420 C•2000 For towerete fors fee W"Ificatioru Concrete she# be /2 Rows old before pipe is lord M' s ,4 fowl-.- • i concrete poured wall to wan of trench from lop of Bedding A to o mlrwmunn depth of 4' over top of pips! Concrete backfill I. I shill be used for RC P and A C P as required on Std Dwg ;lo 2-D 213 ant AaA' N 1r'sspecil/ed aw the paws Of las' Ertovo►•ow to.rte- . / t . int Ewprweer. Itis And, pormilled . : ` SUPERSEDES 2-0144 4. CASE X BEDDING (Load Factor 3.0) 1 _/,wwwrrtwOw atPodr m wofwrid xErERE•CE• Revistee LOT ANGELES COUNTY GENERAL NOTES(CONT'D) 2-0215 .MRII Abait KSCO.TIa. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT Where nqur d by the Ewprnter es ow atiow fiefire to Cost r or Q er,se cam Y to wool cowAliows eriswg Arial cows/ruclion 4. Bedding B shall contain no rocks larger than +-inch in greatest • I1-54 ,fi Vi SAD PIPE BEDDING 3•S Rer,sodros Arose. 5, CASEY BEDDING (Load Factor 2.T) U dimension a p ,A•w�snt A/dr; IN S Where rocks ore Included M the bedding; nesting thereof will I O 3-6/ ,.w.CAA; /.,Ys TREN ES C • .,J re. Dej %,*, • r 1 shag be used wore specified on the plans Case IV Bedding shall not be permitted. be used insftod of Case Y ogoinst sheeting Of unstable trench wills —D 1 77 'o .. .• x., k. .+ %>)1 u b n { ; . x obs,y ho .. NuNWT 7 Fire MATT to 17 7 3-E//e Bedriwg Tia Lwnl fitdw /.O it so rftqueed by the Engineer,I I It NOTES `' f , f i - TA& f of lgles fir -fore an thi3 plan. '" - -- -D - - - "'I w4-� 2 - CENTfR Of MANNOLf Sl1AfT shall be locoled over center line of�tarnl I f�e3 to be rounded -I drain when diameter O, is'48'ar less In,which co3e place E Gori syfn- I t ' to 3' Rod/us r - - -x-11 - O)ONXral Out3A* I 9 trot tree fr'Icoll oround 3haf t o t d 5'with centeQr'linee and Q'rolt J bar.3 3'-3-" �� ' -- - -- I L � PT , , Iboe of c�ov�cf�ete 3. Of TA /L � When depth of montloAe morn Street 9/ Tide to tot, of bar - I V ; 1 - 04, H bor,i /s less than Z'•10 �' far pored street a' 3'•6' tar unp vedI 5treet,con5truct .:i4f,' tr Irbil/u9 • I D OfJPrc/r tor' 1 I- 3'•0' kvV monolithic -shaft o5 per Aebil M ShofY fo-onyy depth of manhole moy A / , - 0"maximV ,, _ -� be comtructedos per Oetoil M. When diomeler Di o 46'cr /ess,center D bars % _ ` '.,' "I - 3 4 J bor`3 4 fJ br>9 of 3ho fif may be loco ted os per note 2 3'nc cianY aL�H t born 3"ac '" 1 6 ac. to Inaale PLAN 4 TnICxNfSS Of DECK 3ho// wry when necessary toprovAde levelpipesrot, --� of c. t o l 3A brut 3holl not be less than tubular wlu`e� for fshown on this plan Tie bar i I - -<_ -- - I--'�_ Tie Lor (Rings and coven not shown) 5 - PFINFOPCING 51ffL to be per 2.0171, l clear nXY71 fblceof concltote I a I ; Street9rbde-, ,-Concrette rlrtg3 tnlle39 shown otherwise . I I I Omit tho5tep , : "YA/APi seat ___ tint MIF► 6. 5TEP5 shall be 121 roulid,go4vnlzed stee/md onchonednot 1e91 'f''` - -�- - - '*' '' In paved sfivet3 - - - ; _ - for 5fiyefs Il" 8� Neon 6',nches /n the wvl13 of structury Unless otherwise shown PLAN H dor - • -?- •1 _ > r fns un�avG�d sfrs �6' 15" the spocllg she//be /4"`� 150.c�T7ae ,bwest.step,�eho/lrvtbe mare than (Stott not shown) Pa►ti°4 str�eh'r -I .,� _ �4• 16 6. r: ' H bar 2'-6'obove the invert, 7See Sid Owg 2-0 96 ` wd } • I • - Vorroble 7- P1N65, P£DUC£QANO PIPE for occem 3hofY 3hol/bbe swW 1n mlantor • "hole f%YJrrAE' a 1 �t StrTee t 9r`O : +�' • ' - and neatly n ted or wiped lnside the .shaft, o►'er; Plan 2 D►19147Z 0 , I %; • t , _. J b°� 8. 5TATION5 of inpnho%9 shown al lonoppl otcenterof.51oft meat! steel 1,-Caxrefe ri s Arid I - ahe------- - i'9_, I. n9 I , , .�-tilrbuftd flevot%onsshowrlot.stotlon.lrefertoprolongedinvertyirx*llne5 T , • ned,xer, Pkan lib 2 DA�7 Fs 'f 9 fLOOP of nmont,ole !toll be steel -/roweled to springl(xg line. St E Std Dw9 o t %, - Mln,mum Z' IO with jb YR b BODY of montlo% shall be carted In one ca/tlnt Acus operation, 2-096 l_ 3:4-_ to Po peri , ht ' pa►�dstneet0 0 , , �, . except thotoconst/Tactial,jolntwilllolorigifLdlno/key6vymoy . i Minirnw/t 3'-6"with : -� be pplaced of the 5pr'it0�ggit?�Qg line. 5' S I• 11 unpatied Streets. a 11- LENGT11 L AND fMBfAffkr P sholl hope the fb//owing wlue3 X2 P,pe _ 2" y� a .{� _See Note 3 `i DETAIL M unless otherwise shown on plop ., I A • , 4 .. "� �.;' - - £ hors fix' Or - 96'or• less, i. -5'-6" P•5' [. '•rthwnd - Tie Dor (see Note 3 ) DZ over 96' , 1.6 '0% , P • d' 1 e;_�J Dors L moy be increased or loco file% of manhole 5hlfted to meet pipe ends lei f, to 3'R.'' - -_ -springing line - - Inlet e/ehvtion . I . I • apples of thi3 point a"- ?-'`T - •4, l8 lac both »v,�s, to be Wed when (Jr 13 SECTION A -A 60'orover. - Ape neo t level . 1 E bar.,., ti,' ,See AbfV 4 UT - - _ , Et I- tt I •..0 b i, ,. 1 1 t 1 --I 2 •24 P.,-4 � ►-p o f TABLE OF VALUES a` J I F It NOTES `' f , f i - TA& f of lgles fir -fore an thi3 plan. '" - -- -D - - - "'I w4-� 2 - CENTfR Of MANNOLf Sl1AfT shall be locoled over center line of�tarnl I f�e3 to be rounded -I drain when diameter O, is'48'ar less In,which co3e place E Gori syfn- I t ' to 3' Rod/us r - - -x-11 - O)ONXral Out3A* I 9 trot tree fr'Icoll oround 3haf t o t d 5'with centeQr'linee and Q'rolt J bar.3 3'-3-" �� ' -- - -- I L � PT , , Iboe of c�ov�cf�ete 3. Of TA /L � When depth of montloAe morn Street 9/ Tide to tot, of bar - I V ; 1 - 04, H bor,i /s less than Z'•10 �' far pored street a' 3'•6' tar unp vedI 5treet,con5truct .:i4f,' tr Irbil/u9 • I D OfJPrc/r tor' 1 I- 3'•0' kvV monolithic -shaft o5 per Aebil M ShofY fo-onyy depth of manhole moy A / , - 0"maximV ,, _ -� be comtructedos per Oetoil M. When diomeler Di o 46'cr /ess,center D bars % _ ` '.,' "I - 3 4 J bor`3 4 fJ br>9 of 3ho fif may be loco ted os per note 2 3'nc cianY aL�H t born 3"ac '" 1 6 ac. to Inaale PLAN 4 TnICxNfSS Of DECK 3ho// wry when necessary toprovAde levelpipesrot, --� of c. t o l 3A brut 3holl not be less than tubular wlu`e� for fshown on this plan Tie bar i I - -<_ -- - I--'�_ Tie Lor (Rings and coven not shown) 5 - PFINFOPCING 51ffL to be per 2.0171, l clear nXY71 fblceof concltote I a I ; Street9rbde-, ,-Concrette rlrtg3 tnlle39 shown otherwise . I I I Omit tho5tep , : "YA/APi seat ___ tint MIF► 6. 5TEP5 shall be 121 roulid,go4vnlzed stee/md onchonednot 1e91 'f''` - -�- - - '*' '' In paved sfivet3 - - - ; _ - for 5fiyefs Il" 8� Neon 6',nches /n the wvl13 of structury Unless otherwise shown PLAN H dor - • -?- •1 _ > r fns un�avG�d sfrs �6' 15" the spocllg she//be /4"`� 150.c�T7ae ,bwest.step,�eho/lrvtbe mare than (Stott not shown) Pa►ti°4 str�eh'r -I .,� _ �4• 16 6. r: ' H bar 2'-6'obove the invert, 7See Sid Owg 2-0 96 ` wd } • I • - Vorroble 7- P1N65, P£DUC£QANO PIPE for occem 3hofY 3hol/bbe swW 1n mlantor • "hole f%YJrrAE' a 1 �t StrTee t 9r`O : +�' • ' - and neatly n ted or wiped lnside the .shaft, o►'er; Plan 2 D►19147Z 0 , I %; • t , _. J b°� 8. 5TATION5 of inpnho%9 shown al lonoppl otcenterof.51oft meat! steel 1,-Caxrefe ri s Arid I - ahe------- - i'9_, I. n9 I , , .�-tilrbuftd flevot%onsshowrlot.stotlon.lrefertoprolongedinvertyirx*llne5 T , • ned,xer, Pkan lib 2 DA�7 Fs 'f 9 fLOOP of nmont,ole !toll be steel -/roweled to springl(xg line. St E Std Dw9 o t %, - Mln,mum Z' IO with jb YR b BODY of montlo% shall be carted In one ca/tlnt Acus operation, 2-096 l_ 3:4-_ to Po peri , ht ' pa►�dstneet0 0 , , �, . except thotoconst/Tactial,jolntwilllolorigifLdlno/key6vymoy . i Minirnw/t 3'-6"with : -� be pplaced of the 5pr'it0�ggit?�Qg line. 5' S I• 11 unpatied Streets. a 11- LENGT11 L AND fMBfAffkr P sholl hope the fb//owing wlue3 X2 P,pe _ 2" y� a .{� _See Note 3 `i DETAIL M unless otherwise shown on plop ., I A • , 4 .. "� �.;' - - £ hors fix' Or - 96'or• less, i. -5'-6" P•5' [. '•rthwnd - Tie Dor (see Note 3 ) DZ over 96' , 1.6 '0% , P • d' 1 e;_�J Dors L moy be increased or loco file% of manhole 5hlfted to meet pipe ends lei f, to 3'R.'' - -_ -springing line - - Inlet e/ehvtion . I . I • apples of thi3 point a"- ?-'`T - •4, l8 lac both »v,�s, to be Wed when (Jr 13 SECTION A -A 60'orover. - Ape neo t level . 1 E bar.,., ti,' ,See AbfV 4 UT - - _ , Et I- tt I •..0 b i, ,. 1 1 t 1 --I 2 •24 P.,-4 � ►-p o f TABLE OF VALUES .,, For outlet see Standard I F D2 I F ._ •.:. Catch Basin plans / .\ /Varies to suit • /Plain or reinforced _j 4c p.•. i/ r �r Conditions 24' 24' 1 concrete pipe or C.M P Main LineI:., 45' ' e , e: h 46' - Jor i_ .5f- t ' IOB_ 14' i %` I -'14 r1.- ' 54' 9- - - - ♦. !,O " , Catch basin Floor -"� 1 lM � 1 -� 1 I •min 'See Note 4 1W- - - > Plain or reinforced 63' 7_ / _ - Ste Note 7 See Note 7--� -' 6' e tont. pipe a C.M.P. ' O I % / i , 7 = i1' , ` r I -�! , 1 PLAN J A , r`B % D._ IQ 420-C- 2000 �� pipe Bedding of I I Orion Cont. encasement -Connector inlet pipe"---- SoCkfill 0120-0-2000 11KCORP DRAW�N(?f/ b.. 1B .'p•, El S A i t See Note 4 tit._ 4'Min.'-1 r- ' with concrete or - ,•'0. set note 3 N0. - 1 I / Closs'C' mortar ,,compocl soil to mo o'•_ ,•p'. --Jfr e'• P_X__ _ relative density o I ' h.. :.ti'. _- - , 1-_- � 0,l 0, � �1�°* required by ,/' SCALE , CASE 2 e ,Sto.A - specifications-' �` >Pipe bedding-,, e. ' ; ; o•'• Note All connector pipes (within The ongles specified for Case 2) = I2 '1W No p.; :'o•, �� shall be encOStO when laid within Int main lint excavated _1___ ( Undisturbed earlhI--'>/��\ DRAWN BY Trench, or when laid on lilt which has not been densilied. SECTION SECTION 8-B ' _ _ FORD GRAPHICS 080 -it I- - . I ' , , ' . ' , I i NOTES: CASE I AND CASE 2 CASE 3 -SADDLE CONNECTION - CASE I I Angle A !toll be between 45'degrees and 90 degrees and NOTES CASE 3 Main Line D shall be 24 inches at less For smaller values Of A and I Connections to pipes 21 inches or less in diameter without larger values of a use appropriate standard structure. junction structures or precast Y branches shall be mode I with saddles class 'C' mortar-, 2 In no cost shall the outside diameter of the inlet pipe ex- 2 Trim or cul saddle to lit snugly over the outside (A the �� teed one the inside diameter of the main storm Broin. main pipe, and so 11s oris will be on Int lint and grade p p o o• a .. of the connecting pipe O/�\ %I 3 Center line of inlet shall be on radius of main storm droin 3 The opening into the pipe shall be cul and trimmed to . I -, I except where Elevotion S is shown on project. drawings tit the saddle so Thai no port will project within the bore 1 I ,JO D. I ' h' --'4 t /` �• �� a of the saddle pipe Coses •. Min .D• `` I ` � I � 4 The opening into the moan storm drain shall be the outside 4. The connecting pipe shall be suppurled os shown in 9 p p D' '• • 1 �" — doometet of the inlet pipe plus one inch minimum or 3 inch I and 2. 0 D. s- • •.. I'... `' • I _-Bockfill O \�1 I - .' P maximum - • . Supersedes drawing of some number doled DECEMBER, 1953 :o. L=- %�.� fillings shall be o: •p, . Pipe bedding _ _I_ 1 ? 5 All corrugated metol pipe and galvanized LOS ANGELES COUNTY . jam„ FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT____= --�—� ',•a, ,•.o, -� 6. It Angle B is 45 degrees or less, use Cost I. II Angle B — — _ is greater than 45 degrees, use Case-? I SECTION C -C SECTION A -A , JUNCTION STRUCTURE 7 Burn or chip end OI connector pipe flush with inner surface CASE ( of mainline pipe Round edge of concrete pipe or reinforced N 0. 4 concrete pipe. , ORIONT REVISIONS _ A SH. YARN DATE oEscRvrtO" r added A 8. Station specified on drawings applies at the inlerseclion Of inside wall of moon storm droin and center line of role! pipe. ---=-------- ------------------ Aaeo.war•u •. ••• ••�. C. f• rc>►�/ - rw[t[te e• A 8-66 K . 0. "o-Goto of , 4 1.72 Revised Concrete pesigflat•On M.H.O. aMG,•N[•:M tit - afI 1 [r.I. P,•.,+. ler•.... 1. --- - - •- 2 — D 193 -fCAi - -- _ NIIIM114•--.• V. f ' E NONE � D IMAR ,(966 DWG. NO. 2 - D 19 3 ioiLLT I, of I G W H It NOTES `' f , f i - TA& f of lgles fir -fore an thi3 plan. '" - -- -D - - - "'I w4-� 2 - CENTfR Of MANNOLf Sl1AfT shall be locoled over center line of�tarnl I f�e3 to be rounded -I drain when diameter O, is'48'ar less In,which co3e place E Gori syfn- I t ' to 3' Rod/us r - - -x-11 - O)ONXral Out3A* I 9 trot tree fr'Icoll oround 3haf t o t d 5'with centeQr'linee and Q'rolt J bar.3 3'-3-" �� ' -- - -- I L � PT , , Iboe of c�ov�cf�ete 3. Of TA /L � When depth of montloAe morn Street 9/ Tide to tot, of bar - I V ; 1 - 04, H bor,i /s less than Z'•10 �' far pored street a' 3'•6' tar unp vedI 5treet,con5truct .:i4f,' tr Irbil/u9 • I D OfJPrc/r tor' 1 I- 3'•0' kvV monolithic -shaft o5 per Aebil M ShofY fo-onyy depth of manhole moy A / , - 0"maximV ,, _ -� be comtructedos per Oetoil M. When diomeler Di o 46'cr /ess,center D bars % _ ` '.,' "I - 3 4 J bor`3 4 fJ br>9 of 3ho fif may be loco ted os per note 2 3'nc cianY aL�H t born 3"ac '" 1 6 ac. to Inaale PLAN 4 TnICxNfSS Of DECK 3ho// wry when necessary toprovAde levelpipesrot, --� of c. t o l 3A brut 3holl not be less than tubular wlu`e� for fshown on this plan Tie bar i I - -<_ -- - I--'�_ Tie Lor (Rings and coven not shown) 5 - PFINFOPCING 51ffL to be per 2.0171, l clear nXY71 fblceof concltote I a I ; Street9rbde-, ,-Concrette rlrtg3 tnlle39 shown otherwise . I I I Omit tho5tep , : "YA/APi seat ___ tint MIF► 6. 5TEP5 shall be 121 roulid,go4vnlzed stee/md onchonednot 1e91 'f''` - -�- - - '*' '' In paved sfivet3 - - - ; _ - for 5fiyefs Il" 8� Neon 6',nches /n the wvl13 of structury Unless otherwise shown PLAN H dor - • -?- •1 _ > r fns un�avG�d sfrs �6' 15" the spocllg she//be /4"`� 150.c�T7ae ,bwest.step,�eho/lrvtbe mare than (Stott not shown) Pa►ti°4 str�eh'r -I .,� _ �4• 16 6. r: ' H bar 2'-6'obove the invert, 7See Sid Owg 2-0 96 ` wd } • I • - Vorroble 7- P1N65, P£DUC£QANO PIPE for occem 3hofY 3hol/bbe swW 1n mlantor • "hole f%YJrrAE' a 1 �t StrTee t 9r`O : +�' • ' - and neatly n ted or wiped lnside the .shaft, o►'er; Plan 2 D►19147Z 0 , I %; • t , _. J b°� 8. 5TATION5 of inpnho%9 shown al lonoppl otcenterof.51oft meat! steel 1,-Caxrefe ri s Arid I - ahe------- - i'9_, I. n9 I , , .�-tilrbuftd flevot%onsshowrlot.stotlon.lrefertoprolongedinvertyirx*llne5 T , • ned,xer, Pkan lib 2 DA�7 Fs 'f 9 fLOOP of nmont,ole !toll be steel -/roweled to springl(xg line. St E Std Dw9 o t %, - Mln,mum Z' IO with jb YR b BODY of montlo% shall be carted In one ca/tlnt Acus operation, 2-096 l_ 3:4-_ to Po peri , ht ' pa►�dstneet0 0 , , �, . except thotoconst/Tactial,jolntwilllolorigifLdlno/key6vymoy . i Minirnw/t 3'-6"with : -� be pplaced of the 5pr'it0�ggit?�Qg line. 5' S I• 11 unpatied Streets. a 11- LENGT11 L AND fMBfAffkr P sholl hope the fb//owing wlue3 X2 P,pe _ 2" y� a .{� _See Note 3 `i DETAIL M unless otherwise shown on plop ., I A • , 4 .. "� �.;' - - £ hors fix' Or - 96'or• less, i. -5'-6" P•5' [. '•rthwnd - Tie Dor (see Note 3 ) DZ over 96' , 1.6 '0% , P • d' 1 e;_�J Dors L moy be increased or loco file% of manhole 5hlfted to meet pipe ends lei f, to 3'R.'' - -_ -springing line - - Inlet e/ehvtion . I . I • apples of thi3 point a"- ?-'`T - •4, l8 lac both »v,�s, to be Wed when (Jr 13 SECTION A -A 60'orover. - Ape neo t level . 1 E bar.,., ti,' ,See AbfV 4 UT - - _ , Et I- tt I •..0 b i, ,. 1 1 t 1 --I 2 •24 P.,-4 � ►-p o f TABLE OF VALUES FORT" D2 I F D2 I F ._ 6-5-72 1- I • 7- - _j 4c 1Z 4Z'90'/3 24' 24' . .- 45' 96' Id' 46' - Jor i_ .5f- I r IOB_ 14' 16- 18 T 54' 9- 51' 9 1 lM !7-_ T 60' 9 63' _ I R 13¢�_ _17'- 7 ' 1 ' ' _144' __Q _ -&: _ 7 = i1' When L 9rooter turn thot Shown att-.*e is.specified, D bor.1 aholl b1i con tlnued 6'o c /2- D 8A P5 3ho// be w4 far 19,,'39'cr /&3s, 15 for Dl' 42' to e4'inclu5i►'e and w 6 for DZ -,90 *or over Tie bora 5holl be 13 bors 13- f� • 3000 p 3 i o t 28 oby3 . 1Q 14 -Centerline of 1r1AetPrpee to intersect If73kk fDc-e of corseot,spririywxy line unless otherwise Shown O /5 Where Piess✓fe A!onhok Ab.21s spacll/ed a/ plot,.,' see'Sid Dw9 2-D210 nO1e J. SUPERSEDES M.N0. 2-DI03 REFERENCEi REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY 2.0107 "ARK DAT' beecw,►TIo•. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 2-0171 8.33 kL,v/Sed MANHOLE N0.2 o~ , f I I © 2$l _ o IV - SJ Cho '""Wen. I I; I t 2-0210 0 10-54 Added note PLAN. SECTION AND J r' I ' % 2-096" = /0.54 Added note DETAIL tI ; 1 . T . I - —t- i L.. _ D 18 4 C' 2 0472 ,& lt9-t' Step Spocln9 of t •- f^irt:7UI<4 �IntJ � -1-74 AIH fiC ref APPRoveD eT IJ f I- ---,11. 111A.111,111111 IN* te E...: aw. .IA tuA:� w b-12 SJ frtEEY OF Sb Const Berfn to GENERAL NOTES - heght o/ top of ink! ) Com. //a,, - •`? 420 -C -20i00 1. Angle A'may be any angle as required S'tolban Pavel. Al/ tie dimensions shown Ia better- -- , \ 2. E/evohm of Pranl A shown an Pions on plan or* b ttka porn/ - - -- -- - -/ I ., / 1 B / 3 Porn/ B shdl be placed I -too) below Nie flow line • End Sec, for C M. P. 0 of existing ditch tAMess olherw�se spec/t/ed on �1 /r;- - 4"Min. pions Skps b las sal tin field by ahs Engineer. 7 . ' __ 4 The heipdrl of /he riser 1a Cose / B 3 sbo/l A l . Fibw Lire I �Conc., A C a g vary as ate/erllwred by the 'levo of Purnls A88, '� a by the lop o/ Slam Groin Candor! and _ s .�, I I r?, O 1 • I /;� . , I RGPoe o nil Se_ c. /or n 1 yt� - - - -r ' ' I ______J_,• i1A e/evohan of Point B. MP '. i *j 1 - �h Lf,yvF19r0de 5 Caste 2 or 3 shall be used unMss prior agorovo/ 0 .1. - - _ -- See Note 9- -� CA SE 2 � /n/e t . • of Case / 4 oft#W from Desgrr Amar Englnew 6 Corrugated mala/ bard co kwW not requred 46011fProteclAoTn 80f SEC TION A -A Cal. 4*to/ Bond-Corrfar Inlet sizes 24f inch diameter Or less. PL AN Caneclor -!lee note 6-,\ 90 M'to/E/Dow o 7 M all Cases• connection to the storm Broin cerr Melo/ Barrel NO SCALE ' ` w ® conduit shall be in dccordonce with the C, rmtecllar-sae Hale 6 , ,-Car Metol •End Sec. far C.M.P. See Hole 9 h9 *� D E�Al1. Ground L rip • II {>if D , i � 90. C�sym b y - , opplicoble junction structure,►ronsition End Sec. /a C.AILP. al -structure or manhole �„�„If" height of top d inlet 1 �► '" a t , �n;pl - -fker La►rI I I �' ��i flow L ire.. �'"Rr I • S & p1`- I i I ,d 8 Al/ carrugoteld melo/ pipe and fillings shall - !k' I / r• ' w _ 1 1 Q be gal vanrzb. ! , I . 1 � 0 L �-f Pa ft Q Pl�rch tortes M carapoMd nwelo/ pipe and 1 S/ z r _ft Alt Ground ,\ 1 1 Moil I Mh go/val�zed bars at 6 inch c c. in pe0 Line --- � Of --_. v V ,1000 See not, 9- �' d Carr Mb/a/ 3-A- T o/ R C Apt Of 'T , place across opening. SSC € 9ertm _ _ r _ _ ' 2 Weld 91Do E%bow _ To�S/alb o/ R C. Boa # K?Cool wrided, cul and abraded for /aces as to heiot ori AV of inlet I ,,Conc • Ae ah / Ptb1,41 speect/Red to subsection 206 -7 of Me 5ibndbrd - - - ,� ISG Pipe _ �� ,&rn a GLf Pim to Sum/awe SpecifAcolnwls. . Car Melo/ Bond J a 1�_4' �' _ of Concrete - Se e . Qarntetltclbr -- -7 - - 9 , w N o t s 7 CA SE 3 ` .. /JJD ; : 4 SECT/ON A -A Y `' � M"f' p //. Inlet No / sial/ nal be used in woter- I � t I' courses subject to debris /lows. Structure Caller ColAw-® 420- C-2000 2 - D265 used. Protection Barrier /2-026/1 to be used ` or better GENERAL /ibTES (CGWT�D� CASE / • REVISION! LOS ANGELES COUNTY • /2, End swtioin PW be Anw11v e.TC eEsc•Il•t•o. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT SEC TION A -A Stondore End SocIMM, 801hArhom * Ahewr Albie to - ---- - -- _ __ _._. � _ Site/ CA Bored End Sec/ion b Revised Note: INLET N 0. I /or C. Alt. P. • or District-oplorrld 0 Revned egvo/. REvt51DMS , 0 2 18 Revised PLAN a SECTIO N ' f 2.23 Rene" Mao tb "!.Z A 1217 Added A C RM -."r - -- - - -- . _" - NOTES - ® 4 1-t2 cafoteTe Ms•4oeon 49 •T t N - __ __••••'•[r n I / i r ws.ee s. R to R , f tejvf • l. l a. , /,I - .RKO•[ee• Jim N �„ yoec�lT-�n jiAit .•etre c1.r11 f�A•rf'!•'' R e R _ __ - Steps - Match Type I Monhole shaft sate ledge will be noted on the '1CO1""�' •' ,-"/,/ ,:fi�tr:.,.. I 1 2-D2 65 protect drovfingt regwred Generally, .t Is Ic De /.' NON: MAY :•,,,t, I of I and Spacing of �� �« the Manhole Shaft. constructed to monhoie shafts 20 11 Of greater .- to depth ! /oN tabes! 2 A Sofel o S1►olt not be IAeed it o preeeure mon• SIoD Hole cited rall be 3/4' round gotvontsed noel IM foo ruttur oll be ` $1lpS red to T ocln Whole shaft ' T- W r Conti s root Drawing 2-D96 w IX - VN! t 4 Concrete shall develop 3000 p s 1 or greater In 4. -0 ~ 28 days �1 j(>�- Grout • SECTION A -A 'q A b Reinforcement Shoff b. per ASTM A615, Grade 40 Reinforc" noel sholl terminate 2' clear of concrete i holes OOf 2''_0"" 41 5 diogiowls Ls 4'-3" surfoce5 unless otMrrlse aho.Tn ' slob I r_ , 6 holes, pipe, and fillings sholt be proved 9 u 4 M5 I- a a e the floor !sure grouting used to L2 2'_ 9" u Ole 3 0 o fill voids and to secur Dearing. The grout . N 0 I a. e , _ W shall be n ant grout and g reeeures to co pet o n be as determined in the field by the n f- 7 011 shall pf► fabricated of •-i/4' standard to =O 4t_DIt E galvanize omposed of iwo i 5 a • ap 11 u 15' In length joined bj on.zeo Coupling The U o -0 0� a V coupling sh readed o mtnimu on .%_ -0 0 `�. _Place ding. ; CO L18" pipe length *`006"C -C Top 8Bottom o I r o e Roof and floor slobs Shoff be precool and keyed yP• TopaBottom in > 0 for reinforced concrete pope sections as shown or ,Club Precast w o 2T-oIT 2 0 All joints shall be filled with I-2 mor for and U g Surface Floor Sbb.0 p . SECTION B -.B tt o o neatly pointed or wiped on the onside S 1/8 fI. I REINFORCEMENT DETAILS FOR FLOOR AND ROOF SLAD It p � J A8 R C P shall De provldeo with Iwo clrcuta toga JI OL o reinforcement O 0 w 10. Floor a Roof Slabs shown 'with 2' 0" Access Typical � „ - -�- - I 3/16 Porta Aligned for clarity. LOS ANGELES COUNTY . Jol etoils per FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT i..� I ,i, f oNote -- ---- ------ ---- - . _..__. rf.., , ' M — I I; Dlom.-31- 4" Long -- REVISED BY A.S.L. le, . 11 I MANHOLE SHAFT DETAIL A -Rotated 900 rI 1..\1.1 � �'' SAFETY LEDGE `� 1'' '•••"'•• A.QM, REVISIONS MARK OAT[ DeKATF."O" _- ""["' ^ m 6-5-72 Added Note No. 9 V.C.I. 4 VERTICAL SECTION _ __ _ _ :;,1 �-5p $7 ' �'' Jp� •.a—.M....'.a — ,-N.,1 .aa,+..."N4 .. ._. ... e4 I `,,f A ' fi/Cl_t r. 0 ' .` ♦ ,..w I. .We• r. 1 • �t-.M t cw,a N!. InA�•wal. \ /: t iiR O •r -- _ - ---- Vii - 16.&.-►♦ , c' i" .11 , �--`D 430 --- --- - - _ _ _ e. E __3WTE 6WG NO. 2 - D 4 30 {' f (;; , ( h' i. .- APPROVED BY t I . I L ASL ' Consult'ing Engineers PASADENA (818) 792-3096 4 /8 /.0 —5w- 24' 24' t0 6- 1 __ - . SANTA ANA (714) 979-1761 /o 57w /.5' / w 60 it sr PALM STRINGS (619) 320-4220 i 1, � 11543 '11111,1010" _(;4'e-11� R. E. 1 11KCORP DRAW�N(?f/ /8:9 •/0.7 - WILLIAM D L ,5AP 3o -e9 - N0. DESCRIPTION EN GR. DATE / CITY DATE FILE NO. M�. SCALE APPR; APPR. DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY • R E V I S I O N S DRAWN BY DATE MAY 19A� ' _ _ FORD GRAPHICS 080 -it I- - . I ' , , ' . ' , I i .. : . a - L 11 NO rES /. A eov "te 00A7 is requild where the cilia" Al 910& 8WOOds • 0.10 fl. per fool. P. Where peas of dhbmnt cftneMrs are jarred WA a C01w,eele calla-, L and T sw be those of tt/e ib veer pve 0= DI or Dj , ftlkicT ~ a p Oti r, 3. Fr ppe A7W than 66"a speoW caPff abtalf'is reg~ 4. For pee sire nae imW use next size Argelt: 5. Ani' fabh- V on pipes 24 ward lessit alane// ter and an a p vs where aVA* A is less Mm /0' 6. where relitdblrcliV is requied the 41dmter of the circuk r ties shah' be D t (2 x tend 14 t:kness / t 8' . 10 -C -215W C07avle � 7. Wl'aen 4 is 00110/ to Of lass than 4, /bar *warts and when A Is qr» or than Dt, Joh soffits. 8. Pepe mo y be cwregoJbd meld ppe, earcre/e pnpe, or reinlicreed . Cairn 00 pipe, 'Ar osbestos cement pipe, ® 9. Abe to be used for o sire change on the mainline. M,A• Mn r.•K R[VISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT A It -O-00 Rev.ed Note A. 2— 0393 �- "0d CONCRETE COLLAR - FOR PIPES 12 1NCHE S THROUGH 66 INCHES APPROVAL RECOMMENDED eY -. .•..r. A... DoT'•_ _ Ari 11` 1)r . . / / I tNCM.. A N9: Af T. w"' / - - R -' -- r • a A ♦ 10' * sJ bons I NOTES ��' f6"ec ! -'+e no--zo-,apt o-)g/e of co-+f•ergence or J r r �'`'� by s /0 , � / -,a c I r D bort ,4 Sera - boyo p 0'1 e-Jt^ce B, .5-,0,'! ^or erc•teo 3' eS' �� Ill V Round !wipes /o rtilaus ..'s", " , • {` e; • -• • , : ., CU (0.'t l ! �Or .1 ,�, l . r% Ono Co., Jre l hJ H n 2oliro� Mow. J4 - t CI^ lie L+-C!eCf O-J..,^q! "cvor,On .R OnJ / / . I' I 1 . /e,ov o- .` ore s^own »^en -ej. -ev by Nott // / ¢ Tj j % --{6 i-- ,i Pt Cho// 'quo/ JAAd par ✓I .',! doyj . ` �'� j __ - .- f .• I oil Dar' t^'� 1 mS 4 FLOOR of sfrt/Cfurw shall be .ifeol - -f- r I �.� �B-A[ , f - - - r : , � p , frv"e1tat to •�or•rryrry /rner. . ' ---- -' - - - ��/ B ban 1 ... I , • : I -I 5: RE/NFOQC/NG SrfEL !hall be per JM 1 •j. , pi- I� -I - I -� F,- r ,� ':qs_... 1 Dw9 Z-01171 with ✓ .n/nrmum o't' /4' I .'. • ,•. •: Clear tl-dm tore of co,cl-r•le ur;A s �I--�- 4 - 'O - - - I - N _ N T;r.: a . 'i --!'i 'i ' . 't4 . <d oc b✓/h w„yu, ti lar ol.'te•-N /est shoot n . d Q -' I f F } I t--� ' k - -- Loi/ud.rw/ bar! shall he' 9 .fpoc�ed ( I rl\ , bsrd Hnen B .s o0 :r rays /B or -/elf on tallier. - - 1 t SECTION N N' -N ,16 ELE1'ATUN J ✓ppl/es of ins;ds swot! of it � � _� ( 11.1-I I I I I I I I (� (i yt PROJECTED ON M -M -N' ,trr.cf..re. ( ,;, NOTES rcont.) r reAAla/non/ sreuc7TlQE s/,o// bar P,,.,,ed -_-- 1 ____7 �fi Inc _ _ TABLE . whe,7 E1evc, ion 4o^d,flew„Fell s ons .•o,7frn✓,ors ✓perohon.'.Crept /hv1 $ ford/meru/ttnsond are ncf shown Mo-o,ec drpn:nqs• /h1 Conrnx:/w shall have the vPt:ort of M N' bar j,izej .,ie. pipe !ho// enter moan ire f•loc/ny of /he epr•tny/ng tme o cons/ru.•Gor, / - font wilt o Aa'ty,luldraAl Ary..,sy. PLAN D f 8 �-od,olly When /n/e{ pipe e'+fe-s thorn or or k4, U ,ne other t`hon roa,o'ly, E e,oI on 5 D fne length ole the• st.ti.'turr rrwy yr B r � 4 tli� s'+ol.' be +ho,+r+ on pro/ecr droas,ngs , ,.-,.^.vse,i o/ the option of the Contra'/ax• t O 4` to mes-t pipe est is D b,sre ,n ono ,f7/e7' p/PC snort be /o/d O-� o / uts,,7 � q e s ten.lrw A.-har, of lame d amrter and . / 3�ro/9hf grade -o» c/evof,o„ S - Spor,ny ✓s sPecvlied rn !ht Tarbib , but 10 14 UU ro COfC.h Dos,', _,r .grOdt' break - ^'e* ony c A✓nye in /tic l0.'0110n J/' 51'00 D bars ,-r,; bars j h b l,ne. E'evcr,on 4 !.hall be shown on /1,,,,Tt be ✓Aar -owed by the Eny/nearr. 11 r,•'•e • . ,.....V..'.... ; • ' • ' : i. prc)l cf drory,ny+ Qrt'y when S;c b 9. £ArBfDMENT P she/% be vs ! /fir✓ 1. --r-r--- --- . •-e f -- rte;. E n �t /s *o P prow de.y in mo,n .',ne {o- t., the lol�c' u.i/css o/hriw•sr s ir, I I 1 - I I j r r itjfe,re construction of /nlef p.oe o-, the Protect drvwtn9.+ I I t r 7!11 1 i.7y 7J6 1 I I , 4[- A 'v Whet dirnrnsion C Is nut spe.;*W the Spur I 1 1 Sl U 1✓ ”' •,hall not be constructed and A 6. 8 bars I J " I r c •.hall be omitted I �`°�\ -- - I \�-_-&,, 1 1 'f . \ I I * 10 4 y REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY ;... . � : � _-:. 1 t �-0/y1 PATO bloc".►1,0.. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT �, * . II .L^ .a ,3 Revised 4 TRANSITION STRUCTURE ed •4e or. bo/h aacys to be (� ? GG Added a Note 1 ilJetl/ when Oj r! 60"or• rlory a 'V V Added (j C. t' NO. 3 to � •� o � 9 -fob Qevl�eri C Ler ;,� e ; � LLL'V 5. PLAN b CTIONS` LONGITUDINAL SECTION / to cG APPOOVto eT J1 2-0188 R >fil — -- Ay - p" ' 1) l e it3 11 - L --- - ------W---------1-------- K-------•-1 �- Catch basin o enin 1 12" I ,Exist. T.C. t Top of Curb 12" I opening _ -1 ,-Top of Curb See Note 2-� I I If' I /� See Note 2 .'�-_ ----- , 1 I A 1 i I 1 --�"" - I ! I L _ ` ^,9,5.1 1 ____1 ,' --4v I �I \, Warped I of ii of61 �"Warped 12'1 ��a �\ I� I /' I I �I Surloce.- --1,1° �'1---------------->] -- F-L ` I Surface c; � 'i I I int `� __ 1 -T 1 , In f I I ---- --- i -Warped �,/ o, 01 �. It / Culler flow Ilne-'/ A See Note 183` r SurlocetI - �� �� j-�Worped Lot See Note 18 3 __________� - t i 1 ►� Surloce- I FLOW \. I ~I int 1 _I I 0 PLAN -- I For Cotch Bosins Nos. 1, 2, 3,6,7 8i 9 / I ' I I ` Se: Note 18 3J/ , L W I K I ,`\ -- - - -- • Catch basin opening � Catch basin opening See Note 18 3 \; /' per Dwg. No. 2-D232 - - - - - - PLAN --- - I 11 i`1 t` �' =1 Vi For Catch Basin No. 8 ' u' + I I W 1 ,;,1 Cose B only "1 w "I --- ----cit---F------- -�� -- 1 -- NOTES: I I I I I 1 I " I , _ I L 1-- Elevations of outer corners and outer edge shall conform to finished street surface 12'-, = W i-12- -f K I unless otherwise shown on project drawings. t-------------- -t--------------- --t- - - - - - - -- --- -i 2. Where no curb exists, curbs shall be constructed between ends of Local Cotch basin opening Depression. The curb section shall conform to that of the controlling agency. ELEVATION 3 G z Existing gutter for Catch Basins Nos. I, 2, 3, and 8 (Case B) I Go. Measured to outer edge for Catch Bosins Nos.6,7,ond 9 (see Section A-A).Q Note: Taken along Gutter Flow Line I \ L z K z 6 feel unless otherwise specified on project drawings. ' • Hz I inch when G z I fool. - Hz 2 inches for lengths of G greater than I loot. On Catch Basin No. 8, Case GI --� B, H shall be measured at the ends of W (catch basin opening). Cotch basin Face Plate per h' - - - - - - - - - 1 ,.4, Concrete compressive strength shall be 3,000 -p s i. a1 28 days. . Dwg No 2-D232----\\ I ___ G- _ - - y 1 1 5 This stondard may be used to Intercept flows from both directions. (Exceptions ~ • a I I See Note 18 3 Catch Bosins Nos. 6 and 8) - .. . , • e. I �-------- . I�r--/'Grote LOS ANGELES COUNTY -- e o • : �::: I b :. �h- "1 __ FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 14:1 � o' .o . • o •a • .1- - -I LOCAL DEPRESSION NO.4 U A. I l W ��C.B #6,07, oi*91I & -� --- - - __"�__ JY - _ _ __ - ._ - -. - - -- i _ .—. .•.•• [+ REVISIONS -1-1--L- --_—_ -------.—_- A SH._ YARx DAI[ OESCRI.iION Ac<o-".•.oto .. j�/C,/.,c ojo.�.,e,7o�.[.J c+tc..O •+ 5.10 68 REVISED (Aho N) B Title n C. f✓ ,Sf �L" [L LLZFdt[L>:' ! K 0 ® 12-5.73 ADDED G B No 9 2 �• D• I —____ t1_1�110"r•.c,"c,•---- -_ --- --rc.•yo..ur..wc."cc•_ SECTION A -A A..Rov[a... 0411.6 -to §1 111PICI - � -- K O. - GNI[r RhGlht[K __ ecALE DATE DWG. NO. 2 - D 415 �1ONt tats!. , lis .etiA f t I111i I W - ._ , I . i -4ft I c r t s. . I I t ... .. �. I . U A r I I I I I I I I I . I ... . / r•. FPC. E. //54.9 - f ��, �// ��/,� , i �X . L,�,,X�,/ EXR. / . 2 1 C_ CITY OF FONTANA ,CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTgENT , DRAWN BY SOUTHRIDGE VILLAGE' j SCALE NONE �f DESIGNED; BY STORM DRAIN / DATE \�, L.A.C.F.C.D. STANDARD DRAWINGS 3-- q Sg . I / CHECKED BY/_"11� SHEET NO. w�8a A LSCC _ APPROVED C TY ENGINEER R.C.E. 18932 37 oF41 . II I �Dwezf 1022. 1 I . . D L /2 10 4 /8 /.0 —5w- 24' 24' t0 6- 36" i5 8 . i-5 /o 57w /.5' / w 60 it // i / NO rES /. A eov "te 00A7 is requild where the cilia" Al 910& 8WOOds • 0.10 fl. per fool. P. Where peas of dhbmnt cftneMrs are jarred WA a C01w,eele calla-, L and T sw be those of tt/e ib veer pve 0= DI or Dj , ftlkicT ~ a p Oti r, 3. Fr ppe A7W than 66"a speoW caPff abtalf'is reg~ 4. For pee sire nae imW use next size Argelt: 5. Ani' fabh- V on pipes 24 ward lessit alane// ter and an a p vs where aVA* A is less Mm /0' 6. where relitdblrcliV is requied the 41dmter of the circuk r ties shah' be D t (2 x tend 14 t:kness / t 8' . 10 -C -215W C07avle � 7. Wl'aen 4 is 00110/ to Of lass than 4, /bar *warts and when A Is qr» or than Dt, Joh soffits. 8. Pepe mo y be cwregoJbd meld ppe, earcre/e pnpe, or reinlicreed . Cairn 00 pipe, 'Ar osbestos cement pipe, ® 9. Abe to be used for o sire change on the mainline. M,A• Mn r.•K R[VISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT A It -O-00 Rev.ed Note A. 2— 0393 �- "0d CONCRETE COLLAR - FOR PIPES 12 1NCHE S THROUGH 66 INCHES APPROVAL RECOMMENDED eY -. .•..r. A... DoT'•_ _ Ari 11` 1)r . . / / I tNCM.. A N9: Af T. w"' / - - R -' -- r • a A ♦ 10' * sJ bons I NOTES ��' f6"ec ! -'+e no--zo-,apt o-)g/e of co-+f•ergence or J r r �'`'� by s /0 , � / -,a c I r D bort ,4 Sera - boyo p 0'1 e-Jt^ce B, .5-,0,'! ^or erc•teo 3' eS' �� Ill V Round !wipes /o rtilaus ..'s", " , • {` e; • -• • , : ., CU (0.'t l ! �Or .1 ,�, l . r% Ono Co., Jre l hJ H n 2oliro� Mow. J4 - t CI^ lie L+-C!eCf O-J..,^q! "cvor,On .R OnJ / / . I' I 1 . /e,ov o- .` ore s^own »^en -ej. -ev by Nott // / ¢ Tj j % --{6 i-- ,i Pt Cho// 'quo/ JAAd par ✓I .',! doyj . ` �'� j __ - .- f .• I oil Dar' t^'� 1 mS 4 FLOOR of sfrt/Cfurw shall be .ifeol - -f- r I �.� �B-A[ , f - - - r : , � p , frv"e1tat to •�or•rryrry /rner. . ' ---- -' - - - ��/ B ban 1 ... I , • : I -I 5: RE/NFOQC/NG SrfEL !hall be per JM 1 •j. , pi- I� -I - I -� F,- r ,� ':qs_... 1 Dw9 Z-01171 with ✓ .n/nrmum o't' /4' I .'. • ,•. •: Clear tl-dm tore of co,cl-r•le ur;A s �I--�- 4 - 'O - - - I - N _ N T;r.: a . 'i --!'i 'i ' . 't4 . <d oc b✓/h w„yu, ti lar ol.'te•-N /est shoot n . d Q -' I f F } I t--� ' k - -- Loi/ud.rw/ bar! shall he' 9 .fpoc�ed ( I rl\ , bsrd Hnen B .s o0 :r rays /B or -/elf on tallier. - - 1 t SECTION N N' -N ,16 ELE1'ATUN J ✓ppl/es of ins;ds swot! of it � � _� ( 11.1-I I I I I I I I (� (i yt PROJECTED ON M -M -N' ,trr.cf..re. ( ,;, NOTES rcont.) r reAAla/non/ sreuc7TlQE s/,o// bar P,,.,,ed -_-- 1 ____7 �fi Inc _ _ TABLE . whe,7 E1evc, ion 4o^d,flew„Fell s ons .•o,7frn✓,ors ✓perohon.'.Crept /hv1 $ ford/meru/ttnsond are ncf shown Mo-o,ec drpn:nqs• /h1 Conrnx:/w shall have the vPt:ort of M N' bar j,izej .,ie. pipe !ho// enter moan ire f•loc/ny of /he epr•tny/ng tme o cons/ru.•Gor, / - font wilt o Aa'ty,luldraAl Ary..,sy. PLAN D f 8 �-od,olly When /n/e{ pipe e'+fe-s thorn or or k4, U ,ne other t`hon roa,o'ly, E e,oI on 5 D fne length ole the• st.ti.'turr rrwy yr B r � 4 tli� s'+ol.' be +ho,+r+ on pro/ecr droas,ngs , ,.-,.^.vse,i o/ the option of the Contra'/ax• t O 4` to mes-t pipe est is D b,sre ,n ono ,f7/e7' p/PC snort be /o/d O-� o / uts,,7 � q e s ten.lrw A.-har, of lame d amrter and . / 3�ro/9hf grade -o» c/evof,o„ S - Spor,ny ✓s sPecvlied rn !ht Tarbib , but 10 14 UU ro COfC.h Dos,', _,r .grOdt' break - ^'e* ony c A✓nye in /tic l0.'0110n J/' 51'00 D bars ,-r,; bars j h b l,ne. E'evcr,on 4 !.hall be shown on /1,,,,Tt be ✓Aar -owed by the Eny/nearr. 11 r,•'•e • . ,.....V..'.... ; • ' • ' : i. prc)l cf drory,ny+ Qrt'y when S;c b 9. £ArBfDMENT P she/% be vs ! /fir✓ 1. --r-r--- --- . •-e f -- rte;. E n �t /s *o P prow de.y in mo,n .',ne {o- t., the lol�c' u.i/css o/hriw•sr s ir, I I 1 - I I j r r itjfe,re construction of /nlef p.oe o-, the Protect drvwtn9.+ I I t r 7!11 1 i.7y 7J6 1 I I , 4[- A 'v Whet dirnrnsion C Is nut spe.;*W the Spur I 1 1 Sl U 1✓ ”' •,hall not be constructed and A 6. 8 bars I J " I r c •.hall be omitted I �`°�\ -- - I \�-_-&,, 1 1 'f . \ I I * 10 4 y REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY ;... . � : � _-:. 1 t �-0/y1 PATO bloc".►1,0.. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT �, * . II .L^ .a ,3 Revised 4 TRANSITION STRUCTURE ed •4e or. bo/h aacys to be (� ? GG Added a Note 1 ilJetl/ when Oj r! 60"or• rlory a 'V V Added (j C. t' NO. 3 to � •� o � 9 -fob Qevl�eri C Ler ;,� e ; � LLL'V 5. PLAN b CTIONS` LONGITUDINAL SECTION / to cG APPOOVto eT J1 2-0188 R >fil — -- Ay - p" ' 1) l e it3 11 - L --- - ------W---------1-------- K-------•-1 �- Catch basin o enin 1 12" I ,Exist. T.C. t Top of Curb 12" I opening _ -1 ,-Top of Curb See Note 2-� I I If' I /� See Note 2 .'�-_ ----- , 1 I A 1 i I 1 --�"" - I ! I L _ ` ^,9,5.1 1 ____1 ,' --4v I �I \, Warped I of ii of61 �"Warped 12'1 ��a �\ I� I /' I I �I Surloce.- --1,1° �'1---------------->] -- F-L ` I Surface c; � 'i I I int `� __ 1 -T 1 , In f I I ---- --- i -Warped �,/ o, 01 �. It / Culler flow Ilne-'/ A See Note 183` r SurlocetI - �� �� j-�Worped Lot See Note 18 3 __________� - t i 1 ►� Surloce- I FLOW \. I ~I int 1 _I I 0 PLAN -- I For Cotch Bosins Nos. 1, 2, 3,6,7 8i 9 / I ' I I ` Se: Note 18 3J/ , L W I K I ,`\ -- - - -- • Catch basin opening � Catch basin opening See Note 18 3 \; /' per Dwg. No. 2-D232 - - - - - - PLAN --- - I 11 i`1 t` �' =1 Vi For Catch Basin No. 8 ' u' + I I W 1 ,;,1 Cose B only "1 w "I --- ----cit---F------- -�� -- 1 -- NOTES: I I I I I 1 I " I , _ I L 1-- Elevations of outer corners and outer edge shall conform to finished street surface 12'-, = W i-12- -f K I unless otherwise shown on project drawings. t-------------- -t--------------- --t- - - - - - - -- --- -i 2. Where no curb exists, curbs shall be constructed between ends of Local Cotch basin opening Depression. The curb section shall conform to that of the controlling agency. ELEVATION 3 G z Existing gutter for Catch Basins Nos. I, 2, 3, and 8 (Case B) I Go. Measured to outer edge for Catch Bosins Nos.6,7,ond 9 (see Section A-A).Q Note: Taken along Gutter Flow Line I \ L z K z 6 feel unless otherwise specified on project drawings. ' • Hz I inch when G z I fool. - Hz 2 inches for lengths of G greater than I loot. On Catch Basin No. 8, Case GI --� B, H shall be measured at the ends of W (catch basin opening). Cotch basin Face Plate per h' - - - - - - - - - 1 ,.4, Concrete compressive strength shall be 3,000 -p s i. a1 28 days. . Dwg No 2-D232----\\ I ___ G- _ - - y 1 1 5 This stondard may be used to Intercept flows from both directions. (Exceptions ~ • a I I See Note 18 3 Catch Bosins Nos. 6 and 8) - .. . , • e. I �-------- . I�r--/'Grote LOS ANGELES COUNTY -- e o • : �::: I b :. �h- "1 __ FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 14:1 � o' .o . • o •a • .1- - -I LOCAL DEPRESSION NO.4 U A. I l W ��C.B #6,07, oi*91I & -� --- - - __"�__ JY - _ _ __ - ._ - -. - - -- i _ .—. .•.•• [+ REVISIONS -1-1--L- --_—_ -------.—_- A SH._ YARx DAI[ OESCRI.iION Ac<o-".•.oto .. j�/C,/.,c ojo.�.,e,7o�.[.J c+tc..O •+ 5.10 68 REVISED (Aho N) B Title n C. f✓ ,Sf �L" [L LLZFdt[L>:' ! K 0 ® 12-5.73 ADDED G B No 9 2 �• D• I —____ t1_1�110"r•.c,"c,•---- -_ --- --rc.•yo..ur..wc."cc•_ SECTION A -A A..Rov[a... 0411.6 -to §1 111PICI - � -- K O. - GNI[r RhGlht[K __ ecALE DATE DWG. NO. 2 - D 415 �1ONt tats!. , lis .etiA f t I111i I W - ._ , I . i -4ft I c r t s. . I I t ... .. �. I . U A r I I I I I I I I I . I ... . / r•. FPC. E. //54.9 - f ��, �// ��/,� , i �X . L,�,,X�,/ EXR. / . 2 1 C_ CITY OF FONTANA ,CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTgENT , DRAWN BY SOUTHRIDGE VILLAGE' j SCALE NONE �f DESIGNED; BY STORM DRAIN / DATE \�, L.A.C.F.C.D. STANDARD DRAWINGS 3-- q Sg . I / CHECKED BY/_"11� SHEET NO. w�8a A LSCC _ APPROVED C TY ENGINEER R.C.E. 18932 37 oF41 . II I �Dwezf 1022. 1