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85817 .-- -- -- - --• - -- . . - .. �---T' ..-�.-.NOTLI ,•- - -, - - - • - • - See Special Nole , ,Curb Dowel -, Dowel per hA .---Anchor Frame and Cover per , I"Clear Powel Face Plate and N 0 T E 5 -� Detail Dw9 No. 2-DI56, Opening per Dwq. T- I I ",'/Anchor �. Oen1n __N_o__2__0_2_3_2_ _ 1. CONNECTOR PIPE I -T _ S I T i !S' ' . ,' 7"I 1 Locate pipe at the downstream end of the bosin unless t t 4"Radius El Street a I specificall noted otherwise on the genera! IanI , I I Y P I ! I rvI ,a• -Dowel -�1-- v`'y L.D. surfoce,� i Pipe shall be trimmed to the lino) thope and length Delore t'1y_ 1 �� I O Protecllon Bar and - - L I the placemen) of concrete. I �� Support Boll per Dwq 2. CONCRETE: 1.j1 ZI No 2-DI75 and 2-D232 �;Design , f� [ 3,000p s i comp►esslve strength of 28 Boys. I1.,j .4- 4,, I Floor of the basin shall slope from all walls to the outlet and e_ I F _ I ','.Step per Dwq. NO i h II b 1 1-6 I d 1 I ni h W V(/t) / FRCW T WALL REAR B FA10 W tI LL Of To An) STEEL d fZ.Ot�'4 ST £ C8 .f+c,11 Bars A A 8 of .rt Eoch wo b 4 6 3 s 3 0 -0 3 ee 6' ro7 4 B B 4 �_ -'Ir r-��� /2 to 7' 8 /2 /o �, �� /o /4 4 6 3 tt 6 3 06_ ' 3 fP 6" 7 B 4 u• %T_ 3ce•B le 7 /4' 8 /o /0 4 #6' `4 efV" s 4 /O" l4 / /2 /D 4 6 ,#4-------#- ' 'N 4 /O 1 /O a 4 � /2 � Lat l2" 3 // lO Z� I. TOP SLAB REINFORCEMENT- _ I '•; Tqv Slee► al.el,e. • ' ' �._ .....'.----- Variable-------- �{--�------ Vorioble•--=---- -------{ •,� I For d•tollu,g of requrir•d t test, a•• Colch Boun Standard Drowngs. ,, T 1-- - - - - , 1 I I _ „w, /---I . " L • ' ' - "t Side Opening I I l Side Opening I I I I I Side Opening r K - -'► �` ~ For dimension b greater tt►on 4 fl.,ee• Mie •pecid design of the lop /?) j �"- BOS%n f �` I f30)S/n j �I� I BOSin D I I 1 eel _ slob rein/orcemenf shown on the required structural plan. _ - C.f , -_ - ' 1 I t I 1 • Top of Curb I I t t 1 t- - t I - - - I Cf. 2 ALL AND FLOOR REINFORC NEN ' a~ I ► /, ',� VI----e ---- - -- ) 1 I 1 �^ _ I / I. _ _ ��/ The Indicated reinforcing steel applies to Gatch Basin Standard I l& Drawings Na 2-D101,109,160;162,163,164,170,195,249Jand.2,and 471 • Flow;-Slr6r.- W `� - `---- - - ---- &l curbrocescqulop ----- - -- - -- ------------ - - - - -- -' - -- - _I; P-,/n/B� l 1 All '41catch boainc constructed on alr••t1 designated as Stole �� �-"of A ••Yariot`le I _ i 9 ��e �h S1roi hl Grode or see note l' -Rldge Line %Point Al 1 �____A TTtr-r*-s-•{- Hlghwayt phot) inciud• the reinforcing ttMl Chown On This _5'<� • Sfroi hl firode O/" SL°Ie �ole.f, • • _ _ �� �� REINFORCING drawing. i- .1 _l See note 'b` �j' "� '�j"' �" > s o e given o see rowe a sur ace 1 s Catch haat.. conatruct•A on pleats not deal noted os State ♦ • P. C A S E A A -1 `' - - - - - - .. STEEL INS 1 I i U I 1.- q g Sec ncle b "' I I 2 096 and Nola 5. 1 Curvature of the sill and side wall at the uller o en'n shall be - -' I t I q P q WALL AND FLOOR STEEL SECTION I Highsrayt under the (dlowinq condltiont require wall and o I -'- ; �,,t 3` Rad. _ _- '------� - Special )wale' Where n0 curb exists, curbs shall be fit. _ ,' , �tP/dge Line STANDARD A ol�� REINFORCING BARS 1 _ formed by curved forms; and all exposed edges, or corners, and • flow steel reinforcement: -. 1 r-Reinf. per pwq I _b __________ j I i concrete to metol home edges shat! De given �' radius edger finish GATCN BAS/N RE/NFQR�'E ErYT- W /t? /4 /nCr.) r^ enns/rue>ed be/ween ends of'Iocol Dt-pression. Curb �I �•� r•' (Round , -� Basin Cpsning (W Cor Sj-- Basan Depth ( V 1 V - - - ..ir� 41 ' 1 No 2-D232 Slope to outlet from t sec/Ionsholl con/hrm telae)of con rolling agency. _ _ _ _4l -1 1 .E,,/s, G '1 -•� ;• �� BAR SIZES WEIGHT NOMINAL DIMENSIONS -ROUND SECTIONS I-41 I all directions t , $urease o) all exposed concrete shall conform in grade, slope, color To 7 feet (Incl.) f0 feet or mw• _ - - - - _ _ 1 - -- / -., I I _. t _ _ -- u/ter Lint / OLD NEW I j I Anchor I ' and finish to the existing, w proposed, curb and walk udiacent t0 7 to 14 f••l(incl) %feel w rnOfe ,- - - - - See Special Note - - - - -� EXisl _ • �- 1CY 1'' -3 01M POUNDS DIAMETER CROSS SEC710NAL PERIMETER �- . [- - I , , I ' , - 1 c ' 'NCNE5' t"u1.BEas) PER FOOT INCHES AREA -5Q INCHES INCHES �� I d t --- -- - - Top slab s/wl,see Holt /-� ' h----- J � Cvib t. -.t , r-- I !----- -- - - -i 2B o(e s the basin. Y' I I-f'r,ni B I ' 14 to 21 feet (incl.) 6 1•ef or mor• oin I _ I � � to I 1111 - -,_-j- 21 f t All !✓briob/e - - - - - l t K ii y i-: -1- I io \ �__� % , , 3. REINFORCEMEI�j_ (Standard Dwq. No. 2- DI71) ": t 1___ "'/ I ' r _________ -I- Top slob -No. 3 bars as required on the Top Slob Slruclurol Pion I I I +----------J- Walls and Floor - As required b Standard Dw No 2- D112. 3i ---T- - � I �'Subgrode optional _2`_ q y q I 1 _ --I ~ 1 4. DIMENSIONS! I I�`Reinf. fj 2`A.S Curb Face of the colch basin opening Exist. C F t H )shall be as requited b I 11 ----j- I SECTION A -A 'Alternate connections p g( q y Per Dwg• No 2-0224 Std. Dwq Nos. 2-0881 2 0415, or as shover, on the general plan I ; i -3"Radius b = 3'-2",unless otherwise shown. A ; I,'/ 4, \\ I --_T A t 6inches if V=4'-0"or less. _ ` _ = �� 19 _ 1 \� + 1 ell 9' I ■ 8 inches if V = 4' I" to 8'-O". L., I r' \ }I ' I I._ -- 1 = 10 inches if V = 8'- I" w more. 1 - L . L • Ii I ��-� t1 fIV = 4'0" unless otherwise shown on the general plan. I � _ T--"(�0�3bars,4req'd 95. STEPS: (Std. Dw . No.2-D961 %I O� � C, 4 T �" 1,_3"Rod. ; '`'1 V to 3'-0"(incl.) , place one step 12 inches ubove the flow of the \ o _ I:] + -- - -j 1-- basin. �� -- - �� y --4" Radius V over 3'-O" , place steps at 12 -inch Intervals from the floor V(// ) / FRcwr WALL REAR WALL STEEL EAO WALL ALTERNATE •J!? ST L _ 2 MARK STEL * J .f+c,11 Bars A A 8 Bars C Bars D Bars E B 1'ilrt • • J 6 * • / +►J 14 •• s J �- # I - a 3 /8 4 S B • 3 • 4 - It3#/4" r.44 5 6 _0_,?.0_,.,_,W3t}/2 B • 3 to /2 " -3 *0-; - It 3 0 /4" 6 7 B 4 u• %T_ 3ce•B le 7 8 8' 4 P �fri 3�6# 4004 e3 /4" B 9 /O � 4 0 /5 " 3 It7>I s 23 //` 9 /0 /O a 4 � /2 � Lat l2" 3 // lO // I/01s, S /5 of '3 //" // /2 /O tv /8' 4 9 /IT/ 03 //,w X= Vfl1-(C.F*H.4 Y= )t/sa4'a-2 _ _ over •• _ _ I L �- I A.3 �tENER L: -- .__L------- rl --K--,, r-- - --- - --I - �Vor/eb/e -._ . . . .167 .250 .05 .782 ��", I.- sideo nl L SECTION D -D m 1�4 2 I s C Steel reinforcement shall b• per Standard Drawing No. 2 DI71. i / I I I � D I t t ELEVATION E VAT I O N I 2'Gy - C.f. I 1 Laosin > t ► I C.F. NOTE ` Bars - -'.1 -- 1 TI�o/'Curb-_ , t r L__-- I r_--_-- O3 .376 .375 .I I 1.178 ! -�-If Cl Steel to concrete suites• end d.oronc• shall D• I Intact _y _ _ _ I , -- _ b ----_ >ar3 s Volley type invert,shown by dashed Tina. In Section, required - _ ' I r r` - _ _ ♦ a Local Deprrssix shall be C rseB un ess olherw%se specified onge•'►ero/ plan. - v i I (. �'sQ / p /e. when connector pipe is aligned to end wall of a catch basin. Floc : Sfr6r, - 1 • -fQuolCurb f C ',��� - I �, o b. Elevchons al outer corners on enrol plan. If no elevalions ori speci.'led, I 4 .668 -500 .20 I 1.57 i 1 I I34ars _ I For the design of catch basins with o V ds th exceeding 6 Ifbi.�/�- 1 e 1/MOu1CrlY�gg��o�'LOCI?l �pf1lSS�OnSIlconfbr7nfoRn,ahedSfreefsurf�lCC O I x1 I ( 012• ,?,Cl ___ , g P g V �r Ij rete �10tc ,nf M 'Vorioble c• Stokes shot! be set to rode oto ft,e tulle and alon the rid a line (oulesr r` I I - T I Brrs9 12 le•t,s•o fh• required atrucfurol plant. 01 h16 O Ljne ____ 9 Y ,9 9 O c T 1 -$jfb RIS „ +of'oclw! depr>•ss� areal. Stokes of paints M •and N "shall be set O 1 .0--r3 .625 .31 1.903 I ll�I II I X I - fro 4 bort may b. used in lieu of No 3 bore -S1ra ht Grade or see note T on a straight rode between tops ofend headers o vertical curve . --I I I� -- - I a follow.' --4 9 g p 44 2 3`- r Z__ 1-i I- J-1 .x'13-- I- - - -r I - . 1 r .4 ko rs 1___ \ l I DETAIL OF DOWEL Of the basin with the top step of 12 'ncnes (minimum) below the SECTION 2 024r Dowel Reinf 612`ASI �� Anchor per Dwq top of the manhole. WALL AND FLOOR STEEL Dowel -4 I 'No. 2-0232 I 1. � - •lbn� TCH 8A SIN RE/NFORC€ADEN 7'- "W • GREA TER THA N /4' TAXILIED • L>_ I , , see hole f1. These stoker sho/I not be removed until lust bclbre the See note `b' / D I,-SL•e note b_ (incl finishing. ALTERti�TE I• (17 ) �/ ALTERNATE •J!? 0 • 2 MARK 7 * J 6 0 • /0 • J • • J 6 * • / +►J 14 •• s J 1+ 'I K J /8 •• 24 J e • 4 /6 Ja •4a 24 .� /0 # 4 /S J 24' • ,, 21 J // # 4 le + I DATE 2- I-'1 t�� I N O. L .J '-_2 of 1 ;3 -D SHEET 1 3/. • L>_ I , , see hole f1. These stoker sho/I not be removed until lust bclbre the See note `b' / D I,-SL•e note b_ (incl finishing. LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTjRICr I• (17 ) �/ I .D02 I •750 2 00 MARK 7 2-044 875 : :: 60 2.749 ev/sed. A B - d G - 4 feet unless otherw%se specitled. �K • 5 fi ei unless otherwise sperifiPd'(9 _ 5 • H - 41nc/ies unless ofherw,*,5e shn,vt7 .on the general plan. -- -----Sea special • e. Points A and B shell,be see a/ HInches below er/stin ° l-1936 Reri3edr,46414,10 .1 SECTION C-� ,A OI ®g 2.6?0 1.000 .79 3.142 note. • I .11 gullet Swede a O 3.400 1.128 1.00 G� 3.544 r- - -- ,- 6 ---- r -------6---;---,l f' S I i Side I t • ' pl*c/ol details governing lheco.nstrucfion of'fhis Loco) Depression on 1 ` ,S,"_.I I le _. 1'- l2 .4; l h J l `All. M.N. locations I`Curb �``It k, C_- SUPERSEDES drawing of some number doted July 195 I I I I 0 ni.n I t, - 'i CF _ ver !Co curve s awn ongenero p on. per Dwq No. -T-. _ GF.,_;;T t--- -- ' I sin r V --_'--___- II/ O d 031,3.990 >_ 12 A' I - --I------- f, _.��_____ 's ------ -- ---- ----._4_r- -_- _,- to ..3 1.270 127 00/4 I I I TOP SLAB STRUCTURAL PLAN LOS ANGELES COUNTY • `1 _L LOS ANGELES COUNTY - -- --- FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ��w-i sD 1 �`9CaQ �/ I _--- I.j FLOOD CONTROL_ DISTRICT flow I' (I -q1101 C[UrroD - RE FERENCCa REVISIONS LOS ANGELES BOUNTY 2• _ - _ � , -V(f� / / .�(/(_ (l E/.D ,.''r -►-I i �i 10x. -, •-� ' M.wll DAT[ OL.c R1IT10M I / I WALL STEEL I �1. - Slr - 01. '' ``' Str. Gr - ; sl S7r 15l - ;flow - -- _ 4.430 (� --+i-- FLOOD CONTROL DIST RIOT I,� 1@1 �.31 3 1.410 1.5� 4.63 v it, CATCH BASIN NO. 2 -1- _ + __ rom c in BARS G � � • - -� ____ � CATCH BASIN ♦� Jo��e 5;( -- Ri Lira' -,r , ^�. V tbrioble c /_11�� � +.J I;�'1•'"`s LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. / ,{� ' ♦ The new bar numbers ore hosed on the number of inches PLAN, SECTION _ ?a - 4 6 3� 6" I - 2 1-_ _Slroi hl6rodeorsEeno>'s P• _, FLDOR REINFORCEMENT SECTION 2 4 8 8 "' 4 �1 6 I , � + s•/42.1 ,14dell NoJrr and FOR S 1 D E OPENING rncluo'ed in the romino/ diameter o{ the bar & DETAILS REINFORCEMENT Cho„ ,ed 4' to w CATCH BASINS Bor number Z p)bin rounds rnly. hors numbered 9, b and 11 B 8 8 1e 5 _ 6 I p,orsG • - - • , �'/ D,'. �\ ` U t-rt-st ped. -s 01r - ore round bar.9 cnd e uivalent- in we/ hfand nominal cross - See riole b , - % _ �Poinl_Ijl \ See note b . ,. ,••ems /�� .".INo�Io 9 t ,.9 , Bars t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /T CASE C Q �f �s �� "°�o^ o o sect/enol area to the old ype l; 1� and lf, square bots l a DATE - ,,v,. +r;: /•r "' dos ANGELES COUNTY j ,--- .Mco....ra.n u.•c�.�a. Rlcor rLl. DtO =. DATE rr•�� pp -a i �I •,co-rar'.'.T atom.. 'aco...wwo .• _ , - tl'11. '�'�- -NO i -'J e0 f . 1,)OD CONTROL D::� Imo -' !_`•, iZC Y1'.Rd I-ICJ-'rl - G • 4 /1____,__7_1,;/_r,e- - L ..... #-....I. . ....I I . .- I c.... "-,. V -994 itai i!I___ / 6r 3 ��i J - s - - Bars 6 X/ sloe, [... 11 C"1[f (.ICI [LR 16CALEDAT[ DWG. NO. 2-D162 GRATING BASIN REINFORCEMENT &C-XI-It°ATt DWG. NO. 2-D( 2 NONE 5 -15 -'68 SHEET I or I - NONE 5 -15 -'68 ,H,xT 1 Or I 1'Vo rEs 1- • .Actor/orC,np s/ee/ per opphCob/e I w t � -. C✓i [.Mit -- �-------------- r---T-------------A.r---------------------------------t---t NOTES - _ Std aR. or os 6ero.Its a+wTrOa+ . I p', /o earrbr. mets SoHo► d rejo.■+*f CWA ,J r /O , � •" /� M AJW ' - _. --7 ". ad,W I Alternate o�Lho e I I / S„o,o,ort son ole "A, A"# ►07' � i i r- I �" locations Per Uwq. No 2-D 157 -_ � A t I f �QNNECTOR PtPE� h \ I I11 I Dowel__ - _ _j -- Locate pipe of the downstream end of the basin unless 1 -Al s+J�r9"P/2'or 2 rrwRc/,ow e.r ,hoar be ott"IAfl, slaw s•'M+°'rt°°er' s,"c''e' oc"rd6v IIL � --- -SiW.olk a/alte I_I• - Dowel per Detail � ' >- 71 - ,- j [ _ specifically noted otherwise on the general plan. e s •a 9'QL1s' le■coo of aeac►Orel S/o•rosrW Drti,..ly 2-011.5. `- s- - - - _<1 __ -� 3-•:. or" bores , Iw46') A.S. I __ - - - - - - - - I/I \I Pipe sholl be trimmed to the final shape and length I i ' edge moo/ sf .e[++ w M,1yrs to C✓0 Fan ft S /r MI M be>'relrs ---�-I•}11 `" 1' • fit.- • -7- . ' • , T-,,. v D - •. below• the lacsment of the concrete. ./ ,I i L �-1 -� . ` e .° I 16" r ' 7'� 2. CONCRET p I * 14 _ - 1 - ----- - _L a All o=pe2el Owffi Part, ,Herr a feti0A-"W orrw fobrkvlaae. - j-1 i _ - -� O-� I, d r . / \ ` . / , � 1. hvrcy�+ �' Si'a*'=I: A•s>wcntsL ea•/s✓ snail be ir2,Ifr/rI flwe,r 1M An•Tle.1. � �-� �r �. J'1 •` � • `*1 •��-• . y t• a O n -f - Design, Ir ■ 3,000psi compressive strength at 28 days. I -k CA"F ap.l►,rq o/ /Ino Irv" oo[.• *-Tod, 6.• eoY•/,l sAd/ se piww ,Mcg► are► 651 \ `•." � ` / P .. , . f; I . i I '_ ,-- ( �I >. I / Floor of the basin shall slope from oil walls to the s. /` r10 ,....+..,.. ctofr °v«..+r •.stye, 6. ,,ASA , r q�� \ . [ �\ �,}., 1, • I I I 4 - A I I 7. , B (A ✓ whim• aRlf sae o rear.f�4 •Y',,r// e+ef ; + `_.� • - i_� _ s n outlet and shall be given o Heel- troweled surface , -, -4., r,..c0s,an 20 1,110 Ce,,W a/ Me A,Wyi10ie � y „e, hq W ij I h � I >w 25 = \ / I _ finish. I trom Mae ..nos J Aft r E a T ' ----T- - • r 1b \ - 1-t -I1Curvature of the till and the side walls of the Buller I / j/ ,_, ,s`---- � to/ M,1+, ,,•e or mm o.: ef. �.°[�•s 'S'.Iwe+ 6f owm n.•.'r•ry sr* : c.(Fd ... �v ' 1�- . c o.r� sl . e 40 . .. 6` a,,,17ie 0 6 f cc rale A00cry oe ale lav Aw Awl// to nA1c:s'I. i/ Mecrsaw'A t � 'o.. , . . 4 Dowel-- --, ( - Dowel opening shall be formed by curved forms. I I #�_ '� e / f ' 4 1 ' i Ii • ! s.•. ,s+c,, drhal a ,e taw tAe c,ww s/ ~ s> . Her ,res MCA ! heap. 1A, '^*" p�tsKt r, � 1 I, �� '. . s 14 - . ,Q , a.. Dowel— - Surfoc• of all exposed concrete sholl conform in grade, -� �, �. t „�, conA sess+r r ,e d. cwrRfcse�r .• a...s. 1J+0 �*•* c+*•r/ X014 e. / - �- Anchor --- 11 Y I II►►� '2 i A v. -Anchor slope, color, and finish to the existing, or I 11 ` -`'' a 031 a •e /=9 P N u--- tor ipfe �,.r. SAM/ se ,rc• ,�'+• ,Ae ""��"•' °''" "•"" IMO"' `dd c"p1♦ g ) .�'' *'%---A*,. ^ , N, I M- proposed, curb and walk od Jatene Io Ih• basin. y' ,Qr£ Caws esn,gr ,talc rt-&vc-f steel Mfr 2Mmra ( PpIrponewww /•••++o✓ to the rime cwvw s M.r •4s+d w A e ° - a '-----r`//a/e :n P/ofir L - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -- _ - �. I ' / -, .'. T-• Adjra/abfr Sfirm o (2-026.1 -�- - r 3. RE INFORCEWZNT; ( Sid. Dwq No. 2-D 171 ) Nw.•e ,,,,e rn,R a., cw•,e ,, r.w•�ee. t r�• .ware a .e+•r• 3 .� 1 III * 3` Radius--' '�-- - I Y ,Cur ' ©Top Slob- No. 3 or No.4 bars spaced as required an the ' ® 1 - ,r gyp.. A..Ptn mefmv Salim a w•.e.[ ZZ'aRi 43r"" ,ocr,Iwa Mwr b t«[ rw ' f / �' i �.....--.--� �x f',4rYuls /iQ Brav se/ Swire eye NW (,j'Mbn Wwlra►1 _ _ _ -----r.. -1 . _- --- _-__ _---_- _ _ _____ Structural Pion. I / - /•••+•• _ _ `y �' fl,,,,O 4S•,Iwee ,ower M M r,o� Stow ,he// i31► t cN r --ProtoCfiort 8o/ SIt /Vote I T - p It _- � % Walls and Floor- As required by Sid. Dwg. No. 2-D 1T2. I vOr/eS (As �qd .by the PLAN V I EVA/ earr...ss t w% 2� -& sT ! �w �/ � �� � � � � I 4 , .-- ~--�---term wpwcr► � '✓►ore,'dr+v I c:.c ar Syr,or f bar► -Aw xt"eiii. FLOW 4 Radius '-Anchor per -.,,. � I ` 4"Radius ' Owq. No 2-0232 ` i 4. [WAFNS10t4 as7ti-�Cfur-a/ 0r -,F r, I I e 0 rVer ,*bre. 1I•/2'lar 00 Celan #mow a■CI,•r /At A►A'e-dr Csna► _L . Reinf per 3 Radius ;•� `1 e t t wpll► ..p•.: -/ �Galvaniroef steel -Ste. spwr he" or r►esorcr e/ ,rtes macr►iMt bye/t. See ,volt. J. Curb face at catch basin opening (Exist. C.F. f H ) shall M 1lesAAr" Dwq No 2-D232 A 3 ' be as required by Sid Dwgs. Nos. 2- D 88, 2-D415 or /4 OROuna' Ml/d 3fee/ 3a� & r I0, a2AP� d"� ■iawj r iC''''('"'T' Bim"' `tt° o r � 2-011e/ s� 2 for ow"). /• * e as shown on the general pion. . I B y0 f ( A 1 w*A~ ,Meer, Arlrs.R K AF .sr►.w nra[. 2-Oss, r•DtAs. t-Os�f e ` s .. . Ica oaln for W 10 )eel or more phot) hors o V - - - - S. C.+s face yfa'I/ N as neeMes 47 D.4s _ I ei%U I � ' Co basins n ei.1..► Jit rr'rar.al Srs,■r, Dlwsra• a ae sew•[ ow !J'e I• t'' pJr'I■. TOP SLAB - STRUCTURAL PLAN depth at the upstream end equal to the curb loco at - - - Ara��.,va,Awsome ,ref,N� b cPAC/NGAeALL AN2n*� -'� "S'i= ^�e ,I�.^.>a t�, ► e«,...Abe .i/i ^M �K,► .. ^e C..�. 1 , I AV4KNN e+ho. ' - P o/ IM MOOrow Arorwritan lar. SN nacre S the catch basin plus 12 Inchea,(� but in no toss shoal 1 , I 0 �� ' - , _t _ - _ - s $N« Aa•cA,sx 3•t ew sus of loco piste • : 14A �4 ' the slope 01 1h• floor exceed 3' 1 III " �N I I ' [� A Pmts ow A waw,, of ode* 2160arONT o,saispry,*0ft am waw " ss...r . W ■ 14' -Ow; and b• 3 - 2 , urdcss ofh•rwnse shown. i It -1 4 . • ' ' " Sid Frame and Cora V ■ 4' -0`, unless otherwise shown. I I ' r _ L •. �R� . ' Radius., n per Dwq No 2 - D 156 = I I 7 1%, Ancha-, -N .-Face Plate and Openingt = 6" If V ■ 4'- 0` or less. � A / , , ` I, I / per Dwq. No. 2-D232 !j _____ `•'• ,ks '"3 or"4 Lart,4 req'd ' ,``'�, ; t e` -II v■4'; I ""ia e' -o`. SECTION A -A FRONT ELEVATION %I,,r/l---------_____-•+- B '� -3--�: -; B' T-- • _ -I - ----- I I. 10 If V = a'- I or more. !f-------- -Z.T _ _ f --- �:-----------� Nj -1 1 i, est �l ,Street or 5. TTEPS I Std. Dwg. No. 2-D 961 '� _ ___ _ t (I/vrs) 11 _I E 1, ,I _I• I I +' I L.D. surface I V to Y-O'(enel. ) , plots one slop 12 Inches above the ®NOTES /-, I (Slwrrw on coral' Beaty( JV 60 T_ ��' , I-- Y - Dowel I I til I ° fL, (loot of the bosin. ,� cz " VI 1. An alternate Ste may be used subject to the approval of the engineer. ����- ;�% '`'' �•O. ,§ I- -+=: r , V over 3'-0` lace steps at 12 -inch Intervals from the p y 1 I' --+ t-- I I 1 I 1 ' P p 2- All steps will be firmly and rigidly set and no cones or shafts will he / R•■•�+p►=r�«+ •'^� e�"`'''°'f z -}'Savor'• Noe. AW ► y Space A wcnor: oq-W0"otslr e.wt1 P /J'n+ax ne I Dowel-' 1 , i floor Of ohs bosh with the top clop of 12 Inches (minimum) accepted with bent or cracked steps. eetwoo"O/d�u,criand ol.cAwyofspJ,cfy-V,s■�pl J.s /T Carre"o Ota ` Prolecllon Bor and �i `q, 4� _Step per Dwq. No L - ,.. Support Boll per I below the top surface of the lop slob. o+*+ n80,,CAor Jocal,ov. Space 8O_AWS vfo,q°LnL=r'eteif• /twopm face a✓ Cater► zl ' • I 2-096 and Note 5 t Dwq. No. 2-D175 1 3. Steps Will be galvanized after bending. ,sl O,r eot.•f. VAd eAC~''& 1. DETAIL OF DOWEL _ ST. and 2-D 232 'I LOS ANGELES COUNTY VI I FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT PLATE ANCHORAGE ' Bos,Men41►o/1.-, -j- ---------D------- ;Alternate connection t ``- � _ • ', per Dwq No. 2-D224 CATCH BASIN NO. 3 NI 3 Radius , I PLAN, SECTION, Slope to outlet I I , from oil directions-, t AND DETAILS % t •, -- I [nn, ---- -- -� .....�r...ss}. T - - , {, , - - - _ _ M.N.O•• •MM.. .- T Mia, "-TT 1 • ■ AI►ROY[D ST Subgrode optional-' -') r, SECTION A -A 2-� SCALE DAi[ DWG. NO. I`s3" P.EFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTjRICr l 2 10' l0 15' 2 3 MARK DAT[ 0e0u1►'TION 20' to 25' • lon-_54 ev/sed. " STANDARD _ 5 Bor /en/h5 shall not exceed 2/ and shot/ be cul to til in field. 1t'hen W is over 2/, proles/ion Dor Sha/l coasts! Of Iwo or more sections ° l-1936 Reri3edr,46414,10 .1 SECTION C-� ,A 5-7-6d evised{De/6't1d DROP STEP NOTES s 2. Inslull coupl,ng of downstream end of colch bos/n opening. r Supersedes Dowing of some number da/ed Aug 5, 58(Rev./04 note. ,%-- I %rovid•d ,A II -5- Added notes Arr.OV90 By 1 it I I ,+f _,_4 fj - SNI L. rN - [R -- p T! eT i KaCc•I a•f Al- J' `'� / ry,1,NLAA.ih / + I DATE 2- I-'1 t�� I N O. L .J '-_2 of 1 ;3 -D SHEET 1 LT�RNATE METHODS FOR FACE ... .. .r, _ .. - - - /a ail one row .Tu /c,¢n o prem -n urnur9 -� 1 - •I- 6'i =0=ds-S,oscle P,1sr1 / 1-S/t/. Go/r wroc yhl ` ope,lnrrf for Conte - I \`r/ •'--TV ' x {•'; s/cs/ pipe , 3/1 , Yt "Bross or 1 ,, weetrnrrl,to r+o' 1 I / _ _ •To o/Cotr Basin • \ \ I �Storn laPJ t/ee/ � T j 601V Bar -__-_--- .`... I \ L_ -1-._,, i• 1 ('I SocAet eel screw See No/eS . '" f 1. O7,//f hole'i, r- - Norio-b/e.---•------•; ; \ I c' .' .. •` , I �.' .-I I 0r ",•- ,117 Ro/1ts P%O,V 2 dee 2- ; Fr %. I j__ ' I �° [ T i V `,J%� C ,, - _ tt -- - - -- 1 • / h o; r1!' ,"NOTE: Bross or slain/Mss I T I� I - r r f slew/ soctrl set erre. , , " '� ', - - �, \ on inside of Colch i End Awe/+orr, i t- 1 - Ses lAo O/len+ote dKAorT,'4i 1, I�, ' `?; -) I.- eosin. I B, locate AS I 1 i Q : � � deter/ for additional sWrce oe'ty/t ti' --- - - - S t I `'-------------10 -------------•: fS. I �� �t.j� ao,' \ , � --- -_ - , �- I NONE 5 - 15-'68 sH[[T I or ' I 1 • Std Go/% Wrov.9hl Slee/ Covob!T-'% I'Ori/l and lap for a s T bross 'I ` h �� \ �' 'f or Jtain/e JJ stet/ sockcf Sol JCrew For Proles/ion BorI • I t--- - - t - 1 , - ____L Goiel�ny to til snvy over en lire /enylh. (Centered on /hc Cov ,n SpoCing Dalo, see ).• 1 �';' '�' . - -- , I 1 1- of non -lo erea' S/d• , e thread.' 9 I -___ N r" P P Dw9. No. 2-0232 f " ' \Z"a �' ^ � ��- -1-� '� Dia ick hole --- � _ •L�aA. m.�,r � �► 4 p i I DETAIL OF ANCHOR "N ,�=�_,�_� � Allen © 9xl"rii9 seat Street grade s �'\ I.- _-- -- -- TIr-- -r� --, slap to - socket set -$ --_.-_-- - -'_�-, ro orals/, Bo in '- -;- - ,- / �� / ! ',J ' ' �-�Z,I omit This r� �. ->, Max ►yin. - Ib SC,'%W ,5%e10 1 12- ' 1 I i _.+..� Paved stm-e I -- t3_ (Epi eGt Berates 11" 8 " - . . • ., 11 . ,r notes- / I " - E - A "Zn /•Diamond \� 1 I i _'` ' _'� I I ` For un Ve[I $tfS. IF,` 15"_� �i SECTION SHOWING LOCATION OF /� I r u/ .... SCd NOtG P r/ r . No -0232 mat, deep �� I I ; :� see Note 2 Bol/ Suppe a FACE PLATE END 8i. SPLICE DETAILS 1�Q�O / \ I % �` I �/ I n j- -1 •. , • .. K s • ANCHOR AT WALL OF CATCH BAS r fir•; 3_ 6e •-T � ELEVATION I ! /) ''tp ;- TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH :r,- ,• `: 2 f.,•' -- -- - -X-_ ---ih ---- -- -x•-Len /h-- - -- -X-11= - Q-- - - -_ •.`', ft I• " Len fh ,) ,; ---/4----- -*- CATCH BASIN AT MANHOLE ' : __ �\, - L: / .4. ' ' I -Letters l uhi h / i I I I � I r ,: 0 -$ Q ---• , Cast 1^luSh with tap e �' • ToIr I;Ai See No/e 2 SECTION Scr Note _-- Cl3 n -A s FLOW ,W N (Incl) UMBER OF NUMBER OF SUPPORT X `LENGTHS BOLTS 5'/0/0' l 2 10' l0 15' 2 3 15' l0 20' 3 4 20' to 25' 4 5 25,10 30' S _ 5 © SUPERSEDES DFt■re,G OF sAs>E M1J•tbfR BATED a.�•.5 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT DETAIL. OF CATCH BASIN �t � .... OPENNG �` 'f ',�o.0 .` •• ••.�^ REVISIONS SUPERSEDES DRAWING OF THE SAME NUMBER DATED OCT. 1952. GRE "A1. .Ae[ •[.C"I�. I Gap on rim .-J STEEL ARRANGEMENT LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ' w `o '-"; �: t .�; ` .� •.. 1.;_. '_ /VOTES: `' A- 36 _ FOR TOP OF CATCH BASIN NQ I Q 4 r .P;•• r• •,..I �' ' - ;, /. All hors all be Go/v ho/ -rolled Slee! per A. S. r M. , Designo/ion r , cover o 1 f8 ick hole-'� ,; pp�'u p - r� I. - ' "` e - . �• i .: [ : ;� op. • _� ; .:. -: y. �_. ' `' '`='=�- - . 0. . "" � a Bor /en/h5 shall not exceed 2/ and shot/ be cul to til in field. 1t'hen W is over 2/, proles/ion Dor Sha/l coasts! Of Iwo or more sections . .1 SECTION C-� depending upon length of bosin Locolion of special support bars and additional � bross= socke/ set screw sholl be delermined by the Engineer In the field. TOP OF MAN H� �E FRAME 8i COVER BOTTOM OF MANHOLE COVER I 1 I -'\c I -J_ I 4 T-� -�- - I I - -- -`�� �� .� ;; NOTES s 2. Inslull coupl,ng of downstream end of colch bos/n opening. r Supersedes Dowing of some number da/ed Aug 5, 58(Rev./04 �:r __ -------Z38 Jllsidedie. ofcbver -----� , Al/ensocket , • �, ,%-- I %rovid•d H- HEIGHT H (in that e 3 A -A and ..44. e) .1,.11 b�► I..e than .•- br' r�� incr.a..d v w of M it be r►of leas a1n the m'nln+um G +c .1 r+ut tl+e rb- g _ �D eac•de� oivtf, =OL-Ile�c7me--number-dcred-7 REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT .... ..II o•.c-„,,..w 2-0232 Q -21-69 tiwrfd A•ot, REMOVABLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' "` B""if screw /LL, :., sc�=,. PROTECTION BAR FOR CATCH BASINS wrtwovse w- 1>AZ- C 1 r M NefR . •`� • yy�� 'JJ 9 ....1x•1. • /•1'• Z=1116-- l~ _1 '1+4.•1(. VBWTTED BY c.w it K'-•+•ao n C, C,-) 9.r=_- owl( No 2 _D175 _ - _ . _ r_ _ 1 5.15 •II[ t I I 1.I I `•• _ .. -73-68 Rip,,wf•e Pira/ _-...._.�„ H SM A ,v -,v.-04 Q.r„rI .:rAvd c. /�G JS� rfc% 41:� . ® //.j4.;11 .. ,1111, - __ •� /jam./ GMC-RJS C� t . / x •I Aw al*r,lor,r'rs - .Myr/ s• /.r scxl s+n DWG. NO. 2-oz3z =0;1, NONE a - t4 -' "err I o. 2 I„� I I set screwy ' �', I I i ucer &&all in used. for H (in sec. C-cj ace note P. ' ' 4 �it all be a fee ale oth rwiss show on plan. L troy be _ 1 1 may, t �, I u lY I /�/ z i , �; L - t EN`G�� o Iau1►ion ., monad• .�+i;~t•.r �o r.teet Pipe areae. street 9rc/de Manhole rr•ame and cover L C\j0utilne rshel'� %•-� I N ,r� - Plan No.2-D 47! I I I 1 I / �♦1 :Edges to (x rounded '� ° ' ' • C t rib joins rim 1 / I I .1 6 ,� 1 M- SHAFT shall eions►ructed o� p•r sec � CC and p�1 it N/when depth M rroni street :� T• ,'A to 3" Radius I 1 grade tw top o>r borE la la•• Ihdn Z tai tfbr psvcd .wrest. or s' -a for- unpaved ,' --' . �� J4. f ¢Galvanized o�2 a J I ---- EPTH P e•, 04 r,* u on roboolute limit of 6' when larger- vahms of P 1- '-' - ,{ l - - t � „: I� to -IS o.C. ►�------22 Dia. clevropening-----TI Outline where ! I Y - ,� P- Dr"t, N , . t . Steel steps. 9 CROSS SECTION THRU FRAME COVER ribs join ----- I„ ,,, ;`Sameongle 2 ' Z Z T- T-�vauld reduce'''G, (in to or laps. k '!•=-Y-ST•= I 1 r-�7•- 1 `fin i.:>' - i i u •a .►�� 1d. 2 !196 .- __ 18 I n B I throughout _ j_ - T alTaf 1 oe at, for values or up a and ir+clasd nag s Feet. I 1 �\• , . + \\t ° , N . y1 ' . v - a.o" 9 /� /1 . ' C \ I / N I\ I / - T •hull be Io" for• values d H qv" 4 fe t. A / no' 1 A G u: , 1= ' f 36 RGP A I::. ,. , I I 1 1 I 7 Where Pressure Manhole N0.l is specked on plans sei Std Dwq. 2-D210 note 3. I ' I � � " ,< .I- 1 `Ct`C J -_ k (Ln Io � � ;:•`'�'�� p _ I- �-.� 1�, M _ CROS SECTI01*J TNPU R!B } t- : T -'I ; , -t . '� 1�. � RTYC]�r. - - •) i. .I , I ,y , rel I rrI 1 I n I a v THRU 1 I -STEPS aha 1 be ' rwsr+d alap nize� et el and anclw d plot leas Cha I oboe \ I -' / / �, o e' Is" �- - 1. t`, ✓/ r 1,- I k-Al,*I 3 rr� +he w.n• ofruCMts. ileil•�2 s>rturrl/r �,o n, �fept `n be .poc�a Ir%fir _ _ L� - J- _ 3' O!, u 1 ` t �, ° 1 I 'iFZn',II gallj4l6 AT MID RADIUS �`_ x, The bwest [IIs shall IDC ave more than 2 reef above Mie Iedye otelde of mannoleFt J \ 'r J 1-� �! _ �,� s 'X 2' l 3'T�dl , _ / /, 5 !. > la A . I " 1 . I If`i ¢ �� -SQ'e Std Dw4-0,96 l \,�;' -� }-t_ -�- 1-{ ',: ]L__Pi_pc �ealS �§ , •, = i I r i T T`;}ilil- -inti) �°° ��OTES - 2 fc=3000 Psi at 28 dors- - - - ' ------� --� ARRANGEMENT AROUND MANHOLE \ \ t4adivs=LD.ofSpvr! r r1 _ �..'3 I , „,, / �; l� / r f �' '+ T D- G.. T o L ' .- I 1 r P E '° \�. STEEL_ ►--_ t- Romld �, , __ = I I j I.- t I .''1, --, - s• , I �,� -I frame cndcoversho/lbegroycastiron�ni3rming 3 -pr -I �ooRnJ�t `STCEL gaol/ bt rte 2-D 171, straight bare 1{"clear from =}'_\ - / I;_r _ All stool Rtlnf. - % 7T�- ^t crinrte c: 1',` �+_�u I ,. _ { , - ,rt= • 1 '' 1,\§r';`r to MeloleslA.S•TM.slandcrdA48 closs30or IN CATCH BASINS NO. 2 AND NO.3 - tit-_��- - ;r 2 " - - =,V-- 1•.; 1.I 31 , I. _ L �• ,' i' t =411 Rr___Y NOTES 4 -STATIONS of manhole* shown on Plan app) at ,conter lined ft. Elevati ne 4 bars, 4 O.C. �- - ,.. • ,, i ; •,,J In I �_ _ .. _.377_6• I 11 , I I I I ��, %. �>< = ,t belle/- are n d 2hm(t center and Heft. N rhe r,r olonr cd cave rt 9rolde Ila• . See Nott L. t; ; • :. • .... /. iX \. f-{ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 •� _ t , 4'►f ;. - - 4•H �. - 1 / I {`. I = -7,- ,- 1'r/ - - _� /,?sto// two 3/0 "X 3/4 °A//en socket sof screws 90 °% /hde .sf o//f�,o%ed ok�g bock pro// racer orf/e f • ter- s►'`'��', I.ccoor^a'.n . . _ i - , I -,N j- R �-IN p •hall be aleel- froweled . 1-� E I ' f 5-IrLOoR r.manhole I !" Eeyrlr , E' 1= ra/,. • ' ''' 4. / ) I)- P° Sce'ii�te?i' ; !' r_� _ _ a __ _� pick ho%, in ho/es dni//ed and?upped / in depth Z. A// sfee/Sfto//� .jai' 6-f�INc;3r radio pe y = �' 'o' er and . pi f access ahvR shall be eeatted in mortar and neatly ' , •E +01 ;�; .:. -- u , s s�c�d o�d d�e�.s��,-d oS Called f� O/7 the inted or Wf d inside shm. .. 'o. ,.III, ,` - I L' = I i= I w All par/s of the fh�ne and cover ezceoj machined p` DETAIL 1`� PLAN s r `' opfi�rinl bottom -N-k j,W- * - R1 , -I,--- /� ,, ___ 22 Dlasurlbces shall be cooled with osphe/tum paint CC7/ch bosin sfondord,o/ons unle-T5 shom7 dfC67&71/y he,, -.f017. C/cor-o17ce "----2 -�' clearopening Frame and cover shoH be lesfed for accuracy j,Wl be 1117oi fio� ,boil of 51x6. . of lit and sholl be marked insets berore dellve N CROSS SECTION THRU RIM ,L,f,•o re a7d cover• she✓✓ be ,oasilioned such Cho/ the 3. Na 4 bars (9 /Z may rhe (/,Seam lieu of Ao• 3 booms 06r' . /dC/711ficCl/Cfl` 6•- identificol/cep /ettct`iny jJ Q0rCrIlel :+'ifh d No. 4 ,bol -j @ Z- may � used in /leu of Na 3 bars @ Z' ter7c'c tr„nT t , I- - d of 'he cu, -b• REFERENCES REVISIONSLOS ANGEL=S COUNTY REFERENCES REVISIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY MARK DAT[ DESCRIPTION -' FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 2 _ D (7 ) nj MARK DATE D[•CRlf•'rloN FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT � 6-Z9» Reviled c//r;0/es A -sZ n�r9�r 2 her D ii/ . A 6•/9-68 Added /ne/e tyIAN HOL1_ FRAME AND ✓ /i-sz Added �e� CATCH BASIN C0\/ E R FO R -T 68 ,Qo ;s�+d R E I N FO RCE M ENT FOR REF[It[NC[s tt[visiONs LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MARK eAls •eecn#pvto1L CITY OF FONTANA , CALIFORNIA S, TRACT N0. 14221 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS MANHOLE NO. I Designed bY: M • S. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I PLAN, SECTION AND DETAIL wrtwovse w- 1>AZ- C 1 r M NefR . •`� • yy�� 'JJ 9 DATK No. 2-0102 DESCRIPTION 41 A�� A.- - - k-1-741 PLAN r %. . . • . ; .,l ..,, - 0 �• - Mcxft not shown) (Shaft not shown) . •�:, b . '. . `; - - SE 10N B- B f i -t E • IIIIft Elf Yet/On P Sec Note M '- �, iopptin of this point THIS OR,r 0?� �l/PI&P$MS 044. I 11 ' " "_--- SECT ION A OF rHf $14i � VD ? �#ED 1-7-39 ' v z-/ �4 1��fo nob ROUND MANHOLES •'^'�"`°'Y "- -. CNI[r (NGIpPt(R W.111M1TTED BY M Ci. T R[CO1r•, T T� . DATE NO 2 15 7 _ -- -- ..__ -T v.._ .. R _ 1J"194� I SHEET I OF t tr'F, r i'J AN _.CO.,iINC. {___ rV,� - MCCUTC .11 265 N. SAN GABRIEL BLVD. (818) 795-5162 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91107 CITY OF FONTANA , CALIFORNIA S, TRACT N0. 14221 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS As SHow Designed bY: M • S. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Drawn by: SOUTHRIDGE VILLAGE Scole, OA TtSAS I N S Ar-RDVTD •Y1 ,�/ �" ' C,41E= T _I -- sVeu1T.6 UY I14SCOMMEADED aT DA; t rr�� G 1 NO. UL -D 16 i�, v. T. ' �.1- ', f I I,;Ak1949 SHEET 1 OF I v z-/ �4 1��fo nob ROUND MANHOLES •'^'�"`°'Y "- -. CNI[r (NGIpPt(R W.111M1TTED BY M Ci. T R[CO1r•, T T� . DATE NO 2 15 7 _ -- -- ..__ -T v.._ .. R _ 1J"194� I SHEET I OF t Approved ' �� ,,to� 4c"��4 . ,y�� GERALD E. TUTT R.C.E. 14375 Dote S, TRACT N0. 14221 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS As SHow Designed bY: M • S. Date I Checked by . IVj S / / �.� �''leE.o; C. C--/� j %��„c:'�' Approved - - /1-17-4- c CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. �5/ yy�� 'JJ 9 REV. DATE DESCRIPTION APP,