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D /2� L T 10' 4" /8° 10' 5" 24" 10' 6" 360 15' 48" 15' /0•" 57" 60' 15' 175` /0" /1" 660_ 175' 1/11 • NOTES 1 A concrete colla -is regtired where the chonye ,h grade exceeds O./0 ft. per foot. = 2. Where pipes of different diameters ore joined with a concrete collar, L and T shall be /hose of the larger pipe D=D/ or O2, wlYchellsr /s greater. • 3. For ppe krger than 66"o special cialcr detoills read/W. 4. For pipe size not !'sled use next size krger. 5. Omit' reinforcing on pipes 24 "ond loss n diameter ond on o// pipes where angle A /s less than /0° 6. Where rehforcbig /s regoked the diameter of the clavier ties shall be Eh, (2 x wo// thickness 1* B." • 7' When L /s equal to or /ess that Dz, Jan inverts and when £ Is greater than Dt, tots soffits 8. Ape moy be corrugated meta/ pipe, concrete pipe, or rehfcrced concrete pipe, °or asbestos cement pipe. A 9. Not to be used for o size change on the mainline. REVISIONS • IOC •ir110 4 nt•o•u 4./•75 Revived Nets D. 0,440 440 eex�at le ,,..4t 1 /Serf I 000vd LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CONCRETE COLLAR FOR PIPES 12 INCHES THROUGH 66 INCHES l SV ' ' 4510'. TOP PLAN OF COVER WEIGHT I75 LBS. ' A.HYn' TTIT •loL N% 11'4 til/tts, typ. .11�•i 1. • I1 . SECTION A -A •r' •N.wn 14' SECTION OF FRAME 1111.5111_21/113. REVISIONS APPROveI MEtOastenn00EE0 Art *331i E1 . HIV OErVTI t4OIn[[ A40 t , NTS 0 Ea.1R «....._ O.Y.M� t. t•-j3,�.0e�_ Mw.nN t. C.W.iL ./f2A4 411A,li.f..-:• •rr.orae •, CN.r• 144.. 49,4 " SCAle NONE OEC. 1962 NO. 40(10 or 1.1S wte /•9r' ww•+.4n Mord re,+t✓rvA..r rtfrewn•! 1 BOTTOM PLAN OF COVER ,. NOTES 1. K4Nlfllt f*o(s Mo min LMLO K trot a OAS CAST lea COKOMIK TO ASTM A-41 LASS K. Ma Nimb NIDI As1KTUN seller 11(1/0 to t4CNi43 LAI%ACTS. T. MORI Mux MAU. K DOM ON DR MIK Or TK HOPE A10 01 TK 100001 W Tit COM. 3. DE MARX( r3Att AAa COSTA Ll4A1 K 0,390(001 It OR [KIWI ►3101 TO lethtal. AtcuUMC( nil K Ii0IURA II MAUNA VIiI 0k OH)1103 1 MAUL. e. (OYuf Wet sura TK 1.10001 1. 9a SIM tN11013. 1. COVtiSS 901 4040,03 "cutup 13 (*30(03 All103, MOOTS, Ala KA OTKA RACt1 TUCK AMID 10301)1 LIMA k "NIKO VITA RAUN Snort Sot 19104 txr3K K3I(t3. 0N( COe1AACT01 S*•l1 alt) Aro Int 04. 40110 00 A RAN Of 1 Me AT 1O 0100101 10 PICA Mut et0 MINA 1/1-17.1/1• IKN Allu loCtlT KI SCANS. 1. CORI 11,1 0431140 000114 AK,Pribel.1i(3 n TK AMJ4 1101 000,tMrlyt coi.iTICt SOUT1t0N CALIf01N14 (MMA. TIE WEIOt00 OF THE 001(1r*t SNAIL MO0 VART MORE TNA, �;. . FIVE 10* CENT f*OY TNA0 GIVEN HEREON. fo a (IDlett: Surtoct of Idler 14.11 bt flush with ;-1 'h' /fnithe,/,unset of cove! DETAIL )F LETTER DETAIL OF FRAME SUPERSEDES DWG NO 2.0181 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STANDARD 24 -INCH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER AlrMei et tett None toe 1(197 IW ,4.0 DWG. NO. 2-D472 wen I v -f7 -t0) ^�A * 310 x9.4212" or s 4 fi E 3'o1)16' (eocep( 01 B anchors) 010 • •e'p4Pi.0; a-• ,i ., J/'�`-. h /'- SN 1p/iCE Qfto/I `/ t �--'-/ , �.36ay4t/x9Ptbca----1 \' / Norf. Catch Basin lop slob reinforcing steel nal Mown. A- r f rl ix Blame" otter we/d1 Electrically i webbd sheds. AVhon N 4F Shear Cereectoe,or-epwrireaggenereeweieweee I.1ew KSA/ MYrdino Sys/ems Dlvisr,ve Shear Connecter, or equal; slogger es Indicated below. UA . A►'t'r/r-----------• -- 6 e / y RMrwbvc wg steel ad spice not shown. • Space A motors approximately evenly A /5'mas ac between And anchors and anchors at splice joints srcept omit o/ B anchor location. Space B anchors el oppetuenote/y LTERNATE METHODS FOR FACE PLATE ANCHORAGE 45 max. be/ween end anchors. • NOTES Support bolt Ong/e 'd' shall vary Io conform with bolter of adjoining curb. 2. Protection bot shalt be installed, and support bolls spaced, occofoin9 /o Standard Drawing 2-0/75. 3. Support bolts shall be equal M length to Curb roc* f 4 "± for a// cwt batters. 4 A// exposed nest.,/ports shot/ be galvanized after' FebrIcelm,. 3. Protection Bar Spacing: /h+orection torts) shag be Jubilee, widen /M rainiet.w, clear opening o/ Me catch basin exe ds 6.' Bork/ Moll be pieced s*1ch Met no nsi*mswt clear opening exceeds 6. / (A) When am Aar is required, S'sh0/I be 61; however, this shall be ,, ,ycessarY. se Mat IM center of the o Moho, .6o, /s ma hu Mae 2 " from Me rolled plots. (81 When two c r more bars air required S'shaW be 6 j'wim r.newi*iee bete sper444.6i ore TM spacisy of the lop bar shat/ Dt rrd.'csd, if Roessler);, so mot /h' center al the bar k not less (hon 2r' from the re#.4 One. 6. Where colon basins an 1N be constructed on curves, Me /maxim.4), chard length for lace p/oN shot/ Oe such Mot /M 1n0$449407, dimension from sold chord (measured perpesdiev/ar thereto) to /ht true carve will not exceed one koch. Where more Man coo* chord is required. chord long/hs shall be 9(010/. 7 When length o/ foes Prete is be/ween 22'a►d 43;hw sections may Pet used Won /eng/h exciseadr 45,Mree sec1brN* may de used. cohost shalt be Spliced according to the Spice 0.ttcv/. Splices shall be ploced one foot iron sup;cr/ boh'(see Std Ong Mv. 2-0/75) 8. Length o1 face Phots is W./1" lot al/ catch basins except Ile driveway Conch Basin No. 8 (See Owg No. 2 -D249. / and .1 for &Halls 1. 9. Curb rocs shot/ be os required by Dwys. Nos. 2-088, 2-0248, 2-0415, or os shown on the genera/ p47n. • hQ SPACING OF ALL ANCHCWAf9E' a SN end anchors 3 "frim ends o/ face Flo% b. Plane one A aeeller at eacA side o/ any ond all splice Joints ond withal 60 Mateo/. • 1 h- < Vor/ob/. Vorlob/. Vadat* 3'0 ' L�-2 tasigd.`by (As teg4bynao/1- 1 -----I rc I ySnoAQA/ Crane CII r,. Lr -� i___Cn/nonce R.xA • PLAN �.waaa�4 ;, ttgw_e_Azsg,onosl-CASE rA" --I -- -.--�-i7;artq�tbrnciotpra%osl1 oll$/ \-Pont A h_Qod� `Pahl C Ran/ 8-1 rtvitl 8-' Opdnp Opening (S/rophl Siad. sn�Cepet ri-texas[ Of 1:10120,0,9wt and puller 'she Read\�1A Non. 2 0 to a;74-1.1.1 FLOWp�ie PointA Ponta, 0 h�w{i 0.. f --41 ___ UT _-L I L� s -Pon/ A/ S.451.kt�; l1.. -.-..„ritkrifi.d,'Lc11------I $• '4., PLAN /0". CASE 'B" e • ' r 4' ' 1 1, I iot,.... curb f---- -fy 1� I autenee hew so° Pod 8 1 s`Point a T'~� -L om/ O.pnskss wrfoe. 1r 4• n�: ,SECTION D -D WH EVISION4. rY4 er.w•aA nwN Geis =Pole, C Ler/St Or permed cwt and gulls, t Edl Re tcti NOTES I. DESIGNATION: Local depression for Catch Basin No. 4 and No.7 shall be CASE A unless otherwise shown on Ano general pian. Local depression for Catch Basin No.6 shall be CASE 8 unless otherwise shown on IM 91nero1 pion." 2.CONCRETE. Design ,4•3,000 psi compressive strength*, 28 days with a minimum required thickness of 8Incites. The street -side edges of the local depression shall conform to the existing street surface or to elevadan1 shown on the general plan. 3. DIMENSIONS: CASES A 0 C (unless otherwise thorn) Pants A ond B shall be set at 2 Inches below the existing gutter grade. Point C shall be set with IM some rise os•lhe grating. See Section D -D Dlmenslon,L,ls related to 1n. number of grates. No. of orate& =II No of r io 1, ILL 1 7 3 10 2 9 4 11 G • 4%43' and 4..3!..Q' - CASE B (unless 0Iherwlse shown) t • .. Points A ond B shall be set at 4lnches below the existing gutter grade. K• 3'0'1 L•6'-0'1 U• 12 Inches; P•12 inches (S• 4,0'1; P•181nches(S•11.-0'1 0.4'0" (tor dImenston 9 ,see Standard Drawing No. 2-0109) _ Pointe M and N shall be on a straight grade,ond on the street cross -slope. 40ENERALI. • For spec101 details governing the construction of 1114 tocol depression on o vertical curve ,see the general plan. Where n0 curb exista,the Curb face (C.1.1 than be 8 huhes unle11 otherwise shown on the general plan. Such curbs shall bo constructed to the ends of the local depression,and the curb section -shall conform 10 11101 of the • conlrolling• agency. - • OWI G Point A- Opening ti1(5"3h1...,SJ1401_ for . prod. pronto Cranny Pointe p• S/roieh7 pude r PLAN CASE CII prod. Point C . Supersedes drawing of the same number dated Sept. 1958 1/0/0/ A Flfhti Sl�d�ns�` . grads - ` , �Ex/st. agullet proposed o��iy tis �tw0 0/S pe//M c • `...„.gee Not4 t LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. 3 FOR. GRATING CATCH BASINS W Mn1. t -t+11• acm. NON 4.T. iDWG. NO. 2-)248 wen 1 _Of___ -L___ 5-15-. Dowty per ' 010as 7 DOoll Curb • -Anchor frame and Cover per 0••9. No. 2.0156., of ,face Plate and t'Clea po"N I.,,Anchor ' OpIOVlq per Owq. No. 2-0232 1 ! Street a I, e• L.0. surface)) I -'Rets. per Dwg No. 2-D232 !-_.Anchor Reinf rAll MH locations `.Curb pet Dwg. Na 2.0157. TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN is1 ` S i -Dowel 1--+'t- v.LI I Protection IIOn Bend I Support Bolt per Org. yr i No. 2-0175 and 2-0232 9' 4' ' Step per Owg. (10 ',2.096 and Note 5. 3' Rod. _ flop, to Outlet Trom all Nections i -"Rein. a 2'A.S. -3'Radius --- A vt -3"Rod 1 -'-4' Radius • Anchor per Owg. ` `No 2.0232 Supersedes drawing of the some number doted August /950. EVISIONS .114 sem s 1_ • W ( '•Sub«ode optiord . 1,., 3• SECTION' A -A ..... -0'---- I.3 bas, 41egd 90'-•. 9d NOTES 1. CONNECTOR PIPE: Locate pipe of the downstream end 0f the basin unless specifically noted otherwise on the general plan. Pipe short be 1rinmed to the trod shop* and length before the placement of concrete. 2 CONCRET€- Design, •3.000ps1 compressive strength of 28 days. floor of the bash shop slope from 011 walls to the a,ttel Ord shall be given a steel -troweled surloce finish Curvature of the sol and side wolf of the gutter opening shall be famed by curved lams; ad 'al exposed edges, or corners, and concrete to metal home edges shall be given 1. tabus edger lirvsh. Surface of a8 exposed concrete vat1 conform in «ode, slope, calor ' and finish to me 1.61041, or p00osed, curb Ono watts odjocenl 00 0e basin. 3. REWFCRCEME)IL• (Standard Dwg. No 2-0071) Top slab - No. 3 bas os 0e4..4004 on the Top Sob Slrveturr/ Plan. Wall ondFkor • As required by St0ndad Ong. No. 2.1072. 4 DIMENSIONS: Alternate connections Curb Face at the catch basin openinglE01sl C F INlshall be as.equi:0d by per Dwg. No 2.0224 Std. Dwg. Nos. 2.088, 2.0413, or os shown on the genrld pion b • 3'-2',*nless Otherwise shown. t • 6Inches it Y•4'.0" or toss. 1 • 8 inches if 9. 4'.1" to 110'. 1 • *Inches i1 V•8'•1' or more. V • 4- 0' WINS% 014..451 shown on ins generol Coon. 5. STEPS: (Std. Dwg. No. 2.1)961 V to 3'-0'(inc11 , place aro step 12 inches ub0we the hoar ul the bash. V over 3'- 0' , place stets at 12.110 1 n erxell1 Irons the Iloa • of the bow3 with the top step ul 12 r1Lneo (mrimen) beta. the top 01 the mad*te. DETAIL OF DOWEL Ilernate 4 ore (01100* per 0709. No. 2'0I51--� A- T.1 -1----1-1--ll 11E IT, 1 I r'01+ PSP � -I --I}.t i�y��yy�� iii a' 1 _-= -cord - 7- ■t■ .7 2 - Ii r' R . -Aaha ,...14_,, __,_3` Radlus=: - r� ' N „ Cur I ---- 1'. J_�.. 1 t.• 4 Radius "NWT. per t` 3' Radius Owg Na 2.0232 -'-A Dowel per 0etoil it -Anchor per Owg. No. 2.0232 TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN �;•�3 or'4 04,1,4 req'd r---/ ' 1 DETAIL OF DOWEL Supersedes drawing of the some number doted Aug..50 REVISIONS A.3 0.4.04. 0.1P. • "Y_ 9x44 uAs r'3 1- Wu ,.i• N w.cwlw •III.IN-14. •I re- •e'.rMnw 40 fpi, Deg No. 2 0v156 Rodlus.• , t p 9 , r Anther•, - a NI� • r'1 •1• h •constII w 4 /' LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN NO.2 PLAN, SECTION 81 DETAILS SCALA come DWG. NO: 2.0162 NONE 5-154,3 ""'11 or 1 NOTES l CONNECTOR PIPE, Locale pipe al the downstream end of Ihe basin unless specifically noted otherwise on the general plan. Pipe shall be trimmed to the final shape and length before the placement of the eanerite. 2.CONCRETE' Design, 1/ • 3,000psI compressive strength al 28 days. Floor of the basin shall slope from all walls to the outlet ond shall be given o steel- troweled surface finish. Curvature of the s111 and the side calls at the gutter opening shall be formed by curved forms. Surface Of all exposed concrete shall conform In grade, slope; color, and finish to the 451101ng, or proposed,curb ond Volk adjacent to the basin. 3.oceronCEMEMI ( Std. Ong No. 2-0m 1 • ©Top Slab -No. 3 a No.4 bas spaced 01e04ed on the • SNucturol P1on. Walls end Floor -As required by No: 2-0172. 4. QNAENSIONS: Curb face of catch basin openinglEels1C.EIH1 shall be as required by Std. Owg'. Nos. 2- 0 131,3,2-0415 or as shown on the general plan. Catch basin for W .10 feel or more shall hove a 'V' depth of the upstream end equal to the curb face of the catch basin plus 12 hches,Q* but In no case shall Ike 1100E01 the floor e.eeed 3,1 W • 14'- 0'1 and b • 3' - 2, antes otherwise shown. �1q • V • 4'- 0', unless otherwise shown. 32 1 • 6'11 V•4'-0* or less. t • ell V.4.-1' to 8'-0'. 1 • 10' If V •. 8'- I' or more. 5t,5TEP5: ( S.M. Dn$ Na 2-096 1 V to 3-O'(Inel.) , place one seep 12 Inches above the floor Of the basin. V over 3'-0' , plocs slept a1 12 -fah Intervals from the floor of the basin with the lop step of 12 Inches (minimum) below the top surface of the top Nob. - (-=447141,n, ac! Plate ond Open pet Dwo. N0. 2-02 r t� /Street or ? "-i , L.a tafoce 1 2-0.96 ond Note S . • 3` Radius Slope to outlet r• I,Om 011 direcli0M-, . • T-- ..� Subgrode oplionoh1 Prolselion Bar and Support Bolt per Owq. No. 2-0175 .04 2- 0 232 'Allelnote connections per Owg. No. 2.0224 ).2 SECTION A -A _-'Ol LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN NO. 3 PLAN, SECTION, AND DETAILS Al.. tN.j. ANw4rtq •r ,. !( *CALK *011 NONE 5-1368 OWG. NO. .2-0163 scum' I a i CONCRETE REINFORCING • STEEL INSTITUTE STANDARD A615.6, REINFORCING BARS BAR SIZES WEIGHT POI/NOS • PER FOOT NOMINAL DIMENSIONS -ROUND SECTIONS OLD riN0Nc0 NEW INure0py DIAMETER INCHES CROSS SECTIONAL ARIA-341NCHE3 PERIMETER INCHES e 20 .167 250 .05 .786 ® ® .376 -.375 - .11 1.178 8 ® .668 .500 .20 1.571 ® ® 1.043 .625 .31 1.963 ® 0 1.502 .750 .44 2.356 ®/ 07 2.044 .875 .60 2.749 0 ® 2.670 1.000 .79 3.142 U ® 3.400 1.128 1.00 3.544 II to •4.303 1.270 1.27 3990 I1' ® l 5.313 1.410 1.56- 4.430 The new bar numbers ore based on Me number of 4 Inches Included /n the nominal diameter of the bon. • Bar•number 2Ia plain rounds only. baro numbered 9, io ond /I t oro round bora ond equivalent in weightan)nomino/ cross - sectional areo to the o/d Type l', li and l4 square bora LOS ANGELES COUNTY -' w11-UUL0. 1ssa 01000 CONTROL: DISTRICT ARevised 1-19-71 ' 2-0171 - 14 1 min. -4--1 Concsete Cradle-, H c i I 1 �.1I j I1 . Round Ed e to RN t • E rind F bets 4P5,-13" 0.C.-- • I Ste Pt tees Rests 131 e� II., Round Edge, t• 3"R' 6 kers-- I I I'MAIN LINE STORM DRAIN R. C. Pipe or reinforced monolithic arch r r `Tie bors r� *3-18"9c. \c-; =G tiers \\ sp,' 411,4-6"O.C. - Ne of structure SECTION M -M • SH Itt VISIONS YAM IIETS DE SCRIP T en4yrrob or wawa who 46, f bars 0 bars Edges to be rounded - 1 to 3* Radius --/-----gur i ,..• kdiu3.10ofJper 1 or 4' - -414 - -1 ,,' 1 iteconloddt bor3 jot manhole Vac. to inside eckje PLAN (Rings ond cover no Omit thr3step ti in pool streets... Chart not shown) 16'173r• pewee I streets .1 rrfer alcoved streets/ F, -Opticnol outside face of concrete 4, H Dors t .shown) • Concrete rings eat • Street grade. 1.00.313! steel 434 Org I.- Concrete rings end Minimum 1'401. with pored streets unpaved streets. Z5..1 bar3 JprIng431 line bowed when 0113 Apeseotkvel Set Atka See Node 8 ECTION B -B 4 ri-o-falfor streets r for unpaved 3trs bars (See Note .31 TABLE or VALUES 1011-r 02 Att Mtn 1- TABLE OfV02083 fOrrore on this piso. 2- CENTER Of MANHOLE -WAFT Moll be locoh3clover centerline ofstorm drain when drometer C$ 134(3'cr less, in Whitt? COM place C t073 sym• 3• DETAIL When depthofrnanhoie from street grode to top of bd, 131031 than 1901 tbr paved street cr.3'6' kr unpaved streetccrotruct be constructedo3 per Detail When diameter Of is 48'cr less,center of shaft maybe kooledos per note 2. 4.•TWICKNE35 Of DECK shall wry when necesscry toproekle kw/ pi,oescat. but shall not be kis than lobular toluN tbr f shown on this plon. unless shown otherwise. 0- STEPS 313s11 be 4i* round.golkonized steel ard anchored not Jess the spacing Moll be 14- % 1571c -falba latest stepahsil mt to mon? thrrn 2'6 'obore the invert Tee Std Dwg 2-0 96 7• PING5,REOUCERANO PIPE fOrOCC03.7 Short shall be mate d in mortar ono/ neot pointed or wiped inshie the shaft 8- 3rATION5 of morrholes shown on pIonopplyotcenterorshaft. Elevations Shown otstotions refer to pro7onciedinvertgnxlines 9- fL000 of monhok.shoil besteel-troweled to springing line. D• BODY of monhoh3 stroll be poured in one continuousoperation, be placed ot the springing line. 11- LENGTH ANO EAMENIENT P shall how3 the Viewing Polues unk.33 otherwise shown on pkrn L moy be increased or loco ttn of manhole shi fled to meet pipe encts. continued 6'de. 84115 Moll be '4 fbr •39'er less, ";51br 4.42' to 84'inclushe ond ,6 tbr 0e-90'orover. Tie bars Moll be bora. line unless otherwise shown. 0 /5 Where Pressure konhole hb.21s specified on akin; see Std Dwg 2-02/0 note J. SUPERSEDES DWG.NO. 2-0103 !REFERENCES R4V1810140 LOS ANGELES COUNTY -- 239/7/ 2-0210 Z. Den F1.000 CONTROL DISTRICT 0 8.53 053 10-54 10,54 3414 Revised Changed Innen Added note Added note Step Spacing or ccs MANHOLE NO.2, PLAN. SECTION AND‘' DETAIL AI CB - _„ REAR WALL srra sr "a"Oid; A Hoc VIII EOM Way 1 4. L. All 0 4. 1121113110 _, _, ,/ • 3 s 20 Rillinill=giso 38 pr ItillICIIVP 4 e /3 L.L. • 03 14 E110110* 0. 1-5 021=11400f [-' FM IG41 0 Wit 18 *1 lbws WALL AHD FLOOR STEEL,. Tap slab st041,144 note 1.-s PS Oars rci Banc SECTION 2 mkre reek FLOOR REINFORCEMENT SECTION 2 ryisious OARS ALTIANATI NOTE ACOED (C SO 4 4 6 soca VW WALL STEEL 8 1101,00 or 4-1.401 Ns At 1 Ller'S• rump WTI ie *owed A‘Ar Min Sprint tine - FILL IN AREA 2 :1 SLOPE MAX. TABLE OF VALUES FOR T , Reinforcing Steel /Tie *biers Round Undistarked earth' • GRAVEL PER FT. #-4BAR CONT. NOTES 1. TOP SLAB REINFORCEMENT, For deciding of required sleel,fits Catch Bolin Stondard Drovesge For dinansicn'e greater than 4 11.,set the special design of the lop slab reinforcement shown on the requited structural gran. 2. WALL AND 11:000 REINFORCEMENT, The indicated reinforcing steel applies to Catch Sash, Standard Drawings No. 2-1310009,160,162,163,064,170,193.244.1and.2,and4n. Ail catch basins constructed on streets designoted as Stole Highways shell lotted. rsinlor clog sleet shown on Mi. Cdr;;Itingb.osins constructed On streelsnol designated as Stele Highways sine.. the following conditions require wall and floor sete.71.010nre7,44inf 1.omn.r0citelrictwenft:. Boo, D.oh,v) 7 to 14 fsellincli 107 ef .4 04 51 K. r steel reinforcement shall be per Standord Drawing Mo. 2-017L 6 feel or more • Steel to concrete surfoce, end deoronee,sholl be 11 metes. • Wiley type Invitt,ShOwn by 40044 lint In 540410n. • whin Tonn1slOr OP* 11 aligned to and roll of a catch basin. le( 12 feit,ses the required etructurol plans. x 1 At No 4 bars awry be used In Nina of No. 3 bars SUPERSEDES drawing of Sane number dated 1411952 LOS ANGELES COUNTY F1-000 CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN REINFORCEMENT NOTES: I. Junction Structure No. 2 is to be used when 0.0. of 8 is greater thon I/z othre319. 01.ncohf ets)., or 13 is greater Mon 24 inches. 8 shall not exceed 0, NOTE: No more thon one opening shall be made in one sectiop of pipe. s16.2. Values of A,B,C and Dare shown on project drawings. Elevotion"R' and Elevation "Suare shown when required per Note 12'. • 3. Elevation S applies at inskle woll of structure. 4. Breakout limits shall be determined as follows: wAithihttheint Upstream Limit - me raSient ti ii On ne poilptehtwaoluiloidt of the spur wall Downstream Limit - 6 inches downstream of the intersection of the spur wall with the main line PiCie woll• The opening sholl be rectangular, cut normol to pipe surface and without damaging reinforcing steel. If o joint in the main line pipe falls within the limits of the concrete cradle, provide a concrete limits of the cradle. encasement one foot above the top of the main lint pipe to the 5. The transverse reinforcement in pipe shall be cut al center of opening and bent into lop and bottom slobs of spur. G The main lint pipe :WI be cradled and encased in 1:3:5 concrefe mit, extending tongitudonolly 12 inches beyond the tut -tits of breakout (Set Nolo 4); ond transversely .0 distance of H on each side of the centerline of pipe. H Va 0. D. of pipe + 3 inches minimum. Cradle may be omitted on side opposite literol Inlet when constructed in connection with eXisting storm droin. 7. Reinfoking sleel sholl be per - 171, and ploced 1'4 inches clear from face of concrete, unless otherwise shown. 8. E and F bars shall be carried to a point nol less than J distance from centerline. J. 911 + 6 inches. 9. nCoopecdre. te strength shall- be 3,000 psi al 28 days except os otherwise 10 Floor of structure shall be steel -troweled to spring line II. When Junction Structure No. 2 is specified with reinforced monolithic arch storm drain, value 0 shall refer to the clear span of the arch. Reinforcing steel shall be cut .3nd bent info Junction Structure in the some monrlr as for pipe Concrete cradle under reinforced monolithic arch is not 'quoted. 4.4 12 When Elevotion "R" and Elevation "S"ore not shown on project drayings, inlet pipe sholl enter main lone rodially When inlet pipe enters moon line other tnan rodially,.Elevation "S" shall be shown on pra.ject drawings, and inlet pipe shall be loid on straig..ht grade from Elevation S" to catch basin or grade break 3_-- in line Elevation fi" shall be shown on protect drawings only when stub is to t I be provided in moon lone for future CORS1rUCliOrt al inlet pipe. I so". R t3. Stations socified on drawings opp4.1 cif the tntereection of Cont.( linos A . mein fine -and totarols, except that stations for. catch basin connector pipe eppfy of inside wail of structunt. /t1-4. Us4 Transition Structure No. 3, Std. Owe. 2-1)1611, when A.C. Pip* ie treed for mainline. -1: 3.5 Concrete SECTION Z -Z SUPER% DES DRAWING Of THE SAME NUMOER DATED MAY, 1939 7 PARKWAY 4.5' SIDEWALK • FiC 400 8 n CONC. BLOCK 110.4 I 611 r- Air LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT JUNCTION STRUCTURE C. as wow( woe., lees l sliest GUTTER 3' RETAINING WALL DETAIL LOTS 16 a 17 TRACT NO. 14027-1 twist, ehnortars OF 1 MATERIALS : RE -BAR: BLOCK: MORTAR: GROUT: CEMENT: GENERAL NOTES : --al I" Diamond 14mat, 4"cleep * #4,4 eo. LLetters I" high cost flush with top Allen socket set /4" screw Seekol Cop on rirp cover opposite pick hole --4,L§ TOP OF MANHOLE FRAME& COVER • BOTTOM OF MANHOLE COVER Irc fAllen socket set screw rib joins rim 22#01a clear oxhing • • CROSS SECTION THRU FRAME a COVER Outline where ribs torn -24-07„ mg angle TO I throughout CROSS SECTION THRU RI8 AT MID RADIUS • F1'ilVkl....\-1.1"4 „,, I- nstal/ two •Pax 4419//en socket set screws, 90° /o ES • 22"Dig, _ All parts of The Ihnne and cover exce.ot machined pick hole, In holes drilled and topped /n depth CROSS SECTION THRU RIM suribces shall be coated w1/17 asphaltum point. frame and cover shall be tested tbr acc:/racy al Pi/ and shall be marked insets bekro, delive04 6 frond aid cover dna,/ be ,oasitioned ..ivelt Ma/ Me 1.. LOS ANGELES COUNTY REFERENCES REVISIONS FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT hi ARK OATS Rek.fed 01/ no/es rtscomtesmo MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER FOR CATCH BASINS WOROCH7C11 bilk/ Steel Bar ' gt1/701 1/0/ tgt "45 PLAN VIEW FRONT ELEVATION LI NOTES: 1. An alternate step may be used subject to the approvol of the engineer. 2. All steps will be firmly and rigidly set and no cones or shafts will be ocCepted with bent or crocked steps. 3. Steps will 64 galvanized after bending. REVISIONS MARK OATS /Pe viZreal. evihedipeoloi Added notes LOS ANGELE4 COUNT( FLOOD CONTROL OISVIICT DROP STEP • STEEL ARRANGEMENT FOR TOP OF CATCH BASIN NQ I TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CATCH BASIN AT MANHOLE. 11 -II- - _„ REAR WALL srra sr ,, 1 4. L. All 0 4. 1121113110 _, _, ,/ • 3 s 20 Rillinill=giso 38 pr ItillICIIVP 4 e /3 L.L. • 03 14 E110110* 0. 1-5 021=11400f [-' FM IG41 0 Wit 18 *1 lbws WALL AHD FLOOR STEEL,. Tap slab st041,144 note 1.-s PS Oars rci Banc SECTION 2 mkre reek FLOOR REINFORCEMENT SECTION 2 ryisious OARS ALTIANATI NOTE ACOED (C SO 4 4 6 soca VW WALL STEEL 8 1101,00 or 4-1.401 Ns At 1 Ller'S• rump WTI ie *owed A‘Ar Min Sprint tine - FILL IN AREA 2 :1 SLOPE MAX. TABLE OF VALUES FOR T , Reinforcing Steel /Tie *biers Round Undistarked earth' • GRAVEL PER FT. #-4BAR CONT. NOTES 1. TOP SLAB REINFORCEMENT, For deciding of required sleel,fits Catch Bolin Stondard Drovesge For dinansicn'e greater than 4 11.,set the special design of the lop slab reinforcement shown on the requited structural gran. 2. WALL AND 11:000 REINFORCEMENT, The indicated reinforcing steel applies to Catch Sash, Standard Drawings No. 2-1310009,160,162,163,064,170,193.244.1and.2,and4n. Ail catch basins constructed on streets designoted as Stole Highways shell lotted. rsinlor clog sleet shown on Mi. Cdr;;Itingb.osins constructed On streelsnol designated as Stele Highways sine.. the following conditions require wall and floor sete.71.010nre7,44inf 1.omn.r0citelrictwenft:. Boo, D.oh,v) 7 to 14 fsellincli 107 ef .4 04 51 K. r steel reinforcement shall be per Standord Drawing Mo. 2-017L 6 feel or more • Steel to concrete surfoce, end deoronee,sholl be 11 metes. • Wiley type Invitt,ShOwn by 40044 lint In 540410n. • whin Tonn1slOr OP* 11 aligned to and roll of a catch basin. le( 12 feit,ses the required etructurol plans. x 1 At No 4 bars awry be used In Nina of No. 3 bars SUPERSEDES drawing of Sane number dated 1411952 LOS ANGELES COUNTY F1-000 CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN REINFORCEMENT NOTES: I. Junction Structure No. 2 is to be used when 0.0. of 8 is greater thon I/z othre319. 01.ncohf ets)., or 13 is greater Mon 24 inches. 8 shall not exceed 0, NOTE: No more thon one opening shall be made in one sectiop of pipe. s16.2. Values of A,B,C and Dare shown on project drawings. Elevotion"R' and Elevation "Suare shown when required per Note 12'. • 3. Elevation S applies at inskle woll of structure. 4. Breakout limits shall be determined as follows: wAithihttheint Upstream Limit - me raSient ti ii On ne poilptehtwaoluiloidt of the spur wall Downstream Limit - 6 inches downstream of the intersection of the spur wall with the main line PiCie woll• The opening sholl be rectangular, cut normol to pipe surface and without damaging reinforcing steel. If o joint in the main line pipe falls within the limits of the concrete cradle, provide a concrete limits of the cradle. encasement one foot above the top of the main lint pipe to the 5. The transverse reinforcement in pipe shall be cut al center of opening and bent into lop and bottom slobs of spur. G The main lint pipe :WI be cradled and encased in 1:3:5 concrefe mit, extending tongitudonolly 12 inches beyond the tut -tits of breakout (Set Nolo 4); ond transversely .0 distance of H on each side of the centerline of pipe. H Va 0. D. of pipe + 3 inches minimum. Cradle may be omitted on side opposite literol Inlet when constructed in connection with eXisting storm droin. 7. Reinfoking sleel sholl be per - 171, and ploced 1'4 inches clear from face of concrete, unless otherwise shown. 8. E and F bars shall be carried to a point nol less than J distance from centerline. J. 911 + 6 inches. 9. nCoopecdre. te strength shall- be 3,000 psi al 28 days except os otherwise 10 Floor of structure shall be steel -troweled to spring line II. When Junction Structure No. 2 is specified with reinforced monolithic arch storm drain, value 0 shall refer to the clear span of the arch. Reinforcing steel shall be cut .3nd bent info Junction Structure in the some monrlr as for pipe Concrete cradle under reinforced monolithic arch is not 'quoted. 4.4 12 When Elevotion "R" and Elevation "S"ore not shown on project drayings, inlet pipe sholl enter main lone rodially When inlet pipe enters moon line other tnan rodially,.Elevation "S" shall be shown on pra.ject drawings, and inlet pipe shall be loid on straig..ht grade from Elevation S" to catch basin or grade break 3_-- in line Elevation fi" shall be shown on protect drawings only when stub is to t I be provided in moon lone for future CORS1rUCliOrt al inlet pipe. I so". R t3. Stations socified on drawings opp4.1 cif the tntereection of Cont.( linos A . mein fine -and totarols, except that stations for. catch basin connector pipe eppfy of inside wail of structunt. /t1-4. Us4 Transition Structure No. 3, Std. Owe. 2-1)1611, when A.C. Pip* ie treed for mainline. -1: 3.5 Concrete SECTION Z -Z SUPER% DES DRAWING Of THE SAME NUMOER DATED MAY, 1939 7 PARKWAY 4.5' SIDEWALK • FiC 400 8 n CONC. BLOCK 110.4 I 611 r- Air LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT JUNCTION STRUCTURE C. as wow( woe., lees l sliest GUTTER 3' RETAINING WALL DETAIL LOTS 16 a 17 TRACT NO. 14027-1 twist, ehnortars OF 1 MATERIALS : RE -BAR: BLOCK: MORTAR: GROUT: CEMENT: GENERAL NOTES : --al I" Diamond 14mat, 4"cleep * #4,4 eo. LLetters I" high cost flush with top Allen socket set /4" screw Seekol Cop on rirp cover opposite pick hole --4,L§ TOP OF MANHOLE FRAME& COVER • BOTTOM OF MANHOLE COVER Irc fAllen socket set screw rib joins rim 22#01a clear oxhing • • CROSS SECTION THRU FRAME a COVER Outline where ribs torn -24-07„ mg angle TO I throughout CROSS SECTION THRU RI8 AT MID RADIUS • F1'ilVkl....\-1.1"4 „,, I- nstal/ two •Pax 4419//en socket set screws, 90° /o ES • 22"Dig, _ All parts of The Ihnne and cover exce.ot machined pick hole, In holes drilled and topped /n depth CROSS SECTION THRU RIM suribces shall be coated w1/17 asphaltum point. frame and cover shall be tested tbr acc:/racy al Pi/ and shall be marked insets bekro, delive04 6 frond aid cover dna,/ be ,oasitioned ..ivelt Ma/ Me 1.. LOS ANGELES COUNTY REFERENCES REVISIONS FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT hi ARK OATS Rek.fed 01/ no/es rtscomtesmo MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER FOR CATCH BASINS WOROCH7C11 bilk/ Steel Bar ' gt1/701 1/0/ tgt "45 PLAN VIEW FRONT ELEVATION LI NOTES: 1. An alternate step may be used subject to the approvol of the engineer. 2. All steps will be firmly and rigidly set and no cones or shafts will be ocCepted with bent or crocked steps. 3. Steps will 64 galvanized after bending. REVISIONS MARK OATS /Pe viZreal. evihedipeoloi Added notes LOS ANGELE4 COUNT( FLOOD CONTROL OISVIICT DROP STEP • STEEL ARRANGEMENT FOR TOP OF CATCH BASIN NQ I TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CATCH BASIN AT MANHOLE. 11 -II- - _„ '.--1--1----i- ,, 1 4. L. All 0 4. , Reinforcing Steel /Tie *biers Round Undistarked earth' • GRAVEL PER FT. #-4BAR CONT. NOTES 1. TOP SLAB REINFORCEMENT, For deciding of required sleel,fits Catch Bolin Stondard Drovesge For dinansicn'e greater than 4 11.,set the special design of the lop slab reinforcement shown on the requited structural gran. 2. WALL AND 11:000 REINFORCEMENT, The indicated reinforcing steel applies to Catch Sash, Standard Drawings No. 2-1310009,160,162,163,064,170,193.244.1and.2,and4n. Ail catch basins constructed on streets designoted as Stole Highways shell lotted. rsinlor clog sleet shown on Mi. Cdr;;Itingb.osins constructed On streelsnol designated as Stele Highways sine.. the following conditions require wall and floor sete.71.010nre7,44inf 1.omn.r0citelrictwenft:. Boo, D.oh,v) 7 to 14 fsellincli 107 ef .4 04 51 K. r steel reinforcement shall be per Standord Drawing Mo. 2-017L 6 feel or more • Steel to concrete surfoce, end deoronee,sholl be 11 metes. • Wiley type Invitt,ShOwn by 40044 lint In 540410n. • whin Tonn1slOr OP* 11 aligned to and roll of a catch basin. le( 12 feit,ses the required etructurol plans. x 1 At No 4 bars awry be used In Nina of No. 3 bars SUPERSEDES drawing of Sane number dated 1411952 LOS ANGELES COUNTY F1-000 CONTROL DISTRICT CATCH BASIN REINFORCEMENT NOTES: I. Junction Structure No. 2 is to be used when 0.0. of 8 is greater thon I/z othre319. 01.ncohf ets)., or 13 is greater Mon 24 inches. 8 shall not exceed 0, NOTE: No more thon one opening shall be made in one sectiop of pipe. s16.2. Values of A,B,C and Dare shown on project drawings. Elevotion"R' and Elevation "Suare shown when required per Note 12'. • 3. Elevation S applies at inskle woll of structure. 4. Breakout limits shall be determined as follows: wAithihttheint Upstream Limit - me raSient ti ii On ne poilptehtwaoluiloidt of the spur wall Downstream Limit - 6 inches downstream of the intersection of the spur wall with the main line PiCie woll• The opening sholl be rectangular, cut normol to pipe surface and without damaging reinforcing steel. If o joint in the main line pipe falls within the limits of the concrete cradle, provide a concrete limits of the cradle. encasement one foot above the top of the main lint pipe to the 5. The transverse reinforcement in pipe shall be cut al center of opening and bent into lop and bottom slobs of spur. G The main lint pipe :WI be cradled and encased in 1:3:5 concrefe mit, extending tongitudonolly 12 inches beyond the tut -tits of breakout (Set Nolo 4); ond transversely .0 distance of H on each side of the centerline of pipe. H Va 0. D. of pipe + 3 inches minimum. Cradle may be omitted on side opposite literol Inlet when constructed in connection with eXisting storm droin. 7. Reinfoking sleel sholl be per - 171, and ploced 1'4 inches clear from face of concrete, unless otherwise shown. 8. E and F bars shall be carried to a point nol less than J distance from centerline. J. 911 + 6 inches. 9. nCoopecdre. te strength shall- be 3,000 psi al 28 days except os otherwise 10 Floor of structure shall be steel -troweled to spring line II. When Junction Structure No. 2 is specified with reinforced monolithic arch storm drain, value 0 shall refer to the clear span of the arch. Reinforcing steel shall be cut .3nd bent info Junction Structure in the some monrlr as for pipe Concrete cradle under reinforced monolithic arch is not 'quoted. 4.4 12 When Elevotion "R" and Elevation "S"ore not shown on project drayings, inlet pipe sholl enter main lone rodially When inlet pipe enters moon line other tnan rodially,.Elevation "S" shall be shown on pra.ject drawings, and inlet pipe shall be loid on straig..ht grade from Elevation S" to catch basin or grade break 3_-- in line Elevation fi" shall be shown on protect drawings only when stub is to t I be provided in moon lone for future CORS1rUCliOrt al inlet pipe. I so". R t3. Stations socified on drawings opp4.1 cif the tntereection of Cont.( linos A . mein fine -and totarols, except that stations for. catch basin connector pipe eppfy of inside wail of structunt. /t1-4. Us4 Transition Structure No. 3, Std. Owe. 2-1)1611, when A.C. Pip* ie treed for mainline. -1: 3.5 Concrete SECTION Z -Z SUPER% DES DRAWING Of THE SAME NUMOER DATED MAY, 1939 7 PARKWAY 4.5' SIDEWALK • FiC 400 8 n CONC. BLOCK 110.4 I 611 r- Air LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT JUNCTION STRUCTURE C. as wow( woe., lees l sliest GUTTER 3' RETAINING WALL DETAIL LOTS 16 a 17 TRACT NO. 14027-1 twist, ehnortars OF 1 MATERIALS : RE -BAR: BLOCK: MORTAR: GROUT: CEMENT: GENERAL NOTES : --al I" Diamond 14mat, 4"cleep * #4,4 eo. LLetters I" high cost flush with top Allen socket set /4" screw Seekol Cop on rirp cover opposite pick hole --4,L§ TOP OF MANHOLE FRAME& COVER • BOTTOM OF MANHOLE COVER Irc fAllen socket set screw rib joins rim 22#01a clear oxhing • • CROSS SECTION THRU FRAME a COVER Outline where ribs torn -24-07„ mg angle TO I throughout CROSS SECTION THRU RI8 AT MID RADIUS • F1'ilVkl....\-1.1"4 „,, I- nstal/ two •Pax 4419//en socket set screws, 90° /o ES • 22"Dig, _ All parts of The Ihnne and cover exce.ot machined pick hole, In holes drilled and topped /n depth CROSS SECTION THRU RIM suribces shall be coated w1/17 asphaltum point. frame and cover shall be tested tbr acc:/racy al Pi/ and shall be marked insets bekro, delive04 6 frond aid cover dna,/ be ,oasitioned ..ivelt Ma/ Me 1.. LOS ANGELES COUNTY REFERENCES REVISIONS FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT hi ARK OATS Rek.fed 01/ no/es rtscomtesmo MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER FOR CATCH BASINS WOROCH7C11 bilk/ Steel Bar ' gt1/701 1/0/ tgt "45 PLAN VIEW FRONT ELEVATION LI NOTES: 1. An alternate step may be used subject to the approvol of the engineer. 2. All steps will be firmly and rigidly set and no cones or shafts will be ocCepted with bent or crocked steps. 3. Steps will 64 galvanized after bending. REVISIONS MARK OATS /Pe viZreal. evihedipeoloi Added notes LOS ANGELE4 COUNT( FLOOD CONTROL OISVIICT DROP STEP • STEEL ARRANGEMENT FOR TOP OF CATCH BASIN NQ I TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH CATCH BASIN AT MANHOLE. 11 -II- - _„ '.--1--1----i- ,, 1 4. L. All 0 4. _, _, ,/ , 1 na, ,w L.L. • •2 ' -I [-' STEEL ARRANGEMENT AROUND MANHOLE IN CATCH BASINS tgO. 2 AND 1'40.3 Mei:1j ch bac/i7 Silerndaik ,o/cms unless ShOis97 thicirefe'r77Vy hdreon. C/eora/2ce 6213. No.1 hors e/Z" may he wed hey of No. 3 bars 6 - DATE No. 1/2-D156 tO 0.0 .terl 904001110 SY 3-15-38 SHEET I Or I REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 2 -0171g - AIAPIN DATE DESCRIPTION 7-52 Chanpee, tor ine to tor nwnber per 1-0171. /242 Added reference 5-7-68 IPeeised CATCH BASIN REINFORCEMENT FOR ROUND MANHOLES omit/ CHOI CPI DATE AAN 1944 157 SHEET I OF 1 18 19 20 21 SIDEWALK -I DRIVE 17 •------ \ -\ cv • ... • PROPERTY LINE 16 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS AND GENERAL NOTES (FOR ALL RETAINING WALLS) = 2000 psi @ 28 DAYS = PER ASTM A-615 GRADE 40 = GRADE A PER ASTM C-90 1 PART CEMENT, 1/4 PART LIME PUTTY OR HYDRATED LIME. 3 PARTS SAND PER ASTM C-270 3 PARTS SAND 1 PART CEMENT 2 1/2 PARTS SAND 2 PARTS PEA GRAVEL = PORTLAND CEMENT PER ASTM C-150 k 1. SOLID GROUT ALL CELLS CONTAINING STEEL. 2 . ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE POURED ON UNDISTURBED NATURAL GROUND OR ON ENGINEERED COMPACTED FILL. a 3 . WALL SHALL BE LAID TRUE AND PLUMB . 4. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE FOR ADJOINING CONSTRUCTION. 5. ALL SPLICES SHALL BE 48 BAR DIAMETERS 6. OMIT HEAD JOINT IN FIRST COURSE CI 32" 0.C. FOR DRAINAGE. 7. BACK FILL SHALL INCLUDE A MIN. OF 1 CU. FT. OF GRAVEL PER LINEAR FOOT OF WALL, FOR ALL WALLS WITH RETAINING PORTIONS. 8. SOLID GROUT THE RETAINING PORTIONS OF ALL WALLS. IMPOrtTANT NOTICE 4216/4217 of the Government (.. .Qc; es a Dig Alert Identification r your Dig Alert I.D Number Call Unc.erground Service Alert TOLL FREE 1400-42-2-4133 Two working days before you dig 11/444 co co NO. RCE 40982 EXP. 3-31-91 CIVIL OF CAOT sc t AS 17 fnio,of foci of Caen Oponmp foe cone. plocewsnI,00 000' • It 1 Ps( Owp ar 0444.44 Mom Cita' OuntO 'hole i'd•oo 1'44 04 Bon Av 102 I' of Go/von,200 Sieel-141. some. Aoaloe hoe elonol Ofolf ...mom* sort. .TH //010 J. '1'le sAorevel *Woo. 141..0 Mt sillol MI tote* kovie MI cove, of Mt Roarett pearefieut 244 .114 mr* FACE •PLATE END 8 SPLICE DETAILS LOS ANCEL-1 COUNTY 11-000 CONTROL, DISTRICT REVISIONS 64,1 NOMMOW 43414 49.414 door rittrisirt Atte,/ ' oETAS.. Of CATCH USN BENCH MARK AT THE INTERSECTION OF JURUPA AVENUE AND MULBERRY AVENUE MUSSER ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC. 2698 MATARO STREET ( 818) 568-2465 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91107 C I TY OF FONTANA , CAL I FORN I A PUBL I C WORKS DEPARTMENT - GRATING BASIN REINFORCEMENT NONE -01 REV. DATE RE-TAO/NG /WILL DESCRIPTION APPROVED: Gtft)414.4441 MUSSER 7/1,44? Drawn by: pA Designed by: SOUTHR I DGE, V I LLAGE TRACTS NO.14027-1, 14027 STREETINPROVEMENT PLANS Sca 1 e: Checked by: APPINrToEvReiMd: CITY ENGINEER R. C. E. 25126 Dwg. No. 5 06.3