HomeMy WebLinkAbout1822-3614 / 1 - \ l s. • • • cr flow �.•-• V . • See Special Nola -- • - • Variable i I • Voriob/c •- •, -1 1 Sial, Opening '. I Sion Opening - . ' Side Opening f- •K ! Basin �'. 7i�p°'Curb - lb�/n ' , ., posh p .cf. �" j-- -.k - - s -...1,:a........-+ �_ f --i /-- 4 -� �; T,l� 4 ( Sec i►ulo'b 7 `•,f'! m/ A 01 011.0 faces fyuo j)"e • • - - ----- --- • .. _ . . . - Simi M 6nxk or see nole'" j-Slroighl G'lrade orsee nole•I'' • Spacial Note' Where no curb exists, curbs shall be constructed between ends of local Depression Curb sec/iwr shall conlbrm %o/hal ofconhu/hny agency r. r- - • See .Special Note --'••• ---- CASE A A r 1....__.. l- 11L code Pin/Ate �� I lUr,obk • - . i Vor.ab4 ofCurbf2 I D i ' ELEVATION rw : Gu trio,' -III . r.1 r--- - Side Opening Dusi/i K• 1•-•1 1 I 1 I Cf: • So`a hole. t 1. I t �% lCurb'focu) �ti& hi 610.1er Seebole- r11?IRi &f Ridge h t Goode or see note'/'" �-> • mCASE D r_._..../c.;.:___ -. See Spatia/ M'/c - - .6. _ . 1 ,' l?!4 ; o�s'e�� y r I?' ,, G. l , =•Tapir Curb ' Ibs,n r _ 1 14 l(fglo'Curb �• S1rGr *1 ill 611.):41.' 1.):4 ;sr f ' Ridge lint. • 3i`� `''� lit 6roda or'see ntitsP" r •1 If.riob/e Safi nolo "b' 1 Cr -▪ 141 a - "I flow ' IUrlo Ue • • H,inl#1, • /i,Jnl_ly i CASE C 2-D88 Seo no/e b` '/Q,dge Cine ( !/ ou/n/ Off) •, k91. /// B ` ..I I -G_ - ' { 4 •3[Xy0fe1 • SECTION D -D / _NOT ES • o loco/ Depression shall be ascii unless otherwise spec!/ Scdivi gcrlenr1 plain. •' b. flevot/ons a/ outer corners shown on general plan. Ir no elevations ure sped' • • the outer dege or Lazo/ Depression stall conlbrnl to finished street surfLce C. Stokes shall be set to grade olony the valley and olur,� the ridge line (Outer. edge °factuu/ depressed area)- Stakes of points M "and.'N's•t,oll beset ono rlrUi9hl grade between lops °rend benders (iron a vertical curve see note I''). /hese slakes shall not be /ieinnved unlit just DCMilt Me - l)no/ finishing. d ii • 4 tenet unless otherwise specified. eK - S /bel unless other,rise sperrriel L•6' - - H • 4enc/les •I///ess o///ersy,se shown on the yenora/ pian e. Points A and B shall be se! a/ /1 niches be/o.• y.///er grade l' Special details governing the construction dr this loco/ Depression on vertical curse shown on gene, of pion. M&I1HENC1I REVISIONS 414A• 001140.•11.494 ■ ,-. i .1' J".w,N d•I' I."A' • .i // ': CAI'..' 1.9 A tt N 1111 A/....44 Woie e 10 SJ Wed Nolo, end Cringed 4' b'W 4 11 15;4sJi I yule � • I /J l•Mwta• 1,/M•.1 t 1..•..., ....... 1... �.. LOS ANGEI.L S .. JI,NI Y f1.000 CONTROL )ISI14IC:1 LOCAL DEPhESSION NO.2 FOR SIDE OPENING CATCH. BASINS 'tel ;fit�i'1s r.0 1 s.111.11 1 I „1 I T• _t Slier/ froolr.� lite M..A.M frim, /,.rer, stI PAI.. M. 2.0041 412 SW ) oner./e flop onerWA,c.▪ r, 1310. Phe N. 2-4/I7 " 1;1 mye.wr 0 • Jit jp •v../ *01ors na:1wr •/-M-, SECTION N -M -P -O P i•pier1'kdo' f 0,4•41 Arte/ s► 11;f "a '6. C ter',; % pyo awe o f/°'five 3-0 w.,ew (w/•... CAC -Abriir, A 09N • T,. 1s T,e •.,.• i • I SECTION •Q +f v+►r/ ht1d A P4AN %• : i • cw...wr,.1.,... ) Canasta •leo a /,.toe `l� •l l lir"ri,] • fy...•d.F,v h i. porew•b..s. Mb - 'a,' Peep...v., .r..ee. 4. lee t both wags ,b be • X.. used 'then 8 is r.0 -or .,ore '4,16 nc both .r1op, k,be wed when 14 n CCU' per 3 - •4 J bar.. 4'-I'A.y, 1 -at &e1.. . Mittel./ 4.rs I -I t to tot/d• edge e1 m•.A.ie. sfh • • Jl Pl rrf r-. rL ;ML M (s4. r••N d) Nb- �!� bees D Omer "en/ ,. J -reseed•• • NOrEs / - VALUES Av A,B. CM Q, ewR E,t/pn ',end EAw.► ttfa, S ora .1/on .,r, the pion. TABLE w/ut-s ,4sr Fend Thereon , 2- LATERALS' M laterals enter on Oom vide• dermrnAok,.cc,a1 shalt t/.o'/be h,:otn, ,ride re s v, ?he .vno//rr.btery/. 0 .1-CL7YTER /Y'ALe.V/it.l' f JNAfT ,,Ao//b /vto/.dew ten/er /.',., o' Sten. D,..7 .. h. , p ri 44'o• lets, rr w4tJ, aa►epAsce 4( ci-a sbn►..elrtco'rk• o-aw.d.4.// ft'w ,t.' len. n-/r►e 4 -L (4. TN o/' n,o-,/.0.6 my be ereriused al option lu meet pips ends, b✓/ inns, ch.ryo .lYr/nor! 0/ .sp..r Mw/ be ogorosrd by the Dish../ f-it9i••te, 5 -DETAIL M When depth of,►w.hoArhum "Awl !op •1 bola /e.rr Iho,. ?-/Oil ib' p.,.re atrek or .l '-6 ib- tereasdtredl cs sdrvc'l n,onohir,ic A/,oft 04 per 0. toil M C,,frg.c !.'i d,/o/d es per 0etedM/6ronly doth o/nwrthoIed o/Y. ono/. When chains -Air El ,i 49 it lass, corder d silp/t .she,//be /state/ os,ore Note J. '4-44r, a Ov41-/NroArC/M6 sren ah..//A. r.rr 2-O/7/ -'straight Dort /f c%ar /ruin elate of r.6-, i�- cwrtcrrle uv/4ss ih wn e/Aer,94s T,v brnit ow/ bo k/ end ipucM /4"o,, cernMrs oe e/oe.t- d/ee/OchedYl/e olekNArd oar /r/on vav f 47- fMBflAWNI, P, Moll be 5"7/^r • 14.441o» /e» and 8' /br Dr over 96' 4 6 -.57(P.3 'holt be* "noun. ro4.unit„f a/ono,o„t/,o%vdrest less the a✓,rhe. 1A walls s✓serer-furs. Le•,3us otherrb,s• sAp.w, the apo..,1p //►o//be 14to /5 "n.4T/,e lowest step eAu1/ d. not new then 2 reel above the invert ' 11 Loc. L'I O-/WMfNRECCCER, AMDP/PE/w• access .'Ares// JAo//be sealed sn /:2 oris merrier ore/ neat. pointed ov- wrp.ed seer,/..t/,o//. l/-f-LOU4 d mon/rate shall be e1e4/ lno.-./ed to lore. y.,y /2 - ocior cif n,f ✓,04 erxA�dwry osw .tlnu//A.rn w -►e e.. t,,,uow oro/iron, eeceiut that a construct'''. owe! */the ♦Irwsyrif Ane with o /o. yilur/.v,o/.byway rJ permit led, t7 /J/4 iAOOpsiON Jof o dor",/,rs os.f inoida d - ft j ri o /5. iffier• Pressure Manhole No. 4'''"Ic •°` T is specified or, plans see Std "" -ftt..Owg. 2-02/0 nots 3. lt. •ls I'e" s .9.94 1p ON. •✓ F A .'•..tis, I '. 7 1s „5/ Q • � •• � to /vwtev After pipe s.vf 0%. Kor.OAM Seolibr Aon r 9+' we /l of etes.els.r., TABLE OF HAR SIZES e 1 .when 1.p N rt 1 Au,/ 0 r...., >ti r 6i1Py w..e •.•• • , • f •• w 114' a y.> eg Dor 8 A18 Sots Derr Air, �S•r .4e 6• 42'44' '603' '896' !0' 144, •713'' •6• i' stet for =Fr D. tF 111 PLAN . (.tlrt►.Jtr qhs t ♦Ai Jit____ 1� 564• B•3000 ,/•&564. concrete boo5A 4• .loaf t10 •tS,vrl ...IA . •...,whew of 34" LONGITUDINAL SECTION u*.. e•TE- - Di$S4.OT14g REr(REHCEs 6✓' 6" 1!1 102' IO 12' • RCVISION$ 3 / 74 ADDED role / STD At 1-411 .v. C Isle th• .•- _�1.Y tit. , 2-D 113 2-D181-bL 2-1)107 2-D171 2- D 211 2 090 r. - e k. •• •C•.11.05 14. li 5 • 14' LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT' A • • 134-1 i Edges to be rounded !) , (3tia (Pt nOtAsNhown ) street agrcide --- manhole frame ond cover `67 TPlan NO 2-0472. Radius' Lao( Spur Alt Sleet Reinf. • c Up E! 1-1 Stec! Steps. E E F. 36 RCP SECTION A -A' DETAIL N PLAN (Shaft not shown) see Note M itom apps,„ at the, point TH‘ ISSEDCRATWIONNG SUB; EBPSEDES Cer6. g'xr 'rag seat 4.,Ta. 4 Tor paved streets] I I] ' SECTION C -C NOTES - IGHT H A -A amd 3 cc IS -151 shall be not 1••• thwri 4.-0% but. may be increased provideal that e value of rd 5.haill be riot less plain monkrwm •p6C.orsed Ilit re- ri(Ohno.S:c.Chin-C).,:eire. :octet, Pp. pe end.. L- LENGTH L pholl be 4 feel unlepoLotherws•s shown on plain. L be M- SHAFT shrslIttn structea r doc wind POGO N when agpth frvni afreet Arrxd• to top or bro's 1e less 'Tr l'-ook inor paved •rroots or s'•-•• 69- unpaved flretts P- DEPTH P •Thily nociuced to on oibwolute limit of 6' when larger values of P would reduce (in sec.C-C, to or- less. T -T shall DC 8' for votoe, or up 10 and incluclirt9 6 feet. T •holl be 10" for ur 11 over 8 feet. 7 Whel e Pressure Monhote Nails spectied on pions see• Sid ()wry. 2-0210 note 3 l-3TEP3. shell be j" round , qolvolnir•41 atcel ond anchored not less thorifo ;riches n Hie wall* of air venires i wires s erherwiiit shown, steps 90-1.15 *pored 14` To IS' The lowest seep shall be r.,4 more then 2 feat above the ledge at side of monrosie flow' Sire Std Dwq "D 2. -ft= 3000 psi et 2 8 days 3 -IFLE..INSOcORCAncteCarvfle 7t EL fitiall be pt. 1-0171, stra.qht bars 14" clear from 4 - 5•TXT IONS of manholes shown on Plan amity ot center line. of phalli F. levaticene . ore rihete.o short, center and refer to the yw-olenged invert grade line. Soo Note L. or- wiped inside • er)on Inlet elev•ition PINVISIONS AI A001 •Ik TS 111111C01•1 ION LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • MANHOLE NO. I PLAN, SECTION AND DETAIL CHI • porton* • Dowel per 411-- t-± I ±-1!1"; TT I cf--1:6[,. -Anchor EI CI 1 141 -Rein( per Dwg No 2-D232 ItA 111 '7 I 'till y:111\ 1 From, ond Cover per 'All. M.H. locations 1 2:1 -/per 'RDewingf " 2S: (20157%1J Dowe Dowel TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN Supersedes drawing of the some number doted August 1950. REVISIONS HARK DATE 114 A • 0 err o 6-.514 '• I -ft oircp r 4 16 1- 6- 3 t.. NAPCED MIX r V het ( I40. REVISED • RE•1C NOTE i/I 'n CMANLP414 FP. I TLSS .19,41.n • MANHOLE NO.4:- PLAN, SECTION, AND DETAIL POOR, D •1 DAIF 5•31.30 2- 0113 J M ,rn,u m spoc y o1 - - 0 0 of cos or role'., f/etib'e joint /ars shot N 4�.e. -, o other tandem or dscl. I!o See De1.r1 _ 1 , trno t SA. 2 beam's* precast eiI - �Q1+. '-I M,ninsn t beating slain N 1 0.0. of pipe ,ice^ aI 420- C -2000 Concrete Trp/ A 0- 6'A • R Trp e CASE I CASE 2 REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM CONCRETE SUPPORT WALL GENERAL NOUS: 4 See /able pn /41s sheet for minimum length of bearing. DIMENSIONS OF RE/NfORCED CONCRETE BEAM 4"Mn A figt ,V''1widened S(.ppwrl ENCASEMENT DETAIL FOR SANITARY SEWERS° CIA m / /n /Ae cote of sanitary sewer supports per Case 1,2 or 5 , a or sheet 2 of /Ns slondord ,Me sewer shall be encased per the Encasement Delp/ Ion Sonifory Sewers, and the support Moll be widened M the width d the encasement ono' lengthened to lull support such encosemen/. 2 Ap' of Me Cases Mains on this stonab✓d may be vied of the contractor's option Ynlss otherwise slow* ow Me project droning. • I 3. 1)* m+r4rnm NgpMs d be. -bp shown ol the ei d R C. 8.oms, cost -iron end she/ pipes Mol/ be ine'reosed t so directed by the Engineer. 4.'S'moilcases equals lie spm d in* pipe support meoswed along 41 centerline De:ween Me sides of the • bench or to center/,nes 01 column supports • CASE 1 NOTES: / width of Perim shot be outside d'a, 4v o/ pipe plus 2' 2 Reinforcing sloe/ N De paced /If clear from sides thd.bottom o/ beams. Q3 /1 timirts ore precosl,ends d Peoria sho// be bedded 14 A\420 -C-1000 concrete Op* of trench. 14Cbss C'mortor shod De paced between top of beams One atom of pipe to pat Dear, CASE 2 NOTES: 1irS 1iwonn she/ Vv. o firm beQring m /M vans!subprod4 anvans!the sides d Me excavation 2 t of Mos/ 2 free and clear of gas Ar water mom a other c r1 or dud. // Type A or Type B cross :action mor De used o/ the contractor's option 4 /Menevr so enacted by the engineer, the contractor shah pierce the wall with solid* openings a prevent vnequ01 pressure resulting from flooding the DWCA/N/. The volWme of the pierced OiVnings sho//not exceed '/e the volume of Ms supporting woH. CASE 3 NOTES: 1 Coss 2000-D spun rp,v►lorced concrete pipe 01 the same diameter os existing pipe may be used only where width Of bench ns 5'-0 pr lass MAInxint Lengths 01 Bearing Of Ends Of R.C. Biome Depth ot Cover 5 Min Booting REVISIONS NARK DATE )1 *CROTON. 04419/10609 76 Flexibk /00,1 S A rdoin -- • Existng concrete or - RC. pipe. 8 t' Abe (Collor of 420-C-2000 Conc. SECTION A -A CASE 3 CAST IRal PIPE OR SPUN REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ALLOWABLE SPANS FOR CAST IRON P P DEPTH of DEPTH OF COVER CLASS 250 P/PE INS/DE DIAMETER INSIDE DIAMETER 181 5" 14-16' 9 13 it 17 20 224 30" 6 33" 6 -1 36" 6f 39" 7" MAInxint Lengths 01 Bearing Of Ends Of R.C. Biome Depth ot Cover 5 Min Booting REVISIONS NARK DATE )1 *CROTON. 04419/10609 76 Flexibk /00,1 S A rdoin -- • Existng concrete or - RC. pipe. 8 t' Abe (Collor of 420-C-2000 Conc. SECTION A -A CASE 3 CAST IRal PIPE OR SPUN REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ALLOWABLE SPANS FOR CAST IRON P P DEPTH of CLASS 150 PIPE CLASS 250 P/PE INS/DE DIAMETER INSIDE DIAMETER 181 5" 14-16' 9 13 it 17 20 224 30" 6 33" 6 -1 36" 6f This drowlog reploces drawing 2-0173, dated REFERENCES REVISIONS • 3-4 Revised Cases I,4 10104, R•riutt 6e. Not./ 44 71.5 65 Aettee Entotemme LOS ANGELES COUNTY FL000 CONTROL DISTRICT PIPE SUPPORTS ACROSS TR.g.bICH APPOOVRO NOT TO SCALE DAVI JAN SEE CURB OPENING roe°, pow et DETAIL SHEET 35 1,1 2 -096 and Note 5. all directions • • Subgr ode opt iunol `Alternute connections per Dwo. Nu 2-0224 SECTION' A -A DETAIL OF DOWEL NOTES Locate pipe at th,e downstream.. end cif: the basin irriless. • noted'nilierwise 00 the general plot. 2 cl'QuipeclashaTII:e- trimmed lo the finol :hope ond length before the plocement of concrete. Design , = 3,000p s i compressive slier. jth ul 214 days Fshlocioltr be°f given n steel -troweled surface finish the boson shall slope from oll v.olos lo 11.e outlet owl Curvatore ot the 5111 ond side wail oi the gulled opening st.J11 De formed by curved forms; or.a cia exposed edges, or corners, ond ond finish to Inc existing, or proposed, curb rind walk, udjacent to Top slab - No. 3 Dors os required on the -lop Stub Sloircligial Pion Std 0wg Nos. 2-088, 2.0415, os snow, on the yer.orol plon. b S-2",unless otherwise shown V . 4'-0" unless olheowl.se shown on the generuf pion 5 STEPS, (Std Dwg No 2-D961 bosei V over 3'- 0" ploce steps al 12 -inch Hite, %no: from Iiie 01 the boson with the lop steP '5 12 iocnet Irn•rimorli) me top 01 the manhole. LCX; ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN NO. 2 PLAN, SECTION 84 DETAILS APPOWVILD „0":1, fr -44444- r-411•4411-'' or I QC' las4 ,N veiN beam dimensioned ond \ reinforced per table under Case 1 l'-Co/umn support beam dimensioned ond reinforced per table under , PIPE CONDUIT \ Case I. Minimum thickness 12°. -Where dimension "o" measured from of conairit lo of COlorn exceeds 1/8 OD. ,pour woll to side of trench os shown. Use some reinforcement ond wall thickness os with centrally placed column. lc? BOX CONDUIT * See table on Sheet / for MMItI7IIITI lengths of bearing. COLUMN SUPPORT WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM Nores One or mon, column supports moy be used. Spon "V shall not exceed the paves tabulated under Case /. 2.C, span of column support beam measured normal to conduit. 3. When the pipe lo be supported crosses the trench on o skew angle of /ess than 45', each column shall be supported by o beam constructed at righl angles to the trench. See PLAN A. 4 Columns ploced direc4, over inferior wolls of multiple boxes may be supported per DETAIL 8. 5 Columns falling on one span of o rnultiple barrel box shall be supported over /hot spon ot4-. 6 All reinforcing steel shall be 1-1/2" from sides,edges,ond bottom of beoms and columns. 7 Al/ concrete sho// be 564 -B -3d00, except as noted 4001 .,000 Cox 15" ro 74" st 0171 WSW Cray Dot ' ALL DETAILS EXCEPT MECHANICAL JOINT SYMETRICAL keour OF CONSTMICTION SECTION X -X 1 SECTIPNif fies 12" Trench Width 1.\\ ts • • • Conduit PLAN A 4 --Loss Mon 45f NOTE:Pipe conduit dimension greater llion 1/8 0. 2-P173 .2 (5- 4 bars each way DETAIL B COLUMN SUPPORT OVER INTERIOR WALL OF MULTIPLE BOX REFERENCES REVISIONS MARK' DM 4-72 1-76 DESCRIPTION CfrInge -z to Revised Cases 42, Revised concrete FloXible joint LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT PIPE SUPPORTS NPT TO SCAL OF 1 r Min Concrete Round Edge E end F bears / (Soo Poem 1St lists • - Min PLAN I'MAIN LINE STORM DRAIN • - 1- --Tie bars SECTION M -M A 1144 REVISIONS 111 DAVI DESCRIPTION 119119140 HOW I HI • A\ /1-724 iberisad Note 7 end oxleowd /Vole /1 A0000 NOTE Rev/sed N.At Mon of structure TABLE OF VALUES FOR T 8 T 181 5" 14-16' 9 13 it 17 20 224 30" 6 33" 6 -1 36" 6f 39" 7" 1 `-1 3.5 Concrete NO0T5 E3: inches, I Junction Structure No 2 is to be used when 0 DT of 8 is greeter thon the 1 D. of 0, or 8 is greOler than 24 inches 8 shall not 'acted % 0, ! NOTE: No more than one opening shall be mode in one section of pipe Elevarion "S"ore shown when required per Note 12 41. 3 Elevation S applies If WW1* Well 01 structure. Saeolloo limits shall be determined as follows; Upstream Limit - .Ailihthetheintmerosiencliiionne poilptehewooluitsidt of the spur wall Downstream Limit - 6 inches downstream of the intersection of the spur woll ointh the main line eles wall The opening shall be rectangular, cut normal to pipe surface and without domaging reinforcing Steel II 0 loint in the main line pipe lolls within the limits 01 concrete Crodle, provide 0 tonere,' leinn‘ciatssernoenthl*once,00101:1 obove that too of the morn line pipe to Me 6 The main line pip. shall be cradled ond encoled on 1: 3:5 concrete mit, intending longitudinally 12 inchroS beyond the limits of breokoirl (See Nole 4); and Ironsversely o distinct col H on each side 01 the centerline af Crodle may be omitted on side Opposite l!pleral inlet when COnStruCled in connection with existing storm droin 7 Reinforcing steel shoii be per 2 - 0171, and placed IV, inches eiepr Olen lace of concrete, unless otherwise shown. a Enoloindd. F bars shoo bt corned to o point not less then J distance frOm 9 Concrete strength shall be 3,000 psi at 28 (toys incept as °Moroni, Centerline .I4 Vie D + 6 inches. 1101 wElnoeconr jcivInscliriuocnture shall tie steel -troweled 10 spring line Structure No 2 is specified with reinforced monotithic tact) storm drain, value sholl refer to the clear span of t_tittna0c;:,he in the some nRoe:ratro.grcuainfgeosteel sholl be cut .mid bent into Junction moor ,f os tor pipe Concrete cradle under reinfoiced monolithic orch is A &, i2 Whets Eievotion "R"ond Elevolion "S'ore not shown on project arawings, inlet p.pe shall enier moin lint rodially When inlet pipe enters main line other than radially, Elevolion '5' sholl be Shown on waded drowings, ono inlet pope shall be 10.0 on o straight erode from Elevation S" catch bosin -or grade break in hr./ Eievotion R" shoo be shown on project drawings only when stub is 10 be provided in main line 10r lultart construction of inlel pipe Stations specified on drowings apply al the inter section ei center lines el mein ond taborets, except Met sMtions for colcti Orman connector pipe empty al inside well of structure. Use Tronsilieri Structure No. 3, Std. Owl 2-1)188, when 41.C. Pips is used for mainline. SECTION Z -Z 2-D112 SUPER SE DES DRAWN% Of THE SAME NUMBER DATED MAY,1333 LOS ANr,ELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICf JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 2 MON 4 ,111•1111 *relit CAR Dowet- Ff yid Alternate Maohole locations per Uwg No. 2-0157 - Dowel -- Anchor - id tid FLOW I I: kyi"p- 1 Anchor per Dwg. No 2-0232 a `Reinf per 1 -....rat I\ ‘"- 4"Rodius 3" Rodius Dwg No 2-0232 A Dowel TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN or bars, 4 req'd -1 DETAIL OF DOWEL t! Supersedes drawing of the some number doted Aug. :50 MARK OATS REVISIONS DISCRIPTION Ad4111A0 IA 11•1. 4 411 ail tO /Std Frome ond Cover per Dwg No 2- D156 a Anchor., -kJ DOwel 11 I , -Step per Dwg No 2- D96 und Note 5 NOTES 1. CONNECTOR PIPE, Locale pipe at the downstream end of the basin unleSS before the placement of the concrete. 2 CONCD:REnsi:19:n., outlet and sholl be given o steel- troweled surfoce 3,000 psi compressive strength at 28 days. Floor of the bosin sholl slope from all walls to the Curvolure of the sill ond the side walls ot the gutter opening sholl be formed by curved forrns. Sur foce of all exposed concrete shall conform in grode, slope, color, and finish to the existing, or proposed ,c.urb ond walk adjacent to the bosin. As required by Std. Dwg. No. 2-D172. Curb face at catch bosin opening (Exist. C.F. t H shall be as required by Std Dwgs. Nos. 2- D 88,2-0415 or • depth at the upslreom end equal to the curb lace at the catch bosin plus 12 inches,,t bul in no case shall the slope of Me floor exceed 3:1 . DETAIL SHEET 35 fi SLIrDeesturotrac 5. STEPS ( Std. Dwg No 2-0 96 Protection Bar and SuPPorl Bolt per Dwg No 2- D175 ond 2- 232 ,•Allernote connections , per 0wg No 2-D224 Slope 10 outlet from all directionS. FIKATIFIN ^40 toOM bekaw for. minimum lengths of bearing. STEEL PIPE DEPTH. of I .• SHELL THICKNESS Min. Bearing 14-16' 9 13 it 17 20 224 CASE 4 Mint L Of Bea Of End Of e Nab a Cover S Min. Bearing 15r-181 30" ---FLEX/BLE JOINT, TYR SEE DETAIL BOX CONDUIT CASE 5 CASE 5ANOTES." I. The concrete support wall shot/ be constructed according to the details and notes shown for Cal 2. All concrete shall be 420-C-2000 2, fluor of the basin. V over 0" , ploce steps el 12-onch intervals from the floor. uf the bosin with the lop step ot 12 inches (minimum) below the lop surface of the lop slab. - D163 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN NO. 3 PLAN, SECTION, AND DETAILS APPROYE0 DT Inside diameter of steel pipe 2' larger than outside 1 diameter of ben -1 SECTION A -A SECTION C -C , ompacted or consolidated to Me re/ative density required by Me specifications. G NIT; OF I concrete SECTION B -B PIPE CONDUIT CASE 5 REFERENCES REVISIONS MARK DAT( DESCRIPTiOn 1-55 Revised Ad&d 2-55 Changed f 10 5-55 Revised Cases 42, 4-72 Revised concrete desioinotion 1- 76 f7exitle joint LOS; ANGELES cOUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRIn PIPE SUPPORTS ACROSS TRENCHES APPROVED BY NO. DESCRIPTION ENGR. DATE ede.iii./44 PA, CITY DATE APPR. REVISIONS ASL Consulting, Engineers DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY 115 43 EXP 6'30787 DATE SCALE PASADENA SANTA ANA PALM SPRINGS (818) 792-3096 (714) 979-1761 (619) 320-4220 FILE NO. APPROVED BY , CITY OF FONTANA PkLIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, DRAWV BY DESIGNED BY SOUTHRIDQE VILLAGE I scALE NONE STORM DRAIN DATE L.A.C.F.C.D STANDARD DRAWINGS' 4? -86 SHEET NO. 6 OF CHECKED, pY APPROVED • 7(4,4d—ildefe.4-1 CITY ENG NEER R.C.E. 18932 •